The Exeter Advocate, 1897-1-21, Page 8aaSs • THE IG CASH STORE. CASH OR PRODUCE AND ONE PRICE TO ALL. BFFORE STOCK TAKING WE ARE GOING TO OFFER WONDERFUL BARGAINS FOR GASH OR PRUDUCE r r • Read this List of money Savers : 15.5.00 Ladies' black Astrachan fur coats, beautiful bright curl, reduced to... ...... $27.00 425,00 Grey Lamb cape, a beauty. We have one only. Latest style, A i quality reduced to........... $15.00 $23:00 Black Astrachan care, 30 inches long 110 inch sweep, one only. A real cliv.udy, re,luted to $17.75 $15.00 Blank Coney fur cape full length, •nfoe bright fur, reduced to $ 9.00 $22.00Wool Seal Cape, 25 inches long $argain for some person, reduced to $15.00 Ladies' trimmed sailor and walking 7i lata worth from $1.00 to 00.00, all re- duced to..... ..... ................. 500 Your choice of any ladies' untrimmed hat in the shop for the' small sum of 25c 35c Ladies' heavy ribbed long sleeve winter vests, great big bargains reauc- adto 22'gc Tyarcis nobby new Tweed Dress Goods Sot...........:: $ 3 O0 44.25 all pure wool, latest style tweed dress goods 51 inches wide, reduced to 650 (0o Ceylon health underskirts, in pink, blue, and grey, all reduced to 800 $1600 Black Gallaway Cow Robes, no dye, no seams, the;best robes in the trade, redu,oed to. _ $12.50 $S.00 Grey Goat robes, all whole hides, reduced to $ 5.75 $3.00 heavy wool knee or back rugs, new choice patterns, reduced to. $ 1.50 $37.00 Gents' coon coats, best goods in the trade, reduced to....... .. ........... $27.50 $10.00 Gents' Wambatt coats, whole hides, 'best fur, reduced to $12.50 job lot of men's over coats worth from $5.00 to $7,00 your pick for $ 2.75 job lot of ladies' jackets, regular price $4.00 0 to $5.00. Come and take your pick tor$ 2.25 92.25 Lace Curtains, we have one hund- red pairs bought at a bargain your ahioce for $ 1.40 Here's a snap. Come quickly if you want one. We have one hundred gents' No.1, frieze ulsters worth from $8.00 to 810.00. Come and take your choice for $ 6,00 "15c Winsey the good old fashioned kind , Come and get 14 yds for 51.00. Just the kind for quilt lining. Cone if you want to see your dollars swell. Come and test the veracity of the above statements. Wei are sole agents for Crystal Drip Syrup, Sailor Boy Tea Mixawatta Tea and Monsoon Tea. J. A. STEWART. SCHOOLBOOKS -AND- SCHOOL SUPPLIES — _AT THE— NEW STATIONARY STORE. DAN DYER. LOCAL JOTTINGS. The London election trial was resum- ed. on Monday. The Dairymen's Convention opened at Guelph on Tuesday. The Post office at Rodgerville has been closed by order of the Postmaster General, Monday night last was the coldest of the season. The thermometer dropped below zero. The plate glass front has been placed is Gidley's Opera Bloc): and adds materially to its appearance. Mr. H. Parsons has beea appointed nightwatchman at 80ets. a night, and Commended his duties Friday night last. Mr. William Balkwill, London Road South, ,held his annual wood -bee on Thursday last. A pleasant time is re- ported. The London Bakers; owing to a great many housekeepers making their awnbread have dropped the price to five cents a loaf. The Goderich Spring Assizes wili sit on March 8th, C. J. Armour, presiding and the non jury sittings will be held on Tuesday June 1st before J. Street. A petition for presentation to Judge Masson asking for leniency in the mat- ter of Queen v. Southcott on the charge of theft, has been in circulation throughout town during the past few days. Mr Wm. Joyce, of Hyde Park, while building a fence one day last week, dug out nineteen snakes of all sizes and colors from the bottom of an old posthole. A California publisher has establish ed a journal called The Man. Before the first edition was ori the press 1100 old maids had paid a year's subscription in advance. Roy Lenthorn, son of Mr. John Lea• thorn, while skating on the river one evening last week the the broke, letting Roy into the water He was pulled out by some companions and was little the worse for his cold bath. The London Amateur Dramatic Co: "played" in Gidley's Opera House on Tuesday but failed to draw a paying audience, the number in attendance being only about 75,and that was rather morethan the " play " merited. At a meeting of the creditors of the estate ofiWm. Southcott, held here on Monday, Mr. James Millar was ap- pointed assignee and was instructed to wind up the estate by the inspectors Messrs. Robert Pickard,, Jiro. Treble, and N.D. Hurdon. Before .leaving Mitchell for Toronto least weekMr. Victor French, sou of D. French, House of Refuge, was present- edwith a haodsome fountain pen by Mr- Benj. Sehneider and a few other comrades of the Epworth