HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-12-10, Page 1NINTH YEAR. —4 90 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY DECEMBER 10, 1896. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital ,. $2,000,000 Rest p'und . , . 1,400,000 Read office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GeneERAL MANAGER Money advanced to eoodFarmer's on thein own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum . Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from Ip a. m.to R p m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m Ageneral banking business, transacted CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- is yr ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 8 4' per cent. N. D. HURDON Exeter, Dec. 27, '95. Manager S'( THE EQUITABLE SAYINGS LOAN ANo .BUILDING ASSOCIATION. EXETER LOCAL BOARD. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: J. A. Rollins, M D„ Pres.; Prank height, 1st Vice Pres.• I N. D. Rurdon, 2nd Vice -Pros. Chas. Snell, Jr., T. W. Jlawkshaw, Jno. J. .Knight, Chas. li. Sanders Calvin Lutz.; Geo. :Kemp, Soo.-Treas.; ,Tobe Sanders, Valuator; Lewis H. Dickson, Solicitor. I+or further particulars apply to CEO. KEMP, Exeter, Ont. STEPHEN TEPHEN NOMINATION MEETING. The Electors of the municipality of Step- hen are hereby notified that the annual nomination meeting for the purpose of nominating Reeve, first and secnndDoputies and two Councillors, will be held on Monday December 28th, commencing at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., and in case a poll is de- manded and allowed, Such poll will be opened on the 4th day of January, 1897, in the various polling divisions in the munici- pality of Stephen. °NESTER Pnot ry Returning Officer. Dated this 25th day of November, 1897. DR. WM. SWEET. VETERINARY SURGEON Is prepared to do any kind of bird stuff- ing and taxidermist at any time. Calls as usual promptly attended to. COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. • Public notice is hereby given that a meet- ing of the Electors of County Council, Di- vision No.4 composed of the municipalities of Us borne, Exeter and Stephen, will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, De- cember 21st, t896, at the hour of ono o'clock, p.m„ for the purpose of nominating candi- dtes to represent them in the County Coun- cil, of the County of Huron, for the years 1897 and ts98and 'that in case a poll is de- mandedand allowed in themaPuer by law, w , prescribed such polls will be opened on the fifth day ofJanuary, 1897 in each of thio Po1- fting sub divisions, at the time and place hxed by By -Law of the municipalities in this county Division, CIIRBTER PnOUTT. -.,1...,m,. ......-.. MONEY TO LOAN. On good improved, Farms at lowest rates of Interest + - Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT. Solicitor &a. Exeter 5th'Nov.1896, llell yo11 buy STOVE 'buy the latest and best. The latest s tove in the market to -day is the Good Cheer. It not only has the new patent oven but is very much cheaper than the old style. Be sure and see it. If you Want The newest cow chains and all axe, a warranted lantern or a fully warranted X•Cut saw. stet: Call and see us and ask to see —THEO— SEEDER X ASR� No housekeeper should be withdut one. They wort-. perfectly, Bisitop &Sod's. P. S. -We have a few geed second- hand cook and, beating stoves. Come at once ify ou want one. Don't wait as they will be gone. NOTICE TO ORANGEMEN. The an t' ensu meeting of bhonnemboxs of L. '0.14, No. 924, will be held on Friday evg., Dec. 24th when all members are particularly requested to attend. ESTRAY ''STEER. Strayed onto the premises of the udersign- ed, lot 16, concession 12, IIibbert, a red steer, two years old. The owner may have same by proving property and paying charges, �'o$Erri. SPEARE, Cromarty, Ont To the Electors To the Electors of Huron County Council, District No. 4, composed of Stephen, Usborne, and Exeter, LADIES AND GENTLEDLEN I am a candidate in this district for Coun- ty Councillor and solicit you votes and influ- ence. Two members are to be elected. Each voter has two votes. The voter can give one vote to each of two candidates, or can give both votes to one candidate, Election first Monday in January. One vote thankfully received, two votes in proportion. Fours vary truly, Exeter, Nov. 23rd, 1896. J, A. ROLLIN ff To theElectors of the Village of Exeter. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I take this means of addressing myself to you to state that I am a candidate for Reeve for the village of Exeter, for the year 1897.' I may state that I have served you now for ten years; eight years as Councillor, . two years as Deputy Reeve: and during that time have done my utmost to servo you in every particular, without fear or favor, and if elected for Reeve will do all that lays in my power to promote the general interest and welfare of'the village. My motto will be "Progress consistent with krne economy." I ask therefore my friends, to put me at the head of' the polls. Thanking you for past favors, I remain Yours faithfully, Exeter,' December 1, 1896, T. I3, (ARLPNe• Sale Register. F1tIDAT,DEC. IL Farm stook and imple- ments, the propertry of Enoch Rowclifr'e, Lot 14, con. 4. Us borne. Sale at one o'clock, 11. Bro wn, Auct. Stephen' Council. All members of Council! present Minutes of last meeting read and sign. ed.—Resolved that collector be in- structed to reduce D. B. Martins drain - ;nee tax from $7 to $5.—Resolved that Messrs. Sanders and Hicks, see to what is best to be done regarding bridge over c. Sauble 3rd S. R:—Resolved that Reeve sign the orders now granted amounting to $781.—As the financial statement, will:be ready for circulation in a few days, the list of orders granted at this meeting are omitted.—Council meets again Tuesday 15 inst. at 10 a. m., D. R. Officers will then be appoint; ad, C. PROUTY, Clerk. Hay School Report The monthly report for November of S. S. No. 2, is as follows:—V—J. W. Todd, Flora M. Northcott; Ill'—M. M, Russell, Sarah J. Northcott, W. H. War ren; Sen. III—Carrie' Gould, G. E. O'Brien, Jessie G Munn; Jun. III—W. R. Dougall, Gertie Harvey, Jas. R. Northeott; Sen. II—Alice Dougall, W. E. O'Brien, J. E. Gould; Jun. 2nd— Cora Munn, F. R. Northcott, J. R. Munn; Part Il—Willie Gould, Ethel Harvey; Part 1—Bertie Northcott, Willie Rus- sell, Evelyn Gould. The best spellers in the monthly spelling match were:— V—John Todd; IV—Milton Russell; ,Sen III—Carrie Gould ;Jun. III—Ethel Northcott; San, II—Alice Dougall; Jun. II—Cora Munn ; Part II—Willie Gould Part I—Willie Russell. Mooresville Mr. Jas. Drummond has secured a lucrative position with a large firm in Toronto.—Miss Webb, of London, who has been visiting Mrs. Bloomfield, re- turned fo that city on Friday last. Miss Bertha Williams, of Varna, paid our village a visit last week.—Mr, Moses Hodgins threshed oats December 8th and reports that he Heyer had grain to turn out better.—A bright and spicy lot of Xmas china, and novelties in dry goods at Bloomfield's, also a splendid lot of fresh groceries and confectionary, —Miss Gertie Lewis, of London, re- turned home to-day.—Christ church is closed while repairs are being done.— Don't forget the Xmas entertainment in the Methodist church, Tuesday 29th December. Hay We have to chronicle the death this week of Mrs Ann Redmond, widow of the late John Redmond, which event occurred at, her home on Monday, Nov. 30th,at the ageof68 years. The de- ceased had been a sufferer and an in- valid for a great many years, and it was thought a number of years ago by medical men that she could not then survive many days or even hours, But the very little thread of life' was strengthened and lengthened in a most marvellous manner, so that through the kind and ever watchful. care ' and attention of her family, she was, hum - buy speaking, preserved to a good age, but in Mrs, Redmond', s case death was to her a happy ,messenger, to bear her from the sufferings, which she bore in this life with great Christian patience sand fortitude, to a .bright and'• happy life beyond, where pain and suffering in not known and death cannot enter. The remains were interred in the Fans ville cemetery, on Thursday_ We joie in our sympathy, with the bereaved family in the loss of a kind and loving mother. Rodgerville,. A CLOSE CALL.—On Monday night last while Mr. Jno, McDonell, of Hen. Sall, was on hi way to Lumley he dis- covered a fire in the stable owned by Mr. Rodgers. He at once made the alarm and by prompt action the flames were soon averted and thus saved the building, The blaze originated from hot ashes, that had been set out in a box. Not much damage was done. Centralia; A. Bowslaugh ha leased the chop- ping mill of 0. W.ith and is now prepared to attend to the wants of the public in this line of business•—George Windsor, one of our village merchants, is selling off'cheap to make way for Mr. Bunt, his brother -in law, who at one time kept store here and was well liked as a business man.