The Exeter Advocate, 1897-4-15, Page 2Subsoibeiswhoao.not —dye their paper reg-
tea* will please notify us et once.
TOPICS OF 1 L7iJ r Y 1J' i� .
Chicago Federation of Labor endorsed,
at the request of business men, the move-
P, Q I
S 0 li E li B
E 0 0 D
When Heio£bseut.
: I think we have read enough °f eke
histo>y of Gods dealings with Sia peoplf
to understand that this is the way of
Him—that if Be ever is absent from Hlt
people it is not in their time of dlr@si
need, and if @ver He does reveal Hi d,
to them as He does not unto the world,
it is when they are bereaved of all out•
ward consolation, and for His sake ars
made to bear tribulation.—Spurgeon.
meat against department stores.
�Lppl V at the office for advertising
The touring Crescent' A. 0. lacrosse
C. G. Ch irt, «ler, of I3ur1c': .^: Its,
Says Re is tt Neo Mtn Stone U=iu;; the
�a7 �1` ♦
team of New York drew with the Mau:
chaster, Eng,, twelve on Saturday.
Groat South Ant rican Nervine--His res-
Oniony is Endo rd by Thousands of
Dreadful Death-Draught hl CQn%eS
seased Kidneys
from Disease
Prospects far those engaged in the
.. Fee years I have been greatly troubled
ridings from all Parts of the Globe, Gen.
densest and Arranged fax Busy Readers.
building trades have been better
So far this year than for four or five sea-
sons, 4
with nervous debility incl affection of the
kidecy s. I believe I tried every proprio-
tary ilz@dicine under the sun, but none
When Uric Acid Flows in the Veins, Lire
looks Out or Darkened Windows, expect
Jug soon the l,t'ose of Dar.
,Cue Week's Commercial Snurmary'.
raffia lura.
CcoIlingwood is to have a now post-
Utah Legislatures passed a bill provid-
ing vestibules on street cars anda law .
stibstitutin day 1<abor for the contract
system g
seemed to give me any relief until I had
tired South Amerlean Nervine. TO. my
surprise the arse battle gave -ine great
have in it,and
- -�
Easy to order
C1v �1 N r t
CE i.L0j.-a�i1.
all Grocers, 250e 100, 50a and GQe.
In London there aro sales of Toronto
ailM per cent. debentures at 108,
The net gold balance of the United
Montreal bricklayers have gone on Ludington (Mich.) Shelters' Committee
strike. was told by the railroads that it would
Toronto Civic Holiday will be held onpay thirty expert freightt handlers -$1,50
relief. I ersevered taking
can say that I have not felt so �t ell for
years. I do heartily recommend this great
The Fashionable Italian poison of the
gpl, century was Aqua Torfana. It was.
used by the mediois and all the first fam-
ilies of Rome Genoa and l�Ya les. Iet five
' P
years historians tell us,over 600 wives
used it to- make. widows of themselves.
In these modern days a more terrible
and more prevalent poison is decimating
the human family, and men have asked
in vain for an antidote. It is the urea-
mit poisoning of the blood, caused by
diseased kidneys. The poison which these
useful organs should filter from the blood
is allowed to remain in the circulation
and courses through the body, like
Accursed Hebenon.... whose effect
Holds such an enmity with blood of man,
That with sudden vigor it doth posses
and cued
Like eager droppings into milk,
The thin and wholesome blood."
Ta-day there is a remedy. Scienoo Las
discovered a sure cure. AU may have
and apply it. It is sold under the name
It is a specific tor all Kidney ailments.
It cares by restoring the Kidneys, 60
that they properly perform their natural
functions, It is tho only known etre for
Diabetes, and Bright's Disease. For sale
by druggists everywhere, and. the Dodd's
lilediciue t o,, Ltd., TOroute, Ont,
Mr. Vernon Bromley, Trenton, Ont„
says: "For a number of years have
suffered severely from Rheumatism and
Sciatica induced to procure a half
dozen boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills
I have used, and from being a
cripple I ain a well man,"
Mr. Thos. Harrison, St. Marys, N.B.,
says: ° In spite of all other treatment I
suffered for nearly a year with Stone of
the Bladder. I was relieved by passing
the sante, after using one box of Dadd'e
Kidney Pills, and completely cured by a
few boxes."
