HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-6-10, Page 2..,i sty:'.., rLEGRAP„„.... �iLEPION E TIGER____....... Are the brands of our celebrated sul- phur matches. If you want the best, ask for them. The E. B. Eddy Co., Ltd, Hull I Montreal I Toronto, Uds;1a222222 err'.1(t21221122els Subscribers. who do not receive their paper regularly will please notify us at once. Call at the office for advertising rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1897. The Week's Commercial Summary. The New York State Legislature re- nently passed anti-trust legislation, and the Attorney -General of the State is tak- ing steps to bring the different trusts and combinations under its provisions. The coal combination has been singled out as the object of the first attack. Postmasters tbroughout the country stave received notice from the Depart- ment that the following holidays play be observed in this post -office: New Year's .Day, Cbristmas Day, {Mood Friday, Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and any local civic holiday. The week has been a broken one since last report,.eind there is really very Iittle of a novel or noteworthy character in Montreal trade matters. The general pre - 'valence of heavy' rains and cold raw weather has affected roads and business in the country generally, and from the same cause seeding operations have been seriously delayed, particularly in low- lying sections. Trade conditions at Toronto are pretty zdauoh the same as reported last week. The mare favorable weather has tended to create a better sentiment, but gener- ally speaking wholesale trade lacks snap; The prospects for crops are good, but prices of grains are low, There is a fairly satisfactory trade in dry goods and hard- ware, with the leading staples steady in prices. There were 22 failures in the Dominion last week as compared to 87 the week before, and K1 in the corresponding week of a year ago. Ontario leads with 14; of this number one was rated up to $2,000 and one under $1,000, the balance had our lowest credit or blank rating. Que- bec- had only three, Nova Scotia two, and New Brunswick three. None were re- ported from the other provinces last Week. There are two kinds of trolleys, says the Hartford Courant, those that are built W carry passengers and those that are built to sell bonds of and to sell machinery. They may look alive at first, but in time the difference becomes very apparent, and there are obvious dangers in multiplying the latter variety. It takes somebody's money to set any trolley line going. The people are full of the idea that real estate doubles the minute a trolley line touches it, and there is in the air more or less of the spirit that led, thirty years or so ;Igo, to ruinous invest- ments in steam roads all over the state. The farmer who takes his savings bank deposit to help build a trolley line that is to pass his door may mortgage his home next to keep thereon running,and eventually may see the service stopped and the house sold. People don't run trolleys at a loss forever. Somebody must foot the bills. It is asserted in some well informed quarter that one must search long to find a single cross country trolley that pays. Be that as it may, it is obvious that a good many are projected that cannot pay, and it is equally true that eventually the line that does not pay will come to grief. Here and There. When it comes to fighting, Turkey is a bird. It is no wonder, with so much heating, that some hearts are broken. You may get just a little bit of a harp If you simply try to do right, yet fail. God sees all we do, but the few things the neighbors find out cause as the most worry. Your heart will be happy if it's in the right place, and is the right kind of a heart. A man must be a pretty good orator to make his troubles sound interesting to others. It won't do to criticise the scorcher's position because he always gets his back up about it. All cyders are "free traders" to the extent of wishin toh g have all tacks re- moved from the highways. A Christian isn't really mucn of a Christian unless he's a Christian when there Is nobody watching him. It's hard for any woman to sit in a church and feel religious when she is aware that her hat is out of style. A .Kentuckian who was tarred and feathered, and ridden out of town, ever after called himself a railroad man. The average boy's estimation . of his parents isn't heightened much by the fact that he considers them a spanking pair. There are women in this very world, so it is said, who prize a clear complex- ionmore highly than they do aclear con- science. There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature of many curatives being snob that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient—what would relieve one i11 