—Rev, W. H. Butt assists at the dedication of a new church near Harriston on Sunday next, --Rev. Dr. Willoughby preached in the Metho- dist Church, on Sunday morning and presented in a very able and forcible manner the claims of the superannuat- ed ministers Fund. The result was a most liberal contribution . towards the fund.—The Epworth League will hold a series of special meetings for a week beginning on Sunday evening next, and a general invitation has been ex- tended to all, old and young, to attend and assist in the services. Hibbert 4 How true, it is that in the midst of life we are in death. On Sunday, Nov 29th, Mr. Win, Sillery arose in his usu- al health and spirits, attended divine service inn the Episcopal church at Statla partaking of sacrament. After service Mr. Sillery went to his daughter's Mrs. Saddler's, for dinner. The family were seated around the table when Mr. Sit lery suddenly became unconscious and in a few minutes it was painfully ap- parent to all that he was beyond mortal aid. Ills soul had crossed the border ere they had time to realize the awful fact, Deceased was in his 79th year, He was a st unch Conservative in poll tics, He Ie, ves besides his aged part- ner in life )amiof eight eight daughters and four sons, all of whom are grown up. The remains were interred in the Staffa cemetery on Tuesday, the funer- al being largely attended. The sym• pathy of the community is with the be. reaved wife and family in their great and sudden affliction. Kippen On the evening of Friday, Dec. 11th, the Literary society will hold a con- cert instead of their meeting. No pains are being spared to make it ir success, as a lengthy program is being prepared. . Anyone desirous of enjoy- ing a good evening's entertainment should not fail to be present.—Messrs. John Thompson and Thos. Doig, of this vicinity, have been successful in secur- ing schools for the coming year, the former takes -charge of the school at Mr. B. Higgins' west of Brucefield, and the latter at Chesney's school, Tucker - smith. The trustees of these schools have made good selections and will find the above named teachers alt they claim to be.—Large numbers of live turkeys are now passing through our village for shipment. They will go to appease the appetite on Christmas day. Mr. T. Forsyth purposes holding his annual school examination on Wednes- day 23rd Inst. This is always looked forward to with a great deal of inter est, by both old and young of his school as a day of joy and merriment. His past examinations have always been of the best and no doubt this one will eclipse all former ones Crediton The residence of Mr. Jacob Eilber was the scene of a most joyous assera. bly, on Tuesday last, the occasion being the marriage of his daughter Ellen, to Mr. Wm. Kuntz, of Exeter. The cere- mony was performed by Rev, J. A. Schmitt, in the presence of quite a gathering of friends and relatives, The groom was supported by the bride's brother, Mr. Ben Eilber, of Ubly, Mich., and nephew, Henry Either, Jr., while the bride was assisted by Miss Mary Finkbeiner and Miss Tillie Bertrand. The presents were numerous, useful and.costly. We wish them a long and happy life.—One of the oldest and most respected residents of Stephen township, passed to her long home on Saturday; last, in the person of Mrs. M. Finkbeiner,' at the age of 68 years, and 6 days. Deceased has been suffering for about a year from internal cancers and her• death was not in the least unexpected; The'funeral took place from the resi- dence of Mr. Wm. Witzel, where she died, on Monday last to the. Crediton cemetery and was largely . attended. The sons and daughters hter$ have e the heart felt sympathy tit tof l v the Community.—The Punit The y Rev. MrFinkbeiner, of Listowel, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. Finkbeiner.—Mr• Fife, of London, was. in the village renewing old acquaint- ances during the week—Mr. and Mrs. Misterly, of Rodney, are the guests of Mr, John Wind. --Mrs. C. Hoffman and Mrs. Hoffman, are visiting Mr. and Mrs Geo, Brown.