HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-5-13, Page 5THE exiter Ab i pat Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Offioo, MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER, -.B.v the -- ADVOCATE PUBL 1 SH INQ COMPANY, TERMS OR SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar icor annum if paid in Advance 81.50 if not so pate. 8d•urortizi .s. Izao.texs can. Sippi ca- tiors No paper discontinued until all arrearagea are paid. Advertiseremite .without syeoiBC direetions will be published till forbid and charged aeoordingly, Liberal discount made for transcient advertisemon ts'inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest stylei and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- ers, &e. for advertising, sub sariptions,ete.to be made payable to Chas. i.. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, (Dentist.) Specialist in sold filliue and plate wort!.. Extracts tenth without any pain, or sieknoss, or any bad effects in the oar gums and face. At Zurich on last Thursday sn each month. Rooms west side Main Street, Exeter. ,,sem DR.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L,D.S.J 11JJ honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without !lain. Y Office of Dentistry Alll modes up to date. over. Elliot & Elliot's law (Alioo-opposite Central Hotel -Exeter, :Medical rs. S A. ROLLINS & T A.. AMOS, erl D Residences, same as f rm y OFFICES, Speakman, : building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. • May 1st. 1898 S. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A. Amos, M. D n,T. P. McLAUC+Ti.LIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and 9.000uch- eur, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public Of ee-Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario Mone' to Loan. L. H,DIO1l.SON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan Oftioe-Fanson's Biook,Exoter �LLIOT, ELLIOT at MAC I ENZIE,'BAR- RISTERS, ETC., Conveyancers, and Money to Loan at 5 and less per cont, B. V. Etf,IOT, Peep. ELLIOT, M.MACirlNZIE• tsnetioneers 1�77 BROWN, Winaheisea. Licensed Anat- il. ioneor for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne ed to and terms rea- Sales romp arrangea d at Post office. Win - chases. Xusurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedx.eeday)I $20+to 73 to20 ''0 to 21 ee bo 40 10 to 111 85 Onions 40 Recl Clover Seed per bushel t;1.00 to 54.50 Hay per ton MO to 8.00 Dried Apples per ib 2'% Turkeys Ducks Eteese ,. Chicken Wheat per bushel Barley Oats Peas Exeter WANTED. Men and Women who can work hard talk- ing and writing six hours Stalky, for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollar, weekly, Address, NEW IDEAS CO , Brantford, Ont TAILORING CHEAP EAP AND NOBBY. -, Butter Eggs.. Po tato es per bag "The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,"" baud• me -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO GOOD. _tY Sxl A tailor-made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of you form is certain to look right. AND WEAR Parts of machinery which accurately- fits withstand se were service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. Rolled Corned Beef. Pickled Tongue, Sausage, Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season.. ,7I13 • Beef sold by the Q uarter. Pure Lard. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides and Sheep Skins a 0 CO One Door South of A DAY, Prop CENTRA HOTEL, L. DAY, WANTED Industrious persons • of either sex With good character and common school edueie- tion.can obtain employment for two months in this community. . S. M. FRY, Toronto, Ont. .TIii PE FECT TEA' 7 5 5 Depends upon keeping the blood in a pure condition, free from disease germs, and yet there are very few people who have perfectly pure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleanses, vitalizes and en- riches the blood, throwing out the impurities that clog and: irritate the system and permits no lodgment of the seeds of disease. Read the following: "I cannot recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla too highly for it has done wonders for me. I was 0 c a and all run down and my health was so poor I could not get out of doors. I was not able to do anything, being troubled with asthma and heart disease. I was nervous and could not sleep nights. I had