HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-6-3, Page 5THE ex.el h buo,cati Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Mee, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. __By the ---- ADVOCATE PUBLISHINQ COMPANY,. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance t81.J15 if not $o Paid, z..cla ext ,oina.e Tateri o5z ,Zip ols,ca boil. No paper diseontinuea nn lil a11arretirngee are paid. Advertisements without ilpeeifie directions will bo published till forbid and ahargedtteeorduigly, Liberal disoount•macle for transoientarivortisomentsinserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, (nee ues,inones* ord- ers. &a, for advertising, snbsoriptious,ete .t o be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR Also PROP t':rofitmlional Cards. 1l. KINSMAN L.D,S, & DR. A. B. • KINSMAN, L D. S., D, ll S., honor grealuate of Toronto Uuivor,ity, DENTISTS.; Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effeets. Office•in Ftinson's Bleak, west side Main Street, Exeter. "i'1R.D. ALTON ANDE1tSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.) honors o10 r Graduate otho.Toro Toronto Ln. i- rsity and nova College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All mode, of Dentistry up to date. ffice over Elliot & Elliot's law othee--opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. sled ieal Drs. J A. ROLLIYS &ne`T A. A'' OS, Residoos, same as formerly OFFICES, Spaokman,,butlding, Main 8t. Dr, Rollins' oboe; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' oflke, same builrliog—south door. y May ist, 18119 J, A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, 8LD 91n,T. P. McLAUGTLLIN, MEMBER OF the Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and A.00mmll:- cur. Olhoo, Dashwood, Out. Legal. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat •per bushel 6072 to 75 Barley 20 to 20 Oats 20 to zi. foss 85 bo 40 Patter 10 to 11 1 s s Potatoes per bag- 8fi Onions......................................40 Bed Ulover 15ood per 1lushel $4.00 to ±4,50 7.00toSao o H, COLLINS, BAIIIIISTER,SOLICIT- ibs OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan, Ray per ton Dried Apples per ib Turkeys • Dueks Geese Clliekon LS.DICRISON,BARI'iISTER,SOLIOITOR, of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- Vovaneer,Commissioner, &c.Money to loan —Fa on s Bio k 1'lxoter' Of?ico ns 4 , T LLIOT, ELLIOT & MACKENZIE. BAR- r RESTERS, ETC., Conveyancers, and Money to Loan at 5 and 5!':, per cent. 8. Y. ELL,IOT, Fnnn. ELLIOT, M. MaeloPICI1:- /tactioneers -p BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- 1 1 r ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofilahorne Bales promptly attended to and terms rea- son bele.Salos arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance ,Agent, Main St. Exeter WANTED. UM NMI Women who can Work hard talk- ing and writing six hours d ]v, for six days 1 awoo,, and will be content with ten dollars weekly. Address, Nig W IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY._.. 2% 7 5 5 Depends upon keeping the blood in a pure condition, tree from. dlisease germs, anel yet thole are very few people who have perfectly . pure blood. Hood's: Sursaptu•illa cleanses, vitalizes and en- riches the blood, throwing out the illlpuu'ities that 'clog and irritate the system aid permits no lodgment of the seeds of disease. Reed the following; "I cannot recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla too highly for it bas,done wonders for me, I was 0 0 C 0 and all run down and my health was so poor I could not get out of doors. I was not able to do anything, being troubled with asthma and heart disease. I was nervous and could not sleep nights, I had become completely discouraged when I happened to read au advertisement of Rood's. Sarsaparilla and concluded to give it a trial. After taking the first bottle I felt better land since taking five bottles I am so Hauch improved that I feel like a new man. I and now able to do a fair day's work and sleep " The Hang -dog Expression looks of a" ready made,"" baud - me -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT; ?t�, NO STYLE, �lY X,F NO GOOD. Syl A. tailor-made suit, cut. mnde and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes, Choose your cloth and wo do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. Rolled Corned Beef. 3 td! Pickled Tongue, Sausage, Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. tee e )ul n,r the Quarter. P are Lard. Highest Cash Price paid for '. Bides and Sheep Skins