The Exeter Advocate, 1896-10-7, Page 6Snbseribers who do not receive their paper reg iIarly will pleasenotify us at once. j Cali at the office for advertising rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY. OCT. S, 1896. '; The Week's. Canmercial Summary. '4 The stock of wheat at Toronto is 1.35,960 bushels, as against 150,383 last week, and : 9,498 bushels a year ago. A quarterly dividend of one per cent. has been declared on Postal Telegraph, which is payable on October 15. The wheat market is active and higher ; on British buying. Late estimates report a large decrease in the yield this season. in Europe. The stocks of wheat at Fort William • and Port Arthur are 1,474,069 bushels as a ainst 1,371,248 bushels a week .ago, and 648,091 bushels a year ago. The earnings of the Canadian Pacific for the week eliding Sept. 14 were $483,000, an increase of 829,000. Grand Trunk earnings for the same week 8435,198, an increase of 83,224. A Toronto grain firm engaged ocean freight for 2,000 quarters wheat yesterday, and had to pay Vic. per bushel from New York to Loudon. Earlier in the season as low as 4c. \vas accepted, This indicates ' the dimensions of the export movement. The visible supply of . wheat in the United States and Canada is now 49,655,000 bushels, an increase of 2,058,000 bushels during the week. The total a year ago • was 39,385,000 bushels. The amount on passage to Europe is 23,520,000 bushels, an increase of 81,520,000 far the year, and the total a sear ago was 24,400,000 bushels. There is not the activity in wholesale trade at Montreal that is generally looked for at the season, and the • little improve- ment in demand noted 1;tst week, due principally to buyers visiting the city on cheap excursion rates, is barely main- tained. City retail trade also is not specially active, but the chilly weather of the last few days is calculated to help sales of seasonable dry goods, clothing, etc.', Collections generally are reported but iliditlerent, ''].'here is very little change in the trade situation at Toronto, Dealers report a fair business and seem satisfied with the outlook. There is a better feeling, with increased confidence in financial circles. The higher prices of wheat are encourag- ing to farmers, and the increased move- ment of produce is being felt in slightly improved payments. Country merchants are belying cautiously and stocks of • merchandise are .net large, a very good feature, • A Manchester business man writes to the Montreal 'Trade Bulletin, making the following suggestions for the improve- ' meat of the Canadiau butter export trade:—"1. The maker of butter must have a thorough knowledge of what is wanted in the market to which he pur- 9poses sending his goods. What will suit ! ' lfanahester (the largest butter market in England) will not suit London. 2, Choicest butter is always in demand here. 3. It must be shipped once or twice e j week, and to do the trade properly we i would need to have fast steamers leaving 1 your side on Saturday nights, to enable us to have the butter her on Monday for our i market on Tuesday. Buyers come here every Tuesday front all parts of the coun- i• try and buy their weekly supplies, aud, as a rule, they want the same dairy week after week." Here and There. If any Eve wants to tempt any Adam this fall she will find plenty of apples to dolt with. Li Hung Chang's turn to be questioned will come when he meets the ruler of the flowery kingdom in Pekiu. Money talks, and so does poverty, for that matter. The difference is that when money talks people stop to listen. Gladstone's characterization of the sultan as "au assassiu on a throne" shows that the grand old maw's power of invec- tive is undiminished. Whenever you see a man with a bad cough in the streets it is safe to wager that he has not yet put off his summer flannels for a thicker variety. Despite the troiley and the bicycle, there are a million more horses in the country in 1S96 than there were in 1891. The latus of political economy often work quite the contrary to what might appear on the surface. ? Famine has become so serious in Japan that the old law has received official sanction, which permits the parents of very poor families to dispose of their daughters at auction, The Japanese au- thorities have evidently not yet wholly outgrown oriental barbarism. The distance of 191 miles from Fort Yellowstone to Helena, Mout., has been made by an infantry bicycle corps, the men being fully armed and equipped as a flying cavalry column, in twenty-seven hours. This is in itself ample proof that the bicycle will prove a success in war as well as in peace. It is said that the great European powers are seriously considering the advisability of deposing the sultan of Turkey. The civilized world has grown tired of this crowned but monstrous assassin, and his removal from a throne whichhe disgraces is demanded in the interests of humanity. Out of Sorts.