become completely discouraged when I happened to read an advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to give it a trial. After taking the first bottle I felt better and since taking five bottles I am so much improved that I feel like a new man. I ani now able to do a fair day's work and sleep 1 e I 1 0 at night. My heart does not trouble me and. I have realized great relief for asthma. I feel full of courage once more and life seems brighter and worth living. I would recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all afflicted as I have been, for I know it will help them. If this statement of facts will be of benefit, you aro welcome to use it as you ' please." HENRY J. WBIGIIT, Box 502, Oxford, New York. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. Si. Prepared only by C. I. Hood Sr Co., Lowell, Mass. n cure all Liver Ills and Hood'S i' ills Sick headache. 25 cents. FOR TWENTY -SEVER YEARS. THECOOK°S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANAD... von,. w• .4•01hIctarttran.1.01 pYY PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in its erects. W. C. HicCoatnf a & Snx, iionchctte Que., reportin a Lttor that P•ny l t .d,ut l lire, 0.G tr'te;u, of diroateeolyl teff 1, s, ;u,., 1o.i•.al tabes, and alsoouted W, 0, 11.ccocnbar of a, long.stamllu cold. !fit. J. H. Hix v, Chemist, 528 Yon •e St Toronto, write,: " As a portal. cough and. lung sy'rnp I y,.y- �,P Pectoral is a moat iuuI ,ttanl 1, rad , It +i lots given the utmost e•tL,a nrtl n to a11. t,to 1, hate tried 11 iiia)r Navin s u bt,<f the benefits derived font it natt n their 11,1'-.% It is snitsbin ter ell oe y„u li:.sl;, it.o the taste, Its sale with m lis, h, rn w ndr-Til, and r mu always lecummend IL no a Sara and reliab:o comfit medicine.' ]Large Bettie 83 Cis. DAVIS LAWRl NCSx CO., LTD. Sole Proprio tors HIo.lrri.•.r. i! Last Friday night Fred P. Hartman, son of Mr. C. W. 1 -Hartman, banker, of Clarksburg, Ont., while,.` ret irning home after a short ride on his bicycle, ran iu to a vehicle. He died 5ni.day as the result of the accident. The preliminary trial of Charles Schurter, manager of the Carrick Priv- ate Banking Company' of Mildmay, Out., was held Friday at Walkerton, on the chifrge of making false entries and dafrauding the bank's creditors. Schurter was committed for trial and allowed out on bail of one thousand dollars Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is the only safe, reliable ,monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and lime of meed. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases-ro degrees stronger -sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, rive Dollars. No. r, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of rice and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. THE F14.1 ;ST TEA itd THE ti!0t7LD, sea nom T14E TEA' PANT TO THE, TEA CUP (N IT: ?ti.`l'f IVa PL'!'• ew 'tufo sock Tea CI ltricked Incicrthe supervision of the Tn, ro',trts,a Iis:tdvortiiet;andsoldbythem r. eaniplt if the boot qualities of Indian and Ceylon 1c•w. I rn tixet reason n hay s to that none but the v,-ry fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. tis wilt. "Monsoon,' the perfect. Tea, can be d.et.:,o DC priou an inFarii tea. i;; 7 i up in sc.il..d macros of 1 lb., x ib. and n';,.i , :and toll in three flavours at 40c., Soc. and roc. I: vont. s not.k-eep it, toll him to write t STEEL, :iIA.'T R. CU. ti analxgFront St. t ,+. 1aronto- S..•4111 ai In Exeter son .d everywht're itt eau by al I ,'espons;ible 3hi• tbscHisidea ft3. who can think or some sLri le n „filnto patont7 Protect your ideas; they may 8• bring you 'wealth. Write JOHN WTDDE 1BURN &'CO., Patent Attor- neys'Washington, D. 0., for their $1,8e0 prize offer and list of two hundred inventions wsinted. .a; READY TO SUB\IIT. GREECE SENDS A NOTE TO THE POWERS. Autonomy.Prosnised for Crete= -The Turks Are Not idle --Preparations for a Vigor- ous War. Athens, May 10. -It is understood that Greece agrees to confide her interests to theo vers inh ac negotiations. p w the peace nsgot s. n A despatch from Domolcos, dated to- day, says the Turkish advance posts have reached Skirinetzi,and Turks are moving forward in considerable force • from Charsalos on the Doinokos-Aimyros line with a view, of cutting off General Smolonsl.ii, According to the despatch it. is reported at