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THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1896.
The Week's Commercial Summary.
The sugar maarketTorontoat
is un-
*hattged. Granulated is selling at 4c.
Drafts on New York are steady at
$1.00 to $1.23 premium between banks.
There is a good demand from small
;investors for bank shares, and quotations
are very strong. Commerce, Montreal and
Imperial are higher.
The shipments of Canadian peas have
been unusually large of late. It is esti—
mated that they have amounted to 1,500,-
0000 bushels this season.
The Grand Trunk earnings for the third
week of October were $437,053, an increase
of $40,047 as compared with the corres-
ponding week of last year.
Returns of traffic on the Canad}an
Pacific Railway for September, 1S96: Gross
earnings $1,826,681; working expenses,
$1,068,352; net profits, $738,328.1
Stocks of wheat at Fort William and
Port Arthur are 1,593,201 bushels, as com-
pared with 1,401,814 bushels a week ago,
and 1,800,000 bushels a year ago.
The fortnightly settlement of the Lon-
don Stock Exchange closed to -day. The
account was a small one in Americans
and stocks were carried over at 5 per
Mr. James W. Robertson, the Dominion.
dairy commissioner, has prepared an
interesting report showing the sources
from which Great Britain obtains her
butter supply and the average prices paid.
The total quantity imported in 1896 was
over 316,000,000 pounds, of which Canada
supplied only 4,862,288, average price paid
for Canadian butter being 17.1 cents per
There is no abatement of the better
feeling noted of late among Montreal
business men, and the general trails dis-
tribution is of a freerer character, though
buying is still marked by a commendable
degree of carefulness, and Iarge orders
are the exception. In some quarters a
little improvement is noted in remittances,
but letters from the country would indi-
cate that farmers are disposed to hold for
higher prices, and are not reducing their
store bills as they are generally expected
to do at this season,
The failures in the Dominion last week
shown considerable decrease, being 40, as
against 54' the week before and 03 in the
same week of a year ago. Ontario again
heads the list with 21; of this number 15
had our lowest credit or blank rating, and
the highest rating was $2,000. Quebec had
eleven, being eight less thau the previous
week. Manitoba had four. New Bruns-
wick and Nova Scotia had two each. None
were reported from the other provinces
last week.
Here and There.
It's a poor wheel that won't carry both
Jonah was the first man who really got
right in the swim.
Spain's expenditure of $300,000 a day on
Cuba looks like a permanent investment
qualified by their own distance from
If we believe what they say—and of
course we do—the number of women who
have attained their majority is in the
The suburbs are now lovely. Sky, water,
landscape and beauty on the wheel each
lending a charm to the panorama. There
is nothing quite so inspiring as autumn at
her best.
The man who announces that the odor
of peppermint stimulates the business
instinct seems to have made a great dis-
covery. Business colleges will, of course,
lay in large stocks of peppermints forth-
Australia has pienty of gold, and we
have plenty of wheat. Each wants what
the other has, and puts no barriers on
exchange. This is reciprocity in the
original package, and . ought to be uni-
The megaphone has begun to figure in
revs Eng. Far distant be the day
en it will brought into requisition
by the perambulating peddler and the
hustling huckster. They make noise
enough now and to spare.
Kate Field's remains lie unreclaimed
and neglected, though in her dying mo-
ments she requested that letters announc-
ing her death be sent to certain friends in
the United States. The letters were writ-
ten, but no answers, came. Miss Field
was badly in debt,
A Kentucky town is mystified by the
spectacle of a cow perched up on the top
of a high tree, and nobody knows how she
got there. It doesn't seem to have
occurred to them that there has never
been any authentic account of the coming
down of the cow which jumped over the
There never was, and never will be, a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for
all ills to which flesh is heir—the very
nature of many curatives being such that
were the germs of other and differently
seated diseases rooted in the system of
the patient—what would relieve one ill,
in turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for many and grievous
ills. By its gradual and judicious use,
the frailest systems aro led into convales-
cence and strength, by the influence
which . Quinine exerts on Nature's own
restoratives, It relieves the drooping
spirits of those with whom a chronic
state of morbid despondency and lack of
Interest in life is a disease, and, by tran-
quilizing the nerves, disposes to sound.
and refreshing sleep—imparts vigor to the
• action of the blood, which, being
stimulated, courses throughout the
veins, strengthening the healthy animal
functions of the system, thereby making
activity a necessary result, strengthening.
the frame, and giving life to the diges-
tive organs, which naturally demand
increased substance—result; improved
appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto,
have given to the, public their (superior
Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and,
gauged by the opinion of scientists, this
wine stpproaehe8 nearest perfection of
any in the market. AU druggists sell it,
TS. Important, Events in a Few Words For
Busy Readers.
