HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-3-11, Page 1tttf
— : _ _ .�.�..�.. . - C. II. SANDERS,. EDITOR
011 Huron Street Apply to
undersigned offers for sale or to rent
that desirable hotel property situated at
Devon in the township of TTsborne, County
of Huron. This is one of the best country
hotel stands in the Province and will be sold
or rented at a reasonable price. Possession
given immediately. Apply to
Mansion. House, Exeter.
Is prepared to do any kind of bird stuff-
ing and taxidermist at any time. Calls as
usual promptly attended. to.
2'1 On good improved Farms at 5 and 5%, per
sent Private Banda
Apply to
Solioitors &o. Exeter.
5th Nov.1890,
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms.
Samwell's Block Exeter.
---DI VIE ----
Under and by virtue of a power of sale
contained in a Mortgage, dated the 2141 day
of December, 1881, made by Richard Barry as
Mortgagor, and which mortgage was assign-
ed by assignment bearing date the 2nd day
of July, 1800, and doth of which will be pro-
duced at the time of sale, there will be offer --
for sale by Public Auction at Wm, Holts'
RoteLio the Village of Rhiva, in the Town-
ship of Stephen, on Thursday the EIeventh
day of March, 1807, at the hour of eleven
o'clock in the forenoon, that certain farm
comprising the North half of Lot number
Eleven, in the Thirteenth Concession of the
said Township of Stephen, in the County of
Huron, oontaining 50 acres, more or less.
being the farm now, or lately occupied by
Elizabeth Barry.
The farm is nearly all cleared and in a fair
state of cultivation. On the premises aro a
small frame house and stables. It is situated
about 3?d miles west' of Crediton in a good
farming section.
Terms: 10 per cent. cash and balance in 30
days; or if desired by the purchaser a portion
of the purchase money may remain as a
first mortgage fora terra of years. Terms in
other respects made known at sale and
meanwhile may be ascertained on appli-
cation to Wm. Holt, Jr„ Rhiva, or to the
MILLAR & stens,
J SOLrcrroas FOlt As$ioNai s,
i, Berlin, Ont,
4 Nothuii!s oieap
that a�'4 Good.
Be sure and buy g tbe best
SAP PAILS, Sae the Latest
SAP SPDDTS and the Best.
, � IYehave all kinds,
( We have the Latest
i�IRIGRs' ! very low Prices.
We have the small churn
D:IIIS, and also the new steel
one. See it.
Timothy, Red Alsike Clover
9 We have pure, clean seed,
at reasonable prices.
Don't forget
That We are still offering
At greatly reduced prices.
Call and get a bargain
y. 1I5OD & Soq
Stephen Oounoil•
Notice is hereby given that a by-law was f
Connell met on the 1st inst, All
passed by the munieipaicorporation of Step-
hen on the 1st day of March. A.A. 1897, pro-
viding for the issue of debentures to the
amount of $8000 for the purpose of purchas-
ing a site for a school house, and for erect-
ing asohool house thereon, and that such
by-law was registered in the registry office
at Goderich, in the County of Huron, on the
3rd day of March, A.D., 1807, at 2 o'clock, 38
minutes, in book one, for by-law No. 07.
Any motion to gnash, or set aside the same,
or any part thereof, must be made within
3 months from the date of registration and
cannot be made thereafter.
Dated the 8th day of March, 1807.
MO:Woa P1top7TT, Clerk.
• Stephen
Notice to Creditors
Of Robert Bush, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re-
vised statues of Ontario, Chapter 110, Section
36, that all personshavingany claim against
the estate of Robert Bush, late of the To wn-
ship of Stephen, in the county of Huron, de-
ceased, who died on or about' the 16th day of
Augost, 1806, aro required on or before the
first day of April,1897, to sena postage pre -
aid, or deliver to Messrs. Elliot, kliot &
Atackenzse, at Exeter, Solicitors for the
London & Western Trusts Company, Ltd..
the administrators, with will annexed of
+he said Robert Bush,their nam es, addresses,
and descriptions with fall particulars in
writing of their claims aucl the nature of
their securities (if any) duly veriiled, and
that after the said date the said administra-
tors will proceed to distribute the assets of
the said estate among the parties entitled
thereto, haying regard only to the claims el
which the said administrators shall then
have notice and the said administrators will
not be liable or responsible for any part of
the assets of the said estate to arty person;or
persons of whose claim or olaime the ad-
ministrators shall not have bad notice at
the time of such distribntinn,
Dated at Exeter this 'at day of Mareh,1897,
Tics LONDON & WasvEAx Timms Co'v Lyn.
