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The Exeter Advocate, 1896-9-24, Page 5
he r8 i1 al• 6 A 1 1 • t" 6 6 st- at l tt THE OTn r bur/tate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Mee, MATH -STREET, -. EXETER, -By the- -- PUBL ADVOCATE FS 15H 1 R COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSgRIP,TION. )ne Dollar per annum if paid iu Advance 53L50ifnotso paid. $dmexticing xzot® o» xil pica. -- Nopapsrdfscontinuoduntilallarxoara±os Ire paid. Advertisements without spealfia Lirections will be published till forbid and: thane(' accordingly. Liberal discountmaae erorpaaricie advertisements vo>rt s ie cii itiorerteit of ,TOB ?RINTING turned out iu the finest style, Ina ,4ao. or advortis nes sOult� oris' oin otcr o pt s, kemaaopayable to Ci71i$S. �. Sanders EDITOR nen PROP .........« . , PrefesSzociaA Curd s. ..p. H•K�INSAIAN,L.D•S,Fanson's Block „.... two doors north or Carling Store MAIN sT, psi int, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every ruesclay, Liman every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday of each month M1 o HAMiLTOd. TROUBLES OF A CLERGYMAN. Liolat THF, r Depends upon rise tueconditi4n fee and yet there are have perfe0tly Sarsaparilla cleanses riches the blood, impurities that system and permits seeds of disease. ,tZ.eannot recommend rills too highly for me. I was a `t k'•,., o' { 4 .. �xr' , 1 ,7 . ° Y' o �:?xa�• and all inn down poor T could not not able to do anything, with asthma and nervous and could had become completely 1 happened to read pp5 Hood's Sarsaparilla it a trial After felt better and since so much improved new man. I am days work and sleep a yu, " T ' o d• o iii a, at night. My heart and T have realized 1 feel fu]1 of courage seems brighter and g recommend. Hood's afflicted as.1 have help them. If will be of benefityou it as you please. Box 502, Oxford, a. ., li ? ¢ , w r � - in file fromkeeping very few lure blood. vitalizes throwing clog and no lodgment head the .Ilood'sSarsa for it has ' r �ixt�`" and my get out of being heart disease. not sleep discouraged an advertisement and concluded taking the taking that now - able s ; # S 3�5 -,r does not great relief once worth living. Sarsaparilla been for this statement are „ HENRY New. York. jd , blood people irritate following: done rk �'�; 11a '� health doors. first five Z feel to y trouble for more g• I know welcome J. , �; germs, Hood's and out wonders ,. ,, troubled nights, to battle bottles do 1/'teen-year-old e ',, asthma. and I of WRIGHT, to a who r en the the of the p a , a a was ea, I wag I was I when of give I 1 like a a fair p a ma lite would to all it will facts to use Roy Killed by u eat } Train -Mrs. brown's Deli.; Hamilton, Sept 2i. -General regret the sad news of Mrs. Adana Brown'S death which ofaarrod onboardhe7r Sar- ' diniap last Thursday, when she wee re- turnin home from England. Mrs, Brown suns. Fttpppsed to be in good health - when she sailed from Liverpool, in corn00 pany with her daughter, and her death was due to heart trouble. M. Adam Brown left for Quebec last Wednesday to meet his wife and daughters, who ]lad bean away for spvornl months, and on the arirval of the: Sardinian , esterday inornin hoin learned that his wife was dead, The deceased was ono of the best known and most ohaiitable women in familythis ttLe epd for Mr. Brown ic wide sympathy. Tile red s , - mains are expected intheoity at 9 0 oloei to -morrow lnornin g• The announcement of Rev. Herbert. . Miller's appointment as rector of St. 717omas Church was officially made at the church Sunday, and Mr. Miller will be inducted on October 11 by Bishop Du y2culin, who was rector of the church from 1871 to 1874. Itev, Herbert Ger- •don lliitler •was Born in Vlroodohnreh, Yorkshire,in 15ao, received his educe- tion at the Royal Grammar Sabool, Lancaster, passing to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, of