Mr. hector Cameron, Q. C., died at
Live stock shipments from Winnipeg
are very heavy.
A block of two stores and six dwell -
Inge was burned at Clinton.
The price of hread has been advanced
. Montreal two cents per loaf.
A good roads campaign is to inaugur-
ated at the municipal elections in Ham-
A syndicate is said to be negotiating
for the purchase of the Nickel Plate
Low water in the Morrisburg Canal is
causing a great deal of trouble to mar-
The Electric Light and Water Works
Company is installing a larger plant at
The Controller of Customs has received
$96 conscience money from a party In
Glasgow, Scotland.
The heavy machinery for the new Leroi
plant is arriving and being installed on
the Black Bear ground.
Burglars were surprised at the resi-
dence of Mr, George Walker, London, and
fired a shot at Mr. Walker.
Mr. John Ransier, of Nottawasnga
township, died from injuries received by
being crushed in a hay less.
The Ottawa authorities are prosecuting
persons who drive two -wheel vehicles
with less than.four.inoh tires.
The Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound
Railway is completed from Ottawa to
the waters of the Georgian Bay.
Dr. L. L. L. Desaulniers, Inspector of
Prisons and Asylums for Quebec, died
at Montreal at the ago of 73 years.
The fund for the relief of the families
of the Montreal firemen recently killed
has closed. It amounts to $14,000.
Chief Architect Fuller, of the Public
Works Department, has been presented
by Lord Aberdeen with a silver snuff box.
Prof. Robertson, the Dairy Commis-
sioner, has completed a plan for assist-
ing creameries in the Northwest Territor-
Cars have begun running on the com-
pleted line of the H., G. & B. Electric
Railway between Beamsvillle and Ham-
Hog cholera is reported to have broken
out on Walpole Island, .and the animals
attacked are said to be dying by the
A sixteen -year-old sop of Mr. Michael
Paradise, of East Zorra, lost his life in
endeavoring to rescue a horse from a
burning barn.
A big Toronto syndicate is applying
for letters patent of incorporation under
the name of the Canadian Mining Trust
Company (Ltd.)
Mr. W. D. Cooper, of Virgil, who was
thrown into a ditch by a runaway horse
and lay there all night, died at St. Cath-
arines Hospital,
Mr. A. T. Neill, Hamilton, has exalt].
hied a sample of the Sudbury coal, and
he is of the opinion that it is carbonized
peat bog, a useful article.
0. C. Condie, at Brandon, has been
sentenced to one year's imprisonment at
hard labor for the theft of an express
package containing $3,000.
Professor A. P. Coleman has issued
the preliminary report of his investiga-
tions during the past year into the min-
eral resources of the province.
The dentists of Perth and Huron
counties met at Mitchell for the purpose
of rccrganizatiou and promoting eclat -
tido study in their profession.
\Orr (`•nrrrtland Olds walked off the
'incl: at Port Dover with his sister, in
the dark, and was drowned. His sister,
Mrs. Cunningham, was rescued.
The investigation into the alleged irreg-
ularities in connection with the contracts
for the Hamilton House of Refuge sup-
plies was begun by Judge Snider.
Col. Beer, lessee of Sussex Farm, a
military property in New Brunswick,
owned by the Government, has been
given three months' notice to quit
A Brantford man took a flask of
whisky with him while serving sum-
monses in the Indian reserve and was
fined $50 for his breach of the law.
Deposits in Dominion Government
savings banks during September were
$271,516 and withdrawals $822,653. Bal-
ance at credit of depositors, $17,968,539.
The Bank of British North America
has purchased a lot on Columbia avenue,
at Rossland, and will erect a substantial
bank building by the first of January.
Mr. John Mitchell, •of Dorchester
township, Middlesex county, Out., cele-
brated his 103rd birthday Saturday. He
was born in Banffshire, Scotland, In
For the second time Michael .7. Bren-
nan has been found guilty of the murder
of Mr. John A. Strathy, and sentenced
to be hanged in Barrie on Tuesday, Jan-
uary 19 next.
Lieut. -Governor Dewdney hi in Rose-
land, looking after his mining interests,
and recently laid the corner stone of
Allan House, Rossland's first brick and
stone building.