Mr, Wm, McEvela, 275 Friel St., 06-
tam, says: "Two boxes of Dodd's Kia-
ney Pills have worked a wonderful cure
in my case. Had been laid up with kid-
ney trouble for months."
G. B. Cones, Orillia, Ont., says: "1ap-
most cheerfully testify that five boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills have cured ale of
Diabetes from which I suffered two
States Treasury is about $151,500,000.
Money eontinues,to rule easy, the rate
for gall loans at Toronto being 43i per
cent. and at Montreal 4 per cent.
Canadian Pacific has been in a little
better demand since the publication of
the favorable statement for February.
August 2.
The Methodist GL,uoh at Muncie was
destroyed by fire.
The Methodist church at Magnetawan
was destroyed by fire,.
A number of gambling houses at
Montreal were
per ten hours. •
aecnge Orton won the American five-
mile crass-country championship on Sat-
erda at Morris Park N. Y., beatin a
y g
large field of starters•
William Bloom under arrest in Cleve-
land on a oharge of arson, declares that
he bas been setting to buildings in
A Pennsylvania physician tdvertises
fol skin gratis from Iiftq people with
which to supply a woman from whose
lural and chest the skin has been entirelyBy
burned off. It Is noble, but rather hard
to be partially skinned •alive for the bene-
fit of othetrs•
♦ ♦
• •
• We Alwa shave on hand •
♦ •a large stock of•
• •
4e. 2D H A D 4
♦ u ♦
o in ♦
♦ T`ype, •Presses, ♦
♦ •
o Paper Cutters, •
♦ta21(S •
♦ • t 6 't
d p g Stones, p
♦ and in fact almost anything used in ♦
, -
the printing office, taken in ex•
• O
`change far new material. You can
♦ always find a BARGAIN.
The stooks of wheat at Port Artbur „
The Canadian League schedule was
and Fart William ars navy 2,901,800
drawn up at Hamilton.
various cities during the past flue years.
Thirty business houses and a dozen
bushels as compared with 8,445,616 bush-
els 'a year ago, The Sunday car vote will be taken in
The directors of the American Bell Toronto on Saturday, May 16.
Telephone Company have decided to in- Andrew' Barry was killed at
Drayton bya tree fallen on him.
crease the capital stook 10 per cent. or an y g
increase of $2,365,000 to $26,015,000. Mr. W. C. Muir has been appointed
The world's visible supply of wheatDominion express agent at Winnipeg.
decreased 5,000,000 bushels last week. A detachment of mounted police leaves
The visiblsupply in Canada and the Regina on Thursday for the Yukon.
United States is now the smallest sines p
It is not exacted that the new tariff
September, 1895. will be brought in at Ottawa this week,
Numerous large orders for boots and Mr. Peter Bertram's hardware store at
shoes have been received by ma•
uttfaotur• Hamilton was Butted by fire, entailing a
ers who were willing to take rather less heavy loss,
than others Have .demanded. Those who Over 100 buffalo have been seen in the
adhere to advances recently asked, are in vicinity of Fort Smith, Athabasca dur-
general getting comparatively little busi- ing the past winter.
Yless, though many sold weeks ago enough George L. Gregory, of Ogdensburg, N.
of women's grain and woman's light
shoes to keep shops busy for some time Y•, crossed to Prescott and banged him-
dwellings were destroyed by fire at Cam-
bridge Springs, Pa., causing the loss of
one leaf and doing $225,000 damage t0
Freak Butler, the Australian murder-
prior San for his n-
cisco bon Saturdwas ay, f ed from
departure to Having killed Arthur Pres-
toil, bat he claims it was in self-defence
The Senate has authorized the Seers-with
tart^ of the Navy to place a vessel of war
and a chartered merchant vessel at the
disposal of the Gollectnr of the port of
New York for transporting food contri-
butions to relieve the famine sufferers in
Archbishop Plunk et, of Dublin, is
Acute $niferings From Acute Itbeumanle
Ailment Believed by South Ame 'leen
Rheumatic Giro When Dope Rail Well-40
Nigh (>oste•--Mrrs, W. Perris, Witt. ora
Welt-Knc;wn Maoafactlircr of Gienooe,
Cheerfully Tells the Story of lier Cure.
"1 �t as for years a great sufferer from
iheun:atic affection in my ankles, and at
tines was so bad that 'I mina not wall:,
1 frit d every known remedy and treated
best physicians for years, but no
permanent relief. Although my confid-
enee in remedies was about exhausted, I
ic;.s induced to try South American
lelieuniatic Cure. 1 purchased a bottle,
The very lirst dose gave me relief, and
after taking two bottles all tin had van-'
islied and there has been no return of it.