`Their Solicitors
Sale Register.
TUESDAY, MARCIt 16,—Farm Stock
and Implements, the property of Mrs.
John Sample, Lot 7, Con. 12 Lisborne•
H. Brown, auctioneer,
TUus,nAY, MARCH 26.—Farm Stock.
and Implements the property of Wm.
Rohde, South half lot 21, eon, 17, Step-
hen. WTm. Holt, auetioneer,
Mr, Peter McTaggart, who has been
very ill, is somewhat on the mend —
Mr. Wm, White, who has been confined
to his bed for some tim,e is slowly re-
covoring.—Mrs. T. Case is very ill and
under the doctor's care.—Mrs. Ben,
Case is also indisposed.
Mt, Carmel,
Mrs. D. Collins, Crediton Road, is ill.
—Mr, Elgin Hodgins bas gone to Ross.
land, B C.—Mrs. Owen Mitchell, of 116
con. Stephen, i
o h s seriously i t --
S s 1 . Mr, L.
P , y
Barry of 2nd con. McGillivray, is re-
covering,from a severe illness,—Mr,
Allan McDonald and Mr. Bawden, of
Exeter, were here buying horses last
week,—Mr. P. Carroll, of 10th con.,
Stephen, is convalescing from an attack
of pneumonia,
While a Mr. McBeth and another
gentleman were driving south on the
2nd concession Tuesday last they acci-
dentally drove into a pig going in the
opposite direction, upsetting the cutter
and occupants into the ditch, and nar
rowly escaping injury from an axe and
saw that they were carrying in the
cutter. The horse ran away but was
captured by some school boys before
going far.
While splitting wood one day last
week John Scales was unfortunate
enough to severely cut his foot.—Gil.
bort_ Carter received a severe cut in his
hand last week, while he and Robert
Grundy were cutting wood together.
The latter's axe struck him on the wrist
cutting off the wristband of his shirt
and gashing his band badly. His hand
when struck by the axe, was close to
his head, so the escape was a narrow
Considerable sickness around the
village is reported, Mrs. Baynham, Mrs.
Bowslaugh and Mr. Delgaty being un
der medical treatment.—Thos. Hand-
ford & Co., shipped another ear load of
horses to Manitoba on Monday last.
They have paid out over $50,000 for
horses within the past fifteen months
--Rev. C. C. Keine, of Hensall, filled the
pulpit of our pastor on Sunday, who
was on the Hensall circuit preaching in
the interest of the Educational Society.
—The Gleaners, a revival team of the
Royal Templars, are advertised to hold
forth in Smith's Hall during next week,
Miss Jory visited her sister on Mon.
day last:—Mr. S. Rowe and wife and
Mr. Ed. Kestle and wife visited at Mr,
King's Crediton, on . Friday' last.—Mr,'
Jas. Gould and wife were the guests of
Mrs. Pedlar on Friday last.—Edith
Menem. and Merle Gould visited at Mr.
John Rowe's on Saturday.—Messrs.
S. Rowe and E Kestle were in Exeter,
on Sunday.—Mrs. Pedlar visited her
sister Mrs. Jas. Gould on Sunday.—Mr.
Jonah Pedlar who has been visiting,,his
brother here for the past two months
has returned to his home in ;_Michigan
—Alice Pedlar has returned after a.
two months visit with her parents in
Pigeon, Mich.
members present. Minutes of last meet
ing read and signed. Resolved that the
auditors report be received and that
they be paid $12, Resolved that Mr.