—Mr.Geo, Brown,, who has been blind for some time, has left for London to Have au operation perform- ed on his eyes. Biddu 1ph As Mr. Joseph; Wetberspoon, ' of elm Gillivrav, watedriving near Clandeboye lately, his herse got frightened at some object by the -road side, and made a dash forwiri=d, upsetting the buggy and throwing Mr. Wetherspoon out, injur- ing him badly and breaking .several ribs.'' We regret this all the more, as Mr, • Wetherspoon has been in poor health all summer—Mr, C. C. Hodgins and Mr. John Bradley, the candidates for County Council, are busy canvass- ing just now,—Mr. John Dearness, P. S. I, paid our school. a visit lately and seems pleased with the proficiency made during the year. Harpley Several farmers in the vicinity have been taking advantage of the frozen roads during the past week and hauled out a good deal of their grain, princi- pally wheat.—,Mr. Ronald, of Sylvan, has beee throughout this section buy- ing cattle fo,' feeding purposes, and se- cured a gooI herd, having had them delivered on Monday last.—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webb have been spending a day or two with friends on the Parr Line, Stanley Township.—Mr. J. B. Hodgins is nursing a skin full of sore hones this week, the result of a fall down cellar,—One evening recently. the number of Mr. J. Loves family was increased by the addition of a "girl baby." Both mother and baby are doing well.—Messrs, Ridley, Hayter and Webb, have bad a surveyor from London out for aday and half running the lines between their several lots. We do not know whether all the parties concerned are satisfied or not, but think the surveyor ought to be as he got upwards of $20 for his trouble.— Mr, Robert Manes, of Hills Green, has been visiting his uncle, Mr. Sheritt, lately —Mr. Thomas Farrell, of the A. B. line, has been laid up for the past • week with a gathering in his neck which probably is not dangerous but is very painfull.—Miss May Hod- gins. while home for Thanksgiving holidays had the misfortune of stepping on a needle, it breaking off in her foot. Although painful she is able to resume her studies at the Parkhill High School, Hensall A meeting of- the directors of the puree,Parniers' Institute, was held • to Coxworth's hotel, on Saturday. There was a full attendance of members. The principal business was the preparing of programs for the institute meetings to be held at Brucefield and Exeter, in January next.—es Ed. Sheffer was starting for Zurich last week with a load of barrels the axle of the wagon broke and the whole load was dropped over into the ditch.—Last week we an- nounced the departure of Mrs. James Beverley, owing to the dangerous ill- ness of Mr. Milson, of Brantford. She did not reach there in time as he died that forenoon.—Mr. James Wood, of the township of Usborne, accompanied by his sister, Miss Lizzie, left here on Thursday for Los Angelos, Cal., where they intend spending the winter months in the interest of Miss Wood's health, —Mr. D. Weismiiler, who has been in Nova Scotia for the past two months or so, as organizer for the Independent Order of Foresters, has returned home —The Shillinglaw farm, consisting of 50 acres on the 12th con. of Hibbert, was sold by public auction at the Com- mercial hotel, on Saturday, Mr. John Alexander, of Tuckersmith, being the purchaser and the price was $2,100. This is considered a good price as the buildings are not first-class. Mr. John Gill weilded the hammer.—Mr. D. Ste- wart sold his frame dwelling on the London Road avenue, the other day, to Mr. Thos, Daymond, mason. The lot contains one quarter of an acre and there is a good stable and well. The price was $750. Possession is given on the lst•of Jan.—Revs. Henderson, of Hensall, and Anderson, of Goderich, ex- changed pulpits on Sunday, The lat- ter gentleman preached two very earn- est and thoughtful sermons.—The Hen- sel' correspondence of the Exeter Times did not materialize last week, although the new editor was here as usual on Monday evening. He must have failed to connect with his usual news supply in someway. Miller should wire her majesty in advance of his coming so that she would be at home.