League, ac- companied by a nicely worded address. The Municipal World takes the ground that "the wardens elected this month will hold office for two years without re-election, The Attorney - General takes a different view from this, and replying to the county clerk, of Oxford, states that " the wardens are to be elected as, heretofore for one 'year only, but the persons' elected in the first instance would seem to be eligible for election the secoud year, " ik. Mr. Welsh is having the old Sherbroke residence raised and remodel led. A. Kansas man has discovered that brandy cau be made out of wet saw- dust. Now, a discouraged prohibition. ist asks, what chance can a good cause have when a man can go forth with a rip saw and get drunk on a rail fence The Seaforth. Expositor says :—We understand that Mr. Geo. W. Holman, who has been clerk of the township of Usborne for about ten or fifteeu years, but who has been attending the Colleg- iate Institute here' for the past year, intends coming to Seaforth to reside, and has leased a residence from Mr. C. W. Papst. There died at the family residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Powell, yesterday (Wed) their eldest daughter, Ada Kate at the age of 15 years and 1 month. Deceased has been ailing of Consump- tion for some time past therefore her death was not in the least unexpected. The funeral takes place to the Exeter cemetery on Friday. The Rev. Gerald Willougby, of Sar- nia, delivered his thrilling lecture on the North West Rebellion, its cause and conflict, in the James st, Methodist church on Monday evening last to a large audience. As a descriptive word pointer the Rev. gentleman pos- sesses powers second to none, and he carried his audience with him at will through all the scenes incident to the late rebellion. According to a statement made at the County Council nomination in Brussels, the products of Huron's In- dustria] Farm amounted to the follow- ing: Oats, 300 bushels; potatoes, 400 bushels; corn not all husked; turnips, 400 bushels; garden beets, 100 bushels; garden carrots, 50 bushels; garden par- snips, 25 bushels; onions, 15 bushels; apples 19 trees, 40 barrels; hay 1 ton; corn, fodder, acre; beans, 12 bushels; cabbage, 1000 head. This is pretty good, considering there are only 50 acres. Peter Yorke, the Parkhill man, who shot his 15 year old brother Ernie on the morning of Dec. 31, is dangerously i11 and unable to leave his house. The crown has taken no proceedings in the case yet. It will be remembered that about 2 a. m. Ernie left his home to go to his brother's about 200 yards dis- tant. He rapped at the door, and thinking it was a burglar, Peter got a gun and fired a shot into the air, be- lieving it would frighten the intruder away. Peter afterwards started around the house, and seeing the figure ap proaching in the darkness, he fired at it. 'rho charge resulted in Ernie's death half an hour afterwards, Being unable to collect bills of long standing, Editor Slack of the Bristol, (Tenn.) Courier, naturally finds him- self short of funds with which to meet his own obligations. He makes a plain statement of the case and concludes a manly appeal for help as follows :—It is humiliating to me to write and pub - such an article as this; and damned if I had not rather stiek my arm in a furnace than do it. We know just bow the writer of the above feels, but all the same we advise him not to think of putting his arm in a furnace. If any roasting is to be done, roast the delinquents. The operation will afford them a hint of what they are likely to get hereafter. Carnival on the 29th. A carnival will be held in the Exeter Skating Rink, on Friday, Jan. 29th, Runaway. "On Thursday last as Dr, Amos was driving south on the London; Road, owing to ;the deep ruts his buggy collid- ed with that of Mr. Geo. Heywood's. Us - borne. Both gentleman were thrown to the ground but escaped serious in- jury. The Doctor's horse struck south at lively pace and badly' wrecked the buggy before being Captured. Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!! _. For Oxford Stoves and Ranges, call at Bissett's old stand, Exeter. A. S. Deavitt, agent. Ralf .Fare ray Ministers. The ministers in Exeter and sur- rounding district will be pleased to, learn that at a convention of Railroad passengelagellts held in Chicago a few weeks ago it was resolved to furnish all regularly ordained ministers with transporation at single fare over the Grand '.trunk, the Michigan Central and most of the railways of Ontario and Michigan. The resolution appears to be known to very few either minis- ters or railway agents, Rowe, Palestine and Egypt. Right Rev. Marice S. Baldwin, D. D., Lord Bishop of Huron, delivered a most iuteresting Lecture in the Trivia Me- morial Church on Thursday evening last on his personal experience and ob- servation of Rome, Palestine and Egypt, The Bishop is a peer among orators and this is said to be one of his master- pieces, It was a rare treat from every standpoint; his diction was beautiful and he placed the scenes of his travels vividly before an attentive audience with marked ability. Spend Your Honey at Home. Evrery dollar that you spend at home helps to make times for yourself and the whole community better. Every dollar you send away helps to make times in some other place better, It was the greatest mistake that was ever made, to think, that on the whole, you save money because you buy the article out of town a few cents cheaper than you think you can get it at home, perhaps without trying. If you have any regard for the prosperity and well being of your own town pat- ronize first and always as far as possible, all home institutions.• nigher Bates. The Joint Tariff Association have made a change in freight rate which will be of interest to business men. Heretofore the minimum charge for freight has been 25 cents. The new rule makes the minimum charge 35 cents. The rule malting the charge reads as follows :-1° No single package or small lot of freights of one class, classified first class or lower, will he taken at less than 100 pounds, at the class to which it belongs; and in no case will the charge for single consign- ments be less than 35 cents." This change became operative on January 1st, and extends to all roads east of the Mississippi. .Death of Mrs. Sutton. There died at the residence of the late Mrs. McCurdy, in Osborne, on the 15th inst,,Mrs. Elenor Sutton, wife of Mr. Wm. Sutton. It appears Mrs. Sutton, had gone nut to wait on Mrs, McCurdy, and shortly after her death was taken sud denly ill of congestion of the lungs and despite all that medical- aid could do, death took place on Friday night. The deceased was a resident of McGillivray for over 30 years but had been living in Exeter for about three years. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, six sons and one daughter, all grown' up. Interment took place in Neil's cemetery, McGillivray, on Monday last. The family have the sympathy of all. .in their bereavement, Masqueraite Carnival. The first carnival in the Exeter skat- ing rink was held on Friday night and was.a marked success. A goodly num ber was present and those in costume displayed good taste in their selections. The ice was in first class condition and the different events passed off orderly and were watched with interest. The races proved very exciting and brought fourth loud cheers at each finish. Fol- lowing were the prize winners, viz:— Graceful skating, lady and gent, 1st Miss Weekes gad Fred Bissett; 2nd, Miss Christie and R. Creech. Boy's race, 1st Fred Hawkshaw, 2nd Percy Browning. Two mile race, 1st Fred Hawkshaw, 2nd E. Cook. Gents comic costume,1st Fred Hawkshaw, 2nd Allen Myers, 3rd Lorne Cann. Best dressed lady, 1st Miss Maud Hicks, 2nd Miss L. Dennis, Council Proceedings. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 15 Jan- uary, 1897. All present. The minutes of the previous meeting read and con- firmed Applications for the position of night watch were received from Albert Box, H. Parsons, H. Towle, Wm, Snell, John Barnes and John Southcott, Moved by A. J. Rollins, second by C. Snell, that the nightwatchman be paid 80 ets. per night. Carried. Snell Hollins, that H. Parsons be nightwatch• man. Carried. Applications for Assessor were made by G. a. Bissett and James Beer, that appointment was laid over until next meeting on motion of J. W. Taylor, seconded by C. Snell. For bell ringer and use of weigh scales from G. Kemp and James Dennis. George Kemp was appointed hell ringer and Ms offer:for weigh scales, $15, accepted, on motion of C. Suell,seconded by A. J. Rol- lins. Moved by J. W. Taylor,seconded by J. Dauncy, that Jas. Creech be appoint ed to the same position as he held last year. Carried. Taylor --Snell; that S. Sanders bo appointed treasurer, Car- ried. Taylor—Dauneey, that M. Eaerett, be re -appointed clerk. Carried, Rollins -Taylor, that the Clerk and Treasurer be paid same salary as last year. Car. vied. Snell—Rollins, that the assessors salary be $40 00; and the road com- missioner be $35000. Carried. Taylor —Rollins, thatDr.. Amos be re -appoint ed Medical Health Officer. ,Carried. Taylor—Rollins. that Jno Southcott be paid $18.00 account, for night watch service. Carried, Taylor-Dauncey, that the time for return of ,collectors, roll be extended to 1st Feb. ` Carried. The Clerk to ask tenders for cedar.' Taylor -Snell, that the regular meet ing of the Council be held on the 1st; and 3rd Fridayof each nioath, Carried. Taylor-Dauncey, that the .Clerk be paid $19 00 election expenses. >Carried.' Council Theadjourn h adjourned until Friday the 5th February at 7:30 p. m, M. EACRBTT, Clerk { Many Thanks. During the past few weeks many A»voaATsa subscribers have paid their accounts and a number of others who are " short "have written' and given satisfactory reasons for not remitting. There are yet, however, a very large number who have done neither, and upon these we must press for an acknowledgement of some kind. License Vommis5ioners. The following are announced as Licence Commissioners:—West Huron —Samuel Sloan, Goderich; Jas. Stevens, Clinton ; Hugh McQuarrie, Blyth. East Huron–Thomas Gibson, Fordwich; Geo. Fortune, Wingham•Geo. Murdie, Sea. forth; South Huron, R. Spicer, Exeter; Peter Douglas, Stanley; D. D. Wilson, Seafortb. clubbing Terms The ADVOCATE and Toronto Daily News for one year $1.75; ADVOCATE and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire from now to Jan. 1st, 1898, $1.30; AD- VOCATE and Toronto Weekly Globe from now to Jan, 1st, 1898, $1.50; AD- VOCATE and Loudon Weekly Advertiser from now to Jan. 1st, 1898, $1.40; AD- VOCATE and London Weekly Free Press from now to Jan. 1st, 1898, $1.75; AD- vOCATE and Montreal Weekly Witness, from now to Jan. 1st, 1898,$1.60. Club• bing with other papers on the lowest m. Saterddesn Death, "In the midst of life we are in Death" is an old proverb which truly manifest- ed itself in the sudden death of Mr. Richard Harrison on Sunday night last. Deceased bad gone to the James street Methodist Church as was his usual custom and his familiar form had been resting in his pew only about five min utes when he suddenly gave a gasp and without a moment's warning instantly expired The sad event cast a gloom over the whole church. His body was at once removed to his residence and there prepared for burial. Deceased had been in declining health for some time, hav- fug sutTered on two or three occasions from severe strokes of paralysis. Mr, Harrison came to Exeter from Usborne several years ago and has been a resi dent ever since. His age was 74 years 10 months and he leaves a grown up family of two daughters and four sons. The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery, on Wednesday and was largely attended. A Berlin Sensation. The Stratford Herald has the follow- ing concerning a former resident of Exeter:—Quite a sensation was nreated in Berlin on Saturday afternoon when it was reported that Abel Walper, pro- prietor of the Walper house, and who is a prominent citizen, was dying as the result of a blow he received at the hands of Daniel Williams on Thursday. Williams bas the management of Mr. Waiper's livery stables, with offices under the Opera House. Mr. Walper had taken exception to the conduct of Williams lately, and had frequently protested, with seemingly little effect. On Thursday the two got into a dis puce in the livery office, which became very heated. Mr. Walper, it is said, flourished his cane threateningly. Williams was afraid the old gentleman would strike him, and grabbing the heavy weapon, he dealt Mr. Walper a resounding blow over the head caus- ing a cat which extended down over his forehead and eye. Some one who had been attracted by the noise then stepped in and held Mr. Williams while Mr, Walper, who had fallen to the floor, was raised into a chair. Dr. Arnott was quickly on the scene, and put a number of stitches in the cut, and then Mr. Walper was taken to his home. Dr. Arnott says that while Mr. Walper's injuries are dangerous they will not likely prove fatal unless other things set in, and the patient is quite an old man. Mr. Williams says he struck only in self-defence. He will not likely be prosecuted. His wife is lying dangerously ill at the hospital. Personal Mention Mr. Thos. Acheson was in Londan, Friday on business. Miss Mame Sanders has returned home from. Stratford. Miss Amelia Bradt, of Parkhill, is visiting friends in town Mrs. Heaman, Carling Street, is at present very ill. Mr. Wm. Drew, is confined to the house through illness., Mr. J. B Short, of Parkhill, yisited friends here last week. Wm. Murray, of Detroit, formerly of this place, is visiting friends iu town. Miss Edith Beer, entertained a num- ber of her young friends on Tuesday night last. Miss Urquhart, milliner for Mr. J. A. Stewart, is spending her vacation in Woodstock. Mr, John Hyndman, who has been in Manitoba for some months returned. home