The Exeter Advocate, 1897-4-1, Page 2al/levier Subscribers
ple who
mit receive
at ox ceheix lamer red
Aptily at the office for advertising rates
The Week's Commercial Sunllnary.
The world's visible supply of wheat
decreased 4,000,000 bushels last week.
Fifty failures are reported for last
week, being the less than in the previ-
ous week.
Choice seourities are firmer in Canada.
There has been a good demand of late
for bank shares,
Eggs are very low at this season of the
year. " Case lots of fresh at Toronto bring
only lle. per dozen.
Bran in Ontario is very scarce, owing
to many mills runnin_* only part time.
i• tonhas been
At outside points 1,. per a
s go t 4 1
The stock of wheat at Toronto amounts
to 208,407 bushels as against 199,844.
bushels Iast wet.l, rand 31,1589 bushels a
year ago.
Tidings Crozet all Parts of the Globe, Co.
doused. and .e\rran ;eel for d3us9 Readers.
cA SA»Lrt\.
George, aged 60,
was drowned
Dr. liourinet, honorary secretary of the
Royal Society of Canada, has received a
letter from the Mayor of Bristol, Eng.,
stating that two members of the ` City
Council will be present at the Cabot este
bration in Halifttx, N. S., next Julie.A earefnlly prepared scheme for tiro in-
corporation of . the Drummond County
railway be the lutercolonial system is
now ooeupying the attention of the Dom-
inion Government. It is.proposed to com-
plete the necessary link to bring the In-
tercolouial trains into Montreal oyer the
Butler Grand Trunk tracks.
in the Grand inter at Onondaga. 1 1TED b'.r.,3TES.
The Royal Grenadiers, Toronto, will be The floods in Tennessee are increasing,.
invited to visit Kingston ale May i4 and and reports front Men:l,atis record loss of
The Russian wheat crop of 1896 is now
reported at 'a37,64s,u00 bushels against
888,11a,000 i-u1snels in U5 and 464,312
'000 bushels is in 115 t.i.
The st x'ks or wheat at Port Arthur and
Fort Williazn .re 1',87, 4,000 bushels, a
slight inertut tt for ,he week. A year ago
the amount Was i : 14900 bushels.
There have been Iiberel purchases of
grains of late for eeport to Europe but
the proportion of why tt :,hipmeats is com-
paratively small. The corn market has
been stronger than that for wheat for
the past few days.
The visible upply of wheat in the
United te= and c an.tda decreased 1,-
810,001) 1)m:tel. lea' weeks and the total
Is new only 41.4e -.11.1e) I t. "Eels as against
62,113 600 b ' t . e year ago. The
aount ' a: t : x , deereaeed 1,200,-
000 bushels ,. ;
+e-.. .and. the total
Is Nth, ` it I ..... -.. w a'. rhes t r•,.!C4t),-
000 b ....c a r - . � Ta::ether the
amou z .._ i .t G::+ bushels
: . .' as
again fi.{`? .,s a year ago, a
tiee re i:•e
'dere and I here,
4, life and greet destruction of property.
The Hamilton & Dundasrailway trade ' Scott Jackson and Alone° Wailing
'wzw interrupted on Saturday by a wash- were executed itt atevpurt, lay,, an aat-
ted% tu•day for the murder of Pearl Bryan.
The Dominion line has ordered a now .A cyclone wretek eta the High i cbool
steamship from Harland &; Wolff, of Bol.- building at Arlinetoe, Ueursita trine of
fast. ' the Oda -leen were 1: died and a large num-
Safe crackers stole over 2240 'from the 1 bur scrioul) injured,
T. E. Walker's Company's safe at Mean- The steamer Cr' It reported at New
ton York that She pa. I,A1 up a post ean-
Mr. Justice Tasehereau of the Supreme tuniltg dead bodive. .belleved to -bo vie -
Court and Miss Panet were married at time of the St. Naze he eteamebip dis-
Ottavat.- ; aster. -
Willie Little, a Weston boy, slipped off i Ie the An er:wen Sennte eenator Davis,
a l:ri1xu over the IIuinlier River and was , for the Committee on Poreign Relations,
carried away. subiuittoti a alert utt the gestural tural treaty
Dlr. J. W. Bell, M. P., was re-elected of ztiaitration with Great l.iritaiu with
Grand Master of, the Orange Grand Lodge ' certain timentli�icats merle by the cum -
Grand mittee, eantat1 Mersean, of Alabama,
of Outariu Last.