—Rev. J. H, McVicar, B, A., of Fergus, and formerly of Houma, China, addressed the Wo- men's Foreign Missionary' Society, of Carmel Church, on Wednesday evening Dec. 9th, The choir ' rendered special music, and a silver collection was taken up for the benefit of the Society's funds, -The business meeting of the C. E. So- ciety, of Carmel church, was ' held in the basement on Monday evening. In the absence of the President, the pastor officiated. Minutess of previous meet- ing read and adopted. The principal business was the election of officers for the next six months. Pres;, Mrs, Wm. McCloy; Vice -Pres., Dr, Ferguson, Trees., Mr, Wm. Cal well; Minute Sec'v, Miss Ethel Murdock; corresponding Sec'y , Wm. Elder —Two of our young men hada "scrap on Saturday even- ing and again on Monday evening. We understand that the affair will be ventilated in court —It is said that a change will soon be made in the sing - in,. of Carmel church. The 01 C. II SANDERS,EDITOR. elia ere =re axe :a. -_.gaim., Still in the ring and with something that will save you money. Only imagine, a Genuine Elgin or Waltham Watch in a• Solid Nit; T Case, stem wind and set, for only $4,35.' This is cheaper than the cheapest, and for why ? Because we buy our goods in the very best markets and will not be undersold, We have bought a quantity of the above watches and - are prepared to sell them at this price as long asthey last We have a good assortment of all other lines of goods viz. CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELERY, SILVERWARE, AND SOLID Gfet73' —WEDDING RINGS— -.,, ESTABLIFi :. Ill 1867. Don't forget our Optical, Department. We test your eyesight and fit you properly with spectacles that relieve that aching and all unpleasant feelings of the eyes, • T. F I T T O N`*, Lumley This community was deeply pained when it became known that Mr. Wm, Slavin, one of our oldest and most re- spected residents had died very sudden- ly. It seems the deceased was in good health right up to his death, and at the time was assisting his son in the un- loading of a load of straw in the barn, when suddenly, and without a moment's warning he dropped on the load audex- pined without uttering a word. The cause of death was heart disease. err. Slavin was a native of Ireland and came tothis country in the year 1888, and settled in Lumley where he has lived ever since, He was a valued. member of the orange order and a staunch Conservative in politics. He leaves to mourn his demise a wife, two so daughtersv ns and four who have aethe deep sympathy of all in their sad trial of affliction. The funeral took place on Tuesday for McTaggart's cemetery and was largely attended, testifying to the esteem in which he was held. t E£, Zurich. 'Mr. J. 'Verner is slowly recovering from a severe attack of inflammation. Mr, Ed. Willis has purchased the confec- tionary stock of the Iate Mr.John Hess, at the rate of $1.15on the $. He intends starting a barber shop in connection. -- Geo, Apple has started a grocery and confectionary business in M. Zeller's block.—Robert McKinley, of the Goshen Line is low with inflammation of the lungs. -Alex, Ehnes, of Woodstock, af- ter visiting friends here for a few days, has returned home.—W. Beaver, of the 14th, is rapidly recovering from his ill- ness.— Geo. Davis, of Exeter, while driving into the village Saturday night his cart broke down, It was with dif- ficulty that the horse was prevented from running away.—The pupils and teachers of the Zurich public school in- tend holding their annual concert, Friday evening, December the 18th, They are all taking great interest in it and it is likely to please the public. The funds, we understand, will go to- wards furnishing the school and mak- ing its surroundings more pleasing. The cause is a good one and it is hoped all will turn out and fill the hall. -Rev. D. H. Braund closed his five weeks' re- vival meetings last week and much good has been done. Ailsa Craig ,On Wednesday morning Mr. Robert Smith, con. 19, East Williams, formerly of Lobo, passed peacefully away after, several weeks of severe illness. The deceased was 69 years of age. He was highly esteemed among his neighbors and acquaintances. He leaves a wife three sons and three daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral took place on Thursday from his late residence to the Nairn cemetery,—Mr. Neil Gil- lies is engaged moving the frame house lately occupied by Mr. Isaac Hodgins, to the farm of Mr. Thos. Thiriwall, half a mile east of the village, recently bought from S. Gillies & Son.