in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts ou Nature's own restoratives, It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep— imparts rigor to the action of the blood, whioh, being stimulated, courses through- out hroughout the veins, strengthening: the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance—result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market, All druggists sell it. TOPICS OF TIIE \YEEK HER IS THE NEWS IN SHORT ORDER. Tidings froth allfarts of the Globe, Con- densed and arranged for Busy Readers. CANADIAN. The eight-year-old daughter of Mr. J. Wood, Brantford, died from being kicke i by a horse. Three men, believed to be responsible for numerous burglaries in the west. were captured at Chatham. The new Masonio Grand Lodge -room at Sudbury , was dedicated with appro- priate ceremonies on Satt;relay, The team of the 48th Highlanders, of Toronto, will make its first appearance at the Islington military tournament next k rivay. The Ottawa Separate School Board has determined to employ the Christian Brothers again as teachers if they eauu be secured. Almighty Voice. the Indian murderer, was found dead in his hole when the police and volunteers rushed bis pusition on Sunday. George Beggs, a Kingston man, em- ployed in a drug store at Syracuse, poi- soned himself because his sweetheart dis- carded him. James McKenzie, a ten -year-old Dun- das boy, is dead. Re was bitten by a dog about ten dans ago and it is tbought he died from rabies. It is likely that the plebiscite on pro- hibition will also contain a question re- garding direct taxation as the result of loss of revenue. Mr. Thomas Wilson, deputy chief of the Hamilton Fire Department, who was injured at a fire on Thursday night, died Friday afternoon. A quantity of Paris green was discov- ered in the cistern of Rev. Geo. Honey's residence, at Wellandport, the water of which Is used for drinking. Mr. Robert Woolley, Hamilton, a letter carrier, and his wife and child were poisoned by eating canned fish. They re- covered under doctors' care. Burglars broke into Hunt's Bank at Bracebridge, Ont., on Wednesday night, and about $1,000 in cash and 59,000 worth of bonds were stolen. Mr James Murray, an old and respect- ed farmer, of Ellice townsbip, fell dead at Sebringville, Ont,, on Thursday of heart disease. He was S5 years of age. The steamer Shickluna collided with the steamer Tecumseh about three miles off Long Point, in Lake Erie. The Shickluna sank, but her crew were rescued. John Gennhart, aged 45, and Ethel Bookoy, aged 15, of Walsingham, were arrested at London, on their way to Port Huron The man is charged with abduct - tug the girl. There is a block of business in the Supreme Court, many of the Judges be- ing unable to sit on cases with which they were connected before being ap- pointed Judges. An appeal has been entered by the six cigar dealers of Hamilton who have been convicted of a breach of the Lottery Act by dealing in tickets for the Promo- tion of Arts Association. Lord. Aberdeen was motorman on an electric car which made a trip from Aylmer to Ottawa, with the Government house party. They went out to name the new park the Queen's park. Rev. B. F. Austin, for the past sixteen years Principal of Alma College, St. Thomas, has resigned, and Rev. R. J. Warner, late professor of modern langu- ages, has been appointed Principal. Honorary degrees of LL.D., were con- ferred on Senator David Wark, Hon. James Mitchell, Premier of New Bruns- wick, Messrs. J. V. Ellis, M.P.. of St. .Tohn, by the New Brunswick University, at Fredericton. According to the report of the Depart- ment of Fisheries, the value of the Can- adian fisheries for 1596 is computed at 320,100,388, being a decrease of more than half a million dollars as compared with the previous year. Lord Erne Lodge, No. 40,. T. B,, bas decided to increase its delegation to Grand Lodge, in view of the probable consideration of very extensive cbanges, that will amount to almost a re-ora'ani- zation of the association. A West Prince Albert despatch says that an Indian named Almighty Voice shot a rancher named 'Denims near Ba- toche. A police party overtook the In- dian and two of the police were wounded by him while making the arrest. A movement is on foot in Ottawa to induce the Government to propose a substantial vote, probably fifty thousand dollars, towards the Victorian Order of Nurses, Lady Aberdeen's suggestion for the diamond jubilee celebration. The London City Council passed a by- law providing for the annexation to the pity of the Village of London West. The people of the village will vote on it, and if it is carried the municipalities will become united on December 20 next. It is evident from a report which has been presented to the Dominion Parlia- ment that the, British