I do cheerful] recommend this real
to come. Recent contracts far boots, one self to a railway bridge.
for 25,000 Gases, and for large quantities The Hamilton Public Library Board
of brogans and buff shoes, will prevent has refused a request to keep the reading
the closing of important shops, but the room open on holidays.
business done in the aggregate is much Conductor Hotrutn, of Hamilton, is
below the average. The shipments begin dead, as the result of injuries sustained
to fall below the maximum, and for at Woodstock in January last.
The Badeni Ministry of Austria bas
Prince BiSnrarCl celebrated his 82nd
It is reported that the Cubans are su-
ing for peace.
"When a great soul is reincarnated,
says Anne Besant, "it enters into a body
°f SOx1rU young person Whose Earthly ex-
would terminate about the6ieltte
time." It means, in brief, ahold-up on
the brink of eternity.
Q [j1
d j
Trite to
yt(� �1 p
Ut ellto Type
44 Bay Street,
�j flp n•
1' olllldl ys ••
three weeks have been 285,475 cases Montreal retail grocers protested to the
against 242,928 in 1805, and 246,016 in g
Wholesale Association against supplying
A1r. Cecil Rhodes has left London on
his return '°urn@ to South Africa.
.1893, but are still above those of the car- department stores with gree@ries.
responding weeks in other years.—Dun's
Review. Customs duties collected at Winnipeg
The' rigid enforcement of the alien for March amounted to $55,537, against
g $61, a 59 for the same month last year.
labor laws. In the United States may not
father Murphy, of gold cure faille,
The farewell banquet to Mr. Bayard
will take place in London on the 7th of
Emperor Francis Joseph has reinstated
the Badeni Mthat resigned the
Arrant Soper, of i3ut k s Palls, Toand Ail
Remedies for Rainey Disease of No Avali
until lee Used South American Kidney
Ours--7 o-dal He is a Well Man and Gives
the Credit Where it is pile.
�{,+ v{� N}�
prove stn unmixed evil for Canada. It
will, in a measure, put a stop to the died at his institute at Montreal of pneu-
large emigration that has steadily fiowed monia after an illness of only a week.
for years past to that country from this, The mileage of railways in operation
and which was largely composed of the he Canada at the end of the fiscal year
best and hardiest of our young men. was 16,270 miles, an increase of 1,707
will be compelled to stay at home miles.
now and devote their energies to the Mr. E. P. Hannaford, late chief en-
building up of their own country, and itt gineer of the Grand Trunk, is suing the
this connection it will be the duty of company for damages on account of his
those in
other day.
Princess Leopold, of Prussia, is taking
a regular course of training as a hospital
and held nurse.
Lady Ltiscelles, the wife of Sir Frank
Laseelles, the British Ambassador to
Germany, is dead.
The French Chamber of Deputies has
adopted the Part Dues bill imposing a
1 p a
Far a long time I have been a great
sufferer from disease of the kidneys. The
pains I suffered were the severest. I had
tired all kinds of remedies, but all to no
avail. I was persuaded to try South
American Kidney Caere. Have taken half
a dozen bottles, and I can conildently
say that to-day I ata a cured anon, and
can highly recommend this great xnedi-
cine to all sufferers from kidney trouble.
Can be Removed
' the Skin made Soft
and Youthfuly in
pearance by using
Peach Bloom
Skin Food.
Purify' the Blood, Tone
System and give new
Vigor nothsag equals
e 1 p ll
eaeh at Drug stores or sent
int reeetpt of Klee,
Atz ucii\> Co.. TORONTO.
who are wealthy and positions dismissal.
to do so to do all in their power to lend
Vital Ray, aged. 60, was asleep an the
a helping hand. There has been a lack
of patriotic feeling in Canada in the past I C. R. track one mile east of St.
Valier, Que., when the Halifax express
tax upon foreign vessels.
The Portuguese troops have been de-
feared is Guinea by the natives after a
fight lasting eight hours.
The average time it takes a letter to
reach Shanghai, China, from London, is
thirty-three and a half dans•
True to ills Training.
She—O, that dog!
He—What's the matter with the brute?