whioh he was a mathematical scholar. A fatality occurred on the Grand , Trunk Railway at Catharine street about G.40 o'clock this evening, ,the unfortun- ate victim being Oliver Ylmbox, fire tele- y son of Thomas entbox, ht Cmem uv�ee of who theGas Catharine resides Hamilton street north, near the railway bridge. The boy, in company with other boys, had been playing on the flat oars of a fee101t train; enterin the city frons the east and }z brakfasman had Frightened off the companions of young ,Einbox, , , elle victim of the neoldent continued playing with t e bz'al,es until he saw the brakosi�lan approaching near him, and in fear he jumped d or full off, alight- ing between the cars. The wheels of the curs usaed over els bed literall out- o P y, y tin„ it in two. Coroner White was summoned to the scene, and an inquest will be held. The body of the boy was taken to the morgue. na aid ills I du .l AreWonderfullyBlessed� , �y' q( 1J Using P i�1j�y Cel i1 Compound. u J , •�,� ra+3at . � - �� . Fe l 1 w�i��j Clergslnen of all the carious Chris tion denominations have from time to time even the strongest of testimon e y it] favor of Paine's Celery Compound. No other medicine of the present day has ever been so highly spoken of, tend so ge4et,;rlly recommend by the clergy- men of Canada, as Paine's Celery Com - p�uttd. The honest, prompt and effective re- sults that are always obtained by the users of Paine's Celei C4m1 , ' )ound call forth' unstinted praise, after health, vigor and happiness take the place of sickness, weakness and disease, in alt the church parishes of our country, clergymen are quietly Ispre.adrua• the ° f 3 J y u1 news that Paine's . Celery Com, •Pound banishes ill health and makes people well, Just here it is 'imperttivo that we n - sound a nate of warning for the ben eit of all who determine to use i aine's Celery Compound, as there aremiser• able and deceptive terse re a1°°tions soldy p p some places. Be sure you ask for Qalne e, the kind that cures, see that the name is On each bottle you buy. 7 ho• Rev, (. A. Sehlipf, of I illaloe Renfrew Co., Ont., writes as follows: ,t I Have much pleasure in stating that I have use Paine's CeleryCom- pound with •grand results. Some time c• ago, Joss of appeate and symptoms of kidney trouble and urinal disturbances made life miserable. Having heard much about the virtues of Paine's Celery Comround, I procured a supply and need it with wonderful benefit,' I am pleased to say that the Com pound was productive of great results y amily as a home medicine; all are Loony £ much ]eased with it," p / , 1r The styles fastidous light lin ht st :1is11 . make ; ;;,. �' %t Vj Inducements are could weight olid them ►" ��� `1 everything', desire, goods,are attractive up at fi t are heavy, the the most All our exceptionally and s wale urea that 'will T1ll,.D. ALTON AND11RSON,(D.D.S.,L.D S•,) 3J honors (3rathtate of the Toronto Lni rate, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alli modes of Dentistry up to date. Office Elliot Se Elliot's law office -opposite fiver ppam .,antral Hotel -Exeter �-'--•---- We Medical �1i Er ' SHOULD ° r e $tic a` ;- ,< ! R`� ;yrr'4G` �' t :`� ' :r k ,4}l•• ' af', a Q• • /it ;!' g .'� riic ' ti � < n � :s to �• r i'� I LY KNOW THAT `%tp A "' nryw ,' !;'• ", t, ` iv ,. f � , �' md.ri ° t,> "" .:1r " „ . rr , I *t :: S' " °; .. w +c1. • f �;� • ,.' •- ii2 t �' .. ,µ tri , Mie+ �;� J�° i re. We have made a special effort to have etre new styles" of I urniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our �J Latest Parlor t L11 S are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of open your eyes with wonder. ire making' a bigsale OF Slimmer DOM. o through this molal;. Come x21 see us at once it;clget t bargain "' •yy 11 4 See our $2 Santil,sf'ts. 11ade to Order. :7e -Remember the fiats, z ARES H. GRIEVE, y� R. G. S[iOULTS, OENTRALIA Le has moved one door south. Drs. J A. ROLLIN a St T A. AMOS. Residences,Specimen, buildiiaig formerly OFFICES 3t Dr, Rollins' ofria° sumo as formerly -north door. Dr, Amos' office, seine building -south door. Aiav ts, L T, A. Rollins, b[. D. T. A. Amos, ALI) Du,T. P, MCLAUGRLTen MEILBEl1 OF !V the Dolle a of Pliysimians anclSur eons College g Ontario. Pliysieten, tine soil and Aocoueh- sur. Office, --Dashwood, .nt, ~M~ +� ---.