The Exeter Advocate, 1896-12-10, Page 4THE oig,Vder i. t'ea's. TI, Sanders, Editor, and Prop r URSDAY, December 10th, '96 E ` COUNTY COUNCIL 'Meta LAST MEETING OP Tk'!]3' OLD BODY BBFOR17 TIfl ezaav ACT COMES IN FORCE. The December and final session of :lie County Council for 1896 opened on s,rdnesday, Dee. 2nd, all the members :Lfaeg. present, warden addressed the Council the followi:lg matters: (1) Memorial eluted for at last meeting to make it yelenal with county councils to offer 'a -nerds for horsta t hied es: (3)w ha t action and been taken in compliance with sec- Jael report of House of Refuge Commit - at last session; (3) that provision }y'w'ald be made to pay the .nominating e‘Eeers appointed under the new Coun- Zx Council's Act; and (4) that the coun- r : eonsider by-law No. 8 of last session ._ th reference to said nominatious. The tollowing communicationswere a :d. wad referred to the committees a arced. ;. Memorial from Kern County Court. re protection from fire sparks of lo- ve:lotiv es. iil.ecial committee 2. From Goderich Town Council, y.^h reference to lighting county build - • .s with ineandeseent lights, Exeou- f:re. From R. IL Collins, barrister, threat - `ng suit onbelie If of Seaforth Colleg'.- eee Institute for three years arrear s claimed, Executive. eurive, From J. T. Dickson, claiming or- 3u two 'e lel' returns of fees paid e .;_]tv council Finance. r; Report of special census of Hen - 21.11 allow its incorporation, pie leg ; pr; i:ht:ou of 495. Special, tie Petitioll of Anderson aid 'seer others in appeal against award re . - S. No. 4, Turnberry and Morris, 1nee tion . Petition from residents of village r:',rich. to he eroeted into a police ."..age. Special. ,it,s:]rs. K< r and Sperling moved -t the nen:leather cii'ieers of the var :>l::l county ceuitell divisions be allow. 10 each four their services, owing to z. pro -talon iheing made for the same tl.a statutes. ape motion of .1}e: srs Turnbull and ''tha.m by-law, No. 8, fixing a day cr holding nomination meetings, was aeeealed, the clerk to notify the clerks .each township at once. Council then adjourned till 10 a. m, itearsday. . Around About Us. Shipka: Mr. P.,Ho.ulahan has been) engaged to teach in the school here. Shipka: W. Dumart has started a butcher business .111 couneetion with his harness shop, Ringing noises in the ears, snapping, buzzing, roaring, caused: by catarrh, all dissapper with the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, Stephen: Seale & Hoover, of Olin toe , sold a fine Swede granite monument to John Sboritt, an Wednesday, to be erec- ted at Grand Bend to the memory of his late wife. at. Marys: Archer Wetherell, son of J E. Wetherell, principal of the Strath.. roy Collegiate, had his left arm broken on Tuesday, 'while playing football on the Collegiate grounds. Lieuryr Mr. Thomas Appleton, of ., Spider n der Town act a narrow e�ea a from 1? h P being• burned out the other night Some person set fire to his house, but fortunately the fire was extinghished. Seaforth: Messrs. CIuIT & Bennett, of the Seaforth planing mill have dis- solved partnership. The business will be continued by Air. Cluff. Mr. Bennett does not know yet what he will turn his hand to. Early Sunday morning John. Howell aged 27, a moulder, living in Montreal shot his sweetheart Annie Sims, and chon put a bullet in his own head. His around proved fatal, but the gid is atilt alive, though with only slight hopes of recovery. Goderich Tp: Mr. Ta T.it, Courtiee, teacher of No, 9, has been re engaged, with an increased salary. Mr. Courtice is a first class teacher, and always has the interest of the pupils at heart, and the trustees have acted wisely in secur ing his services for 1897. Mitchell: i\Ir. J, S. Coppin has sold his five acre lot, on the west side of Mr. Larkwortby's slaughter house, to Mr. L. Lashbrook, for 8800. Years ago, when it was in eoxnmons, the Canada Compauy sold the same lot to the late Rev. Mr, Wfor $125 per acre, sncoieD DAY -THURSDAY. ;µunci'' resumed, all the members t;v,ellt. A large number of accounts exeze; read, including 07 from the House Refuge. The following reports were read and ese!erred to committees named: Jailor's ee,'taunty Property committee; treasur- 't,-,,, scut to Finance; County Commis ;r's er's to Road and Bridge committee. A motion that, in future, the County s?