Sherritt and reeve attend to the water.
trouble near C. Brihker, Resolved
that by-law No. 3 relating to Dashwood
school be signed by reeve and clerk
and seal to be attached. After passing
the following orders the council ad
journed to moot again first Monday in
April when path masters, etc, will be
appoiuted. T. Farel, covering bridge
$2; J. Ross, repairing scraper 50c; J.
I'urnor, corn, expenditure $20;J Smith
wood $5; G, Glanville, ditch 4 con. $6;
Anditors $12; J. Reys, work centre
road $1,25; J. McCormiek,dog tax refund
$1 H. Wing, wood for hall $8.50.;collee
tor, $10; G. Brown, collecting $90,
0 Pitotlrv, Clerk,
The Grand Bend Presbyterians have
decided to build an addition to their
church to be completed by August 1st,
—Several teams from this locality at-
tended the bee hauling brick from
Parkhill for the new church to beereet•
ed at Greenway. --Mr. James Cronau's
little boy is suffering from la grippe.—
Mr. Stephen Webb's little child, who
}las been treated by. Dr. McLaughlin,
of Dashwood, for bronchitis, is recover-
ing.—Mr. and airs. James Spittal, of
Brewster, spent Friday evening last at
the home of Mr. J. Love, previous- to
their leaving for Manitoba on Tuesday
the 9th Inst.—The family of Mr. Thos.
Farrel, of the A, B. Line, has been in-
creased by the addition of a young son—
both are doing well,—\r, .Joseph Guin-
an, assessor, passed through here on
his duties Saturday last.—Mr, John
Pollock, of Indian Head, N. W. T., ac
coinpanied by Mr. Alfred Gravelle, left
for that place on Tuesday last, --\1r.
John Allister, Jr, of Michigan, is spend-
ing a few weeks with his parents and
friends in this section.—Mr. G. Sutton's
saw mill was moved to Lake View
last week where it is going to be rebuilt
at an early date.—Mr. Dan Hagan vis-
ited his parents at Varna last week. --
Mr. Samuel Lindley is preparing to
build a stone wall under his barn this
coining summer.
The. Royal Templar Gleaners, Mr.
Wiltse and daughter, and Miss Nevills,
held a series r'
8 189 of gospel s el tem rat ' .
g p pe lc.e meet -
lugs in the Methodist church and in
Coxworth's hall Iast week, commenciug
on Sunday evening. The meetings
were fairly well attended and no doubt
much good will result therefr,m, The
Gleaners are cultured musicians and
their different solos, duetrs and trios
mostly along the line of temperance,
each evening were well received. Mr,
Wiltse is an enthusiastic temperance
worker and organizer, is a fluent speak-
er and possesses a good deep bass voice,
His daughter, Miss Wiltse is a Chaim•
ing soprano, having a clear toned, well
modulated voice, Miss Neville, is also
a good singer but she poses best as an
elocutionist and as such is excelled by
few. In addition to the varied program
of songs and recitations each evening
Mr. Wiltse gave beautiful series of
lime light views illustrating scenery
from the different countries with some
of their principal cities, Miss Nevells
reading the letterpress description.
The views on Friday evening illustrat-
ing "Ten nights in a barroom " with
the reading of the story by Miss
Nevills was worth going miles to see
and hear. As a result of the visit of
the Gleaners the Ifensall lodge of Royal
Templars, which for a number of years
has been defuuct has been resuscitated
with a present membership of about 38,
The resusciation of the lodge at the
present time is most opportune and it
is to be hoped that the new members as
well as the old ones will throw them.
selves enthusiastically into the work,
faithfully discharge their vows and the
consequent duty which rests upon them
and by their influence as well as by
their votes, strive in every lawful man-
ner to curtail and abolish the liquor
traffic. The declaration vows were ad-
ministered to the members on Friday
evening and the formal imitation will
take place next Thursday evening.
