HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-3-11, Page 51' 0110•1111WW•MlianillaZIMIN.alftra SaktIOMMORUNIOMINI THE exetier Abuorate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, ALA, N -STREET, --- EXETER. —By the— ADVOCATE PUBL I SH I NG COMPANY, TERMS OF ST.TBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per minion if paid in Advance 61,50 if not so paid. es.c1mmertierLan.g. :Fee:too No pa per discontinued tin til all &near.% g es are paid..A.dvertisemente without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal diseount made for transaient advertisements inserted for tong periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turnea out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord. ors, &e. for advertising, subscriptions eto .t o be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders EDITOR Alin PROP EINIMBInciallialtalelnYom.VVELMUSIVRINSII.E.11,9*§MPUPWASIPB416PAPowm. Professmoral Card s. H. RINSMAN, L. D. S, (Dentist) Specialist in gold filling and Plate work. Extracts teeth without any pain, or sickness, or any bad effects in tho gums and fce. At Zurich on last Thuraday in eaeh mouth. Rooms west side Maio Street,Exeter. Dit.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) honors Oraduate of the Toronto Uni- 'mitt' and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alll modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot Elliot's law offiee—opposito Central Hotel—Exeter. IMOOL-4:021111106.12nallaialWIIIIMMIVIanraCIMM415, D rs. 3' A.. ROLLINS & T A.MOS. Residenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spe.olanam. building, Ma in t. Dr, Rollins' °face; same as formerly —north door. Dr, Amos' office, same building—south door. May 1st, 1893 X. A. Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D rtft.T. P. Mc LA,IJG RLIN, ME At 3BR OF the College of Phlysicians and Surg eons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acooneh- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. R COLLINS, BA.RRISTER,SOLIOTT- e OR, Conv' eyancer Notary Public Mee—Over Bank,EeteOntario. Money to Loan. ..11.4II.DICKSON,RA.RRISTER,SOLTOTT011, . of supremo Court, Notary Pablic, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, Sm. Money to loan 0 ffice—Fanson's Block , Exeter . . Eamtorr &MACKENZIE, EAR 2 ItiSTERS, ETC., Convevano.rs, and Money to Loan at 5 and 5,1 per eon t. B. V. ELLIOT,F111.1D......ThI,LIOT, U.11IAC KENZIE Auctioneers eelle BROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed A net - 1.1. e ionoer for the Con:Oleo of Perth am) Middlesex, also for ft) e township of U oberne Sales promptly a tteeded to and tern, s rea - son bad e.tialos arranged at Post melee. Win- chelsea. ^ - A !insurance. E ELLIOT, Ineurance Agent, Alain St: Exeter IER MAJESTY'S DIAMOND JUBILEE carries "Queen Victoria Her life and foreign" into every home. Persons who toyer sold books take orders fast. Preface the roost eloquent., of Lord Dttfferin's (tell i ore- ments. No book so highly praised. We need more eanyassers, A. trial will cost vie thing„ and it may lilt your empty pocket- book. The merniiey-terttretson IJo., Ltd„ To- ronto. Ont. amayliCamalawAsse.*•••••weritinirTIV.1.011.00:116.a.telottla[tesetr.' EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every WedLesday) Wheat per bushel SO70 to 72 Barley 20 to 28 Oats 10 to 17. Peas 30 to 88 Butter 10 to ll PotaEggs 11 toes perbag 35 Onions P ed. Clover Seed per bushel St 00 to 0.50 Fray per ton 7.00 to 8.00 Dried Apples per lb 2147 6 5 40 Turkeys Ducks Geese Chicken 5 trenw..4410V.V....84IDIJOINISS11•1=1.44611ammultwoovnra Dril".......1.11611.11.111. Depends upon keeping the blood in a pure condition, free from disease germs, and yet there are very few people who have perfectly pure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla, cleanses, vitalizes and en- riches the blood, throwing out the impurities that clog and irritate the system and permits CO lodgment of the seeds of disease. Read the following: "I cannot recommend Rood's Sarsapa- rilla too highly for it has done wonders for me. I was 0 0 0 and all run down and my health was so poor I could not get out of doors. I was not able to do anything, being troubled with