The Exeter Advocate, 1896-11-26, Page 6strottreettseeree ealbseribere who do not reeelve their peeper regularly will please notify us at slice; Gall at the office for edvertishig rides. THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, NOV. '26, x896, The Week'S Commercial Snmmstry. The mold reserve of the United States treasury Is now up to $120,521,000, The earnings of the Canadian Pacific for the week ended November 7th were $523,000, a decrease of $13,000. `k be Ontario wheat markets are' very strong. Offerings are limited and prices rule at 83 to 85c. for white wheat. The total quantity of wheat in Toronto is 217,417 bushels against 229,710 bushels last week and 32,615 bushels a year ago. The stocks of wheat at Fort William and. Port Arthur are 2,376,295 bushels against 2,055,184 a year ago, and 1,940,981 bushels a year ago. The semi-annual statement of the Bank of Montreal, covering the half -year's business ending October 31, 1805, has been issued, The net earnings are $503,350, of -which $600,000 is used for the payment of $ per cent. dividend. Balance goes to kar'ofit and loss account, which. now amounts to $559,698. Chicago prices have again advanstzd both for packer and country hides, so that the overage is almost 40 per cent. higher than in the last week of August. In tact it is higher than ayear ago, when it Was'en the downward roaafter the crazy Y advance which culminated in ,7u iy, and higher than it has been about November 1st at any time in ten years. The visible supply of wheat In the *United States and Canada is 59,023,000 bushels, an increase of 1,243,000 bushels for the week. The total ayear ago was 68,9I ,000 bushels, and two years ago was 81,157,000 bushels. The amount on passage to Europe is 30.720,000 bushels, an increase of 240,000 bushels for the week. A year ago the total afloat was 25,360,000 bushels. There were 46 failures in the Dominion last week, against 59 the week before, and 49 in the corresponding week of a year ago. Ontario Ieads with 29; of this number one was rated up to $5,000, and the remaining 28 had our lowest credit or blank rating;. Quebec had twelve, none of -which had any commercial importance. Novac cot'ahad` twoBrunswick, Prince Edward Island, and British Colum- bia bad one each. None were reported from Manitoba last week. Trade conditions at Toronto continue favorable. There is an improvement in some branches, and the trend of prices is upwards. The advance in prices of wheat since harvest time is 25e. per bushel, and as compared with the white wheat markets in the United States prices:in Ontario now appear low. While this des- cription of wheat is quoted at Toronto at 88c. it brings 92c. in Toledo and 91c, at Detroit. Freight rates at Liverpool are practically the same from these three places. At present prices the wheat crop twill be the most profitable of all cereals to growers. From present appearances, the produc *ion of the precious metals, notably of gold will, in the near future, far surpass anything that has occurred in the past. Dr. Geo, F. Bricker, a Member •of the United States geological staff, who has recently returned from the Transvaal, where he went as an expert for a Franco English syndicate, brings glowing no counts of the golden treasures there, which is capable of being reduced to working estimates. To quote lila own -words, "the gold that is practically in eight is worth $3,500,090,000," an tunourtt which be states to, be "nearly as much as the present volume of the world's gold coin," This WISC. mass of gold is all to be found within 15 miles of Johannesburg; and his examinations convince him the Amid region extends 1,900 miles, and is probably quite as rich as the neighbor- hood of ,lohannesburg. This probability eugbt,,perhaps, to be reduced to a bare possibility; but even so, there is nothing 'so make unworthy of, belief the estimate that, within a quarter of a century, the Transvaal alone may produce gold equal an quantity, to the whole stock of gold coin now in the world.