She—Papa has taught him to set. up a
howl at 10 o'01o.1 and he keeps right at
;t till all the lights etre oat.
and it is high time that we awoke to a
gkilled him.
true realization of the greatness, magna-
tude and richness of the land that is our The thirteen-year-old daughter of Mr.
heritage. It ought to be our greatest aim J, D. Liscum, Toronto Junction, was
and endeavor to retain the splendid burned to death while playing round a
manhood we have for the upbuilding of brush tire.
A great action. Never in the history of Two special trains, having on board
Canada has the trend of events pointed over 500 now settlers for the Province
so strongly to the harmonious coming and the Territories, arrived in Winnipeg
together of the different nationalities that from the east.
our population is composed of, showing The regular chartered insurance Som-
that the spirit of patriotism is beginning litanies hold $837,872,584 in fire risks in
to assert itself, that we can show to the p
Canada, and there is $827,814,465 of life
world we .can tek•e care of ourselves both insurance in force.
politically and commercially. It is the
P y y' Senator Macdonald, of British Colum-
people who inhabit a country that make bio bas introduced iL bill in the Senate
it, thus it behooves us to keepour youngto mak@ the 24th. of May a perpetual
men at home, and to do ieffectuall
holiday in honor of her Alujosty.
Astoria silk weavers struck far the re-
storation of a cut of 15 per Gent. in
wages made last September.
lantiA. ecableris @isatch being Sthat a new manufactured rat
Calais and will short] be laid.
The English Government has refused
g Y
to allow stands to be erected in the Lon-
don parks for the Diamond. 'jubilee.
It is stated that Ped of t t Faure has
b@en oflioiaily informed of rho approach-•
in8 visit of the Gzttr and.Czairina tui
It is expected that Gen. Rivera, who
was recently captured by the Spanish
forces in Cuba, will be at once tried by
by local applications as they cannot teach the
diseased portion of the ear, There Is only one
tit. oIairemedies.fnDeafnessd isteatuaedyby aittin
flamed condition of the mucosa ihiing of the
Tube. when this Imperfect
you ]rave a rumbling =ouncyi or imperfect hear•
you a have
ng, and and itisentirely
mule ed, Deafness n be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by hiencatarrh,
which is ttoth�(ng but an inflamed cundit[on of•
b> e wilt give One Hundred Dollars for anY
ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for Sir-
calors, free,
F. J CHIEN EY & CO., Toledo, 0.
CZ•Sold by Drnggiato 7Se.
You need not cough all night and dis-
turb your friends; there is no occasion for
you rtinning the risk of contracting in•
flammatiou of the lungs or consumption,
tvllfle }out eau get Bickle's An i Con-
sumptive Syrup. This medicine cures
coughs. colds, intammation of the lungs
find all throat and chest troubles. It pro-
motes i free and alts-thetiu expectoration, which
immediately relieves the throat and lungs
from viscid phlegm.
7 r}��
• "•.'"e':. ,. te:
e` FUL
rhe ERS
ST b,
_•� lees_
' ^CiiW
turn SOtn nig
lye )LI ALL
eq r tttts IN
rhe Ste le °OGfg �ROAN.4b t
R._ FF
rorohte. On s,ed Ce•
ad`r ..
they must be encouraged and helped by
every legitimate means possible to earn a During the last fiscal year there were
living and make their heroes in their 161 persons killed on Canadian railways,
own country. of whom 11 were passengers, 46 were
King George of Greece declares that a
blockade of his ports will be followed by
a declaration of war on the part of Greece
Realistic Art.
Miss •Pastelette (musing)--Strange I
can't think of any new designs for post-
employes, and 104 were neither.
Here and There. The Newfoundland Government hasfiendish.
decided to enforce the Act which pro-
against Turkey.
It is 'reported. at Cape Town that Dela-
oa Bay has been leased to Great Britain
ers. I want something real,grotesque and
how I have it; 1'll paint the
kind of neoletie Albert would wear if I
Get in on the Ground Floor if You
�i Lllt to Bake Molle
♦ ' •
A limited number of promoters' shares in a
first-class company for sale. Promoters' profits
are large and they are sure. Agents wanted
Stnrdnrd stocks at lowest rates,
P. S. W1�IGHT cF CO.
habits French fishermen from St• Pierre
for 30 years at an annual rental of hall
Iv°uld let hizn.
