The Exeter Advocate, 1897-5-20, Page 5• THE eXtter broi at , Is ,published every Thursday Morning, eat the Office,. MAIN -STREET, EXETER. —By the ----- ADVOCATE D O TE PUB ING COMP Y A V CA LISH AN , TERMS 01? SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per �-axttium i#' paid in Advance ' �)A,5O if not so paid. 8d'ss•e xtimira.g Ratan on. Aypyaliess,- tiers No paper discontinued until all arroarages odare paid. Advobtis menis without s eox t iretions will e published till forbid. and charged, accordingly. Liberal discountmade for trauscient acivertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Obogees, monoyortl- ers, &e. for advertising, subseriptionseate,to be pacts payable to Chas. 11.Saud.es s, E'DI TOR ;AND PROP, Jnr.a..,urilr..w..u..,,..vco,.m,,..... • A°i•OreiSHI.» Lj Cal II S. .1l. E.INSMAN, L. D. S. & DR; A,. R. Iili`rgyfAN, r, D. S. D.1). S•, Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain., or any bad tifreets. Office ie. Panson's Blook, west side Main Street, Exeter. ••PiR-D. AL'l.'ON ANDEItSON,(D.D.S.,L D S.,) -l..1 honors Graduate of the Toronto 1 iii rsity and Royal College of Dental, Surgeons' of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of D•utistry up to date. Otriee over Elliot ,4 iiilliot's law oiiioe—opposite Central, Hotel ECxeter, Drs' a ti. Rtazl.I r,. T . At 105. A ., ' , i �i as 'o nPriv i e i. nese sumo i rr OFPTOES, Spaelcmatrt,.. la-111dtng, Main S , Dr, Rollins' otilce; same as formerly—north door, Dr, Amos' oifroo, eamo,building-sotltla door, May let. tsos J. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A, Amos, M. D Teu,T. P. McI 1UGI[LT.v, MEMBER OF the College ofPhysiciansand Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aeoowch- our. Offaoo, EIteltwood, Ont, Legal. 13 II. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- .1.L°OR, Convey anger, Notary Public. Omoo—Ovor O'Neil's Bank, Exeter,Ontario, Money. to Loan. j FT,Droxee enaitnieT i1t,SOLTCITCR, _ e of Supremo Court Notary Pubiio, Oon- veyaneer, (olumissioner, So. Money to loan offxco Fanson'aBloek,Exetor CILrTOT, ELLIO>T&MAC iiFN/TE. BAIT -L- ENTERS, ETC., Conveyancers, rs, and Money to Loan at S and 3a_ per Cont. 13. Sr. ELLxa'r, Fnlin. ELLIOT, 111,MAC/CET$CE. Auction eors qy,^y' BILOWNIWInchelsea.Licensed Aurt- ,A• minter for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also- for the township of t'aluarn Salus prom ptly attended toand terms rea- sonbale.Salos arranged at Post office. Win- oholsoa. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Tnsurance Agent, Main St. Exeter WANTED. Mon and \Vomr,n who can work hard taUc- ingaLnel writing six hours dailv,ler six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly, Address, NEW rDEAS co , Brantford, Ont.. TOR INS' CHEAP AND NOBBY. . "The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,"" heed - me -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, ?tS NO STYLE, x; NO GOOD. Syr .A. tailor-made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right, AND WEAR Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. - Bert. Knight. Rolled Corned Beef. 3 tickled Tongue, Sausage, t: "Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. i=� ,cef sold by the Q hurter, Pure Lard, Highest Cash Price paid for Elides and Sheep Skins One Door South Ua DAY Prop OENTRA _HOTEE L, �1 �J TAT A T P1 f Tnclustrious perscns vV .LLL' °'/ a of Dither sox with ggooct i>haraotor and common school oduca- tion,can nt,taiMemploymentfor two months in this community. S. M. PRY, Toronto, Ont. At Shakespeare, on- Thursday, Nor. Iran, the ay -year-old son of ,$]ex. Mac- Donald, while playing about a bonfire in the garden, got his clothes ignited. His screams brouht.his parents to the rescue, who sinothared the flames, bat not before he was badly burned. ]Ie will likely recover Miss Louie House, who lives in Straf- vi had a MI.rrow escape from fold ills, a p death on Monday while on tier way to • • Aylmer. She was driving a spirited horse owned by Joseph -Harper, -wbeu the anitnal.took fright and ran away. '* The horse was making for a steep hill, and the 'result would have been discs-- trotls, but Miss House .citing to the hues and brought the horse to a stand - Still. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) ` Wheat per bushel $1072 to 73 Barley , 20 to 20 20 1021 85 to 40 10 to 11 Oats Peas Butter Pot etoes perbap Onions 90 Clover ,.. Bed L Seed per bushel 1. I I to x.50 Ray per ton z S 17,0to 8:00 Dried Apples per lb Turkeys -7 Ducks t 4 s; Geese . Chicken Excitement, overwork and worry are ruining the hearth . of . thousands of women. Pure Blood isrequired to feed .the nerves, a good appetite and digestive strength are demanded to keep the body strong and vigorous, and to restore the exhausted energies there Must be sou.ud and refreshing 0 By its power to respond to all these needs hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself the greatest friend of ; women. Thousands write that they isiwe been given health and strength by its use. It is the great blood purifier, aud con - se • e con- sequently the t! u , nerve tonic. "T feel that I should be wanting in common gratitude should I fail to tell the benefit my wife has derived from hood's Sarsaparilla. She becalm seriously ill from; running ulcers, caused by poorness of 0 a and was strongly advised by a friend to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. She said it had cured her and would no doubt cure my wife. So we tried it, and to say that its effect is wonderful, is only using a mild expression. It appears to be build- ing up a new cozistitution for her; and, as we are a family of eleven, there are eleven of us rejoicing at the result. "If the foregoing induces only one per- son, suffering in the same manner, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, -I shall feel more than rewarded." Er.WJAH PACKER, 585 Mon- roe Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 81. Prepared onlybyC. I. hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, cure all Liver Ills and l Clod's Pills Sick Headache. 25 cents. FORT E TY$$E B YEARS. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN GAr-AD ,. 11,4000) d4+ Break Up a Gold in Time BY USING PYY� PECTORAL The Quick Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, BRON- CHITIS, HOARSENESS, etc. MRS. JOSEPH NORWxCS, of 68 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: Pyynry-Pectoral lies never failed to euro my children of croup after a few doses. It cured myself elm long-standing cough after several other remedial had failed. It has also proved en excellent cough cure for my family. I prefer it to any other. medicine for coughs, croup or hoarseness.' 11. 0. BARROUR, of Little Rocher, N,B., writes : "Asn cure for coughs Pyny.Pectoral is the best selling medicine I have; my cue. tomerswill have no other." Largo Bottle, 25 Ots. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors. MONTREAL ro Two negro girls suspected of prison ing a family were lynched near Hunts- ville, Ala., Wednesclay. - A very influential deputation, repre- seutiug the liquor interest of .the Do minion, waited upon llr.• Laurier Thursday and offered their views on the proposed plebiscite 11r. Laurier said he agreed with the statements made that the Dominion voters' lists should be used and that as a result of wiping out the revenue derived from the side of liquor direct taxation must be resort- eto. WOOD' :I:"7f-1CO OS P1E3i49331 N1D. The Great English Remedy.. Sia: Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Entissions,Spertn- atorrhea, Impotency and ail effects of Abuse or,mcesses, Mental Worry, oxceastuawsa Before ancl.Elfter. of Tat awoco, Cl�itetnor sump. 7atats, tu7iiclt soon lead to ,3m. frntity, Insanity, Consumption and an early gra.''. Has boon prescribed over 86 years in thousands of oases; is the only reliable and I7onest Medicine ' for I diar--• if known,. kdru 1st Wood's Rhos ao stow As gg v he offers same worthless medicine in palace- of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail ; Price, one package, SI; 0t 58.. Ono wed please,, sia, will curo Pamphlets free to any address The Wood Oo1sgpnrrv, Windsor. Ont., Canada. R a a,a?et in Exeter and evon yw lte•,^ , 1:.11 Canada by all rtusponsible don a ,.;,;11535. ' anttsAi .0 .0 o toiho can think. .o putout? Protect vaur ideas; they, may Uring you wealth, Write ,rot111 WEDDIR0217RN 5' CO. Patent Attor- neys Washington, D. C., for their ,Mf,s00prize offer and list of two hundred inventions wen ed. M'LEOD'S MURDER. Tlie Grand Jury Ile turns True 7:21l1s Against 301222 Hughes and k'ra'n k Hayes, Napanee, May 15.