The Exeter Advocate, 1897-1-14, Page 5a 4, i, )0 it 7 )f t• y le !8 l a e ;l a s 3. a i 0 9 9 y l 3 9 3. THE ezi ti r lburf. a#.e, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, .IRAN -STREET, — EXETER. -----By the -- ADVOCATE PUBLISHINO COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance $1, 50 if not so paid. 2iazrortic3s.g Rates ass .Z.ssislicas. SiorJ. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will bo published till forbid and ehargedaccordingly, Liberal discountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods, Every description of TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers. &o. for advertising, subscriptions ,eto.to be sande payable to Chas.I1. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, (Dentist.) Specialist in gold filling and Plate work. Extracts tenth without any pain, or sickness, or any badeffects in the gums and face. At Zurich on last Thursday in each month, Rooms west side blain Street, Exeter. 4 DR.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S-,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Unl- rsitV and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. A111 modes of Dentistry up to date, Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Ile tel—Exeter, Sts•clisal Drs. T A, ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Liesidenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr, Amos' office, same building—south door, May 1st. 1899 T. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A, Amos, M. D Dt.T. P. MCLAU()•RLIN, MEMDER OF the College of Physicians anti Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aeoouah- enr. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. 'D E. LINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan, T EI.DICRSON,I3ARRISTER,SOLIOTsoR, • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyanoer,Coinmissioner, &o.Monoy to loan Office—Fauson's Blaek,Exoter ['LLIOT&ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., .0 Conveyancing, and Money to Loan at Lowest Rotes oflnterest, B. V. EI.Lio'r. FRE;DEalcs ELLIOT Auctioneers T1 .BROWN, Winoiielsoa. Licensed Anot- 1.1• ioneor for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales prom ptly attended to and terms roa- sonbele,Salasarranged at Post office. Win- ohelsea. Insurance. EELLIOT, Insurance Agont, Main St. Exeter WE CAN GiVE POSITIONS to persons of all grades of ability. Monts, book-keepers, clerks, farmer's sons, lawyers, moohanies, physicians. preachers, students, married and single women, widows ositions are worth from $100.110 to 52,500.00 ,r annum. We have paid' several canvas - vs $50,00 for years: Manyhavo started poor become rich with us. Particulars upon pplication. State salary expected, The B:r'adley-t:arretson Co., ltd., To- s.onto.Ont. The Same Man! Yes, the same man maymadeto look very be different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to be wtricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to CLIC a long story short we can make you Look Better in one of our choice suits clothesy:than any other tailor ie town. A Call Solicited. ert. Knight. R led Coned Beef, Pressed Tongue, Sausage, Bologna, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. Beef sold by the Quarter at lowest Cash Price Highest Cash Price paid for Hides and Sheep Skins g One Door South of CEN;rRAL HOTEL, L. DAY ■ rop THE, PERFECT TEA EXETER .MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel $0 81 to 82 Barley.... - Oats 18 to ID Peas 38 to 40 Butter 18 to 53 Eggs.......... 15 Potatoes perbag 85 Onions ........................ _.. , ...-... Hay per ton 7,00to800 Erica Anplos per ib Turkeys - Ducks Geese ... Chicken 7 6 r, e It Depends upon keeping the blood in a pure condition; free from disease germs, and yet there are very few people who have perfectly pure blood. Mood's Sarsaparilla cleanses, vitalizes and en- riches the blood, throwing out the impurities that clog and irritate the system and permits no lodgment of the seeds of disease. Read the following: "I cannot recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla too highly for it has done wonders for me. I was C and all run down and my health was so poor I could not get out of doors. I was not able to do anything, being troubled with asthma and heart disease. I was nervous and could not sleep nights. I bad become completely discouraged when I happened to read an advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to give it a trial. After taking the first bottle I felt better and since taking five bottles I am so much improved that I feel like a new man. I am now able to do a fair day's work and sleep 0 e ell 0 0 at night. My heart does not trouble me and I have realized great relief for asthma. I feel full of courage once more and life seems brighter and worth living. I would recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all. afflicted as I have been, for I know it will help them. If this statement of facts will be of benefit, you are welcome to use it as you please." HENRY J. WRIGHT. Box 502, Oxford, New York. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ucure all Liver Ills and 1100d'5 pi LIS Sick Headache. 26 cents. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. UNN'S AKING WDER THECOOK°SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IEE CANAD,.. DIARRB EA, DYSRNTZRY, and all B011Sel, COa.1SMAINTS. A Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles is ena 0 11e? � e (PERRY news',) nest nest Internally and ferrra1ly. Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. bottles. 3� 431.43*- f3►'43'a" ► cies • 4)2 Break Up a Cold in Time DY EUSING PY Y PETORAL The °rlich Cure foi COUGi1IS, COLDS, 01101JJF, BISON- CBIT3S, SIOAIrSEN.ESS, etc. MRS. JOSEPH NOEWICE, of 68 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: Prey -Pectoral has never failed to cure my children of croup after a few doses. It cured myself of a long.stnndiug cough after several other remedies had failed. It has also proved an excellent cough cure Int rep family. I prefer 1t to any other medicine fur coughs, croup or hoarseness: H. 0. BARi30UR, of Little Rocher, N.B., writes: "As a cure for coughs Pyny-Pectoral is the .boat selling medicine I have; my ens. tulrlers will have no oder." Large Bottle, 25 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors, MONTREAL gatIl40404404WQS 44 The Winnipeg election trial will be- gin on Friday. Scientific American Agency for r,lir 7615 FIN EST TEA 10 71{C WORLD ratclr.i THE: Ti.A ','5.I tH7 TO THE TEA CUP 3 4 rr:,'1,PT35r: nuriT(. `'Slonsoon," ca is packed lades 'the supervision .of tleTea growers, at ds &1&l istdandsoldby.thern as - sampleofrile best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. Por that reason they eec that none but -the' wiryfreshileaves sgointo i:f ono packages. ^`h t .,hv 7Son fro: toe: pen estTea, can be 51.1 at t re sa ie *rice 4s -1111:71 7 tea... 1t, is putshin sesitsl caddiesof SS ]b., s Ib, and g'lb,s and said et three Savours at see., see. and 60c T. yew. as Ts,- dos not b^en it; tell• b, ttrivrit • tnS2L11., 11Ab"Tr1: c: CO„ ix antir3PreintSt. fast, lotonto.' CAVECAT% TRADE MARKS, IDESICN PATENTS. COPYRECHTS, etc. For information and free iIanidbook write. to NUNN'& 161 Baoeowsr, Nxw YoRlr. Oldest bureau CO..for securingpatents in America. Every patent tauten cuff by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the nett o Largestcirculation of any scientific paper in the World. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent mon should be without 5S 'Weekly, $3.eo a year Sliii0551ocmonths. Address; irONN & CO„ i!URLlsuaae, i1C,p Broadway, New Yost:MSS WINDSOR NEWS. Arrested on a Charge of Etnbezziernent-- Canadian Deported from Detroit. Windsor, Ont., Jan. 12.—,Chief of Polioe Wlills to -day arrested John J. Gough, alias E. M. Frost, alias W. Thompson, on a chargo of embezzlement. Gough name to Windsor about two months ago, and took up housekeeping at 33 London street 000 with his wife and child. Three weeks ago the provincial pollee were asked to locate Gough, and promptly did so, and he has been under surveillance over since. Several attempts were made to induce Gough to cross the line, but he was evidently suspicious, and refused to do so, The presence of an. Amerlonn detective in town to -day fright- ened Gough, and he was preparing to go further East when ho was arrested. The prieoaer, Who is about 40 years old, is wanted in Athens, Pa., for the embezzle- ment of $3,000 from Ralph Tozer his former employer. Gough says bo will resist any attempt at extradition, but expresses a willingness to make a settle- ment. `Phomas Logan, proprietor of the Brit- ish American barber shoo here, was taken to police headquarters to -day, and closely questioned by Chief Willis. and a United States secret service operative.. It was supposed Logan could tell something about the operations of William Lopper, the Windsor man who is now locked up in Detroit on a charge Of