The Exeter Advocate, 1897-5-13, Page 6Subscribers who do not receive their paper reg-
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TBDRSDAY, 1\1AY 18, 1897.
The Week's Commercial Summary.
The stooks of wheat at Toronto are
139,978 bushels as against 80,033 bushels
• year ago.
The earnings of the Grand Trunk Rail-
way for the week ended April 21 were
$848,265, an increase of $6,779.
Stocks of wheat at Fort WViliiamand
Port Arthur are 3,832,666 bushels as
compared with 3,436,224 bushels a year
There has been some improvement in
cotton securities since the changes in the
tariff have been announced. Dominion
cotton has, however, re -anted some from
the best prices.
.Advices from Russia seem to make
it certain that her crop will be be-
low an averse, while in the United
States the o tlook is bad and stead-
ily growing worse. In :addition to the
light stooks of winter heat in first bands
and steadily dirninishing stooks of all
hinds in store, the outlook for the grow-
ing crop is far from encouraging, and a
curtailment in the spring wheat seeding
seems highly probable.
The visible supply of wheat in the
-United States and Canada decreased
778,000 bushels last week,and the totalis
now 36,201,000 as compared with 57,-
046,000 bushels a year ago. The amount
afloat to Europe increased 800,000 bushels
and the total is 17,520,000 bushels as
against 27,680,000 bushels a year ago.
The visible and amount .afloat combined
aggregate 23, 21,000 bushels, which is
nearly 30,000,000 bushels less than a
year ago.
The note oircalation of Canadian
banks increased d 5 i htly during the
month of March, and the total is
131,082,500, which is about half a mil-
lion in excess of a year ago. Deposits on
demand increased over 62,300,000 last
month and the total is 567,456,000. Time
deposits practically unchanged at
$126,191,000. The discounts of Canadian
banks are heavy, the total at the end of
March being $213,232,000, an increase of
$4,500,000 for the month. Over due debts
are $3,869,000. Cash assets show an in-
crease. Species held now amounts to $8,-
847,000, and Dominion notes $15,956,000.
The amount due our banks by agents in
Great Britain is 87,065,000, and the
amount due from "United States is 315,-
484,000. Railway securities held amount
'to. over 812, 51i0,l dela.
The Strangest Books.
The first anthologywas a collection of
Greek poems, epigrams and other small
pieces by Archilochus, Sappho Somoni-
des, Meleager, Plato and ethers, between
880 and 95 B.C.
In 1471 a French baron offered a
pledge of 10 marks of silver that a copy
of Avicenna, which he desired to read,
would be returned, and even with this
security, equal in our money to over 360,
his request was refused.
It is asserted by typographical author-
ities that the first Bible printed in
wean ".:Cahn .T`1iot'n Indian
Bible," in 1663. The language into
which this Bible translated is extinct,
and it is said only one or two persons
are able to read it.
The "Book of Common Prayer" was
,prepared by the command of Henry
VIII., in 1546. It underwent several
revisions, but the second, made in the
reign of Edward VI., very nearly ap-
proaches the prayer book as used to -day
3n the Church of England. The prayer
for the royal family was introduced by
James I.
Most of the chapters of Livy, as well
,as some of the entire compositions of
Cicero and other ancient authors, have
been recovered from the palimpsests,
the original writing having been partial -
3y effaced in order that the monkish
traneoribers might use the parchment
for their homilies.
The vast collection of the state papers
of Thurloe, Cromwell's state secretary,
which make about seventy volumes,
'were discovered by accident. They had
been hidden in the false ceiling of a
room in Lincoln's Inn. By accident, the
fastenings having rusted away, the ceil-
ing fell, and this precious collection came
to light.
The largest work on one subject is
the "Acta Sanotorum," or "Deeds of the
Saints," most commonly called "Lives
of the Saints." It was begun by the
Bollandists, a community of the. Society
of Jesus. The first volume was completed
In 1643, and siaty-one volurnes have
altogether been issued. Other volumes
are still in preparation.
"The Gold and Silver Gospels" is the
name of a very peculiar book now pre-
served in the Upsala Library, in Sweden.