asthma and heart disease. I was nervous and could not sleep nights. I had become completely discouraged when I happened to read an advertisement of Flood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to give it a trill]. After taking the first bottle I felt better and since taltieg five bottles I am eo much improved that I feel like a new man. I am now able to do a fair day's work and sleep at night. My heart does not trouble me and I have realized great relief for asthraa. I feel full of courage once more and life seems brighter and worth living. I would. recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all afflicted as I have been, for I know it will kelp them. If this statement of facts will be of benefit, you aro welcome to use it as you please." HENRY 3. WEIGIET. Box 602, Oxford, New York. Sarsa '0 arliga Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by O. I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass. • cure all Liver ills and Hood 95 Pills Sick Headache. 23 cents. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very differeut if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The seine thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to be tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we can make you Look Better in one of our choice suits clothesZthan any other tailor in town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. *oiled . Corned Beef, X 3 Pickled Toague, Sausage' I Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. M":CSIZ ' Beef sold by the Quarter. i P ure Lard. Highest Cash Price paid for I Hides and Sheep Skins One Door South of N L. OEl'SAL HOTEL, f AY Prop .THE PERFECT TEt THE PiN.F.OT Tnh Tmte wont.o Ave 1:7i0704 TW.r. fiPiT TO nee TEA CUP IN CT'S rsee'v. " Monsoon Ten. is packed uudr the aiiporoision ore' e. Tea growers, and::: adyertistd and reld by them •;15 santri,t or the hest anulitiofInian and Ceylon Teas. Par that reason they see that none but the Very`fTCP:h 10:10113 ,3•0 into Moutoeri packages. ho tb w y "0 rorisoon,' ihe perfect Tea, can be sold et the mune price an left:A.:1' tea, • - It ietunO tp in, settled cacidie.s o,t,-S lb., r lb, and s the ,and sold cr. three liavourn at loc., soa, and 6oc. • 37 Your gr•cor doen not keep 7t, toll him to write to STIE.EL. HAYTIJR CO , and is 'Front St. East. Toronto. 0 THECOOK'S BEST FRiEND LARGEST SALE IN CANAD Cramp.ss,' Colic, Colds, \ Croup, Coughs, ffootli- ache, rUrtiVTERY, and. all DOW..4.4, COXPLAINTS. '4 A Sare, Safe, Quick. Cure for these troubles 15 Euv. awe. %tter n.&vxr'.) Vscd inierfialbe arid re..rdernally. Two Sizes, 015c. and 50c. bottles. -wyry0.0-- Break, Up a Cold in Time BY USING YU- IEGICIIIAL The Quick Cure for CODDLES, COLDS, CROUP, BROX- cmtris, nrOARSENESS, etc. 1155. JOSEPH NORWICE, of GS Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: "Pyriy-Poctoral has never failed to cure nir eliedren of croup after crew doses. It cared myself of along -standing ceilidh after several other remedies bad failed. IL has also provel an excellent cougle euro for my famPy. I prefer it to any other mealicluo for soughs, croup or hoarseness." H. 0. BARBOUR, of Little Rocher, writes: "A9 a eons for coughs Pyny-Pectoral is tl.o mediehio2 have; my cus- tome. s sull have no other.' Large -Bottle, 25 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE c0„ Lmn.. PrOpriOtOrS. MONTREAL /,414cleettfT...e. fOtaa-e44N.fteetneei) Cook's Cotton Root Compound' I. the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases—ro degrees stronger—sold by druggists. Otto box, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. i, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. see' efre Erg 178 222" l'old it 'Exeter and eVe1yW'0'&lfl Canada by all rosponsible Druggists. Brantford will build a new school, to be call( d the Albion street szhool. The cost will be about $14,000. REPLY OF GREECE. WILLWITHDRAW HER FLEET FROM CRETAN WATERS. Fier Troops Must Remain to Keep Order, Aetinc 'Under the Powers—Crete to De- cide Eier Xlestiny--The Reply Is Now Re- ceiving the Attention or tho Powers. London, Mann 9:—There is no doubt, eays•the Athens correspondent of .The Times, that if Prince George of Greece were placed at the