„ 'tank the floor ituini 'i.ttt•ly and began e
The Furness Line steamer Halifax : vi •:nous speech against the ratification
City has arrived at 1:lalifex 22 days over- : of the convention.
due front London. { The _,roprietor,: of 1�artte.lee's. Pills are
• Mr. John P:we:son, a Grand 'Trunk ' cons:mitt: receivi of letters eisuller to the
employe at St. `Ihuunts,. was ran over by ; fullun itr ,tvliicla expiiaius it,cif. \lr. Jelin
a train and. killed.
.A ,lleatu, Waterloo, Uut,, terite5: "I
The by-law to issue $10,000 debentures never used any zu dicleo than can equal
to consolidate the debt of Welland was ' Pam:ea •es PIIS for DI•speeeia oo Liver
carried almost unanimously. I and Kidney C'umpleiuts. The relief ex -
No contract has been. signed by the perieucrd after using theta was wondee-
Dominion Government with Mr. Petersen ; .'ail." :Is r safe :amity medicine- Partne-
for a fast Atlantic service. lees' Vegetable l' is can be given is all
The ministers are censuring
news- ; cases requiring; at Cathartic.
papers at various cities for devoting too •. Tcpttl;icx\,
much space to the prize-fight. Lord Salisbury is sufTering; from amild
The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario atxaek of influenza, anal c•attu•,t leave the
East, which was in session at Pieton, Morose ac present.
decided to meet in Renfrew next year. The nattIoual monument of Emperor I.
Two cases supposed to be leprosy aro o£ Germany will be unveiled in Berl]n
under the supervision or the Winnipeg with mutat ceremony.
Health Department, I3oth are foreign-
Mr. John Beattie, who had been Island of Jamztica.
Collates Clerk of Wellington for merethan.
The ftounraiy degree of Doctor of Civil
:.'0 years, died in Fergus, Ont., Sunday Lew way e•,nferred upon Dr. Nansen by
The writ for Colchester, N. S., has Oxford 1. niversity.
been issued. The nomination takes place ilgr. Petro, a doiurstia ,chaplain of the
on the 13th and the election on the '20th Pope, and a priest attached to Ports-
of April. mouth cathedral, is dead.
The rumor is re -1vea that Judge Tee- Lord Salisbury, who has been suffering
cliereau will shortly resin, and be sue- from influenza for the past few days, has
seeded by Mr. Langelier, M.P. for Que almost entirely recavored,
tee Center. It is rumored iu Paris that Prince
The bill to amend the School Aet of Henry of Orleans will be offered the
1800 passed in Committee of the Whole Position of Gvernor of Crete.
at Monday's session of the Manitoba There is strong opposition to the segro-
Treeraet.inatien eras its lee in summer...
fhe higher you gc-, ie life the colder it
A sealskin . at eme :nay cover a mighty
cold heart.
The sheriff tiler ss for those who do not
Solid banks are not based on good re-
It is better to have your socks darned
than your credit.
Those who crown others with thorns
will walk thereon.
Happiness is seldom knocked down to
the highest bidder.
A shabby bonnet may cover more faith
than a cathedral's roof.
The mistakes of charity are virtues;
those of avarice crimes.
It does not follow that because goods
are marked down dealers are going up.
There may be more help in a loaf of
bread than in a hundred dollar subscrip-
If you want to find the bargain coun-
ter, ask for the place where folks go
There are more public men who would
like to have a law requiring newspapers
to print their portraits than there are
who want a law prohibiting newspapers
from doing so.
There never wee. and never will be, a
universal panacea, iu one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature
of many curatives being Such that were
the germs of other and diferently seated
diseases rooted in the system of the
a t—what would relieve one
pi ten ill in
turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for Inabiy and grevious ills.
By its gradual and judicious use, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which Qui-
nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives.