Mr. Laurier informed a deputation
that waited on him that be was in favor
of a 30 -foot channel between Montreal
and Quebec and of fourteen -foot canals
west of Montreal.
Roy, the son of Anthony Edwards, jr.,
of Chatham, Ont., fell under a waggon
laden with corn on Wednesday and' was
run over, both wheels passing over his
abdomen. He will die.
The Dominion Government steamer
Petrel arrived at Port Stanley with four-
teen sturgeon and eight : herring nets,
the property of American fishermen,
seized in Canadian waters,
The mystery surrounding the death of
Mr. William Maynard, of Orillia was
solved by the finding of his body in Lake
Simcoe, he having been drowned while,
fishing off Strawberry Island.
It has been discovered that there may
possibly be a flaw in the charter of the
Banque du Peuple, sufficiently serious
to render that important document null
from the conimeneement,
The Colony Company, which proposes
to build a ($55,000 hotel and establish a
first-class summer resort at Burlington
Beach, have asked the council to assist
In securing a patent from the Govera-
Cornwall is excited aver a story told
by Mrs, Winters, who axes she: saw a
young loan apparently murdered abort
the time that Frank McGarry disappeared:
A woman named Pepper, employed by
Mr. :liaison Baker, of Bnrtch'e Corners,
was found dead on the floor of the house,
with a-quanity of Paris green -near by.
It is supposed that she committed sui-
cide, but en inquest will be held to -day.
The Railway Committee of the Privy
Council has made an Interim order to
allow the T., H. & B. Railway Company
to proceed with the building of the spur
line at the Desjardins Canal when it de
posits $,0,000, in the Bank of Montreal
In trust for the Hamilton & Milton Road
A Dinner Pills -,Many persons suffer
excruciating atony' after partaking of a
hearty dinner. The food partaken of is
like a ball of lead upon the stomach, and
instead of being a healthy nutriment it
becomes a poisou to the system. Dr.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are wonderful
correctives of such troubles. They cor-
rect acidity, open the secretions and con-
vert the food partaken of into healthy
nutriment. They are just the medicine
to take if troubled with Indigestion or
Texas hail another cyclone Saturday,
Boston, Mass,, has received its first
band of Armenian refugees, numbering
Herman Levison, the San Francisco
jewellery merchant, is dead. His estate is
worth $8,000,000.
John W. Ham burger, a wealthy retired
furniture manufacturer, of New York
city, committed suicide.
Eight men, with drawn revolvers, held
up Joseph Hamm's saloon in Chicago
and secured about $500 in eash.
All western railroads have perfected
arrangements to put into effect an ad-
vanced freight tariff on Nov. 2,,
Mrs. Fred Gardner, at Cheektowaga,
N. Y., has given birth to three girls and
a boy. The doctors say all will live,
Mrs. Charlotte Saunders of West 3Iea.
dews, near Coney Island, was found
murdered in the yard back of her home.
The sloop Birdie, Which sailed from
Cooks Inlet for Jarman early in July
with three passengers, is supposed to be
Six men were killed and two injured
by an explosion of gas in one of the Le-
high and Wilkesbarre Coal Co.'s mines
Prof. George L. Burr, chief historical
expert of the American Venezuelan Com-
mission, has arrived at New York from
A coal train ran into a switching train
in which were three loaded oil tanks,
near Manhattan and caused a great fire.
One man killed.
Very many persons die annually from
cholera and kindred summer complaints,
who might have been saved if proper
remedies had been used. If attacked do
net delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, the medicine
that never fails to effect a cure. Those
who have used it say it acts promptly, and
thoroughly subdues the pain and disease.
Many of the departments of France
have suffered' greatly by floods.
The fetes in connection with the
Queen's accession jubilee will commence
in February.
Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain has
been elected Lord Rector of the Univer-
sity of Glasgow.
The Princess of Wales has founded in
Norfolk a Technical school for dress-
making and cookery.
Rumors of a European congress to re-
vise the Treaty of Berlin aro causing the
Sultan great uneasiness.
The British Cabinet will resume its
meetings on Wednesday to prepare for
the work of next session.
After a thorough test by the Imperial
War Department, the Zalinsky dynamite
gun is pronounced a failure.
Russian pressure on the Turkish Gov-
ernment is having a beneficial effect, and
the Sultan is already pushing his prom-
ised reforms,
Sir Charles Dilke and Mr. Henry M.
Stanley, M. P., have written letters sup-
porting the British claims in the Vene-
zuelan dispute.
