The Exeter Advocate, 1897-1-21, Page 51(' vi''' THE f x eter buo.cate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the (Moo, M AN -STREET, —= EXETER. —By the. ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Ono Dollar per annum if paid i>r Advance :*LBO if not so paid. gclTrertitain.g R.o.tem or .E3.10plica.- bore, No paper discontinued until allarrearagee are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, in oney ord- ers, &o. for advertising, snbscriptione,otcat o be made payable to Chas, IL Sanders EDITOR AND PROP moverasinerownwrampoweram 11.5rofesseonal Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, (Dentist.) Spooialist in gold filling and plate work. Extracts teeth without any pain, or sickness, or any bad offeots in the gums and face. At Zurich on last Thursday an each month. Rooms west side Main Street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L,D.S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Tini- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alll modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Ho tol—Exeter. Medical urs. J A. ROLLINS & T A, AMOS, Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main Bt, Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door. May 1st. 1898 3, A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, bf, D Du,T,1', 8fcLAUGRLF IN, MEMBER O the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aocouch- our. Office, Dashwood, Ont, J.p„ irl, iH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. �fL DTC KSON,BARRIBTER, SO LIC IT OR, . of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan OfTioe—Fanson's Block,'Exetor OLLIOT&ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., !J Convovaneing, and Money to Loan at 5and and 5'a per cent. B. V. Ern,lily. FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers T3 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt- -Li e ionoor for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofrsborue Bales promptly attended to and terms rea- soni,ale.Sales arranged at Post once. Win- oholsea. Insurance. E ELLIOT, insurance Agent, lifain St. Exeter WE CAN GIVE PDSiTIONS to persons of all grades of ability. Agents, book-keepers, olerks, farmer's sons, lawyeri, mechanics, physicians. preachers. students, married and single women,avidows Pgsitions aro worth from $400.00 to $2,500.00 pe. annnm. We have paid several canvas- ser 850.00 for years, Many have started poor and become rich with us, Particulars upon aaplication. State salary expected. The Br arretson Co,, Ltd., Oeo- ron to, Out. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wediesday) Wheat perbushel Bar10y•••. , Oats Peas Butter Eggs.......... Potatoes perbag Onions ,....,,. Flay per ton Dried Apples per lb Turkeys Dicke Geese .... Ohiekon _..., $0 81 to 82 20 to 28 18 to 49 38 to 40 12 to 13 15 s5 40 700 to 8.00 2%z 7 s 5 Excitement, overwork and worry are ruining the health of thousands of women. Pure Blood is required to feed the nerves, a good appetite and digestive strength are demanded to keep the body strong and vigorous, and to restore the exhausted energies there must be sound and refreshing By its power to respond to all these needs Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself the greatest friend of women. Thousands write that they have been given health and strength by its use. It is the great blood purifier, and con. - sequently the true nerve tonic. "I feel that I should be wanting hi eommon gratitude should I fail to tell the benefit my wife has derived frorn Hood's Sarsaperilla. She became seriously ill from running ulcers, caused by poorness of 0 0 1 u and was strongly advised by a friend to try Rood's Sarsaparilla. She said it had cured her and would no doubt cure my wife. So we tried it, and to say that its effect is wonderful, is only using a mild expression. It appears to bo build- ing up a new constitution for her; and, es we are a family of Open, there are eleven of us rejoicing at the result. "If the foregoing induces only one per- son, suffering in the same manner, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I shall feel more than rewarded.". ELIJA71 PACKER, 585 Mon- roe Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 0 Sarsaparilla • Is the One True Blood Purifier, All druggists. $L Prepared only by C. I. hood & Co., .Lowell, Masa. • cure alt Liver Ills and Mood's Pills Sick Headache. 