--,A startling devel- opment in the Troy murder case took place when the grand jtuy brought in true bills against John Hughes and Frank Hayes, . alias Penn, for lnurder and burglary, His Lcirdsbip directed that a bench warrant be issued tor the arrest of Penn. In his opening remarks to the grand jury his Lordship said it did not matter whether Hughes slid the shooting or not. No - matter which P one did the shooting' that killed McLeod, if theyoY wore -present in the house ' illegally all were responsible in law for what .the others did. John Hughes was then.ar- ratigned, and pleaded not guilty to both indictments. Mr. U. M. Wilson volun- teu'ed to defend the prisoner. Time for 0 conference with Hughes was granted Mr. Wilson. Hughes is of a lower type -than the convict Troy. He is a coarse - featured, heavy -set elan, about 23 years of ago. Troy was evidently the brains of the trio. Hughes' counsel will ask to have the trial laid over until the next assizes, as it' is the intention of the de- fence to prove an alibi. Ie is doubtfed if his Lordship will consent, as an his e ,la r e to the jury he said ho had deferred passing ivntenco on Troy until Hughes had 'Leen arritiemed, ;arid possibly tried, not, his Lordship added, that it would. t f c t Troy's so'nt-nee, but 1t Mightaffect the dent when the sentence would go into c:aeet, FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED. ,1 eta ''s Body round in the River—It Shows :Wart*: or Violence. 1 P lap nit, Ont„ May 1.4. --On Mon - 11 c ltt era 108t„ a settles Mall 11(1111011 ia,:.lz), with two enlnpaniunrl, Irons Cala- .n,ti Flat;, attempted to cross the Na- tion river, about four miles above this; rift;i, all, it is said, hcing under the ai.ale 'r:t,., 5f liquor. cunt,iderrtble quarrel - 1 1':.:. l Ines at, the: river hank, and 131,.1: •y l; -;s 102't 1 c hint.l. Ono of his conr- panittes seys 0 fight ttcok place, but the (ether denies this. L'laney was soon by a nem living near to rise up and stagger 1to1' being left behind, but finally - lay clown and c, ,•luded to 'fall aalcrp. The next morning Ito' had disappeared, leaving his hat on the bank, which was afterwards rwards carried away by a passing tramp. ionto supposed he had rolled into the river, the banks. being very steep,and Was S`l ha ' d others thought he had wandered. awe:: ad was staying whit reline tf his iiequalntanetis. 7.1I d'a ti.,s wtn.e tlispeIled tide morning, when the i ;i moue near the place he was L. -t 'n, the fats' b az'ing marks of ioa tli treatment. 11,1 l play is .supposed, a7..] 110 inquest is to be held to -morrow morning. Stratford News. Stratford, Ont•, May 15.—After serv- ing 015100 one. month in 1;11 .7ohu c Yemen dewier, dentia, of this city, has been re- leased on eaire000 bail, himself (1,01)0, and four suuretit's aggregating 2(3,01)0. The chau'ge against hint is ono of mur- der. 'Lille is tho first ease in Canada where a prisoner having the charge of murder hanging over hint was ever ad- anitted to bail, and it will undoubtedly serve as at precedent hereafter. The City Council having become pos scssed of the idea that they should own the water works, the Fire, Water and Light Connnitteo were on April 28th in- structed to negotiate with the company. .1t a meeting of the shareholders of the Water Supply Company yesterday the I'onrd of Direetora were given power to negotiate with the '[ire, Water and Light demi-nit-tee. Tho shareholders of the water works, it is understood, want $100,000 for their plant. Mr. F'8tnces ; ibert, ono of the oldest pioneer:, of elm County 0f Perth, died at ``ehringviile recently, aged 1)4 years. He was barn in Ba'aria in 1803. Deceased was a Liberal -Conservative, and a mem- ber of the Lutheran Church. Ho was posseeeed of considerable wealth. Au Honored Career. St. Catharines, Ont., May 1.4. -One of nature's noblemen passed away this morning, in the person of Mr. O. J. Phelps, who died at the residence of his van -in-law, Dr. Youmans, in this city, after a prolonged ]llnses. Deceased was 78 years of age, and for many years. re- presented the County of Siiocoe in the Legislative Assembly. With his career rho whole history of Ontario is associ- ated. In the f]rst construction of the olct Welland canal, the- Municipal Govern- ment of St. Catharines, the foundation and upbuilding of Merritton,the develop- ment of the great County of Si>.ncoe, the ilvancenlent of all that was honest and good in the Local Legislature of the pro- vince, 77'ith all of which public interests ho was so long identified, his 11011103 will never bo forgotten. He leaves a widow, two sons, and five daughters. Shooting Affair at nosseau. Boman, May 14.—At (1.05 this even- ing the servant girl zit Maplchurst was preparing tea, when -a report of a revolver was heard by the servant. She ran into the sitting -room and said, "Is that yogi, Mr. Drown." He answered, "Yes, Dolly, it is me." IIe was lying on the floor with a revolver beside him, having shot himself either accidentally or intention. ally in the right temple. Tho ball had taken a slightly downward course, blow- ing the left eye 'out and lodging in the cheek. Dr. Waddy was immediately sent for: The unfortunate than is lying in a semi-conscious state, groaning terribly. His wife is dazed by the shock. Dr. Walton is on his way from Parry Sound to hold a consultation with Dr. Waddy. There is little hope of his recovery. • 0113• the Jazl NOW. Walkerton, May 14.