Mr. McEwen has generously given the
edge the use of his hall on very favor-
able terms and for which the court
s thankful, The officers for the next
ix months were appointed on Friday
veiling as follows:—P, S. C., _William
toneman; S. C, Rev. J. S. Henderson;
V. C., Miss E. Ellis; Chap., F. Leirch;
Fin, Sec., Wm. Bell, Jr.; Treas.,, Miss E
tephenson, Rec. Sec., G. G. Smalla-
ombe; Ass't Sec., Miss Blanche Petty;
erald, F. Manns; Ass't Herald, Miss A.
urdoek Guard, J. W. Bennet; ' Senti-
e], John Finlayson; Trustees, E. Rob.
rtson, Wm. Buchanan, Wm. Bell, Jr,
t will be seen that the lodge has start -
d again with a good set of officers and
e hope that a long career of useful
e88 i8 before it. -Our esteemed citizen
Mr. J. C. Clanson, met with a painful.
ccident on Saturday. He was engaged
hitching a horse and had occasion to
nap a tie line into the horse's bridle
hen the animal jerked away, draw -
ng the snap through his closed hand.
'he two first lingers of the right hand.
re very badly lacerated and the cords
rn through. It is feared that the use
the fingers will be lost, a
Messrs. Fred Harris, son of Mr. Wm.
Harris and Albert Ford, san of Mr. John
Ford, left on Tuesday morning for Car -
doe, Man., where they intend remain
ing for some time We wish them both
a pleasant and a saie journey.—Mise
May Lunsford who visited friends in
Loudon for a few days last week re
turned home Saturday. ---Mr Wm. Bag-
shaw attended the funeral of his broth
er-in-law, Mr. Daniel Ransom at Lon
don this week.—Mr John Ford held a
very successful wood bee on Monday
and succeeded in getting a large
amount of wood cut. A dance follow
ed in the evening in which a goodly
number participated and report hav-
ing had a good time.
Mr. Thos. Smale, of Melville, sank a
well for the butter factory here last
week, 24k feet deep, that is full of water
and running oyer, A number of hands
assembled on the spot Monday to
pump it out in order to briele the well,
Five pumps were put in operation and
the water was pumped out at the rate
of 40 barrels every ten minutes, but it
was all to no avail. At one time they
succeeded in lowering it to 18 inches
but in a very short time there seemed
to be a renewed force which rendered
them unable to get it below four feet.
However, by the assistance of a curb
they managed to get the well bricked
and they have now the hest well in
that section of the country.
Mi iutuan.—A pleasant affair took
place at the residence of Mr. Thomas.
Hollinghead, Blansbard, Thursday rho
4th inst„ the occasion being the mar-
riage of his eldest daughter Annie, to
Mr. Jesse • Shier, of Usherette The
Rev, J. Snowden performed the cern.
mony. The happy couple purpase no
in to the North West on Tuesday next,
The well -wishes of many will follow
them to their new home.
The weather has taken a sudden
change for the better I hope.—.A large
number of hogs passed through our
village on Tuesday for Exeter, being
shipped by Armstrong & Prior to Lan-
don and Ingersoll. Some people hit it
right this time as there is a drop in the
price of hogs.—Mr, H. Li.uestan, gaye
Crediton a flying visit on Thursday,—
Mr. A. O'Leary's team ran away in the
village with. a load of hay, and by it
u iii
sort t team earn was caught. upsetting Noth
ing serious was done, but a scattering
of bay which made things look lively
for a time.—Mr, J. Rader, who has been
spending a few months in and around
the village, has returned to his home in
Dakota.—A number of our people are
making preparations to build " the "
wire fence this summer.—Mrs. Baker
is visiting her sister Mrs I Hill, Jr.
—Many people are suffering from the
Grip and some are slowly recovering,—
Mrs. T. Redden has had a very severe
attack of inflammation, but at time of
writing is a little better.—The teacher,
of S. S. No. 2, closed school for a few
days on account of having a severe
attack of la grippe.—Mrs. Marshall and
family who have been visiting under
the parental roof, returned to her home
in London on Saturday.—The farmers
are making preparations for spring in
the way of getting .their implements
ready—Mr. J. Wrestler is laid off with
an attack of grippe. We wish him a
speedy recovery.—Geo. Zwicker who
has been ailing for some time, is able
to be around again.
