The Exeter Advocate, 1897-1-28, Page 5THE Net. t bilOtat.el MI published every 'ritiutrid&yY torniag, at the Offfoon MAN -STREET, — EXETER, " --gy the--• ' ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono Dollar per annum if pitid in Advance 81.50 if not so paid. ,ad.aortilui.sag Raton ors ° .23.3pplica- t1.oss. No paper discontinued until allarrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific direetions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal diseountmade for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- era, &e. for advertising, subscriptions,etc.to be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D, S, (Dentist.) Specialist in gold filling and plate work. Extracts teeth without any pain, or sickness, or any bad. effects in the gums and face. At Zurich on last Thursday in each month. Rooms west side Main Street, Exeter. DR. D, ALTON ANDERSON, (D.D.S.,L,D.S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without vain. Alll modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter, Drs, J A, ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. 1J Residences, same as formerly , OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main St: Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north i door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door. May let. 1893 X. A Rollins, M. D. T, A, Amos, M. D ,T. P. McLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF 1-, the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouoh- our. Oflioe, Dashwood, Ont, Legal. D H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLTCTT- e OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. LELJ TCKSON,BARIIISTER,SOLTCITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyanaor, Commissioner, &o. Money to loan Office—.Fanson's B1ock,Exeter ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETO., Conveyancing. and Money to Loan at 5 and and els per Bent. B. 7. ELLIOT. FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers • EXETER" MARKETS' (Changed every Wedf.end,I` j Wheatper b eRhei....... ....... ........ $o 81: to 82 Barley , t0 to 28 r 18 to 19 S8_ to 4o 13 to 13 15 Oats, Peas Butter Egs' � Onions Hay per ton a Po toes porting 77 h BROWN, Wlnoholsea. Licensed Auot- . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Bales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbsle.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- - oholsea. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Dried Apples per 1b Turkeys Ducks Geese Chicken Main St. Exeter WE CAN GIVE POSITIONS 7 °Die 8.00 2 7 5 to persons of all grades of ability. Agents, book-keepers, clerks, farmer's aCMS, lowyera, mechanics, physicians, preachers. students, married and single women, widows, positions aro worth from $400,00 to $2,300,00 f,r r annum. We have paid several canvas- s s $50.00 for years. Many have started poor and become rich with us. Particulars upon application. State salary expected. The Rradley-h:arretoon Co., Ltd., To- ronto. Out. Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build- ing up medicine leads everything ever produced. It is positively the best. Others may make the same claim. But there's this difference: We prove it. Not by an- tiquity, but by Merit. Not by what we say, but by Hood's what Sersa• C r v f+ t�'' parilla does. It has a rec- `� r : ord of Cures unequalled in medical history. It positively, perfectly and permanently cures when all other medicines fail. That the keen discrimination of the people recognizes its merit and the cures by hood's Sarsaparilla, is shown by the fact that they r4✓.�� buy Hood's Sarsapa- `�4Ap5wk rillainpref- erence and vl }v .,.. �'j to the ex- clusion of all others. Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than all other blood purifiers. It wins con- fidence everywhere because the state- ments in its advertising and testimonials are verified by all who take it. No other medicine has ever received such praise, or so many voluntary testimonials of won- derful cures. No other medicine possesses A 5 ill 3 the peculiar combination, proportion and process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to itself. This is the secret of its wonderful power, of its wonderful sales, of its won- derful hold upon the confidence of the people. This is why it cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys- pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the nerves, creates an appetite and strengthens the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its Cur Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $1. Prepared only by C.I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills the best family cathartic Pills and liver stimnlant, Rasy to take, easy to operate. All druggists. 25 cents. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to be tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we can make you Look Better in one of our choice suits clothesg:than any other tailor in town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. 1 j ��//11��led COl red Beef. �V Pressed Tongue, Sausage, Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. M"I Beef sold by the (barter at lowest Cash Price Highest Cash Price paid for Bides and Sheep Sliens One Door South of , L. Prop CENTRAL HOTEL, s THE PERFECT TEA THE FIN EST :TEA IN THE. WORLD :. FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. `monsoon Tea is paclacd tinder the supervision of the Tea growers, and is advertised arid sold by them as arsample of the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages.' 'Thr, t is lrlry "Monsoon.' the perfect Tea, can be soldat the same .price as inferior. tea. I1 is put upin sealed caddies oIb., z lb. and lbs acid sold f in three flavours at,toc., sou, and ewe. <ex1,L our irocer does not 3AYTER & CO.; pi; it,tel13 Front St. to him to write .a�L , THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CAN AD .. INCENDIARY CASE. THE MELANGTHON FIRES UNDER INVESTIGATION - New Charges Made Against All the Prison-' °ers—Sensational Statements --An Objec- tion to a Magistrate. Shelburne, Jan. 25,—It is, probable that never in its history has this little village seen such a momentous day a3 this. Despite the fact that the thermom- eter is below zero and a bitterlycold wind is blowing, the main street of the place has been crowded with people all day, there being more than 4,000 visitors in town to attend the great arson inves- tigation. For eight years many of the poor fanners in this neighborhood and as far north as Corbetton and Melancthon have been terrorized and ground down by the incendiary gang, and now, after the majesty of .justice has been asserted and the alleged ringleaders of the con- spiracy are in the hands of the law, the entire countryside has broken loose, so to speak, and the sad stories of eight years of and and wrong are being open- ly discussed. James Ballard is a tall, well-built mulatto, with curly black hair, and a fair-sized bald spot. He sits in court fac- ing the witnesses, and it is noticeable that they studiously avoid, meeting his eye. The prisoner notes every bit Of evi- dence very keenly, and is constantly in conversation with his lawyers, The court- room holds about 700 people, and. to -day it was more than comfortably filled, _.. _. '+343+43.'431434-43•436+3043.-.¢ rF3s DIARNII EA, DYSENTERY, and all BO Wei, COMPLAINTS. A Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles is irrXillett (PERRY DAVIS'.) Used Internally and. adernally. Two Sizes, 25c. and 50e. bottles. "43 436,-..&43+'3*43*-41.43•43''13a Positi Lely Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a rri- entiilc certaint! tried null true, soothing 1 and healing in its effect. WC. llcoa_sna & $^rr Iloucltetle, ('. reitet1 in a lete1 that1Tnv Lr i,,u ed Jfre. (ttuw.t,t of , e1 see e.(,i I h ,,e1 Me,, f it el ;, •,.I visit 11+1 .+t 1, . (3. i,., V V: ab. _ Via L1� i� ...... j, Iitirre, c:tternlst, ((i l rat SI I, r n to wrt c : [. 3s , „ it soh al 110 sv ut ' r to 0 Lt S1 ittrt n ,1 , it m ui I. to l t•, seee seehe u m , tt t. rti n io .0. VI./ ] n ; jtttt tt. I - 11314130 1 me of TLC (( 11 1n 1 ill I t to h, h 3l their lntn'n... �'. y it T r i y ni , ptl^, 11 3 T t. 110, I. 7 ,i w 1.11 1 1, r9 n i',rrla, ri] 1 tuw.tys i 1 1II::Vtld a. a.; it -0 44.1 n1.011 n•e. r.* Large Pkittle, 2.; Cts. U \','I3 & \\ 1:',INCE CO arts.. Soitt Proprietors • - 51tisr 1 s Leading dealers everywhere sell s Don't risk the loss of time, labor and ground by planting seeds of unknown qual- ity. ' The market is full of cheap. nnreliableseeds. FERRY'S SEEDS are always the best ; do not accept any substitute. Seed 'Annual Free. D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. as explained' by the prisoner was to ob- tain 001028E400, as he had Camj;rbell• bou-the to ke8p he buildings' insured;"and he, ClaniSpbell, grays' : tying.. to evade tete agreement. Witness was given to under- stand that Ballard was the owner of the farm, and ma this occasion James Bal- lard wanted the witness tri burn the house, arid he refused. This was a few days before the Dundalk Fair, about three years ago. John Seymour's evidence was next taken, He 'is a -rather intelligent -looking young' fellow, with a decidedly ,honest expression on his beardless face. In July, 1893, he made what he termed a sort of an agreement with the prisoner to buy the Campbell farm. The agreement was that the witness should get the property insured, and 11e was given to understand that the house was to be burned. Witness failed to get the place insured, and Bal- lard was very inucll displeased. Samuel Seymour, a brother of the last witness, told how about three years ago James Ballard offered witness and