One Door outh of OEN TRA _ HOTEL, Q as CO DAY, Prop a 0 0 at night. My heart does not trouble me and I have realized great relief for asthma. I feel full of courage once more and life seems brighter and worth living. I would recommend Rood's Sarsaparilla to all afflicted as I have been, for I know it will help them. If this statement of facts will be of benefit, you are welcome to use it as you please." HENRY J. WRnOIiT. Box502, Axford, New York. Sarsaparilla REMARKABLE PROPHECY. liIlle. Oonedon 8'ototens the (Trent Parte Bazaar Fire, ' Paris, May et --M. Gaston, May. the editor of 1'Echc du Merveilleux, affirms that Mlle. Couedon, who claims tobe inspired by the Angel Gabriel, foretold the great fire in the charity bazaar, where so many of the I'reiioh nobility lost their lives,.. He says that ' it is well known that Mlle. Couedon persistently refuses to go into society. Once, and only once, she made an exception in favor of the Coxn- tesso de Maine. It was in the con- Ineneuront of 1806. In the saloon of Mine. do Mai11e the leading member, of the J21Ubori were present. There were fully two hundred guests, Suddenly Mlle. Couedon addressed herself to two of those who were present and desired to consult her, but there were so many others egiutlly anxious to have a conversation with the seeress that at the request of the Hostess she consent- ed, having first: invoked the .Angel Ga- briel, to speak before the ivholo assem- bly.. Amongst other things she gave utter- ance to the following in doggerel:— Near the Champs Rlysee I see a low building. It is not built for worship, But its object is charity. I see fire consume it, I hear people shriek, e 1' flesh 1 - roasted, Their i.. 1 S 1 Fuld f And their bodies aro charred As they would be by a furrier. The angel believes all those who hear; me Will surely be spared. 'linen olio of the guests, the Visoomte de Floury, said in an incredulous:tone to t110 seeress, "Oh, it is to flatter us you say that." .As cl, matter of fact, none of the guests at this soiree, all of whom wore more or loss engaged in the sale of goods at the bazaar, perished, nen' were they even hurt, in the frightful catastrophe of . the 1th inst. Amongst those present at the soiree wore the llargnisci d'Anglade, the Com - tease de Virieu, and the Comte de Di- vonno. ru glsts. Is the One True Blood Purifier. All d f;o $1. Prepared only by C.I. Hood & Co., Lowell Mass. cureall Liter Ills and . 1100d 75 P1115 Sick Headache. 25 cents. F'QR„TWETY-SEVEt YEARS. What might have been a serious ac• cident befel Mr Archie Shipley of Den faeld, oue day last week. His spirited youug team becoming unmanageable, ran away, throwing him out of the 0 wagon, the wheels passel,, over his an- kle, but from last accounts he appear- ed to be improving nicely, Miss Willis, of London Township was engaged to Mary Mr. Scale of Ridge town, 7 £ 8L before the day named for ,u the wedding the young lady disappear- ed, and it now turns out that a former lover, Mr. Batchelor, of Hamilton, heard of the engagement, telegraphed to the young lady and got her to marry him. On Saturday evening at 5 o'clock Mrs. Thorpe, wife of Mr- G. J, Thorpe, of Guelph, was seized With a severe bilious attack. In retching, a blood vessel in the brain was burst, and Ors, Thorpe became unconscious. All that, human aid could devise was done, but the sufferer passed away on Monday THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CALL -AD .. O a4 - o•f • Break Up a Cold in Time SY USING PYNY-PECTORAL The (Snick Cure for COuG_iS, COLDS, CROUP, DItON- CHITIS, }IOARSENESS, etc. MRs. 108Ern NORWICK+oron, of 6s Sorauren Ave., Tto, writes : "Pyny-Pootoralhas never failed to cure my children of croup after a few doses. It cured myselfofa long-standing cough after several other remedies had failed. It has also proved an excellent cough curd for my faintly. I prefer it toany other medicine for coughs. croup Or hoarseness." H. 0. BARBOUR, of Little Pother, N,B., writes : "As a cure for coughs Pvny-reotorat is tbo best selling medicine lbave; my cus- tomers will have no other.' Large Bottle, 25 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO„ LTD. Proprietors. MONTREAL ri.4411 Ralph, the five year-old son of Chief Train Despateher G. W. Babbitt, M. C. R., St. Thomas, while playing with a hatchet Iricla_y evening let it 'fall and cut his foot. Is require'd two or three stitches but is not considered serious. The frosts in the Walkerton district have, it is feared, injured 'the cherry trees and small fruits severely, hut the apple and plum crop is so far assured. Haj' and fall wheat are looking well. Seedioes, and potato planting are over. Claudeboye: John Logan, a farmer from }acre, whsle consulting 1)r. Grains at est Selkirk, Man.. Saturday about his physical condition, dropped dead in the doctor's office. 