HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-3-4, Page 1.1,
Is prepared to do any kind of bird stuff-
ing and taxidermist at any time. Calls as
usual promptly attended to.
On good improved Farms at 5 and 5'f•- per
cent Private Funds
Apply to
Solicitors &o. Exeter,
5th Noy. 1899,
litatTeNaleitallta MANX
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale shrift Money to loan nn easy terms.
Samwell's Block Exeter.
Tenders will be received by the undorign-
od up to Saturday, March 0,1307, for the pur-
chase of Lots 1, 3, 3.48, 40 and. 50 in the vil-
lage of Exeter, formerly Franoistown, being
the '0 North Exeter Hotel" formerly " Wal -
per's Hotel. "
There is erected on the property a large
Brick Hotel and Store with large Barns and
TEwUS:-20 per Dent. in cash on acceptance
of tender and the balaneo'when tt good title
as shown. Tho highest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Dated at Godorioh, this
itttlt day ot February, 1807.
Vendors Solicitor.
t'ndor.and by virtue of a power of sale
contained in a Mortgage, bated the shut day
of Dee ern bur ,1,$81, made by Richard Barry as
Mortgagor, and which mortgage 'vas assign-
ed by assignment, bearing date the Mid day
of July,1I 140, and both of which will bepro-
duced at. the time of sale, thorn will be offer-
ed for sale by Public Auction at Win. Holts'
Hotel. ie the Village ot ]ihfva, in the Town-
ship of Stephen, on Thursday the Eleventh
day of March, 18::7, et the hour of eleven
o'clock in too forenoon, that certain farm
comprising the North half of Lot number
Eleven, in the 'PJ irteontlt e'oneossion of the
said Township of Stephen. in the County of
Huron, containing 50 mires, more or less,
beang� the farm now, or lately occupied by
Elizabeth Barry.
The farm is nearly all eleared and in a fair
state of cultivation. On the premises tire n
small frame house and stables, It is situated
about 32; miles west of Crediton in a good
farming section.
Terms: 10 percent. cash and balance in 30
days; or if desired by the pnrailaser a portion
oftlio purchase money may remain as a
first mortgage for a term of years. Terms in
other respects matte known at sale and
an Qan whlle may be ascertained on appli-
cation to Wm. Iiolt„Tr.., ELiva, or to the
Sor rcirons eon ASSIUNEIES,
BBerlin, Ont,
.' . S,
4 ti
All these goods
mustbe sold to
give place for
Spring Stock.
We are prepared
to sell them at a
Bi!jop & So.
Parties owing overdue accounts and notes,
will please ea»I and settle the same before
March 1st as I wish to elase my h.'oks by
that date C. Zwicazn, Sr.,
'Under and by Virtue oftl•o Power of sale
contained in a oortain 'registered mortgage,
nude to the Vendor, and which will be pro-
duced at the time of sale, there will be offer-
ed for sale by Pablic Auction, at Hill's hotel,
in the village of Crediton, in the County of
Huron by Henry Ether, Esq., 0uetioneer,
at the dour of 2'30 o'ol oek p. m., on Saturday,
the 20th. day of March, 1807, the following
land and premises, i.e. The East half of
Lot number Fifteen, in the Fifteenth (:on.
cession of the Township. of Stephen, in the
County of Huron, containing by admeasure
went, Fifty acres, no the same more or less.
This is a good farm with fair outbuildings,
Terms of Sale: Ten per cent. of the purchase
money on day of sale; the balance in one
mouth thereafter. Cho purchaser Dan
arrange for one-third of the purohasemoney
to remain on mortgage. For farther partial -
lays apply to the auctioneer, or to the Vend-
or's Solicitor,
R. H. CoLLiNS,
Exeter, Feb. 82nd, 1.897. Vendor's Solicitor,
Notice to Crediors
Of Robert Rush, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Ite•
vise(t statues of Ontario, Cha pterTl0, Section
39, that all persons lot,Ving any claim against
the estate of Robert hush,. late of the Town-
ship of Stephan, in the county of Huron, de-
ceased, who died on or about the 15th clay of
August, 1806, are ro,ltiired on or before the
first day of April, 11017, to send postage pre-
paid, or doliver to Messrs Elliot, Elliot &
Mackenzie, at Exeter, Solicitors for the
London & Western Trusts Company, Ltd..