Government has refused and is likely to persist in a re- fusal of the application of the Unites States to re -open the seal question at the present time. Miss Willis, of London Township was engaged to marry Mr. Soafe of Ridge - town. Just before the day named for the wedding the young lady disappeared, and. iturns out that a former lover,Mr. it Batchelor, of Hamilton; heard of the en- gagement, telegraphed to the young 'lady and got her to marry him. UNITED STATES. It is reported that General Gomez will shortly visit the United States for the purpose of obtaining an interview with President McKinley. A mob broke into the jail at Lindale, Tex., on Sunday morning, . and killed William Jones, white, who was in cuss tody charged with murder. Lieut. Peary has obtained a five years' leave of absence from the 'United States navy in order to organize another expe- dition ill search orthe North Pole. h Fair will case at San Experts rn t 0 Francisco testified that the similarity of the writing in the will with Fair's ori- ginaI writing was too perfect to be genu- ine, The United States Court of Appeals has sustained the decision of Commis- sioner Fairchild, who direoted that Mrs. Sternaman should be turned over to the Canadian authorities. An appeal will now be taken to the Supreme Court of the United States By the breaking of a levee on the Rio Grande River at El Paso, Tex.., at 1 o'clook on Tuesday 'Horning, a flood rushed through the lower part of the city, Sweeping away 120 houses. Tbe ringing of fireballs aroused many persons who were asleep in time *for them to escape. John F. Johnson, president of the State National Bank of Logansport, Ind., was arrested oe May 22nd charged with criminal violations' of the .National -bank act. It is charged that Mr. Johnson pro- cured from the bank about $200,000 on forged notes and about $100,000 addi- tional by making false entries, The reports of business in the United States furnished by the commercial agencies indicate a slight, although very slow, improvement in the general trade movement. Manufactures usually are quiet, but as yet prices are fairly well maintained. Cotton goods an dull and print cloths are at about the lowest pos- sible price. The extremely uuseasonablo weather has had a serious effect up to the present time on the dry goods trade. The production from. the woollen mills is unusually large, and manufacturers are doing nothing. Commercial failures in the United States for the ween just ended are 214, as corupiired with a9 in the corresponding weelt of last year. noHEIGH, Five hundred horsoless cabs, will be placed on the streets of Paris early in July, Tho military tournament, whicb opened at Islington on Thursday, is be- ing well patronized. The employing printers of Leeds, Eng- land, have reduced the ].oars of their em- ployes to 52;4 per week, The Sultan bas consented to the ex- tension of the armistice with Greene for a fortnight from Sunday. Steps are now being taken to form a company to construct a railroad. from Chihuahua to Guerero, Mexico. Prof. Andre° expects to start from Spitzbergluen on June 2051x, to discover the North Pole in his balloon. Earthquake shooks were felt on mid- night of. Saturday in Rome, and at Massena, Ischia and other points. Mr. Aubrey Beardsley,who bas been in bad health for some time, is rapidly re- covering, and is able to resume work. The Pope has completed a Latin poem of eighty stanzas, pointing out the beau- ties of frugality and the evils of gluttony. The Prince and Princess of Wales dralvisited Canterbury on Saturday, and opened the restored ebalner of the Catbe- . On the 7th ulto, the Sultan of Zanzi- bar issued a proelaunation abolishing the legal status of slavery in Zanzibar and Cerlrba. Dr. Walter 13. Geikie, treasurer of the Armenian fund, reports that up to (sato 517,088,17 has been sent by him to the Duke of Westminster. According to returns just published there were in 1890, in local prisons in England and Wales, 205,004 prisoners, of wlioln 155,555 were males. The Jacobites aro preparing to cele- brate White Rose clay by a banquet In London on June 10th, tho date of the birth of James, the Pretender, in 1658. There is a feeling In Paris that a visit from Emperor William during the Exhi- bition of 1000, owing to the feeling over Alsace-Lorraine, would not be agree- able. Tbe Paris Figaro makes a complete denial of the statement that the Duo d'Alenoon, whose wife perished in the Charity Bazaar fire, is about to enter a monastery. The Naval Committee of the French Chamber of Deputies bus endorsed the Government's proposal to expend 520,- 000,000 in addition to the regular naval expenditure. During a special service in the Pisa cathedral on Saturday a panic was caused by the fall of a lighted candle, and seven persons were