HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-4-8, Page 4T H E ezeter Abilaratz., Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop 'THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1817. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The bicyclists are again agitating for the carriage of their wheels as bag- gage on railway trains. They are eneetieg with success iu several States of the Union. Soon the bicycle will aro'longer excite the meddling proper'. :cities of lawmakers, tax inventors, toll takers or railway- managers. The rail way, itself bad the same trouble at one time. Tho new License Bill, now before the Provincial Legislature, will be difficult to enforce, if it becomes law. There; mations prohibit the sale of liquor to persons under the age of 21, and for a violation of this clause a heavy penalty is attached. How a bartender is to knew the age of a customer is some thing difficult to understand. If ap- araueces are to be taken, the difficul- ty becomes greater, for many youug men of I$ or 19 years look older than ethers who have reached 25. Trans f'errin4 the power to municipalities of xil,g the closing and opening hours s, to our way of thinking, a most ob- ,ectltlnahle feature of the bill. One corpt,ratiou may set the closing of ho- tels say at 9 p. ui., while the munie'i• pality adjoinieg will allow them to re- main open for an hour or two hours 'tater. There should be uniformity in this, and the ouly way to get at it is for the i.e;lislatnre to name the time and essume the responsibility, i nstead of ehrrwiug it on the shotalders of muiliei. palities. smother el,tuse.v'.endors; a boy who loiters a flout a har room liable to a :fine er imprisonment. This is not in the interests of • mperal,ce, It puts ehe brand of ciiu;ulality upon him; de• grades the lad, alai deetrass home in. fittence. WAR IS INEVITABLE. IF GREECE IS. BLOCKADED KING GEORGE MUST ACT. Fire at Seaforth Seaie:rth, April 4th, -Fire broke out in the store of Mr. C, W. Papst, book- seller and jeweller, early this morning. a't was discovered at about S o'clock a ala. The brigade responded quickly, and, although the fire had gaiued con- siderable headway, it was got under reoutroi, after an hour's hard work, Mr, Papst had a stock of about $12,000, oe1y partially cocere i by insurance, xmousting to $6,000, distributed in the Commercial Union, Phceni, of Hartford and Queen's Fire Companies. The building is badly damaged, atld is in cured for $3,500. The origin of the fire is a mystery. Eiger for Hostilities --German OTcers As- sistinr the Turlisiz Troops—The Ad- mirals Are Dissatisfied --Correspondents Denounce the Action of the Powers. London, April 5. -The Standard pub- lishes a despatch from Canes to -day which says that the Whole line of defence outside the town has been divided into districts, which are to be visited daily by the foreign detachments, in order to fa- miliarize the troops with the country in which they may have to act. VASSOS' MISREPRESENTATIONS. In the Rouse of Commons to -day the Parliamentary Secretary for the Foreign Oince, Mr. George Curzon ,hnswertn.g a question, said the British admiral in Cretan waters reported he had received a despatch from Col. Vassos, the cam- maucler of the Greek army of occupation, which, he said, ens full of misrepresent- ations. Replying to a question relative to the employment of artillery in Crete, Mr. Curzon said he was not aware that any of the Governments had reached a decision in the matter, except Russia, who was sending a mountain battery to the island. The First Lord of the Treasury, Mr. Balfour, replying to a question, said that so far as the Government knew Germany was not sending troops to Crete. TllRr.ATE\ki) VOTE OF CENSURE. In the House' of Common-. to -day Mr. I..ibouvheie. Radical dical u ehuber for North- ampton, moved that the house disap- proves of the advice of the Marquis of Salisbury to the Queen, to use the British forces againet the Cretans or the Greek nation. He made it long and violent spools denouncing the policy of the Government, Whhsli he. characterized zed as a policy of fostering a perfect nest of :lhh.,lellyy :mil slaughter. Re said he be - 1111 cd that t vote of censure would be proposed before the Easter recess. air. Balfour, First Lord of the Trea- sury, replying on behalf of the Govern- ment, said that he would welcome the I..uih n of I•I.nsurca which the honorable member for Northampton had threat- ened. It would give the Government an opportunity to defend its policy. Ho wished to reiterate that the great powers were not siding with Turkey, but were only defending the lives of Mohammedan Cretans against those who were not bio- h1mImL•dan