(From another Source)
Rev. Mr. Schmitt is holding revival
meetings. May there be a large num-
ber of seekers,—Mr. Robert Walker has
moved into part of h Holtzman's House.
—Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers, of London, are
visiting Mr and Mrs. T. Fahner.—Mr.
Henry Eilber was in London Friday on
business.—Miss Mary Ellen Braun has
gone to Tidwell, Mieh,, where she in-
tends working at the tailoring.—Mr.
Lamport, of Denfield, visited his son
Mr. Samuel Lamport on Saturday.—
Mr. and Mrs. Pope, of Landmare, are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wein —
Alonza Hodgins wears a smile. It is a
girl —Mrs. Jacob Heist 18 still very i11.
We hope for a speedy recovery,—Mr.
James Clark is on the sick list,
DEATH or WILL.teet STEVi9Ns,—We
regret to announce that one of the
most respected citizens ofsthis vicinity
has been called away from bis earthly
labors, in the person of William Stevens,
who departed this life last Friday morn-
ing after a short illness of pneumony.
Mr. Stevens always tools an active part
in church and local matters, having
been local preacher and Sunday School
superintendent of the Methodist church
here for a number of years. He has
filled the positions of Township auditor
and Public School Trustee' with setis
faction to the public. He was always
ready to devote his time and energy
to any work he- undertook. He was
an active worker in the temperance
cause always using reasonable argu-
ments in the advancement of the work,
which ho considered right. His re-
mains were interred in the Exeter
cemetery on Monday. The Rev, Mr.
Yelland, of Crediton, officiating at the
funeral service. As the remains were
taken through the village, the bell of
the erman h
G Church was tolled out of
respect of the departed citizen. He.
leaves surviving him his widow, a
mother and two sisters,
Consult a quack medicine vend-
or for relief in a case where a
surgical operation is necessary.
The measuring of defects of the
eye is as important as opera-
tions of this kind and we make
a specialty of the proper cor-
Do not protect you from quack
Spectacle Vendors. Protect
yourself by consulting only resi-
dent and qualified Opticans.
Our Optical department is at
your service.
Graduate of the Ontario Optical Inst
Dashwood, f Zurich.
The tender of Mr. Peter Mcisaac for
carrying the mails on the Dashwood
Parkhill stage route has been accepted
The nr,w contract commonces nn April
1st. The public. who have been so
well served in the past by Mr. Melsaae
will bo ple�a.sed to bear of hie rcapponit
melt,---1'he soft weather has made the
mads bad aed travelling is almost im-
possible as, some are. bare while the
crossroads are full of snow,—Mr, Wm
Lindell field, of Zurieh, paid our town a
hying visit Thursday evening last.—
Mr. Sam Winkeuwader left on Tuesday
for Dakota. We wish him sncce;ss in
the 't est. --Messrs. Adam Mausz and
Will Wolfe, of South East. Hope, are
spending a few days with friends in
the community.—Mrs. Dave Pfaff is
still confined to the house: through ill
ness, 11'e hap soon to bear of her re
coyery.—Mr. Linden field and daughter,
Miss Laura, returned. home froth De
troit after spending several weeks at
his son's for the good of his health. He
is improving slewlee—lir, Joe Wam-
holdt is spending the week with friends
in Berlin, Eger It Breslau,� •
� Waterloo .00 a n other
places east. He was accompanied by
Mr, Henry Wiegand, who it is whisper-
ed will not return alone,—Dame rumor
says there is to be several weddings in
our locality in the near future which
makes the resident ministers rejoice.
Wm, Walper, who has been a resi-
dent of this village for several .earn
! moved to Dashwood last Wednesday,
He has purchased a house there front
FL Roesce,—Miss M. 'Settee, of Tavistock
' i3 visiting her friends and relatives in
this neighborhood.—J. E. Tom, I, P. S.,
t wag in the village Thursday inspect -
fn; the schools. --Mr. H. Schluohter,
• and Mr. Win. Schwalum, of Sobewaing,
Mich„ attended the funeral of Mr, Vool-
ker last Sunday They intend remain-
ing for a few days to renew their old
acquaintances. --Last Saturday night
thieves gained an entrance into Brown
& Precter's store by cutting out a panes
of glass. They took with them a few
jars of candy and some other small ar-
ticles. So far there is no clue as to
who the burglars aro,—Mr. Chas, Fritz,
of Dashwood, was in town Monday on
business.—The-lap robe that was lost
by two gentlemen of this place, while
returning home early one morning in
the rainstorm, has been found; but the
mystery still exists e, how did they come
to loose lt.
many s
have been offered bow it occurred but
we must always favor the doubt.