—Monetary Times. TOPICS OF A WEED. o..lttripo. t Events in a Few Words For near" rteaders CANADIAN. Judge Bnrnham, of Whitby, is dead. A big shipment of fieur left Winnipeg for Australia, Both parties in Quebec are preparing far the local elections. Ms. A. J. Pusan has been appointed a County Judge at Rossland. Roseland, Edmonton and Golden have been made customs outposts. Bank clearings at Toronto and Winni- peg were much larger this week. Mrs Backbite, of Smithville, who was poisoned a few days ago, is dead. Diphtheria is spreading in Montreal and in portions of Quebec Province. The safe of the post -office at Dresden was robbed of several hundred dollars. Mrs. Arthur Piper, of London, was knocked down and fatally injured by a trolley. Kootenay, under the customs survey of New Westminster, will now be known as Fort Steele. Rev. Canon Thornioe , of Sherbrooke, has announced his acceptance of the bis- hopric of Algoma. Robert Morten, charged with the murder of Hannah Hatton at Holland, was acquitted at Winnipeg. Bad Young M the Albert Indian murderer, was captured by the mounted pollee on the Blood reserve, ,41, Rena Coral, a four-year-old girl adopt- ed by Mrs. George Curreil, of London, was kidnapped by a woman. The C. P. R. telegraphers' committee is well pleased at the result of its inter- view with the railway officials. The early -closing by-law in Montreal has been declared void and a lot of suits against the city are talked of. , Mr. James Wattersen, a well-to-do farmer of Limobank, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a mor. Winnipeg reports a cold wave coming. Temperature at Medicine flat was ten degrees below zero Saturday morning. Hamilton aldermen are discussing the appointment of a purchasing agent to buy supplies for every department of the city. The Court of Revision has reduced the assessment of Ottawa by $92,525, mak- ingfinal . in aha fine 1 revision amount to eel,- 964, 735. Mr. William Bradley, postmaster and znerchaut,of Huntley, arrived in Ottawa on Monday, and has mysteriously disap• peered. An unknown man was run over by a train at London and so badly injured that recognition of the countenance is impossible. Frank Dawson, a resident of Dickin- son's Landing, Ont., out his throat on Friday night with a razor. The body was found in a bay loft. John Grant, the old man who was so badly burnt in his hovel at Holland Landing last week, died in the General Hospital on Saturday. Mr. James Eiseuhaner,'ho represented Lunanbnrg, N. S., for several years in the Dominion Parliament, died Monday at Lunanbnrg, aged 64. Here and There. Love never lasts any longer than we want it to. The baud of faith is frequently a clinched fist. A single grain of sense is better than million of gunpowder in settling an in teruaticual dispute. a Bathing suit skirt~ are said to be un- usually ,i:ort this season. The bicycle girl has made the ordinary bathing suit quite uninteresting. The smallest stat e in the world is the little island ofTavulara, off the coast of Sardinia—not counting, of course, the state of matrimonial happiness. Equal parts of white shellac and alcohol is a permanent fixative far crayon and charcoal sketches. Spray it on evenly wish an artist's atomizer. A thoughtful observer l rem rt a ed that .there are two classes of people whom it is hardto conviuce against their will- women and mea, The New Hampshire parson who goes so far as to declare that no respectable man would use a. bicycle ma Sunday is not very considerate to some of his brother energy. The people of Morrow county, Califor- nia, are greatly excited over, the financial irregularities of -Coital yTreasurer- James M. Moody. t.1 official e tnr'labiate tt n , which has lust becu completed', shows that there is 63,0e0 more in the treasury ser y than the books should be there, A Life Saved. -lir, James Bryson, Cameron, state.,: "I was confined to my iced with. inflammation of the lungs, and fzis iiivou op by the physic', ms. Aateigh 1i14r advised rue to try lar, Thomas' la clec- trio Oil, stating that his wife la:ad used it for a throat trouble with the best results. Acting on his advice, I procured the medi- cine, and less than a half bottle cured: me; I certainly believe it cured my life. It was with reluctance that I consented to a tr£al, and was reduced to such a state that I doubted the power of any remedy 'to do me any good." Mrs. B. Lunn, of Cobonrg, drank a cup of coal oil and then poured a lot over her clothing and set fire to it. She died