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The Exeter Advocate, 1897-3-4, Page 5
e Se THE cruor buoratc, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Moe, MAN- STREET, EXETER. —Bythe--- ' ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance tielea•Oifnot so paid. .13.d."Sr or tio3.2:343, Maattea ors Applioo,- teeep a. No paper discontinued un til all arrearage s are paid Advereisemeuts without bpeoifio direetions will bo published till forbid and charged accorcliugly. Liberal disoount made for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of ,7013 PRINTING turned out in the faucet style, and at moderate rates. Obequos,mowes ord- ers, &e. for advertising, sibseriptions,ote.to be made payable to Chas. R. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP ileroi'essionai Can•ds. 1T. KINSMAN, L.1). S, (Dentist.) late work. Extract gold dteethnwithoutd l'any pain, or sickness, or any bad. etteuts in the gums and. ?nee. At Zurich on last 'L'hursda•y so each mouth. Rooms west side Main Street,Lrxeter. rele.D. ALTON AND1iRSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S") honors Graduate ol'tile Toronto Una rate' and Royal College of Dental Snrgvons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain.. Alll modes of Dentistry up to date. Office ever Elliot & E:lliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. TlIAr rs, .7 A. ROLLs & T A, ANIr)S, �J Residoneos, same as formerly OFFICES, Speakman bniltlini Alain St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly-nortll door, Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May ist. 1802 ,Tate Rollins, M. 11. T. A. Amos, if D 911r.T,P IrCLAteGIILIN, MEMBER OF P the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and A000uelt- our, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. Hele 11. COLLINS, BAR.RISTER,sOLTCIT• OR, Oonveyeamer, Notary Public Office -Over O'n:il's flank, Exeter, Ontario. Monov to Loan. IL DIORSON,DAIi.RTSTkR, SOLICITOR, . of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancor, Commissioner, &o. Money to loan Office-Fansou's Illock, E eter 4'aLItt TERSA, FTC .,,(( nvEane reran,l Monty to Loan at , and 5' per cont, B. V. RM. In r, FR 1f.P. EL T. I 0 T, M. MI)( Auctioneers •���G°l1)WN,1�Tincitetsea. Lieensod ,Act• i . ioueerfllr rho Counties of Perth an.l Mid,lleeux, else for the to stip ofT• shore, Sales er > raptlti :t ftmelee 1n elle tt=rtns rear• soneel 4.Serre tiles errneed at Post office. Win- eholeea. i neuraunee. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agout, Main St. .Exeter HER MAJESTY'S DIAMOND JUBILEE carries " Quoen Victoria i Fier life and foreign" into every home, Persons who Mayor sold books take orders fast. Preface •the most elotluen ; of Lord Duffer' n'e aohieve- onts. No book so hiehly praiser{. 'tVe need more canvassers. A trail will rest clothing, and it may f11 your empty pocket- book. The laritdiiey-tearretaon (10„ ltd„ To- ronto. Ont. The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to bt tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we can make you Look Better in one of our choice suits clothes than any other tailor in. town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. i6iied corned Beef. Pressed Tongue, Sausage, Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. MIX Beef sold by the Quarter at lowest Cash Price Highest Cash Price paid for Hides and Sheep Skins One Door South of 8 DAY, A.O CENTRAL HOTEL, L. Prop 11 Pc )1"t.rr:t.+^ 9 va'•i';. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wodeesday) Wheat per bushel Barley Oats Peas Butter .. Potatoes perbag Onions...a.....40 Iced Clover Seed per bushel $1.(, to $54.50 Ray per ton 7 00 to 8.00 Dried Apples per Io16 Turkeys 7 Ducky ~ (I Geese Chicken $073 to 73 20 to 28 1.7 40 48 37 to 138 11. to 12 15 35 5 5 In combination, .proportion and process Hood's Sarsaparilla 1s peculiar to itself, and unequalled in true merit. No other medicine ever possessed so 11111011 curative power, or reached such enormous sales, or made such, won- derful cares, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Itis undoubtedly the best medicine ever made to purify, vitalize and en- rich the blood. That is the secret of its success. ]toad this statement: "When my son was 7 years of age, he had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma- tism, which settled in his left hip. Ile was so sick that no one thought there was any help for him Five sores broke out on his thigh, which the doctor said wore et 4744, Weal sores. We had three different doctors. Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to be eut open and tho bone scraped, before he could get well. Howard became so low that he would eat nothing, and one doc- tor said there was no chance for him. "One day, a newspaper recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door. We decided to try this medicine. Iloward commenced taking it the Last of February, after having been sick for a year and a 1. halt. He hadn't taken it a week before I saw that his appetite began to improve, and then he gained rapidly. I gave him five bottles, when the sores were all healed and they never broke out again. The crutches he had used for four years were laid aside, as he had no further use for them. T give ail the credit to Hood's Sar- saparilla." el..P. ADA L. ]1ioaDea FayStreet, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that 'a7,, 's �,a Sarsai ariUUa Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $i. Prepared only by C, I. hood & Co., Lowell, Maas. S� a r cure Liver Ii15; easy to t, -'� -• Pi c l s take, easy to operate. 26e - PDQ TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. THE COWS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN Cat -Li „ (PERry news') A Sure and Safe Remedy in every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint is This is a true statement and it can't be made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick euro for Cramp$, Cough, (Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES, 25c. and 50c. I 11 �aF� itt'e'n'il ';j Pr'] r63 ��,.,, Positi'ie'y Cures rt3 COcej-:3 P.: d COI 1 S t .,n� u t rt z 7f, s , r y etltt r e ..vS tr atdct,e boca and he fit: g 222,4, 11:1.A4 41.f. Fc, 1,s - report1..1 , ; „ I 1 .n,. , 21 711: I ry - 1 1f' , 113 1 r. I a 11: 3. 11, TI t •„, P I 2 , [rr " r ul d, r,4t i a, L1 L 1--t.'H 1 ,r'Lli a 11 17 22 411 11Ga 1 1 11 ,}7,79!. ea n112 r, t r ,l t a s,. n ny 711. J 1177'11V:011. I>a. 1 3 ekc, N t t CO., La •„tors 'WOOD, PieftJ Lee HODIi IE. The Great English Remedy. Sim Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently euro all forms of Nervous Weakness, Ernissions,Sperrn- atorrAcct, Impotency and ell effects of Abuse or .Excesses, Mental Worry, smudsive use Befoo•e.and After, of Tobacco, Cpiuntar Stimtw tants, which soon. kcal to In. dimity, Insanity, Consumption anti an early grave. Ras been proscribed over 03 years in thousands of cases; ia the only Tenable ane Honest Medicine .known. dskdruggtstfor Wood's Phosphodine; if ho offers somo worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in letter, and ave will send by return mall Price,, one .paeltage, $1; Six, $5. One will please, aim will av,re. Pamphlets tree to any addreee The 'Wood Co'ntp.nnsy, Windsor, out. 0 aria. ash• Peel di in i.'i"eeter and P®d',°;,'la, lee ve.ia 4711,11aaye1a by alle a•i? a pousibie Or aa,rg1slt s. anT�g Who Call.. d—lin idea f c eo a stili io P Protect your ideas; they thug to patent. ey may CO., seem wealth, Write �JOIiN'wril])liPRBIIRN & CO. Patent Atter. aeys Washington, D. C., for their $1,5500 prize ofear and list of two hundred inventions wanted: {"3 ra z9 THC FINEST 1 ry THE. 5 ti a iiiµ racee r. `me assess 'TO 'Idt TWA CUP Ind r:.; r'ssas rurerv. 7,..f,111,1'1'4,:1",' -'i.:ILI ti"i,'luffer the on pervision .crf,.t_. iy,and r di!ntlsolcebythem :,a a �.1: tiro besr, queuitiascf 'Snake: and Ceylon Tone, : c>r !hat reason thpy see that none but the' very 'a :etacxgointo Monsoon packages. t > " `11..7,: ,nno,' the perfect Tea can be 1 17 , sold ts, ea, :::45.,. pri.':. a; inferior tea, TS + tt in STIOOli coddles of % ib.; e'11): and 5 eye, .u) ,1111 t :ret::Ulf ours at 430., sec, and 63c. t^r 1 a i 1r, t riot iteep it, tellhim to write 1 i blit.. 11rAlr"� �'� CO.., ax and rjrrentSt, . East. Toronto. HAMILTON EVENTS. ea. and B. Declare to Dividend -Liquor Dealers Object -Notes. Hamilton, March 2,—At the meeting of the H., G. and B. shareholders this afternoon it was announced that a i)er cent. quarterly dividend would be paid during Ing thisyear, the first payment to be made on April 1. It was decided to cancel the ten shares of stook held by John 1100410os, the ex -vice-president of the road, they being held to have been illegally issued. . Me'. Hoodless will have their equivalent in money refunded to lune. -New stations will be 'built at Grimsby park and Beamsville, and a large open car will be added to the roll- ing stock for summer traffic. .Arrange - smelts have been ,Made . for the wiping out of the floating debt of about $20,000. The Myles people, now in charge of affairs, claim