the administrator„ with will annexQ(( of
the said Robert ]lurh,tltoir 2(:12;(•1,a,1'lrasae a,
and descriptions with fall particulars in
writing of their claims and the nature of
their securities (if amyl duly verified, and
that after the said date the said administra-
tors will proceed to distribute the assets of
the said estate among the parties entitled
thereto, having regar-1 only to the chums et
which the said admini&'tsator, shall then
have notice and the said admini:Orators will
not be liable or reij 01t'.ible for any part of
the assets of the said t• -,tate to any person or
persons of whose claim or claims the ail -
niu.ustratnrs shall not have hail notice at
the tam_• of such distribution.
Dated at Exeter this IA day of Mare11,1897,
Their Solicitors,
Winchelsea School Report,
The following. is a correct report of
the standing of the pupils in S. S. No.
6, Usborne, for the month of February.
The names are in order of merit.
Senior department. V—Charles Up -
shall, I'ranklin Delbridge; Sr. IV—
George Godbolt, Ella Camm, Oran
Francis; Jr. IV—Ethel Godbolt, Leslie
Robinson, George Wilcox, intermediate
Linda Miners, Linda Hunter, Dora.
Delbridge; Sr. III—Alice Berryhill,
Charles Miners, May Hunkins; Jr.IiI—
Toria Miners, Harvey Bayes, Birtle
Francis. Junior department. Sr. II --
Enos Hardman, Ida Delbridge, Bertha
Woods; Jr. II—Bertin Fletcher, Charles
Godbolt, Lewis Woods; Sr. Pt. II—May
Jones, Darwin Bayes, Cecil Camm; P.
I -George Coward, Eddie Coward,
Flossie Francis.
J. A. Gregory, t Teachers
E. E Hails, f
Stephen School Reports
The following shows the standing of
pupils of S. S. No. 6, for the month of
February:--V—Thos. Dinnv, Wm, Ratz;
Jacob Rate; IV—Lizzie Lippert, Jacob
Ratz, John Kraft; Sr. III—Maggie
Barry, Clara Ratz, Jane McCann; Jr,
III—Barbara Witzel, David I ippert,
Clara Kraft: II—Alex. McDonald, Ezra
Witzel, Willie Schrader; Part II—Ida
Rats, Alfie Harding, Alice Mawhinnev,
Willie Birt; Part I—Lucinda Kraft,
Ella Witzel, Chester Mawhinney. No.
of names on roll for month 48, average
attendance 40.
JEalxxn W. MORBIsox, Teacher
The following is a correct report of
the standing of the pupils, in S• S. No.
3. Stephen for the months of February.
Names are in order of merit. V—Fred
Sanders, George Bagshaw; Sr. IV—
Herman Beaver, George Sanders; Jr.
IV—Edwin Beaver, Samuel Jory, Ida
Jory, Clara Stanlake, Daniel Sanders,
Luther Penhale; Jr. HI—Mary San
ders, Barley Sanders, Marshall Box;
Jr, II—Roy Parsons, Minnie Triebner,
Frankie Triebner, Asa Penhale, Herbie
Ford, Homer Bagshaw; Pt. II—Alonza
Ford, Vera Sanders. Laura Jory, Minnie.
Triebner, Nelson Sanders Pt. 1—Herbie
Beaver, Eddie Willie Edith Parsons.
The average attendance for the month
was 35. R. N. CREECH, Teacher
The following is a correct report for
S. S No. 4, for the month of February.
The names are in order of merit. Jr.
4th.--Bertie Amy, Tillie Wind, Emma
Clark; Sr. 3—Clara Martene, Bella
Amy, Leander Hartman; Jr. 3rd—
Wilber Rowe, Charles Wind, Russel
Bastard, John Hartman; Sr. 2nd—Fred
Amy, Albert Wein, Pearl Kestle;v(a) Jr.
