HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-6-3, Page 1TENTH YEAR. -512. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE , 1897. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR,. ESTRAT RAM. bty Thorostraved onto the premises, Lot 10; concession 15, Hay, a ram about two ,years old. Owner can have same by proving pro- perty and paying expoises, Wm. RAEDER, Dashwood. • 1 ;he in in res. 75, ;St - Dns 'ay s Brucefield Mr, James Coleman, of Hibbert, for- merly of our village, is at present thought to be dying of cau.oer and no les are entertained for his recovery. vIessrs, Wm. Dixou and Thos. Snell ve their splendid 'new brick hotel in ening order, The house is new oughout and very cheery. The ms are numerous enough for all luirements, The woodwork is of Dural cherry, maple and ash, and the rkwas performed by competent rkmen. Mr, Wm. Welsh of Hensall the whole contract He and the 1prietors are to be congratulated on splendid work and home -like ap- ranco of the building. ' NoTICB. 1;�I Please take of the Exeter held Thursday, in the Town ,}Ia11. not —i the Shareholders ha Company will be rut inst., at 2.30 p.m., Chi Seo'y-Treas roc notice that Salt Works June loth T. B. Gain.isO, FARMS MONEY The undersigned sale cheap. Money FOR SALE. nA TO LOAN. WC has a few good farms for WO to loan on easy terms. hal JoanSPACKh/AN, Samwell's Block Exeter. Pr( tilt BULL FOR The undersigned Wm. Sumtnerville.'s bull he will premises, Exeter T1:Rnis,—$1 for Jersey and $3 SERVICE. pe; purchased Mr. Jersey service on his bred; $2 for grade J ersey, f0 Hay P. O. in having thoroughbred keepsamefor North. common for thoroughbred Ilion. Wir,i.znxs, MORTGAGE Default having of a certain mortgage June, 1307, mode vendors, there tained in said auction, by Mansion douse, the County of SATURDAY, noon, the following north-west part First Concession, the County of acre, more or mencing at the thence east 2(10 inches,thence avec between , Tuckcrsmith, of beginning. On the premises house, 22x31 feet, good store, stable property is about Mensal' B. C. vestment to on a general TERMS taF purclaasemcaey at the time of fifteen days purchase money on the property, For further Joni (*mt., Auetioucer. Exeter. London, 8lst SEEDS• SALE. in the the Ord of sold of Exeter, AT 12 viz.: of Usborne, angle of south to road of 108 feet brie% 10x20 buildings. miles a desiring per cent. to balance portion by apply talitu8.NI.nss, Solicitor, London, T of it payment be day of to the th sale con- kr by nubile at the d, in m O'CLOCK { i Tho in the w in one-half T as com- P said lot, los feet ti e allow- m Hay and to place fe dwelling feet, a The frons good in- to carry t t of tho be paid w within to' of the mortgage ri to a 11 Ont. C been made dated by J antes Bonthron will, under ower mortgage be John WU, Auctioneer, in the Village Huron, on JUNE 19,1807, property, of Lot Thirty-five Township 11uron, containing less, and described north-west feet, theme west 200 feet the Townships thonoo north are a good with addition and other one and a-1,atf This would prove, an aetive man store. SALE.—Ten will be required sale, and the thereafter. A may be secured particulars or to A. Vendors' Ont. May, 189. 0 t NV W d 6.„.11,_.,,..8. FIELD, ALL Prices lower our new AND GARDN in f: , I °'.