head of an autonom- ous Cretan Government, with the title of Prince, the whole Greek nation and the Cretans would willingly accept the pro- posals of the powers, and the Greek troops would be withdrawn. Snell ,a scheme, says The Tithes eorrespondent, ought not to be rejected without the gravest reasons. The Cretans are sus- picious of the promises of Europe, and firmly believe that there is ito other• course open than union with Greece or Turkish rule; but doubtless if a choice wore offered thena, their preference would be for autonomy under a Greek Prince. THE POWERS WILL ACT. It is reiterated here that a couplete agreement exists between the powers as to the effective measures to be innnedi- ately taken against eereeee in the event of her cle.clining to comply with the (le - mm's of the powers in the matter of the withdrawal of the Greek troops from the Island of Crete and. the recalling of tho Greek fleet in Cretan waters. PRINCESS OF WALES ANXIOUS. The Princess of Wales feels great anx..l, ety regeteuing the position of her brother, King George of Greece, and instead of returning to Sandinghana, she is remain- ing in London in the expectation of re- ceiving definite news to -day of the atti- • tude which Greece will assunie. All the despatches of the Associated Press are immediately sent tO tbe Princess of Wales. THE REPLY RECEIVED. Tho reply of Greece to the identical notes of the powers delivered at Athens on Tuesday last, and insisting upon the withdrawal of the Greek troops from Crete and of the Greek fleet from the Cretan waters, was received hero at noon, and confirmed the forecast cabled exclu- sively to the Associated Press. A Cabinet Council was immediately held, after which the Marquis of Salisbury went to Windsor in order to consult with the Queen. There was a scene of great anima- tion at the Foreign Office. The reply of Greece to the identical notes of the powers is regarded in oilleial circles here as being of a most favorable nature, and it is believed that the crisis will now soon be ended, as the Greek note at least furnishea a basis upon which a compro- xiiise satisfactory to all concerned can be speedily reached. A CRETAN PLEBISCITE, The Athens correspondent of the Daily Chronicle says he has high authority for the statement that the Greek representa- tives abroad have been instructed to in- form the powers that Greece is prepared to recognize the temporary suzerainty of the Sultan, to withdraw the Greek fleet completely from Cretan waters, and to place the Greek army under the command of any militay representative of the power senior in rank to Col. Vassos, for the sake of the restoration of order, provided the powers wi.11 ultbnately consent to a Cretan plebiscite. KING GEORGE'S THANES. King George of Greece has sent to Sir Charles Dilke a telegram conveying his heartfelt thanks and sympathy to Sir Charles and the other members of the House of Commons who signed the tele- gram sent to the King from the House last week assuring him and the Greek nation of the desire of themselves, and. of Englishmen and Irishmen whom they represented, for the success of the Greek cause in the Cretan embroglio. There was a lively interchange of tele- gratns between the European Chancel- lories yesterday over the rejection by Greece of the proposals of the powers and as to the measures to bo adoptecL GERMANY'S ATTITUDE. As far as Germany is concerned, there are some signs of a change of attitude. The National Zeitung and the Berlin Post contain statements, apparently in- spired, to the effect that it will bo im- possible for Germany to hold out in her contention if the other powers show a disposition to give way so far as to ne- gotiate further with Greece, or to in- s:at that Turkey also shall withdraw her troops from Crete. The 'National Zeitung remind the Government that Germany has no direct interests in the East. ANNEXATION DEMANDED. Athens, March 0.