Doinokos that the Turks have already conic into contact with General Snxolonski's brigade. The correspondent of the Associated Press says the position at Domokos is unchanged. Col. Vassos and his party have started for Epirus. Some mystery attaches to the circumstances under which ho left Crete. The commander of an 'Italian torpedo boat reported to Admiral Canev;xro.that he had seen Col. Vassos and four companions in a boat off the Island of Cerlgo. The Government has addressed .a re- quest to the powers to allow their .Admirals in Cretan waters to permit the Greek warships to embark the troops that have been recalled, The Government caplet ns the recall as due to the urgent need of nen for the defence of `lihossaly. The latest news from the front is that General Sinolonski is now with the Greek forces at Porsepia, where he is expecting a fresh attack. M. Skouloudis, the Greek. Minister of Foreign Affairs, said in an interview' to -day that he expects many difllouities will be encountered in the peace negotiations. The report that the Crown Princess is going to Berlin is not confirmed. 4,30 p. nl.-It is stated that the Gov- ernment has drafted a note to the powers requestiug iuediation. NOTE 0l!. THE POWERS. The conditions insisted upon by Ger- many, the chief of which is that Greece shall. give bar formal consent to the e principle of autonomy for Crete, will bo accepted by the Greek Government, The note of the powers has not yet been presented, but it has been drawn and is to the following °fleet: "Upoxi a formal declaration by Greece that she will recall tier troops and agree to such an autonomous regime for Crete as the powers in their wisdom shall deem best, and accept unreservedly the counsels of l the powers, they will intervene in the interests of peace." The note will prob- ably be presented to -morrow after the Gorman Minister has received final in- structions. It is understood that Greece, in her reply, will assent to all these con- ditions. M. Ratlli, the Premier, and, M. Skouloudis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, have had a long interview to -day with Mr. Egerton, the British represen- tative, which has caused considerable coinnlent. It is believed to be connected with the expected intervention of the j powers. A. despatch from ,Domokos says that heavy rains there prevent fighting. The recall of the forces from Crete 1 has been received with resignation by the public. The Delyannis organs attack the Government bitterly for appealing to Europe, but most of the papers accept -thise nes_ ifeyitables ani violentlyeatten k the Ethnike Hetairia, asking it .to render an account of its aotions. On learning that the Crown Prince had appointed his dismissed chief of staff Col. Sapound- zaki, and his aide-de-camp, Capt. Had. jipetro, to tlxo command of an artillery regiment, the Government has recalled both officers to Athens and ordered them to return immediately. • LONDON. Life Was a Burden. Four Years of Agony and Misery. A Marvellous Cure By Paine's Celery Compound. Three' Bottles Suffice ` To Brake Mr. Fitter well and :Strong. The hopeless, despairing, and all who imagine they are lost, because the doc tors have failed, should rejoice to know that Paine's Celery Compound fully meets the worst cases, and never fails to restore lost health. It is no yain or idle boast when the declaration is made that Paine's Celery Compound cures when allothers fail. Today a grand army of leen and -wo- men in our own Canada can vouch for the truth of the statement made, As a proof that. Paine's Celery Com pound in the darkest times of disease and 'misery we give the testimony of Mr. F, Finter, of Ottawa, Ont.. who was saved at almost the eleyonthhour. He says: I'consider it a duty to acknowledge the great good that .I derived from' your valuable remedy, Paine's Celery Compound. For four years I endured terrible agony and misery owing to pains in my back and chest. Life was a burden to me, and no living mortal could describe my sufferings, I was treated. by doctors, and used many pat- ent u ediciues, but nothing gave me relief until I used your Paine's Celery Compound. I thank God for the day it was brought to my notice in the Ot- tawa papers. I have taken three bot- tles of the medicine, and to day I can truly' say that I feel like a new man. I feel certain that if the suffering peo