HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-4-8, Page 5� 'rtll i THE Ox d .er bi ovate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. --6,v the-- ADVOCATE he—ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TE1%MS OP STTBSORIPTTON', One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 51-50 if not so paid, 86lArertie a.g Rates oar ,S.ppLtca-. tioxa. No vapor discontinued un til all arrearageo are paid, Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged aocordingly. Liberal discountmade for transelent advertisements inserted for !long periods, Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. (Meg ties, money ord- ers, &o. for advertising, subscriptions , ate ,to be made payable to Chas. 11. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Xt'iofcasaonal Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, (Dentist.) Specialist in gold filling and plate work. Extracts teeth without any pain, or sickness, or any bad effects in the gums and face, At Surieh on last Thursday fat each month. Rooms west side Main Street, Exeter. DB. D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) RJ honors Graduate.of the Toronto LJni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth oxtraoted without 'pa'in. A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot 8t E11iot's law office -opposite Central Hotel --Exeter. 'Stair •kt Drs, J A notLUSS T A. AMOS. itesi,lcueos, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackle an, building, Main Si.Main ' ,Br, Rollins' office; same as formerly —north door. Dr. Amos' office, Sainte building—south door. May 1st. 1808 X. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A Ainoe, M. 1) I1r,T, P. bicLAITGRLtN, MEMBER OP ilJl the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. j� R. OOLLINS, BARRISTER,sOLIOIT- ▪ e OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter; Ontario. Money to Loan. '17 IT,DTCKSONr 1 ATBTtISTETt,SOLICITOR, .1_1, of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Offioe—$'anson's Block:Exeter F LT TOT, E LLIOT & MAO KEN ZIE. BAR- D IZt TERS, ETC., c: onveyaneers, and Money to Loan at 5 and gee per cent. B. V. ELI.to'r, Fnxn. ELLIOT, M. MACNNN Z1E, Auctioneers H° BROWN, Wineheisea. Licensed Auot- i i ion ear for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, else for the township ofr eborne Bales prompti•y attended toandterms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged .at Post office. Win- ohelsea. limpaisiolanaorpumcs.nexem Insurance. E EL FACT, Insurance .kg ent, Main St. Exeter WAITED: 42ti VASSERS---aQueon Viotoria: Fier • Gifu and Reign," has captured the 13rit- ieli Empire. Extraordinary testimonials irem the great men; sena for copy free. aeartluiS of Lorne says,'' Tho bast popular IItI(ffe of thu Queen T have seen." 'Her . fa it vh ' s ds a kdnd totter of appreciation. ,ogling by thousands; gives enthusiastic satisfact- ion. Citnyatsars making St5 to tie weekly. Praspeetu, free to. agents. TIM I1xAnr.sr- (S•Littt 1'1805 CO., L'ru, Toronto, Ont. TAILORING CHEAP AND d�S " The Hang -dog Expression " loots of a " ready made,"" hand- me-down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO GOOD. ?�S *i5 A tailor.made suit, cut. pride and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. Rolled ' Corned Bear. OZ 3 R ■ 1913.1.111.M131.0.416.1iSIG. r....,1210310 Pickled Tongue, Sausage, Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. Beef sold by the Quarter Pare Lard. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides and Sheep Skins One Door South of A DAY, OENTRA- HOTEL, 1L. 11 , Prop THE. PERFECT TEA EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wodl.esday) Wheat per bushel ......... ......... 