The Exeter Advocate, 1897-2-18, Page 5THE Mzeteh buoi at. Ig published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, .KAN-STREET, — EXI TR. —By the-- ADVOCATE PUBLISHNQ COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar par annum if paid in Advance $1,50 if not so paid. 8dzreirtie9-ng 14,q,tes; oat. Almpliea- fieri No paper discontinued un til allarrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and ehargedaccordingly. Liberaldisoountmade for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods, ` Every description of .TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheri ues,money ord- ers. &e. for advertising, subscriptions, etc to be made payable to Chas. 1I. Sanders EDITOR. AND PROP 1'.rofogsio1lal Cards. }T. KINSMAN, L. D. S, (Dentist.) Specialist in gold filling and plate work. Extracts teeth without any pain, or sickness, or any bad effects in the gums ndon last Thursdayieach mntb, Roo. At s wst side a Street, Exeter. DR.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office oyer Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter, M eredical Drs, J A. ROLL1 NS St T A. AMOS. 1J ltesidoutes, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' ofacie, same building—sonth door. May 1st. 1805 J. A Rollins, M, D. T. A. Amos, M. D Dn,T. P. 15feLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont, gal, p H. COLLINS, IiARRISTER,SOI,ICIT- lti. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public Office—Over O'Neil's hank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LEI,DIOKSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner,,&c, Money to loan Office—Fanson's Bloek,Exoter riLLIOT, ELLIOT &McI.ENZIE, BAB- A J RISTERS, ETC., Conveyancing, and Money to Loan at 5 and 511 per cent, Mg B, V. ELLIOT, FRED, ELLIOT, M. MCKENZIE. Auctioneers r, la BROWN, Winclleisoa. Licensed Allot- s ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the town ship ofI,sborue Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonba.le.Salos arranged at Post office. Win- oholsoa. Ineur'ance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter WE CAN GiVE POSITIONS to persons of till grates of ability. Agents, book-keepers, clerks, farmer's sons, Tiiwyers, mechanics, physicians. preachers, students. married and single women, widows Positions aro worth from $400.00 to $2,507,00 gannWTI . We have paid several canvas- s -elks 550,51) for years. Mauyhave started poor send become rich with us. Particulars upon application. State salary expected. 'The Illratlley-t arrctieou Co„ Etde To, ronto, Out. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedi,eeday) Wheat per bushel........ . • ..... ..... $072 to 73 Barley, Oats 20 to 28 Peas Butter Potatoes psrbag 35 Onions .. - .. 40 Bed Clover Seed per bushel..;....: $4.00 to $4.50 Hay per ton 7.00 to 8.00 Dried Apples per ib 2'/z Turkeys 7 Ducks 8 '5 17 to 18 37 to 38 11. to 12 Geese....,-.. Chicken b e leve Excitement, overwork and worry are ruining the health of thousands of women. Pure Blood is required to feed the nerves, a good appetite and digestive strength are demanded to keep the body strong and 'vigorous, and to restore the exhausted energies there must be sound and refreshing 0 0 0 fm 4 By its power to respond to all these needs Rood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself the greatest friend of women. Thousands write that they have been given health and strength by its use. It is the great blood purifier, and con- sequently the true nerve tonic. "I feel that I should be wanting in common gratitude should I fail to tell the benefit my wife has derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla. She became seriously ill from running ulcers, caused by poorness of a c and was strongly advised by as friend to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. She said it had cured her and would no doubt cure my wife. So we tried it, and to say that its effect is wonderful, is only using a mild expression. It appears to he build- ing up a new constitution for her; and, as we are a family of eleven, there are eleven o1 us rejoicing at the result. "If the foregoing induces only one per- son, euffering in the same manner, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I shall feel more than rewarded." RLLTAa PAcicnn, 585 Mon. roe Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. O Sarsaparilla • Is the One True Blood Purifier, All druggists. $5. Prepared onlyby C. I. hood S: Go., Lowell, Mass. cure all Liver Ills aril Hood's Pills SickReadache. 