13e bad been com- plaining; for some days of being un- well - MANITOBA MATTERS, Noyf fi CHflWG!D 0 I Am Convinced That Paine's Cel- ery Compound Has no Equal." The Only Medicine That Produces Positive and Per manent Cures. The declarations above are made by Mr Charles B. dolman, 2132 KingStreet Woet, Hamilton, Out., a young man known to hundreds in the ambitious 1111!. Mr, Holman's declarations are hon- est and from the heart. After a siege of sickness and great danger, and fail- ure with other medicines, friends wbo bad been cured by Paine's Celery Com- pound recommended him to use the same life saver and health restorer. Mr, Holman, who had been so often deeeiv ed, yet had faith to do as he was advised, and a glorious reward was his. The dangerous cough, his debility, his weakness and depressiou of spirits that I' draggingt0 the grave were were g,. a Mm grave all bauished, and he was .made a new man. He writes about his cure as fol - Destructive Fire in Carberry --Discovery of I'otralo0ut. Winnipeg, May 31. --Early this mor n- Intlire destroyed Roger'smill and ele- vator, and the Electric Light Company at Carberry. Twenty thousand bushels of wheat, 10,000 bushels of oats, and four hundred sacks of flour in the mill and the elevator were also burned. The total Joss is about $30,000, The mill is insured for $12,000, and tho contents partially. Tho mill and elevator property belonged to the Bunk of British North America, and the electric plant belonged to the Standford Company. A discovery of petroleum is reported to have been glade in Rainy River dis- trict. His Grace the Archbishop of Rupert's Land leaves this week for England, where he goes to attend the Lambeth confer- ence. Mr. A. Code, of the Inland Revenue Office here, and formerly of Ottawa; and. Miss Iheweiy, daughter of Mr. E. L. Drowery, a wealthy brewer, were mar- ried here this morning. The ceremony was performed at St. john's cathedral by the Primate, in the presence of a large and fashionable gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Code left for the East on a honeymoon trip. The new changes in the Canadian Pa- cific management in the west go into effect to -morrow. More than throe thousand immigrants arrived here during May. Mr. Robert Meighen, President of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, arrived to -day from Montreal. He states that the company will build eight new elevators in the province this. summer, besides making extensive improvements to the Portage and Winnipeg establish- ments. WOOD'S 3E'IOSI,I1ODIler1. The Great English Itentedy. Six _Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of A -07 1)0U.9 WV'ecakrtess, Entissions,Sparm- atorrZ,ea Impotencyand all �A s o r recesses effects of Abuse o , 717entaa Worry, excessive ,use Be,, •f ore a9zd After. , of Tobacco, ()piaster =ma. lasts, which soon lead to In. girrity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 85 years in thousands of cases; is the only Reliable nod Honest Medicine known. Askdruggist far Wood's Phosphodine;It he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose pride In letter, and wo will send by return mall Price, one Package, 61; six, g5. One will please, sia, wilt;cure. Pamphlets free toany addrese The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. lioici in Exeter and eVerywhere in Canada by :ill responsible Druggists. GREECE AND TURKEY. lows: " In the spring of 1895 I was troub- led with a cough, debility, and general dispression of spirits, During the smu- ttier aild autumn 1 used a number of medicines, but received no benefit from them. About the beginning of Novein ber I was advised to est, Paiue's Celery Compound. I procured the preparation. and began to use it with wonderful benefit. I am now convinced, after using scyeral bottles of this unequalled medicine, that no other can compared with it in any respect. I am now a changed man; my health is renewed, depression .of spirits is gone, appetite is good, and I sleep well. " 1 will always gladly say a good word for Paine's Celery Compound," Duncan McDonald, storekeeper and postmaster, four miles from Chatham, Ont,, found his place ransacked Tburs- day morning; $16 ill cash, a revolver eight registered letters and a quan- tity of postage