5070 to 72 Barley 20 to 28 Oats• Peas 85 to 38 Butter 10 to U. Potatoes perbag 35; Onions Red Clover Seed per bushel 54.00 to 54.50 ktay per ton 7:UU to 8.00 Brie d Apples per lb Turkeys Ducks Geese ...... Chicken 2A. 7 5 Depends upon keeping the blood in a pure condition, free from disease germs, and yet there are very Pew people who have perfectly pure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleanses, vitalizes and en- riches the blood, throwing out the impurities that clog and irritate the system and permits no lodgment of the seeds of disease. Reacl the following: "I cannot recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla too highly for it has done wonders for me. I was 0 0 c and all run down and my health was so poor I could not get out of doors. I was not able to do anything, being troubled with asthma and heart disease. I was nervous and could not sleep nights. I had become completely discouraged when I happened to read an advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to give it a trial. After taking the first bottle I felt better and since taking five bottles T am so much improved that I feel like a new man. I am now able to do a fair day's work and sleep 0 at night. My heart does not trouble me and I have realized great relief for asthma. I feel full of courage once more and lite seems brighter and worth living. I would recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all afflicted as naive been, for I know it will help them. If this statement of facts will be of benefit, you are welcome to use it as you please." IREREY J. Wi31a1IT, Box 602, Oxford, New York. SarsaparWW�a Is the One True Blood Purifier, All druggists. 51. Prepared only by C. I. Rood es Co„ Lowell, Mass. euro all Tever• Ills and Hood's Pills sick Headache. 25 cents. FCR TWENTY.SEVE l YEARS. THECOOK- BEST MEND LARGEST SALE if CAI• -11!.3 ,. Break Up a Cold in Time BY USING PY Y- FE TO AL • The (grief. Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, D1:ON- C?IIITIS, IIOARSENBSS, etc. °t. Mac. JOSEPrt NO- IW- rC8', of 52 Sorensen Ave., Toronto, writes: P,ny 'ectoral has never taitod to cure any children of croup atter a few doses, It cured myself of along -standing cough after s• „r l r .1u,r rrnrdlas had failed, It has nho proved ed an excellent cough cure for my faulty I peter it to any ether mesion,, lir Cort„ h% camp or hoarseness.' n. 0. lln>,BOUR, of Little Rocher, N.B., writes: "Mn cure for coughs r'vny-Pectoral is the beat selling medicine I Lave; my cus- tomers 1ri11 have no other.' Large Bottle, 25 Cts. DAVIS 5 LAWRENCE CO„ LTD. Proprietors, 141oaranAL gieottozWathausgtifted 1 Mr. Peter Bertrarn's hardware story at Hamilton was gutted by fire, Sun day entailing' a heavy loss. Thirty business honses and a dozen dweilings were destroyed by tire at Cambridge. Springs, Pa., causin° the. friss of one life and doing $225,003 thou • age to property Mr, J. R. McDonald of Lancaster Township was hit on the temple by parr of a bursting fly wheel of an engine while threshing on Thursday and fatal lv injured. His brother was.alsoseri- ously hurt. WOOi2'83 P'SE-1 Sia2E'dODIN3G. Tho Great Erng;,Eish Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Tutissions,Sper Th. atorrhea, Impotency anti all effects of Abuse 07' L'xcesses, Menta/ Worry, emeasivs use .F07.8 and After. ?!C?'. of ranee?, O,piem or stimn. Be ✓ loots, whiali soon leacl to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Ras been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask, druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; if he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose priceln letter, and we will send by return mail Price, one package, Ell; six, 55. One wig please, six wilt elm. Pamphlets free to anyaddresy The Wood Company, `rtcc FIN Z.ST Trs 18 'stere ti:ort.o PROM l'Hkt TEA r"a T TO THE TEA CUP Tam: ono 1 c a rsr oder the supervision e,''t'rc "t1 1 tlr ,h rti.,ideedsoldbythem ou a ren. ,.• .f d,e host e, 1; e.. of Indian and Ceylon. Tens. I es ,alethe t t•eie,on thy sec that none but the very fresh 1: ter., „e hire'Monsoon packages. `�� the perfect Tea, can be hotel at tit.:same. i,r'er1„C tea. 71pp r , . B..r en chiles of 34 ib., r ib. and S lh i , ",r c t:..