It is printed with metal type, on violet
colored vellum, the lettere being silver
and the initials gold. When it was
printed, by whom or what were the
methods employed are questions which
have great interest for the curious, but
have never been answered.
There never was, and never will be, a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature
of many curatives being such that were
the germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the system of the
patient—what-would relieve one ill in
turn would aggravate the • other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, : when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for many find greviousills.
By its gradual and judicious use, the
fi,railest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which Qui-
nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping spirits of those
with whom a chronic state of morbid des -
'pendency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengthening the healthy
Animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life'
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance—result, *eyed, m
*o appetite. Northrop es Lyan of
ante, have given to the patiotheir
rid erior. Quinine Wine at the usuwl r
; auge1l by the opinion of sole
Alas wine app%oaoheg nearest pt:;riad
In the market. A11 druggls4' :til;
Tidings all Parts of the Globe, Con-
densed and ArranC'edfor Busy iteaders.
lir. James Seays, Registrar of Russell
County, is dead.
Hog cholera is still rampant in Kings-
ville, near Windsor.
Work on the Canadian power tunnel
at Niagara began Friday.
There was a large increase of immigra-
tion in Manitoba for April,
i11r. Charles Neihaus has been ap-
pointed pustniaster.ate Berlin.
lered Norton fell off the dock at Pene-
tanguisliene while fishing and , was
A freshet In the Restigouche, in the
vicinity of Carnpbelton, N.B., has done
naucli da -nage.
Patirie fires near Calgary destroyed
House .S Hull's abbatoir and stables and
Leech's granary.
' The recount in the Colchester County
bye -election gives Mr. McClure, Liberal,
a majority of (5.
'1 he strike of cotton operatives at
Coruwall has ended, the men accepting
the company's rates.
Mr. Nelson Ruby, a highly -esteemed
and respected. resident of Berlin, Ont.,
died there Friday, aged 63.
J. & C. Hodgson's iron pipe faotory at
St. Henri will re -open in a few weeks as
a result of the newt tariff.
Joseph Poloquin, caretaker of the Star
Brewery, Moncroal, was burned to death
in a small fire in the brewery.
The Belgian Consul has protested
against, any different rate df duty being
levied on British and Belgian goods.
The Quebec) Provincial campaign Pal ] 15
growing warm, and stories of bundling
and of corruption funds are multiplying.
Four survivors of a boat load. of 21
men from the brig Valliant arrived at
St. Pierre. They sustained life by eating
the flesh of a dog.
General Manager Hays of the Grand
Trunk was in Hamilton and denied the
statement that the shops there a to be
moved to London.
Seeding in Manitoba, except Red
River valley, is expected to be finished
in ten days. There is a large ane ease in
the acreage this year.
At the meeting of the trustees of
Queen's University Chancellor Fleming
announced his intention of giving four
scholarships to the University.
At the annual meeting, of theWood-
stock Rifle Association, held on 7 esday,
it was decided to enter a team of Mn for
the Can-diau Rifle League =Mlles.
Commissioner Seeger deliver his
finding on the charges preferred against
Postmaster Campbell, of Goderio , Ont.
He found that most of the charges were
The Government, taking intoe sider-
ation the complaints which have been
made respecting ammunition have
decided to try a new lot of ammunition,
manufactured by a Canadian firm.
During the month of April the value
oe tee vette, ravened from ;Toronto
amounts to 385,2.3. The shipments to
Great Britain were valued at 867,080,
and the balance was sent to Buffalo
Mrs. Elizabeth Falls, of London, aged
50, is suing her husband, aged 82, to en-
force a contract made before marriage
by which the husband is said to have
signed over to her 41,500 in notes incon-
sideration of marriage.
It is announced here that work on the
Baia des Chaleurs railway will begin at
once, and that the Quebec Government
hate guaranteed the interest on some
33,000,000 bonds which have been floated
in London to carry on the operations.
A. R. Berdue, station and express
agent at St. Jovite, Que., has been jailed
on charges of theft and forgery. He got
up a sensational story of the robbing of
the express office, and afterwards con-
fessed that he took the money -51,000.
The Supreme Court at Ottawa on
Saturday decided that a British subject,
resident in Canada who goes to another
country to secure a divorce, remarries,
and returns to Canada, is guilty of
bigamy, Chief ,Justice Strong dissenting.
