The Exeter Advocate, 1896-10-7, Page 5f, xrc.YFr,'at. in TIDE OX,Jeter brforatt, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER, , ----By the --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS QF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum .if paid in Advance 81.50 if noeso paid. 8cierertisinsg Rate= cam, Zippliea- tio�. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid• Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for trauscient advertisements inserted for long periods. Everydescription of JOTS PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Oheques,moneyord- ors, &o. for advertising, subseriptions,oto.to bemade payable to Chas. Xi. Sanders EDITOR Aux) PROP iProfoSsaonal Car tiS. li.KINSMAN, L.D.S,l+anson's 731oolt two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, 1 X1�bT1 n, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Loan every Wednesday and at Zurich on last TTjiursday of each m °nth +tom` DR.D. ALTON A.NDERSO i,(D.D.S.,L.D,S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto T.Tni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alli modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law otRoe—opposite Central HIotel—Exeter• Medical T\It. G. S130i?L'rS, CENTRALI A .i.1 has moved olio door south. Drs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. ltesid.enecs, samo as formerly OFFICES, Spaekanalt,, building, Main St. Dr, Berlins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr, Amos' office, samo building—south door. May lst. 1503 S. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A, Amos, M. D 1-11t,T. P. 3feLATTGRLIN, MEMBER OF Al the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physielan, Surgeon and Acoouoh- our. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legati, pp H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- 1.1r. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Publie. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. L II,DICXSON,BARRISTER,FOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Publie, Con- veyan er,Commissioner, &e•Afoneyto loan Office—Fanson's Bleak ,Exeter LLIOT Sc ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETO„ Convoyanoing. and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Etensall every Thursday.. B. V. ELL10T. Fit nnenlCli ELLIOT Auctioneers a . Val BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auot- ▪ • ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended. to and terms red- soubalo.Sa1es arranged at Post office. Win- oholsea. JOHN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for t11e County of Duren Special attention given to farms and f'a1m stock sales. Charges moderate. Parses •contemplatin g having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further partioul.are, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Order, lett at the ADvoonre, Of ee, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. 1uve3roill. FRED, W,FARNCOAtet, Provincial Lana . Surveyor and Oivil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exotor. Ont. Insurance. E ELLIOT., Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to be tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we can make you Look Better in one of our choice suits clothes than any other tailor in town. A. Call Solicited. Bert. _Knight. MABELINE THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure yon w:. Asia your Druggist for Mabeline MABELINE is a positive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here. Itis the,general ens - tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad - ver ol.sin g medium with a medical' treatise, describing, in a highly, Y colored manner, , symptoms and forms of disease, snientiffira]- ly, and ensuch a way as to involve tbe read- er in a maze of theory and speculation.. W e avoid all this sensational way of ad'vertis- ing. If von are sick it is presumed that you ,know oft he fact and can form some idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- vise youenerally. MADE.LINE is vegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with perfect safety. MABELINE is placed incapsules and they aro applied directly to, the diseased parts. Full directions, how to apply on every 6 box. Send $1 for one month's treatment. 54 capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars for any other remedy when you can buy Mabeline for one dollar? Address all communications to THE SALUTING CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont, Who can think me sim le. dee of ao P n l tent �Illanted A thinlstopa z Protect your ideas; theymay bring you wealth. Write .tOEN WEDDERBIIEN & CO., Patent Attor- ys Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize offer, and 'sieve, o1 two hundred inventions wanted. Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build- ing up medicine leads everything ever. produced. It is positively the best. Others may make the same claim. But there's this difference; We peeve'it. Not by an- tiquity, but by Merit. Not by what Weeny, what S area- does. a rec- but by ood's' parilia It has ord of Cures unequalled in medical history. It positively, perfectly and permanently cures when all other medicines fail. That the keen discrimination of the people recognizes its merit and the cures by flood's Sarsaparilla, is shown by the fact that they y lassx li buyef- Hood's Sarsapa- and to the ex - elusion of all others. Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than all other • blood purifiers. It wins con- fidence everywhere because the .state- ments in its advertising and testimonials are verified by all who take it. No other medicine has ever received such praise, or so many voluntary testimonials of won- derful cures. No other medicine possesses !1 a e41a 0 �+a the peouliar combination, proportion and process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to itself. This is the secret of its wonderful power, of its wonderful sales, of its won- derful hold upon the confidence of the people. This is why it cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys- pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the nerves, creates an appetite and strengthens the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True Blood Purer. Sold by all druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Flood's Pills Allied lhievaetr faatimninity aneta.thxratlsy to take, easy to operate. Ali druggists, 26 cents. .t,; •Liolw ';loa}ec Aclletis HUHN AORDIDi'SIO 10o44.exo11slupzotut15e4005 •U'0'0 Tiles escapee' •sadoioetie meta 'lel tiepg -non bur o saesa -a u e W 1.te e.t J_ a ,.UO ff .to;>lun18 uulisan:0 .t0 03l A' '9C (pasualsn]ll) sKooii 'aa -'d u.ila.ellns -trove-.sleastreeeppnaapere Act; -Pleepootetrue eso-rseete eausin tean'et;uun ertouaeodvai ,eeeio a.ana.oeieviteencloosnon.tetaoU -i elc SS'ele000lanA'suolssIWz ono on i j ! ta `lull rural o.41 ao aaalig ay.o..) i suUD 8111 Tuadssiyl nso ssaoweegs ao'sasue -5111 pools •sess0azs to}se 'esnee 1185' eo muse' ern 9urano ul aims; eeeen el* 'peon -uvut;sot salcigeaa pun son:runleul :s«seal pun sunup Tea sdoss tetter o praxes cull os &4llusles^o5set0 83x ftuass&ssnceSan erg suogsiiu0ale pun du spipaq 01 •one sane& Teepees sa Sg peaoaooslp sunt peewee &ell pat 1'14 ' ue'ttrill -sag snW, ,. t Amy ?aqua a(1 ale saol ;io% „Los os ouul.To3s1410& eq Lutao0Tapn 100 aJJeW 01 OVA 110A 11 •saalsep pun E2IOuo (VW. `tfsueass auol aaoss0l use om so eouu an 9n Tnsu00 peony,' en nod ll •ATsuouutd -rolatone 90100 pOIOOE A0TT an0 '03]T polkat ut ss0atdd1q aeSunpuo s1llgd.s pea eeagemsutnaede 'eleoo0p0.' 1.001, -estall,; troy cyp7'.Ia4/)nfs7lyl„ 10gtuemoT •passesep ao poueaT0a& uoaq coal nos IT pain Afaap1sod ern uo6 pp)�uyn�iu�04111 est aaeeu' p5110118 a;TT 3 9' 11 lel ft 6' lt4 ur doss Stun rodu1T sp{y tisitaeass Aja Poilinol poduoe6a 9aeuateo3o aiOn;T .: 1411"0n001 uepgnooo 0 teloao0ra0A imam egos :OsooTaree isa0OTn tsunureuoq igos Kao& :Salgoot T1asa19uq isueuaescoxe no Sulzoo :Tools 1.0 entrap :sossorsg9Tupus suanaap teoe; no seamed iperaniq pus pee'uoriuns sage larq 4Toro Ipatap ;; Aftsse :roodd 1aowtent :Beano. :uoeugmn outs0utusoutpene ipalnsmeop p'un eno.1na 100 oat nos, 1 ep IIM ai fe B i f� 1e110 MON '11021,2a snoZ 6I SasEasap evakpd pi1E I>'nxas'POORI `snoma ! 10 p.p.' eql ul ssslisloads NVENIA03N113}1 SH 0100L9 1 Ol'-D t',..r SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irregularity and weakness, hoop tiro organs,n healthy condition. The 'Wafers s aro "Life Savers' to young women, aid graceful development, pcevlde pain- less, 1 egulnr periods. Ask for The Detroit brand. 00 druggists 'sen them atttpor box. NO better remedy for women lntown, EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel Barley $0,53 to 05 25i t0 21 Oats 16 to 1'' Peas Butter Eggs: 1, 40 to 13 lttoil 1- Potatoes porbag ;2? Onions 40 to 40 Flay per ton. , 900 to 10.00 Dried Apples per 115` 1P AL AT THE NEW u BUTCHER SHOP O® Pure Lard, Head Cheese, Hams and Rolls, Breakfast Bacon, , * , e` Roils, , Beef, • Lamb, Fresh Pork, Bologna, Fries, Long lean Bacon, Chicken,Ducks. And ell kinds of Meat and Poultry found in a well Reg- ulatediefeatMarket. L. DAY, Pro:), dC One door. South of CENTRAL • HOTEL, WOODSTOCK NOTES. Underwood to be Given Up to the United States Autharitice—Earn Wagon Works Droving. Woodstock, Oct. .2.