killed and sev- enteen injured. The 5t. James Gazette, a strong pro- tectionist ro- te t.on. t paper, referring to the Cana- dian tariff,says it cannot understand why Sir Charles Tupper opposes what he has been fighting for all bis life. The London free trade journals beg of Canada to finally dismiss the idea that Canada can disturb her whole commercial policy to create an Imperial Customs Union founded on protection. Oscar Wilde, in a long letter to the London Daily Chronicle, says the cruelty practised. day and night upon children in English prisons is incredible except to those who have witnessed it. Pietro Acoiaarito, the Italian anarchist who on April 22 last attempted to stab King Humbert whale the latter Sus on his way to the races, was sentenced to imprisonment in the galleys for life. The King of the Belgians has caused some excitement by paying a visit to London, incognito, travelling to Balmoral to see the Queen, and then departing from Glasgow in his yacht at midnight. The trouble still continues in the Spanish Cabinet. It is said that the Duke of Mandao, the Spanish Ambassa- dor to Paris, will be recalled to take the place of the Duke of Tetuan, the Minis- ter of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Chamberlain stated in the Imperial House of Commons that the Canadian Government was fully satisfied of the competency of the firm of Petersen, Tait & Co. to carry out their engagements for the fast Atlantic service The canonization of the Blessed Zacca- ria, founder of the Order of Barnabites,. and the Blessed Fourier de Mataincour, surnamed the Apostle of Lorraine, was the most impressive ceremony witnessed in. St. Peter's since the abolition of the temporal power of the Popes. Catholic" circles 1n London are greatly exercised over the marriage which occurred on Monday of E. de Beaumont Kleine, a former Jesuit priest, to Hon. Kathleen O'Hagan, daughter' of the late Lord O'Hagan, Lord Chancellor of Ire- land. They are now Unitarians, Tile English Anti -Tobacco League, after an existence of twenty-six years, during which period 828,844 books and pamphlets, lend 1,000,000 leaflets, all setting forth the evils of tobacco, her been distributed, is forced to admit that the use of tobacco is increasing, and the vice-presidentof the league concludes that it is impossible to cure an adult smoker. . EFERN COLD MINING AND M1LLING COMPANY; LIMITED LIABILITY. .HEAD? OFFICE: VANCOUVER, B.C. CAPITAL $200.000 - - In 800,000 Shares of 25c, each. DIRE OTORS: F. 0. INNES, President and Managing Director. EOBT. G. TATLOW, Vice -President. 5.0. EIOHARDS, Director. O. O. BENNETT, Secretary. THE FERN is a well developed Mine WITH ENOUGH ORE NOW IN SIGHT TO SUPPLY A 10- STAMP MILL FOR TWO YEARS. The value of this ore has been ascertained by milling and smelting quantities in a practical manner, and it runs from 310.00 to 8300 per ton. FIVE TONS, taken from au open cut ou the surface, and Milled at the Poorman Mill near NELSON, GA.pp111 A RETURN OF $61.00 PER TON IN FREE GOLD, AND SHOWED A VALUE Or $50.00 PER TON IN CONCENTRATES, MAKING A TOTAL VALUE OF $111.00 PER TON. The tunnel at plain level, which is in 400 FEET, on ledge, cut this same rich ore at a depth of about FEET below the serface, and now SHOWS CONTINUOUS RICH ORE FOR ONE HUNDRED FEET, whi o}lit rums from 882.00 TO OVER 8800.00 per ton. THE MINE IS PROVEN TO A DEPTH OF OVER 225 FEET. THE PROFIT ON ORE NOW IN SIGHT SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT TO PAY TWICE THE O A•PI- TAL OF THE COMPANY. Among the reports on this property, embodied in the Prospectus, is one from the well-known Mining Engineer,, JOHN E. HARDMAN, S. B., who speaks most highly of the company's prospects. 300,000 shares of the stock have been subscribed for by an underwriting syndicate, which guarantees all the cola required by the Company, and arrangements are now being made to equip the Mine with a 10 -Stamp Mill, which it is hoped will be in running order in August. ONLY 100,000 SHARES WILL BE OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC at par, and a large number of these have already been applied for. The Prospectus contains full information, and will be furnished on application to the Brokers. BROI'CII RS ; F. C. INNES, Vancouver, B. C. GEO. W. HAMILTON & SON, 24 San Sacramento St., Montreal, P. Q. AN INSURANCE MAN'S STORY.. J. J. Hanratty. Inspector for the Standard Life .tssuranee Co. of Peterborough. Cured of Muscular Rheumatism by the Qreat South American ltheurnatio Cure —It Turns the Midnight ar Suffering Into Midday Brlebtuesa of Good health.