� S. this year. See imported seeds, s A C 4. NEi v h 3, c .....,............... SIIiI T11011011 As we in carload position prices, this week. NllTll1L PORTLAND, JY1II}IIJIIL buy these lots, we to quote Several ,ty,ytf�. u�i111IITE1 are very carloads 1 I e cements < in a low , in i 1 1 I 0 Sherwin cover longest FJLL NIEA Williams' more, look best, and most economical. RF AND Paints wear FULLY GUARANTEED. We have for these can r ecomrnend satisfaction outside secured the agency celebrated paints and thein to give for both inside and work. Dippers JL 3 for 10 lents lents SOfl,� weesarosoMXTCartiftp f BliSilfjP Zurich, , Mr. Andrew Thiel bought a lot and stable from Michael Zeller and has al- ready started to build a house thereon. —Mr. Henry Weideman, after a. long andjlingerieg illness passed away Sun- day, May 28rd, and was buried in the Menonite cemetery on Wednesday. He was nearly 77' years of age and was an old and highly respected resident of Hay township. Staffa• A serious accident occurred on the fat ;;rounds on Monday afternoon, which Frank Tiffin had the misfor- ne to get his leg broken. Dr. Michel Dublin, attended to the fracture, and is hoped that he will soon be able to out again.—We are sorry to report at Mr. David Bruce was taken ser - sly ill at Mr. Robt. Saddler's, on Sun- an evening, and was unable to be re- eved to his home for several days,— M. James Oliver, of Port Arthur, is siting her mother, Mrs. John Drake, ho is seriously ill at present.—On ilesday last, Mr. Joseph Foster, of the PI • line, Stanley, was seriously injur d by a horse,. While holding the ani - al he was struck down by its front et. Tuokersmlth, Mr. Hugh J, Grieve, had the ulisfor• one to get his left thumb caught in a ti: • cutter on Thursday. The knives ere clogging, up and he was tryiug keep them clear with his Loft hand. wbile he turued the crank with his ght. His thumb was pretty badly cut al will lay him off work for se time.- Ir. Wm. llurdoch, of Stanley, and Mr. David McLean, of this place, left for he Old Country with several carloads f fat cattle on. Saturday. We hope hey will strike a good market and we vish for them a pleasant voyage and a afe return.—This week it becomes our uty to record the death of John Latta, who died 011 Monday last after a pro onged illness of several months dura tion, having been confined to his bed or the past five months. Crediton Stephen l Ailsa Crab Mr, Chester Prouty, was in Goderich On Tuesday night some rascals forced Monday oil business —Mrs. Nelson Bak- an entrance into the collar of Mr. Geo. er is, we are sorry to learn, still in a very low condition and not expected to recover.—Mr. Thomas Kilgalin, llth con., is recovering from a severe illness --Mr, John Sehmidt, of the 10th con- cession, had a quantity of pork stolen from his premises on Monday night last, and on the same night some un- known parties entered Mr. Louis Wil- lert's horse stable on the 14th conces- sion and destroyed two sets of harness by cutting them to pieces. On Tues- day night they returned and destroyed two more sets in a similar manner and again on`Sunday night another set and also fed a quantity of poison to his pigs The pigs ate of the poison and we un derstand one of them died while the the others are not likely to recover.— Mr. Frank Snell, London Road. South, purposes painting his house in the near future which will add greatly to its ap pearance. Usborne Mr. Thomas Yellow left last week for the old country, where he will spend a few months visiting friends.—We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Thos. Russell, of the Thames road, who has been ill for over a year, is not improving mueh.— Mrs. D. McInnis who was ill is improving —On Weduesday, May 26th, the mar- riageof Mr. Frank Pridham, son of Mr, Wm. Pridham, ex -M. P,, of Russeldaie, and Miss Nettie, daughter of M. Nicho- las Shire, of the 14th concession, was solemnized at the residence of the bride's father. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, T. J. Snowden, of litrkton, in the presence of a number of invited guests. The young couple will take up their residence in Fullerton. DOUBLE WhiDDING.—On Wednesday, June 2nd, a joyous company assembled at the residence of Mr. Bich. Coultice, to witness an unusual event, it being the marriage of his two daughters, Ida and Victoria, the former to Bert An- drews, of this towuship and the latter to John Hind, of Exeter, formerly of • f Elimville. The nuptial knots were tied � P by the Rev. Jewett. We extend con. gratulations to the happy couples, Stephen School Reports Christian Zwieler, of London, spent nuday with his parents.