The Exeter Advocate, 1896-10-1, Page 4THE icy. There are those who spell it "buy'' �. er Abrocatt, As. PI, Sancl,ers, Editor and Prop TiRSDAY, October 1st, 1896 T.1L. CREDIT SYSTEM*. Te silver and gold question is ou 1i`;a i.0 the United States at the, present s",,•z' te. In Canada, the buy -for -cash is the s::a'olem. Buying goods au credit is entee ply a. matter of habit, as every mer • tetent and a great many farmers know, if people could not obtain credit they sold find. some means of paying cash for their purchases, The best proof of <• :s is found in - the case of railroad neelling. People who know that if i°rey do vat pay cage for their -tickets e ey eaunot travel. The fact is Dot :regarded as a hardship, it is accepted as a matter of course and when rich or ?Dor want to go any place the money lee the trip is promptly forth coming, Blew is it that a rule which works all ri;,li;t in one business, will not work e :4,faetorily in ;mother ? .Why should ies le; more of a hardship to pay cash fe•r dry goods, groceries and other reeessaries of life, than to pay cash for Ireil road tickets? All that the change ?'re•ea credit to cash means is Simply n ter of laying low for a few weeks tt mouths and catching up. It is just. n ;easy gaud a good deal cheaper: and veltainly more satisfactory to pay for „:,els when you buy them, as it is to 7�`:y for them a week ora munch after - lairds. People who buy on credit are eetn.s lee into purchasiug things they me get :Jong very well without, and ::,id way they keep on mortgaging 1i:'r future, the money earned to -day J:;sa to pay the purchases of yesterday, bile the purchases of today are r't,ered against the earnings of to - never. In this way life becomes n.,:ing but a soul -wearying attempt ,;lirlb to gine top of the mountain that rice. proportionately higher with every ecep up its aide. The credit habit is es for everybody and must be dis. e; rbed. ?uTI:;It'4 LISTS FOR TIIE BY - Now . Now that the thirty -day limit is y: ssed, and the country cannot escape paying each member of Parliament a full thousand dollar.i for his attendance at this °' extra session," it may possibly .eeanz wise to the Government to let %frena make e. greater pretence of earn- . im their indemity by doing a little 'aseisled logi rating. The proposal that Parliament shall adjourn and not pro, re ne when it has finally decided to ,~suit work t" this autumn is a good nee butproloegen scissions before have been aceompani •1by votes of increas- rb indemnity. au that the country will :nit rejoice too confidently aver the gain areal if an adjournment is made, Yet a'roetlling mightbedone towardsdamp- ill; :lack this demand for a bonus by ;setting some work out of the way this year, and thus making it possible to fora sborter time next spring. .ane task that might very profitably lis disposed of, is the repeal of the Fran- celbise Act and the substitution therefore la ,. Manhood suffrage measure. The ,political probabilities predict thecomin' 1. rl covey of byelections in the near ! 'ere: and it wou'd h: nothing short of a seandai to hold the contests on vot- ers'fists that were old last June. They *rennet be fully two years old before any leetlections can be brought about. To W.V. these lists would mean at the out- election, audinsist that they know whereof they write•. Now these coming. by,olectioas are going to be eritiea the extreme. Neither party Will b elined to spare its energies in the test. What a piece of folly, then; to put it more strongly—to thrust the hauds of the combatants in t crucial contests a voter's list that vites corruption with a long ton,, These will be the olectious when, in than on ordinary accessions, ev gateway to dishonest politics ought be closed. At all events, the voters' which is the basis of the whole cont 1 in o in - can. —not into hese in- lee! ore ery to list, est,, should be en honest one, .A stale list can never be honest, and presents the corrupt politician with his easiest oppor- tunity, The by-elections, moreover, won af- ford - td a£ ford an excellent chance to test on a small scale and under careful inpection the working of any new manhood suf fra;e act that Parliament might adopt. Faults could be seen andcorrected, omissionssupplied,weaknesses strength ened, ati before the law was called upon to do duty in a general election. It is a capital chance to try such a measure, and there is abundant reason for the pressing of it through Parliament at this time in the shockingly stale con- dition of the existing lists, This Lib- eral Governmentwould hardly venture upon another revision of the old kind; and even if it were minded to do so, there is not time before any by•elections that may occur prior to the t,'Iext session, The simplest way out of the difficulty is to pass at once a manhood suffrage measure. AMPIPSIOMIMOMMAIMOMPINAHIMME American Eyes It is not strange that some of the leading American newspapers