counterfeiting, but although a most searching groes- examination was had nothing new was elicited. This morning Mr. W. J. Sutherland, a young man whose home ie in Wallace- town,Elgin county. arrived in Windsor over the Michigan Central and took the ferry to Detroit, carrying a small valise with him. As he stepped off the boat he was stopped by the officials, who pro- ceeded to overhaul his baggage, at the same time demanding to know his destination. Sutherland explained that he was coming to Detroit to visit an unolo. The excuse was not considered good, however, and the young man was ordered to get back to Canada on the next boat, and to stay there. He lost no time in complying with the order and is now in Windsor watching for an op- portunity to get into Michigan without the knowledge of the Customs people. EVENTS IN HAMILTON, Found Guilty --Narrow Escape—Shoe Fac- tory to Rc-open. Hamilton, Jan. 12.—Lonia Witowcki, who was arrested in Toronto on a charge of pocket -picking, preferred by Mrs. Fri- day, was tried berore Judge Snider this afternoon. He was defended by Mr. George Ross, of Toronto. The proseontion showed that Witowskl was with Fred. Sohiebe, who was convicted on a similar charge some time ago. Witoweki went into the box and swore that ho carne up from. Toronto to buy a cigar store, and mot Sohiebe, (He called him Slosson.) He denied that he stole the woman's purse. The judge found the prisoner guilty, and in view of the long list of convictions against him at Toronto sent- enced him to eighteen months in the Central Prison. Lawyer Ross said that the Toronto police had persecuted Witowski. The prisoner's wife and two ohildren ware in court. Samuel Cowan, employed by Rose Brothers, painters, had a narrow escape from being drowned :pile at work on tho bridge across the Dosjardins canal. Tho ioe on which the derrick was stand- ing gave way, and Cowan fell into tho water, a distance of twelve feet. He managed to reach sound ice, and was rescued by the other workmen. It is said that the McPherson shoe factory would be reopened if the City Council would remit the taxes for a few years, IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. Arrangements for Official Dinners—The Selection of n Liberal Leaders -Lord Rose- ber3-Again Suffering from Insome la, London, Jan, 11.—Arrangements have been completed for official dinners on the eve of Parliament, and for moving and seconding the address in answer to the Queen's speech. Lord Salisbury, Mr. Balfour, Earl Spencer, and Sir William Harcourt will entertain their colleagues. The most interesting of these meetings will be the smallest, that of the Liberal peers at Earl Spencer's, since the main object of the gathering will be the selec- tion of a leader of that side in the Lipper House, ']'he choice apparently lies be- tween Earl Spencer and Lord Tweed - mouth. The Unionists would prefer to have the Liberate select Lord Tweed - mouth, who derives a large income from brewing. It would enable them to con- trast Sir William Harcourt as a temper- ance leader in the House of Commons with a titled brewer in the other House, Lord Rosabery's insomnia, which has returned, hut is not regarded by his physician ns a serious renewal of the previous attack, gives him a convenient excuse for going to the Continent and escaping the early weeks of the session. Sensational Evidence at a Trial. St. John, N.33., .Jan, 12. — At the enquiry being held before Captain Smith, 11. N. R,, into the loss of the Donaldson liner Warwick, on the Murr Ledge, Grand Manan, three weeks ago, somewhat of a sensation was created to- day by a telegram being read from Lighthouse Inspector Kelly; who wont down to the scene of the wreak to inquire into the statement that the Gannet Rock light wan not in working order on the night of the wreck. He telegraphed Captain Smith, and the telegram- was read. It stated that the light was in work- ing order, and tbnt he has statements that no December 24th the officers broke the cargo • and distributed Liquor all around, and that they continued drink- ing until tho vessel struck. Captain Temp positively denied this under oath to -day. Two sailors swore that the Gan- net Hook light" was working all right, while the captain says he took the light for a fixed one instead of a flash. Woodstock Notes. Woodstock, Ont., - Jan. S.