HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-4-22, Page 2eeY ne000«eenver,; f�1 L ,C 7!.#, y WTUOUT1 \a TH PSW 9 .. ‘# That means a long , 119 lasting Pail. \ if Its many qualities b are unique. The price makes it ti available to all. rl I THE- E. B. -EDDY CO'S 1� a INDURATED FIBREWARE • 1 Subscribers who do not receive their paper reg - chute will eg-nlerlywill. please notify us et once. Apply at the office for advertising rates THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, APRIL 22. 1897. The Week's Commercial Summary. The Canadian Pacific earnings for the fourth week of March were unusually large, being $536,000, an increase of *73, 000. The regular chartered insurance com- panies hold $,,887,372,854 in fire risks in Canada, and there is $327,814,465 of life insurance in force. Wheat in Chicago is selling at the low- est prices in six months. May sold as low as 69`1.8c. on Monday as against ' 854c. on January 4th last. A large corp of winter wheat is expected this season. The consumption of the cotton mills in the Southern States is placed at 530,- 000 bales to date, against 518,000 bales fin 1896, and 453,000 bales in 1895. Northern mills have taken 1,266,235 bales against 1,260,704 bales last season. There has been an active speculation of late in street railway stocks. Toronto sold up to 74, the highest price for a long time. Increased earnings during March and a belief that the people will vote in favor of Sunday cars have stimulated the demand. The visible supply of wheat in the United States and Canada is now 88,- 612,000 bushels as against 60,822,000 bushels a year ago. The amount on pass- age to Europe is 10,040,000 bushels as against 27,272,000 bushels a year ago. Together the amount is 57,652,000 bushels against 87,594,000 bushels a year a o, a decrease of 29,942.000 bushels. The business situation at Toronto is unchanged. There is a fair volume of trade in wholesale merchandise, but the great drawback is small profits, prices being cut terribly. Merchants are cau- tious and acting slowly. We notice, how- ever, that the imports of free and duti- able goods at Toronto for March show an increase over the same month of the two previous years. There is still much complaint at Mont real regarding general collections, and there is evidently great scarcity of the circulating medium in the country parts, as numerous instances are cited of hither- to cash buyers now taking full credit terms, and of others who never renewed a note now asking indulgences in this respect, In the face of this, however, paper falling due on the 4th inst. in the clothing and dry goods trade, has been better provided for than was anticipated, and ne noteworthy failures are reported as the result of default. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade in the United States says: Failures aeported for the first quarter of 1397 number 3,992 against 4,031 last year, with liabilities of $48,007,911, against *57,426,135 last year. The manufacturing failures are slightly fewer in number, and smaller in liabilities than last year, but the trading failures fall a little be- hind those of the corresponding quarter last year in number and very largely in magnitude. The average liabilities for all manufacturing is only $28,800, while the average of all trading concerns is only $7,810 against $10,080 last year, a de- crease which indicates caution in buying and debt creating, Here and There. Raphael is said to have conceived, in dreams, the ideas of some of bis greatest pictures. Oliver Cromwell had the largest brain on record. It weighed a little over sixty ounces, but was found to be diseased. Handel had one of the most phenom- enal musical memories ever known. He knew, by heart, over fifty operas from beginning to end. Ole Bull, the celebrated violinist, was such a master of the instrument that he could play a melody of considerable com- pass on only one string. Lope de Vega was the most noted Thrstill dramatist. There remainsover er v 1,800 plays of his composition. About 300 of the best have been collected and pub- lished. John Simons, a native of Berkshire, born without arms or hands, could write with has mouth, thread a needle, tie a knot and shuffle, cut and deal a pack of cards. Goliath, the famous Philistine cham- pion, was one of the tallest men of -whom any measurements are recorded. His height was six cubits and a span, or about 10X, feet. TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Tamerlane enjoys the unenviable dis- tinction of being the bloodiest conqueror in history. It is computed that during his wars nearly 4,000,000 of human be- ings were destroyed. John Middleton, an English giant, born in 1587, was 9 feet 3 inches in height. His palm was 834 inches : broad and from the carpus to the end of his middle finger was 17 inches. Didymus, the Alexandrian, was born blind, but notwithstanding this defect, attained such great skill in mathematics, geometry and logic that he was reckoned one of the wonders of his age. Daniel Lambert, the famous fat man and the most noted example of obesity recorded in medical annals, was born in 1770, and died at the age of 40, of exces- sive fat. His weight was 789 pounds. HERE IS THE NEWS IN SHORT ORDER, Tidings from all Parts of the Globe, Con_ lensed and Arranged for Busy peaders.. A Long Wait. Mike, having been directed to go down to the station and see when the next train left, is gone about two hours. Perkins (anxiously)—Well, Mike? Mike—Well, sor, I had to wait a long toime, sor, but it has just left.