• These Are ..is Words. I was a groat sufferer from muscular rheuivatism in my arm; so mums so that for days at a time I could not sleep. I walked the floor in rain the ,greator Dart of the night. I procured a battle of South American Itheuniatio Cure and found great relief after a few doses, It's a sure cure, and I heartily recommend it. His Terrible Crime. "Why did Colonel Wetmore leave Ken- tucky, I wonder. He often talks about the splendid estate be had down there. I should think that he. would rather live on it than be cooped up hero, like the rest of us common mortals." "The trouble was that the people down there ostracized Min, and I under- stand that be was even secretly warned to leave the country or run the risk of being lynched." "You don't say so! Why, what had ho done—killed soznebodyl" "No; he wrote a testimonial for a cer- tain mineral water, advising people to driuk nothing ole." For Nine Years—Mr. Saimuoi Bryan, Thedford, writes: "Fur nine years I suffered with Wei:nted soros on icy leg; I expended over 8100 to physicians, and tried every preparation 1 heard of or saw recomineuded for such disease, but could germ relief. 1 at last was fecounnended to give Dr. Thom,,,' E electric Oil a trial, which has resulted, after using eight bot- tles (using it internally uiid eateruatlly), in a complete cure. I believe it is the best medicine in the world, and .1 write this to let others kuoly what is has doue for me." linen, What He Slcant. 4{ ie to s the inn for 51.3or Gv' I want t y o $10,ten damages for libel," said the alderman. "What did he dot" asked the lawyer. "When he appointed rue an the com- mittee to look into the municipal bond Steal he asked me if I remembered the old adage." "What adage:" . "Ho didn't say; but I know he meant 'Set a thief to catch a thief.' " They Never Fail. --Mrs, S. M. Boughs nen Langton, writes : "For about two years I was troubled with Inward Piles, but by using Parmelee's Pills, I was com- pletely cured, and although four years have elapsed since then. they have not re- turned." arc . i . P melc,• y Pills are • anti - bilious and a specula for the cure of Liver and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Cos- tiveness, headache, Piles, etc., and will regulate to Iie secretions and remove ove all bilious matter. A Cheerio. Diel) :sition. The blooms of the sumnaertide and the fruits of autumn are nature's inevitable response to the quickening influences of the genial and nersisteut sunshine. So a cheerful sunniness of disposition in any spirit tends to evoke the Letter qualities of character from the perhaps unpromis- ing soil of a iriencl'Ia hard nature. The proprietors of Ptarmelee's Pills are consta11 sly receiving letters similar to the followiug,whicli explains itself. Mr. John A. Beam, Waterloo, Ont., writes: "I never used any medicine that can equal Parmelees Pills for Dyspepsia or Liver and Kidney Complaints. The relief ex- perienced after using them was wonder- ful." As a safe family medicine Parme- lee'sVegetable Pills can be given in all cases requiring a Cathartic. Goliath's Iiefght. Goliath, the famous Philistine cham- pion, was one of the tallest Wren of whom any measurements are recorded. His height was six •cubits and a span, or about 10% feet. Why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat and lungs and run the risk of filling a consnm tire,s grave,when, by the timely use of Trickle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup the pain can be allayed and the danger avoided. -This syrup is pleasant to the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving, healing and curing all affections of the throat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron chitis, etc., etc. The average man is very conscientious regarding -the behavior of his neighbors. A GOOD INVESTMENT. We call attention to the advertisement of the Fern Gold Mining and Milling Co., of British Columbia. The property owned by the company has been extensively de- veloped and is now a mine. Large and may a steady dividends y be looked for as soon as the stamp mill is running. In- tending investors should remake early ap- plication as only a limited number op shares are for sale at 25c. a share. CONVINCED THE SCEPTIC. The Merits of the Great South American, Nervine With;tuod All the Assaults of the Credulous and Sceptical --When They Aro Concerted to Its Use in Their Personal Ailments They Become Its Best I+rtend- For It Never Falls Theist. Dir. Dinwoodie, of Campbeliford, Ont., says: "I recommend South American Nervine to everybody. 