from her injuries. Rev. Dr. Smellie, late of Fergus, father-in-law of the late Rev. D. J. Mac- donnell, died Saturday at St. Andrew's manse, Teronto,agad 85. Seven feet of snow has fallen west of Banff and the C. P. R. line was blocked so that no through train from the west reached Winnipeg, Monday. The following collectors of customs have been appointed: Mr. R. O. Fish, Berlin; Mr. Alex. Brownlee, Barrie; Mr. J. H. Fraser, Waflaceburg. A committe has been appointed to enquire into the, charges of systematic robbery in the London County Council for the past eighteen months. The Hamilton Rouse of Refuge Com- mittee will allow either the Crown Attorney or Chief of Police to institute legal proceedings against the House of Refuge contractors if either one feels so disposed. The Cabinet adopted a report from the Minister of Justine recommending that the sentence of tloatii passed upon Arthur Prentiss at Cobourg..be commuted to imprisonment for life in the Kingston Penitentiary, Sir Donald A: Smith, the Canadian High Commissioner, in an interview In London, denied the report nireulated in: Qnebea and Montreal that he will return to Canada next month, and that Mr. R. R. Dobell will succeed him. Mr. W. 3, Fowlds, one . of the first residents of Hastings, Ont., died sudden- ly in that village Friday night. The de- ceased, who was in his 67th year, was widely known throughout the ementles of Peterborough and Northumberland. ff Mr. John S. Morgan,tinsmith, of this Georgina Scott,, five years old, was town. For eighteen years lie suffered accidentally burnt to death in a neigh- front one stage to another in. the progress 19 NOVA SCOTIA ANOTHER TRIIJMPI1 The case of John S. Morgan,, of iridgewater. PROMINENT BUSINESS MAI His Testimony night to the Point --- Cured by Dodd's Kidner Pills.. No 't n ti N. S. — (Special)N 8..1 ai: vATrB business man is better or more favorably known in this part of Nev;t Scotia than bar's house on Hagerman street, Toronto, on Saturday morning, and in the after- noon James Gorman, seven years old, was knocked down and killed by a horse on Queen street, east of the Don. Mr. Fred J. Boswell's action against the Dominion Government for twenty- five thousand dollars damages for in- juries received in Banff park was dis- missed in the Exchequer Court, Judge Burbrldge holding that the park super intendant was in no way responsible. Cucumbers andmelons are "forbidden fruit" to many persons so coustltutedthat the least indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These of kidney disease, but without help ttutil be got hold of Dodcl's Kidney Pills. He tells the story in his own words, and says:— It ays;—It commenced with backache about eighteen years ago, with lameness and pain in my limbs." "I was under the doctor's care several times, and took several remedies. aside front doator'a medicine,, but gradually came to be badly crippled up." 'In the autumn of ninety-four I began to run down in flesh and strength rapidly until I was about forty pounds unties my usual weight," "I was thea in constant misery from. persons are not aware that they can in- dulge rheumatic pain and the dread of passing e they to theirhearts content if ie have l on hand.a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, and is a sure cure for all summer complaints. UNITED STATES. Wall street stocks were loWer on realiz- ing sales on Saturday. Saturday at noon the electric power generated at the Falls entered Buffalo. During the last fiscal year there landed in the United States 343,267 immigrants. The Chicago Shipbuilding Company has closed contracts for three new vessels. The New 'York post -office will shortly experiment with homeless carriages. It is estimated that 7,000 Kansas Re- publicans voted. for Bryan on the free silver issue. The Knights of Labor at Rochester yesterday, by resolution, favored a grad- uated Income tax. South Dakota Republicans have sur- rendered the state to the Bryan electors by about 400 majority. Not since the days of '49 has San Francisco harbor been so crowded with ships as it is at present. The official election returns from Penn- sylvania give Messrs. McKinley and Hobart 304,944 plurality. The plurality for Bryan in Kansas is 12,902. The plurality for Leader, Popn