_ 0p prt committee haveve supervision of lee House of Refuge as well as other rte; ° my property, was sent to special earnitteo. Messrs Sanders and McPherson moved in asum of twee! be voted to re- 1.1-ianerato the county clerk for expens• teend extra work while acting as re- ,Hing officer in the election of county eeelecillors was sent to Executive corn rettee, and one by Messrs Kennedy and •a:afkley that the Road Commissioner be :Cowed 830 for extra work in connec- 41'i with repairs to the House of Re- `e, met the same reference. she council then adjourned till 3 + •;ock p, m. Tobe eontinfel next week Blood is Life. It is the medium which carries to essery nerve, mustie, organ and fibre :ts nourishment and strength, 1f the lived is pure, rich and healthy you win be well; if impure, desease will mire overtake you. Hood's Sarsaparilla b•te power to keep you in health by nettking sour blood rich anb pure. Brussels: Oil Wednesday Mr. Geo._ Crooks had two fingers of his right hand badly cut on a circular saw in Leatherdale's furniture shop. Jno. Reid met with a similar accident on the same saw. There are fears that the latter may loose a portion of his hand. Mitchell: .A. little before noon on Fri- day a boy went to Mr. McLaren's black- smith shop and asked to be allowed to repair a hand sleigh. Mr. McLaren consented and gave him some tools to work with, and then went to dinner, leaving' the lad in the shop. ' When hie returned the boy was gone and the lock of a tin cash box was forced from its fastenings, and over $13 in cash carried away. A number of notes in the box were undisturbed. Parkhill: On Friday last an accident occurred here, which caused the death of ?Ar. Donald McInnis, of the North Boundary, tMeGillivray township, His horses got frightened at a passing train and made a sudden jump, throw- ing Mr. Melnnes out and the wheel of the wagon passed over him, breaking a rib and otherwise injuring him. Af- ter being attended to by a doctor he died taken home, and d ed on Monday, 80th Nov, He was a well-to-do farmer over 60 years of age, and highly re spected. :Roos Pills are easy to take, easy to -zee nte. Cure indigestion, biliousness. .4eaforth: While a number of young 'etele'spie were engaged in gathering ever- greens ver-g ons in Milan's swamp, McKillop, on :day. they discovered a bundle con - Wining about fifty pairs of ladies shoes 'wee a large quantity of knitted ander- 'men. The goods were considerably ane.eeged from exposure to the weather. ' L OTHERS. mond Dyes Have a World-wide Reputation, The Diamond Dyes are far ahead. of 1 other package dyes made for home teeing. When the plain directions alae followed, a child can dye' success - Diamond Dyes are warranted to refer more goods than any other pack= :e dyes, and to make colors that last. 31aiong as the goods hold izin g and prudent All wise, economizing Dyesbecause lemon use Diamond they n,swer suffer disappointments, failures etc lossess that result from the use of pearly prepared, dyes. Every package ma Diamond Dye is warranted to do the, 'work intended for it. When purchasing package dyes, see taut you get the " Diamond," Some /"eaters will try to sell you imitations reuse they get larger profits from lame. Avoid such dyes, andfuse only .ka":Diamond " that bring success. For Infants and Children. The fr.c- ala:i � rigaature ✓ i WOODSTOCK. Young: Woman Suspected of Burning a Barn --Charged with, Detraud.lug as a Creditor. Woodstook, Deo, 7. ---The burning of a small barn et the rear of Mr. Frederick Ooze's house on Dundee street west Sat- urday night was followed by some inter- esting developments this morning, The Are occurred about 5 o'clock on Saturday dight, and it bas since been dioovered that two attempts bad previously : been ?node to fire the House. The flat attempt was made by touehing c+ti the paper win- dow curtain through a broken pane of glass in the kitchen window while Mr. Cox was down town. It was susbse- queutly discovered that a quantity of straw had been planed oil the sill of a window in the back woodshed. The third and successful attempt was made at the