Itrelieves the drooping spirits of those
with whom a chronic state of morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengtheuing the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance—result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
' A Question of Crops.
Farmer—If this weather keeps up it'll
bring things right out of the ground,
won't it?
Widower—I hope not. I've got two
wives there already.
Mr. T. J. Humes, Columbus, Ohio,
writes ; "I have been afflicted for some
time with Kidney anti Liver Complaint,
and find Parmelee's Pills the best medi-
cine for these diseases. These Pills do
not cause pain or griping, and should be
used when a cathartic is required. They
are Gelatine Coated, and rolled in the
it'istur of Licorice to preserve there purity,
and give them a pleasant agreeable taste.
Pi LL -ANT ' 0 FY
lir philanthropy to give you good
health for 20 cents—the cost of
Dr. Agnevf's Liver PULS.
A very serious water famine exists in
the tantr rl and southern portions of the
Sure, safe, quick and. pleasant to act.
No papa, 110 griping.
For Siok Headaches fax distress after
eating, for Billiousness, for coated Ton-
gue, for Constipation.. They work won-
derful aures. All druggists have them.
40 in ab 'vial, 200.
gation measures in native Indian towns,
An old lady named Mrs. Mary E. and several riots have resulted.
Monteith, living in Stratford, Ont., was
killed on Saturday by a runaway horse
in that city.
Former Trainmitster Coyle, of the M.
The London Lancet says that the
rumor of the ill -health of the Czar from
cerebral symptoms are unfounded.
Mgr. Merry del Val, the new Papal
C. R., is to be appointed superintendent Ablegate, sailed from Liverpool on Satur-
of the T., H. & B. division with head- day for New York, on his way to Can -
quarters here. ada.
A coroner's jury at Hamilton decided Violent gales preavlled all Thursday
that Charles Curran came to his dearth night throughout Germany,causing some
by his foot being caught in a frog not r loss of life and great destruction of prop -
properly packed. erty.
The Governor-General will shortly an- The Catalan Committee has issued a
nounce a date for the closing of the na- manifesto demanding autonomy similar
tional India famine fund, which has now to the scheme proposed for Cuba for Cata-
reached about 4130,000. renis.
Mr. George Mercer, governor of the The lockout in the engineering trade
county gaol at Guelph, died Friday, aged of England began on Friday night, and
79. He had held the position of governor bids fair to paralyze the trade of the
of the gaol for 37 years. country.
Son. Charles Fitzpatrick explained the The Dutch steamer Utrecht, which is
object of his visit to Rome and his posi- supposed to have foundered at sea, car -
tion on the sebool settlement to his con- ried a crew of thirty-six men, but no
stituents at Loretto, Quebec. passengers.
T. P. Mulhollen, a clerk eninloyed by The largest diamond in the world bas
S. Davis & Co., cigar manufacturers, arrived in London from Kimberley. It is
Montreal, was arrested on a charge of said to be worth two million and a half
embezzling $800 from the flxm. dollars uncut.
A. bill is in preparation to re-establish A large )noziument of Emperor William
the Department or Inland Revenue and I. was unveiled at Berlin with magnifi-
Customs, as they existed before that of cent ceremonies. Monday was the old
Trade and Commerce was formed. Emperor's centenary.
At Friday's session of the Canadian
Order of Home Circle.., at Brantford,
officers were elected and London chosen
as the pace of meeting for next year.
the control of his
r Fox,ire
Rohe t
parents, has been sentenced to two years
in the Penetanguishene Reforinator'y on
a formal charge of stealing tobacco from
his father.
Mr. Nesse, Consul -General for Japan
at Vancouver, B.C., who is at present in
Ottawa, will shortly have a conference
with the Toronto Board of Trade on
trade matters.
Mr. Clergue, of Sault Ste Marie, who
is engaged in the manufacture of pulp,
is in Ottawa with the object of inducing
the Government to put an export duty
on pulp wood.
Leclaire v. Labadie is a suit about to
be tried at Chatham in which one
French-Canadian is suing another for
'100 g
00 damages
for alienation of his
wife's aections.
The Halifax express from Montreal ran
off the track on Thursday night at Beau-
rivage, Que., a flag station on the Inter -
colonial railway. The engine driver was
seriously injured.