—Harper's Bazar. Sleeplessness is clue to nervous excite- ment. The delicately constituted, the financier, the business man, and those whose occupation necessitates great men- tal strain or worry, all suffer less or more from it. Sleep is the great restorer of a worried brain, and to get sleep cleanse the stomach from all impurities with a few doses of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, gels,* tine coated, containing no mercury, and are guaranteod to give satisfaction or the money will be refunded, CANADIAN. Mr. Biddee's safe at Port Rowan was blown open and robbed of a small sum, The rate of interest in Government Sayings Banks is to be reduced to 3 per ' dote Durant was sentenced aaturday to be cent. hanged on .Tune 11. His counsel had ex - De. Montague speaks in very high haunted every effort; to secure delay, but temps of the prospects of the Bothwell the Supreme Court decision last week re - oil fields. moved their last hope. New York capitalists propose to build FoltI•:1GN. an electric road between Loudon and.. Prince Bismarolt is much Pore Shanley. health. A contract for a new Public School ou Albion street, Brantford, to cost $14,800, The Bank of England rate of discount has just been let. has been reduced from 3 to ,-a per cent. — DNaTED STATES. James M. Williamson, fifteen years old, was given an injection of antitoxin° at the Christian Orphans' Home,in St. Louis, Ido,. and in forty minutes he was a corpse. There can be a difference of opinion on most subjects, but there is only one opin- ion as to the reliability of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is safe, sure and effectual, More than two years after his murder of Blanche Lamont and Minnie Williams, in Emanuel church,San Francisco, 'Theo - improved in The returning officer declares Dr, Mar- cotte elected. for Champlain by a total majority of 154 votes. At Windsor Peter O'Neil was sentenced to eight years in the Kingston Peniten- tiary for highway robbery. Mr. W. H. G. Knowles, a prominent citizen of Guelph, Ont., died suddenly at his residence in that city Friday. In a runaway accident at Ditribank George Johnston, a farmer, was thrown from the vehicle and instantly killed. Mr. F. T. Moisan, Montreal, Presi- dent of the Merchants' Telephone Co:, died from paralysis after a brief illness. Maggie Adamson, a young woman em- ployed in a store at Ottawa, died sudden- ly at her work. An inquest is being held. The Dominion Government has stopped the practice of giving prisoners in the penitentiaries tobacco for good conduct. J, Sears was sentenced to 23 months in the Central Prison and J. Sickles to three years in Kingston at Brantford for counterfeiting. The jury returned a verdict on Satur- day at Toronto in the case of d'lrvy v. the Toronto World, awarding $500 dam- ages to the plaintiff. Mr. Samuel Clarke, a young man em- ployed on a farm near Belleville, was killed by the bursting of a fly -wheel while working a wood -sawing machine. Duncan Forbes, of Culloden, the de- scendant of President Forbes,. of Scotch historic fame, died at Culloden house, three miles from Inverness, on Saturday. Herbert Temple, insurance agent, who was married at Smith's Falls three weeks ago, shot himself at the Grosvenor Hotel, Halifax, He is not expected to re- cover. Mr. Isaac West, aged 68, a well-known and highly respected resident of Toronto Junction, was found dead Friday in his stable by his son. Death was due to natural causes. Mr. MoMulien's bill to appoint a board of three to inspect the inside and outside civil service and dispense with all un- necessary officers has been introduced in the House of Commons. The question of danger to live stock in the Northwest by the importation of dis- eased American stock under the new quarantine regulations was discussed in the House of Commons. Arthur Beardsley, the artist, has been formally received into the Boman Catho- lic Church. Ten persons were killed by the explo- sion of a cartload of fireworks recently in Buenos Ayres. The German Government will shortly be interPellated as to its proposed action towards the McKinley tariff. It is understood that Mr. Joccph Chamberlain is likely to take the witness stand in the Transvaal enquiry. The London Economist says that the motion of Mr. Seton -Karr for State granaries is only veiled protection. It is now ascertained that Emperor William did not send his usual