The price of a camel varies in Arabia taking bait in Newfoundland waters.
from $15 to $1,000. Mr. Laurier will probablybe aoeom-
a million sterling.
At the last ballot of rho R@Porm Club
Dyspepsia or Indigestion is occasioned
in biliarJ' ducts,
The cost of a patent in Germany is ponied by Chief Justice Strong on his
.$100, which includes the taxes for six visit to England. The Chief Justice goes
to take his seat at the Imperial Privy
in London every candidate bearing a
German tam avainst ]�afckralled. as a
by lila want of action the
loss of vitality in the stomach to heeret the
•gastric juices, without whish digestion
cannot go on ; also, being tae print •foal
Prizes or no prizes, women will con- Constable Watson states that Convey,
time to play whist. As for knowing charged with murdering a young man
trumps that's another matter. near Princeton, told him he had bought
Owing to the failure of the efforts to
close the quarrel between Lord Penrhyn
and his Welsh uarrynien twenty-seven
q 'b
hundred workman are still out of work.
cause of Headache. I'aruielee's Vegetable
Pills taken before going tobed,forawhile,
never fail to dive relief and effect a cure,
Mr. F. W. Ashdotvu, Ashdown, Oric.,
kneen"—the book of the year; is going to aril;
001156 ennipitUti' n; over 100 illustrations; eke-
gent hindities : popular ,r,ees • outfit only See;
wr,te quirk. G. M. it' ,SE & SONS. Toronto.
k iiliA9 ,,4010 Rla0AINnbi'
w. �.��.�.n.n.z.N�.%,��...w
; )
IA f
The Italian pharmacopoeia is revised the revolver for the purpose of shooting
every five years. Important innovations Russell Grover.
are expected to be made in the text this The Internal Economy Committee of
It is intimated that the negotiations
in connection with the fast Atlantic ser-
vice have reached a shape that an an-
writes: Parmelee's Pill, are taking the
lead against teu other make:, which I have
in stool:."
Aseesame», .vtem lingual I'rini•inle,
yeas. the Dominica House of Commons bas
nouncement may be expected before long.
increasing the Done
(xxcoxroun, 6n)
FREDERICK. A. 33URNUAM, President.
305, 307, 809 Broadway, New York City.
Sixteenth Annual Statement.
Covering Year Ending Decent ber 31st, 1896.
In Cash Income $ 2'33195 41
In Invested Assets 73,059 28
in Net Surplus 447,420 64
In Neav Lusiness Received,,. 15,112,102 00
In Business in force.. .... 16,366,690 00
in force 12,571
New Busines•Receiyecl .$ 84,167.997 00
New Business Written 73,020,3110°00
Total Business in Force. 8'95,026,001 00
In Expenses of Mttnagement....$163,841 33
In Total Disbursements P09,691 52
Iu Liabilities 399,642 86
Death Claims paid in 1896..$ 3,967,083 94
Death Claims paid since
Organization . 28,825,665 66
A Total Membership of 118,449 In.
A. R. MoNIOHOL, Manager for Manitoba,
British Columbia and North-west Territories,
bicintyre Block. Winnipeg, Man.; D. Z. BES.
Quebee,22 1'�aco d'A> mea
SETTS, Manat nr W.
Montreal, Que.. • J, MUuHAY, Manager
for Nova Scotia Halifax,N. S.
W. J McMURTItY, Manager for Ontario,
Freehold Loan }3uliding, Toronto, Ont
decided to compensate Restaurant-keeper
The inventor of the air-brake. John Barnett for the abolition of the House of
Hardy, lately died in Austria, where be Commons bar last session.
had been employed as a railroad official Mr J. R. McDonald, of Lancaster
for many years.
Township, was hit in the temple by part
The, Congress of Venezuela has unani-
mously ratified the Guinea boundary
arbitration treaty with Great Britain
which was negotiated by the United
"Your little boy's long illness was ex-
pensive, Mrs. Yellowby'r"
"indeed 16 was; every Limo we gave
dose of medicine be tan
him flung
1/ HO0PS41/A
•are unique.
; j
it '
It is said that some time ago a small of a bursting fly-wheel of an engine
In the
bottle a$ a mirror or through a window."
while threshing, and fatally injured. His
potentate in Afghanistan offered a Brit-
brother was also. seriously hurt.