barn, which is situated a short dis- tance from the shed. In the barn were stared 24 barrels of apples a nutter and t ob-sleigh belonging, to !dr. Cox, 'These were entirely 9 consumed. The police have under dnspiolOn a young woman. Some further .developments are likely to follow. The factory oceupied by the Wood- stock Spring Wire Mattress Company also received a scorching, but the damage done was slight, Police Magistrate Field gave his deci- sion .this morning in the case of Mr. T. H. Parker against Jalues Soott, grocer, charged with defrauding' him as a (red -- tor, sending the ease up for trial. Mr. Saott, in the meantime, is out on bail. In connection with the sato of Mr. Scott's business to Mr. J. D. McKenzie, a civil action has also been started by Mr. Parker against Nr. Scott and Mr. McKenzie for $2,590. Mr. McKenzie, it is alaiined, is liable, because, notwith- standing the fact that he was given Mr. Scott's order to pay this amount to 'Messrs. hall & Ball, acting for Mr. Par- ker, ho handed aver the money to Mr. Scott. ACCIDENTS AT WHITBY. The Farrel House hotel and stables at Cayuga were destroyed by fire Sun- day morning. John Mills, a keeper in the Kingston Penitentiary, has fallen heir to an es- tate of 8140,000 in Scotland. The Middlesex County Council voted down a proposition to buy out the Proof Line Road Company and do away with the toll system. United States Commissioner Fair- child of Buffalo has decided to hold Mrs. Sternaman for extradition on the charge of Murder. Mr. Harry Foster, a, brother of the ex Minister of Finance, fractured his skull by falling down stairs at Moncton and died in a few hours, The Keewatin Power Company are making contracts to supply electric power in Winnipeg, transmitted a dis. tance of 130 miles. Mr. A. D. Flint, assistant postmaster at Holland, Man,, shot himself through the head while handling a loaded re- volver in hie office, dying in a few minutes. Mr, 'William Bailey Caught in a Tumbling Iiod end Fri htful]yi13angled- Shot 'With a third Itlitc. Whitby, Dec, 7.-Sbephan Coffey, aged about 14 years,' was playing with a 6111311 bird -rifle this morning and • aool- denti:lly shot himself in the hand. The bullet entered the palm and found lodg enent in the back of the wrist, just below the thumb and first finger. While Drs. Warner and Carson were extracting the hell they were summoned to the residence of Mr. William Bailey, who tires in the western part of the town, to attend his son William, who this morning was caught in the tumbl- ing rod while working in his father's oidttr-Infill. The poor fellow was carried' around with the rod, and every time It revolved it crushed him in a frightful planner against the floor. The doctors say he cannot live but a short time Airs. Bailey, mother of the young man, is almost frantic over the affair. Another son of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey died suddenly a abort time ago, supposed to be from the effects of poison. A Quarter of a Century. A. good family paper improves in. quality and influence as the years pass away. This is emphatically true of The Canada Presbyterian It has never.been better than during the past twelve mouths; and the publishers promiee many attractive features for 1897. Knozonian continues his bright articles. The Sunday School• Lesson and Christian Endeavor Topics will be specially treated by competent writers; such theuseful departments, a4 and ail Tv1 World,The Tamil. The Missionar y Circle,Our YoungFolks, etc., etc., will be ket up. In e pages devoted' to Our " Contributors oidtime favorites, as well as many new writers of note, will appear from week to week. The. unusaliy low tutus to clubs, offered to mark the close of twenty-five years of publication, will enable every Presby- terian family in the, country to sub- seribe for this excellent paper, and will doubtless result in thousands of ad- ditional subscribers ACCIDENTS AT ST. THOMAS. A Largo Number Injured on the Railways -Many Limbs Crushed. St. Thomas, Deo: 8. -To -day's . acci- dent reports are numerous. By a freight train suddenly stopping. at Bidgetown, Conductor Lay and Brakesman Wesley and Wright 'were bruised and out, John McIntosh, aged. 15, of Caister Center, while