Several disasters are reported .as a
result of the storm on the St. Lawrence.
The big steamer Rosedale went on the
rocks near Rock Island light and
knocked a hole in her hull. The M. T.
Company's barges also suffered heavily.
George Newton and Charles Noble are
the names of the two men charged with
highway rgbbery at Chatham, and of the
attempted murder of Provincial Detective
Mahoney. Newton is a negro, and is
wanted in Adrian, Mich., for themurder
of Lafayette Ladd.
Charles Schureer, Manager of the
defunct Carrick Banking Company of
Mildmay, has been committed for trial
for fraudulently entering in the bank's
books a sum of 5356.88 to the credit of
A. Kramer & Company, a firm in which
he was financially interested.
e The Supreme Court at Ottawa has
dismissed the appeal of the Gas Com-
pany against the assessment of their
mains, also the appeal of Mr. Elias
Rogers in the 35,700 damage suit for the
loss of his brother Benjamin by an acci-
dent at one of the public schools.
Arthur Stooge, who was arrested a
week ago for forging the names of Sir
Alexander Lacoste, Administrator in the
absence of the Lieutenant -Governor;
Hon. A. W. Atwater, and A. M. Beau -
din, to a liquor license was given five
years in the St. Vincent de Paul Peni-
On Sunday last more than 100 persons
left Detroit to setole on Government
lances at Lake St. John, in the Province
of Quebec, the Ottawa and Quebec Gov-
ernments having consented to assist
them in doing so. This is expected to be
only the prelude to a strong and healthy
movement from Michigan towards. 91.1e -
bee and the Canadian Northwest
Ilow to Cure :Headache.—Some people
suffer untold misery day after day With
Headache. There is rest neither day or
night until the nerves are all unstrung.
Theca.tse is generally a disordered stom-
ach, and a cure can be effected by using
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, containing
Mandrake tell Dandelion. Mr. Finlay
\\' itir, Lysander, P. Q., writes : '`I find
1? tiinelee', Pine first-elass article for
BIlione Head,.che.'!
The great demand for a pleasant, safe
and reliable antidote for all affections of
the throat and lungs is fully met with in
Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, It is
a purely Vegetable Compound, and acts
promptly and magically in subduing all
coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation'of
the lungs'
etc.' It is so palatable that a
child will not refuse it, and it is put at a
price that will not exclude the poor from
its benefits.
The following Provincial appoint-
ments have been made by the Adminis-
trator of the Government: Bernard
Louis Doyle, of Ggcierieh, Junior Judge
of the County Court of the County of
Huron, to be Local Master of the Su-
preme Court of Judicature for .Huron,
in consequence of the absence an leave
of Sutherland Maloolinson; Edward
h±itohell: Copeland, of Arkona, to be an
associate Coroner for the County of
.Lainbton; John Burnett Laing, of.To-
ronto, to, be Provincial . Municipal Audi-
tor, the appointment to take effect on
May 1st; John Frazer Taylor, of the
Village of West Lorne, to be a Notary
Public. for Ontario.
Twenty; three lines have signed the
agreement at Chicago which is to take
the, place of the Western Passenger Asso-
Frederick Crowberger, a fourteen -year-
old boy, of B'Iaspeth, L,I., died on Satur-
day front a blow with a ruler said to
have been inflicted by his teaohor, Miss
Johanna E. Semler.
The sewer -pipe manufacturers have
completed, in Cleveland, the formation
of a National Association. A company
has been incorporated under the laws of
Ohio, with a capital stock of 37,500,000.
Forty-four factories are embraced, and
the name of the organization is the
Central Union Sewer -pipe Company:
No family living in a bilious country
should he without Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills. A. few doses taken now and theu
will keep the Liver active, cleanse the
stomach and bowels from all bilious mat-
ter, and prevent Agile. lir. 3. L. Price,
Sas Co..Shoals, Martin Ltd., wrices: I have
tried a box of Farureleo s Pills and find
them the best medicine fur Fever and
Ague I have ever used."
The Queen Regent of Spain is said to
be suffering from nervous prostration.