2nd --Ezra Wein, (b) Jr. 2nd—Free
man Morlock, Arthur Amy, Laving
Klumpp, Nora Hartman; Pt, 2—Aimina
Yegar, Herbie Morlock, Martha Wind,
Annie Hartman; Sr. Pt. 1 -Wesley
Wein, Samuel Aystricker, Willie Smith;
Jr. Pt. 1—Cecil Rowe, Elgin Amy,
August Hartman, Aaron Wein. The
report. for the senior fourth division is
not given on account of sicknesssome
have not attended this month and
others but a few ..days. The aver-
age attendance is low from tho same
cause. The number on the roll is 43
and the average attendance 24.
W. J. Bicooss, Teacher.
Hay School Report
The February report of S. S. No. 2,
Hay, is as follows. The names are in
order of merit:—V—J, W. Todd, Maud
Russell, •Flora Northcott; 1V --William
Jackson, M. M Russell, Nellie Gould;
Sr; III—FI. M. Gould, Jessie Munn, 13.
E. O'Brien; Jr, III—LI. F, Johnston, F.
Corbett, Ethel M. Northcott; Sr. II
Alice Dougall, Jas. E. Gould, Willie
O'Brien; Jr. II—Cora Monti, F. R. North-
cott, J. R Munn; Part II -Willie Gould
Ethel Harvey; Part I—Bertie Northeott
Albert Johnston, Willie Russell, The
best spellers in the monthly spelling
match were:—V—\laud Russell; IV—
Milton Russell; Sr. III—Jessie G Munn
Jr. III—Freeborn Johnston; Sr. II—J.
E. Gould; Jr. II --Cora Munn; Part II—
Willie Gould; Part I—Bertie Northeott.
Mrs, Jelin Dearing, of Marlette, Mich.,
is yisiting her brother Mr. Geo. lord, --
Mrs. Chas. Isaac, who has been very ill
iselowly recovering,—Miss Sarah Rush,
of Grand fiend, was the guest of the
Misses Dearing last week.—.Mss May
Dunsford is visiting tricnds in London..
-Mr. Wm. Rush, of the Military School
London, spent a few days here, the
guest of Mr, Wm. Dcearing,---Mr, Gen
Ford is, we are sorry to learn, confined
to his bed .with a bettor's attack of iti-
flammation of the lungs.—Mr. Williaim
Dearing held a very- t:accessfui wood
bee last week and ended up with a hop
in the evening.
Ailsa Cram
On Wednesday tnornin , Mrs, J. Mc-
Farlane of the Nairn Gravel road was
stricken With paralysis —Mr. Hogarth.
of Exeter, has been engaesed as teacher
for S. S. No. 5, East Williams, .for the
remainder of this year. --An accident
which )night easily have proved a fatal
One, occurred on the Main Street on
Monday of last week, Willie Brown
was riding' on a sleigh laden with logs
and jumped off, slipped, and rolled
tender the ale„ h between the front and
hind bobs, the driver did not notice the
mishap and drove on, the load passing
over the, boy, who most fortunately had
rolled under the eettre of the sleigh so
that the hind runners passed on either
side. of him.
flay Council
Waiter Fero has moved to Wisconsin
where he is taking charge of a cheese
factory.—:Hiss Lou. Morden is visiting
Mrs J, Colwill, Jr.—Fred Harding, who
itlts bt'en Working for Wm. Colwill, has
gone to Erussels —Rey. John Greenway,
of Crystal City, Man., preached on Sun
• da.y eyening in the church, here . with
his old time vigor and ability to the
delight of his • many friends.—Mr.