•.'uurs at ,oc., 50c. and 50c. eon-, • t beep r,t, tell him to write t,i 6"" [., , ti Y'S'' & ,", O., i: ,and is Front St. furoate. Windsor, Ont., Canada. B—;sops iat tl xeter mnat everywhere in Canada )py all respoftei&pie aera...frivte. who cn thiuK Wanted—An idea 0± someasimplel thing to patent? Protect your ideast they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN Wi*IDER}IIIItN & CO. Patent Attor- neys Washington, D. O., for their 51,800 prise oiler and list of two hundred iaventiona wanted. THREE ASPHYXIATED SHOCKING FATALITY iN DOW'S BREWERY, MONTREAL. Matthew Rennicau and John Webb Lose Their Lives in .A.ttemptrng to Bescue a Comrade, Montreal, April 5. -Three men were asphyxiated by carbonic acid gas in Messrs. Wm. Dow &a Co.'s brewery this morning, and a fourth who was over- come is still insensible but will probably recover. Shortly before 10 o'clock the bead brewer, William Stewart, sent John alurpily and John Webb to clean out vat No. 4, Both men bad been in the employ of the brewery for some time and were thoroughly acquainted with the one danger to be avoided, namely, the carbonic acid gas, which is generated and sinks to the bottom when the vat is empty. Perhaps this knowledge begot carelessness, or it may bo that each man. thought the other had applied the simple test of lowering the lighted candle into the yawning vat. Nothing will ever be known as to that, but it is certain that the test candle was not used, for it was found after the catastrophe in its usual place near the fatal vat. The two men left the fermenting room together, and a few minutes later the other men there heard to sound like a groan and heavy fall. That was all. Matthew Ilennigan and John McCabhey wore nearest the door, and they 'yore into the vat room lila a flash, and attempted e rescue be- foro cooler heeds could stop thein. Hen- nigan jumped into the vat, and was al - Ill ost inunt'slitttcly asphyxiated. But 'h1eCabbey was in no way daunted, and Ito' started. to climb in. 1 -le got a part of the way down the ladder when he, too, bream° iesensibl.e, and was fortunately dragged out by some others of the work Sven who had now arrived. Meanwhile the aleran in becuame general throughout the brewery. Axes were quickly brot,g ht, and willing lianas strung them on the oaken top of the big tun. But the wood, thick as it was, and braced heavily with iron, resisted for many minutes the at- tacks of the rescuers. At last the end was wrenohed off, but the three men in le wore already dead. The men who dragged the bodies out of the vat say that Webb hud hold of Murphy, which lends color to the assumption that Murphy had en- tered first, and that Webb lost his life in trying to save him. There is no doubt about Bennigan's great sacrifice. His last words, when warned by the shouts of the head brewer not to enter the vat, were, "My God! I must go 1" THE FOREST CITY. Tho Roared of Trade Approves of a Two Dollar Export Duty en Pulpwood.. Landon, Ont„ April 6.—The Board of Trade has approved of the petition for an export duty of 521 per cord on pulpwood. The Finance Committee of the City Council will also recommend the adop- tion of the petition by the Council. The Customs collections for March last were 550,272.80, as compared with 553,- 267.35 fn March, 1800. The exports from. this port for March, 1897, were 5104,027, of this 545,548 was in tobacco alone. The American manufacturers have run short of supplies owing to the Cuban embargo and are buying extensively in Canada. Mr. John Gutteridge, egad 70, dropped dead at the London and Paroles Barrel Company's works on Saturday. He was in the Inidst of a slight altergation with a fellow -employe at the time, and being troubled with heart failure it is supposed the excitement induced a fatal attack. Mr. Wm. Jackson, aged 