The British Cape squadron will remain
at Deiagoa Bay until the middle of
The Queen, .on her arrival and depart-
ure in jubilee week, will be escorted by
colonial troops.
na will take
s killed by
al train.
London and
not observed front Athens state that the
war is generally regarded as ended, the
Greeks having no more fight in them.
Lord Salisbury bas replied to the re..
quest front Washington, refusing to re_
open the Behring Sea case, as requested,
The British cruiser Talbot, which took
part in the ceremonies of the dedication
of the Grant monument, left New 'York
At Shanghai, on Apri15, one thousand
striking coolies precipitated a riot and
started to burn the city and assault the
local militia.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in
his recent budget speech, stated that the
cost of the monarchy is less now than it
was sixty yearS ago.
Mr Joseph Chamberlain testified before
the Transvaal Commission, and stated
that the Colonial Office had no intima-
tion of the Jameson raid.
Twenty-six Anarchists, in addition to
those already sentenced, have been con-
demned to death at Barcelona for com-
plicity in the bomb outrage of June.
The French language is now finally
forbidden to be used in public speeches
in Alsace-Lorraine, and several meetings
have been dissolved on that account.
Ismail Pasha, Governor of the Island
of Crete, has protested against the decis-
ion of the Admirals allowing food to be
supplied to inhabitants in the interior.
James Brooks shot and probably fatal-
ly injured his sweetheart, Lulu Quail
and her mother at 'Fresno, Cal., then set
fire to their house and killed himself.
Twenty-six more of the Barcelona
anarchists who exploded a bomb in a
Corpus Christi procession, with fatal
results, have been condemned to, death.
Emperor William is reported to have a
detailed plan by which the interests of
Germany, France and Belgium in the
Transvaal are to be protected against.
British interests.
The favorite novelists of the Queen,
according to a writer in the Qgarterly
Review, are Jane Austin Charlotte
Bronte, Mrs. Oliphant, George Eliot,
and Edna Lyall.
Lieut. Eloff, the grandma of Presi-
dent Kruger, who recently made insult-
ing remarks regarding the Queen, has
been reinstated and appointed lieutenant
of the Pretoria police.
A member of a Victorian sealing
house, at present in London, says the ex-
tension of the close season for seal fish-
ing, al proposed by the United States,
would ruin the Canadian industry.
The Berlin correspondent of The Daily
Mail learns that the powers will not con-
sent to the levying of indemnity " upon
Greece, and that Austria and :Germany
are trying to induce the Porte to modify
its demands.
Prof. Thompson, the British Comma--
sinner, in his report on .the Behring Sea
seal fishery, says that at the preset rate
of slaughter there is no chance of the
herd. increasing, and without extreme
cure it will diminish.
A telegram received at Athens says
that a great battle has been fought at
Volestino between a Turkish force of
8,000 and Gen. Smolenski's brigade. The
despatch states that the Turks were
repulsed with enormous losses.
The Princess of Wales has written to
the Lord Mayor urging that in the schemes
to commemorate the diaanond jubilee of
Queen Victoria in June the tenants of
the London slums be not overlooked:
Her Royal Highness subscribes £100 to
Provide a treat for them,
The decree granting reforms in Cuba
has been signed at �Aladrid a
effect immediately.
Emil Sohlern, a saloon -keeper on
Wells street, Chicago, wa
burglars last night.
During the recent trip of Emperor
attempt was
William to Dresden an
made to wreck the Imperia
Ena•thqualtes in the Leeward islands
have killed a number of persons and
caused great destruction to
May day passed quietly in
on the Continent, and was
as much as formerly by the Socialists,
A Sportsman's Last Shot and How It Broke
I'oor Lady Muriel's Engaz.ement.. '
Apropos of the lingering affection for
an overabundance of hair, I heard a
rather funny little story the other day.
At a oertain aristocratic country house a
large house party has been assembled for
the past week.. Soine of the men have.
amused themselves with shooting, while
others have contented themselves with
trotting about with the various charm-
ing women who aro so important an in-
gredient of every •well-planned assem-
blage of the kind. One day .last week
about a half doken sportsmen went out
with guns to "kill something;" and.
blazed away with varying snocess for
several hours. Just as they were turning
to leave the covert, a fluttering motion in
one of the tall bushes bard by .attracted I
the attention of a Certain well-kown
"'Just one shot, boys, before I go," he.;
called out to his rapidly -disappearing
companions, and, raising his. gun, , took
aim and fired into the thicket.