—Chief Skirving, of Ingersoll, and Detective Matsoh were in town yesterday, and saw. County Crown Attorney Ball in reference' to the. removal of Undetwood,the man wanted at Houston, Texas, On the charge, of murder. So far the latter has failed' to raise the necessary funds with which to further fight bis extradition, and before he left Detective Matsoh was given to unaerstansd that Underwood would he given up to bin) at the end of the week. The following aro the Custom returns for the month of September; Value of free goods, $28,281; value of dutiable goods, $29,814; duty oolleoted, 99,098.39; exports, $56,655, The death took • place on Tuesday of. Alex, Kaunas, SOS of Mrs, McInnes,. Park road. The deceased was only thirty- eight years of ago, and was a viotim of consumption for the past five months. Wont was received this morning that the Bain Wagon Works Company, of Brantford, would move to Woodstoole to occupy the big Patterson factory, owned by the Masssey-Harris Co., who are now large stookholders in the Rain Company. 7Tbe company is expected to employ two hundred. hands. Excavations were com- menced this morning for the new fate tory 02 'the James lday Co., who now Partially occupy the Patterson building, and employ about seventy-five hands. THE TELEGRAPHERS' STRIKE. The Backbone of the Strike Lrviclontly Ilroken.. • Toronto, Oct 5.—Up iu the Chief De- spatoher's oineo last night everything was apparently running smoothly and satisfactorily. When asked if ..there were any new developments in the telegraphers' strike, the reply from both Mr, Pride, the Chief Despatcher, and Mr. Williams, Assistant Superintendent of the division, was that so far as the Ontario & Quebec division was ooncerned they were experiencing no trouble whatever. All passenger trains were running on time, and to show that the freight waffle was not being hampered in any way Mr. Wil- liams produced the despatchers' working sheets, whiob showed that up to 10.50 p.m. they had yesterday moved six freight trains between Toronto and Lon- don, three between London and Windsor and four between Woodstock and St. Thomas. This, he said, was a little in excess of their usual Sunday business. On Saturday the freight moved be- tween these places was also above the average. Five freight trains left London for Toronto, three of them double-head- ers, which landed in Toronto with 89 ears, or 870 tons of freight; 015 tons was brought from Owen Sound. The average time of each train from the latter place was ten hours, This is about the usual time taken to make the trip. Eels 1MIurder Investigation. Sweetshurg, Oct. 3.—Tho investigation into the Edy murder near Claronoeville three years ago was reopened in priyato before Judge Chauveau of Quebec had Deputy Attorney -General Cannon this afternoon. The antilorities are extremely reticent, but Mr. Cannon gave out the following statement: "We have certain information in our possession, gathered by .Ikir. Gale, which leads us to believe thatby summoning certain witnesses located by Mr. Gale we will obtain ad- ditional evidence, foreshadowed by Mr. Gale, which will justify us in arresting pertain parties in connection with this murder.” It is expected that the present inquiry may last a week or more, accord- ing to the oflioials, anti matters will bo delayed •on account of the faulty com- munication with witnesses and the bad railway service. High Constable G. N. Gale bxonght in three witnesses to -day. They were IoIr. Gilbert, the farmer of the Edy farm; his son, and Mr. Newman, a neighbor. They are all being confined in jail. The A.netont Capital. , Quebec, Oct, 2.—The body of a new- born babe was found on the steps of the Sacred Heart hospital this morning. October came in yesterday morning with rain, which for a while came down in unknown quantities. The city streets were speedily turned into small lakes and the hills into miniature waterfalls, and some houses in the lower levels were partially inundated, In certain places along the cove, torrents of water came down the face of the cliff with a big rush, notably so near the Allan line wharves, No. 0 Fire station, and just oast of the long steps. At the last plaoe the building at the foot of the stairs was more or less flooded, and Mrs. Kelly, one of the occupants, woke up with her room buried in two feet of water. A. Fanner .Trilled. Stratford, 'nt., Oct. 6.