Greenway shipped two carloads of seed
grain and thoroughbred stock to Mani-
toba on Monday last. •
Council met pursuant to adjourn
ment ou Feb. 22nd. All present. The
minutes of last meeting were read and
approved of. The Auditors' report was
handed in to the Council and received
as satisfactory. The Treasurer's books
were finally audited by Couneil and
signed by the Reeve. The usual auto
ber of copies of Auditors' report was or-
dered to bo printed Acommunication
from the Clerk of Tuckersmith asking
whether Hay Council would not want
to get a half carload of sewer pipes for
culverts. Tuckerstnith would take the
other half car, The Reeve was instruct
cd to make arrangements with the
Reeve of Tueltersmith regarding the
matter. A petition signed by the trus-
tees of S. S. No. 6, asking to have lots
Nos 10, 11, 12, 18, 14 and 15, in the 6th
and 7th con., taken from S. S. No. 3 and
have said lots added to S. S. No. 6. The
clerk was on motion instructed to noti-
fy all parties interested that the said
petition will be considered at next
meeting of Council. In regard of pe•
tition of Geo. Smith and others re S. S
Nos. 11 and :2, the parties interested
appeared before Council, after the coun-
cil having heard the evidence decided
that no action be taken at present. The
parties interested in the petition of Robt
McMurdie et al, also in the petition of
Thos. Dick et al, also appeared before
Council after hearing evidence the
Couaeil on motion decided that the
whole matter be laid before a joint
meeting of the Council of the munici-
palities of Hensel] and Hay with a view
of effecting a re adjustment of the
Boundaries of the sections concerned,
also of settling all claims in accordance
with Sec. 50 (1) Public Schools' Act. A
deputation of the Council of the Village
of Hensall, consisting:' of Mr. G. C. Petty
Reeve and H. Cook, Councillor waited
on the Council in regard of claim of the
property of the township of Hay; also
of balance of cash in Treasury. After
weighing every, point carefully .the
gentlemen were offered $130 in full of
all claims which offer they accepted.
The Reeve and Mr. Thompson were ap-
pointed to wait on Mr, Henry Ilse in re
geed of the hedge fence along the north
side Centre Road. The police trustees
of the village of Zurich appeared before
the Council for the purpose of making
at arrangement in accordance with
•Sec, 663 a municipal act. It was agreed
that police Trustees assume all the
streets in the limits of the village of
Zurich_ also the sidewalks along; Centre
Road. The Couneil to keep the Centre
'Road in repair.. The trustees to re-
eeive the township rate from thesaid
village of Zurich for the year . 1897.
The .police trustees also made applica-
tion to have the statute labor counted
at 75 cents: per day in the police village.
Tho epplieation was on motion granted
by the Council A few accounts were
ordered to be paid. The council will
meetagain on Monday, March:29th, at
10 o'clock a. m. whtsn pathmasteis,
ndkeepees and' d o e th er officers will be
FRED Hriss, Clerk.
• Dashw
Consult a quack medicine vend-
or for relief in a case where a
surgical operation is necessary.
The measuring of defects of the
eye is as important as opera-
tions of this kind and we make
a specialty of the proper cor-
Quite a number around here are sof.
feeing from the effects of grip.—Tha
contraet for the licca school to he hulls
in the village during rhe coming sum -
mor was lot on Thursday 1•OO7 to Mr.
Henry Willett at an astonishing low
price.—Dashwood is to have a new ho.
tot this summer.: -Mr Ezra 'Tiernan in-
teuds to open Out 0 new butcher shop-
iu the village this spring;•. We hope
the undertaking will not prove fruit
less. —Mr. John Fenn left on Monday
for his home 10 Plattsvitle. John is
looking after a harness business that is
for sale in Drayton We wish for John's
good luck in his undertaking; —0u
Thursday last Mr Louis Schumaker
and Miss Amanda Kraft were made
man and wife in the Lutherian church
by .Rev. Eifert. • We Wish them a pleas•
ant voyage on life's rough sea.—Grand
father Voelkor is very sick at present
and considering his ad vanced age, little
hopes are entertained for his recovery,
—Mr. George Zimrnennan, who has
been spending the past three weeks
with relatives iu the vicinity intends
leaving' in a few days for his home in
To vist0ck.
Tuck see meth.
The l ippon circuit parsonage of the
Methodist church in Hensall was the
scone of ft very pleasing event on Mon.
day, February 22nd, when Mr, :Fre nk
LI. Munn, of this township, was united
is marriage to Miss Annie M. Windsor,
of the same township. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. W. J.
Waddell. We join with their many
friends in wishing them all happiness
in their new home at Kippen, which
Mr, Mann recently purchased from Mr.
jetties Moore, of that • village.—The
residence of Thomas Robertson, Esq.,
was the scene of a yery interesting. event
On Thursday last. We refer to the
marriage of his dau chtee, Miss 11iar.
garet E., to Mr. John Dodds, of Brook.
dale, Manitoba.. The ceremony was
performed by Rev, 6. Acheson, of Kip -
pen, and was witnessed by the many
relatives of the contracting parties.