Ish collector $42,000 fora complete set
of stamps of Afghanistan. Mr. Geo. A. Donet, secretary of the
Jamaica Agricultural Society, has writ-
connection with warlike aspect
of Europe and South Africa it is signin-
cantly reported that Lord Wolseley, the
British Commander-in-Chief, will shortly
How to Cure Headache.—Some people
suffer untold misery day after day with
Headache. There is rest 'neither day or
S er is said to be forthcomin that ten to the Canadian Trade and Com-
will cross the ocean in forty-eight hours. merce Department, pointing out a prob-oi
'What a scene will be offered should she able market in Jamaica for cattle.
hit somethingon the way.
y Mr. Casey will introduce a bill in the
visit Gibraltar.
Lady Sholto Douglas, nee Lorre
Addis, ' a San Francisco concert hall
singer, has given birth to a son. Lord
.Douglas is the youngest son of the Mar-
night uutil the nerves are all unstrung.
The is generally a disordered stom-
ach, and a cure can be effected by using
Parmelee s Vegetable Pills, containing
Matidr:il_e and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay
Dominion Parliament this week to com-
A bill has been introduced into Okla- pal railwayonSom anies to carr free of
p y
Noma legislature to forbid a man marry- charge all bicycles which accompany
ing his mother-in-law. But if ever a, man travelling on trains.
iris of Queensber
q yIuNnurber01Policies
Preparations against eventualiites in
the Transvaal are being steadily pushed
Wank, Lysander, 1?. Q., writes: •`I find
Parmelee's Pills a first-class article for
Bilious I3eadache."
parties passenger
should be convicted of violating such a
law, he will doubtless be judged insane. Lieut.-Governor Kirkpatrick, who is
j g still at Brighton, says he feels much bet-
forward by the British War Office, and a
to with African fighting
On His Guard.
"What that tourist have two
The grandfather of thehas
present em- ter, and expects to return to London in
peror of Germany took command of the a few days. He will remain in London
whole army, which beat the French, at for a fortnight, and then sail for home.
the age of seventy-three. William II. Trouble has arisen between the Grand
has himself
sale inado`
been selected to command the Eng-
,.s, troops, policemen come in here with him?" asked
the proprietor of the cut-rate tioketofrice.
Mr. Curzon, Parliamentary, Secretary "Somebody outside told him that you
for Foreign Affairs, in addressing his were a scalper,'•
constituents at.Southport on Saturday,
' `%
�� �q � fp' f
I \ ti***
q ' y., ,t 6�,f d
i 1, %'? . ""''t o 07 , .,� p1 O
.yQ'f' ° '
often.found unable to com Trunk and Canadian Pacific railways,
wand himself, owing to the new tariff of passenger
spoke bitterly of the action of the UnitedDifferences of Opinion regarding the
States in endeavorinrz to kill the arbitra-
There never was, and never will be, a rates to the Kootenay district issued by
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all the Grand Trunk, and a rate war is
ills to which flesh is beir-the very nature School book publishers are bidding for
of many curatives being such that were p g
thegerms of other and differently seated the right to publish the new text-books
y for Manitoba. Messrs. Gage &Company
patient—what would diseases rooted in hrelieve e e1one illof the offer to provide a completely new aeries
turn would aggravate the other. We and to supply every pupil in Manitoba
have, 'however, in Quinine Wine, when with a free co.pyWhile
tion treaty. popular internal and external remedy,
Dr. Thomas'Eclectrie Oil—do not, so far
Right Hon. A. J. Balfour stated in the as known, exist. The testimony is posi-
I3riitish Parliament that Great 13ritaiIl live and concurrent that, the article re-
would not hesitate to participate p pain, ,
P P in a Heves physical ,tin cures lameness
blockade of Greece if such an action checks a cough, is an excellent remedy
simnelbecome necessary in the interests for
nauseating heumaticnc complaints,
has pains
peace.p and
a party of Cretans was leaving effect when •taken internally.
Splendid. Equipment and Good Solid Work
-Piave placed the—obtainable
E�' p I
�„ k !f1 t? @� MOTOR � {eft
1..2 Horse Power - . • • $ 50
t ¢a
a essid' se r''ower • • a
i•'C' a 'A
�ygg Se I�gl,t,,l;g? ��
S Horse ,e Power • - • 140
•'le fee "ash g'iSenimin
U II II to,
`ip eiitl Ill.I4e3 Un larger s1zas. Every
'Electric Motor is guaranteed.