list, for governor, is 7,702. The Rockefeller iron syndicate has sold $500,000 worth of Minnesota ore, to be delivered next season. Dr. Frank P. Powers drowned himself at Cleveland, O. He was connected with some -of the most prominent families. Washington Territory's gold output for the current year is reported to be valued at $4,670,000, against $3,000,000 last year. The official vote of the seventh con- gressional district in Kentucky shows that Settle defeated Col. Breckenridge by 1,808. Mrs. Susan Root Brigham, the widow of Dr. Amariah Brigham, founder of the 'Utica insane asylum, diad at Saratoga yesterday. The total of the unofficial vote of McLean, Marshall and. Montgomery counties, Kentucky, make McKinley's plurality in the state $57. Ontario winter wheat sold. at 90 cents at a point in the western part of the province on Saturday. In the middle of June it was selling at 65 cents. Brennan, the slayer of Mr. Strathy at Barrie, is reported to be in a very low state, and it is doubtful if be will live till the day set for his hanging. D. Hibner & Company's furniture factor at Berlin was burned. The loss will reach $75,000, and over 150 hands will be thrown out of employment. Figures which are coming to hand in the Dominion Department of Fisheries indicate that the export trade in cattle and horses is nearly up to that of last year. .At Parkhill the boiler In Robinson's sawmill exploded, killing Mrs. Cun- nington's little girl and injuring Mr. Robinson and his son. The mill was wrecked. A McGill student named J. T. Stew- art, of Athelstan, Quebec, died from. hemorrhage of the lungs, brought on by over-exertion in a souffle between two of, the classes. Mrs. Martin, an old lady of 72 years, of Hamilton, wandered away from home and was found near the bay half' buried in mud. She was out all night and died from exposure. p: At the convention of the Knights Kn o s of Labor "a resolution was passed in favor of. a graduated income tax. It is expected that in future the Knights will be an active political body. Prof. Maooun,jr„ of the Geological Survey staff, returned to Ottawa from Behring. Sea. His report will show that the destruction of seal life is beyond any- thing that was supposed. unite which was. ofa veryiark color and Caused me the most intense miser .. "I realized my danger, hat from some- thing I read about Dodd's Kidney Pills I made up my mind to use them, and com- menced xt.once." "I have used twenty boxes, have re- gained my weight and Tam now as strong and well as ever before in my life," "When I commenced using Dodd's lfid- neyPiils I was entirely unfit for the duties or anjoyments of life and they have saved and prolonged it. I trust my testimony may be the menus of doing good to others. There Is a Difference. "I say, do you think that Wiggins is a man to be trusted?" "Trusted? Yes, rather. Why, I'd trust him with nay Duel" "Yes; but with anything of value, I m eaul"-13ostou Globe. Traveled Half the Globe to Find Health, Without Success, Took the Advice Of a Friend and Now Proclaims It From the Housetop.— "South ousetop"South American Nervine Saved My Life." Mrs. H. Stapleton of Wingham writes: "I have been very much troubled for years—since 1878 --with nervous debility and dyspepsia.. Had been treated in Canada and England by some of the best physicians without permanent relief. I was advised about three months ago to take South American Nervine, and I firmly believe I owe my life to it to -day. I can truthfully say that I have derived more benefit from it than any treatment I ever had. I can strongly recommend it, and will never be without it myself." Bakken Banner, of Pottstown, Pa,, and a colored man named Reynolds, were instantly killed by a dynamite explosion at Niagara Falls, N. Y., on Saturday. Three others are badly injured, and may die. A. D. Johnson, the colored bishop of the Independent. M. E. church, at Fort Scott, Kas., who was recently arrested for making false pension affidavits, was sentenced on Saturday to two years in the penitentiary. FOREIGN. The Marquis of Huntly was re-elected Lord Rector of the University of Aber- deen on Saturday. A bill will be shortly placed before the German Reichstag to increase the navy 'and to rearm the artillery. Terms of peace have