—Wesley Simmons, the:'Tilsonburg elan. this morning pleaded guilty to the charge of disposing- of obscene literature among school boys, and was sentenced by County Judge Finkle to eleven months in Central prison. The juclge,in passing sentence, ` said thatthe case was the most regrettr.ble one he had ever tried, the prisoner being a man hitherto of good , character. "The 1 t i era curoY o pub- lished." u l b p l.ished." said his Honor to the prisoner, is enough to make •n sane mon ill." Adam Ross, of ;Ingersoll, was also found guilty by Judge .Finkle of stealing chickens and burglary at a West Oxford church, and sentenced to eighteen months in the "Central. His,', alleged accomplice, Shiba de Wolfe, is still at large. George . Sullivan; of 'Tngorsoll, charged with burglary, was, aoquittod. A CHEERING TRUTH Thousands Prove the State- ment TIIAT PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND MAKES PEOPLE FEEL YOUNG AGAIN, A Cured Man Says: I Feel Just as Bright as a Boy." The Right Medicine For Every Ailing Man And Woman. All the combined powers of earth can- not stem the tide of truth that sweeps over this Canada of ours in regard to the Burin; and life-giving virtues of Paine's Celery Compound. Thousands of the best people back up the sensible, plain and unvarnished statements about Paine's Celery Compound pub- lished from time to time. The cured thousands send such convincing letters of testmony that the most hardned skeptics are foundedon the rock of truth and honesday. Thelfollowine' letter from Mr. A. R. MeGruer, Dixon's Corners, Ont,, as- sures you, though your case may be desperate and death very nigh, and t' ough doctors fail and other medicines prove unavailing for your relief, that Paines' Celery Compound will do more for you than you can justly realize or hope for, Mr. McGruer says: `' Some time ago my condition of health was alarming and I suffered very much. I was laid up three days nut of every week; and I often said to my friends that it would be better, if it was the Lord's will, that I should be called away. Three of the best doctors attended me, but could not relieve me in any way. It was then I was advis- ed to use, Paine's Celery Compound, which brought relief at once. After using this great remedy I find myself a new man, and feel just as bright as a boy of eighteen years, I think it is the greatest medicine in the world, and would strongly recommend to all who suffer - Julia Washington, who lives near Chatham, had her nephew before a Magistrate on a charge of assaulting her. The young man, William Wash- ington, informed the authorities that his aunt killed her younger sister with an axe seven years ago. and County Crown Attorney Douglas has ordered an inquiry into the case. The first Chinesefuneral in Stratford was held Thursday. The man was Lee Yunge, a Chinese laundryman. He was stricken with apoplexy, and Thurs- day he died. He was 52 years of age. and had visited nearly all the gold fields of the world, had been deported from the United States and returned to Victoria, whence he made his way to Stratford. When he died his Chinese friends prepared his body for interment by putting 40 cents in his mouth and a dollar in silver, a lead pencil and a piece of paper in his clothes. There o ere no ceremonies over the grave. A nephew who was called there by the death says he will have the body re moved to China in a couple of years. WO WI S.P Hi DO Ualf HCLLD TAKE a.0 `t pyo ". ! t t?. 1 d 9 �"„", S, ka -nti 6 Es5'd11t Ee'�rl''e� �,'Urt. Eats To corrert irregnintity '.pd 0••ul,n.,v, keep the omon4 ,, hennhv Condition. 'ago • wafrmat."'1,11" ono .,,,' ioy�nn.,. ,)moos. qj aid are,rfni terve?"pmant, ,e",nle pain. 1015.17501. • Ts, L ifs. Ankfer TOO Barr it "L1 brand. All U^tf.... tv r,-11 50,10 ntSl e'er box. No butter newel. for women known. 111 There has never been a time when grow. ore should guard against failure with more caro. There .has never been a time when Ferre'rSeerds were more essential. They aro alwaysaleerywhere Insist on having leading. FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL is full of information for gardeners and Planters. There will never be a better time than now to sand forthe 1597 edition. Free. D. M. Ferry & Co., Windsor, Ont. E PIA SHOULD • LC1 IPatid THAT U"iLY Is a very remarkable reinedy, both -for IN- TERIv'AL and. EXTERNAL use, and won- derful,i�nits yquuiccktkaction to relieve distress. PAIL 1 ®I]a .t-�JL.Y e sure mut far (lore �• 3"?ai t :in it et It s, CItill 0, Amara•➢ ern, lXise liter's, Cramps. Cholera, and all LUN el Complall uu. PAIN -YULE ER 1s T 57.11. SIMS'S rem. tidy Manse ler Se:a. Sickness, Sisk MesalCt1110 'P•a.n in the Stack or toddle,-Mieninaaelsrtr and,Td ertA'aa➢"'is.,. PAIN-KILTT'l is •tr Grt,sr100A5uv Ibe Y'.,1'.t, •S y.1N,ti12 SSP1r MIABOl. It 075070 SPEED_ AND aL10100RNx 1RLIT1r Inall cases of arou800, Cubs, fb➢uraias, Severe ll➢nrns, etc. PAID - KII,I.' - well tied and is rhe trusted friend or the btlteloatide. Tanner, Planter, Satter, and in factall classes wanting a xiaealiCfne slways at band, and SAFF. To um: internally' or externally with serta:sty 06 Tellef. - - Bornre of I;nit:diens. 