• -,
� � � � � TYPF �� �� �
9 e
... �.4' Ii1f:3Fl -�J''! G*AU[•4�'•- �`Ntr'CBRL•It/L_
in a sound unadulterated A Toronto syndicate wbich has acquired
a remedy for many and grevious ills, on electric iailway stock in 13birn-
By its gradual 'and judicious use, the ilton proposes to acq:iire and operate all
frailest systems are led into' convalescence properties working under city franchises,
givingthe city a voice in ^ their control
ninestrength, by the influence'so which Qui- y
nine exerts an Nature's own restoratives. and a certain share of the profits.
Akrotiri with flocks and women and
children the Bashi S3aozuks treaoht.rousl y Too Knoll for tate I)ng,
attacked them. The Cretans rallied and "Oh'appy, how in the world do you get
a lively fight resulted, in which about 50 by that savage,,, when you call at
on each side were killed. `Phe Bashi- Miss Bullion's?"
Baouks were thou disarmed by order of."Blow cignwotte smoke in his face. „
`- lloptions
� � r
' 6 -.IAN' l
01{ 'TOR-ONTO,
At the too. it has more teachers, more sta-
dents, and a6sists many more young men and
women into good nositiions than any other Can-
:idiom Business Scheel. Get particulars. Enter•
any time. Write W le• SHAW, Principal.
Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto.
It relieves the drooping spirits of those The reception to Mgr. Ater, del Val in
p g p b Y
with whom- a chronic state of morbid des- the Basilica at Ottawa was an extremely'
and lack of interest in life is a brilliant and lilt elyattended affair. Ad-
p g
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, dresses, were presents d to the Papal able-
the foreign Admirals.
Answering a question in the House of 40 j
Commons, Mr. Curzon said that the �"""' ° ., 1�
diplomatic relations between Great Bri-
disposes to sound uud refreshing sleep—' gate in Latin, ]trench and English, and
imparts vigor to the action of the blood, be replied to each In kind, his speeches
which, being stimulated, courses through- making a very favorable impression.
out the veins,streu;,thenmA the healthy
titin and Venezuela have not yet been
renewed, but her Alajest°y's Government put i0 rOtxte 7.11 artily of I+'OTlftitl0ble•
was ready to take into friendly considers- Trespassers.
tion any propoa;.l:, from Venezuela to re-
T. N, U. 110
t n Il Et) STATES.
animal functions of the system, therebyp
making activity a necessary result, The Pennsylvania Railway company
strengthening the frame, and giving, life' has agreedto carry bicycles free over
to the digestive organs, wlriolr naturally their entire systeni.
demand increased subrtsince-, int- I+ight Chinaxrien tiro under arrest in
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Malone, N. Y. who are alleged to have
' h given to the public their been smugglecl'acrosi the border.
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, +1'h Aa 10-A.inF'.-rl(.'2bn urbitratiCln tl, a -:
p Qe g @ ty
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, pd.11 be tem 4rar' F'dB-tracked ' t11e.
this wine approaches nearest perfection of •[United • Stats t!`eiitite this ween.. - -
,.+1......, n..l.a4• Arg A,.„»..4,.,.....-„-;�
ri,t ty diplomatic, larnatrc rclatzOns. Constipaiion,Dizziness,Pairnundertbe
Mr. lriclnnes moved its Parlianaeat Shoulder DI plies, Siek iie:adactio, [Do-
that the act of the British Columbia 'laressasci Fi'ollirg, /floating, .after
Legislature granting the charter t° the Fmti.tag, Debility and intron). •
g g Eli t gestalt from an Irl-
13rftish Cohxmliia Suttthex�i Railway be• active livor.
disallowed. Other British Columbia,
representatives supported the motion but Dr. Agnew's Lever Pills, 40 little Red
Mr. Navies. said tiro Governn'ient.. would Coats at a Cost Of 20 cents will set yon
Only •CUnSide:r such a course With great right in short Order, Piles Ofte@ttisrony
caution. CO prove it. - _
r: •. ,
fu �-¢•
- '
✓ , ' '" `�
'li.':frgA1'J ort youngma or woman can do ,s to at•
tend The NortbEtnliu5rnpsSC011egefor.term. DC
you -mutt() know what yon ran loam? y hen writs fat
A.,,, ,nn..m..n++n C. A. Tgw,.,:n� rt..,,.,, Gi0..,rn.i. link..
0 a u•a .a upg,g.wua ao,,taw