DEA'riL—Last week we mentioned
the illness of grandfather Voelker, and
ere the paper reached us we received
the sad intelligence of the old man's
death. The funeral on Sunday was
largely attended, several coming from
a long distance. Deceased had reach-
ed the advanced age of 83 years, was
of a kind and quiet disposition and al-
ways willing to do good to others, For
many years be has been a faithful
member of the Evangelical church and
died in full faith. We extend to the
sorrowing friends, especially to his aged
widow, the heartfelt sympathy of the
community in their sad bereavement.
Soutnwest gales have wrought enor-
mous damage on the British coasts,
The People are Convinced
When they read the testimonials of
cures by . Hood's Sarsaparilla. They
are written by honest men and women
are plain, straightforward statements
of fact. The people have confidence
in Hood's Sarsaparilla Because they
know it actually and permanently cures
even when other medicines fail.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to take
with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and
yet efficient.
McGillivray Oounoil
Council met pursuant to adjourn
meat in Town Hall, McGillivray 1st
March, Present J. 1m Drummond,
Reeve; R. Hutchinson, )eputy Reeve;
N. Grieve and M. Millar, Councillors.
Minutes of last meeting read, approved
of and signed. Grieve—Hutchinson,
that the tender of Samuel Pearson for
the building of Hodgson's bridge on
the 4th and 9th concessions. for $219 be
accepted, amount of deposit to be retain-
ed until bonds with security are signed
for the completion of the work; and
that Marshall ilillar be and he is here-
by appointed commissioner.. Carried.
Grieve.—Miller. that the Reeve and
Clerk are hereby deputed to meet the
representatives of the Stephen Council
re Boundary expenditure, Carried.
Miller—Grieve, that R. Hutchinson is
hereby commissioned to examine Sable
bridge and make such repairs as he
deems necessary. Carried. Hutchin-
son—Miller, that the Auditors report
as read be accepted and the Clerk is
hereby instructed to get 300 copies
printed. Carried. Grieve—Miller, that
accounts amounting in all to 862,75 be it
paid. Carried. Miller -Grieve, that
this Council adjourn to meet in the
Town hall, on the first Monday in April,
at 1 o'clock P. NI. Carried.
WM. FRASER, Clerk.
Having purchased the the business •of C, Z WICJ .ER,
I will offer the stock at greatly reduced prices for
Having decided to adopt the system of buying for Cash and selling for Caste
or its equivalent, we can convince you by giving us a trial that our, prices are
very much lower than any One doing business under the old sytem.
The Stock is large and well assorted and in order to make room for
Spring geode we will dispose of the same regardless of cost. We will
make a reduction of 25% on all ready made clothing. The stock is No,
t and fully assorted with
Also about 20 Frieze ulsters at less than cost. Fur coats, Fur
Capes, men's Beaver and Persian caps will be -sacrificed to clear.
Ladies' Mantles—about 20 to clear at from. $1 to $5, former
price from $4 to $10 and this seasons goods Dress Goods, Flannels,
Flannelettes, Cottonades, tweeds, Factory Cottons etc. at very
close prices,
Best granulated sugar, 23 lbs $1; Yellow Sugar, 28 lbsX
1; Best
Rio Coffee 7 lbs $1; Large size yeast 5c; Globe wash boards 12*c;.
7 bars Dingman's Electric Soap 25c 6 bars Comfort or Home.
Sweet Home soap 25c; Forest City City Baking Powder in 1ii lb
sealers 20c and other lines at corresponding prices at the
A :
� S
i�.�Tt3 E
13 GiiEbI'T'0N,
Produee Taken as Casal- A Call Solicited,