to have effected large sav- ings in expenditure since assuming con- trol, and the receipts of the road are said t0 be increasing wonderfully, LIQUOR DEALERS' OBJECT. A deputation of local- liquor dealers waited on Hon. J. M. Gibson to -day; and objected to a number of proposed amend- ments to the law. They particularly objected to tlio heti• fixed for closing, to the increase in the ago for minors, and to the abolition of saloons. It was point- ed ointed out that at present tho hour of closing was regulated by a rule of the License Commissioners, and that if the amend- ment were made it would become a statu- tory offence, and t]ee fide for a violation of the rule would be increased, Tho Commission of Crown- Lands gave a non- commital answer to the deputation. NOTES. Chairman Donald, of the Parks Com- mittee, and City Solicitor Maokelcan have been notified that a petition to the Ontario Government is in (simulation asking that the letase to the city of the Beach be transferred to the Township of Saltfieet. The city has had a lease since 1874, and will resist the attempt to deprive it of the control of the Beach. Tho inquest in the case of John Flthey, who died under peculiar circumstances, was opened this morning before Coroner Maokelcan and a jury. The body of the deceased looked quite natural. There was tl small wound on the bank of the ]lead. After viewing the body tho jury ad- journed until Thursday night, when the rt•,alt of the autopsy kill be known, and a number of witnesses eamninecl. - Dynes and Ross, ,lltldhant tailors, are offering to compromise with their credi- tors. Mayor Colquhoun is laid up with the grip, and Ald, Miller acted in his place to -day. Saturday evenin'; Inspector Walter and several constables visited a nuneht'r of elieorde>rly holism in search of liquor. While they fcund a quantity of liquor, it is not likely that any prosecutions will follow. The Customs receipts for Februluy amounted to $138,080.883. a decrease of $15,0118.43, as compared with the corres- ponding month last year. The annual banquet of the Canadian Club will be held on April 29, It pro- mises to be the most successful affair ever held by the club, as a number of good speakers will he present. An effort is to be made to rovivo the 11108507 Builders' Association. Some of the builders object to contractors being members of the union, and threaten to cut wages if they don't drop out. In a test case to decide whether the county or the city should pay the Under- taker's fees in connection with the in- quests, Judge Snider to -clay decided that the constable should pay the fees, he be- ing the person authorized in the coro- ner's warrant, Burlington people are complaining about the increase in the rates on the (:]rand '.Trunk. Killed by the Chopper, Uxbridge, March 1.—This morning at ten o'clock James Hamilton, who has been renting power and running a chop- per at the organ 0ompatny's factory here, flet with an accident whioh caused his death an hour and a half later. It ap- 1,0(27s he was reaching over the main shaft to put 0n a belt when his arm be- came caught- in the shafting and 110 was wound round the shaft. His right arm was pulled off at the elbow. Doctor Bascom and Clarke were soon on the scene, and did all in their power to relieve his sufferings, but he died at half -past eleven, surrounded by his father, brothel• and young wife. De- ceased was about thirty years of age, and a, son of Mr. George Hamilton, who lives 121)0115 two miles south of this town. U. 15. Loyalist Dead. Belleville, Feb. 28. — After several weeks' illness, Mr. Andrew Nelson Pringle, one of the oldest and most re- spected citizens of Belleville, passed away yesterday horning, ant the age of seventy- nine years. Deceased, who was of U. E. Loyalist stock, Was born near Hay Bay, ]n • South Fredsrioksburg, removed to Belleville fif ago, and ty years g , . nd for forty years had carried on a sash and planing factory, win operation, is still - He took an active interest in public affairs, and was for some years a member of the City Council. A family of four survive him, namely, Mrs. Robert Bogle, and Messrs. John N., W A., and Henry, all residents in Belleville. A. New Lake Dente. Chatham, March 2.—A local paper re- vives rho rumor of the Cleveland lake route via the Erie & Huron Railway and Rend Eau, but ,on a snore moderate scale than at present spoken of. A Cleveland gentleman has arranged to put - on a steamer with a passenger capacity of 9.00 and cargo capacity in proportion, which will make daily trips between .Rend Eau and Cleveland, commencing with the re- opening of navigation. The stuff for which a special bid is made is milk, fruit and vegetables. kir. Ross, managing director of the Erie & Huron Railway, - says the enterprise is an assured fact and will be pushed. Three Childre,n Burned to Death, Father Point, Que., March 1.