—Symptoms, Headache, loss of appetite, furred tongue, and gen. eral indisposition. These symptoms, if neglected, develop into acute disease. It is a trite saying that an "ounce of preven- tion is worth a pound of cure," and a little attention at this point may save months of sickness and large doctor's bills. For this complaint take from two to three of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills on going to bed, and one or two for three nights in succession, and a cure will be effected. How the Report Started. "What is this yarn about Lushforth going in for floriculture ?". ".Oh that story started by one of the boys saying that the carnation on his nose cost more than $10,000." —:Indian apolis Journal. .A dreamthat you: stiok in the mud means thatyou will shortly have trouble about land. TOPICS OF A WEEK. The Important Events in, a Few Words For Busy Readers. CANADIAN. Mr. William Jaffray, postmaster at Berlin, is dead. Robert Gardiner, of Harwich, dropped dead in a dootor's ofdoe at Ridgetown. The steainer Hops, with Lieut. Peary and party on board, bas returned to Cape Breton.. Mr. Byers, oaretakerof a Public School at Stratford, died from an overdose of laudanum. The Hudson Bay & Paolfio Railway Compane's bill was read a third time in the Senate. Mr. John Wallace, of Crossland, was thrown out of a wagon and kicked to death by a horse. The location of the Grand Trunk car worke at London is causing building activity in the east end. Hamilton license pommissioners have inaugurated a campaign against various clubs where liquor is sold. Mr. Torrance, a student of Knox Col- lege. and his wife were drowned on Spar- row Lake by the upsetting of their canoe. The Petrie of Montreal, bas started a fund for the family of Louis Rie1, and Mr. Beaugrand has headed the list with. $100, Mr, R. A. Macdonald withdrew his Georgian Bay ship canal and aqueduct bill before the Railways Committee at Ottawa. -Reports from the Niagara camp show that the new Lee -Enfield rifle is a very popular arm with those who have given It a test. The report of the committee recom- mending the dismissal of three of the Frenoh translators of the House was adopted, Mr. Martin, barrister, of Chatham, has been sent for trial on a charge of criminally libelling ex -Police Constable McDonald. Mr. John Auld, of Amherstburg, was nominated by the Liberals of South Essex as a successor to the late Hon. W. D. Balfour. Sir Richard Cartwright has returned to Montreal from Boston, :where he met and diseusssed several subjects v;ith Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. The Coroner's iury found that Robert Long, who died at the residence of his brother William, near Port Hope, was a victim of apoplexy, A verdict of accidental death was ren- dered in the case of John Boyle, who was run over by his wagon on the way home from Chatham, A number of vacancies have been caused in the hand of the 7th Fusilliers, London. by an order requiring the mem- here to take part in battalion drill, The Hamilton Council has decided to grant the ten-year exemption on the cold storage warehouse, with the understand- ing that it be in operation by next June. The employes of J. McPherson & Co., Hamilton, shoe manufacturers, have de- cided to accept a cut in wages to enable the firer to compete with Quebec manu- facturers. Reeve Scratch, of Mersea, was nomin- ated by the Conservatives of South Essex for the vacant seat in the Ontario Legis- lative Assembly occupied by the late Hon. W. D. Balfour. Lord and Lady Russell, Miss Russell, Sir Frank Lockwood, Lady Lockwnod and Miss Lockwood have arrived in New York and will remain until October 2. when they sail for home. The first brick on the new Grand Trunk oar shope in London, Ont.. was laid by Mr. John Street, of Hanii]ton, who laid the first brick of the old shops nearly twenty-five years ago. Mrs. T. Phillips, of Kingston, returned to her burning house to look for a lady boarder and was overcome by smoke, and found dead by the firemen. All the other occupants of the house escaped. Levi Gardner, a colored man of Wood- stock, was found dead in his house on Saturday morning with a bullet through his head. The widow and a man named McCombus have been placed under arrest. Thomas Bridger, Deputy