Frank Mulligan 210 to light up a house. They both refused. This evidence was con- firmed by Frank Mulligan, This closed the particular case for the Crown, and no defense was offered. The magistrates will give their decision in the morning. SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMEN'T'S. The two sensational developments of the day were the new grist of charges against the prisoners, and the objection n.tade by the prisoners' counsel to Magis- trate Hamilton. This latter charge was not unexpected. The faict still remains, however, that Magistrate Hamilton was the first man who dared to raise a finger of opposition against these amen. The new batch of information is as follows:— Jas. E. Corbett and. Alonze D. Smith are charged with firing Corbett's barn on Oct. 12, 1894; Jas. Ballard, of Melanc- then, is charged with conspiring with Hamilton Tisdale to burn Jas. Balla'd's house; Alonzo Smith .is charged with setting fire to his own house and barn on June 4, 1894; Jas. Corbett is charged with burning Hamilton Tisdale's house and barn; David Ballard and Jas. Cor- bett are charged with inciting others to set fire to John Trainor's infill; David Ballard and Wan. Reid are charged with burning David Bailard's barn in Novem- ber, 1894; .Tas. Ballard and David Bal- lard are further accused of applying the torch to another barn of Jas. Ballard's. To-inorrow Ballard, Corbett, and Reid will be examined as to the firing of Tis - dale's barn on June 4, 1894. The three magistrates on the case are Messrs. John l=lam.ilton, J. P., Joseph Allan, J. P., and John Blair, T. P. Crown Attorney McKay and Barrister Hugh O'Leary, Q. C.,. Lindsay, are prosecuting for the Crown, while Mr, G. M. Vance, of Shel- burne, defends Smith, Reid and Corbett, and Messrs. Lucas and Wright, of Mark - dale, appear for the two Billiards. The coroner's inquest this evening did nut develop any further startling evidence. A TROUBLESOME ROAD,' The Recent Cut Announced by the Soo Railway. • Chicago, Jan. 23.—The financial inter- ests which it was stated would probably prevent the Soo Line from putting into effect its proposed reduction of 33 per cent. in rates from the Atlantic sea- board to St. Paul have evidently already made a move Officials of that line now show a disposition to treat with the tratlio men of western roads, though here tofore they have refused even to reply to Communications from then, It is prob- able that; the change of heartresults from outside pressure, perhaps from the Can- adian Pacific, which controls the Soo, and cannot -well afford to engender the dislike of all the western roads. At any rate the Soo Line officials are not only ready to discuss the situation, but have postponed the date at which thou new tariff is to become effective from Janu- ary 25 to January 28, in order that there may be a complete and thorough consid- eration. of the matter. Chicago -St. Paul line members of the Western Freight Association met to con sider the situation. Before anything further was done it was considered best to again invite the Soo people to confer with them. A dispatch was forwarded to General Manager Underwood asking him to join in the conference. No reply was expected, for he had diligently ignored all other communications on the subject. He' replied, however, that he would be in Chicago the following day, and that, pending the results of the conference, he would delay the application date of the tariff to January 28. The committee then adjourned to meet again Wednesday morning. • In New York the outcome of the pres- ent fight iS being awaited with more than ordinary interest. A BOMBSHELL. A few minutes before two o'clock the first prisoner, James Ballard, was brought up, At the very outset of the in- vestigation a veritable bombshell was thrown down by Lawyer J. B. Lucas, who appears for James Ballard. He stated that on behalf of the prisoner he wished to object to one of the magistrates on the bench. The prisoners were charged with most serious cringes, and he had reason to believe that one magistrate, had a strong bias against the prisoners. He understood that this magistrate had acted as detective in the case, and also tried to extort, confessions. He would go further. This magistrate had pending litigations, and he would add that about four months ago a crilninal charge had been placed in the hands of the Crown Attorney against this same magistrate, and that if this charge had been investi- gated one or more of the prisoners would have been witnesses. Under these cir- cumstances he did not wish to proceed. In reply for 111e Crown, Mr. O'Leary •said that as far as he could see no rea- sonable objection had been offered against any magistrate. He considered it would have been better if Mr. Lucas had stated to whom he referred, but he considered that it was to Magistrate Hamilton, In this case he considered