gottiug on a M. C. R. train, east of the city, had his foot crushed. He was taken to the hospital here, ' and his leg amputated below the knee, James Begg, a.ten-year-old lad, fell and ran a needle into his knee -cap. Mr. W. Philips, form- erly C. le. R. night operator hero, had his foot run over by a train in Buffalo, and so badly crushed that it had to be amputated. Mr. John Gilling, G. T. R. brakeman, had his hand crushed while coupling cars at Cayuga yesterday. A young son of Mr. N Ridg town,wasseriously burned nthis morning by his night-gown teking fire from a gas stove. County Court opens to -morrow. The docket is not an important one. t.S• Gii f 413-.Q�.�[♦EF,a,'3')�v',I�F reeer meltoelllllllll(11111 omeilmlulllmlQanmmu Pee' � vYfi.dle ^a.s ill*W.-4 :y„ ,x11 vn list ifs y, vr II 4. '_ 141 Ai r„❑,1,1,-,"rr-r�n , �„ -r,�tr, � ,^lir, AVegetable Preparationfior:ls- sirnilating theTood emir -Ill: Wa- ling the5tomachs undBaweis of I �- PromotesDj estionCI3eerfu1- nese and Rest.Containsneither O_tlli,NorQftn uor 3iresal. NOT NAT° C OTIC. �7 y 1 f • Retype 0I&.7lr:lialal'F i L'aa,Pkin £ l - 4Lt &nae, + dlooSeello S: - . 4bisc ,%cur * AppaamnE - ' , CanIenatcJ&r 71607.1 Seed - t".ianiic«f lf. - 1'rfi,lrry,"srri,A'U:sw: ij qq .f `., � tl ly' �,QI A.perfect Rernedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stornach,Diarrhoea, 4Worms,Convutsions,Feverish- Fieri and LOSS OF SLEEP. 'I s , Tee Simile Signature of C4,,,p / zed“ 27'JW YORK. ':,;I r'i tl• pg,tr,ua'vts� "% 't• y .. l i •; ,1r.•Ce r., vZ$F6 47 LK i•t•, ,i fI l GXAGT'COPYOF WRAPPER. "i•` Tt1.T FAG -SMILE SIGNATURE: -0F1.0 6194 - IE ON THE , PER OF EVERY BOTTLE Or Caatoria is pat up in ono -size bottles only, It is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyon3 to soll `'on anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "mill answer every per - pose." flee 'that you get 04 -8 -T -0a -,1-A. Tho fac- simile ci enctaro of !ono; OCtry A wrapp erTerolleeelealTertertMeereeeeeelreeeeTeeM Mrs. R. Leathern, of Turnberry, met with a painful accident a few days ago by almost severing one of the cords in her left hand with a carving knife. On 'Thursday, air. Charles Kemp, of Silver Hill, Elgin, was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of his gnu while climbing a fence. He was mar - Mrs. Richard Hawk, of :Shallow Lake, who had been mentally deranged for 'two years past, took a dose of Paris green and died from the effects of the poison. 'At Rat Portage a Pagan Indian who shot his foster father, thinking him -a wendigo or evil spirit, was found guilty of manslaughter. Judge Rose sentenc- ed him to six mouths' hard labor. L. J. McNeil, a resident of Maidstone, fell from a ladder at Sandwich court house to the ground, a distance of fifteen feet and fractured both arms. He was also injured internally, but will recover. Mr. John Moore, of Walkerton, had been troubled for years with a growth • dayhe felt an ia his nose The other unusual sensation there, and later on one of his nostrils became so obstructed that he undertook to use a hairpin, the obstruction proving to be a piece of snare wire over three inches in length. Five years ago Dr. Freeman operated upon his nose with a wire of this des- cription, and he assumes that a part of it was broken off and remained there all the time. The Forest City. London, r>nt., Deo 7. -Judge Edward Elliott opened the Court of County Ses- sions to -day. There are only eight in- dictments on the docket. About one o'clock yesterday morning one of the girls employed in the Rich- mond hotel was passing the room of Mr. Fred Haslam,who is employed in the assessor's office, and, boards at the Richmond, when she heard moans eam ing from the apartment. Mr., Fallabe, the proprietor, forced the door open, and• found Mr. Hallam in an unconscious condition, but in an hour and a half be was restored by medical aid to con- soi.ol:lBnese. Chief Skirving, of Ingersoll, made a never capture on the Ingersoll market on Saburday. The young man he arrest- ed gave the name of Harry Ferguson, and is believed to bo a well-known Hamiltonian of thelight-fingered vari- ety, Mr. Skirving recovered a purse which Ferguson had just taken from a woman's pocket. A rig containing two Delaware ladies was struck and badly smashed by a trol- ley oar on Saturday afternoon at the corner of Richmond and Hyman streets. Both the ladies were thrown out, and one had her shoulder injured. A Kingston Man Attempts Suicide. New York, Dec, 8.