Registrar at Berlin, Ont., was arrested at his home on three separate indictments, charging him with forgery, embezzlement, and neglecting to enter fees in the fees' book. At Windsor Judge Horne sentenced Leon Lavoix, the butcher who bought stolen cattle,- to six years in the peniten- tiary; Joseph Cook and William Harring- ton to four years and Harvey Harrison to two years. An inquest is being held at Hagers- ville, on the death of Mrs. Robert Car- penter, who was married last month, and whose husband is now under arrest. Several marks of a suspicious nature were found on the body. At Owen Sound a laboring man named Samuel Penny was arrested on the charge of advertising counterfeit money. It is alleged that Penny has used the mails for the purpose of offering spurious currency for sale. A Brantford deputation interviewed General Manager Hays, of Montreal, re- garding the removal of the car works to London. Mr. Hays said when the time came the company would endeavor to do some repairing in Brantford. The supplementary estimates, amount- ing to $2,889;000 were bxouaht down in the House. There, is a grant of $20,000 for Collingwood harbor improvements, but no provision is made for the Domin- ion Exhibition in Toronto in 1897. McGill University, Montreal, has issued a notice refusing to accept in future any more U. S. silver or paper money in payment of scholarship fees. United States cheques will only be accepted if one-quarter per cent. discount is added. A deputation of the veterans of '66, who repelled the Fenian raid. waited upon Mr. Laurier, and asked for recogni- tion of their patriotic services in the shape of a medal and a land grant. Mr. Laurier said he would lay the matter be- fore his. colleagues. The report of the sub -committers ap- pointed to enquire' into the questionof the sale of liquor in the restaurant of the Senate was adopted Thereport stated that the restaurant was necessary for the convenience of the Speaker and the inembers of the Senate. .A large deputation waited on the Pro- uder, Sir remier,,Sir Oliver Mowat, Hon. Mr. Mu - Jock and Hon. Mr. Fisher, of Ottawa, to advocate a grant of $50,000 to make next year's Industrial Fair a Dominion Exposition. Mr. Laurier' promised the immediate attention of the Government to the request. In his Vegetable Pills, Dr. Parmelee has given to the world the fruits of long scientific research in the whole realm of medical science, combined with new and valuable discoveries never before known to man. For Delicate and Debilitated Constitutions Parmelee's Pills act like a. charm. Taken in small doses, the effect is both a tonic and a stimulant, mildly exciting the secretions of the body, giving tone and vigor. UNITED STATICS. Mr. John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, has bought the steel: of Hilton, Hughes Co., and will carry on the business in New York. Miss Frances E. Wiliiard has made a most impassioned appeal to the women of the United States on behalf of the Armenians. A letter has been received at the Dis- triot Attorney's office in New York from the American Legation in Paris, asking for the naturalization papers of P. J. Tynan, the alleged dynamiter. Mr. John Boyd Thacker has declined the nomination of Governor of New York on the Democratic ticket, declaring that he would not endorse the free silver plank in the Chicago and Buffalo platforms. Carl McIllhiney, a seven-year-old boy, of Wooster, Ohio, is under arrest for murdering Thomas, Kidd, fourteen years old, who teased him. The child got a shotgun and blew off the top of Kidd's head. County Treasurer George H. Morrison, of Troy, has been arrested for embezzling three hundred thousand dollar; from the Rensselaer treasury, leaving the county about three hunderd dollars to meet our- rent expenses. The Peary Northern expedition has reached North Sidney, C. J3., having failed to bring back the great meteorite which it was their object to secure. The tackling they tools with them was not strong enough to move the great mass Ao one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have it bottle of Dr. J.D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial ready for use, It corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor, and is rapidly becoming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market. FOREIGN. Prime Minister Salisbury has gone to Balmoral to visit the Czar. Lord Roseberry on Saturday unveiled the Burns statue at Paisley. There is a marked change in the tone of the Russian press towards England, It now appears that one thousand Ar- menians were killed during 