—The- Misses Lary and Latah Wolfe1 who haye been wiring friends in Detroit, returned eme Tuesday.—Miss Wells, of Zurich, guest Schmitt on ,•as the �,uc st of Rev, Mr. Scum unday.—Mr. Henry Either was in loderich Monday on business,—Mr. eo. Brown has returned home from Condon after. undergoing a painful peration.—Mr. Jacob Finkbiner, who tas been ill for a long time, is able to be rolnhd again.—Miss 1I. Trevithick left or British Columbia on Monday.—The lay. Mr.,Grey, ofStiatford, held quart. rly meeting in the German Church n Sunday.—Mr. Wesley Kerr was ap- aoiuted a delegate to attend the Pro- inee eenvel,tion of Maccabees held at Guelph last week.—A very pretty and luiet wedding took place at the rest lenco of Mr. C. Eilher on Thursday, rhea his youngest daughter, Emma, vas united in m,rriage to Mr. Wil- iam Lewis,* The nupital knot was :led by the Rev. Mr. Schmitt. The bride was attended by the bridegroom's sister, Effie, while Francis Clark acted 1s best man. Only the- immediate re- latiyes of the contracting parties Were present. We wish them a long and happy life. S. McDonald's residence and stole a quantity of maple syrup,preserves., etc. On the same night an attempt was made to force the door of White & May's store, and McDonald's boot and shoe store was "reconnitred," but the would be thieves were scared, away. Greenway, Mr. John Brown represented Union Tent, No, 48, Ktiights of the Maccabees at the Coavention held in Guelph last week.—Mrs. J. L. Wilson visited her sister, Mrs Joseph Dixon, at Clende boye.last week.—The Corner stone of the Boston Methodist church is to he laid Jubilee day, June 22nd, ceremony to commence at 2,30 p. in —The annual garden party of the Ladies' Band of Willing• Workers will be held in Mr. Henry Eggert's garden —Mr. J. E Tom, Public School Inspector, visited school No. 10 a few days ago. In writing to the trustees he gives a very favorable report of the progress of the scholars. -.- Mr. Henry Shank received word from Pickering of the Illness of his father, Ile left hero last Monday to visit him,— Mr, John Sherrltt was appointed at the Exeter District meeting to represent Grand Bend circuit at the annual con- ference to be held in London this week. Miss S. McLachlan, accompanied by CarrielWilson, spent Saturday and Sun- day under the parental roof.—Tho an nual picnic of the Boston Grace Church, Shipka and ; Grand Bend Sabbath Schools, will be held Tuesday, ,Tune. 15, in Mr. Spackman's grove at the lake The following is. a correct report of the standing of pupils of S. S. No. 4, for the mouth of May, Names are in order of inert: IV, class A --Sophia Clark, Rosa Roeszler; class B—Emma Clark, Tille 1'<1ind; class -C -Clara Martene. Sr-III--IIItIy Roeszler, Alice Pedlar; Jr. III, class A-1vuss:1 Bastard, Chas Wind; class Li ---Garnet Amy, Fred Amy, Albert Weal. Sr. II—Arthu; Amy, Freeman Morlock, Pearl Iiestle, Lavine, Klutnpp. Jr. II --(;?lova Bart man, 14label Clark, Lzra Wein, Tommy Roeszler. Sr, pt. 1—Willie Smith,W'm. W'sle • Wein fiam 1 .. •rstrik• I�ots�;lt2, Wesley , . A,y nr. Sr. pt. 1—Elgin Amy, Cecil Rowe. .Jr. pt. 1—Della Smith, Della Iiestle, August Martinet], Aaron Wein. The average attendance for the month 87. W. J. Broo .s, Teacher. Report of'S. S. No. ti, for May, Names are in order of merit and the class standing based on general proficiency and good. conduct. Sr. IV—John Kraft, Jacob Ratz, Lizzie Lippert. Jr. IV— Maggie Barry, Clara Ratz, Jane Mc Cann. Sr. III—David Lippert, Simon Ratz, Barbara Witzel. Jr. III—Elmer Lawson, Alcx. McDonald, Willie Silra- der. II—Alpe Harding, Ida Rate, Lilly Smith. Part II—Alice Mawhinney. Laura Finkheiuer, Joseph