—It is stated in (I- ola] circles that the reply of Greece to the identical notes of the powers demands the annexation of Crete to tho kingdom, on the grounds o histone rights and of a community of religion and race, but offers to withdraw tho Greek Beet on condition that the powers entrust to the Greek army in the islanl the task of pacification. SIR CHARLES DILKE, Reasons Why Ile Does Not Expect a Gene- ral War. New York, March 8. ---The Journal ad- dressed the following questions to Sir Charles Dille°, who is considered one of the ablest Englishmen now in public life:— (1) What percentage of Englishmen aro opposed to tho coercion of Greece? (a) Can the English masses influence the Government against coercion? •(3) If Greece declares war on Turkey, is a general European war certain tO re- sult? Sir Charles replied as follows: "I do not propose to write upon your first two questions as the matter is in too delicate situation to make it wise to do so. "With regard to your third question, I do nob think there is the slightest risk of a general war in Europe arising out of anything that is likely to occur ba the Greek islands. "It is my own opinion that a general war is not likely to arise even out of events which might occur and may mem in Macedonia. "But a general continental partition of Turkey is, in 1.1iy mind, highly danger- ous, and likely in the long run to prove a. cause of war." • The total shortage in the accounts of the late Treasurer Campbell of Brant County is nearly $25,000. The various brotherhoods of railway employes of the Grand Trunk met at Hamilton and decided to federate. LiIliaij •"e' eve, °: ;3' Nordica To Health -giving Paine's Celery Compound the Best Spring Remedy. Mme. Nordica has the distinction of being the first prima donna born in the United States. She testifies to the won- derful health giving effects of the greatest product of medical SelliGee— Paine's Celery Compound Not eince Christine Nilsson has there been a Marguerite to be compar- ed to Nordica's splendid impersonation. AH her achieved successes had for a foundation the most unrelaxing study and effort. No one knows better than the applauded prima donna what such severe work means to the nerves and Strength. The following letter from Lillian Nordica to Wells & Richardson Co. must be gratefully read by hosts of women : " It certainly gives me great umemmlop ,Noptva.,•••pompoommar pleasure to testify to the health -giving effects of Paine's Celery Compound. I truly believe it to be the best of all epring remedies." If the winter has left you weak and languid, Paine's Celery Compound will restore strength to your nerves, will purify the blood and make you well. Don't allow nervous debility to go on. Take warning from dyspepsia, nervous headache and sleeplessness, Guard against that tired played out feeling that so often appears as spring approa- ches. Neuralgia aud rheumatism— awful enemies—must be conquered. Paine's Celery Compound is the world's true diseaSe banisher, renovator of the system, and a life -giver at this time or the year. It quickly furnishasa nu tri men t for thsi bleu mora ble nervy fibres; it. erouses the orga us o0 diges- tion and asSimilation to hi iskor action; it enables the v‘abted body to build vp flesh and m usele, and • di -sips les evOrY fearful and a pprehenal c,' feeling. Paiee's Celery Compound 18 trUly11143 medicine for women whoa weakened. and burdened by wt,r1; and home camel. It gives •them fresh now blood, vire. energy and activity, and a new lens of ife, Try it, and when you go To your dealer for Paine's Celery Com- pound, see that you get it; and 334, other medicine earl take its place succ- essfully. A little son of Mr. Henry Brown. Til- bury West, set fire to his clothing Saturday mid was burned to death, That Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and relieves a vast amount of Suffering is not a theory bat a well known fact. Charles and William Humphreys sons of a respectable farmer in North Norwich, were committed to Woodstock jail on Wednesday morning, and on warrants charging them with the theft of harness, robes, wheat and other farm scuff, alleged to have been stolon by, them from several farmers in the south part of the county.' The brothers rented a house near Otterville, stating that it was the intention of one of them to get married. Since then a series of thefts have occurred in North and South Nor- wich, Fast Zorra. and East Oxford, and it is alleged that they were perpe- trated by these young Tom They were taken before the police magistrate at Otterville and sent for trial. 