are won- dering how it is possible to publish so large and so excellent a paper as the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is for one dollar a year. It must be the enormous cireulatiou of the Family Herald and Weekly Star that enables its publishers to issue it at the price. Each issue of the Family Herald and Weekly Star eoutaius one hundred and twenty-eight full columns and by actual count what each subscrib er to it gets in one year is equal to the contents of fifty bound volumes, each having two hundred and fifty pages, and such valuable matter, too. Every line that goes into the Family Herald and Weekly Star must cost money, for its publishers seem to act as if they would have none but the best. We would be afraid to estimate what the publishers of the Family Herald must expend eaeh year to sustain the high reputation of their paper. Its great circulation tells the story. Sure to Win. The people recognize and appreciate real merit. That is why Hoods's Sar- saparilla has the largest sales in the world. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures—absolutely, permanently cures. It is the One True Blood Purifier. Its superior merit is an established fact, and merit wins, Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate, Cure indigestion, headache, Robt. Gardiner, of Harwich, dropped dead in a doctor's office at Ridgetown, Clinton: Brakeman Smith, of the G-. T. R., had one of his hands painfully squeezed at the station Monday. Mr. Torrence a student of Knox Col- lege, and his 'wife were drowned on Sparrow Lake by the upsetting of their canoe. Wm, Wm, Buckner, of Cottam, had his leg caught and terribly lacerated by a steam cutter Thursday. He will be laid up for some weeks. While Mrs. Thomas Hobden, of Min- den township, was making up her bed she found a snake 18 inches long .nail- ed up between the feather tick and the straw mattress. of that the age limit was raised with. to .sat; Parliamentary action faun twenty- ba m: to .twenty-three, and that every an young man who has come of age since tete early part' of 1895 would be want - i,,; disenfranchised without opportunity Mrs, T. Phillips, of Kingston returned her burning house to look for a lady arder and was overcome by smoke d found dead by the firemen. All the other occupants of the house escap- ed, Levi Gardiner, a colored man of odstock, was found dead in his house Saturday morning with a bullet. ough his head. The widow and a. man named McComas have been placed under atrest, Walter Mills, barrister, Ridgetown was in Chatham on Friday, entering, three suits for trial at the next assizes., The next suit is Abel Miller vs. James Byfield, the plaintiff charging the de fendant with slander by accusing him of the paternity of Miss Scott's child. The third suit, is entered by Henry Curtis, who claims $10,000 of Henry Stevens for the alleged alienation of his wife's affections. All the-gparties live in Highgate. .a:;'�ta Henry Boxall died in East Zorra on Thursday from typhoid, This is the seventh death within the radius of a quarter of a mile. Five in one family died from the disease, and another is down with it, through dr'inking bad water. The other two were brought in close contact with the ill-fated family, fromwhom they received the disease 2e appeal, Then as if to aggravate Wo thr :',hs theft of political right from the land of the nation's young manhood, The dead of the last two years are given suffrage.. More than that, those who lava left the country during that time lava yet on these !belated lists the right to vote; while all who have mov- ed from one constituency to another, tenet vote where they now live but slave the right to vote where they can- mot be canvassed and identified. These hast three classes open a fine field for abs foraging of the " telegrapher." He n,';il make it his business to see that the aranchised dead do vote; that the nen of bad taste who has left Canada err the silver -stagnated country to the flolth turns up on polling day and eaerks his ballot for the party in whose Tay the personator is; while the Caned- = eitizen who has simply moved from trine constituency to another, and azgasinst whom the most careful local cl.Irass cannot guard, will return for ;galling purposes, either personally or r',per'son atorally." A critical by-election is seldom re ed as painfully provocative of purr When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorie. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, when she hecame Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castor,, ARRESTED FOR FRAUD. A volunteer Talton Into custody on His Return From Camp—Offering Gottnter- felt Tokens for Sale, Owen Sound, Sept. 29.