Wild. Part I—Lucinda Kraft, Chester Mawhinney, Elia VVitsnt. No. of names on roll for month 41, average attendance 34. JENNIE W. MORRISON, Teacher.. Thames Road. The framers have reshingled the roof of Mr. Thomas Russell's barn. --About twenty invited guests met at Samuel Madge's on the May 24th. After spend- ing the evening in games and music, toasts were drank in honor of Her Ma- jesty the Queen. The national anthem was sung and all departed to their homes, feeling they had speut a very enjoyable and profitable evening --A very interesting meet was held at the Christian Endeavor here on Sunday evening, Addresses on the topic," Fruit bearing " were given by Miss Jennie Madge, Mr. Alexander, of Ottawa, and Rev. W.Madge. Mr. Alexander de- serves credit for the able manner in which be handled the topic, and we hope to have the pleasure of hearing 'him again.—Mr. Jno. Allison purchased a fine new buggy from Wm. Bissett, of Exeter.—Mr Isaac Johns is very low at present with pleurisy.—One of those pleasing events which always brings happiness to the household, occurred at Mr. Hobert McDonald's las` Saturday night,ht, when his wife presented him with a little boy and girl, All are do- ing as well as can be expected.—Mr,. Wm. and Miss Mary Allison spent Sun- day in Cromarty. --Mr. Wm, Alexander of Ottawa, is the ,guesc of °Mr. Thomas Russell. -Two of our young men speut a very pleasant evening at Mr. Robert M.onteith's last Friday night. They have since complainedf sore feet. -It affords us.considerallle amusement. watching one of our neighbors learn- ing to ride the "bike." Although ho has often been brought low he is stead- fostly perserved and now sings " I'm moharch, of all I survey." Elimville Centralia LIMP.. Fon Satz. --We can satisfy you as to quality and price. Fresh car of lime just arrived. C, W. Ssura NOTES.—Mr. and Mrs. Lpriain Pal- mer, of Stanley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Delgaty.—Mr, C. W. Vail has lost his driver. It had a halter on at the time of its departure. There was aleo a 2 year old colt belonging to Thos. Handford with it. Any person anything t em would knowing abouth confer a great favor by notifying Mr, Vail or Thos. Handford. -Mr. George Rook was at Sarnia the other day in- vesting in a separator for this season's work. -Misses Ida and Sadie Abbott are visiting at Exeter,—Mr. Wm, Fos- ter, of Granton,was visiting at Mr Jas. Handford's this week.—Rufus Cobleigli and Robt. Issery, shipped a first-class load o; 'ags on Tuesday.—Conductor Snider 1s secured to lecture here on the evening of July 1st. Everybody come and hear him.—Mr, Edgar Pytn, and. Mr. and Mrs. Chas'. Hooper, of Blan- shard, and Mr. Robt. Hicks, of this place had an experience on Friday night that none of them would care to repeat and which miraculously ended in no one being seriously hurt. Their bug• gees collided in the dark about two and one half miles this side of Ex• eter. The shafts of Mr. Hick's buggy caught and stripped the harness off of Mr. Hooper's colt, taking hini right out of the shafts and whirling him about with his head facing the buggy. Both drivers were thrown out, Mr, Hooper's foot catching in the wheel as he fella As the colt sprang from the position the. collision placed him, the fact that his head faced the buggy peeled the collar oyer his head and left him free, He dash• ed. off down the road, pulling up is Mr. Hicks' stable Had he not miraculously been freed from buggy and harness Mr. Hooper would have been dragged atld Mrs. Hooper throws out and both probably milled. On Mr. Hooper re Hicks l 1 I Mr. covering himself f he heard i,'toanlx g on has roadside Ioadside wham he had been thrown. His horse had jumped the fence in to the field and got away and the buggy lay upside down in the .aeld with both ,shafts broken off and standing in the ground. Both men were badly shaken up and bruised, but not seriously hurt. Mrs, Hooper was left sitting in the buggy. wife spent their holidays under the par- Hansa"! The cold weather is in everybody's mouth, The only available remedy is for everybody to close their mouth and swallow it.