'the recent massacre at Egin. It is said that the Queen is seeking to interest the Czarina as a woman in the distress of the Armenians. The storm that played such havoc in England on Friday was very general throughout the continent of Europe. Gen. Kitchener telegraphs from Don- gola that he has captured 900 prisoners, and the cavalry is still pursuing the enemy. The Anti -Masonic Congress, arrange- ments for which were remade in Rome, opened at Trent, Southern Tyrol, on Saturday. With a view to encouraging the silk. industry the Prince of Wales is returning to the fashion of the Georgian period In silk waistcoats. A project is on foot in London for a grand national celebration for the anni- versary of the battle of Trafalgar on Thursday next. A great Storni' visited the west coast of England. .A great many vessels were wreok'ed, and the damage in several towns is excessive. The death rate for London last week was only 14.6 per thounsand, as against an average of 15.1 in thirty-three great towns in England. During the massacres in Constanti- nople the German Embassy was the only one that closed its doors and refused pro- tection to the Armenians. Fred Barnard, the artist of the London Black and White, has been burned to death in bed. It is supposed the bed - clothing caught fire while he was smok- ing. The speech delivered by the Emperor of Austria on the occasion of the open- ing of the Irongate canal at Orsova in- dicates a possible alliance between Aus- tria, Roumania and Servia, It is stated in Rome that negotiations are pending between England and Italy with a view to the latter holding in readiness a large body of troops to sail at a moment's notice to the Levant. All eyes are now turned toward Bal- moral, where the arrival on Saturday of the Marquis of Salisbury will, it is hoped, mark a turning -point in Great Britain's attitude towards the powers. The insurgents of the Philippine Islands are said to be putting people to. death by wholesale. A number of monks were tied to trees and burned to death after being covered with petroleum. Terrific gales prevailed on Thursday night in the British Channel, and tele- graphic communication throughout Great Britian and the working of the cable were seriously interfered with. The wild Canadian geese and turkeys which were introduced by the Marquis of Lorne into the lochs and forests of his father, the Duke of Argyle, are in- creasing in numbers to a prodigious ex- tent. It has been very rainy ever since the Czar and Czarina arrived at Balmoral Castle on their visit to the Queen. The Czar, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Connaught, went deer -stalking in the rain. Mr. Gladstone made a powerful speech at Liverpool on the Armenian atrocities. He urged that the British Government withdraw Sir Philip Currie from Con- stantinople and give the Turkish Ambas- sador in London his dismissal The Manchester Guardian understands that an agreement is probable between Great Britian, Russia;'' and France' to bring about a settlement of the Eastern question, the co-operation of France be- ing purchased by an understanding re- garding Egypt. Mr. Francesca Antonio Gualco, man- aging director of Le Ligure Braziliana, has laid a charge 'of criminal libel against, Mr. Treffle Berthiaume, pro- prietor and publisher of La Presse, on account of certain statements regarding the emigration' of Canadians to Brazil, The Coughing and wheezing of persons troubled with bronchitis or the asthma is excessively harassing to themselves and annoying to others. Dr. .Thomas Eclectric Oil obviates all this entirely, safely and speedily, and is;; a benign remedy for lameness, sores, firjuries, piles, kidney and spinal troubles. TAKEN WITH SPASMS. A Collingwood Resident Tells Row South American Norville Cured Ris Dau ghter of Distressing Nervous Dis- ease. e The father of Jessie Merchant of Collingwood tells this story of bis eleven year-old daughter: "I doctored with the most skilled physicians in Collingwood without any relief coming to ney daughter, spending nearly five hundred dollars in this way. A friend influenced xne to try South American Nervine, though I took it with little hope of it being any good. When she began its use she was hardly able to prove about, and suffered terribly from nervous spasms, but after taking a few bottles she can now run around as other children." For stomach troubles and nervousness there is nothing so good as South American Nervine. Converted Them into Cash. "I am resolved "— The Borden burglar made another hasty resume of the house to see if there were any more