—Mr. William Hannah, a well-known farmer, living on the eighth concession of Elma, was thrown out of a rig at Atwood on Satur- day a11d instantly killed. In endeavoring to stop the runaway borse deceased turned the rig into the ditch. The rim of one of, the wheels broke, and Mr. Hannah ws violently thrown out upon the spokes, which went into his neck, cut- ting it . almost from ear to ear. His mother, who was riding with hien at the Mine, was also thrown • out, and was found lying by the roadside unconsoious. Medical aid was summoned, but it is not likely that she will survive the shock, as she is more than 70 .years of age: Fatal Accident at Dresden. Chatham, Oct. 2.-A very sad and fatal accident occurred to Mr. and Mrs. Walker, of Oakdale, who were driving to Dresden on a visit to their son, Mr.' Walker of the cheese factory, North Dres- be of t of town Wben some m iles x the staple Caine out of the doubletree, let- ting the tongue down• The front wheels turned around and threw the rig into h ditch. The d• couple ere thrown the l pd. w .out; Mr. Walker was not seriously hurt, but the result of Mrs, Walker's injdries :proved fatal. The remains were removed to the house oecupied by Mr. Reeks, op- posite'the cheese factory,. Mr. Walker is 65 yearsold and quite toeble. He e ] s his sad bereavement very keenly. Verdict in the Woodstock Shooting. Woodstock, Oct. 3. -The inquest on the body of Levi Gardner, the colored man found dead in his house on Oxford Street last Saturday, was continued and completed to -night. Considerable unim- portant testimony was token, and , the verdict brought in by the jllry was to the. effect that deceased came to his death IIy as bullet discharged ' from :a pistol in the hands of some one unknown. IT IS A PLEASURE For Mr. Davidson to Speak. An Esteemed Citizen of the Ancient Capital. What He Thinks of Paine's Celery Compound. The following letter form .Mr. Wm. Davidson, of No, 2 Olive Street, Que- bec, P. Q., is so very plain and lucid that it requires no explanatory remarks. His objeet`i.s to draw the attention of the siek and afflicted to that fountain and. source of life from which he re- ceived supplies of new health. Ile says It is with sincere pleasure and grati- tude I refer to your Paine's Celery Compound, and the wonders I received' from its use. To tell the truth, before using it I had little confidence in it, but,coticiud- ed if it did me no good it could not make me any worse than I was. I had suffered for years From indiges- tion, liver complaint and kidney dis- ease, and began with Paine's Celery Compound in order to give it a thor- ough testing. After a fair use of the Compound. I am as well as ever I was, and all my troubles have disappeared, and I am etljoying good heath. Your lnetliciee is a wonderful one; it is far superior to all others, as it truly gives life, and puts the entire system iu a healthy condition. As a purifier of the blood I find it has no equal, and I heartily recommed its use to all suffer - era." Can stronger proof than the above be required to convince any sick and diseased. man or woman that Paine's Celery Compound is the best medicine in the world? Surely dearreader, you will admit it is worthy of a trial. You are seeking for new health, and therefore need the very best. Be sure you ask for and use only "Paige's the only genuine cel- ery, in the world. EVERYD� NOW , M I LSY Is a very remarkable remedy, both for IE- TERNAL and EXTERNAL use, and won- derfulinits quick action to relieve distress. PAIN -KILLER is >s sero care for Sore 'Eltroat. Coutrlte. chills, ADiarrhtrn, Reeentery, Cramps, Cholera, mei an dowel complaints, PAIN-KILLERZETe1BE oTre►. Sickness._ Sick DAentlarltee Pain in the Back Or Side, llilletitnatlani and Nem:114a. PAIN -KILLER is t'xOrSsTloJADLY the >fs)fs iT 11.150na13CNa SLIDE. It brings sr1;6DY A21D PSIt)IAIIthT RELIEF 1 all cases of Bruises; Cuts, Sprains, Sovoro Burns, etc. PAIN -FILLER trust d wen do oraihe Mechanic, Farmer, flutter, Sailor, and In Metall classes wanting a eedictue always attend, and SAFE To 0915 internally or externally with certainty of relief. Beware of imitations. Tato none but the genuine °nutty DAvls. `• Sold everywhere; see.,big bottle. VERT LARGE BOTTLES 50 Cents Rock Glen. Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of I+urnitu.ie; for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty andare admired by all who have southern. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown.- Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety, , We Sell Cheap, A Crystallized Rock sixty-five feet high on the banks of a branch of the Sauble River, near Arkona:— Since I had the pleasure to visit "Rock Glen," I now will describe it to you with my pen; And if by good fortune you ever go there You .,gill then remember these lines of "Adore,1' It is here the big Sauble with crystalline stream, Has for, banks a high rock that with crys- stals doth gleam; Now .tbisisthe reason as I told my Guide then, That the Arkona 'people have named it 'flock: Glen." Was a place like this foiled upon some dis- tant shore, Our Canadian people would prize it the more: But alas 1 For the taste and the whims of the men, Is there no one but me to. sing of "Rock Glen ? 1d have you time. gentle reader to read, this report, Or have you the time to take a days sports Then let me induce you to- day with my pen To go to Arkona and visit "Rock Glen." Arkona itself is a nice little town, And one that is worthy of winning re- nown; It stands in 'the midst of a fine farming d, And lanalI'its environs are certainly grand Flerethe dence forest teas with their eyes - g• een sMade a i , Bang ofe1 the river that Howes through glade; lade• And here from a distance the women and men Can . call at Arkona and visit "Rock Glc.,." I have sailed the St. Lawrence that flows to the sea, And its thousand Islands baye charms for me; 13ut I can now what I could'nt say then, '1 here s no finer a viewthan th?re is at "Rock Glen," Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high Priced. We sell cheaper than any house In town. R. N, ROWE Imperial Meat Market. having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadmau (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones, Fresh Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual. ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop, Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5°', will be given for cash. C. SMELL, — Prop. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. INCNN'S ER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST Sf11.E iN GA,h-AD... EF YOU ANT 1" RAVEL Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give .you the best and at reasonable rates. St. Marys: A pleasing affair took place at the residence of Mr. (xeorese. Brown, on ,Tuesday evening, when his daughter, Bessie, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Chas. C. Wright, of the firm of Johnston &Wright, St. Marys, A CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett To Cure RHEUMATISM 2'gDMM Bristol's SARSAPARILLA ITIS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. IT WILL 1.>!IAKE YOU WELL Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. i„i1T)1,TIT,TTT,T„d TTTTt1T 1IIT T I 1111T fTTTTT .TheD®&L. a I on! Is invaluable, if you are run down,as it is a food as well as E a meicine. € The D. &e L Emulsion li :' 1 Will build you up if your general health is 'i FF impaired8+,.. & p! � E The. Emulsion mulsion P Is the best and mostP, palatable preparation of Cod Liver 00, t bagreeing � ith be most deli. tate: stomachs. s i The ii% Emulsion Th D. L. E p Is rescr>, bed by g physicians the leadin h sicians of Canada. The D. e' L. Emulsion Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give you an appetite. C 50C. & $1 per Bottle Be sure you getI OAyig a. LAWRENCE CO., LTD. the genuiie. MONTREAL 51111E it,a 11 l t as aauu rCt.0 ai ii rat.. Light Weight. THE Weight is Light. The Inducements ale heavy, the styles are everything, the most fastidotis' could desire. All our light weight goods,are exceptionally stylish and attractive and we will, make thele up at figures that will open your eyes with wonder. We are mating a big sale of Suinmer Goods. through this mouth. Come and see us at once and get a bargain See our $2 Pantings. lliade to Order. "Remcmbcr the Place. J111TES H. Gain& G11J LEY & SON Will now be found in their new premises. The Op3ra Uouze Block. See change of 'Ad.' next Week.. S. GIDLEY & SON, OPERA HOUSE Bloch Bicycles! Bicycles!! BiC 1es111 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest pricers,, Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice to of Pianos and organs, call and int spect them before buying elsewhere' A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martis., CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Wilian's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, hs colds and bronchitis troubles Winan'scondition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al - Ways on hand -,also Aceto gene 1 f cto and Liniment, a nkme , the medicine so successfully used by i\lr. Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cure zn various diseases. For sale here, 1r,�pn nye Druggist {r} C. L. i "Z Druggist C