and their sallies. Tho policy of the British Government was to give the Cretans self-government. He had net the slightest doubt, he said, in con - elusion, that Crete would obtain free- dom, though he could not speak of the peace of Europe with the same confidence. The best course for the maintenance of the peace was to second the concert of the )lowers. After a number of 'minor sneakers had garticipated in the discussion the matter stropped. A Rich Man. They had just arrived in Brooklyn from the Island, They walked across the treat bridge. As they approached the New York side they stretched their tecks and viewed the massive build iings "Oh, he must be rich," she ventured. " Who?" "The man who owns all those build ;lugs" "One man doesn't own them alt." "Oh, yes he does," she assured him, "How do you know ? " he asked. "Because.'" she said his name is on them." T guess that's so," he agreed as he looked up at a sky scraper, " cIr. Oastoria must be pretty rich," -Prin- ters' Ink, Pose Milk. MR. EDIT0P..—In explanation to an item of last week headed "Deteriorated " and signed "Lacteal" I am here to explain for myself and am satisfied that it is a bogus affair from beginning to end. In the first place your inspec- tor took a sampla in one bottle and left me a sample in another, saying that if we were not satisfied with their test we could send our sample which was seal ted up and pasted over the cover to the Government analyst and have it tested there; but we did not hear of the result mf the test here till after our sample was sour, and when we heard of it they only told us that the milk was alright and that we should not know any more about it, as they were not going to tell any one the results of the test, That gave us no chanee whatever to defend ourselves with our samples. It was on the sixth day when I heard the news eirculated and I was astonished to hear aueh talk, as the Board of Health are. aware to secrecy, It was from as out- side party that I heard it and I don't. believe it, and I will never believe it, 3E defy the man to prove that his test is right, because he can't do it; and I defy the man who wrote that. shameful, scandalous piece of rot to prove one word of his statements, and 1 will forfeit $100 to any man that will prove, or convict me of ever selling adulterated milk in any form. My milk has been tested before in London alnd Ottawa by government test and found in both places to contain 4,S6 per cent butter fat which is 1.58 above standard milk and it will stand a law- ful test any time. I am not ashamed to sign my name to this article but the pian of last week was, and if you want any more explanation call on your milk vendor.. W. H DhDAn1NG. A number of gambling houses at Montreal were raided Friday night. ,AST R I A For Infants and Children.. FIRED ON FOREIGN TROOPS. Canna, April 3.-A detachment of in- surgenta to -day fired several rounds at the I3utsunaria block -house, which is, occupied by the international troops. The Italian guns returned the fire. A BISHOP'S APPEAL. The Bishop of Canon has sent a mess- age of fervent apprttl to the Christian people of Europe,ilnploring them to com- pel their Governments to stop bombard- ing and. to cease opposing the unanimous desire of the Cretans to escape tyranny by a union with Greece. PROMPT ACTION URGED. Athens, April 3.—The newspapers to- day unanimously urge the Government to take prompt action before the powers present an ultimatum The decision of the Government is not yet known, if, indeed, a final decision has been reached; but it is believed in official circles that both the King and the Cabinet will favor active measures. It is reported here that there is great excitement among the Macedonians and Epirotes in Thessaly because of the ru- mors of excesses committed by the Turk- ish troops in Macedonia. GREECE MUST GO FIRST. Constantinople, April 3.—It is under- stood here that the Porte, replying to the request of the powers for the with- drawal of ith-drawal'of Turkish troops will only com- ply with the request in case the Greek troops are withdrawn first. MANITOBA MATTERS. iliousness is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify,in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, insolnina, nervousness, and, if not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning,. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache,, dizziness, eou- The only' Pills to take with8Hood's Sadruggists, sa ar a. y Around About Us, Lieury: Wm. Mawson's little boy gave his foot a bad gash with an axe the other day. Seaforth: A young son of Mr. ttobt, French fell from a fence the other day and broke his arm, Fullertont: .1d, Seebach has dispos- ed of his 50 acre let, No. 14. con. 4. to Michael F. Schellanborgeg. Fullerton: John. Kidd, jr. had the misfortune to cut his foot with aa axe, at George Barter's wood bee. St Marys: Messrs. t'i'belihan Bros, proprietors of Windsor hotel have pur- ehased the National betel property, Downie: On Tuesday Miss Mary, youngest daughter of Theo. Feltz, was united in tnarriu a to Mr. Geo Eicb- mever, i'Zirkton: Mr. John Sample, who has been a resident of this section for many vears, left Weduesday for British Columhia. Downie: On Sunday the young daughter of Charles Robinson was se- verely burned about the face, while playing with the tire. McGillivray : Mr. John Groves, of the 7th concession of ateGi'llivray, has rented his farm and moved to Parkhill, where he well live retired, Seaforth: Mr John I'cenkie has putt chased the 100 acre farm on the Kip - pen road from tJrs, Wm. Chesney, pay ing therefore the sum of $4,80t).� That tired feeling is due to impover ished blood. Enrieh the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla and be strong and vigorous, Brucefield: Mrs, 'Hugh McCartney- ie laid up at present, haying received a severe fall, fracturing some of her ribs and otherwise injuring herself, Sylvan: Diphtheria has broken out in the township. The families of Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Geo. Nutt and Mr. Charles Robinson are afflicted. 141r. and Mrs. Robinson have the sympathy of all in the death of their eight year old daugh- ter, Mary Jane, under such sad circum- stances.. In the annual Univereity boat race. Oxford won easily from Cambridge on Saturday, A 14-Yeal' old Harpurhey boy at tempted suicide last week, He took rat poison. The thirteen -year-old daughter of. Mr. J. D. Liscum, 'Toronto Junction, was burned to death while playing round a brush fire Friday. Mr, B. Brodie, of. Wallaeetown, while edging a small piece of board iu the sawmill had three fingers on the left hand cut completely off close to the hand, besides cutting his thumb and little finger badly. School book publishers are bidding for the right to publish the new text books for Manitoba. Messrs Gage & Company offer is provide a completely new series and to supply every pupil iu lt'Iaaitoba witha -free copy. Hugh Black, one of the old settlers in Bri_:den neighborhood, has received word that he is one of the heirs report cd to have fallen into a suug fortune of $15,000 000 by the death of a relative iu the gold iuloos in South Africa While a party of Cretans was leaving Akrotiri with flocks of women and children the Bashi-Bacouks treacher- ously ettaeked them. The Cretans ral lied and a lively fight resulted, in ..hich about 50 ou each side were kilt- ed. The Bashi-Bazouks were then dis- armed by order of thedtforeign3Adnirals. 'I'he illfaut daughter of Mr, Samuel Grant, of the village of Turin weeder - ed away from hoioe and was found shortly afterwards lyiug in a ditch containing about a, foot of water Medical aid was called, but life was extiuct. The mother had left the child who was ouly 19 months old, sleeping sh iu a ream and that was the le a last e of her alive. alive. The reittains of the late George Prost, the young Englishman, so cruel- ly mnrcle'red on Friday, March 26, at Priucetou, were buried. its the cemetery there on Weduesday afternoon, not far from Beuwell's restiug place. Their graves are about 20 or 80 rods apart- Bene'ell's in the southeast part and Frost's in the northwest part of the graveyard. On Monday evening an accident happened at the home of Mrs. Wallace of Summerhill, by which her daughner, Hiss Erna, had her leg broken. She was on her way to the woods, where other members of the family were en• gaged in' making maple sugar. She was walking beside a stone boat, when it struck some object which caused it to sway, Striking her with She above result. St. Thomas Journal :.Our Waterford correspondent writes: "A ;,robin was caught by one of the high school stu- dents of this place with a piece of paper tied to its leg, with the following query, " Where will this robin build its nest in the coming spring?" The note was signed by N. Jules Ferdinaud, Box 415 Tarn" a, Florida, The student immed- iately wrote to Florida announcing the capsure of the bird. On Thursday et midnight two men tried to gain admission to the house of Mrs. Phillips, Emend street, Chatham, but as there was no one home but Mrs. `Phillips, the baby and a lady visitor. they were refused. The men then smashed in tate door, knocked Mrs. 