The happy couple were very warmly
congratulated, and a splenoid time was
spent by all present. Mr. and Mrs,
Dodds will go to Mr. Dodd's home in
Manitoba in the course of a few weeks.
—On 'Tuesday last a very pretty wed.
ding was celebrated in St. James'
church, Seaforth, the contracting parties
being Mr, James Hagan, jr., of the
township of Hay, and Miss Flora A,
McKinnon, youngest daughter of Mr.
Donald McKinon, of this township. The
marraige was performed at high noon
by Rev. Father McCabe.
Mrs. Robt. Drysdale is spending a few
days"at Wingham visiting her brother -
in law, Mr. Isaac Metcalfe —The fourth
meeting' of the Drysdale debating
society was held in the school house on
the regular evening, Thursday last,
when the subject, resolved that the red
man has suffered more at the hands of
white man in North America, than the
Negro, was disenesed. The affirmative
was captained by Mr. A. Douglass, who
was assisted by Messrs. J no Ester, Chas.
W. Sanders, Jno Allan and A Me Cap
gart. The negative was led by Mr. Geo.
Edlghoffer, backed up '1,y Messrs. Thos.
Johnson, Wm. Dowsoo, Geo. Pollock and
Alpbonsaus Shea. The debate was
opined by the affirmative captain who
in his genial manner, during the short
time allowed him, showed some of the
Indians' suffering, Hti was followed by
the negative captain who traced out the
suffering of the Negro. Speakers were
called from the sides alternately, each
in his turn bringing out his points for
his respective side. The subject was
ably and efficiently handled by both
sides, and after the question had been
amply discussed by the speakers, dur-
ing their limited time the matter was
left in the hands of the judges who by
the way were:—Mr. Cleave, President
of the society; Messrs. J. Turner
and D. Manson. After weighing the
arguments ca.refuily, the decision was
given in favor of the negative. While
the judges were deciding the debate, a
program was rendered in which Messrs.
Shea and Allan and the Misses Durrand
took part.' Judging by the large at.
tendance and rapt attention given to
the speakers, the debates must be very
interesting.' The next meeting takes
place the last Thursday in this month,
(March.) Subject resolved that the pen
is mightier than•the sword.
Mitchell: On Friday of last week Mr.
Peter Nicholson, of Logan, delivered a
load of peas, in which there were 191
bushels, weighing nearly six toss, to
Mr. Lester, Due of our grain buyers.
This is certainly the heaviest Ioad that
was ever piled on a pair of sleighs.
Do not protect you from. quack
Spectacle Vendors: Protect
yourself by consulting only resi-
dent and qualified Opticans.
Our Optical departmeet is at
your service.
Graduate of the Ontario Optical Inst
Mooresville ;Doig thinks there is more money in
i that prafes:liau than in teaching the
Asrtd (loom has been east over this Leser ft tag urstie his studies left on a his new
neighborhood through( the death of one 1
of our moat popular ynuilg men, in thea I)rofession.
person of Mr, Wilbert Simpson,
who Iii1.Ll:I' it; A• TREE ---It is our sad.