It has been decided that the military
feature of the Queen's diamond jubilee
in Montreal shall take the form of a
church parade 011: June 20 and a grand
review on. June 22.
Mrs. Thomas F. Kelly, wife of a car-
penter, dropped dead during vespers in
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, To-
ronto, Sunday evening. Heart failure
was the cause of death.
Mr. Richard Balford, of Welcome,
dove into a stream and was carried away.
His horse was drowned, and he was
rescued with great • difficulty after being
in the water about two hours,
Sir Donald Smith proposes that Mont-
real should celebrate the diamond jubilee
by erecting an, establishment for the
training of nurses. Mayor Wilson. Smith
favors the building of a viceregal resi-
dence. In the House of Commons Mr. Balfour
Everything points to the early opening refused to make any explanation con-
of navigation through the greatlakes and corning M. Menne s speech, and said if
the St. Lawrence system. It is expected
that vessels will be passing through from
Lake Erie to Lake .Ontario by the middle
of next month.
It is stated that the Dominion Govern-
ment, in addition to entering into an
arrangement for four; fast steamerrs on
the Atlantic route. intend deepening the
Ian Maclaren (the Rev. John Watson)
is to he cited 1 efore the Presbyterian
Synod for alleged heterdox teachings in
"Mind and the Master."
t c"
'elverton Goring, a tab t t .
of Tamworth, has succeeded to a baron-
etch by the death of Sir Craven Goring,
the tenth baronet of that name,
President Kruger is very evasive in
his reply to Mr. Chambelraiii complain-
ing of Boer violation of the London
treaty and there is fear of a Transvaal
Left Dip Alreeted--Sua+peeted KidnevTrou-
ble--IteIievacl and .Perfectly Cared by
Dodd's BidueyI'ills.
' Toronto Junction, March 22. -(Special)
-Dir. 11. T'layter, is not a difficult man
t nd as everybody here knows that be
is foreman at No. 1 Fire Hall. Ho was
the picture of health whencalled upop
by your ooiiesponderit and told his story
thus _
"'Irl April, 18116, 1. suffered from a
severe attack of Sciatica affecting my ]eft
clip and the leg to the tip of the tom's. I.
suspected its 0ltlne flues 501110 forip of kid-
net' trouble and as they had been name -
mended I procured a box of Dodd's 'Kid-
ney Pills.
Alt the end of the, fourth day I MIS
entirely relieved het desiring. a perman-
ent cure I continued to use that and an-
other tax a1111 11111 now perfectly cured
1111;1 a,; wt 11 as eVer in lt,y life. Abr'otber
of wine Heine et Pine Orchard has "been
cured by I)odd's Kidney Pills•"
Not 11 1 1 uncial, But ib•orsr, a Physical.
%"i'reel.--Peat Doctors Shill, But
Cured by Knuth American
ltt•ry t,,.
Prostrated by nervone doltili.y Mr. E.
Errett, lumber .: er•haltt: 11111 mill owner
of DJerrickvili,., milt., t4: s iort'd to with-
dz:tvv front the activities of business. IIe
says: I tried everything in the way of
doctors' .:hili and proprietary medicines,
but nothing helped nit I was influenced
To use $oath Avitruun Nervine, un8 I
can truthfully say that I had not rn'ken
half a bottle before' I found beneficial
effects As a result of several bottles
£inti myself to -lay Strong and hea]tlty,and
ready for any amount of busines a,lvhere
before my nervous systema was so uncler-
ininCtl than I could scarcely sign urs own
nzlute with a pen or pencil. I say, feel-
ingly and lznow ut 'ly, ;get a bottle of this
wonderful medicine."
A despatch to The London Times from
Athens states that a strict blockade of
Crete began on Wednesday. There will
be no blockade of Greek ports . for some
time to come.
Another step in the direction of muni-
cipal ownership has been taken in Liver-
pool, where the corporation has purchased
the horses, vehicles and good -will of the
United Tramway & Omnibus Co.
Tho Wilson line steamer Rialto was set
on fire by the explosion of chemicals dur-
ing a hurricane. The Allan line steamer
Carthaginian stood by until the weather
moderated and rescued all on board.