While the want of rain has caused a
wheat famine in India, excessive rains
have destroyed the potato crop of the
West of Ireland.
There is no confirmation, either in
London or Washington, of the rumored
appointment of a tribunal to deal with
the Venezuelan boundary dispute.
A sepoy belonging to the British•In-
dian troops stationed at Fort Sandeman
ran amuck on Wednesday, and killed
two British lieutenants and two soldiers.
The revelation of the secret Russo -
Germanic treaty is causing the greatest
excitement on the Continent of Europe,
and may result in the rupture of the
The Duke of Connaught will represent
the Queen at the marriage of the Due
d'Orleans and the Archduchess Maria
Dorothea of Austria, in Vienna, next
Cablegrams received from Bombay
say that the drouth continues, with no
signs of abatement, and that the crop
situation in India is daily becoming
more serious.
The Paris Eclair expresses itself in
favor of granting Germany preferential
tariffs in Tunis, provided the former co-
operates with France in the settlement of
the Egyptian question.
To promote a better commercial feel-
ing between England and France, the
Lord Mayor of London has invited thirty
French Mayors to meet a number of
English Mayors at the Mansion house.
Mr. Grenier, editor of the Libre Parole,
and the defendant in the case of. Tarte
v. Greater, in a sworn statement denies
the charges brought against him by Mr.
Tarte that he was at one time a Chris-
tian Brother and later a Protestant min-
Advices received in Paris state that Sir
Herbert }Kitchener intends to demand an
ingrease of sixty-four thousand pounds
to the military estimates, for the put
dose of raising the effective of the Egyp-
tian army to fifteen thousand men, and
continue the reconquest of the Soudan.
lairs. Celeste Coon, Syracuse, N. Y.;
writes: ' For years I could not eat many
kinds of food without producing a burn-
ing, excruciating pain in my stomach: I
took Parmelee's Pills according to direc-
tions under the head of `Dyspepsia or
Indigestion.' One box entirely cured me.
I can now eat anything I choose, without
distressing me in the least." These Pills
do not cause pain or griping, and should
be used when a cathartic isl required.
How One Box of Dodd's Kidney
Pills Cared.
linsenlitl• Spasms l''as 1 -lbs Trouble—
Would Drop its it' Shot. His Meas-
ure or Merit.
Alumna:, (Special)—For many years
Mr. Janus Caskeyhas been au honored
resideut of this town, lie ape held prom-
inent- municipal offices for years, as well
as other positions of trust—uo one here
presuming to doubt his word.
In reply to questions as to his. experience
in using Dodd's Kidney Pills, and as to his
opinion of their merits, he said: "Fee ten
years, at shorter and shorter intervals, 1
suffered from attacks of spasms of time
muscles, very much resemirbii mg ncuto
"I took medicine as hopefully and
regularly as a model, but cacti .eturn was
more prunful than the last.
"Wherever I chanced tir be when my
attack carne I would drop, as if shut, in
my tracks.
"Once in bed, I was forced to stay there,
anywhere from a few days to weeks at a
time. •
"Over two years ago, just after one of
these attacks, some friend suggested that
my difficulty might be the result of kid-
ney trouble, advising me, at the -sauce
time, to use Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"Well, I got one box and used it. I have
never had any return of my attacks. I
have taken nothing in the shape of medi-
cine since, not even Dodd's Kidney Pills,
and I thick result;: the best of all tests of
merit, in a medicine as iu anything
Mandy Andy in heal Life.
A correspondent remarks that the fol-
lowing delightful anecdote shows that the
race of I•Iandy Andy is by no means
extinct. A master, addressing his Irish
rutui-servant, says: "Terrence, I am going
into the country to stay at my mother's
place. If Mr. Smith calls tell him that
I'll be back dim Tuesday." "Shure I will,
sorr, and, (after a pause) what will I be
either sayiug to him if he doesn't call,
Three Months 'Without Sleep—Wasted In
Flesh and Given Up to Die, But the Great
South American Nervine Soothes to Rest
With One Dose and Effects a Rapid and
Permanent Care.
Mrs. "White, of Mono Township, Beaver-
ton, P.O., was dangerously ill from nerv-
ous trouble. She was so nervous that she
had not slept a night for three months.
She was so low that her friends despaired
of her recovery, in fact, had given her up
to die. She was persuaded to try South
American Nervine. Her relief was so
instantaneous that after taking one dose
she slept soundly all night. She persisted
in the use of this great cure and gained in
health rapidly, so that. now there is not a
sign of the nervousness, and she feels she
is entirely cured. If you doubt it, write
and ask her.