25 cents. FOR T E4TY.'SEVEN YEAR& Yom► The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to IN tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we can make you Look Better ' in one of our choice suits clothes than any other tailor in town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. ai.j idled Cornu Bovie Pressed Tongue, Sausage, Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. Beef sold by the Quarter at lowest Cash Price , Highest Cash Price paid for Hides and Sheep Skins One Door South of DAY, Pro CENT I;AL HOTEL, THE PERFECT TEA THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CAIs.Ao Pain -Koller. (PERRY DAvIs'.) A Sure and Safe Remedy in every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint is Pain- S}.pY Hier. This is a true statement and it can't bo made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES. 25c. and 50c. a e 6.1 s i�`W: ` irlee7:arrV'r,-ai'i*r`•+.•" se ,W'�lr- ° 'ea Orlin Positi!ely Cures, COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- cntific certainty, trier: and true, soothing and heali:,g in its e$•ects. W. C. McCoeest. Fc ,^r;, Bouc'ncue, (lug., spurt ;n a infor that l'ynyPre:,,;,l, u'n,l mos, C tense or chant. rnld 1n dee and h,(,s,I t tnU. .mud. r.iso tared IV.U ;±u,ni:,b, ram la luny stannl* , wld. 1 ",is. J. II. IIuT rr, Chemist, s.9 l n c StToronto, on n wrm t :. n n. ;tu^ ,)It n ll,nl leig 551.11j11 'ts- Jf Persmal n 5!..)i valial P. 1 ,mein Is ij 1103 -h n 11, uuu t :ads: i, r1 to dl nho heed 1Jed Itnmuy h rte s,,a40 1 :no oft,lw boners dnrhet 11071 Its UM In r11011'11111.111S::. 31 is In, stable u, r hl n. your 1 la,:11 sett) tdr, t,vta Its sae with nu, 1 h•,,mr1.11. rt.l, , awl l ISM stn n to < nrramtct it as t a,.iu sad 1uilab i cough mel rdichra." lt•.'t a r,.nttic, 27 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE GO., LTD, Sul Proprietors MozzTtloAL . ussr.4...,e,e,yi1'oflFm.roomm'atmuxa.:rmuvmmvwrmTaa.nvnnvrtass mc'mrv. WcDoD'e PEE n1I1+ii3E. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nor voss Wcakness, Emiss tons,Sperna- atorrhea, Impotency and aOl effects of Abuse 01Excesses, Meatal Worry, exec.:sive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stinau- .Bef09'e and ZIfter. volts, which soon lead to 11. fIrmnity, Insanity, Consumption ancZ.an early grave. )3as been prescribed over 35 yours in thousands of cases; 18 the only IPeliabte and Honest' 1llecliana known. dslcdruggistfor Wood's Pliosriltod eel 10 he offer8 sone worthless medicine .i;i place of this, inclose price in letter, and wo will send by return 'ma1L l'1100,, one package, $1; six, 55. One will please, sial will cure. Pamphlets free to any address Windsor, Ont., Canada, TsC FIN 79T TEA IN rate Woaeo.. Itec cr THE Te,'1 PLANT TO THE TEA CUP lT3 NATIVE PUFmSTy. "Monsoon" Tents packed under the supervision ,i 1rOWors, an is advertised and sold by them ns a ,ofthoi"e .5 d sample of the bust, qualities of Indian and Ceylon Peas. Por that reason they see that none` but the vi.ry fresh leaver, go into lVlonsoon packages. r5,t is why "Monsoon,' the perfect Tea, canbe t old m; thus sante price as infer fur tea. tai up in sealed caddies of % Ib. x lb. and It id t� F /- 5 Ibs ,andpsolld i(1 three flavours at loc., Soc. and hoc. Y nn, t , r ^mr clays not keep it, tell him to write to y t'is:Lf,, flAYTER & CO., is and 23 Frmnt.St. • The Wood. 'Company, aaa -a,IIal 85' tt rta*tte't• nsdd eve 1'c' ere in Canada by all rer314011511b1a Della gest S, • GREEKS IN CRETE. r A ARMY OF OCCUPATION LANDED. AT PLATANIAS. Attitude of the Powers---Yoreo'Will be Used to Cheek Greece ---Prince George Notified -^Itetirno and 'Palma,Blockaded by the lfieets, London, Feb. 15.—Mr. George N. Curzon, Parliamentary, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, announced in the House of Commans to -day, in reply to questions regarding the exact situation In Crete, that the powers .were taking every step that was possible for them to take ad- vantage of to the end of checking the disorders in that island. All • of the for- eign consuls 131 Crete, he added, were under instructions to co-operate in the direction of restoring order. Mr. Curzon, answering further ques- tions, said that the. Government had absolute information that the Mussel.