The Lord Mayor of Dublin has issued
invitations to a meeting at the Mansion
House to start a Parnell family fund,
Mrs. Parnell and Mr. John Parnell being
both in needy circumstances.
The alarming rumors of the Kaiser's
dangerous mental condition are confirm-
ed, and there is talk in Berlin of ap-
pointing his brother, Prince Henry of
Prussia, regent,with an adivsoiy council
It is learned that the British Govern-
tnent propose to . deal with the. question
of contagious disease among the British
troops iri India by placing the inspection
of women in the hands of women doctors.
Serious damage by floods is reported at
Brantford and Glezlwilliams. In the Uni-
ted States vast tracts of country are un-
der water, the loss of lives and property
and suffering of the people being appall-
Sir William Vernon Harcourt wished to
move a vote of censure on account of his
refusal let him name tho day.
The Cretan chiefs have rejected the
scheme for autonomy proposed by the
powers, declaring that nothing hat au
nexation to Greece will satisfy them. It
is said the powers are rapidly drifting
St. Lawrence canal to a uniform depth apart in their policies of dealing With the
of fourteen feet. question.
Wanted to Alert Her.
"Papa," c111d the physician's little son,
"who is that new aunty I heard you
talkie,., a. bout to iaatanot0"
"I don't remember speaking of a new
aunty. Willie.''
"Well, you were telling her something
Aunty Septic,"
Toughening China.
A. very effectual way of toughening
.glass or china consists of placing the
articles to be toughened in a large kettle
of copper (of course folding cloths, etc.,
around the things to keep there from
knocking together), in enough cold
water to cover them entirely; bring this
water to it boil, Iet it boil for some time,
then lift the pan off the fire, and do not
Muth its contents till the water is per-
fectly cold,
Couldn't lt^lieve Die Was Crooked.
"Our cashier's defalcation was a
great surprise to us.'"
"Ile wrote such a beautiful upright
hand."—Chicago Record.
Very Trying.
Cholly i wellboy—This being a—aw—
membah of soeiet37 is a great strain,
don't creel:now.
John Jones—So I should imagine.
These police raids must keep al man
The Horse—noblest of the brnte crea-
tion—whets suffering from a me atbratiou,
or sore, derlc'es a, much betwilt as its
master in a like predicament, from the
healing, soothing action of Dr. 'Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. Lameness, swelling of the
neck, stiffness of the joints, throat and
lungs, are relieved by it.
Doctors Could Not Help Dim, But Two
Bottles of South American Xidnay
Cure Removed, the Disease --
The Story of a Winghatn
Kidney disease can be cured. Mr. John
Snell, aretired farther of Winghtttn, Ont.,
says: "For two years 1 suffered untold
misery, and at all times could not walk,
and any standing position gave intense
pain, the result of kidney disease. Local
physicians could not help me, and I was
continually growing wors'.which alarmed
family and friends. Seeing South Ameri-
can Kidney Cure advertised, tied, I grasped at
it as a dying man will grasp .at anything.
Result—More half a bottle had been
taken I was totally relieved
of pain, and
two bottles entirely cared me." To care
kidney disease a liquid medicine must be
taken, and one that is a solvent, and
can thus dissolve the sand -like particles
in the blood.
Smith -I suppose you heard that Jones
is dead?
Brown—Confound the rogue! He al-
ways did the mean thing. He said only
yesterday he would pay ine or die.
Had Been Weals and Sickly From Infancy
Neither Doctor Nor .q'riends. Thought
She Would Survive—Dr. William's Pink
Pills Saved Her Life ---Advice to Barents
From the Fergus News -Record.