The result was unexpected, for a loud
feminine shriek resounded through the
air, and a woman rushed frantically into
sight for an instant, clasping her hands
to her head. She had disappeared by the
time the terrified gentleman had got up
to the place where she was last seen, and
as he could find no traces of blood or
signs of distress he concluded that she
had been frightened and not hurt, and
continued his' way tq the house with a
relieved mind.
On the way he met °one of the game-
keepersand thinking he might know
something about the affair, questioned
him cautiously so as not to commit him-
self to any damaging statement.
"Dull day, eh, Jones?" he questioned,
nonchalantly. "Very few birds, and
nothing exciting happened."
"No, my lord," was the reply. "Dull
day—except—have you, heard about Lady
Muriel, any lord?"
His lordship said he bad not, and
prayed that Jones might enlighten him
on the subject.
"Well, m' lord, you 'see her ladyship
and Capt. Raanrod were strolling g about
near where the guns 'ad been shooting,
and thinking they 'ad all gone up to
the 'ouse for lunch they stopped, and,
beggin' your pardon, in' lord, but I
thinkthe captain is sweet on Lady Mur-
iel, and they do say as 'ow a was a s
ing of nue when there came a shot
through the bushes and shoots Lady
Muriel's beautiful chignon right off 'er
pretty 'ead. She shrieked and ran away,
with the captain after 'er, 'e only stop-
ping long enough to pick up 'er 'air,
and now her ladyship's maid does say as
'ow the engagement is broke off and that
she goes back ,to London to -night. Any-
how, that must 'ave been a fool of a
pian as fired that shot, begging your
pardon, m' lord. Thankee. ni'lord l"
.And now they say the aggravated chig-
non is at last dying out among smart
English -women. Possibly this last shot
killed itl
Some Queer Industries.
The St. Louis Republic has compiled
from the latest census the following odd
ways of making a living:—
iving:Occupations open to the thrifty in-
dividuals of both sexes have greatly in-
creased during the last two decades, or
'even since the taking of the last decen-
nial census, in 1S00. ,.
The extraordinary progress of science
during: thetime specified and the applies-
lt alien -tion .of its principle to the practical
problems of human life have not only
had the effect of greatly increasing the
capacity for production in the trades
already firmly established, but have
opened hundreds of queer side alleys
which lead direct to the avenues of
There are, of course, dozens of these
new and remarkable occupations with
which science does not deal even in the
remotest sense. In this class we find the
rad1, catcher, the slunk farmer, the loan
who snakes his living by picking up lost
things in depots, theaters; hotels, etc.,
and returning them to their owners with
the expectation of being rewarded; the
clock winder, the roan who collects
orange and lemon peels, and the Lake
Michigan syndicate, which is now en-
gaged in raising black cats for their fur.
They are not rais ng these cats on water,
as might be inferred front the title, but
have leased an island in the great lake,
which is now plentifully stocked with
both sexes of screeching felines.
There are still others in the non-scien-
tific category of queer occupations, but
it will only be necessary to mention a
few. One is a "rattlesnake farmer," who
lives in the Ozark Mountains, and
makes the products of his "farm" bring
money from three different directions.
The oil be disposes of to druggists, .who
have regular customers that believe it to
be a panacea for a hundred different
ills; the skins he sells to would-be cow-
boys, who use them as hat bands, and
the skeletons are always a ready sale,
the purchasers being the curators of the
natural history departments of the differ-
ent colleges and society museums. The
man who wakes people up in the morn-
ing, the old cork collectors, and the dog
catchers are well known characters in
every large city.