The Editor --firs Poem.
Who weeps with you when you are sad,
and laughs with you when you are glad,
and swears with you when you are mad?
The editor. Who has to be both kind and
Wise, and never (hardly ever) lies, and
when he does, creates surprise? The
editor. Who owns a heart as well as
cheek, is possessed of a spirit' proud but
meek, and lives on 40 cents a week? The
editor,—Weekly Enterprise.
Distracted by Excruciating Rheumatic
Pains—Seven Years' Untold Misery --No
Remedy to Help—No Physician to Thwart
the Onslaught—But South American
Rheumatic Cnre Charms Away the
Pains in 12 Hours and the Suffering Slave
Is Emancipated.
J. D. McLeod of Leith, Ont., says: "I
have been a victim of rheumatism for
seven years, being confined to my bed for
months at a time, and unable to turn my-
self. Have been treated by many of the
best physicians without benefit. Iliad no
faith in cures I saw advertised, but my
wife iuduced me to get a bottle of South
American Rheumatic Cure. At that time
I was suffering agonizing pains, but in-
side of 12 hours after I had taken the first
dose the pains left me. 'Three bottles
completely cured me, and I rejoice in
having the opportunity of telling what a
great cure it has wrought in me.
Kidney,Diseaso Can Only Be Cured by a
Remedy Whichis in Liquid Form—
Common Sense of Science.
For a disordered stomach or sick head-
ache, pills and powders are not without
effect, but when these seine remedies are
said to cure kiddey disease the common
sense of science rebukes the claim. This
insidious and growing disease will not be
driven from the -system unless a medicine
is given that will dissolve the hard sub.
stance—uric acid and oxalate of lime—
that give rise to the distress and pain
that is common to all who suffer from
kidney complaint. South American Kid-
ney Cure is a kidney specific. It dissolves
these hard substances, and while it'
dissolves it also heals. The cures effected
leave no question of its powers.
A Slander:
Balaway—Jagson is very loose in his
habits isn't he?
Chadwick—When I saw him last night
he was very tight,—Washington Trines.
Old time a quarter -a -box "Purgers"
are quitting the field in whole,
De, Agnew's Liver Pills at too a vial are
driving them out at all points,
Because they act gently, more effee-
ti-ely, never pain, and are
easy to. take.
Sick Headache succumbs to one dose.<
Chronic Constipation dispelled with one
vial, and. Stomach Disorders of years'
standing absolutely toured, 40 doses,
10o., at all druggists.
Who'd Wear Two Coats
when one is warmer? That is it
the one is interlined with Fibre
Chamois, It gives such a whole-
some,comfo:rtmg warmth without
adding weight or bulk, that you
can enjoy outdoor exercise or
labor as much again as if you
w' A� rfo`' \vele all muffled up. Besides you
\�.x y -� , ''k 'N know it is only a matter of time
;p ' ' --a-- We' el"` till the piercing wind gets at you
,47' - even through three ordinary
coats, while.neither the frostiest winds, nor rain, nor sleet
can penetrate this invaluable Fibre Chamois, See that it
is put hi your ordered clothing and find the ,fibre Chamois
Label on every ready-to-wear garment you buy. 'Then
you're sure of perfect satisfaction.
Are synonyms for the best matches made.
It Srtai7ai Eli-Iicasiiii:
That a man who gives his whole and
undivided attention to one particular
subject should acquire a greater pro-
ficiency in it, thau one whose energies
are expended in different directions.
This is true of the medical superintend-
ent, and his staff of assistants, at Lake-
hurst Institnte,in their treatment of alco-
holism and kindred diseases, Every fresh
case adds to the experience of years, and
to the number of those successfully
treated. There is no sudden and danger-
ous deprivation of liquor; there are no
bolts and bars; the patient giver up the
drink habit almost unconsciously, and,
from that moment, takes the first step
on his upward career, commencing life
afresh under brighter auspices. For
pamphlet anti terms address The Man-
ager, Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, Ont.
Applied Parental Wisdom.
Willie had swallowed a penny and his
mother was in a state of much alarm.
"Helen," she called to her sister in the
next room, "send for a doctor; Willie has
swallowed a penny I"
The terrified and frightened boy looked
up imploringly. "No, melanin," he in-
terposed, "send for the minister."
"The minister?" asked the mother
incredulously, "send for the minister?"