congratu- lations to Prince Bismarck on his birth- day. Herr Lueger, the anti-Semite leader in Vienna, has again been elected Burgo- master, this time by three-fourths ma- jority. It is rumored in London that the Duke of York, who is a captain in the royal navy, will shortly join the Channel squadron. Lora Charles Beresford proposes to re- arm seventeen obsolete warships which are now in the reserve with modern heavy guns. A bill will shortly be placed before the French Chamber of Deputies asking for two hundred nlilliou francs to build naval docks, A serious state of affairs in South Africa is reported, rebellion having broken out in two or three districts near De]agoa Bay. The Chinese Government bas decided to order four more armored cruisers, two fast cruisers, and several torpedo destroy- ers, English type, With encouragement from the Socialist party, leaders of the workingmen of Ger- many has resolved to celebrate May day as a labor holiday. Mr Balfour stated that it was not the intention of the Government to take the initiative in sending out invitations to a bi-metallic conference. The belief prevails in Constantinople that the powers are losing their hold over the course of events, and that the so- called concert is a failure. Mr. John William Morrison, Secretary of Public Works of Prince Edward. Island, and a prominent Freemason, died in Charlottetown, P.E.L, on Sunday of grippe, aged seventy-seven. Mr, J. B. Riley, United States Consul, gives the exports from the consular dis- trict of Ottawa to the United. States for the quarter ended March 31 as 8550,990, of which $467,151 was lumber. The wife of Mr. James Laing, of the Laing Packing Company, Montreal, died. in the dental office of Dr. Rondeau while under the influence uf chloroform, which had been administered by Dr. John Hutchison. The authorities of McGill University, Montreal, have received from his High- ness the Maharajah of Jeypore, Incus, a number of works on India architecture, known as the Jeypore portfolios of archi- tectural details. In the Dominion House of Commons Speaker Edgar gave an authoritative denial to the statement made in the Sen- ate on Wednesday night, that liquor is being supplied within the precincts of the House of Commons. oleaving Richard Dobell, b 1, before England for Canada, said that a con- tract to build four fast steamers for the Atlantic service bas been signed on con- dition that t1•' Imperial Government will share in the cost. Mr. Charlton introduced his Lord's day bill. Mr. Laurier pointed out that at least two out of the four clauses in the bill were ultra vires of the Dominion House, and could be dealt with by the Provincial Legislatures. The choice of the movement to begin war with Turkey does not rest with icing George or the Greek Government, but with the Etbnike Hetairia, a secret organization. which directed the crossing of the frontier by Greek irregulars. The latest news received from England regarding Lieut. -Governor Kilpatrick is 'that he is making marked improvement daily, and unless something intervenes to disturb existing arrangements he will leave for home on the 21st of the present month. The Rev. J. Van Wyck, pastor of Gore street Methodist church, Hamilton, and president of the Hamilton Conference, died at his parsonage uf brain trouble. He was 51 years of age, and was ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1869. Monday in Montreal Judge Ouimet rendered judgment against the directors of the Temiseouata railway, awarding Mr. A. R. Macdonald, contractor, $193,- 000, with interest, percentage which he claimed as due him, by agreement, on. the bonds floated by the company. The feature of the preliminary' hear- ing of the charges against the four alleged counterfeiters in Brantford was the tuning of Queen's evidence of John Sears, one of the prisoners, who swore that Sickles made the moulds, and Brown, the colored man, made the coun- terfeit money. The cases were adjourned. The estimates for 1897-8 were brought down Thursday by Mr. Fielding. As compared with the estimates for the pres- ent fiscal year, they show an increase of 82,9.59,217. Tho increase comes under the head of capital expenses, while the ex penditure chargeable to consolidated fund is decreased. Amongst the economies is a smaller vote to .the militia, to the mountedpolice force, and a reduction of the: interest paid on deposits in Govern- ment sitvillgs banks from three and 'a hall' to three per cent. The Grand Duke of Mecklenburg - Schwerin, whose death was announced as having occurred at 9 o'clock on Sat- urday, committed. suicide. The Radicals in the British Houde of Commons have decided to bring about a debate before the Easter recess upon the policy of the Government in the east. The Hawaiian Government has pro- hibited the landing of Japanese immi- grants, and it is said that a warship will be sent from Japan to enquire into the matter. Bands of Greek brigands have entered Turkey at Krania, in