—This morning at eight o'clock Inspector 'Rogers of the Ontario Criminal Investigation Depart- went arrested Samuel Penny here for offering, by writing letters, to sell coun- terfeit tokens oi' value and also for using a fictitious name: In carrying out his schemes. It seems that Penny has been in the business .since March last, at which time, at least, he rented a box in the peat-oftioe. A short time slime a party to whom Penny had sent a oiroular offer- ing to sell tho ooanterfeie tokens . for- warded the circular to the Ontario Crim- inal Investigation Department at Toronto. with the result that . it was asoortained that Penny was renting the post -office box number 108 here. " Immediately a decoy letter wast sent to box 10S, and In- spector Rogers carne here one week ago - to -day. Penny, however, was at camp (Niagara) with the thirty -,first battalion, Owen Sound. Inspector•. , Rogers went back to Toronto, returning here Satur- day, on which day the soldiers came from camp. This morning while the inspeotor was watching the box Penny name to the post -office and, took from his box four letters. ` He was at once arrosted,whon it was found that they were of an incrim- inating nature, Inspector Rogers also went to Penny's residence and made a search, obtaining other evidence whioh will prove damaging to the prisoner at hist i zeal Penny any came before F. M. George Spencer at ten o'clock, when he was remanded for one week. Mr. A. G. Mackay appeared on behalf of the Crown, Mr, H. G. Tucker has been employed by the prisoner. A BRUTAL ASSAULT. A 'ivldow Lady of Durham Robbed and Assaulted by a iilau Who lied Asked for Something to Iiat. Durham, Sept. 29,—.Last night a man broke into the house of Mrs, A. E. Hinds, a widow, stole a small sum of money and brutally assaulted her. Her young son, awakened by the noise, ran downstairs to awaken two young nien boarders, , The little fellow was so dis- tracted, al! he could say was go up stairs. Thinking perhaps the house was on fire, and hurriedly dressing, ono ran outside, while the other ran upstairs. When reaching the top step he saw the. man julep through a window on to the kitchen roof, but before the alarm could be given no trace of hint' could be found. Its seems the brute called at the house in the afternoon and asked for something to eat, which Mrs. Hinds gave him. While eating be asked where the boss was. She replied that she was the boss. She noticed that he took a survey of the room before leavin ;, and from this, she is confident that it was the sante one who committed the deed. This is the description she gave: Height, five feet tdh, age about forty, dark moustache, soft rowdy hat, black grey shirt ani black necktie, good black clothes, but somewhat worn. The above description has been sent to surrounding places, and everything is being done to try and catch the villain. OPERATORS' STRIKE. C. I'. It. Telegraph Operators Demand an Increase of Wages. Toronto, Sept ' 29.—A strike which may or may not assume widespread pro- portions was inaugurated at nine o'clock last evening Among the railroad tele- graphers on the Canadian Pacific rail- way. While it was understood to have bean ordered over the entire :system, at the hour of midnight all the lines west of this city were working. The Toronto eperators were on duty at midnight, but between hers and Montreal they have nearly all gone out, In Montreal the trouble has assumed formidable propor- tions. There are between 400 and 500 men enyployed on the system, many of whom belong to the Order of Railway Telegraphers. The strike was ordered from Montreal, probably upon the recom- mendation of a committee, but the men were called out by their thief, Mr. T. M. Pierson, of Peoria, 111, The strike has been inaugurated for increased wages, varying according to different statements from 10 to 50 per cent. higher than those as present paid, shorter hours and no station duty. The natuxe of this latter demand becomes clear when it is known that station duty constitutes almost the entire wort: of operators at small stations, the messages to be sent not amounting to more than an hour's work a clay at many places. Belleville. Belleville, Sept. 29.—Tessa W. Minor, for nine years a prominent and respected resident, died here euddenlythismorning at the age of 05. Death is believed to have been caused by over exertion 6'h a bicyole. Mr. Minor was a prominent Mason and was a Past Master of Step- henson Lodge, Toronto. He was consid- ered to be exceptionally well informed in the ritual of the craft. Time it was with no little surprise that his friends learned that a few days previous to his death he had been received into the Roman Cath- olic Church and that he died in that faith. He was born near Port Colborne and resided at various times in bis life at St. Thomas, St. Catharines, Owen Sound, Buffalo, New York and Toronto. Suffocated in a Burning Rouse. Kingston, Sept. fib.