The individuals who gain a livelihood
in pursuits that are strictly scientific are
equally as numerous as those who follow
the more humble callings. In the list of
occupations that are strictly scientific is
the manufacture of artificial eggs, artifi-
cial coffee, and false diamonds. Also the
industry of making button, combs, pen-
holders and other articles of a similar
nature from blood collected at the
slaughter houses. The man who makes
billiard balls, buttons and rings from
potatoes which have been treated to .ta
solution of nitric and sulphuric acids. is
also the proprietor of an "industry"
wberein the fundamental principles are
strictly scientific. But the queerest of
all is, carried on by two young Pennsyl-
vanians, who are making a regular busi-
ness of extracting poison from honey
bees. A.ceordin.g to the accounts, they
have two different ways of .eolleeting
their crop of vemon. In the first the bees
are caught and held with their abdomens
in small, glass tubes until the poison saes
have been emptied. In the second they
aro placed in . a bottle on wire netting
and enraged until the tiny drops of venl-
on fall into the alcohol which fills the
lower third of the bottle. This vemon is
said to be a sovereign remedy for cancer,
rheumatism, snake bite,, and a hundred
others of the more terrible illsof human-
Her Next Turn.
"Did it hurt, dear?", said a mamma
to a little daughter who had just been
spanked by her papa.
"Yes," replied the child. "Weren't
you afraid you would get it next?"
The first 'ecolesiastioal anthology was
the "Book of Sentences,' b Pierre Lom.
bard. It was a compilation of the lead&
ing arguments of the fathers upon pointe'
Troubled with Weaknesses. Peculiar of divinity, arranged and digested under
heads. It is said that 244 commentator.
tO Their Sex. have written annotations on this book$
amongothers, Thomas Aquinas, Punt.
urge Durand and St. Bon venture.
Docld's Kidney' Pills Act upon the Female
Organtaccs well as upon the Kidneys -
Many a Woman suffers needlessly.
Women suffer more than men. From 1.
Lead Packets Only. 250, 40o, 50o. 60e,
the time a girl-ohilii turns the corner
into womanhood, she has more troubles
than mon ever dream of. We look upon
women as..weak and fragile, but con--
sidering what they . endure they are
stronger by far.
Women suffer many times more than
they need to. Partly because they don't
know what ails them at first; then be-
oause they are ashamed to tell a doctor;
latterly because they hate to be a con-
tinual source of expense to their hus-
"Female Weaknesses" are what we
term the disease peculiar to the female
sex: They are often' confounded with
female Kidney troubles, and Kidney
troubles are often " mistaken for other
troubles. A11 those delicate organs are
closely connected. What affects one affeots
the others.
What cures one, cures the others, too.
DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, which are a
sovereign oure for all Kidney ills, act to
regulate and control the female organs
and to relieve their difficulties. This is
worth while' for every woman to re-
Mrs. Lucy Crabbe, Chambers P.O.,
says: "For a long time I have suffered
from a complication of Kidney Trouble
and Female Disease; and am glad to say
have no pain or ache since using Dodd's
Kidney Pills.>,
ney Disease and Female Weakness. Try
them. They are on sale at all druggists.
Price 50 cents per box, 6 boxes for
32.50. Dodd's Medicine Co„ Ltd., Toron-
to, Ont.
Only Natural.
Tenant—Say, who is the pian in the
flat below mine? He's always pounding
on the floor under our feet.
Landlord—Oh, he does that in his
Tenant—What's his business?
Landlord—He's a Manufacturer of
ceiling whacks.
Adana Soper, or .runt's Falls, I+'ound All
Remedies for Kidney Disease of No Avail
Until tie Used South American Kidney
Cure»To-day tie is it Well Man and Gives
the Credit Where it is Due.
"Fora long time I have been a great
sufferer item disease of the kidneys. The
pains I suffered were the severest. I had
tried all kinds of remedies, but all to no
avail. I was persuaded to try South
American Kidney Cure. Have taken
half a dozen bottles, and I can confident -
1y say that to -day 1 am a cured man,
and can highly recommend this great
medicine to all 'sufferers from kidney
l';xn,5peratinley Indefinite.
"If that isn't aggravating1
"What's the matter?"
"I just got a letter from my brother
in which he says he is going to marry a
blue grass widow. I don't know whether
he is engaged to a'Kentucky woman or
a freak."
S'rare or Orm, CITY OP TOLEDO
Lt: cAs tiot:N'ry.