—Two houses were destrroyed by faro at Rin1o11- ski Town last night, one belonging to Mr, Tobie Michaud, the other to Mr. Evaristo St. Pierre. - St. Pierre lost three children, aged re- spectively, bwo, three and Ave, who were burned to death in the flames. It appears that S5. Pierre lied gone out with hie wife to visit a neighbor, Woking the: door of the „house and .12rav- ing-.the children in bed. How the .fire originated will never be ascertained. Loss about: 18)500.;, insurance about 8800. Rev. Father :P.Irudon, a distingaished member of. the Society ) of Jesus died at Montreal. ' HER MAJESTY'S Loyal Canadian . People, THEY SHOULD DE STRONG AND HEALTHY. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND WILL ENABLE OUR WOMEN TO LIVE AS LONG AS OUR QUEEN. It will give our Men strengh and Vigorous Manhood, Sickly Canadians Can Be Made Hale, Hearty and Happy,. and Worthy of Their Country. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND DOES ThhE GOOD WORK. Our splendid variety of Canadian climate is unsurpassed iu the world. Our men and women should be perfect examples of health, vigor and strength. Uufortunatoly, we have too much sick nese atad disease iu our land, but it is the fault of the people, not the land. they iuhabkt. rl'o those who are sick and ailing we, would say try what wonders Paine's Celery Compound can do for you. Ita marvellous healtl, giviu;' virtues can make us a nation of strong and healthy people in a very short time. Paine's Celery Compound quickly banishes nervousness, debility, dyspep .,ia, liver and kidney troubles, Flood diseases, rheumatism and ueuraglia, it is nature's spring eiaaneer and heal- er, If you are not in sound health one bottle will quickly con: ince you of its erear value and. power. "Paine's "is rhe only genuine; see that you get it. flespe,ler hotel licenses have been in- creased SO. Shortly before noon Friday, George Bell, a married man, aged 25, who lives at Union, met with an accident which might easily have tertnivated fatally fie was chopping' in the bush of John Fulton, half' a mile from White's station when a tree fel{ and a limb struck him on the head and shoulders He was knocked senseless and carried to the holisel Re revived after some time, but is suffering from painful injuries in the"back. His skull was not fractured, as the blow was a glancing One, Granton : Mr. James Park, Sr., died on Sunday morning the 21 ult, after a severe illness on week which ho bore with Christian fortitude. Deceased was born in Glassford,Lauarltshire,Scot land in 1864. Hta first settled at Skin mar's Corners but removed to Granton a few years ago later where he has been engaged at his occupation of hand loom, weaving ever since. A wife and four of a family will mourn his loss. St. Marys: The other day a number of boys were sleigh•riding down the Park street hill. Jimmy Clyde was among the number and wont down the hill and along the street to Water street where he saw a team coming and to prevent a collision with the horses ran his sleigh again a tree. The rate of speed was so great that the sudden stop threw him with great force against the tree, For a time he was uncou- scions. He has some bad bruises on the head, and one thumb badly jammed Coderich: About three o'clock Wed- nesday morning fire broke out in a room occupied by S Gokierson, a tailor over the hardware store of A. NICD. Alla). The firemen did good work, and with an excellent pressure of weer confined the :fie mes to the room, the contents of which were totally de sr rn P Mr. 0 1 4014 G 1. 1. 1 ,loss is about Y S250, insured in the Perth Mutual Fire Irlsur nee a Co oftratford. Mr. S Allan sustained considerable loss by water, but it is insured in the Hartford and Liverpool and London and Globe Coal - pa .ny. - - w,,,,•s+,,:ero,:_x„+„m-.m,�,,�.•+,». ...,r- ,,.Y..,neu�,.,•n=.:..aa,,,xi THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken Internally, It Cures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, sudden Cods, Coughs, eto., etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Brlrises, Sums, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet, go article over attained to each unbounded popular. .ity.