Mr. 0. M. Post,' fruit and confection-
ery dealer, St. Andrew street, Fergus,
last week related to a representative of
the News -Record the sad story of the
terrible suffering and sickness of his lit-
tle daughter Ella, his only child, now a
strong and healthy lithe maiden of ten.
years of age. At the time of the child's
illness Mr. Post was a resident of Ham-
ilton. His story is substantially as fol-
lows: "My daughter had been very deli-
cate from childhood until about throe
years ago, and the money it cost me for
doctor's bills made rue poor as it was
seldom she was without a doctor's caro,
and at times we have had as many as
three doctors in attendance and hope of
saving her despaired of. The doctors suc-
ceeded in keeping her alive, but she was
gradually growing worse and we all
thought she was going to die. Our ,regu-
lar physician had given up hope of sav-
ing her life and remarked that if it were
only warm weather, (it was then ,winter)
there might be a chance But seven sumn-
morshad passed' since her birth and she
had. gradually become feebler, and my
wife mid I thought it was just a matter
of time until the child would be called
to a better home. About•this time Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills were prominently
brought to our notice through a cure
they wrought in a neighbor's child. I
thought I would give thein a trial and so
informed the doctor, but he only laughed
at the idea of them helping her. How-
ever I bought a box of the Pink Pills,
and began giving them to her, half a
pill at a time. After a short treatment
there was such an improvement that
neither her mother nor I could doubt
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were help-
ing her,'and I decided to abandon the
doctor's services altogether. The Pink
Pi11 treatment was continued and al-
though the progress towards health and
strength was necessarily slow, it was
none the less certain and it was contin-
ued until she is as well and strong as
you see her to-day,and I am thankful to
say she has bad no occasion for medical
treatment since. I am a strong believer
in the efficacy of Dr. Wil/hates' Pink
Pills, for weak and delicate chiltiren,and
I firmly believe it was this medicine that
saved my child."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an
round -year medicine ztnd are quite as effi-
cacious in the case of children as in
adults. They restore to the blood its
lacking constituents and make it rich,
red and pure. In this way they strength-
en the system and drive out disease.
There are many cases like the above is
which this ^wonderful medicine bas re-
stored health and strength after the best
medical advice had failed, The genuine
Pink Pills are sold in boxes, the wrap-
per round which bars the full trade
mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. ' There are other pills col-
ored pink, but they are base imitations
offered only beeauso they give the dealer
a greater profit. They should always be
Terrible Suffering of an Elora Lady From
Itheumatism---Fifteen 'Years a Sufferer,
But Cured by Two Enttles of South
American l a rheumatic Cure.
No pen can describe the intensity of
suffering that may come from an attack
of rbeumatism. "For fifteen years," says
Mrs. John Beaumont, of Elora, Ont., "I
have been more or less troubled with
rheumatism, which took the form of
pains in my bank, often confining me
to my bed, and rendering me part of the
time wholly unfit for my duties. At
times I suffered so intensely that I could
nut turn in my beer, and the disease was
fast reaching a point where both myself
and my husband had become thoroughly
discouraged of recovery. A friend recozn
mended South Americana Rheumatic
Cure, and after the first bottle I was able
to sit up, and before four bottles were
taken I was able tu go about as usual,
and have been in excellent health ever
To Polish. Brass Kettles.
To polish brass kettles or anything
brass that is very much tarnished, first
rub it with a solution of oxalic acid and
then dry and polish with rotten stone or
very fine emery dust:
Free and easy expectoration immed-
iately relieves and frees the throat and
lungs from viscid phlegm, and a redioine
that promotes this is the best medicine to
use for coughs, colds, inflammation of the
lungs and all affections of the throat and
chest. This is precisely what Bicklers
Anti -Consumptive Syrup is a specific for,
and wherever used it has'given unbound-
ed satisfaction. Children like it because
it is pleasant, adults' like it because it re-
lieves and cures the disease.
Bard Times.
"Whore is your father?"
"He's down to the Corners talking
about hard times."
"And your mother, where is she?"
"She's having one out at the woodpile,
I guess."
Ile Thought He Did.
Judge—Do you unc'erstand the nature
of an oath?
Juvenile Witness—lt's lige this: --1
!l --l1!
by local applies; dons as they c•artnot reach the
eiseased pori ;on of the ear. There la only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by eonstitu-
tioual remedlcs. Deafness is caused by an in-
Hemett condition Of the tn,.cous lining; "f the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling 'oued er imperfect. bear -
tug. and when itis entirely cleat d, Deafness is
the residt ant utilesq rho it tlimut:ttlon Uan be
taken out an 1 12)18 elle restored to its normal_
condiriuu, hearing; will be deatreyeti tore%er;
nine c•ases out of ten are rtt:sed by catarrh;
which is nothing 1 ut an inflamed rendition of
the mucous surfaces.