- mans ussuiclans in Crete were exposed to massacre at the hands of the Christians. Replying to a request for information as to the course to be taken by the British naval vessels in Cretan waters, Mr.• Curzon said that the British naval officers had been instructed to take no isolated action in Crete under any circumstances. Mr. Curzon declined to make any statement 'as to the nature or purport of the corres- pondence which had passed between the powers concerning the Cretan situation and tido position of the powers in regard thereto, The Daily Chronicle will to -morrow publish a despatch from Brussels saying it is reported there that 'the Greek Gov- ernment have purchased 100,000 rifles at Liege. RESTRAINING GREECE. Athens, Feb. 15.—The representatives of the powers accredited to Greece held two meetings yesterday, the conferences taking place at the French Legation. At the second meeting, which was held in the evening, it was agreed that the powers, through their Ministers at Ath- ens, should protest against Greek inter- vention in Crete, and as a result of this decision the French Minister, M. Bource, waited upon M. Delyannis, the Greek Premier, and intimated to him that the powers had determined to take decisive steps, even resorting to araus, to predent Greece from taking further hostile action in Crete. Bouree, as the spokesman of the repre- sentatives of the powers, advised the im- mediate recall of the Greek flotilla from Crete, and at the sante time promised that the powers would take into consider- ation the claims of Greece in Crete and the question et e union of Crete with Greece. Premier Delyannis asked to be allowed time in wilieh to reply to the representa- tions made by M. Bouree, which request was granted. The military reserve forges are respond- ing with great unanimity to the Govern- ment's summons, and are flocking to the military depots in large numbers. The military bureaus report that the lists of the reserves will be made up within two days. GREEK TROOPS LANDED. Advices received here from the Island of Crete announce that the "corps of oc- cupation," consisting of infantry, artil- lery and engineers, and numbering 1,500 men, which embarked at Piraeus, yester- day, have landed at Platanias, fourteen kilometres west of Canea. The warships of the powers, these advices also state, had previously landed strong detachments at Retimo, Herkalion and Canes. When the announcement was made here that the "corps of occupation" under command of Col. •Vassas, chief Aide -de - Camp to King George, had lancled in Crete demonstrations of the wildest joy were indulged in by the populace. A despatch from Canea states that Col. Vllssos has issued a' proclamation to the Cretans and has; demanded that the Turks surrender. ATTITUDE OF THE POWERS. Berlin, Feb. 15,—Tho many rumors concerning - what actually occurred in Athens as'a result of the two conferences of the diplomatic representatives of the powers yesterday and the subsequent representations of the conclusions arrived at by the conference to Premier Delyan- nis, M. Bounce, the French Minister, be- ing the spok esman.of the diplomats, have been set at rest by a semi-official state- ment which was given out here to -day. According to this statement M. Delyan- nis, upon being formally notified of the action of the foreign Ministers, which notice was put in the form of a protest against the action which Greece has taken in Crete, asked that time be allowect him in which to consider and formulate a reply. This request having been granted, 111. Delyannis to -clay communicated to the diplomats through 11. Bouree an answer to their protest. The Greek Premier, after a brief review of the situation, declared without qualification that it is the pur- pose of Greece to occupy Crete. In view of this defiant attitude of the Hellenic Kingdom, the German Government will consider that it is no longer consonant with dignity to proceed further in the paths of diplomacy at Athens, and after having communicated this conclusion to the Governments of the other powers, will inst l:let the commander of the Ger- man warship Kaiser in Augusta to pro - coed to Canea and join the associated fleets in preventing any hostile action on the part of Greece, and co-operate with, thele in restoring order in the' island. According to the semi-official statement this decision on the part of Germany is final. London, Feb. 15.