diamonds. -"to leave no stone unturned!" Satisfied that he had, raked 'ern all in, he departed, cheerfully whistling. A CRIPPLE FROM RHEUMATISM. Cured by a Few Doses of South Anteri. can Rheumatic Cure—aiiraouious Ilut Fact. Mrs. N. Ferris, wife of a well-known manufacturer of Highgate, Ont., says: "For many years I was sorely afflicted with rheumatic pains in my ankles and at times was almost disabled. I tried every- thing, as I thought, and doctored for years without much benefit. Though I had lost confidence in medicines I was induced to use South u h America u Rheumatic Cure. To my delight, the first dose gave me more relief than I lied had in years, and two bottles have completly cured me. Better Than a Safe. Muggins—Burglars robbed me last night of $500 worth of jewelry; but theye didn't get my cash. Jnggins—How eves that? Muggins—The jewelry was in the burglar-proof safe, but my money was in my wife's pocket, so they couldn't find it, X,unatics and Criminals Should undoubtedly be placed under proper restraint, but the man, with whom the liquor habit has become a disease, ought not to be classed with either. He is a proper subject for medical treatment. The treatment of drunkenness, as a dis- ease,wasunknowu to our grandparents; so also were electric cars and telephones. They would have Laughed at the idea of any or either of them becoming working possibilities, That drunkenness can be cured by science, is now an established fact; and that the best, up-to-date, scien- tific treatment may be obtained at Oak- ville, is proved by the hundreds who have been cured there. For interesting pamph- let, and full particulars, address, The Manager Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, Out. On Another Spot. "What are you looking so doleful about?" said Sammy to Tommy, "Mamma's going to speak to papa,when he comes home, about something I did to- day! "I see. Well, what will you give me to take your thrashing off your hands?" "But that is not where Iusually get my thrashings."—Louisville Trnth. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F.J.Cheney for the last 15 years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin- ancially able to carry out any obligation mado by their firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Drufi ists,Toledo, O. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, wT olesate Drug- gists Toledo, O. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur - facet of the system. Price 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. One of Those Suro Signs. Brown—I shall have a cold dinner to-morr ow. Jones—How do you know? Brown—My wife went to cooking school to -day. FITS.—A11 fits stopped free acid permanent. le cured. No tits after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trial bottle sent through Canadian agency. Address Dr. Kline, 031 Arch St., Philadeloithi. Pa. Typewriter Supplies. Agent—Sir, do you need any typewriter supplies? Merchant—Yes; send me about four pounds of candy. One trial of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle, and see if it does not please you. To the Frig id. 'lone. "Is it true that young Wilson has gone on a polar expedition?" "Yes; he has gone to Boston. to see his girl." Hard and soft corns cannot withstand Holloway's Corn Cure; it is effectual every time. Get a bottle at once and be happy. The men wear skirts and the women trousers; the men Wear their hair long while the women coil th1;i rs into a knot. A good many people will not get even codfish balls this 'winter. The Labrador cod fishing for the season was a complete failure because the coast was blockaded with ice until the end of July. GOLD MINE. THE RICHEST GOLD MINE IN ONTARIO. THE GOLDEN GATE Situated in the Rainy River District, Ontario. A working mine produci lig gold bricks At the present rate of output a handsome divi- dend is assured on the stock. I have had placed in my hands for sale 150,000 shares of paid'up and non -assessable stock, par value 81 each, which I asp instrueted,for a short time only to offer AT r.tR. The moneyraisecl from the sale of this stock will be expended in purchasin;; more machinery to increase . the output of this far-famed bullion -producing mane. • The directors are prominent men in Montreal, Hamilton, Toronto and. stat Portage. Tho Manager of the Company, • iif'r. R. H. Ahn, • is pprobably the hest knownminieg expert 'in the Rainy River District. Alla l natio for stook ' ns o ocz � pp and any informa- tion will be furnished on application to FRANK MaPHILLIP , Mining' 'Broker toe• Rainy Ai ver District 1 Toronto Street, Toronto. ro iii,000s••000w00,r•010 •••••ra•gogimigfarm►ggett,►gic tt Don't miss the.... A ' Q assey'6 Magazine Q R Q l4 Q' See the up-to-date articles in the October number. Q SOLD BY ALL NEWSDEALERS IOC. PER COPY, $ 0 DU PER YEAR. o • >t! THE MASSEY PRESS - TORONTO, CANADA. 