that the objec- tions were wholly without reason, and that Mr. Hamilton's conduct had been in every way upright and judicious. The magistrates sitting at this investigation were called on to look into the most momentous charges ever investigated in the County of Dufferin, and every justice would be shown to the prisoners by each and all of the presiding magistrates. liir. Lucas did not press the objection further. • THE CHARGE READ. The prisoner was then asked to stand chargeread. accused thewasIt up, and James Ballard,, of M(lanethon, on Octo- ber 9th, 1893, of inciting Hamilton Tis MANITOBA MATTERS. llNodern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new ptyles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive aS possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of bEauty and are admired by all who have Eisen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs, Dining tables in great variety.. We Sell Cheap. flerrimau Case Again Adjourned ---Suicide of a Boarding -House Proprietor --A For- ger Sent to the Penitentiary. Winnipeg, Jan. 26,—Tho case of Herri- man, charged with stuffing ballot boxes during the. recent election in Macdonald, came ti' again i`or hearing in this city yesterday, and for want of witnesses had to be again adjourned for another week. W. H. Smith, proprietor of the Vic- toria boarding-house, Portage la Prairie, was found'. dead about one o'clock on Saturday beside the furnace, having shot himself. The bullet entered his head, and the revolver was lying beside him. No reason has yet been given for the rash act. The Ogilvie Milling Company has just closed a contract to ship to Australia by May next 25,000 barrels of limn.. It will take fifteen special trains to convey this immense order across the continent to the Pacific seaboard. Percy Welwyn, charged with forging Lesie Brothers' name to an order for meals, pleaded guilty on Saturday, and MIS sent to the penitentiary for two years. The Patrons, at a convention in Bran- (lon; ,selected Ml'. C. J. Green, of .Portage la, Prairle, for their Grand President for this year. The present Grand. Secretary, Mr. W. C. Graham, was re-elected for another terns. Mr, W. White, of Moosomin, N. W. T., has been discharged from the position of Crown prosecutor for Eastern Assiniboia for partisan reasons, owing to the stand he tool: during the late elections. His successor is Mr. Levi Thompson, of Wol- seley, who has been practising law for two years, and who also took the stump in the last elections, but in favor of Mr. Douglas, the Patron -Grit candidate. MR. JAMES ROWAND DEAD, Don't,think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N. ROW;E Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing, Business of A. Loath -nen {Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones, Fresh. Meat. Se Represented Kest Bruce in the Do- itlin ion r'arliatnetl t. Port Elgin, Ont., Jan. 25.—Mr. James Bruce, died. B rad ea lf.P for West , Rowa M 011 Sunday at 11'15 residence in titLlgbC.CI1 township, aged 67 years. Deceased was dale an(t John Charters t0 set fire 1130 the born in Paisley, Scotland, and came to barn and dwellings in the 'fourth con- Canada 'with his parents about 65 years cession of Melancthon. In a clear voice ago. Ho first resided in Toronto, then in the prisoner pleaded nob guilty. • Chingna00115y, for a short time in Brant The first witness wss Thos. Campbell; township, and finally took up ].dnd and banker. He was the original mortgagor .•settled in Saugeen township, about 46 of the lot, and James Ballard had a chat- 1Ca1S ago. He tool: a prominent share in tel mortgage with hint.. Witness offered the farm for sale, and at this time there were buildings on the farm. The prisoner wanted the witness to insure these build- ings for twelve hundred clailalrs, an enor- mous amount in proportion, as the build - municipal matters, was reeve of Saugeen, and county valuator. On the retirement of Mr. D. Sinclair he contested North Bruce for the Legislative Assembly in the Liberal interests, but was defeated. In 1887 ise was elected member of the House ings were only worth two hundred dollars. of Commons for West Bruce by melanin - The next whiles was John Charters, of tion, and was again elected. in 1891 by, a the fourth concession. This witness had majority of 9300. Owing to ill -health, he known the prisoner for eight years. When declined a nomination for the present Ballard moved to the Campbell farm Parliament. Mr, Roweled leaves a widow first witness went over to see hint Ham- ilton Tisdale was present, and the prisoner offered witness one hundred dollars to barn clown the Campbell barn 'buildings. The witness refused, and the prisoner told him that Tisdale watts afraid to do it, too, and that they were both cowards. Smith, of Michigan, calling on,•tho State Witness saw him piling firewood in one corner of the building, which he 001131 - Depalrtineut for: information o11 the pros ereti rather n, strange proceeding, Who. silt status of the treaty by which the , United- States..afld Great Britain are re- asked what woodthere thought the prisoner was ,d from building or maintaining piling'the there for,. he answered, stia,iuc. g "to burn both.at and the house."' vessels on the great lakes. 