1.6701.111CAIMMONOSISOR Bicycles! Bicycles I I Bicyles 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest pricer Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a ;hole() lot of Pianos and organs, call and in spect them beforebuying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby ear- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin. IF YOU WAT TO TRAVEL Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett EVERY RA I LY SHOULD KNOW THAT .040171:779tSrA a, al .0405 C 71 re s, very rezoszkablo remedy, bunt for IN- TERNAL and EXTIONAL use, and won- derful in its Quick action to rtlieve distress. PAIN-FILT L :Vrtb is ft Intro earn for Bore ••• •P• • PCORI.gY4S• It'Altacerlrien, 20si,onie'02*, (Uncaps, ta0i2311.zp, 17112 LtU Lowttconipiainis. pAIN.:KILLE,,R, TrAic ItEST rein. edy hnmen toe .40' SiCICHAPPPS. $1CL: WienCIAPPIPPP, Vain, fit Usa Sault or Side, Eillactionantistin end PAIN-ICILLER SerivE,01,i1x.et, mime, ete. P trnattlUil Ellettill'Orathae are:11;11de, .&ti70..e, and In la.,t all classes Ivo., lwrys st hand. and O,t1'I7 1J 2790 ralt.t.:PPIPPisr.2,' or (=tort:tan:1Y with ocitithity oecollcf, lsrultntlunse.yerTyitwILoorly:cle,;chili,t4tbliouticticon.tilno craVE .11.011.11t6011101."EILIEW OCOOtS Modern THE PALACE Furniture. We have made 0. special effort to have our new styles • of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor SuitS are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them, Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town, R. N. ROWE UMW aavilasaneamkra•••0•••••••fermantukernmounkr, Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers arid as many new ones. Fresh Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be onr first aitn to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual ly sold in the -factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5°/„ well be given for cash. C. SNELL, — Prep. BRISTOL'S B 1M15rn RI` L'S Sarsaparilla SUGAR COATED and PIELNIES The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SPECIFIC FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Chronic Complaints,. TheyCleanse and Purify the Blood. All Druggists and General Dealers. 4,1191.1:41DAVIN 1,1-rfT.pv•yrri-rrril,,,C15105.1.r(TTTYP. • ne 146 L. I r o ki gti, vo0 . Is invaluable, if you are run ikvsvn,, as it is a food as well as p a izeettielne. The i',2). & L. Einugs5on 171,1 bnild you up if your general health is _ Ilao. g?„ ei, L. Elanuigsuora . is j:,,,,,,,11-;,,,t,ne...1..L.r.,::::7:,,,,i uttawbillthpsTianroast itodneFif. cam momezlis. .-2. Tild I. ea L. ki1nak3ion • is prescribed by the h.arling physicians of 1 Canaoa, 4 TTle, D. 44 L. MTV:AMOR-5 1 : Is a maroon:din Clash, prodncer end will 0,1,01 you on appetite. Sig, 'VI peer ttie 1 BO l'irril l'oll tli-i. I 2111712 fr. LAteittlie.E. 00., 11;13, ,s; the gennine I MONTREAL CA.s..0.11 ia,..u.4.14...t.L.P.A.43.1......t.L.W.sw...S.U.L.LLIA.V.A.s. . • , ossosseraztasa ...ncoaprosasners. .113L-1.1.aissaziGalmilltraeitroAday.1...a.s.a.nor5.1.COIDTv..sraretalel.... MZCT.,7S7-ar9.. 1 A man must consider his purchase well these times; he must buy Where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures: Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds 82.00 Suits •89,89 Overcoats $8.00 Black Woreted ;mite a<epec- ial, $12,00 Our 820 blacks beat all others at 82;3. Come and sea for yourself. JAMES R. GRIM- olammots.aara uulatumg Roar...War SERVES YOU RIMIT„ If on go and pay more for furniture than sou could buy it from us, that is your fault, :but don't do it again. We lead in all lines and 'ca save you quite an item by dealing with us. New Premises. We aro getting nicely settled in our new premises now and our stock is large and varied. 'Undertaking a Specialty. S. GIDLEY & SON, OPERA HOUSE Blot ,t.entr.vomr...maeosairl.wrato.. CENTRAL DRUG #• STORE • Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for -coughs, col:di, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, 5a1 - ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the • medicine so siiccassfully used by Mr. Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. For sale here, C.. LUTZ Druggist