—The matter of the disorders in Crete and the independent action taken by Greece in sending a flotilla and transport ship with troops to theisland came up in the House of Lords to -day, when Lord Salisbury declared that reforms for the Island of Crete had been arranged and were already being put into effect when Greece intervened. The pow- ers, the Premier said, were unanimous in regarding the action of Greece as i.11 - advised. to say the least, and. had lost no time in expressing this opinion in lang nage of the most earnest character to the Greek Government. The Government of Great Britain, Lord Salisbury declared, remained in complete accord with the other powers, and there was no ground for thinking that they would, depart 110111 the policy Which they had hitherto pier sued. Cane a Feb. 15.—The o 5 c m and' m ens of the British and other foreign warships g p stationed here have informed Prince George, commanding the' Greek'torpedo z,1 flotilla, that they have received orders to prevent the 000upaIion 'of the Island of Crete by Greece, and, if necessary, to use force to Carry out these instructions. . •„ Trio of Afflictions. VARIED AGONIES FOR LONG YEARS. A Man • of Soyenty-four Years Feels Young Again. Paine's Celery Compound Gives 1 -Tim New Blood, Activity and Strength. The Great Medicine Pemoves his Troubles and Burdens. His Cure Vouched for by a Justice of the Peace, Mr, Thomas R. Baxter, of Karsdale, N, S., aged 74 years, and fast nearing the grave from a terrible complication of diseases—erysipelas for 40 years, blooding piles for 15 years, and sciatic rheumatism for oyer a year—was res- cued from tortue, ag'oey and death by Paine's Celery Compound after all other means had failed. After reading the following state- ment, vouch( d for by a Justice of the Peace, how eau any sane man or wo- man entertain doubts as to the curing virtues of earth's only honest life-giv- ing medicine? Mr. Baxter writes as follows: "I desire to let you know about my wonderful cure by your precious medi cine, Paine's Celery Compound. "I was afflicted by three complaints that made my life a misery and a bur den. I had eysipelas for 40 years, and bleeding piles for 15 years and sciatic rheumatism for over a year. " I tried the doctors and all kinds of medicines but no help was afforded me, and I could not eat or sleep, I was advised to use Paine's Celery Compound and oh, what a mighty; change! The use of the first bottle enabled me to eat and sleep, and after using seven bottles 1 was quite onother man; was perfectly cured, and felt young again. All that I have written can be proven by merchants, doctors, magistrates, and by three ministers of the Gospel. and by scores of other people. I shall al ways thank you add your wonderful medicine, Paine's Celery Compound." "I hereby certify that Paine's Celery Compound has made a well man of Thomas R Baxter." JAMES II, TIIORNE, Justice of the Peace. Lucan: Master Ed. McLean receiv- ed a serious injury in the face while assisting Mr, J. Howard to sharpen skates on Friday. A broken pulley caused the mishap. McGillivray: Elmer Murdy, while drawing sand from Huston's sand pit, unearthed two human skeletons, They were not more than eighteen inches below the surface, and close to each other. Sea forth: The remains of Mrs. David Duncan, mother of Mr. Geo. Dnlld%ln, who died on Saturday, Nov. 6th, were interred in the Egmondyille cemetery on Monday, the funeral being largely attended. The deceased lady was in her 8S year, hipper: What might have proved a very serious accident happened to Mr. John Doig, the other day While in the shop of Mr. T. Mellis, he received a severe kick from "-a horse which was getting shod, knocking him fiat on the floor. Fortunately for Mr. Doig' no hones were broken. Had the kick been a little higher, the result would have been more serious. Clinton: We regret to announce the death of Miss Lily Holmes, which ocurr- ed on Thltirsday, at the age of 20 years. She has been ailing for some time from a complication of diseases, being help less for several months. Her parents have the sincere sympathy of the com- munity in their -bereavement, Warded—An Idea Who can s Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN wSDDERB17RN 0 CO.. Patent Attor- neys Washington, D. C., for their 51,800 prize offer and list of two hundred inventions wanted. THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Takers Internally, It dares Diarrhma, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Externally, it Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. No article ever attained 11 such unbounded Popular. lty.