stamps had been car- ried away. Harry Hamilton, a fiteen-year old son of Aid: Hamilton, of Guelph, was on Monday presented with the parchment certificate of the Royal humane Assts. elation for bravery in saving the life of a lad named ,Peter Christie, who went through the ice. Downie: Lolewellyn, the 15 -year old son of Mr. D. C. Brown, was awakened ou Sunday night between ten and eley-• un by the noise of the window of his room raising. He coughed and the noise ceased, but was again resumed in a short time, when he called to his father and the burglars decamped, The electric light from St. Marys shin- ing through the window showed from outside a lady's purse lying on the table which no doubt was the lniuee- ment to anter. Fullerton: On Wednesday last Mrs, Agnes Bain, widow of the late Robert Bain, who resides with her son, John, on the 5th concession, received a stroke of paraysis that completely prostrated her. It rendered her speechless and deprived her altogether of her faculties. She lin; ered till Thursday morning, when sie passed peacefully cefulI away. De- ceased lost her sight a few years ago, and this was a great affliction, through she always enjoyed the best of health in other respects. An Extension of the Armistice Baa Been Arranged. London, May 31.—The Athens Corres- pondent of Tho Times, in a despatch dated to -clay, urges the powers to make a speedy and then statement as to the Cretan difficulty, and to insist upon Tur- kish evacuation, after which, he says, the Cretan chiefs will be willing to accept autonomy. If, on the contrary, Turkey is allowed to send more troops to Crete, there will be a renewal of the horrors of 1866-68. Constantinople, May 3i.—The Turkish Government has replied to the collective note presented by the Ambassadors to the Porte on Saturday. Tho Ambassa- dors than announced that they do not object to the conclusion of the military armistice, which the Turkish Govern- ment insisted must be signed between the military commanders in the field, after which the Porte will negotiate the peace conditions with the Ambassadors, the treaty to be signed by the Turkish and Gree's.plenipotentiaries in Thessaly. In this latest note the Porte insists upon an armistice of a fortnight which can be renewed in the event the peace noaotia- tions are not finished. The Porte, how- ever, desires that peace be concluded as soon as possible. The Ambassadors are • urging the Turkish Government to engage to pro- long the armistice in the event of the pease negotiations not being ended when the armistice expires. FAST ATLANTIC SERVICE. Question Regarding the Yukon Contract. London, May 31. -In the House of CoxmnonE Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Col- onial Secretary, in answer to a question put by Mr. .1. F. Rogan, member for Mid Tipperary, said he had no informa- tion regarding the Yukon Charter Com- pany, but believed the Colonial Legisla- tures frequently passed private acts to in- corporate n celera a companies. anies. O t m p The Secretary of State for tba Colonies, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, answering a HouseCommons question in the of'Coln o s to- q day regarding the proposed fast steam- ship service between Canada and Great Britain, said the contract for this service was between Canada and Petersen, Tait & Company, of Newcastle. Mr. Cham- berlain added that he would ascertain Whether the Canadian Government ob- jected to the publication of the 'terns of the contract. Tho Government". of the Dominion, Mr. Chamberlain further ex- plained, had informed Mm that it was fully satisfied with the competency of the contractors to carry out their engage= anent. lair /J"The Foot 1\ ���1o a ly 1 I . V� i.. Min ,wi,? says an eminent English doctor, "will carry enough poison to infect a household." In surrnmer-time more especially, disease germs fill the air, multitudes are infected, fall ill, die; multitudes escape. These messengers of Mischief do not exist for millions. Why not? Because they are healthy and strong -protected as a crocodile is against gun -shot. It is the weak, the `;casted, the thin -blooded who fall; those who have no resistive power so that a. sudden cough or cold de- velops evelops into graver disease. We hear of catching disease? Why not catch health? VTe can do it by always maintaining our healthy weight. Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. ribs,sausage, Tenderloin, spareag , hams, bacon and everything usual. ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders 1 of Cod-liver Oil, is condensed nour- ishment; food for the building up of the system to resist the attacks of disease. It should be taken in reasonable doses all summer long by all those whose weight is below the standard of health. If you are losing ground, try a bottle now. For sale -ev ail dxyggists at sea and $x.00 SCOTT & BOWNE., Toronto, Ont. EVE ULD 4 MILY Is a very remarkable remedy, both, for Ilg- TJe&NAL and EXTERNAL'EXTERNAL'use, and won- derful in on-derfulin its quick action to relieve distress. Pe II -KILL is a euro cure for Bore +u+, Thiroat, COnprIta Chills, Diarrhoea, D3•scntery, Crown's, Cholera, and an Lowe' Complaints. PAIN -KILLER to THE BEST rem. edy known for Sea- Sickness, Sick Headache, Pain in the Back or side, Rheumatism and Neuralgia.' 'PM -KILLER Is UNevesPloNAntr the. FSEST JLIF113MEN1 MADE. It brings SPEEDY AND PER500114T RELIEt id alt capes of Bruises, (tuts, Sprains, Severe Burns, eta. PAINPAIN -KILLER lo tho well tried and -KILLER friend of the Mechanic, Tarnier, Planter, Sailor, and in Tact all classes wanting a. medicine always at hand. ead505.E Te eau internally or externally with ontaintyofrotlef Bawaro of imitations. Talo nave but the 5C000108 `Psc5Y i)AYls." Sold. o5erywhare 1 tea, blg bottle. VI ,RT4 L UtG E ISOTTIAE0 50 Cents Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of /, wall be given for cash. C. S T E LL, - Free. 0••0830•S0000• • ii " MENTHOL �aiL I have prescribed diontholPlastar Ina number of cases of neuralgic and rheumatic pains, and am vary much pleased withtheeffects and • - pleasantness of its apidlcation.-1Y, 11. CARPEF- 1. WEE, )1.1)., 110tal Oxford. Boston. Iitave used Menthol Plasters in several cases • of muscular rheumatism, and find In every coso thatitgaveaimostinstantaad permanentrelief,. —J. B. MooRE stn., Washington, D.C. • It Cures Sciatica, Lumbago, Nen- ra] ia, rains in Basi: or Side, or • any Muscular Pains • • • • Price1 Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, • 2110.Sole Proprietors, Atop raEAL. ,,!! BRISTOL'S BRISTOL'S BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla SUCAR PIand COATED afai' The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SPECIFIC FOR Rheumatism, Grout and Chronic Complaints. They Cleanse and Purify the Blood. All Druggists and General Dealers. , Is invaluable, if you are rung down, as it is a food as well as: E a medicine. The D. & L. Emulsion t Will build you up if your general health is j impaired. The D. & L. Emulsion C Is the best and most palatable preparation of t: Cod Liver Oil, agreeing with the most deli. colo stomachs, r The . & L. Emulsion E Isp rescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. The D. & L. Emulsion Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give an appetite. you E 50c. Ss 01 per Bottle I. Be sure you get I DAVis & LAWRENCE CO., LTO. the genuine MONTREAL „UREA , ,, [[F-,.� , lAA„ is Ul, � ' i tAlillld 1ii.i1L11 . t , WARM DURA3lE CHEAP Rc)iliiit o A man must consider his purcha IS well these times; he must buy Winne he can do the best. h si s u Look at some of these a 1~r$ :e Pants made to' order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.90 Suits (49,80 Overcoats $3.09 Black Worsted snits a spec- ial, $12,00 Our $20 blacks boat all others at 23. Come and. sea for yourself. HIES BRIM SERVES YOU RIGBT� If you go and pay more for furniture than yon could buy it from us, that is a our fault, -but don't do it again. We lead in all lines and can save you quite au item by dealing With us. New Premises. We are getting nicely ,settled in our new premises now and our stock is large and varied. Undertaking a Specialty. S. GIDDY 3t SEN. i OPERA ROUSE MEI Bicycles ! Bicycles 11 Bicyles 1 I 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a gt. wheel. We can furnish you any �t the best wheels made, at lowest pr1efee Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice Ibt of Pianos and oroans, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, babyeat- riages, etc. ete. Perkins & Martin CENTRAL DRUG STORE Rev. ,13. F Austin, for the past sig- teen years Principal of Alma College, St. Thomas, has resigned, and Rev. R. J. Warner, late professor of modern languages, bas been appointed Prinei- pal. 1 Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as . , remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aeete-. benefacto and Linimentothe medicine so successfully i�9 used by Mr. Chas, Mums Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and ells- ing various diseases. For sale here, C. LUT , Druggist