11ett'IltgrtcOne 1lmtdied Dollar•t for any
easeJs s byeat rr:: thatcur n.J
eai t u•.oa td a t t
n of 1J n s
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curr Send for eir-
curers, free.
P' J CHE\ES' S. CO.,Toledo, ,
a�So1d by Druggists,Druggists,1,.
Very Simple..
Wiggins -I wish I could find a remedy
for insomnia.
Mrs. Chatt—Why don't you take 0 good
Get in on the Gronud Floor if Yon
Want to Melee Money.
A limited number of promoters' shares in a
first class company for sale. Promoters' pr fits
and they aresure. A ants wanted.
are large a ) g i sited.
Standard stocks at lowest rates.
Assessment Systmn
Mutual Principle.`
305, 807, 309 Broadway, New York City.
Sixteenth Annual Statement.
Covering Year Ending Deceinbec31st, 1896.
In Cash Income $ , 41
x11 Invested Assets 278283,059195 23
In Net Surplus 447,420 64
In New Business Received15,142,102 00
In Busi Less in force 16,366,690 00
LIN umber of Policies in force 12,571
New Busines Received..$ 84,167.997 00
New Business Written.. 73,026,330 00
Total Business in Force., 325,026,061 00
In Expenses of Management .$163,341 1.3
In Total Disbursements........ 269,G91 52
In Liabilities 349,642 36
Death Claims paid in 1896—$ 3,067,083 94
Death C1 Buis paid since
Organ nation 28,825,665 66'
A Total Membership of '118,449 In.
A. 11. McNICECO.L, Manager for Manitoba,
British Columbia and North- Wast Territories,
McIntyre. Block. Winnipeg, Man.' D. L. BES-
M•ETTE, Manager Qnebee,12Piaee d Armes',
ontreal, Que., W. J. MURRAY,Manager
for N. o. Flaltfa,x, N. 8. Manager
V1T„ J. -N1atiT.i'It,T Y, Manager 'for
Freehold to= litiilding; Toronto, Oat.
Paid Book Review. .
A certain paper, in a prospeotus just
sent us, makes this ingenious offer: " Our
book review department will give favor-
able notices of any books sent us, at half
the regular race for reading nottoei—
namely,' 10 cents a line."—Washington
(D. C.) Pathfinder.
lid wise and taste
Sold only in lent;! pn.akets.
We Always have on hand -
a Targe stock of
•LY t
4 N4 0
tJ 1, 1 (11.3 !' r
" F
in Type, Presses,
Paper Cutters,
Stands, Cass,
and in fact almost anything tired in
a the priating c.fice. taken in ex -
achange for new material* You can
always find a BARGAIN.
Write to
T'l � i t
oren o Tie Follldly,
44 Bay Street,
. r.
®®•®''J®o®� 1a004�+Sb�mO994"®�r �a� Qr � �
Can be Removed and
the Shin made Soft ,
and Youthful iri ap-
pearance by using
Peach Bloom
** Skin Food.
To Purify the Blood, Tone
up the System and give new
Life and vigor nothing equals
Health -pills.
l0 cis each at Drug stores or sent
prepaid tel receipt of puce.
ChewN Meotcu4E Co., TORON'r°. •
9 That means a long
' lasting Pail.
9 Its many qualities
are unique.
• The price makes it
available to all.
oa �
Splendid Equipment and Good Solid Work
-Rave placed the—
At the top. It hattnore teachers, more stu-
dents, and assists many more young men and
women into good positions than any other Can-
adian Business School. Get particulars. Enter
any time. Write W H. S1L&W, Principal..
Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto.
T. N. U.
For either a Business or a Shorthand Course. No ono
should expect to succeed without a good busineastrain.
inor. Announcement free. C. A.Fleming. Owen Souea4
Queen"—the boort of the year; is going to sell;
defies co]netition • aver 100illustrations •
gent bin dig's; no pular pries;ufit'only
50e 17
write quick, G. M. ROSE & SONS, Toronto