a• ine's plc. of Canada would only try P Celery Compound they would be cured. I will recommend the remedy whenev- er I have the opportunity, as it is the best ever given to sufferers." Customs Officials Superannuated---Tlto New Hospital---Thiel:et.Sltop Prosecutions. London, May 11. -Three of t]ie oldest 1 London Custom House officers have been Isuperannuated. They are: Mr. John Siddons, senior appraiser; Mr. G. D. Sutherland, junior appraiser, and Mr. J. L. Williams, landing waiter at the M. C. R. station. A]1 three were appointed by the Conservative Government, Mr. Siddone having been given his place three clays after the late Sir John Mac- donald's Ministry was defeated 24 years ago. Messrs. Fred. J. White and H. Stock well of London, England, representatives of an English syndicate, who aro nego- tiating with the Imperial 011 Company for the purchase of their entire plant at Pctrolia, were in the city yesterday. Mr. Hinton, of London, England, is another member of the syndicate. They have been in Petrolia for the past two weeks, and are accompanied by an inspector and auditor. It is understood that the deal is all but consummated, and that after the annual meeting of the Imperi- al oil Company shareholders on Wednes- day a change of ownership will take place. The chief and a posse of policemen visited a number of stock selling estab- lishments this morning and seized the papers, messages and office paraphernalia and took them to pollee headquarters. The names of some twenty men who wore in the (places at the trine were taken. They will be charged with fre- quenting a gaining house. /Wheat 5hf pments. Winnipeg, May 11. -Reports to the Calgary Herald from all over the farm- ing districts in Alberta say all the seed- ing is done, and in most places the wheat is up, one or two inches. The season is nearly one month ear]ier than last year. Wheat shipments from Port William and Port Arthur last week amounted to 1,115, 612 bushels; receipts were 242,710 bushels and there aro 2,155,031 bushels yet in store there: International Postal Conference. Washington, D.C., May 11.-A Scheme is being urged; and may bo submitted at this Postal Congress for report at the next, providing for , international tele- graphic service at the post -offices of some of the leading cities of the various countries. This already is in operation at some places abroad, but its advocates want its operation made' general. ~Stratford. Stratford, May 10. -Another cut has been made in the G.T.E. staff here which takes effect to -day, and by it seven men employed as wipers and blacksmiths have been dismissed in order to make room for a uuxnber.of firemen who havo bean put back. It is expected that more dis- missals will take place in a day or two. Daniel Kane, of Brooklyn, N, Y. is under arrest on the charge of throw- ing his wife out of a third storey win• dow, causing her instant death, Strathroy Council, at the instance of the W. 0, T. U., and the National Coun- cil of Women, has decided to impose a license fee of $50 on the vendors of cig- arettes. ; Harold Fetherstonhaugh, the seven- year old son of Mr. F. B. Fetherston- haugh, was killed on the street railway track ou Spadina avenue Toronto, Fri- day evening. Capt Larkin, of St. Catharines has been awarded the contract for the Iro- quois section of the St. Lawrence Canal dcepeeing• The amount involved is in the neighborhood of a million dollars, ou r •ea3I IITL '' Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them, Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety, We Sell Cheap. Don'tthink because we peep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any kouse in town. That's the whole secret in a word. We can cure no disease 13. unless we can keep up the pa- tient's strength. And there's only one way to do that feed him. But if the system refuses food ? Then use SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil b with Hypophosphites..: It goes STRAIGHT TO THE BLOOD. stops 'the wasting, rekindles the vital fire, makes new flesh and so renders a hopeful fight possible against ANY disease. Especially is this so in bron- chial. and lung, troubles, in the relief and cure of which Scott's Emulsion has won its reputa- tion. Book about it free. Scott's Emulsion is no mysterious mixture. It is palatable, non -nauseat- ing and infinitely preferable to the