--W. J. Brynes, $8 years old, unmarried, attempted suicide this afternoon in a furnished room at 95 Third Avenue, whore. he lived. by suffo- cating himself with gas. The man name from Kingston, Ont., six months ago, and was employed; up to a week ago last Saturday, in a dry goods etore on Fourteenth street. He was removed to the Bellevue hospital. A note was found addressed to his landlady, which acid: "I am no use in this world. Please notify y family. W. .1. Byrnes." Another note was found, which said: "Dear Ate- I am sorry." His family in Kingston, who are said to be well to-do, were noti- fied, At the hospital it was thought the Haan would recover. From the OenL•raTP lana.. a near r Escaped Niagara Falls, N. Y., Deo. 8. -It the story told by a prisoner at police bead. quarters, who gives his name, as William. Brown, of Toronto, is true, that gentle• man is, travelling at quite a rapid pace. He claims that he ". escaped from the Central prieon, at Toronto, yesterday, and shows a prison card to back up his statement. He arrived horn this morn- in, and a few :hours, later stole a horse, and carriage. 'He was arrested after a lively chase, and is now safely, looked ttp. Brown is a man of good appearance, well dressed, and in conversation shoves: that be 1s intelligent. The Kind You Need, PAIIVE'R CELERY COMPOUND THE ONLY KIND THAT CURES. • ® Qm;�r1 "MENTHOL a. eD gi PLASTER • rhnvopreserltedltentholPtnsterlea number .'teases of neuralgic and rheumatic PAN, and @-0 am very tomb pleased with the effects end pleasantness oft s applies tia n,—W, it CAbI'jee. F},1 TEE,10 0,,1100.' OxO x,l. Itostnn. 1 bavn used DI, ntb0l 1'lastars 1n several cases • ortnusm,lorrhol bulla , and lied Ione everycas, chantgavealmo'tt.Wes and p,0.01,utrollct. —.1. 11.1 0005 31 U., Wnsh00gton, 0 01, O It Cures Sciatica, Lntnbago, Neu. ralgla•, Pains in Back oraicic, or O any Muscular Pains. OTHER CELERY CONCOCTIONS MERE- LYS WORTHLESS IMITATIONS, It PAINE'S Has a Wor-d-viide •Record of Life -saying, If you are numbered amongs' the sick and diseased, the medicine you need is the kind that has cured your friends and neighbors. Paine's Celery Compound is, to -day the only: medicine that eau meet your. needs if you are suffering from rheum• atism, . neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles, dyspepsia, constipation, ner- vousness, or from any trouble that re._ sults from impoverished or impure blood. It cures the sick as surely as. night follows day. The vast reputation that Paine's Celery Compound has acquired' as a life-saver has led unscrupulous men to. put up worthless imitations, and to, Dame them celery preparations. Many people are deceived daily by these. miserable frauds, spending their money for remedies that have no established record, and that can never euro. art of those who r on the t ' 1 care A little p. purchase will soon have the effect of banishing such deceptive liquid prepar- ation from out midst. Ask for "Paine's "; itlsist upon get- ting " Paine's "; and be satisfied that the name " Paine's " is on every wi'ap- per'and bottle that you buy. When you secure "Paine's," you have the only medicine on earth that can drive off your load of misery and suffering, and give you a healthy, fresh and joy- ouslife. 81, 8,1 • to • • • Pi Ice Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, • ale. Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL. 80••go0 Glc) CI 6►•S ,..,,,,.,.,,.,,..,..,.„,.„ .1........1.1..1 ......-...,.,,...-,....,µ, 1N=KILL THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Agee Taken internally, F, Cures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Golds, Coughs, etc„ etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. Ne article ever attained is such unbounded papular - icy. -Sauna Ohscrrer. \','o can hoar testin,r,ny to the eels in of o the Pain - Killen We have se n its mune etteed m soothing the severest pain, and know it to ba a Eood axtiolo,—tineln•' nett Dispatch. Nothing; bac yet surpassed the Pain-ltilter. whieh ie the mosty,uuablcfamilymodiuu,now inuse.