'Phipps down, and terrified her into giving; up what money she possessed, D. McKellar was soon afterward ar- rested and ideutified as one of the marauders. liippen: Mrs. Archie McGregor met with a bad fall last week, which result ed 10 a broken. arm. She had been out to the barn, and while returning to the house and passing through e gate, it closed hastily, catching her on the heel of the shoe, giving her a bad fall, and resulting as stated above. St. Marys: One night last Week one or more parties entered George Greg- ory's tailor shop by cutting out a pane of glass in the rear and took $40 worth of made up clothing. He has strong suspicions as to who the guilty parties are and steps are being taken with a view to proving the correctness of his suspicious. St. Marys: Miss Delamater, daugh- ter of Mrs. Delama.ter, died on Friday after a very short illness: The deceas- ed was taken ill with the grip about a week previous to her death. She had been afflicted with diabetes and had no latent strength to come to her assist• auee when taken down. Her mother, two brothers,ga stepbrother and step- sister survive her. St. Marys: The death took place on Monday at her home, of Mrs. Alice Cain widow of Chas. Cain. Mrs, Cain suffer- ed from blood poison, contracted by wearing a mit over a wound on her hand which caused it to become in- flamed. Alt possible means were em- ployed by her medical attendants but she succumbed after a few weeks ill- ness, Mrs. Cain was an estimable wo- man and highly respected by all She was a consistent christiau and devoted member of the Methodist church of which she was a very regular attend- aut, Convention of the Dominion Alliance Liberal Nominations for 'Macdonald— Address to be Sent to the Queen. Winnipeg, April 5.—At a special meet- ing of the Executive of the Dominion Alliance, held on Saturday, it was re- solved e- solred to call a provincial convention under the auspices of the Dominion Alli- anco as soon as the Plebiscite bill shall have been introduced and have made some progress in the Dominion Parlia- ment. arlia- n . twasalso resolved that in the e t I m opinion of the Executive the plebiscite vote should be brought on as early in the present year as possible. At the Liberal convention for the con- stituency of 'Macdonald, held at Portage la Prairie on Friday, Dr. Rutherford re- ceived the nomination to contest the riding in the approaching election. Lieut.. F. H. Clifford Sutton, of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, left on Satur- day for England. He is being sent over by the Government to take a short course of military instruction with the imperial army. The address to be presented to her Majesty by Manitoba, if carried out according to the present designs, will be most handsome. The sketch shows a magnificent colored headpiece composed of British flags and the arms of Great Britain, Canada and Manitoba. Down each side will be a series of oval minia- ture frames, in which will be painted in water colors ..a number of historical scenes. Modes of transportation will be represented on the one hand by a canoe and Red river cart, and on the other by a railway train and steamer. Fort Garry of 1870 will be set opposite a character- istio picture of Winnipeg et the present day. There will be pictures of the bison, pictures of the wheat fields, prairie chic- kens, flour mills, etc., and at the bottom will be a painting of Fort Garry gate. Mr. William Crawford, aged fifty, died yesterday at Dauphin. Deceased was one of Manitoba's pioneers, having come here from Brookville, Ont., 22 years ago. Dur- ing the Norqua.y Government regime he had a seat in the Local Rouse. Up to a few months ago be held a Dominion Government position ander the Swamp Land Commission, but was discharged. The Latest News in Brief. It is not expected that the new tariff will be brought in at Ottawa this weak. Mr. Andrew Barry was killed at Draytouh by a tree falling ou him Sat- urday. The Methodist church at Magneta- wan was destroyed by fire Sunday morning Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is preparedin two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known -.-sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases -lo degrees stronger -sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. 1, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario.. 55E- Sold in Exeter and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible druggists. Two little boys, named Oliver Cote reams and Tony Wingfelder, each about 10 years of age, were playing Corbett and Fitzsimmons, at Walkerton on Saturday, in the preeenee of a large assemblage of embryo pugilist, when at the fifth round Fitzsimmoes knock- ed Corbett down and broke his arm. The lads had a regular ring with sec- onds; referee and time -keeper. Cor- bett's representative was named after Sir Oliver Mowat, and is a son of John Coumans, proprietor of the Walker House, He is rather seriously iu jured. Stands for BLACKS, of this there's no doubt,- The black on these faces will never wash out ; For wool, silk and cotton, Black Diamond Dyes Are used without fear by the prudent and wise. The above is taken from "Excelsior Rhyming A B C Book, lllestrated." Each letter of the Alphabet is 21 inches long ; no two letters of the same color. just the Book for the little ones. Sent for 3 -cent stamp to any address, • WELLS & RICHARDSON CO., Montreal. y{b, f•r.