Thursday. Mrs, Frayne who was reported as being dangerously ill last week, is slowly improving. Miss Smith,who has 3ompleted another millinery season for Mr. E. J. Spack- man, returned to her home in Seaforth last week. At the convention of the Dominion Creameries Association, held at St. Marys last week, we notice that Reeve A. Q. Bolster, was elected as a director of the association. Mr, John Welsh, of Grand Bend, was in town Saturday on business in con- nection with petitioning the Dominion Government regarding the iieenseing of nets for fishing purposes along Lake Huron. He expresses an opinion that the fishing in the vicinity of Grand Bend is being greatly injured by fish- ermen stretching nets across the out- let at Poiut•Edward and thus `prevent- ing pickerel and sturgeon from coming upinto the lake. The Go ernment o v should inquire into matters of this. kind. CA11LI14G MHOS. EXETER'S LARGEST DEALERS. =rrs.as 1 Xrra.as 1 1 =ruins 1 1 1 Christmas will soon be here and we are prepared to meet it with the finest choice of crockery we have ever shown. In Lamps, Glassware, Fancy China of every description. See our Goods and get our Prices before you purchase. A complete stock of Grocer- ies, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Furs, Boots and Shoes as cheap as the cheapest. Try Testley's celebrated tea. Our 25e. Japan has no equal. Highest Price Paid for Produce. Carling Bros. DIRECT EXPORTERS. AT OREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ladies' all Wool Hose, 25c., were 35e, Ladies' all Wool Cashmere Clicked Hose, newest for Spring, at 35c., were 50c. Job Line Mens' Mufflers at 25c. All Wool Shetland Under Shirts and Pants, were 70e, vow 50e. Battleboro's Prints in Benzaline Reds at 10c. a yard, fast colors. 25 pieces of Colored Surge Dress Goods were 50c., now are selling at 40c. This line is Extra Value. E. J. S P A C K IiN A N & CO., Samvell's Block, Exeter JOHNSTON S OTne ;finest Clearing Prices for Jun This is the season to un- load and if prices will do it we intend to unload our stock of winter goods. SOME SPECIALS 1 only, wool seal cape, regu- lar price $12 50, now $S 00; 1 only, astrachan cape, regular price $20 00, now $13 50; 1 only, astrachan, $25 00, now $17 00; 25 only LadiEs Jackets, stylish goods, ringing, in prices from $5 to $7 50, all in one lot for $4 00 each; 20 overcoats bought late in the season at snap pr ices; good all wool Ulsters, 2 shades, now $4 65; 1 piece Bik. Tweed; Twill dress cloth, was 25c., now 15c.; 3 pieces Tweed dress goods, regular price 50c., now 35c.; wool blankets at cost for cash; Tweeds and ordered clothing at cost to clear; felt boots, Frain leath- er, regular $2 5U, now $2 00; job lot of 30 caps for men and boys, 25c. each. A line of top shirts heavy, regular price 75c. now 50c; Fur Caps away, away down in price; 12 pairs, new toe, men's shoes, worth $1 75, now ,$1.25. EVERYTHING IN WINTER GOODS AT COSTI This will be a regular auction sale without the auctioneer. u. JONNSTON. Selections of Window Shades . i. in the town can be found at the Market Store. We can suit you in quality, color and price. We have the very newest in Ladies Black or Tan Oxford Shoes, Prises 75c , $1.00, $1.50, $1,75, $2.25. Turnip Seed. • Skirvings P. top; HallsWest burgs Elephant or MonarchSuttons Champion. All at prices away down. Market Depot. JOHN Pr BOSS Wanted—An Idea who can think of come simple yourything to patent? Protect ideas; may CO., Patent Attor- neys,wealth. Washington, D. C., for their 81,800 prize offer and ist of two hundred inventions wanted. Christie's- COMMERCIAL LIP. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left atHawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand.: will receive prompt at- tention Terms Reasonable Telephone . Connection Accident. Mr. John Hawkshaw met with an un- fortunate and most painful accident on Saturday .last. It appears he had been driving and was about to put the horse in the stable and when ;unhitching" the beast in some manner he accidently stepped in the loopof one of the lines that was done up in the bit ring, the horse jerking its Head suddenly up threw Mr, Hawkshaw off his feet, his head strik- ing on the hard ground with terrible force rendering him almost unconscious When discovered he was leaning against the stable on his knees and suf- fering. terrible pain from .the shock. He was removed to his home and medical aid summoned, and after several days of intense suffering he is again on the mend. St. Marys: Mr.. R. Thompson,:come mission m arch a nt purchased and ship- ped - p ped 45,000 pounds of poultry during. the season up to. New Ypar'a pay;