00, ono of the most successful farmers of Westminster township, was found dead in led on Sat- urday morning by his family. He had been troubled with heart disease. A widow and several children survive him. Col. Vidal, Capt. Denison, and Sergt. Gregory received word on Saturday noti- fying them to sail for England on the 10th inst. The annual report of the city auditors shows the assets of the city to be 52,871,- 440.85, and the liabilities to be 5342,- 746.37 less. Lieut: CoL Snaith received word from the Department of Militia yesterday em- powering him to take on a special class of ten short course men for the term, which opens on Monday. Last term the class numbered 100. Thu Biro Record, Markham, .April 5.—About 1 o'clock on Sunday morning the barns and out- buildings belongings to 1lfs. W. A. Rob- inson, one mile west of here, with about 2,300 bushels of grain, implements, etc., were burned. Several head of cattle were injured by the fire. Loss over 52,000, partly covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is supposed to be tramps or grain thieves. Tiverton, April 5.—About 10 o'clock on Sunday night the drug store owned by i1lr. J. Walker was discovered to be an fire. The alarm was at once given, and the villagers turned out in force and soon extinguished the flames. I-Iagersville, April 5.--1ffire broke out about 4 o'clock this morning in the stable between Goodwin's hotel and the club house. It spread rapidly east and west, until in about two hours the whole of that range of buildings comprising the hotel occupied by Charles A. Decker and Alex. McDonald's club house, to- gether with the intervening shed, stables and billiard room was destroyed.. Tho total loss is placed. at 510,00; insurance, 50,000; chiefly in Royal and Waterloo. St. Thoniots, April 5.—The Methodist Church at Muncie was totally destroyed by fire at 1 o'clock yesterday. The flames are thought to have started from a coal accidentally dropped by the sexton when lighting tr.e fire with live coals fromhis house near by. The bnilding was a frame. one erected 25 years ago through the efforts of the late Rev. Dr. Morley Pan - sheen Tho loss is 51,200, with no insur- anco. Owen Sound, April 5. — Yesterday. morning at 2 o'clock a roughcast house on Bay street, belonging to Mr. W. A. MleCleau, was`b'iun.ed. The origin of the fire is unknown. Loss $300; insured in the North British and Mercantile Insur- ance Company for 5200. A Lion Attacks Lila Bleeper., Boston, April 5.—Rudolph Corroz, a keeper, went into the cage of the wrestl- ing lion,. Brutus, at the ,j• oo to -day, and was thrown to the floor by the ill -tem peroed beast. An inlnlense Russian wolf in the cage attacked the lion and was lulled. Meantime the keeper got out un - Rev. James Van Wick, of Hamilton, le very seriously i11. Paine's Celery Compound Saves Sleepless,Ne rvous and Despon- dent People From Insanity. THE GREAT MEDICiNE HAS NO EQUAL.. Medical men of the highest standing, and a host of others competent to judge, declare that Paine's Celery Compound is the only effective medicine for the banishment of all the troubles that lead to sleeplessness or insomnia. In the spring season thousands are restless, fretful, nervous, despondent and gloomy. They find it impossible to obtain restful and sweet sleep, and soon became physically exhausted; some already are mere wrecks of hu- manity. Such sufferers cannot with saftey iritie with sleeplessness and continued uurest, All In such a condition de- mand immediate succor and aid before nature becomes too overtaxed The weakned, exhausted and irritated sys- tem must be strengthened. For every form of sleeplessness or insomnia therA is but ono remedy one healer; it is Paine's Celery Compound, It'll() only medicine that acts in a truly natural way to produce sleep and per- fect rest. This Wondrous remedy of nature should be used at once if satisfactory and immediate results