—A very sad affair happened pp eed here this morning. About four o'clock fire started , in the residence of Mrs.1?hillips, a washer -woman, on Queen street., One of her children was awakened by smoke, and he alarmed the others, Mrs. .Phillips got her children, four in number, oat of the house safely, and went. back to save a boarder, Miss Aclstt. While Mrs. Phillips was in, the building she was overcome by smoke, and suffo- cated before the firemen could reach her. when they found her . she was lying on her lace lifeless, in one of the back rooms. In the meantime 1\iiss Adsit had escaped by -a bank window. The build- ing, whish was destroyed, was owned by Ald. J. S. Skinner, and is assessed for $800. Looks Like MIurder. Woodstock, Ont, Sept, 57.—Levi Gardi- ner, a colored roan, aged 88, was yes- terday morning,' about half -past eight," found dead in his house, a bullet from a pistol having passed clean through his head. All the circumstances surrounding the case seern to point conclusively to murder, and the chief evidence of this is the fact that no 'pistol couldbe found any'w}ere in the house, Two ,afeests have been made on suspicion. The prisoners are Hattie, " the wife of deceased, and William MoCombus, a negro who is re- ported to have been a frequent visitor at the Gardner house when the husband was out working on a y -farm in'"Dereham As Jchn Black, of Largie, with a number of others was hel lin • to d a threshing machine into a barn the other day the machine swerved and the table struck Mr. Black on the face, breaking his nose and inflicting a se- vere wound on his forehead, which re- quired several stitches. A lad•named Harrison was attacked by a furious dog Wednesday night just back of the G. T. R. station, Parie. The animal, which is a small one, ran up behind and gave him a severe bite on the leg and then made his escape. A very sudden deathoccurred on the farm of Mr. David Nichols, Westminster Sunday. The fifteen -year-old daughter of Mr, Johu Barney, of Lambeth was at work at the farm house, when she suddenly fell over and wasdead before relief could be afforded her. Heart die. ease is the supposed cause. Tone, a twelve year-old daughter of Mr. Littler, of the G. T., Paris, while playing around her home Wednesday received a nasty fall. She was running at the time and tripper over a water bucket, falling on it. Dr, Keane was. called and discovered the little girl had broken two ribs. oNIMAINEEmblink,12,12 PYNY- E TO A , Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci. entitle certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in its effects, W. C. nlcCoMsf a & Sou, Bouchette, Que., C pCarccan of chroni cold in ellen aud brow lde tote tuaiid alsolmired W. G. AB:Cumber of a MR- j, I;, holly, Chemist, Asa general enuugh e and lung syrup• writes • bas given thutast utminvaluable st a satisfaction to all Brie have tried It many laving spoken to mn of the benefits derived from its use In their allies, It is suitable for old or young. bring Nieman to the taste, Its sale with me has boots wonderful, and I can always reeumund it as a sera and reliable cough inedlulne.'•m Large Bottle, £e Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., L•in. Sole Proprietors MONTREAL �'+'nATI 'ESN 4 Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont,, and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour aakd time of need," Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for /d ibet Ca cnitl 1e and full particulars, which we will send by return mail iu plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Room 3—No. 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. 1 Wme Radam 4 •' Microbe Killer ,!�, rI aus:trUran„p,A The ., .• , �.,:� Only Remedy That '( Removes �( The True Cause Of Disease From !� The System. L All diseases are caused by U microbes, which are living `f germs in the blood; and these V' microbes cause inflammation, v, fermentation and decay. Thousands Of persons will testify to its wonderful powers. Send for circular. 14 11...3.,,... lAt...._L- a/ste ,1 CO LONDON, ONTARIO. ifj, WISE WOMEN SPEAXI They Use only the Diamond Dyes. y Mrs, Thos, Miser, St. Helen's Ont., says: ",I have used your Diamond Dyes for many years and arc delighted with them." Mrs. Ryan, Head Lake, Ont., says "Entirely pteased with Diamond Dyes; they give complete satisfaction, I would not use any other after my ex- perience with the "Diamond," Mrs. A. R. Steeves, Meadow, N. B. says : " Diamond Dyes give lovely colors: they are easy to use and yery reliable; 1 highly recommend them," Mrs. Charles Gange, St. Chrysostome P. Q says: "Your Diamond Dyes are splendid and should be kept in every home." Mrs. R. R J. Hannah, Poplar Poin, Man., says: • " Diamond Dyes are a perfect success and no trouble." Mrs. A. F. Davis, Knowlton, P. Q„ says: " I use Diamond Dyes with great success. I can re color old dress- es and make' them look as good as, tgwnsbip. nut s. �e;4n 65m! a -fi,,, •iri +... 