'Dike none bat I ho genuine "PERRY DAVIS.".. Sold eserywl:ere; -re. bi„ buttle. VERT r.LARGE. ilOTTLES 50 Cents Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have oar new styles of Furnituree for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety, We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N. ROWE Imperial Having ing (Wood's pleased and as Fresh We of fresh first aim Tenderloin, hams, ly sold procured Orders Promptly conducting longest week, given C. Meat Market. be best outs be the one be purchased the butcher. Business of A. Loadman Old Stand) we will to see all our old customers many new ones, Meat. intend keeping the very meat, and it will be to please customers. spare ribs, sausage, bacon and everything usual- in the factory can now at the shop. delivered. We intend a cash business, term of credit being (a discount of 50/ will for cash, S N E L L, -Prop. _•••••6009•e•_ • • • • • • • • •••••000••••.$ " fn" Ihave of cape. am pleasantness xis, 1 have of muscular tbntit —J, 1!. It raigia, any Pt iceDavis 2.1e. " MENTHOL PLASTER or • • • • • • • • proscribed Menthol Pleaterinn number or neuralgic and rheumatic rail ,s, and very ,tune pleased With the e2,oto nud of its application.—W, 8. CAaratF 11.D., ifotsl Oxford. Boston. used Menthol Fluters in several case. rheumatism, and Sad se every nil', gsvo nlmoat Inetan tend permanent react 3l00Ha M.D., Washington, D.C. Cures Sciatica, Lumbago, Nen- Pains in Back or Side, Muscular Pains. & Lawrence Co., Ltd, I Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL. IF Try Bissett's fit. reasonable A YOU WANT TO TRAVEL WO. "4tt T diMS r 1' h; In� 3A out- at Livery for a nobby We give you the best and rates. CALL SOLICITED W. S. Bissett BRISTOL'S BRISTOL'S semRSTOL'S Sarsaparilla and P1S COAIrED LL The Stomach Rheumatism, They All Greatest of all Liver, and Blood Medicines. . the I A SPECIFIC FOR Gout and Chronic Complaints. Cleanse and Purify Blood. Druggists and General Dealers. ]y d . ,, . down, t a sk Will impaired. t Is E Is I � 6, De the5eiluiue ....t4, • .,7 ktl���¢l�i 17 Is medicine. The build The the best Cod Liver sate stomachs, The prescribed Canada. Tho n m t )oi'napp sS sure u,1,.l,i„1 TRITTT7T/11- T TT r,, , 11 „ r,1 ITTT57 j��9 , l e le o, p in -minable, if you are run as it is a food as well as D. & L. Ernulsaon you uli if your general health is De && L, Emulsion alrl mot li,1atable'preparation of 013 egruelag with the most delis & tT . s D. L. �>S%'SE.pI..vEoVi by the leading physicians of L. Ertilo1O D. � Ii'71 o rcolous Bosh producer and will 6ivo 0 etit- �,. � tic...1 . Cr�u'?.tEa. you getI 0A;':8 as !mums GO. CIF. 15ODITR=AL 1tt.iIJ�C1111:11.1/L,.111, s. THE PALACE WARM DURABIfI 0 CH[AP LormNc 1-107...76=1. i A A mart must consider his purslane well these times: he must buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures: Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds S2.00 Suits $9.-89 Overcoats • S8.()0 Black 'Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812,09 Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Collie and sec for yourself. JAMES H. GRIEVE. GIDLEY Will now be found in their new premises. The Opera House Bloc, See change of 'Ad?' next week. S. IDLEY & SON, OPERA HOUSE Blot] Bicycles! Bicycles!! Blcylesil icycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We con furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices usical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice let of Pianos and organs, call and 'in- spect them before buying elsewhere.. fill stock Of sewing machines, baby cars riages, etc, etc. Perkins & Marlin: ENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds and bronchitis - troubles. - Winan's condition and - cough powders for horses., the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so si-tecessfully ,. used `b iVIl, Chas Munroe, Parkhill, �lll it ar 1i this ths and other towns, r, Owns in t' l eatll�O and cur- ing various disc For 5 sale here, C LUTZ Druggist