are desired. Do not allow your run-down, nervous sys- tem to lead you to the very brink of the grave in spring time Putting off will only complicate your troubles, and deeper misery will be yours. Use Paine's Celery Compound and you are assured of perfect action o fthe heart, stomach, kidneys and liver, and sweet sleep will be your life bies- silig. Get " Paine's" the kind that cures. .Remember that there are miserable. imitations ---celery preparations that are worthless and dangerous as well. Ash, your dealer for ,. Paine's" and take no other, if you seek for life and health. bDl, -iaa,,:x.• wry°'.FS?M1ls--�c.'fRr°GCiet«'W .X,rIR:i-f.,:affan WiSE SAYINGS. Man's conscience is the oracle of Cot;.«.' - Byron. If thou desire rest unto thy soul, be just. —Quarles. Humility is the truest abstinence in the world. ---Delaney. Trust reposed 111 noble natures obliges them the Inure.—Dryden. A elan without mirth is like a wagon without springs.—Beecher, Want and sorrow are the wages that folly earns for itself,—Schubart, Euvy always implies conscious inferior- ity wherever it resides—Pliny, Good -nature is one of the richest fruits, of true Christianity. --Beecher. If a better system is thine, impart it ; i1 not, snake use of mine.—Horace. An ounce of contentment is worth a pound of sadness, to serve God with.— Fuller. Beauty is the first present nature gives to woman and the first it takes away. -- More. Providence has given us hope and sleep as a compensation for the many cares of life,—Voltaire. Genius may be described as the spirit of discovery. It is the eye of intellect, and the King of thought.—Simms. Envy makes us see what will serve to Recuse others, and not perceive what may justify then.—Bishop'Wilsou. BREEZY BITS. A. man may smile and smile, but if he doesn't quit lie will see Noakes.—Texas Siftings. Old Beau—Miss Flossie, be mine; I would give my life for you! Miss Flossie \4ni1, you may if it's heavily insured.—. 131of za ifp. The 1"hster woman is just as attractive maid lovely Sts the much talked of summer girl.—Dayton Herald. Curious yqung men stand at the church doors until every female has marched out. The Easter hennet is getting in its work. —Galveston News. "hero comes the carriage, Maud Fancy baying to go and pay calls in such weather! It's enough to giro one one's death of cold!" "Worse than that, mother! Evotybody's sure to be in !"—. Boston Budget. She—I think there is considerable rooni for improvement in ladies' dresses now- adays. He—Well, in the sleeves, especial- ly, I should say iliero was room enough for almost anything.—Yonkers States- man. "Colonel, can you oblige mo with a load of powder and a few buckshot?" "No, sir; I've got an engagement with two men this morning, and I fear I won't have enough to go around."—Atlanta Constitution. FACTS 1N FEW WORDS. England imports 55,000,000 worth of potatoes every year. Twenty million dollars worth of bank notes leave the Bank of England daily. The total cordage required for a first rate man-of-war weighs about nighty tons, and exceeds 515,000 in value. A Tennessee bay had a curious way of proving that he was a child of tondex years and entilted to ride at half fare when he whipped the conductor who held a different opinion. Tho Fates are represented by three sisters, Clotho. Lachesis and Atropos. With unwearied fingers they plus their time drawing out the threacts of life. Clotho holds the spindle or distaff, Laaoh• esis draws out the threads and Atropos outs them off. EVSA OULD KNOW IVI Is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN- TERNLI., and EXTERNAL Use, and won- derful in its quick action to relieve distress. PAIN-iU LE1 ie a. snrn cure rev Sure Vivant, Coughs, [.tolls, ltDinrl•rra':e, 37ytra,t,ty, eranu,s, 1'hoIOl'n, tg00100,11 tuwul Cyymuldatpis PAIN- ILLi R ;s slay Tu4;Fn:1r 9 ein- r<1.Y ]coown l'ur St!ot.. 0ic11itexs , oleic Tile hdache, Pains In the stack or aide, Rheumatism