been concluded between Italy and that tough old warrior Xing Meilelik, of Abyssinia.. The failure of crops in Ireland will produce very severe distress, which, how- ever, will not amount to a famine. The Theosophic crusade of Mrs. Ting- ley and her six American disciples in Europe is reported as very successful. The distress in India is increasing, There have been no rains in the famine districts, andthe price of grain is rising. The London County Connell is talking, of obtaining a supply of Water from. Wales ata cost of one hundred million pounds. A Radical attempt to defeat the French Ministry failed, the Government secur- ing in a maorty of 99 on a confidence motion. Gen. Booth, of the Salvation Army, announces that the Army is to extend: its operations • to the whole of the Malay peninsula. There were scenes of great enthusiasm throughout Spain when the new war,. loan was nearly all subscribed on Sunday by the people.' The, Conservative managers in Eng- land are contemplating the erection of a lub in London capable of acommodat- log fifteen thousand members. The Brandon Committee has approved of the schools settlement terms as sub- mitted by Attorney -General Sifton, and lies endorsed him as candidate forr the Commons for Brandon, tobe admin- istrator Is Sir Casimir G ows of the Government of Ontario during the absence of his Honor the Lieut. -Governor, who has been granted two months' leave of absence for the purpose of visiting England. The date of the by-election in Bran- don will be December . 4th, Before the election Mr, Sifton will be sworn in us Minister of the Interior, and on his ar- rival in Ottawa the terms of the School settlement will he made, public. Mr. J. 41, Pipon, who for the past nine years has ucen accountant at the. Montreal branch of the Bank of Mont- real, has been promoted to the position of Manager of the Kingston branch. Precious Metals. First Plumber—You don't think the Government stamp can make fifty cents' worth of silver worth a do.ilar? Second Plumber—I dunnol Manya time I've blade a quarter's worth of lead and solder worth e5—just by a stroke of the pen. -Puck. "I HAD NO FAITH," THESE Fk.MILIAR BRAND. , TELEGRAPH," " TELEPHONE," TIGER," A,,: e synonyms for the best matches made, ASIS YOUR GROCER FOR E. B EDDY'S MATCHES. There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in one remedy, for, all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and differently seetteel diseases rooted in the system of the patient—what would relieve one ill, in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wino, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grievous ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convales- cence and strength, by the influence which Quinine exerts on Nature's own restoratives It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid despondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by trau- quilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses throughout the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby znak£ng. activity a necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the diges tive organs,ons, which naturally lly deinavilt increased substance—result, improved; appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto,• have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and,; gauged by the opinion of scientists, this" wine approaches nearest perfection of, any he the market. All druggists sell it, But My Wife Persuaded hle to Try the Great South American Iihenluatio Cure and My Agonizing Pain Was Gone in 12 Hours, and Gene for Good. J. D. McLeod of Leith, Out., says: "I have been a victim of rhea:II:Wsm for seven years—confined to my 'bed for months at a time; unable tp turn myself. Have been treated by many physicians without any benefit. I bad no faith in rheumatic cures.I saw advertised, but my wife induced me to get a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure from Mr. Taylor, druggist, in Owen Sound. At that time I was in agony with pain. Inside of 12 hours after I had taken the first dose the pa£u had all left me. I continued until I had used throe bottles, and 1 now consider myself completely cured." The British. Government has decided Sir i n M cart tilr