—Saldra- Observer. : Wo eau bear testimony to the c5!ce y of the Paha. SC111er. wehnvo sn n its ma^iu efrecte in soothing the severest pain, and kuOve it to be a good article; Oinaln• Sort .Deflate/a. ' Nothing hes sot surpassed tho Ps 121.1(1110r, which Is the most valuable family medicine 1100' in use.-2'0180asee erpna, It has realmooring n means a e mrdlch, has Required .7rtutm-equal to Ferry Davie' fain 1 of imitations. Onus. - .. 2 dare-br hmtations. Ilny only. the genuine ."PEARY- D,tura.' - Saki avar avha•o,: Lugo bottles, Ole, - ]ERY LARGE BOTTLES 60 cents Modern Furniture. We Have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of'beauty and are admired by all who have seen them.. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of a many designs. Dining tables in great variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N, ROVE Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of Load i 1± A, ma ) (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. 'We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim, to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5° 1, will be given for cash, O. N L L, Prop, O Q Q 0 e 00 0 0 0 (11 a% 0 m 3 0 0 41) � •-.h. i � "/ Q Q � 6�4:fats iETOI PLASTER Ihave proserli im,thol Pla? or n a timber ofeaat"#0run4•82� :124 rI u.«all Pains, Sud. VA very n,u.1, I leased trtrh this a i!0 •ts and pleasantness or i s it 111 .tit ] , -W, 10, u..tu'Es- '011, Stn not. t. *8100,26,1 s+„n, I31Ste u d 0l,. ntlt I fi la fere to nereral eases of noes t I rl.„, 21171: sot, and dn,1 to every 0416e that it gave aimr,stlastant and pertnaneatrellof, -J. It Moon DCD Wealdngton 11.e. It Cures Seiatica, Lunnb t„o, Neu- ralgia, Pains in Eac's: or Side, or any Muscular Plains. 3 a 0 O Pi iceI Davis .5: Lawrence Co., Ltd, 0 2 to. Sole Proprietors, MONT:ettAL. 00• 13003030300000 IF YOU WMII TO TRAVEL Try Bissntt's Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give you the best and at reasonable ��rates. �t fy y SOLICITED CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett MURRAY LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST .REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET 011 BATH. .. ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GES DEALERS. «umsevewmer..azen�m�,.��v^v,n-.urm..+v�o..m"w�nw.•�,.,.n..--- 000 0 o0 0 0 09 0 0 0 .0 e'eli•e/ for :.141/2.71 3 .TrO Les • D ..:.0IO 0 7 a r"r "-'r e35',....,_..+,,,,...,,X11•• _ 0 krtl 080E500133I2TY00:1i ailaai r.:!l 0.OThIG ® swamse3F,mans1'siIt Ise' BLOOD, •” (1511G16GIR, 22685 4)3.? PS7'ItuIGT.1178, `tti L3,3gsersreo, the beaae•Titset' this 0 • ]article. are Ita0at. anatall)Cst. �. B7 ammo of rho "n. .R 1,•• ibn,asino, 1 henget 0 rld ota:haeldng mush which im:! t,uullen!Hofer 02709 year, and AMA gal ncd enu0!det•sbty. irr <ak, weight..-Lliked this Emulsion s0 reed I VMS glad wh1athetn, annual e l arumoae tit otttlto it. T Il. WIN((LLAM, C.&, Montraal: SOC. and : 1 Ser Bettie 04 DAV1S. t& LAWRENCE CO., LTD., filOS T PEAL 30300. 0 4'. ..0ID0 "e, t THE PALACE C r "a, D V RA�� tp: LOITi r�� tMmtiflo, , A man must emeeider his purchase well these timet; he must buy where he can do the bast: Look at some of these figures: - Pants niade to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits $9,89 Ovtreoats $8.40 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, 8 1 2,00 ©nr $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Come and see for yourself. JAMES U. GRIEVE, SER4 Yoll RIGHT If you go and pass more for furniture than each conhl buy it from us; that io sura' fault, but don't do it again. We load in all lir+e§ and eau save you quite an item by dealing with us. New Premises. We are getting nicely settled in our new premises now and our stock is large and varied. Undertaking a Specialty. S. GIDLEY SO, OPERA HOUSE Block Bicycles! Bicycles!! Bicylesll! Bicycle Pleasure. Are yon seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest price? Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos. and organs, call and in. spect them before buying elsewhere, A full stock s ck o• Of sew,a�, machines, baby ria„ es, ete. etc. car. Perkins & Martin. DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- - nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis .. troubles. Winan's condition and cough Ilowvcler s for horses the best itt the market, al- ways on hand; 'also Aco to benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so snccessftt ullg used b ,/ Air. Chas. Munroe, �'1. Parkhill in z this and other towns, in treating and ;, curs �, Various t,1 , s dseRses. For sale here, C. L2. U T Z,' Druggist.