01'1,7 d;9nt"'a5 VII 5 t'' 4,;'' for Enfants and hildl'ene OT +' ERS, D o ¥• U KNOW that i'afegoric, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opine or morphine? Do Vou 1st nerve that opium and tnorphiue are stupefying narcotic poisons? Do you XErgow that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labelling them poisons? Do You MIAOW that you' should not permit any medicine to be given your " child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed? Do Ton lent®vv that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, .and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle? Do You Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. SAarrrea PITCHER. That it has been its use for nearly thirty years, and that more. Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined? 11 T Do Von f nnow that the Patent Office Department of the Trailed States, and of "1 other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word "Castoria ,t and its formula, and that to imitate thein is astate prison offense ? Do Von Iintoev that one of' the reasons for granting this government•protection was because Castoria had beeu proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Von 1's -tow that 55 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35' Cents, or one cent a dose ? Do Bron Knew that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children will be kept well, and that yott will have unbroken rest? well, these thinngs are worth knowing. They are facts. The fae•siinitle signature of is On every wrapper. Children C yfor Pitcher's Castoria. THC CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITY. r...gr: 9 !MA. r tel'llav;+, 221..‘ °x :a ;ivfn '..1 ?r, o -At,• II ;s esr�t We never make effoits to induce people to visit our store in search of my thica l advertised bargains which do not exist or which are "just out," � . S;ws We have just received an excellent lino of Cross Cut Saws and axes. They sire all the best makes, and we sell them at right prices. Drop in and see them. Also a good line of apple parers and lanterns. xes CEME T'TNIR � � Y CHEAP. H. BISHOP & BOAT. Through & TJirou 6 Examine boththe SxQRTHMth scour es of FOREST CITY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE, LONDON, ONT. And you will find them practical as all points. Students attend this College from 1 g om al parts of the county, Finest st Col- lege work in Canada, Graduates successful) in securing positions. Col - Catalogues and particulars of either course sent upon application. J. W. Westerveit, Principal. -- -„tea,®.® --•Arm........ rt > '?YY•iaT+v'rik,;�-?FYe•'a,s �.roi4sel,:7aiV..1 C The Old Reliable Specialists. 83 Years Experience In the treatment of the Throat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronicand Special Dis. eases of men and women. restoredleldn and Blad- ,. Lost Manhood der troubles permanently cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicoceleand stricture cured without pain. No cutting. q viol^. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured t; ht. ,,y t, ' . •. without mercury, Y�}, tln - Man. Suffering ffrom the effects 01 yyouthful fortes or indiscretions„ \\„,Debili troubled Lsof Des Nervous tS Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles or any sdisease of the `Genital -Urinary Or- 6 , can here ftnd safe ���\\� ` \ ` *,a\. �kdr�% •�W �\•, . ` •, . ,' and e ed ere.Charges reasonable,especially thepoor. CURES GUARANTEED. Middle-Aged Ne—Therearemanytrenbled tions of the bladder. often Il t t erea frequent ovaled accompanied by a slight smarting ntfoaingf sensation, and weakeningof the system in a manner the patient cannotaccount for. Them are many men who ie of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee aper- fect cure in alt such cases, and healthy restoration of the Benito -urinary organs. Con- sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper,.when writing. Office hours: From 9'a, tn. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m. DR, SPINNEY & CO, Side Entrance AVENiIE. No. 12 E. Elizabeth St.) DETROIT, MICH. - _ACENTS CAN EARN C.ABnCE SALARIES weekly, canvassing for Pelham Nursery Co., who possess newest and unproved methods for propagating hardy stock for all sections of Canada; also new and tested varieties of seed potatoes, writer us for terms and ex- clusive territory. PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto. Fall Fairs. Stratford Stara . . St. Marys,.: Kirkton,.. . Oct. 1 to 2 ” l to it 6 to 7 " 8to9, Petrolea tailors have given up the credit system. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS,, TRADE IIRARKS, ©ESICN PATENTS. COPYRICHTS, ate. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & Co., 361 BRa6DwAv, New Yong. Oldest'; bureau for securing patent; in Anierice. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by anotce given free of charge in the ricatti is littericat Largest circulation of any soientifie paper in the man' shoulder Splendidly iwithillustrated, eeklyy,� intelligent a year; $1,60 six months, Address, MUNN & CO., Yvnws r.sts, :I61 Broadway 'Nesv York city