25 cents. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. DUNN'S RC1NC TRECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAFiGEST SALE 1,6V CAh:40... The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to be tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cub a long story short we can make you Look Better in one of our choice suits clothes):than any other tailor in town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. lb IdCorlledBeete ll Pressed Tongue, Sausage, Bologna, Lamb, Beef, P ulullttry in Season. Beef sold by the Quarter at lowest Cash Prite Highest Cash Price paid for Hides and Sheep Skins One Door South of DAY, Prov ' CENTRAL HOTEL, u • THE PERFECT TEA TWT, • FIN ZST TEA. IN THE KIDDED raol7 Ta- TTsp.p''.AN T TO THE HE TEA CUP IN e:3 NATIvv. PLIPITV. "Monsoon" Teals wicked tinder the supervision of the Tea growers, and is a0Vettt5:danrlcoldbythem •i s a sample'of the hest quail ties of tIndian: and Ceylon Teas. For that reason -they see that none but the very fresh It sic:, go into Monsoon packages. T' C wits ' '4lon ;nn,• the par Feet Tea, can be so .1 ht t r sane price as inferior Leif.. IL is put up i't.sealed .caddies 0rlb,, r lb. and.. r y,s , Aix' sots i a thrc:c ibivuurG at 400,, 500. and GOc. ,our f+, r.t d not I ,,op it, tell him to write -, S' LeBr.. 11A'S ,'ER to CO , ee and is Front St. East. 'Toronto. 9 Pain i:.t Hier. (PERRY DAVIS'.) A Sore and Safe Remedy in every case and every ]rind of Bowel Complaint is ainma >� 1HHerm o;? :; { This is a true statement and it can't be made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, (Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES, 25c. and 50c. a'W PYY EPYHY-pECTORAL Positi poly+ Cures COUGHiG and COLDS in a surprisingly short limo. It's a sci- entific certainty, triers and true, soothing and healing in its effects. W. C. 9lcComas:a & SON, Souchetre, Que., report in a lettrr that Pyny.t'e toral 'mud Mrs. C. Colo.,' 01'daunt. void 1u rin•st and bronrhinL tubn, and :0440 noted 1Y, 0. a,eOomh:r of 0 1un0.stai,aln, cold. 9I:;. J. II. TInrrvChenlist, 528 1'onge St., Toronto, writes: .s D.geumat Cough and lung syrup l'yuy- Pertnral is a cued invaluable propel alien. It has 01 yen ihu 10 3000 90 tlsinotbnv to all who have:rlel it many us faun sp len tome or the lmnvf,.9 d rI -tl tion, es ass in else la nIli,s. 111s "dtabl , nu. old or young, lo ing l lensnn1 to the taste. Its sole '::11933, 1144, 1,'nn y03005501, and 1 von always 1,0, mean d it. as a safe and reliable cough oedielno." Large. Etottle, 25 Cis. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO„ Len. Sole Proprietors Afosts r.AL, HAMILTON.) Work for the Jssenaployed—Safe Olo'wine Now Company, Hamilton, Jan. 15, Engineer. Barron and Commissioner MacLoghlin will likely. recommend to the Board of Works that civic employment bo given to poor citi- zens on the new road in the vicinity of the high level bridge over the Desjardins Canal, which the T,, H. & B. Company has begun to build, the portion of the new road within the city limits being in need of flnprovelnont. 'I's'is, and some; necessary work on Main street near the new bridge would furnish employment to a number of 'nen for some time. '.There were 57 cases on the list for trial at the Assizes, which will open before Mr, Justice 'Rose in this city next Mon- day. This is the larget court list seen in klamilton in twenty years, seventeen of them being jury cases. No criminal cases will be tried at this eotut. An attempt was made last night to blow open the safe in the t-hultz-Grosso lantern factory, corner of Gannon anis Ashley streets, but after t a 'aging the safe they hacl to give up the job without getting into it. In the Surrogate Court to -day the wills of Mr's. Smith, of this city, who left an estate valued at $23,400, and Mrs. Lucy Howell, of Aneaster, $5,930, were entered for probate. The new McPherson Company, Inanu- fticturers of boots and shoes, which is waiting to see what tl• e City Council will do for it in the way of encourage- ment, is comprised of the following: Messrs. W. W. Long, Geo. H. I3isby, W. S. Duffield, P. M. Balkier, of this city, and Mr. Penman, of Paris, Ont. A young