and 7deIaz'elt~ia. PAIN -KILLER is 1l10gmsrrmr,nry ibo !C +9 IIANAMER1T 8181s.11. Itbrtn;sasser vnt 1,0 eiti,T d>r0ir Rnraxr In all cnsos of iti•loOSes, Eats,. Ssonfais, l8evcro. Maims. etc. is rho well tried and trusted friemalt of the Mechanic., yc'arnae;t Matt-, Sailor, and in NA all classes y nnting a medicine always at band, nod 0505: 1n 0011 im terai.ctly or exteraasalry will eertaIntl of relte ne xoro or inritetinna, Take Hohn but no Sonoma «10781' DAvra." Sold. everywhere; tis. hlg funic. VEEN LAI Gli BOTTLES SO Cents Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing , Business of A. Landman (M'ood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. We intend keeping. the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spareribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual. ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered, We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5°/ will be given for cash. C. S" ELL,— Prop. r e o a 0 G0 t 0 0 t31 00 !Undertaking a Specialty. 40 0 • O " MENTHOL La PLASTER. I1 aro presrrL "0 Stenth'l Plaster lira number of cages of neuralgia and rheumatic learns, and limas tui os oh,i4+lappl a Ioathe , W,ii Cuepslod- T1ra, N O., hotel ecfurd, OuOun, IhavuuseetMentb„1l'lasters in several eases of masealer rhe ,rnathen. Wall/10 00 every teas° that ltgtve almnat instant and p. rr rn nent relief. —3,11.110,110 1S,P., Washington. 175% It Cures Seiati ca, Lumbago. Neu- ralgia, Pains in Each or Side, or any muscular Palos. Pi ice ! Davis & Lawrence Co., "Ltd,2 !o. Sole Prcprictcus, \tosrs!~al.. coe es s0 A 0 O 0 0 BRISTOL'S BRISTOL'S BRISTOL'S OL.9S Sarsaparilla and %P P / L L S The Greatest - of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SPECIFIC FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Chronic Complaints. They Cleanse and Purify the Blood. All Druggists and General Dealers. rrPPmrrrr mrra.,,SrruyYMi rr.,, rTrrrr • ..e,7 rE • Is invaluable, if you are run l down, as it is a food as well as a medicine. p t The D. ez E»u Enucksion Vdi1i bu,hd ytm' 1 if your general health is t i;,,pa;rc3. E Tho c?- R.. Emulsion Is the l .. t r 1 Lrn t pal -,table preparation of • Lod I i c l' .5r,.ci..g with the most deli-- care stets:dells. e ;hay ° & Emulsion ELI prescribed by the i..ad::tg physicians of anada. Tho D. C.9 L. Es fins on `Is,rtmarvellousflesh producer and will give ,. an � r ri appetite. Fn`.30°f.,.. ,6i l(Si:9" Bottle. ' Be sore you gst DA`118'e't LAWRENCE 00., LTD. the gen nine: I 0014Ta}IAL r .,, Y t tLe1.S.l �.(..tAAl.!_U dA Ad1,lA.tAi1dF lJ�, � . Conductor Antrum, of Hamilton, is dead. as the result of injuries sustained at Woodstock in January last. George L. Gregory of Ogdensburg, N Y , crossed to Prescott, and hanged himself to a railway bridge, Thursday. THE PALACE A man must consider his purehase well these times; he must `luy where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures: Pants made to order, all wool Heavy tweeds 82.00 Suits X9,89 Ov« reoats $8.00 Black Worsted. suits a spec- ial, 812,00 Our 820 hlaekl beat all others at $23. Come and see for yourself. JAMES H. GRIEVE. SERVES YOU R 1G HL, 1f you go and pay more for furniture than you could buy it from us, that is your fault, but don't do it again. We lead in all lines and can save you quite an item by dealing with us, New Premises. We are getting nicely settled in our new premises now and our stock is large and varied. S. GIDLE 'S & SON, g OPERA HOUSE Bloot Bicycles ! Bicycles 1 I Bievies ! 1 ! Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seei:ing Bieycie pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winans Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winans condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto_ benefacto and Liniment the medicine so sriccessfull ed e, used by Mr. Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. For sale here, C- L U TZ, Druggist