—At the Nairn manse, on Wednesday evening, Mr. James Brown was joined in matri- mony y to Miss Lizzie Munro, both of. East Williams, Rev. Joseph Elliott per- formed the ceremony. -Mr: Neil Me- Lachlin shipped a car of sheep to,Buffa- to on Tuesday, and Mn. A. C. Stewart, shipped a car of cattle to Toronto or. Wednesday.—Mr. Hugh Bowman was returning' to the village with his lum- ber wagon on. Friday night when at. Morton's hill, the wagon_ collided with a buggy, driven by Mr, Wm. Nichols. One thebuggy of wheels 0cameoffh tebu ,- y and M. Nichols was thrown out but escaped with a few bruises. -The many friends of Walter Scott, formerly of Mc- Gillivray, bat now of Rush Lake, Man.;' wilt be sorry to hear that, by'a shooting accident, he has lost a thumb and inay lose the rest of his band.—Mr.. Duncan Douglas has purchased from the Bank of Commerce the furnace and fixtures in the building lately occupied by ` the Bank, apci has been granted possession of the premises. Varna lir. McKay, of Summerhill, has lettetie the blacksmith shop of Mr. D. McNa.ngiw ton; and Mr. Rays, who formerly Teat this shop, has bought a shop in Eflza vine. -A very pleasant event took pZieree at the residence of Mr. John Wani se, on Wednesdy Dee, 2nd, when his' daughter, Miss Lizzie, was united f. the holy bonds of matrimony to Iern, George T. Turnbull, of McKillop. telt. ceremony was performed by the,, Mr. Burton, of Varna, assisted by Hese Mr, Walker, of Ethel, The bride .. beautifully attired in crepe deleone i. -is was assisted lay her cousin, Miss faze ie Murray, of Detroit, while the gree;: was ably supported by Mr, J. A. G•eery of Seaforth. •The bride was the real - ent largeti of a number of usef u: area valuable present). About seventy -fie guests partook of a sumptuous repute after which they were well enterta` lsf, with excellent music by Miss McPhssL, of Porter's Hill. and comic songs by.i h. Floody, of Blyth, The happy coarZet took the evening train for Montreal, where they will spend theirhoneyinc, visiting "relatives And friends. Meek many friend join in wishing Mr. sea. Mrs. Turnbull a long and happy wedflt life, On their. return from Montre ti they will reside on the Turnbull home. stead in McKillop, Aching; Joints. Announce the presence of rhevKi- atism which causes ,told suffertage Rheumatism is due t., lactic aeM sa the blood. It cannot be cured by tern-. menta or other outward applieaticcm, Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the bleoll, removes the cause of rheumatism arrdr permanently cures this disease. Tiiki is the testimony of thousands of peeetb who once suffered the pains of rheum- atism but who have actually been ewe ed by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Zi great power to act upon the blood cad remove every impurity is the secret tee the wonderful cures by Hood's Sarenu. arilla. BIRT JJ BOWIE.—In Exeter, on the 6th nisi`.,. the wife of A. Bowie, of a daughter•. MARRIAGES. TUitNBULL—WANLESS—At the resith, denee of the bride's parents, Varnaea se December 2nd, by Rev. Mr. Barter -44E Varna, assisted by Rev. Mr. Walker, of Ethel, Mr. George T. Turnbuite McKillop, to Miss Lizzie, only dao• ter of Mr. John Wanless. BROWN—MUNRo.—At Eye Manse, Nam, on Wednesday, December 2nd, 'I Mr. James Brown to Miss lit Munro, both of East Williams. KUNTz—EILSEzt.--At the residence cen the bride's father, Crediton, on Tuxes - day evening, 8th iust., by the, Rata J. A, Schmitt, Mr.' Wm. Kuats, ae Exeter, to Miss Ellen, daughter Mr- Chas. Eilber, PETITT-PULLMAN—In Hibbert, ort etu , 2nd Dee., at the home of the begets parents, by 'the Rev. J. T. ' Kettent Levi Henry Pet of Caradoc, farm- er, to Mary Eliza, daughter of Me, Thomas Pullman. DUixnANT—In Fullerton, on the 27tte nit, Wellington Blake Durrant, age 24 years and 14 days. BBIDDLk00.51Ru—fn Clinton on Dec. tette Joseph Biddlocouibe, aged 66 yeame and. 5 months, JAM..r usoN— n B i h I ddul ` P a on Tuesdxte, Dec. 1st, Jane, eldest daughter ad'' Alex. Jamieson, aged 22 years: MOIsteis—In McGillivray, on the viiia nit.; Donald Mein nis aged 77itnees T'INIiI3 ,'INER—T1i Stephen, on D�acy,,. Bar oara Finkbeiner, relict of the late Michael Fiukbeinel aged ,T . , 63 yeai$ days. SLAV v.—A.t L,itmley, Usborne, on. tetse 5th inst, William Slavin, aged ' gears.