37.1 IMPORTANT. WITNESS. improved Canadian Mail Service. , and seven children to mourn his loss. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual, ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Vessels on the Great Lakes. Washington, Jan. 25.—The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House to -day unanimously decided to report the reso- lution introduced. by' Representative Tile next witness Hamilton Tisdale,, is London, Jan. 2o.—Mi. Joseph Chani saki to be one of the ' Crown's principal berlain, replying in the 11031se of Cont Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5° J° will be. given for cash. C. SNELL, — Prop. N • • • ®•• • ®• d 1 witnesses. He is a tall, rather pale faced: luoi)s to -day to Sir John Long, Liberal, 1nan,.. with a shifting -and lowering pair said he` was not in a position 'to make a statement as to the progress being made towards animproved G anadin u mail 83111 - ice, explaining that the Dominion Gov- ernment is Still considering the question. •Who.con.•tflink qfi. eyes:' ....011 the occasion. mentioned by of s i 1 t Tisdale' took Wanted—AnIdea I cine a ritp e tt,s )rL'71011S witness' too - the r , 11 p1800 'for Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. .titan,,, :Wet" t0 t110 C.anib0 Write JOHN FVEDD1;IiBRN CO., Patent"h � reason, the trllnlr was talCen • thing to patent? I Ballard Ilse and list'of two hundred inventions wen mi. net's Washington D 0 for their $1,800 prize) offer `•�k�11s.Y -tiJ • • • - • • • • "Duda" MENTHOL PLA I have prescribed Tlouthol Plaster inn number of cases o neuralgic an rheumatic pins f alhc dr icD and am Tory much pleased with the 14. O s and pleasantness ofitsOxforapplid. Boston. , H, r1A1tPEN• rsti, TLD., Hotel Menthol Plasters asters i I have used htanthol Plasters to several caeca of muscular rheumatism, and find in every ease thatit gave almostinstant and permanent relief. —J. II. ffi00EE TLD., Washington. D.C. It Cures Sciatica, Lumbago, Nen- ralgia, Pains in Back or Side, or ally Muscular Pains. • 1 • • • • • 11, ice Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, • 0 2: C. Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL. •• • • 0 rt 09 ® • QD • •2 IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL gitA tditex rig THE PALACE Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett To Cure RHEUMATISM TASE Bristol's SARSAPARILLA IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. IT WILL MAKE YOU WELL Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. 1,11fT1,,,,1ffrTTrTtTTTT1,T,1111111,1,1fTTTTfi Ft[ "5 Th ,.® & LIL= AMU al Eisiof g Is invaluable, you are run F down, as it is a food as well as E a medicine. The D. & Lo Emulsion E13 will build you up if your general health is atpairi d. Tho D. & L 'Enital&"ion tt rat a able re,arationof' y�Istbe best and r1n t } nlat preparation Cod Liver 011, a ,reehtg with the most dell- care stomachs. , The D. & LEmulsion Is prescribedby the .loading physicians of 1 Canada. E. mul..010211 The D. 4, i 3 Is 0 marvellous flesh producer and will give you an appetite. 7 ,� O.^e a $1 perBottle• . C ]3e stirs you got IOA'diS 8; LALYIiaiaE Co., LTD. the 'elinins `... ill Ot'41'REAL 6 ttr.i 1 , ,1 "ra 1 itu [r[ \131iA1 • lilt La t-- - Y•• A man must consider his purchase well these, times; he must buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these Figures: Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00. Suits ..$9,89 Overcoats $8.00 Black 'Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812,00 Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Conte and see for yourself. JAMES H. GRIEVE. G'IBLBY & SO1Ls Will now be found in their new premises. The Opera House Block, See change of (IAd" next week. Ge GIDBE' &Old, OPERA HOUSE Block +W. Bicycles! Bicycles!! Bicy les! ! ! Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We c.11 furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line.' We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in. spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car= riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martine GENTRAI, DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's ' condition and, cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; . also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so sitceessfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, 'Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. ` For sale here, C Dr�n i t dd S b� O. LlJ