died February 26th, at ibe age of 25
!duty to chroelela this week the death,
.years. Deet'usetl was eery highly re- int Jeliics.: rtrie, whieh happened me
seeded by alt who knew him, Wing ' Friday morning last, under circum -
obliging and inost at:;thl•+ in his man- ' stauccs of pl.eultar sadness. It appears
near. Itis mother and surer have the that the deceased was engaged infell-
a ing a leaning tree old the farm of his
entire sympathy of h whole neighbor -
hand. --Missionary s 'rvie.'s wihlilas held : sun a 1OiC.. it mill' and a quarter %"St of
at the Methodist Church next :aul;day*, here, wh en tho to.,0 • Split several feet
-The collection iu aid of the labia re- up Irian the tiir and glancing back on
lief fund taken en the Ailsa Craig par `the stump with great force caught the
ish, amounted to $20:—Spring goods deceased, mangling his limb' atdd trith-
are bttgnrinning to move out at -the , out a doubt killing; him instantly. His
Mooresville cash store. The stock is I son was with hien in the bush at the
complete in all its department.-1Ir. time of the accident and was an eye
Wm. Murdy has all tea material on II1 wituess of the awful sight. Ile immed-
the ground for the exaction of afano ! latelysecut't'd help and bad the remains
residence next summer.—Mr, Hiram
Miller has had a tine grand square
piano placed in his house.—See our
cottonades, twenty neer pieces to yards
grey cotton for $1 at Mooresville cash
Mr. E. Hagan and A E. Faust took
a. trip to Seaforth last Tuesday.—A
conservative meeting was held in the
Town Hall, in this place, last Tuesday,
for the purpose of choosing their officers
for the ensuing year. A great many
rate payers of the surrounding country
were in attendance.—P. Sipple received
word that the prisoner, who escaped
from him while being escorted to God
erich gaol last October was caught and
lodged in Barrie gaol. Mr. Sipple left
for that place on Thursday and brought
him back to Goderich where he is now
in prison awaitiug his trial. Farewell
is charged with having passed raised
bills in Hensall last fall.—A number of
our citizens attended an oyster supper
in Dashwood last week. It was given
by the Order of Chosen Friends of Dash-
wood. A good supper and entertain-
ment are reported —Miss Smith,of Clin-
ton was visiting at Mr. John Torrance's
part of last week.—Dr. Campbell was
away to St. Thomas last Tuesday at-
tending the funeral of some relative.—
Mr. B. S. O'Neil, of Exeter, paid our
town a flying visit Tuesday.
Mr. William Doig, who has for the
past twelve years been successfully
engaged in school teaching, has given
up that profession and is turning his
attention to the practice of law, Mr.
removed to the house. The deceased
was born in Perthshire, Scotland, and
was in his 79th year. He was a consis-
tent member of the Presbyterian
uhureb and in po'ities &Reformer. He
was a carpenter by trade and a large
ltumber of the older residences in this
seceion were built by him. About 40
years ago he settled on the farm, on the
2nd con, of Hay, now occupied by his
son Alexaud 'which he converted into
one of the best farms in the county.
About eleven years ago he retired from
farming and came to live here and
where he lived up till the time of his
death. He was of temperate habits
and was in full ei lyment of bodily
health and mental' .stor at the time of
his death. He possessed many of those
admirable mental, moral and social
characteristics—the quick perception,
the keen judgment, the sterling honesty
and integrity, the warm sympathy, the
broad liberality—so rare iu these days
and so seldom found in perfection out-
side of "the land of the brown heath
and shaggy wood.” The deceased
leaves to mourn his sad demise two
sons and three daughters. The funer-
al took place from his son's residence
on Monday to the Rodgerville cemetery.
A short service was hcla at the house
which was crowded, many being un-
able to gain admissit n• The funeral
sermon will be preached in St. Andrews
church, of which the deceased was
for many years a consistent member,
on Sabbath morning next at 11 a. m.
The funeral procession was a very long
one, testifying to the esteem in which
deceased was held and the sympathy
that exists in the community for the
grief-stricken family.
Mr. A. M. Williamson, Town Clerk of
Kincardine, is dead,
•• •
s •
Having purchased the the business of C, ,
I will offer the stock at greatly reduced prices for
Having decided to adopt the system of buying for Cash and selling for Cash
or its equivalent, we can convince you by giving us a trial that our prices are
very much lower than any one doing business under the old sytem.
The Stock is large and well assorted and in order to make room for
Spring pods we will dispose of the same regardless of cost. We will
make a reduction of 25% on all ready made clothing. The stock is No.
r and fully assorted with
Also about 20 Frieze ulsters at less than cost. Fur coats, Fur
Capes, men's Beaver and Persian caps will be sacrificed to clear.
Ladies' Mantles—about 20 to clear at from $1 to $5, former
price from $4 to $10 and this seasons goods Dress Goods, Flannels,
Flannelettes, Cottonades, Tweeds, Factory Cottons etc. at very
close prices.
Best granulated sugar, 23 lbs $1 Yellow. sugar, 28 lbs $1; Best
Rio Coffee 7 lbs $1; Large size yeast 5e; Globe wash boards 12e;
7 bars Dingman's Electric Soap 25c, 6 bars Comfort or Home
Sweet Home soap 25c, Forest City City Baking Powder in 13 ib
sealers 20c and other lines at corresponding prices at the
Produce Taken as Caslr:. A Call Solicited,