—Tennessee Organ Rhea reel merit t as a means of removing; pain, no mediemn has a 'hired a reputation equal to Perry Davis' Pain tdil .r.—Ne,rport News, r,ware orientations Puy only the genuine "15001 Davie.," Sold overtrwhero : large bottles, :ua VERT L9.RGr19 itBOT'TLES 50 Cents Like biliousness, dyspepsia, .headache, coast& pation, sour stomach, indigestion aro promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their' work thoroughly. easily andtneon E. Y Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. Prepared by C. I, Flood & Co., Lowell Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. LA rum--..• FLORIDA WATER .`!5 }.81 AY AN'S THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKEROHIEF, TOILET OR , ,✓ - BATH. ALL DliNSGI S, PE UifERS GENERAL DEALS . ,gym -� Im7erial fat Parket. "firf. etA Having purchased the butcher- ing Bnsiuess of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) wc+ will be pleased to set+ all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh 11/1.V'�tits We intend keeping the very bast of fresh meat, and it will be our tirst ails to please customers. Tenderloin, Spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual Ig soli) in the factory can now be procured at the shop. 0 Orders Promptly delivered. We intend . conducting a cash business, th' lougest term of credit being one week, (a. discount of 6°j, will be given for Cash. S LL—Prop. O 0 e 0 0 0000 • eZ for ,7 7 ng ®.-£. rozzbles • • • • ffl� ® Hn CQDNSIISYL"1i'I[i0Ilr mad all E.tf NG • O h'DSSE:1SMS, S PIsir aNG 0117 BLOOD, • COMET, /LOSS 01' APPETITE, ' 1DElii1IIw3. the benefits oltlafs O raraic10 are 100051 Iar28nanfii`:It. ny the aid of The "D at 1 Emn'si-n.I hove got •iF rid ora hacking cough fah! ^h had troubled mo for over a year, and Imre gained considerably in wei,•,rt- I111005 this lteul.lon so avail I'V*o 1 ! When rho lima came around 1. take it, • T. II,. WhifillSAi, C.E.,Ifentrcat • 30c. and 91 per Mottle DAVIS & LAWRENCE` CO., Leo., Monne!. • O 0000 0 0 ' O000 YE IN A10bD YEAR. ki 1 ��Yppt ,C A. BUILDING FOREST CITY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE, LONDON, ONT. Gives the most Practical Busiuess and Shorthand course obtainable. Courses carefdlly graded. Rooms and equipment, the best. Students assisted to:profitable positions weekly. Good board 82 60 per week. rZeeFor particulars of either course address. :i. ve. Westervelt, Principal. Vieeeteitele '. eniese'E1.0 zee a teee ',V 9+:5+. ia0,te , eer., ,Cq 'Male a Yr tts CO. The Old Reliabl®'Speelalist•. 88 Year Experience in the treatment of the Throat end Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and. Special Dis- eases of men and women. Lost Manhoodrestored—KidneyandBiad- der troubles permanently cured -Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Vancoccleand stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured YonwgiLoen mySo'eurctehunfuryinl.g felt?o elffmor hiendics8crecettsonof or any troubled.svith Weakness, Nervous 1 ieay, .-> , -t1y,�•• .-�� i•,.+°��1+a . 'an .. ., Debility, lit y , Los s of Memory, emory, Des p on' d e' ncy , 41kitGUARANTEED. A+ersion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any diseae of the Genital -Urinary Or - gens can here find safe and .Pee dY c urc . poor. GUAR NT SD.Char es reasonable,es,a llyto the � a le-Agea Mon - tions of the bladder.often accompanied by a slight smartingowrThilithuernrteoiu ongfrmseensqaunenttro0nva,beancleudd weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many men who die of th's difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee e'er - feet cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the Benito -urinary, organs.'.Con- nultation free. Those unable to call,. can write` full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with' full instructions for use. Mention .this paper when writing. Office hours; From 9 a. m, to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11' a. In. 200 WOODWA1ID AYENITE.. DR SPINNEY 4JL V I Bide ES tr i eth St. CO. ( n anoe No: 12 E. E fzab !DETROIT, �CIICH. : ,MIrs1.i',.i'B•' abet"..,,.,rrt'. ieeike ; ^t" •'?'r'', s: fi,' r. a •'ai t