1111, 14, Soudan War Articles IN MR. FRANK L. PoLLoex, who represented rissey'S ,y .N12gzzilye in Cuba, has been engaged as our kt SPECIAL WAR CORRESPONDENT TO THE SOUDAN and a series of vivid articles will shortly appear, highly illustra- ted from photos, descriptive of events transpiring at seat of war, 3>♦ 4 • You Can Always Feel Gay no matter how cold or stormy the � day is—be you loan, woman or; child ---if you have your fall midi winter clothing interlined with' Fibre Chamois, This popular . style and warmth ,giver Sells now for 25 cents a yard. ,V �/ \, so that every one can afford to, 1 / 9 enjoycomforting, healthful.w �\ �� �- warmth it furnishes—no extra. weight or bulk, only a pliable stiffness and a cosy warmth of which the coldest winds or frostiest air cannot rob you. See that it is put in all ordered clothing, and look for the - label which shows that a ready-to-wear garment has been interlined with i't. You really can't afford to do without it,. it A GREAT HEATER small cost—tile NEW IDEA Wood Furnace has the greatest: heat generating capacity. It re. quires but little fuel and atten- tion, will burn any sized wood. It costs but little to buy, and. one could easily be put in your house. Ask about them. Tho,' are sold everywhere. MADE IN THREE SIZES BT CURNEY-TILDEN CO. LTD,, HAMILTON. GURNEY-MASSEY CO., MONTREAL. GURNEY STOVE AND RANGE CO., LTD., WINNIPEG. Worn-out billiard balls are usually cut up into dice. It is said that there is more gold in the sacred vessels, medals, chains, etc., pre- served at the Vatican than in the circula- tion of the whole of Europe. Gold Spectacles, $3, .Fitted by mail Steel Spectacles, $1, Prof. Chamberlain 87 King Street E.. Toronto, Beauty is but Skin Deed Therefore the nedessity for a Beautiful Skin and Clear Complexion. There are but two classes of we - men : those who have good complexions and those vie. wish to have them. PEACH BLOOM SKIN FOOD will preserve a good complexion or veil create one. It is not a cosmetic but f. Skin Food or Tonic, does not color the skin but clears it, gives firmness with fineness of texture and promotes healthy circulation, TIIUS IMPARTING BEAUTY'.. GREATEST CHARM A PERFECT COMPLEXION Price 50 cents at all drug stores or mai ed prepaid on receipt of price. PerfectHealth-nills removeiesfroallthe sys- Y lues from the sys- tem. Used wits, Peach Bloom they assure the beauty a :PERFECT HEALTH. Price 50 cents at all drug stores or sent prepaid on receipt o price. Address, CROWN 1!L' DDICINE UOM- PANY, TORONTO. Assessmenr.System. Mutual Prinetale PROTECTION Is what the Family Needs when the "bread -winner" is LIFE INSURANCE Provides Cash When cash is most needed. gon e. The Ettal Reserve Fuad Life Association, 7 E. B. HARPER, Founder. F. A. BURNHAM, President. PAYS PROMPTLY. It is the largest natural premium life associee tion in the world. It has a Reserve' or Emergency Fond of over thirty-fonr hundred thousand dollars. It has paid policy -holders over Twenty-seven Millions of dollars. Agents wanted in all unrepresented districts. Circulars sent if requested. A. R. MONICHOL, Manager for Manitoba, British Columbia and North-West Territories, McIntyre Block. Winnipeg, Man.; D. Z. Wes. SI2TTk, Manager for Quebec, 12 Place d'Armes, Montreal,' Que.; W. J. MURRAY, Manager for Nova Scotia, Halifax N. S. W. J. "MCMURTRY, 'Manager for Ontario, Freehold Loan Buildlrtr, Toronto, Ont. The Most Cleanly Manufactured Tem, in the World. SALADA CEYLON TEA Grown on the best tea producing soil in the, world. Lead packets only. Never in bulk.. All Grocers. The Discriminating Public a:ways ask for E. B. EDDY'S Matches JEALOUS RIVALS Cannot turn back the tido. The demand for Dr. Agnew's little Pills is a marvel. It's the old story, " The Survival of the, Fittest" and " Jealousy its own Destroyer." Cheap to buy, but diamonds in quality —banish nausea, coated tongue, water' brash, pain 'after eating, sink headaohe, never gripe, operate pleasantly. 40 doses' in a vial. 10 cents at all druggists. T. N. U. 88 Gives the latest and est b -Acourses of training in + its Commercial, Shorthand and Penman. ship Departments. rtn nt s. 8teents assisted to trona in is w k a.�ieW Terra now open. Students adm tte4 4 rany time. -Get aisle lei:—Mentton this paper. W. 73, SHAW, g{rinclpaI Toronto, Ontario, ,,'','(