1 consider it would be truant to the best interests of human- ity were I not to do so. In one instance I convinced an avowed sceptic to all reme- dies of its curative powers; he procured bottle, and it has been of such benefit !to him ;bat he continues to purchase :and use it, and has proved its great worth as a stomach and nerve tonic. It has done wonders for me and I keep it constantly in my !louse. An occasional ;dose acts as a preventive and keeps me well and strong. It is wonderful meal - ohm." Not the Desi red Answer. "Do I look like a man who would try to cheat your confounded oorporation out of five centsf" asked the snail who was ;angry because he was asked if he had 'paid his fare; and he looked like a boiled .lobster when tho conductor surveyed him ;calmly and replied:— "Well, eplied;"Well, yes, 1 must say I think you do," LIKE SUFFERERS ONLY KNOW. IL. Soriver, Carnenter. of Ilasting's, was a Great Sufferer From Kidney Disease South American Kidney Cure Effect- ed at Quick Cure—It is a Specific Itemed y for a Specific Disease— It Di ,olve, and Eradi- cates Al'1 Solitl. Scatter From the System.— I. Safe and Per - =anent. For many years I have boon troubled ,with kidney diaeass, necessitating the inking of mucic in the way of remedies. Two years ago they became so bad that I had to seek the aid of a physician. My .urine was more like blood than anything else, and was very painful. Just at that ;time I began using South American ,ne9 Cure. It gave me immediate relief, and from that time till now I have bad ;no difficulty, I can safely and honestly !recommend this great remedy to all per- sons suffering from kidney trouble. Must Dave .Been "Punch." Editor (to office bay) --I left some jokes on the desk here last night; have you seen them? Oface Boy—No, sir; me and the door- keeper spent half an hour studyin' 'em last night, an' neither of us could see a one ofem,sir. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS they cannot ,as y nn t reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a .blood or eonstitut!oi a1 disease, and in order to 'mire it yon must take internal remedies. Hall's :Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and ants directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh cure is not a quackmedicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in 'this country for years, and is a regular pre- 'soription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the hest blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The ;perfect combination of the two ingredients is 'what produces such wonderful results in curing ,reatarrh. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & 00., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price 75o. The Bloodiest Conqueror. Tamerlane enjoys the unenviable dis- ;tinction of being the bloodiest conqueror [in history. It is, computed that during ;his wars nearly 4,000,000 human beings were destroyed. "THE VICTOR ELECTRIC MOTOR. **** 1.2 Horse Power - • - $ 50 '1 Horse Power • • • - 65 2 Horse Power - - - • • 75 $ Horse : Power • - - • 110 5 Horse Power 140 Write for Cash Discounts. ,Special prices on larger sizes. Every Electric Motor is guaranteed. **** TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Ltd. 44 Bay Street, Toronto, In the Business himself, Brother Johnstone—Yes, sah, we're a'goin' to fight de Debi) wif fire. Brother Jackson --But you'se all has got to remember de ole men's got a powerful lot of ammunition hisself. 11 Doctors Recommend ALADA" CEYLON TEA. 'Loud Paaol;qts Only. 25o, 40e. 50o sr 00e. 'PUSHING AGENTS Ti: CONTROL THS sale of that wend:='ful 1.1,04 purifier-- :Radam's Microbe Killer. Guaranteed to cure, NMI Mee, ;as Dundas street, London. Wrinkles ,Z.Z Can be Removd and the Skin remade Soft Jt and Youthful in ap- pearance by using Peach Blo©m . Skin Food. To Purify the Blood. Tone up the System and give new Life and Vigor nothing equals Perfect Health -pills. 50 ets. each at hru„ .res or sent prepaid on receipt' f price, CRowx MInICncII Co, TORONTO. 2♦O•♦Pr♦♦♦••o4,0*** ***•♦•is♦•• s We Always have on hand 2 • s a Large stock of ••� • 2D HA . • MATE IAL • • 2 •in Type, Presses, • • Paper Cutters, 2 Stands, Cases, Imposing Stones,• 2 and infect almost anything used in 2 2• the printing office. taken in ea- 2 ♦ change for new material. You can 2 always find a BARGAIN. 2 I 2 Write to i 2 Toronto Type hunch 2 44 Bay Street, • 2 'TORONTO, ON'T. I. 2♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦®*****♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦2 • 2 ♦ 2 2 2 ♦ Splendid Equipment and' Good Solid Work -Have placed the— ThoroughlyhlY O The North' ern Bo sia ess C oll eC et, en SoundOnt.,b e,n' noCsad•teachers. Course ldee $hTaugh} hand;Typewsh!sQFcnmanship and Letter- eritine..!!'�ust the subjects•te• suited by Shorthand wricers in oI8ce work. '. coheee Announcement free. C. A. FLEMING, Priaapsl• OF TORONTO, At the top. It has more teachers, more dept, a iL'aul.ts ma% i. nsQie o g try tee/0i j1�,YV' y 'au1 'all 'I'tl,R. 1A,f7 }� 00 AOs1t10 S Ill R �t >a . n n nth' III, 1t eut a ii: usfn s assn School. hoe 1 . l�e n 6 lar t anyti . p 4• lip r1tC'GV. lip ��. di,� 1no1 a . 0 Xbn g and Gerrard S't'reets, Toronto, T. N. U. 118 �W