—Jahn Chambers, aged about ('i0, formerly Principal of the Walkerton Public 'Salami, and captain of a volunteer company, was last . -night Committed to jail as a vagrant. Mem- bers has a first-class certificate, and MS a very successful teacher. Ho gave up teaching several years ago and became town clerk, conveyancer and insurance agent, but gradually his business fell away, and in the end he became entirely destitute. He asked to bo committed and said there was nothing for hila but the jail or the river. An Indian on Trial for Harder. Vancouver, BO., May 14.—At the Westminster: Assizes, '3'enas George, a Linden (Washington) Indian is, now on trial for the intueler of `Jack," a British Coiuniblit Indian, living near Chiliiw.tok. It is alleged that George wanted Jack's wife, and shot hies to. get him out of the way, His Cheque Good. For Hundreds of Thous- ands of Dollars. He Finds Paine's Celery Cora - pound a New Life. In one of our large Canadian cities there resides Ocie of Canada's merchant princes who can at auy moment write his cheque for hundreds of thousands of dollars. • Some time ago this merchant prince was a very sick man. Liver troubles, headache and fusomuia were fast pull in.' down a strong physical frame. Doctors bestowed great care and atten- 3100 0n their wealthy patient, but no cure came to cheer him; in fact no per- ceptible Veneer was felt after naonths of treatment. A voyage to tlta south of Europe was thou undertaken, and weeks were spent at 00e of the most famous wa.er- iug places, but 110 change fur the bet- ter was ex perienced. Returning home, the meretiant prince: received a visit from his faithful pastor, who strongly urged the use of Pulse's Celery Com- pound, a medicine that lnad seine years before curdle. member of bis feud' fa 'l good The n •'�; d ad11.t. of the II1Ih1Ste:lial friend was prt.mptly taken; the great healing weal:ound was used, with the rank that iu live weeks the sick man reed his f;l'uily were overjoyed with proofs of rceavely and new health. Restful eisa'p was restored, digestion w 08 improved, and a brighter look o<'me into (he eye, and faca. After ,our months' careful nee of Paine's Celery Cotnpouud and proper dieting, every deadly ;Led treacherous symtom of disease lied varnished, and the mer- chant prince was a new mall.. What a tnurdtroue and happy proof of the life-saving virtues of Paines's Celery Compound ! Surely the state Milt is powerful enough to lift all agar and laelpleees eufferere from the dark pit of despair. This story of a true cure was related - by au intimate friend of the cured man, 17110 gayc permission to refer to it pubiely without glviug the name of the once dying merchant. The Geo. E. Tuckett and Son Com- pany's tobacco factory, Remittal! Ont., was closed down Thursday evening, and will remain closed until it is known what the Government proposes to do about the tobacco tariff. Five hundred employes are thus thrown out of work, for a time at least. A young lady named Clifford was found in an unconscious condition in her room in the Brunswick Hotel, Ber- lin, on Wednesday morning, She had retired without turning off the gas, and narrowly escaped with her life. She had come frim at. Marys to work. You and we may differ as to money standards and out of our very differences good may come. But we won't differ as to the n-ierits of one standard emulsion of cod-liver oil. SCOTT'S EMULSION has won and held its way fo- nearly 25 years in the world of medicine until to -day it is al- most as much the standard in all cases of Lung trouble, and every condition of wasting whether in child or adult as quinine is in malarial fevers. Differ on the money ques- tion if you will, but when it comes to a question of health, perhaps of life and death, get the standard. Your druggist setts Scott's Emulsion. Two sizes, 50 cts. and $1.00 SCOTT S, BOWER, Toronto, Ont. VERY FA d'r; RN SHOULD KNOW THAT is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN- TERNAL and EFTEIaNAI, use, and won- derful Mita quick action to relieve distress. PAIN -KIT L ER. is is ecus cum for Sore '1lAticat. Coughs, ,1 Is tr illeSOilrit Dysentery, . S,Qraeizs ,Btoieri,'nud all Dewe! Gompldints. 9 Alt ' 'DSA via CtlRHE l'"787 Sea. Aback o Sidi , IlD k Headache, and 1"e3euralgia. PAIN KILLER is i*y4tissTinh \nra' alto 11B'f. 