I+'RANlt J. CHENEY makes oath tint he is the
:Tuinr partner to the firm of F. J. Cain:RY & Co.,
doing; business in tate City of Tuledo, Couaity
tutu State aforesaid and that said firm will pay
the stun of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
emelt and every case at CArAntiu that cannot
be cured by the use of Haat s CNISaraiJ.taa CHENEYNIEnT.
FIt A.
Sworn to before me and subscribed 10 my
presence, this Otb day of December, A.D., 1888.
AL } Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
P. J CI -TENET S: CO., Toledo, 0.
it Sold by druggists, 75e.
Doctors Recommend
Dead to the world.
"1 never saw a woman mourn her
husband as deeply as Mrs. Fitziones
docs. es
"Does she really seem bereaved?"
"She hasn't crimped her hair since he
Never was a nreater truth than when said of
Dr. Agnew's 'Liver Pills, 450. a vial. Little
priced, little doses, but little terrors to drive
out impurities and leave you a clear brain and
a bright eye.
Do you suffer from .Constipation or other dis-
order arising from this cause? Dr. Agnew's
Liver Pills are a safe and pleasant cure.
At all druggists, d0 doses in a vial.
Money Saved and pain relieved by the
leading household remedy, Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil—a small quantity of which
usually suffices to cure a cough, heal a
sore, cut, bruise or sprain, relieve lumba-
go, rheumatism, neuralgia, excoriated
nipples, or inflamed breast.
queen"—the book of "the year ; is going to sell;
'defies eompetiticn; over 100 ilustrations; ele-
gant bindiigs; poppularpi''rices • outfit only 80e;
write quick. G. M. ROSE & SONS. Toronto.
1-2 Horse Power ■ -, - $ 50
1 Horse Power ■ • ■ • 65
2 Horse Power - • • - • 75
3 Horse Power - - . 110
5 Horse Power - 140
Write for Cash Discounts.
Special prices on larger sizes. Every
Electric Motor 15 guaranteed.
44 Bay Street, Toronto,
Can be Removed and
the Skin made Soft
and Youthful in ap-
pearance by using
Peach Bloom
Skin Food.
To Purify the Blood, Tone
up the System and give new
Life and Vigor nothing equals
Health -pills.
50 cts. each at Drug stores or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦1♦♦ 46♦O♦OO•♦♦ems
• •
♦ is known by the court •
• pany that makes it.
We have been lead •
♦ ers in matches since •
o• •
fear. w
The E. B. Eddy Co., Ltd.
Hull 1 Montreal 1 Toronto. , Z
9♦®00♦.♦♦®♦1e ♦O♦♦♦♦O♦♦♦+►AA
Sample books of Choice Wall Paper for
Residences, Churches, Offices, Lodge
Poems, Public Halls, Hotels, Stores, and
our booklet"How to Paper" sent free to
Amoy, ,ddreSB. Write, tt, pn.ta.t to
Box 840. ileilevilie, Ont.
Mention what prices you expect to pay;
the rooms you wish to paper and where
you saw this advertisement.
1RfWe pay express charges,
,e...• :..til'
We Always have on hand
• a large stock of • m
0 AQ ••
• Halls, H•
•in Type, Presses, a
s Paper Cotters, i
• Stands, Cases, •
• Imposing Stones•, e
• and in fact almost anything used in •
• the printing office. taken in ex- •
•♦ change for new material. You can
always find a BARGAIN. •
• Write to
• 2
♦ T'
Toronto TynJ
e Foundry, ••
44 Bay Street, ••
tet in on the q'round Floor if You
Want to Make Money.
A limited number of promotere'shares in a
first-class company for sale. Promoters' profits
are large and they are sure. Agents wanted
Standard stocks at lowest rates.
R. S. WRIGHT' & 00.,
Splendid Equipment and Hood Solid Work
—Have placed the—
At the top. It has more teachers,, more stn.
dents, and assists many more young men and
women into good positions than any other Can.
adian Business School. Get particulars. Enter
any time. Write tiV. F.I. SHAW, Prinoipal.
Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto.
T. N. U.
IS THE PLACE: TO ATTEND if you wait either
Business Education or a course in Shorthand.
Handsome Annual Announcement free.kd Oy
C. A. FLEMING._ Principal, Owsit OU 1,