✓ 4. Ma• I,§ i - t , •; ,. t.;'1,1;r4.4!''..-•-'•••• Ts. -: -} ':la, - ijN,,. , d. ;g0.1 ;,.,�, i,,e. +.:', � 11a1IIIglllBte,IIIHIIIIIIIII441II111110111111111114111111111 con EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. SEE TI -IA's" THE PAGE -SIMILE SIGNATURE —OF— IS ON TEE W7L Ai' PER OP EVERY _41 OTt 1 ,,,E OF Ile e.tzterla is put up in ono -size bottles only. It le not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell r romi o h t the lea o s t a• it C i on130. h rye ,n'�tli n e r r y � S is "jret as good!' and "will answer every pu- pate.," - Seo that yon got 0.A -S -T -O -11 -I -Jt. Tho fso- tindlo slstataro of tat io on every wrapper. Something for the Chiles ear from 6 to 6 O Tears THE LATEST TALKING MACHINE When Edison invented the phonograph, which reproduces the human voice, it was con• sidered the greatest invttntiou of the age -and o it WS . Just think a moment :-Human voices, bands of music, tongs of all Muds, speeches and lectures by great statesmen reproduced by these machines. Why are not pronographs in every house- hold? They cost, too much -$l0 to $200. We have solved the problem. An Echo - phone will be shipped you (express charges to be paid by the purchaser), and " Leslie's Week- ly " every week for one year; for the remarkab- ly Iow price of $8,00. The Echophone is run by clod: -work. Any child can op- erate it One record goes with each machine; extra records, 50 cents each, The phonograph and graphophone cylinders can be used in this machine. If the talking machine is not perfectly satisfactory, we will refund you your money. "Leslie's Weekly "is considered the best and most pop nlar illustrated weekly in America, Its subscription price is $4 00 per year, and the Echophone $10 00. Now yon wonder how we can sell both for $9.00. We will tell you. We want 250,000 subscribers to "Leslie's Weekly." We believe that we can get them this way, Those who advertise with us when we publish that number of papers will pay for our toss now. Therefore, the number of machines will be limited -"First come, first served." LESLIE'S WEEKLY, 110 Fifth. Avenue, New York City. WANTED. CAN employ five men and three ladies to work at and around home. A good ti.ing, with good salary for pushers. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Oat. WOMEN IN D U T zo, SHOULD TAKE . PENNYROYAL WAFERS t�✓: Nt To correct irreuulnrity and tiVOttla •ss, krep rho org,nsi ,, healthy condition. Th„ Wafers aro "Life Savers" to young woolen, aid ir:,erfnl development, provtdo pain- tess,regular periods. Askfor Tho De, reit brand: All druggist= sell them at ;11 prr box 3o bettor rencoytor womoukaown. Cranz; ' tl Croup, Colic ' Cos ,;ars, Colds,A6ciiche, DIAR.R.RY 3A, DYSEIAT'2'I.:R ZZ, and an BOWL.. COs1XPZILINTS A Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles is u e (PSaaf DAVIS%) Lased internally antlsiernaIty. Two Sizes, 25c. and rioc, bottles, •+36"t '84-.9.' x'31► 4 Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall tradeso attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side - boa" ,s ide-boa"'s of many designs. Dining tables in grey` variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N. ROWS The °" olsons Banks (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital . ........ $9,000,000 Best Fund... ...... 1,40O,00p Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER Money advanotd cod F'armer's on their own notes wit}, one or more endorsers at 7 percent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a. m•to 3 p m., Saturdays IO a. m. to 1 p.m lgeneralbauking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- ey ou Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. D. HURDON Exeter, Dec. 27, '95. Manager FAEERS! 