plain off. The genuine has our trade- t` mark on salmon -colored wrapper. Get the genuine. For sale at 50 cts. and $1.00 by' all druggists. SCOTT & I3OWNE, Toronto, Ont. R. N, ROWE THE GREAT Family Medicine. or the Age. Taken Internally, It Cures Diarrhosct, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, eta, etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Braises; Burns, scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted -Feet. No article ever attained to such unbounded popular- ity-Salent Obscrven Wo can boar testimony to the Money of rho Pain. Itillar. WO have non its magie effects in soothing the severest pain, and !:now it to be a good artido,-Ctnctn.. ' natiAispgtrlI, Pala -Killer, which is Notitingha.c Got surpassed in l the mostyalnabte i'uurlly inedictucnow lu use.--Ten)esaC. Organ. Mins real merit; its a means of removing pal), no: modioto Ili, acquired n roputation equal to Perry Davis' I aiu i`lllor.-Nt ulintt 1'etcs. ]towamMunitstlons, 015' 01513' 5110 glbt,,Ifl0 "raiutr neva:" ,Sola ovori+tvhoreb"•go bottles, 250, VERY LARGE JSOTTL3l+:8 50 Cents agn- Mon (PERRY naviS' ) andSure and Safe Remedy sn eve case every kind of Bowel Coreplaaint is a i fir• • This i; a true statement and it can't be matte too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, P,,lioumatisut, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Diarnccen, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES, 25c. anA 50c. 1,',;,: ism-• �re�t 5 Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher - Ina' Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old. Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim C0 please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual. ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5°/ will be. given for cash. C. S ELL, 0 Prop. a......,a......ar....eawelm -- L -.ac] olio•. ya. r-Aci e, Sciatic r +, r.rou. i :e ri"-'s, Pain in t'it 'i:11t•. etc. Promptly I:SIietsd at:d ("uooi by r^ The ' °y B, ei La tlelenthd Piaster Ire + .: 5111 -'mr 1' ." L. 3tenthnl l'bnstor ,in in IL. Lark. and hauling °. L t,. L u nd s:nn0 SS IL WO. a+,.5 +.,11t•+ i., 5,1117 ave lit:o IiiLabothtd.wn, Oat. .Price >,s. T ,V T.A\S INCE CO., LTD. t' oo.iLter bi,s iTt:1AL. F F Marra & La :, man's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF) TOILET OR BATH, ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS.itithitklt CRITRAL THE PALACE, WA�r`i DURABLE CHEAPWTI \IG. • • O TE.. ,. ., L 0 T 11 A malt must consider his purchase well these times; he must buy whore he can do the best. Look at some of these figures; Pants made to ' order, all wool heavy tweeds ;2.00 Suits ,80 Or ercctats $ 8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812.00 Our $20 blacks !beat all others at $23. Conte and see for yourself. JAMS H. GRIEHII. SERVES Yoll RiCNT� If you go and pay more for furniture than you could buy it from us, that is y our fault, but don't do it again. We lead in all lines and can. save you quite an item by dealing with us. New Premises. We are getting nicely settled in our new promises now and our stock is large and varied. Undertaking a Specialty, S1 GIDLEY-..& SOB,. 'OPFE t H. QME BIOS% Bicycles! Bicycles I 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish you any et the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby,:caZ- riages, etc, etc. Perkins & Martin• ego Go e • see '5t.• • i • :_i-eelief for. �.JiZZ72(�' :..Trozzbles W EMULSIONe: tin CONSCREPWVON aarsd ata E:HIATTx seeseleeEs, sure eNC, 01t iIILSSILie. 0 x20710125, 5008 01' .012°SesseTA'R 1v, ® Deitti niesit, elate benefits of this 0 article arc nn0et ananif.,st. l;v.ths aid of Tlm "D. 01 t ' Wd iiiobm, I have got � . rid of a !routine con„h wiilrh had tr , 314 etc 'or over s yt,nr, and have Batas r oteilrtably in ew,+tght,1111ccd this 1mninton ao ,tea 1 was glad when tbs tuna came around 10 toffee it. T. H. u'INCI1AX, C L'„Montreal nc. nSnal, Se Per IIIIHtie DAVIS & LAWRENCE 00., LTO., l'houTaepl, 0 0 ®'0 a 4, 0 000001 DRUG STORE Those mho have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, cold, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto and Llai t,th :.e x ra�en medieil e so successfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe Parkhill, in this1s and other towns, treating in and cur- ing various diseases. For wineCheo �•e, �zknot n �t cost 8