the vicinity of Grebina. The Turkish troops engaged with them and the fight continued for some hours. The Government of Hawaii has pro- hibited the landing 111 Hawaii of 400 Japanese emigrants and the Hawaiian Court has confirmed the action of the Government. In view of the suffering from protracted drought, the Government of New South Wales has proclaimed that April 16 be observed as a day of htuniliation and prayer for rain. The proposal to blockade the port of Athens is now in abeyance, and it is re- garded as very improbable that the pow- ers will agree to restrain the Greek navy in the event of a war between Greece and Turkey. Rumors are still persistent that Eng- land bas acquired an island in Delagoa Bay, and these are strengthened by the fact that Admiral Rawson will sail shortly from Cape Town with sealed orders in the direction of the bay. h o present balance It isliyelythatt op ° eof power in Europe will soon be rearranged. It is probably that the new Dreibund will consist of Germany, Russia and Austria, while an entente will be formed between England, France and Italy. The Hon. Frederick Arthur Wellesley, third son of the first Earl Cowley, was. granteda divorce from his wife, Kate Vaughan, the actress, upon the grounds of her misconduct with a member of her company of the name of Lorrimore. It is reported from. Cape Town that She British have secured Inyach island, at the entrance to Delogoa Bay, and that a squadron of warships from Cape. Town have gone to take possession of the island and declare it British territory. The Newfoundland sealing steamer Aurora has returned from the North At- lantic with a full caigo of 27,000 seals, secured after the most severe experience of many years. The Aurora reports that the other ships have had a most discern. - aging expedition. Mr. R. W. Hanbury, replying to a question in the British House of Com- mons, announced that the Board of Trade would ask the Government of the Dominion of Canada to furnish a report on the result .of the law prohibiting gambling in futures. In the British House of Commons Mr. Chamberlain announced that a contract had been signed between Canada and the Petersens of Newcastle for a fast steam- ship service between Canada and. Great Raitain. But, Mr. Chamberlain added, the contract still requires the sanction of the Imperial Government. There are cases of consumption so far advanced that Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup will not cure, but none so bad that it will not give relief. For coughs, colds and all affections of the throat, lungs and chest, it as a specific. which 1 its never been known to fail. It promotes a free and easy expectoration, thereby removing the phlegm, and gives the diseased parts a chance to heal. hE1.RT RELIEF. Eight Years Hanging Between Life and Death it ith .Acute Heart Disease—And in 30 Minutes 4fter I taking First .Dose of Dr- A.aew's Cure for the Heart Relief Comes—What .It pies n r Alfred Con Idry, West Sheffert!, One., It Can Do for any Sufferer From: l Ile ',ante Cause. "I -had been sufferiug from aoute heart trouble for over four years. When doctors had tried, and failed to give the relief, 1 procured Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart, In thirty minutes after the first dose I had relief, and although mine was a case of long standing, eight bottles effected a permanent cure, and I firmly believe, after knowing wha, it has done for me, that there is no bola less case while this great eure is to be had. 1 cheerfully sanction the use of my testimony in whatever way it may clo the most good." Some 'rales AIway.. With Us. is said we shall all pass away as a tale that is told." "That sounds all right; but tales that are told don't pass away—they are for- ever being told over again."—Chicago Record. Catarrh of Long Standing Relieved in a Few Hours. It is not alone the people of our Ova country, anti prominent citizens like Urban Lippe, M.P., of Joliette, Qua, and other members of Parliament, who, laving used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, pronounce it -the most effective remedy they have over known, but peo- ple everywhere are expressing their gratification at the effectiveness of this medicine. C. G. Atelier, of Brower, Maine, says: "I have had catarrh for several years. Water would run from my eyes aizd nose days at a time. About four months. ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and since using the wouderful remedy I have not had an attack. I would not be with- out it." It relieves in tan minutes. Only a Sin ill Insult. Mrs. Lightfist. The waiter appeared to be very much offended when you gave him that tip, Mr. Lightfist (in surprise)—Why, he couldn't be very much offended; I only gave him 5 cents!—buck.. PILES CARED IN 3 to 6 NIGHTS Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure all cases of Itching Piles in from three to six nights. One application brings com- fort For blind and bleeding piles it is peerless. .Also rules Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eczema, Barber's 'toll and all eruptions of the skin. 35 cents. Just the Other sway.