-Selesz Observer.' We tarn ben testimony to the, ol7arcy of the Pain. Tiller. We have sen. its mania effects le soothing the severest pain, and Iato,V it te bo a good article.—Ctnci,. nuts Dispatch. • Nothing . ria et sur Pain -Killer, which most 0>i y. n yreedi:Me e ilio„ i is 0, * . tvniu¢Uao Tanlily modicimis nou•in use. --Tenn dude It ries neat merit as a means; of removing pain, no medicine has acquiredit reputation 05v0110 lorry Dnvle' Poi ,•IUller.—Netapnrt Somas. Oclsaro y of Imitations. Roy only the genuine "PlatILY 0.5050 S.li'eVorswhoro, largo bottles, 25e, VERY l.rAIIii, lE BOTTLES 50 Cents Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive, as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. a. R. N. ROWE Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual. , lv sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5°/.' will be given for cash. 0, SNELL,- Prop. itack•,tehe, 3'ace•Ache, Sciatic Plains, Neuralgic Pains, Pain ia tree tilde, etc. Promptly Relieved and Cured by The "D. & L. 19 Illienthol Plaster Flaying used your D. R 0. Menthol Plaster for sovero pain 01 t80 back and lumbago, I unhesitatingly ,rvommend soma as asafo, sure and rapid remedy lin fart, they artlako magla—.L LAruurre, Elizabethtown, Ont, Price 25e. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., L'ro, Proprietors, SioCTREAL. IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL. Ts'y Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett 11 F fit Murray & Lannian's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH, ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. kkitkitk e ® di, '® 061000 elief fora 0 �'u72 ' oTrozuble BUUINN: 7iu CG',1a5'1T54±8 T191U alma. all 1ttoTN11'. • IDISPI&0X3B, OPArEIIOG 05058 0153, ®. Q:08TG&1't, EONS air IiIl'rt 0 2CTILm, XsEr aosTy, tbos bcneii5 01 this antie741 are most sann0£1:yt. By the aid of Tho "n. tt 1 TOr alsion, ihavo got 49 40.00 a hnvklog: cough which h,,1 troil0102 mo for ) over a year, -,uld� have gained ,ealulclanably ilk w ci5hr, 1111:4a this Eunilsi0n so n1311 l was glad 00, TL,:u'.the time came tis iil'1a ta115 it, 1V'1;IC )Ltl T. *I. I, C.E., Montreal :N1sc.'aand 04,. er Tattittle sense w Lf11U11E490E CO., LTD., MONTREAL'0 O 00,0 a .0 d 00 .0®. THE PALACE WARM DURABLt CHEAP .A man must consider his purcbaos well these times; he must buy whets he can do the best. Look at some of these figures. Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits $9.89 Overcoats ,$8 A30 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $ 12.06. Our $20 'blacks beat all . others at $23. Colne and. ;sot for yourself. JAMES It GRIB'IC. SERVES YoIJ RICHTo If you, go and pay more ter furniture than you could buy it from us, that is your fault, but don't do it again. We lead in all lines and elm save you quite an item by dealing with us. New Premises. We are getting nicely settled in our new premises now and oar stock is large and varied. Undertaking a Specially. S. GIDLEY SON, OPERA HOUSE Bloc Bicycles! Bicyclesl! Dicyleslf Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good. wheel, We eau furnish you any et the best wheels made, at lowest prig Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choke lot of Pianos and organs, call and In- spect them before buying elsewhere. A lull stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. Perkins Martin. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds,, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Acca- %ene'C'acto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by h Munroe, Mr: C a� Parkhill, P�lrkhill in this and other 7 towns, in w � :.and eur- p. ins various allows, diseases. For sale here, C• L U TZ, Rrugglst