'i'1 21311 3118171 91.11Dt.. It brings SPERM AND r1:ll0.t: r N1 REMIT in all eases of 1lbruises, Cuts, gpl'aias, Severe Burns, ctc. PA .L3.±hLlaII R g ievltll tried fand fnecaswamor,P3rtd,fra]osroaln a rauealie leio always at hdnd, (0U(0APF T„ 1100 irttornislly e0x' oaater s;tfli' wtth port. tnty of rebnr. . Bosom, or imitations. take none1116 t1to4108 50 - 0 Psxuiv 01110. ' Held everywhere ; the, blg bottle. hirTrllb leAlltell se TIMES 50 Cents Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible: Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of l,oauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best wehave ever shown. Side- boards d ofmn many designs. ,Dining tables in great variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high Priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R, N. - ROWE>4 -31 -4 -3,04 -3i -0 -03s -q-34-43:‘ 43* Cramps,\ Colic, Colds, IJ2'4RRR€r,A .DranN211:04Y, Lwiden EOWEJ . CO3trIELd.XNTa". LA Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles is . Croup, Coate hs,. Tooth- ache, (Pnitaty' D. vx6'.) - t'se4 Internally Asad Externally Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. bottles. 4 Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will - be pleased; to see all ourold customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. TendeE1oin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual iv sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. W's intend. conducting a cash business, this lout'est term of credit being one w'cek, (a discount of 5°/° will be given for cash. 00 SHELL, — Prop. se 18 18 e a • co 1818 18( s e e 10 ® (8 g9ee 69 0 © Cp 00 66 " MENTHOL u PLLTE Tb vopreseril'4)lontholPlaster inItnamber of eases of m Uralgic and rhotunatio pains, and am very :heel; placed with the .err cts and pleasantness or its nl idieatt ,n,—W, n calms 1ER, nee llot l Oslord, Poston. Shave used Menthol Plasters in several caeca of muscular rheumatism, and and in every case' thntltpave ahnest instant and permanent relief, —3,11. Aleon5 11 D.. Washington, D.C, It Cures Sciatica, Lumbago, Neu- ralgia, Pains in Back or Side, or ally Muscular Pains. Pi ice I Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, - 2.1c. I Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL. R 18 0 To Cure M i TEL`. m 119 is • • • •e ®Go A TE Brist.i'g StinSL P, L'>li1LLL IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. I E LIMAKE YOU VinULX4 Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it TIFTwo 111. , t • rrt r 111 „ rrl 11 111 tt1TT-tTTl „ T , , , 11 rrTTrrr (Mt 3 ,i t Ll •� 2 7 :sm ro w «5 _•Iwj] :Is invaluable, if youare�run - d as it is a food as well as down, a medicine. The D. el i°r_° EEi' aiuukin ' Will be:Id you up if your general health is = intl,aired. - Thoinn a L. ncr?a.r1e6on is the be t and rm.mt palatable preparation of Cod Liar Oil agreciag with the mostdoli. cam stomach '$utD D. W n Ernvi1is iofra is prescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. The D. at isi �° � L. �&"tfdtiC,.,a9f�IiN Is a marvellous bosh producer and Will give you an aliputit . 1. 10 ea A1:.tiJALt1Lt 11 '41411.44,, ) ;4,,,,,11.4M1 •� >lua 1 THE PALACE WARP DVEB f R Q LOPING ilEAP zz C L 0 T I1 K A man must consider his purchase well these tithes; he must buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures: Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds 82.00 Suits l'i9,80 ()vi rcoat; $8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec • - 812,00 ()nr 820. blacks beat all othersat 823. Colne and. ' See fur yourself. JAMES 11, G1tiIEYEe YOU1 RIGHTtib. If you go .and pyla more for furniture than yen could buy it from us, that is scalr fault, but don't do it again, We lead in all lines and can save you quite an item by dealing with us. New Premises. We are getting nicely settled in our new premises now and our stock is large and varited. Undertaking a Specialty. S. GID LEY & SON, • OPERA HOUSE Block 'cycles ! Bloycies ! Biules fl' Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking .Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheal. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice :let • of Pianos and organs, call and in. speet them before buying elsewhere, A full stock Of sewing machines, baby Rear- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin CEN T AL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, _ _ r�lt let, a1- ways on hand, also Aceto- benefacto and d i LiI1mEit, the medicine so s'tiecessf a11y userd b� Mr. Chap, Munroe ;Y � unroc Parkhill, in this End other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. For sale here, . 4 `,�`"?�"'` Druggist Lu , Leis 4i $