"Yes. Because papa says our minister
can get money out of anybody."—Boston
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There me only one
way to care Deafness, and that is b • constitu-
tional remedies. Deafness is cause by an in-
flamed condition of the muedes lining of the
Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets In-
flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect
hearing and when it is entirely closed Deaf.
ness is tiro result, and unless the inflammation
can be taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed eon -
di tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One hundred Dollars for any
case of Deaaincss (caused by catarrh) that can-
not be cured by Ifall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circular's, free.
I+. J. C7-HENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
sarSold by Druggists, 75c.
A Place to Stay In.
"Kind sir," said the well-dressed strap'
ger to a resident of the city, "is there a
home for the friendless in this place?"
"Yes, there is; but you don't look as
though you were forced to seek such a
ref nge."
"You must not judge by appearances
sir. I am a baseball umpire."
Chapped Hands.
The daintest preparation for curing and
preventing chapped hands is Peach Bloom.
This admirable skin tonic may be relied
upon as a specific for all kinds of akin
troubles as well as for improving and
beautifying the complexion.
Her Kind.
Clerk—Would you like to look through
some of our blankets, madam?
Customer—No. I want some that you
can't look through.
Inflamnmatory Rheumatism.—Mr. S.
Ackerman, commercial traveler, Belle-
ville, writes: "Some years ago I used Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil for Inflammatory
Rheumatism, and three bottles effected a
complete cure. I was the whole of one
summer unable to move without crutches,
and every movement caused excruciating
pains. I am now out on the road and ex-
posed to all kinds of weather, but have
never been troubled with rheumatism
since. I, however, keep a bottle of Dr.
Thomas' Eciectric Oil on hand, and I
always recommend it to others, as it did
so much for me."
The Most Cleanly Manufactured Tea
in the World.
Grown on the best tea producing son la the
Lead packets only., Never in bulk.
All Grocers.
Sold at 25, 40, 50 and 60 cents.
Gold Spectacles, $3,
Fitted by mail,
Steel Spectacles, $1,
Prof. Chamberlain
79 King Street E..
a young manor woman for the
active U c vc Buttes of life is obtained at
Th. Northern Business College. Only common school
education required to enter. Students admitted any
time. C, A. Fleming, Principal, Owen Sound. Oat..
ii o, -Id's Horticultural society.
At the close of the late congress of
horticulture in Chicago the organization
of the World's Horticultural Society was
effected. Throe officers at large were
elected. The president is to appoint a
vice-president for each country in the
world, and this officer is to appoint a
secretary -treasurer for that country. The
membership is to comprise societies,
which pay annual dues of $5 or as near
that anionnt as the currency of any coun-
try readily admits, and individuals, who
pay a first fee of $2 and an annual fee
thereafter of $1. The averred object of
the organization is to promote corres-
pondence and to facilitate exchange of
plants rand information between the
countries of the world.
Actor (to dramatist)—How did your
new play come on?
Dramatist (to actor)—'.The critics gave it
such a roasting that it panned out a
regular frost. Got snowed under.—
now Do You Know?
No woman really looks as nice with her
clothes off as the corset advertisements
make her look.
Electric burglar alarms have been so 'C
improved that they not only give the
alarm to the intnates of the house, but
give the marauder a shock. If they could
only be made to discriminate between
actual burglars and persons who might
touch them by mistake they might profit,
ably be Made to carry currents of 10,000
Peach Bloom
Skin Food
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nesses of the Skin caused by
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Are Natures best
assistant. Perfect Nerve.A
Tonic and Tissue Builders.
Either for 60 Cents at Dreg stores,
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CROWN lisnmcrosry Co., Toltouxo.
Any Society Recognition Button yott
may desire, with 1O-kt. Rolled Golf
Rims and colored Enamel Centres.
A Pretty
Order Dept.
Manufacturers of all Lodge Requisites,
Uniforms, Badges, Emblematic Pins.
Consists of (12) twelve full claims, 6011
by 1,500 feet each. To MAKE MONEY
you should BUY before the ADVANCE
Price for the month of October 5c, per share
in 100 share blocks. We buy and sell
all stocks handled on the market.
For particulars call; write or wire
The Callac.a JYIillillE Exc1allge
82 King St. West, Toronto, .Ont.
T. N. U.
•A1v,�c. ar //
Gives the latest and best courses of training in
its Commercial, Shorthand and Penman-
ship Departments. • •
28 Students assisted to positions fmmp�six weeks,
New Term now open. Students admitted at.
any time,—Get particulars.-Alention this paper.
W. Ii, SSAW, Principal,