I3a11 d a ns" to prosecuteY Y, Councillor for the Chinese Legation. in London, for his share in the arrest and detention of Sun ,at Sen, the Chinese doctor, Since the release of Mrs, Jastls from Wormwood :Sortrhs prison on Tuesday hercondition of health has ` boon so dam - germ's that the doctors new refuse her � permission to sail for the United States at present, of the British Government A spy h , giv- ing his name as ;(ones, who entered the Clan-na-Gael and other eecreti , Irish-. American orgaelzetions, gave Sensa- tional evidence in the Ivory dynamite, trial in London. tis: wn'+ Idle Onribsity. "Isn't it awful to think that all our sins and shortcomings will be revealed on the jcuigrueut day?" • "Well, there is one satisfaction—we will find out all about everybody else."—In- dianapolis Journal, OUT OF THE TOILS. It Stands to Reason. That a man who gives his whole and undiviued attention to one particular subject should acquire a greater pro- ficiency in it, than one whose energies are expended in different directions. This is true of the medical superintend- ent, and his staff of assistants, at Lake- hurst Instltute,in their trentment of alco- holism and kindred diseases. Every fresh case adds to the experience of years, and to the number of those successfully' treated. There is no sudden and danger- ous deprivation of liquor; there are no ties bolts and bars; the patient gives up the drink habit almost unconsciously, and, from that moment, takes the first step on his upward career, commencing life afresh under brighter auspices, For pamphlet and terms address The Man- ager, Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, Out' The Other I'ellowDid It. "Why, Mr. Portly you are all done up. What's the matter?" "Bicycle." "But you :don't ride a wheel---" "No, but the other fellow does."—Cur- rent Literature. Physicians Failed., Clue -Alts Failed -Bat the Great South American tuIdney Cure, a Specific ltemedy for a Specific Trouble, Cured Mrs. A. E. Y'olum of I3arnston, P.Q., quickly and Permanently. This is her teatiniouy: "I was taken sick in January, 1893. I employed several of the best local physicians and was treated by them for kidney disease. until the autumn of the same year without re• ceiviug much benefit. I then began using your South American Riduey Cute, and derii•ad great beuelitalmost immedi- ately. I feel now that I am 'quite cured. I' have takenno medicine for some length of time and have not lied a return of the slightest symptom of the disease." • Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to care Deafness, and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an in. flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this lube gets in. flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is enth•ely closed Deaf- ness eafness is time result, and unless the infiammatim can be taken out end this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases out of tern are caused by catarrh, winch is nothing but an indented con- dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dewiness (caused by catarrh) that can- not be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CiiENItl Y et CO., Toledo, O. tairSold by Druggists, lee. More for Die rrieney. Dealer—I'll sell you that wheel for $50. It weighs twenty-two pounds. Rube ScuQcir'( from Lear os s Crass• roads)—Why , my boy Ab. bought one fox 325 t'otlier day that weighed ninety pounds. You can't soal:, me, by g;uml— Caurent Literature. slow to, Cure I:Ieadache.—Some people suffer untold misery day after day with Headache. `theta is rest neither day or ni�nightll my until the nerves are all unstrung. i The cause is generally a disordered storlrach, and a cure can be effected by using Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, con-; tiiuiug Mandrake ; and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay Wark, Lysander, P,Q., writes: "I, find Parmelee's'' fills a first-class article for Bilious Headache." , Too Dia.. When she was told that she bad one foot in the grave, she wept. "it's a mile too big," she exclaimed, irritably.