—A meeting of the ratepay- ers interested in the proposed drainage for the north side of this village was held in Cox worth's hall, on Saturday evening, for the purpose of hearing the report of Mr. Farncombe, civil engineer. The report we believe, was adopted, with scarcely a dissenting vote, A Court of Revision will be held, as provided by the Drainage Act, when those dissatis- fied with their assessment can appeal. The tanks which the Council are put- ting in for fire purposes are nearly coca. pieted.—Rev. Mr, Henderson, who has. been ill for a couple of weeks, is conva- lescent. His pulpit was supplied on Sabbath last by Mr. Hueston, High School teacher of Clinton, who deliver- ed two excellent sermons to large and appreciative audiences, 'Mr. Hender- son expects to be able to fill his own pulpit on Sabbath next,—Mr. John C. Wood Ieft this station with a shipment of cattle for the Old Country,—Indita- tions are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Joseph Case, to Miss Jeesie Moir,. both of this village, on Tuesday next, JuneSth. We wish the young and and beautiful soon to be bride, all the happinefis she can reasonably expect in the life long alliance she is making, ILucan: A little daughter of Mr. EL St. John, hoteikeeper, was seriously/hie- ten by as dog on Tuesday. Seaforthe While playing baseb Mitchell on Monday, Mr. Hugh Steps• son fell and sprained his wrist,, neer tating his laying off work, Brussels: This week .we reeosd efee death of Rev. Samuel ,Tones. L1I ripe sheaf of grain he tarried day arae day waiting for the reaper and leolclt' forward to the heavenly garner. Ile summons came Saturday, May Muhfa and the good old man went horse t31h enjoy tile rest of God's children. Rea death was not a great surprise, as fee had been failing very rapidly of i and thio is not to be wondered at vale it is taken into account that he had, ad- tained to nearly 90 years. St. Marys : The first of the list c weddings announced for the leafy month of June in this section telt place at the R. C. church, here, Tu, day morning, when James Sweat„ of Itinkora, and Miss Sarah O'Flah, of Downie, bowed their necks to dee conjugal yoke. Daniel O'Flaherty, bat- ther of the bride, acted as scrutieseec for the bridesgroom, while Miss Mag- gie Harkin, of Stratford, performed! similar duties for the bride. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Fatter Brennan, Olandeboye. Mr, and Mrs. Cunningham, of Shipka, spent Sunday in town.—Mr. S. Hodg- son, spent Sunday in Parkhill,—Mrs. Jas. Miller, who attended the funeral of her brother, Mr. Bunter, at Guelph, last week, returned home Saturday.— Mr. E, O. Jones spent Tuesday in Lon- don.—A number of our young people attended the social in the Nursery churob. on Friday evening and report a good time,—Mrs. Ulark and son are yisiting friends in Brussels this week. —Mr. Stichcombe and wife, moved to Denfield on Monday. Success to you Charles.—Wednesday evening, May 26, the home of Mrs. Emily Simpsou, 2nd concession of McGillivray, was the scene of a very pleasing and happy event, it being the marriage of her daughter to John McIntosh, of London. The ceremony was performed at eight o'clock by the Rev. Delhi, of Ailsa Craig. The bride's maids were Miss Day, of Iairetton and Miss IIodgins, of this place while the groom was assised by James Simpson, brother of the bride Mr. Day, of London. The bride was becomingly attired in cream cashmere, trimmed with sill; lace and pas•mentre The eeremouy over, all sat down to a bountiful repast to which all did ample justice. The presents were numerous, ental roof —141r. Andrew flicks lost his costly and useful. The happy couple valuable Ferrett. It was killed by some farmer's dog.