elan named Charles. Southon, who is apprenticed to Mr. J. E. Riddell, tinsmith, Ding street east, was found by P. C. Gibbs at 0.40 to -night lying near the butter market in spasms, and he was at onee removed to the City Hospital in the ambulance. He beanie conscious after the doctors had worked with him awhile and he said ho had been around in the evening with two men, who gave him a drink out of a bottle. After the drink he suffered intense pain until becoming insensible. He had been paid his wages previous to meeting the pair, but his money was all gone when he was found. SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS WINNIPEG VACANT. di:r. Ilugh John Macdonald Inas Been Un- seated. Winnipeg, Jan. 15. -The hearing of the election petition to unseat Mr, Hugh John Macdonald as member for the elec- 'toral district of Winnipeg took place here to -day, before Chief Justice Taylor and Justice Bain. There wore only two wit- nesses called, Prank I. Clarke, the return- ing officer, and Michael Hanlon. Hanlon swore that be received forty dollars for the hire of four teams, which he had at work on election day taking voters to several booths in the interest of Mr. Hugh John Macdonald. He said he was hired by one S. J. Youhill. Mr. J. Stewart Tupper, counsel for respondent, then adli'itted. that Youhill was oleo of Mr. Macdonald's agents, which admission was sufficient to have the election declared void. Their Lord. - ships accordingly. declared "the election. void. All furthor proceedings, however, are stayed until the appeal to tho Su- preme Court on the preliminary objec- tions is finally disposed. of. To correct irregularity and am'in'es, 1001 tlu, 05111 iia healthy uonditiun. Tho Wafers aro `1..110 *wore toy0„ng 7.0100,,, ail gu,rel'ul d,velopment provide min. less regular periods. Asir for Then It broad. All drarcuist4s, Ll idiom ror box. Nobetter :ouwayforwemeu ,,,,e. anted Ate idea Who can lmple thing 10 stmt? thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN. WEDDERBIIRN. & CO., Patent Attor- neys, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize otter an�listlistMof two hundred inventions wanted. bi 4,11 On Saturday M . Jas. B ge, Pore tar 13111 had themist'or:tunc to broabreak(me(me of his legs. Ile was crossing a piece of t with a load of wood ; tht i.0 brole » het. h causing' the ho's.'s to plunge, this brought Mr. Bugg's l'eb in contact with the double tree and snapped it jllsa. above the ankle. a;1 CURED! Cured Perfectly! CURED AND A PEMANENT CURE! Cured by Paine's Celery Compound ! Dynamite Explosion. Port Arthur, Ont., Jan. 17. --There was a dynamite explosion at Hammond's camp, nun' Saw 13111 lake, on Friday morning. Four of the Inert, Edward Guishaw, John P. Wras, William Duc- haine, and Joseph Draionville, were pretty badly mutilated. Guishaw had his ear blown off and his face cut up. P. Wras had his leg all cut. Duchaine had a broken leg, and was otherwise mutilated. Drainville hacl both a broken leg and a broken arm, The accident appears to have occurred while a dynamite can was being thawed near a fixe outside when it exploded mad did all the damage. The men were brought to the track by the Saw Bill and Hammond team's, and came down in a caboose from Bonham on Saturday morning. They are all now quartered. in St. Joseph's hospital here. CURED BY THE ONLY MEDICINE THAT COULD CURE ! Cured by the Medicine that Can Surely Meet Your Case! Cured? Yes, perfectly and permanent- ly cured. Paine's Celery Compound does not, like other medicines, confer only temporary relief. Its work is thorough and far-reaching, and nothing is left undone, Happy indeed are they who, suffering from disease and sick- ness, make use of Paine's Celery Com- pound to renew their lives. Mrs. John Belanger, of St. Henri, P.Q., whose daughter had been brought to realize that she was nearing the end of her life's journey, and who was per- fectly cured by Paine's Celery Com- pound, writes gladly the following letter regarding the permanency •of the, won- derful cure: "Eighteen months ago I. sent you a testimonial for your wonderful Paine's Celery Cumpound which had quite re• stored my daughter to health and strength after other medicines failed to cure her. "r am pleased to inform you that the cure has been a permanent one, and that my daughter owes her present good health to your great life giving medicine. 