—Detroit Tribune. -i Chapped Bands. The daintest preparation for curing andi preventing chapped hands is Peach Bioom.l This admirable skin tonic may be retie • upon on as a specific for all kinds. of ski .l? for improving an as well troubles asp fS beautifying the complexion. Views of an Expert.. His Wife --Johnny's teacher sends evert* that he is very slow iii arithmetic. The Iceman -Ob, you can's learn much, arithmetic from books, anyhow! 'Wait tilt Johnny is old enough to go into business, with me.—Puck. The Proprietors of Parmelee's Pills are constantly receiving letters similar to the following, which explains itself. Mr. John A. Beam, Waterloo, Ont., writes: "I never used any medicine that can equal Parmelee's Pills for Dyspepsia or Liver and Kidney Complaints. The relief ex, perienced after using them was wonder- ful." As a safe family medicine Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills can be given in all cases requiring a cathartic. The Cause. • "I really think that the `bike' was the cause of liacNab marrying Miss Smith- era." "That's odd." "Not at all. You see, they werethrown so much in each other's society."—Cur- rent Literature, The Most Cleanly :*anufaetured Tea in the Work'. CEYLON TEA 5 Grown on the best tea producing soil in the world. Lead packets only. Never in balk. Al]. Grocers. Sold at 25, 40, 50 and 60 cents. PROF CHAMBERLAIN, EYE SPECIALIST; Announces to the public that be will E.,. not travel any more, but can be found at all times at his pin.ce of business, 29 Kin„ street east Toronto. Gold spectacles, $8, $4 andel Steel spectacles,2oc. to •r S 1 i 1. r• 1 PEACH BLOOM' SKIN FOOD Far the;Ski1i7t . PERFECT HEALTH - PILLS For the Blood. N. 60 ets. each at Drug stores or sent prepaid ,on receipt of price. Onowx helm rctlfll D0. TOR ors,ro.' •f I You Drive Much in Winter 1. ; yo• u'll thoroughly enjoy the ±; • wonderful healthy warmth • ' added to your clothing by ♦ interliningof • an FIBRE CHAMOIS • Even an all day's piere- • • ing wind can't get through • iit to rob your body of its Z natural warmth, ♦ It is the unequalled t • warmth -giver for winter, is • + used by men, women and • children. everywhere, and, costs only 25c. a Yazd. I • Look after your own corn- .l • fort by finding the Fibre • Chamois label on all, ready . • • to -wear garments that you , buy. *' iri��#Nil#��'•fr�����i♦4 Assessment Svatem Mntuai Principle, PROTECTION Is what the b'nmily Needs when the "bread -winner" is gong. ,LIFE INSURANCE Provides Cash When cash is most needed, I The Mahal Reserve FIS Life Association, E. B. HARPER, Founder. F. A. BURNTIA I, President, PAYS PROMPTLY. Itis thelargest natural premium life aseoeis- tion in the world. It has a Reserve or Emergency Fond of over thirty-fourhundred,thtrusand dollars, It has paid policy -holders over Twenty-seven IMlilllons of dollars. Agents wanted in all unrepresented: districts Circulars sent if requested. A. R. McNICEIOL, Manager for Manitoba, British Cohunbla and Nerah West Territories, McintyreBlocI., Winnipeg, Man: D. Z. Bi:3- SETTI21, Manager for Queues l' Place d'Arntee, Montreal, gee.; 11 J. elDRI,'AY, Manager for Nova Seet£a, Halifax, N. S. W. isloattlliT[ti, Manager for Ontario. Freehold Loan Ttuilding, Toronto, Ont. IS THE PLACE TO ATTEND if you want either, Business Education or a ca:lrse in Shorthand. THE BEST SN CANADA. Handsome. Annual Announcement free. Address.. C. A. I: LE11MING. Principal, Owen Sound, Ont Gold Buttons 260. Any Society Recognition Button you may desire, with 10-kt. Rolled Gold Rims and colored Enamel Centres. A Pretty Present Address Order Dept. DOMINION REGALIA CO. TORONTO Manufact'xrers of all Lodge Requisites, Uniforms, Badges, Emblematic Pins. THE GREAT BIRTON GR OUP of GOLD -PROPERTIES Consists of (12) twelve full claims, 600 by 1,500 feet each. To MAHE MONEY you should BUY before the ADVANCE IN PRICES. Price for the monthofOctober 5c per share Q l e buy in 100.share blocks. iA uy and sell all stocks handled on the market. For particulars call, write or wire h y�• o The Cr�pa�a 11te F�. chap d lle idll � ll �9 82 King St West, Toronto, Ont: T. N. U. 90 ,coAr Ins "OP Gives the latest and best courses of training in its Commercial Shoxthandaitd Penni ship Aep:utsucubs. 23 Students assisted to positions in six weeks, New Term now alien. Students admitted at, any time,—Get ala ealars.—Mention this paper. W. H, S11AW, Principal. , • TOrontq, Onterlo_, -•