` Western Transient --Did you ever live on the border. madam? Landlady—No, indeed, sir, but I've had a good many boarders live on me. —Boston Courier. STATE OF 01110 CITY 01'' TOLEDO L c is ('oYETy, Fuixtt J. (11EN Y makes oath that be is the senior partner of the firm of 13'..J. Can Nr Y & Co., doing husinCss in the City of Toledo (`amity and State aforesaid. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each. and every case of CATARRH that cannot be eured by the use of H,tLL s Oa:ran-en Cntns. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before ane and subscribed in my presence, this 11th day of December, A. D., 1886. i SEAL A. W. GLEASON, e (.. i Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfttees of the system. Send 1(2 testhnauials, free. P. J (11h.NEY & ('0., Toledo, 0. 83TSoid by druggists The. ' Under Ease Colors. Daughter—Pat wants us to get married on St. Patrick's day. Mother—Phi-Ws he thinkin' av? Share, ye'd be kilt entoirely of ye wore orange blossoms on thot day. Jenny Lind's Terrible Nervo,rsness. A reminiscent article on Tennv Lind and her home life bas been prepared by her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Maude, for publication in the May Ladies' Home Journal. It is said to be filled with . in- teresting memories of the famous singer, and is noteworthy also as being the first view we have of her through the eyes of her adoring daughter. Mrs. Maude brings to light the fact that Jenny Lind was always nervous and overstrung before events—just before singing in a new opera or oratorio, but was ,quite calm when the very moment of action arrived. Mrs. Celeste Coon. Syracuse, N. Y., writes ; "For years I could not eat many kinds of food without producing a burn- ing, excruciating pain in my stomach. I took Parmelee's Pills according to direc- tfons under the head of `Dyspepsia or In- digestion.' One box entirely cured me. I can now eat anything I choose, without distressing mein the least." These Pills do not cause pain or griping, and should be used when a cathartic is required. A Thin Wrapper. She—Why don't you say something, Mr.. lolly? He—Oh, I beg your pardon, dear. I was completely wrapped up in thought. She—Aren't you cold?—New York Evening Journal. Always on Hand.—Mr. Thomas H. Porter, Lower Ireland, P. Q., writes: "My son, 18 months old, had croup so bad that nothing gave hint relief until a neighbor brought me some of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011, which I gave hila, and in six hours he was cured. It is the best medicine I ever used, and I would not be without a bottle of it in my house." True to Life. "Harry says his life was a barren des- ert before he saw me." "Well, he looks as ifhehad lived where he couldn't get water to drink."—Chi- cago Record. PILL - OSOHPY. There are pills -and pills—but Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills at 20 cents a vial lead in demand. The sale borders on the phenomenal. Sluggish Jiver,.. constipation.. or irregular bowels are the precursors o.f many physical eliso,•ders. These little wonders remove the cause. They are entirely vegetable. They act on the liver and bowels without disturb- ance to the system, diet or occupation. They never gripe. They act pleasantly. 40 in a vial for 20 cents. THE ONLY ONE Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Where all other Remedies Fail. BRIGHT'S DISEASE NOT INCURABLE But there's only One Cure in the World,and that we have Named --Hundreds. Testify to Cures--•leavet. a Failure Recorded. It used to be said, "If you have Bright's Diceso, it won't be long before people are walking slow behind you." Bright's Disease affects brainy men particularly. The brainier and more active a man, the more liable ho is to Bright's Disease. Bright's Disease is a disease of the Kidneys. It is the name given to the fatty degeneration of those organs. It is caused by excessive use of alcoholic drinks. It is caused by excessive eating of rich food. It may be caused by exposure to cold land moisture. It may be caused by improper living. But it's not with the cause we have to deal. It is with the cure. It used to be thought that Bright's Disease was incurable. We know better now Restore the Kidneys to health, and you may eat what you like, drink what yon like, work as hard or be as active as you like, and bid defiance to death -deal- ing Bright's Disease. But woe to the man who doesn't take care of his Kidney's1 When they cease to filter the blood, the blood reeks with poi- son. Urine actually flows in the veins, You die a lingering death. The spine and extremities first; the brain last. Dy- ing at the bottom while living at the i top right's Disease may be cured by DODD'S IKIDNEY PILLS, which restore the Kidney's, making them filter the blood properly. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS are the only specific for Bright's Disease. They were compounded just for that purpose. They have cured hundreds of cases. They will cure your Kidneys. Try them. Fifty cents a box. For sale at all druggists. Wm. G. Wade, 940 Queen East, To- ronto, says: "I have used thirty-six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and am cured of Bright's Disease after all else had failed." T. E. Craig, 769 Queen East, Toronto, says: "Never expecting a euro of Bright's Disease, I have been agreeably disap- pointed by a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills." Miss Maude Cotterell, Belleville, Ont., says: "I have used two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and have been cured of what the dootor said was Bright's Dis- ease. Dir. James Went, Orillia, Ont., says: "I began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills about six weeks ago, have taken three boxes which have cured me perfectly of Bright's Disease. Why Ile Wouldn't Shoot. An English guardsman the other day was discussing politics in a public house in the Edgware Road with two seedy Hyde Park orators. "Tell us," they asked him, "if one day the down -trodden British workman were to revolt, would you fire on him?" "Never!" "You're one of the right sort. You must have a drink with us. Three pints, please." After they had drank the soldier's health, one of them casually asked:— "How many men like yourself can we count on 111 your barracks?" "All the band; they will all act as my- self. I play on the big drum, you know," the guardsman quietly remarked as he finished the contents of his glass. Are you a tud ever with corns ? If you are get a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It bas never been known to fail. THE WALL PAPER KING OF CANADA. Sample books f Choice Wall Paper for Residences, Churches, Offices, Lodge Rooms. Public Iialls, Hotels, Stores, and our booklet "II ,w to Paper" sent free to any address. Write a postal to C. B. SCANTLEBURY, Box 840. Belleville, Ont:. Mention what prices you expect to pay; the rooms you wish to paper and where you sayou sew this advertisement. 8a'We pay express ess changes, Af 7 Nr; WANTED. "GOLD MINES" Get in on the Ground Floor if You Want to Make Money. A limited number of promoters' shares in a first class company for tittle. Promoters' profits are large and they are sure. Agents wanted Standard stocks at lowest rates. R. S. WRIGHT & CO., 09 BAY STREET, TORONTO. AGENTS—"VICTORIA SIXTY YEARS A Queen"—the book o' the year • is going to sell; defies eompetititn. ver 100 illustrations; ele- gant bindiugs; pi, nulux prices - outfit only 50e; write quick. G. M. ROSE & SONS. Toronto. "iHE VICTOR" ELECTRIC MOTOR. fele** 1-2 Horse Power - 1 Horse Power - 2 Horse Power 3 Horse Power 5 Horse Power Write for ash Discounts. - $ 50 - 65 75 110 140 Special prices on larger sizes. Every Electric Motor 19 guaranteed. **** TYPE FOUNDRY, TORONTO T DLtd. 44 Bay' Street, Toronto, now It Happened,. In an Irish case of assault and battery counsel, in examining one of the wit- nesses, asked him what they had the first place theystopped at. "Four glasses of ale," was the reply. "Next?" "Two glasses of whiskey." "Next?" "Ono glass of brandy." "Next?" "A fight."—London Tit -Bits. Doctors Recommend ADA" CEYLON TEA Lead Packets Only. 25e, 40e, 500 & 60e. Wrinkles Can be Removed and the Skin made Soft .at and Youthful in ap- pearance by using Peach Bloom Skin Food. To Purify the Blood, Tone up the System and give new Life and Vigor nothing equals Perfect Health -pills. 50 ets. each at Drug stores or sent pprepaid on receipt of price. CROWN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. ♦♦♦0000000000®AO®OO0000♦00 ♦ ••0 •O O O e O 0 0 0 0 O ♦ •O O O ♦ ••O •0 O ••2 • O • We Always have on hand e a Large stock of a 2D HAND MATERIAL in Type, Presses, Paper Cutters, Stands, Cases, Imposing Stones, and in fact almost anything used in the printing office. taken in ex- change for new material. You can always find a BARGAIN. Write to Toronto Tyke Folludrp, 44 Bay Street, o TORONTO, ONT. 0000000000♦0.000000000000. 0 0 •0 0 0 ♦ ♦ 0 •• ♦ O •♦ • •0 • ♦ 0 Plant your home claim with Steele, Briggs "High Grade" Seeds, sold by lending dealers. Ask for them, Safe investment. GOLDEN RETURNS CATALOGUES FREE The Steele, Briggs Seed Co. TORONTO, ONT. �A1 PAILS, TUBS, PARS, DISHES, ETC. 'OttlhOtIOVIdOtttiO% Splendid Equipment p and Good Solid Work —Have placed the— OF` TORONTO, At the top. it has more teachers, more clue dents, and assists many more young men and women into good positions than any other Can- adian Business School. Get pparticulars. Enter any time. Write W H. SHAW, Principal. Yongo and Gerrard Streets, Toronto. T. N., U. 111 DO YOU WANT Writeto the Dlortrlilneis BusinEss COL oft Owen TO LEARN IT 7 Sound, Ont., if you want a THOROUGH Course fn Shorthand or a practical Business Education. Circulars' free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. sp