1 think more of Paine's Celery Compound to -day than ever before." A. Child fatally Burned. Cornwall, Ont., Jan. 1.—Miss Ella E. Lynch, tho ten -year-old daughter of Wm. Lynch, of Finch township, was burned to dearth in the Barkley school ]louse, hear Connaught, last week. The morning was cold, and the little girl on reaching the school went to the stove to get warm. The stove was an old one, without a damper, and the strong draught drew her apron into the fire. In a twinkling she was wrapt in games, which were with difficulty extinguished by the teacher, but too late to prevent fatal injluies. The unfortunate child died. in a few minutes in the presence of the tablet= and pupils. Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furnittlle for the fall trade so attractive at possible, Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ' ever shown. Side- boards of many designs, Dining tables in, great variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high Priced. We sellcbeaper than any house in town. R. N. ROWE Imperial Meat. Market. , Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones, Fresh Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual. ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Brinsley : We are pleased to be able to report that hopes are now entertained for the recovery of Miss Jenny Wither - spell, who has been ill for so long a time of typhoid fever. Blyth: On Friday morning, Mr. George Gibson, met with an aceident that nearly cost him his life. While working around some machinery in the lower part of the milt his cothes be. came entangled, but owing to him be ing a strong matt he released himself by catching hold of an elevator near by and pulling himself free. His clothes, even to his shirt, were complete- ly torr' from o'tT his body, rt was a very close call, and his escape was mi. raculous, Zion: It is with regret we record the sudden death of Mrs. J. Straube (nee Miss B. Byrne) Mrs. Straube was a daughter of the late Wm. Bryne, and a sister of Mr. Wm. Bryne, Logan. Hav- ing spent the most of her life here, she was widely known as a fine energetic and popular young lady. Much sympa- thy is felt for the two brothers and sis ter remaining and for her bereaved and forlorn husband, who now has no dear friend to cheer and console him. Brussels: Very unexpected indeed was the death of Henry James, a well known resident of this place, which occurred on Thursday, The old gentle- man had been ailing for several weeks from bronchitis and heart failure but was supposed to be improving nicely and was able to he up for a while on Wednesday. He passed away very quietly, At the time of his death he was Janitor of the. Public School in this place. Mrs. James and sons are sym- pathized with in their bereavement. Sc. Marys: A very pleasing event took place Wednesday, Jan.l3th, at the 'residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. C. Walden, London, when Mr. Albert Johnston, druggist, Sarnia, son of Mr. Wm. Johnston, of this place, was united in marriage to Miss Jessie Sale, of Lon- don, also late of St. Marys. The sere mony was performed by Rev. Canon Richardson of the Memorial church, she being attended by her elCO 11n 11. Miss May Hobbs, of Birr, while Mr, W. A. McIntyre, of St. Marys, supported the groom. sudden Death in Church. Exeter, Ont., .Tan. 17,—Mr. Richard Harrison, a retired gentlemen, living in town for many years, to -night, after tea, went to the James street Methodist church for service. After being in his sear about five minutes he suddenly gave a gasp, and almost instantly died. His body was carried home and his sons noti- faed by ware of his sudden cleats Mr. Harrison wns aged 74, and leaves two c1..blighters and four sons. Tho congrega- tion was much agitated by the awful event. To Work the Bothwell 011 Field. Bolivar, N. Y., Jan. 17.—A company, composed of John Wasson, E. C. Root, Asa Root and G. A. Root, of Bolivar, and J. W. Coast, of Olean, has just obi Mined a lease of nearly 2,000 acres in the Bothwell oil field, in Canada, and will soon begin operations. Four of the firm are practical oil Inen, and think well of the Canadian :field, that is at present attracting much attention from New York and Pennsylvania oil opera- tors, Lieut. -Gov. IV,irknatrlek's Condition. London, Jari. 18.