—G. 11. Windsor and family, are moving to their naw resi deuce at Spring Creek. -11r, Wm. Par- deu is fixing up his house. Goderieb: F. Richmond, of Wingham, from which burg he was committed on a charge of stealing a pair of boots, was tried on Saturday in the county judge's Hay Council COrIIT of REVISION.—The Court of Revision was held ou Wednesday, May span of horses, the porperty of Messrs, 26th. The following appeals were heard 11. and T. Snowden, were burned to and disposed off, 1.1. Miller, lot 7, con. the ground. The fire originated in a mysterious manner. While engaged in building a fence on the opposite side of the farm, one of the men was sent to feed the horses and to make a fire in the stove to prepare tea to carry back to the rest of the men. After he made the tea he put out the fire, and to make sure he sprinkled water on the ashes, and looked around to see that every- thing was all right before leaving the shanty. A short time after smoke was seen arising in the direction of the sbanty, which was hidden from view by the bush. Immediately the men ran, but only arrived too late to save the horses, for the building was then a mass of dames. This shanty and sta- ble have been used for many winters as a lumbering camp as the owners live a few miles away. left next day forLondon where they y will make their future home. We wish them every prosperity. !1 s, Around. About Drysdale: A serious accident hap. pened on Lot 16, Brownsou Line, Stan- ley, when a log shanty and stable com- bined, with their contents, including a 17, assessment reduced $50; Emil blend. ricks, lot NI 21, L. R. E, appeal riot sustained;; A, Hendricks, lot 23, L. R. E, appeal not sustained; Harriet Peu- hale, lot 12, S. B., reduced $100; C. Thiel, bitch off; C. Heiser, one dog off; A. Thiel, bitch off; B. Philips, dog off; A. Munn, dog off; 3. Meyer, dog off; D. Schnell, dog assessed; J. Holden, dog off; C. Schwartzentruber, dog off; G. Holtzman, dog on; Fred Rumel, dog on; J. Smith, lot 15, L. R. E., assessed for oue dog; on appeal of E. and A. Hend- ricks, the assessment of west half, lot 22, L. R. E., was raised from $1500 to $1950; also the assessment on lot 24, L. R. E , was raised from $1950 to $2150 the Clerk to notify the parties tuterest- ed. The Court tben adjourned until Wednesday, June 16th, at 6 o'clock p. M. After the Court of Revision coun- cil resumed. The following changes were made in the list of pathmasters J Kennings in place of A, Musser; W. Fee in place of J. Berry, J. Schnell in place . of J. Dawson, J. McDonald in place of J. Penhale, J. Becher in place of J. Sararas, J, Hartleib in place of L. Kieinstieber, A. McEwen was appoint- ed poundkeeper in place of. J. Cox worth an account of W. G. Bissett for broken sleigh was ordered to be filed. Re pe- tition of J. Snell and others of the vil- lage of Dashwood, asking for certain drainage, the council agreed to look af- ter the matter. In regard of petition of J. Stacey and others praying to have the road opened up between lots 5, con. 5 and 6, the Reeve and Deputy Reeve were instructed to investigate, An award made by the arbitrators appoint- ed for the dissolution of U. S. S. of the T o• No. 1,Tucker- smith f Hensel!, S. S Ttt ooHe S 5 , laid before Ila was a smith and No. 10 y, the Council, the expenses were $66.20 Hay's share of $22.07 was ordered to be paid. The village trustees of the Village of: Zurich presented their re- quisition to the council asking that. $150 over and above all other rates be leyied o(. the assessed value of the Vil- lage of Zurich The trustees were al- lowed permission to draw $150 on the treasurer until the taxes are paid. By Law No. 3 and 4 were passed after be- ing read three times, After passing a few accounts