7 5 You will find at 13isset's Warerooins the following line of Agricultural Implements: Deering Bial€len —., Mowers, ]holler aan€i, Ba .l Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows,. and Turnip Drills. SEWING ITACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing : machince. , Knoll Washer anti. wringers. OVES. .. Gurney stoves and furnaces. W A 0 N s and ������� 1a The Chatham Wagon and a full lino of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies, "BILL." I <, a �yy'�d�ryyr++tali 1 ef,ii I.I, 11 r I II�Iir ei rt' ,1 ,1,,,I,luu,,,,,,,,,l nhW,,Q,, + .. , 1 .,w ,1-77,- A TegetablePrcparaiionf'orAs- similutitt liteToodand Reguta- ?its the Stomachs andBowe of Promotes Digestion,CheeaFul- ness and fes4',Contaias neither 0pluni,Morphine nor Mfrs' ril. NOT NARCOTIC. Zia:vain. fx:S -}A� P'e,erril:t <Sh CsrD 7,Spa ffnxfpICV;mvr ApcitectRcartedy lion, Sour 'Worms ,Conv :ss anti Sean- nme - users& Seed - for Cons;:E a - Stoltiach,Diarrhoea, ulsions,Feverh sh- L€ ss 2 t�SLEEP? Fa: imile sigezeurc of 'NEW" YORK. n,g ., l 9 F char t'1` ' iy , it w. 0 ' •1 ,. k t •,qy, � k rEt-. d EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. SEE TI -IA's" THE PAGE -SIMILE SIGNATURE —OF— IS ON TEE W7L Ai' PER OP EVERY _41 OTt 1 ,,,E OF Ile e.tzterla is put up in ono -size bottles only. It le not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell r romi o h t the lea o s t a• it C i on130. h rye ,n'�tli n e r r y � S is "jret as good!' and "will answer every pu- pate.," - Seo that yon got 0.A -S -T -O -11 -I -Jt. Tho fso- tindlo slstataro of tat io on every wrapper. Something for the Chiles ear from 6 to 6 O Tears THE LATEST TALKING MACHINE When Edison invented the phonograph, which reproduces the human voice, it was con• sidered the greatest invttntiou of the age -and o it WS . Just think a moment :-Human voices, bands of music, tongs of all Muds, speeches and lectures by great statesmen reproduced by these machines. Why are not pronographs in every house- hold? They cost, too much -$l0 to $200. We have solved the problem. An Echo - phone will be shipped you (express charges to be paid by the purchaser), and " Leslie's Week- ly " every week for one year; for the remarkab- ly Iow price of $8,00. The Echophone is run by clod: -work. Any child can op- erate it One record goes with each machine; extra records, 50 cents each, The phonograph and graphophone cylinders can be used in this machine. If the talking machine is not perfectly satisfactory, we will refund you your money. "Leslie's Weekly "is considered the best and most pop nlar illustrated weekly in America, Its subscription price is $4 00 per year, and the Echophone $10 00. Now yon wonder how we can sell both for $9.00. We will tell you. We want 250,000 subscribers to "Leslie's Weekly." We believe that we can get them this way, Those who advertise with us when we publish that number of papers will pay for our toss now. Therefore, the number of machines will be limited -"First come, first served." LESLIE'S WEEKLY, 110 Fifth. Avenue, New York City. WANTED. CAN employ five men and three ladies to work at and around home. A good ti.ing, with good salary for pushers. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Oat. WOMEN IN D U T zo, SHOULD TAKE . PENNYROYAL WAFERS t�✓: Nt To correct irreuulnrity and tiVOttla •ss, krep rho org,nsi ,, healthy condition. Th„ Wafers aro "Life Savers" to young woolen, aid ir:,erfnl development, provtdo pain- tess,regular periods. Askfor Tho De, reit brand: All druggist= sell them at ;11 prr box 3o bettor rencoytor womoukaown. Cranz; ' tl Croup, Colic ' Cos ,;ars, Colds,A6ciiche, DIAR.R.RY 3A, DYSEIAT'2'I.:R ZZ, and an BOWL.. COs1XPZILINTS A Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles is u e (PSaaf DAVIS%) Lased internally antlsiernaIty. Two Sizes, 25c. and rioc, bottles, •+36"t '84-.9.' x'31► 4 Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall tradeso attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side - boa" ,s ide-boa"'s of many designs. Dining tables in grey` variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N. ROWS The °" olsons Banks (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital . ........ $9,000,000 Best Fund... ...... 1,40O,00p Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER Money advanotd cod F'armer's on their own notes wit}, one or more endorsers at 7 percent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a. m•to 3 p m., Saturdays IO a. m. to 1 p.m lgeneralbauking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- ey ou Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. D. HURDON Exeter, Dec. 27, '95. Manager FAEERS! 7 5 You will find at 13isset's Warerooins the following line of Agricultural Implements: Deering Bial€len —., Mowers, ]holler aan€i, Ba .l Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows,. and Turnip Drills. SEWING ITACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing : machince. , Knoll Washer anti. wringers. OVES. .. Gurney stoves and furnaces. W A 0 N s and ������� 1a The Chatham Wagon and a full lino of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies, "BILL." I <,