—Mr. Geo. A. Kirk- patrick, ick, Lieut. -Governor of Ontario, who ll.ndeawent an operation. in the South street hospital on We0uesdcl.ay last, is slowly gaining strength. Tho doctors, having examined hila to -day, report that the operationperformed It as satisfactory, and that lie passed a good night. It is added, however, that his condition re - ;mains very critical, notwithstanding the other favorable features. Prohibition in 'Nova Scotia. Halifax, N.S., Jan. 17.—AnAct pro- hibiting itin$the manufactureand sale of liquor in Nova Scotia is being prepared for introduction at the session of the Legislature, which opens on January 21. The bill will have a . stormy career, and, s reported, May ><t a ' cause the Government . to go to the con try prematurely. Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 50/, will be given for cash. C. SNIELL, - Prop, !lade -Ache, I110CC"Acltc, Sciatic Pains, Neuralgic Pains, Pain in tlto Side, etc. Promptly Relieved and Cured by The "n. & L." Menthol Plaster Roving wind sour D. &L. Menthol Plaster rot severe pain in the back and lumbago. 1 unhesitatingly reremmend same as a sato, n,agie.—A.lLA1r SNTE, Elizfad. bc hto n,, Ont. Price 255. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors, Mosrala.u.. IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A CALL SOLICITED W. C. Bissett TI•IE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken internally, It Cures Plarr•hcea, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia; Rheurnctism Frosted Feet. No article ever attained to suelt unbounded popular' L "Ity.-8 , wryer. ,,n U 1r. run hoar testimony to is reatsefliraey so the Pain. T{,fuer. pWe ain, and nits ,table greats a soot -ng the severest pain, andl:new it to bo a good'article,—L'trt0tn- nail Divpatol. 201> n"hoc yet surpassed the Pain -Killer, wbleh is the: most valyabrc familytr,edieme now inpse.—Tanne,951e Ithas real %1'ol ; as a moans of Y9110 t g pain, no medlrin suss enquired 1n reputation ennui to Perry DaYla' Bain-Rtlltr Neaq>mt Netts. : ile,vat'n ntimitatlena 1 nY only ttl05erntine "PEIUrit DAv5F, ;.old o'o, 'theret largo bott,es,`11. VERY di9ll(*IS BO)T'I`LES. 50 Cenfg. VF Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH, ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. kitititkit : eliei for .1./72.7-2,97 T'rozzbZ'es THE PALACE sielatateesessereeer A man must consider bis purchane well these times; he must buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures,: 0 all LSIO An Q%WNSITlEll>'1'SON anti all E1511'TG YDIISxai°u.ClES Sa'^&1rrit'ai6ri4Cts lade TFD, culannl,15):45 0 a' 3: T $T9:,. D8D15H:a1lTtt, tlse banoQlsof this • tnrtielc gape upaas,, rpanai'a;sL. Dy tdtn,il or Tho "D. C10'mnlOinn ibar o got rll of I, 1,,,adu 050 211 wide); had troubled me tor ® over a year, ond 11,1.50 gained cuastdorabiy 4n Bei the time 1111,'d1Emulsion som'edl'vns• glad - � when 1110 0, 0 51,90 around to 1:,11011. T. 1I. W12ii311A35. C.11., :Montreal ltOn. and St par nettle ® 0 QAVIS+� i:ATlliiEl�Sl; Gtl,, LTD., MONTREAL e eeee o ®400 :ants iglade to Ol'del', all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits $9.S9 Overcoats $8.00 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12,410 Our 520 blacks heat all others at 523. Colne and .see for yourself. JAMES II. GRIEVE. G1DLEY & SON Will now be found in their new premises. The Opera House Block. See change of ',AC next week. St GrIDEEY & SON, OPER HOUSE Blot Bicycles! Bicycles!! Bicyles!11 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasurrl if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish you any Of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in. spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby •ea&r- riages, etc. etc. Perkins ell Marlin, CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as ;a remedy- for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Whim's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, .a'l ways on hand; also ,Aceto 1 nefactoand `i ie lL nlmexlt tl medicine so sll.ccessfuily used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, ' in this and oth'i t towns, S, i treating and our- ing msin various diseases. For sale here, T C L Drug Ist