the council adjourned un - court, found guilty and sent to the 1i1 Wednesday, June 16th at 6 o'clock county jail for one month, ham, Fenn Huss, Sr„ Clerk: The People are Convinced When they read the testimonials of cures by Hoed's Sarsaparilla. They are written by honest men and svca- men. and are plain, straightforwa:. i statements of fact, The people have confidence in Hood's Sarsaparilla 12i• cause they know if actually and per- manently cures, oven when other mem eines fail. Hood's Pills are tae Duly pills to tales with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy awl yet efficient, RowE—In Stephen, on May 22nd, thy;, wife of Mr. Henry Rowe, of a dat ra- ter. MCDOI.7ALD.—In Usborne, on the 11 May, thewife of i o t, McDonald, (IT twins—sonand daughter. HILL.—In Clandeboye, on the 22&i May, the wife of Herbert Hill, of, a, daughter. AlltatIAGJES, PaIDIIAnt---SIIIER--At the residence ct the bride's father, Usborne, on Ma.' 26th, by Rev. T. J. Snowden, Ph. Ea, Frank W. Pridham, to Miss' Nettie, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Shier. GRAY—BARCLAY —In Lobo, on Jac 2nd, by the Rev, Mr. Davis, 1saisalt Gray. toLille- ,.a^:- Newton Crra Miss L v 1 w daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R Berra lay, all of Popular Hill. a ePIrnRaO:v.—Sl rias.- kt the ref - deuce of ia-deneeof the bride's pa. 11ts, Si.Marys; on May 22nd, by the Rev. A. Gran'.; of St Marys, assisted by the Rea. H. Brown, of D"leware, Mr. F. F. fdn• Pherson, of Hamilton, to Miss Eugena.a, Mary, daughter of T. Sparks, M. D. of St. Marys. Corgis—Cirniwrxu —By Rev. N. E. Willoughby D. D., at the home of ten bride's parents, Stephen, on May 2Nh, Mr. Eli Coultis, of Elimville, to bias Rhoda L., only daughter of Charles Christie. Esq. HIND-CouI.TIon—At the residence cal the bride's father, Usborne, on June. 2ad, by Rev. Jewett, John, Hind, cl Exeter, to Miss Victoria, daughter alr Mr. Richard Coultice. ANpuuw-COULTrCE—At the resideace of the bride's father, Usborne, on tato 2nd inst., by the Rev. Jewett, Bert Andrews, of the same township, to Miss Ida, daughter of Mr. Rich.. Coul- tice, feEla,»S LATTA,—In Tuckersinith, on May else, John Latta, aged 56 years. BAR AINS F0 S =!`RING. Judicious, close buyers find their dollars go furtherest at THE CHEAP CASH STORE, CREDITON Having secured some very special lines this month, bought for cash, can offer them at close prices, LACE CU$.PAINS.—We can give you excellent values, 3'and 3 1.2 yds, long taped= 5oc, 75c, $1.00, ¶x.50, and 5,2,00 per pair. All beautiful pattetos. WALL PAPER.—We have the latest designs from 3c. per roll np. It will pay you iso examanine our stock before buying. CARROTS, TAPESTRY.—A11 wool Union and I-Iemp, ranging in price from r2 t-2oa $t ,0, PRINTS AND WASH GOODS.—Vire have a beautiful range of Dress Prints in Englis• ,, French and American makes from 5c per yard up. BLOUSE W AISTS.—aV e have the latest styles in blouse waists A. splendid assay ment, cheap. READY MADE CLOTIIING.-Just to hand, another lot of the kind that gives saffu. faction,at right prices. Tweed pants at 9oc x.3 5, �+1. 5o and $a.00. ORDERED CLOTHING.—Right here is where you find the latest patterns in Twegs, Worsteds, etc. Tweed suits to order, from OS.5o' up. Black Worsteds i 413.0o to $xS,00 for best quality. •" GROCER/ STOCK, BEST QUALITY, A. I Best Granulated sugar 23 'lbs for Yellow " 28 lbs " Rio Coffee 7 lbs Canned corn 5 cans " Tomatoes and Peas 4 " " Good Japan Tea 5 lbs „ $x,00 j Rolled Oats 12 lbs fcr s5„c r.00' Corn Meal 12 " f° sae: i,00 Maple Leaf E ectic soap 6 bars for bac eec Sweet Tiome soap 6 " " :sae 25c Comfort 6 " Vie: s.00 Forest City Baking Powder 1 1.21.b sealer es Just received a shipment of D. M. Ferry's reliable field and gaid:n seeds. Liam:- els, a -els, Turnips, Carrots, etc. ProituoeTrken a -8811. A Call F.:WeiGel, C :SAS, ZWIC.i.e