-W °.•°' AaCHal. ''.""W' RH. COLLINS, BARIIISTER,SOLIGIT- . OR, Conveyancer, Notaip Publio, Office -Over O'Neil's Bank,Exeter,Oatario. Pdonov to Lou,a r� r 1, 'Q,,lt � N„ �Y, .y 2s a very remarkable rex©dy, both for IN- TERNAL and, EXTERNAL nee and won deriul in its ziok action to relieve distress. PAM -KILLER is a ansa cure for Sero Phi-KILI,� Throat. 49ottghs, Cltilis, DDI:u•rhrra, t)Sxccttotiy, Cralups, CLoi°ra, artd ti L•itmttiowylauns, a 1 TAT_KILLER t4 T$a �; ST rem,. Clkil1 eet3• knm,=, for sea., Richness Rick Headache, Sant in the saes. or Aide, Illteniutti,Iiuand Neuralgia. PAIN -KILLER is rxrm sm' 9nty the D lk^iee area'.r r .in' MADE. Ithrims st`nt'nr . U WW1 }° NT' axtre.? in all eases of Itemises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe "Ills, saee PAIN-KILLERis tbo "'I tried dna truatett friend of the Mechanic, ]earmer, Pr aster, Sailor, and in tact all ciaa;tea'ro•,t nx a ntciidetit° ai,,:zys atLa Wald. ening Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- beards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety. We e Sell Cheap, Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. T r l R. J. • ROWE. ... = ; s, ; , litf t k • _ `�, IT 223' " fours 3l: L ff.DICILSO:ti,BARRISTEli.SOLIC2SOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- O ioe -Fra' nson aBlook,E & ter ones to loan ;tietx' ' 4� 4$; + ;.i. $ 9 h, Ii •�,y , IN THE SOU DAN. , ' at A r` �°���'ar lathe One True 13loodl'uriler, AU druggists. PreparedonlybyC.I.Iiood&Co., Lawell, S �� o 81. siass• Adivane° from Penin to Slierib-Li-:1Sa,-Tire :teen la' Splendid rearm --An Sntiuetilate Attat•lion thel)ervishesExipected.. SherW.el-Ma, on the tile,. Sept. 19, 3 p, in. -Tho Nile expedition under oom- mend of the Sirdar, Sir Ilerbert. Kit- __ _ _ _ Ti LLIOT ELLIOT, BAItRT�TERS, E10-, U Conveyauaiug. and Money to Lnan at Lowest Rat°safIntereat, Branch offia°rtt r'Ieusallovor} Thursday' B. V. ELLIOT, Frti:nr:at-M . ELLIOT "".",-t" •r �- • .^�`.^ . eltiction eer�; _ BROWN, Winehelsoa. Lioeesed Auet- ioneor for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township oftsborne Bales promptly attoudodtoarid terms roe- Bonhale.,Sales arranged at Post office, Win- olielsea. cure all Liver Ills and Hood's Pills Sick Headache. 25 cents, ehener,left i3erja, the camping place last night, at daybreak. this morning, and after a hard march of four hours, arrived hero. Part of the way was -over very ; t• ?,;c tt r ?,, , a.l s.la, rr b: e ,,ply 'Syt",+yz 4e,it •,:wt,,; saga- * DOCTORS p ENNEBY & ERGA ,. Specialists in the Treatment 01 pn 1 Nervous Blood Sexual l a�ltl , 9 p� }? Private; Diseases p 17 ' „ tTq�• �t�q ((�J, y aro lg DOM eiOO,Ott� Li.. +,,t, YOUNG 'MAp1 You aro nervous and 3 i� despondent; weekend, debilitated; tire mornings; no ambition lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued;,,`1'118 oxeitable; eyes sunken, red and blurred; }ifinptes enface; droauts tndnightlosses ti drains at stool; oozing on excitement, haggard weak back; hone ulcers; ha,rleose;soeethroat; varieocele,(le want ofconfideece; ieeo-11of +� tend; lank of energy and i iletreadtai strength, �{pp tar This important stop in ifitin imuL life should never be eke positively dhcpn aro Biu° L milli diseased, h Remember'Lrkefather•, like son." Emirs- lona, varicocele, tperraatarrheea and E. lypliiljs endanger happiness in o married life, Our NOW you cures consult nor- t h, at n once, as if you are Marriedyour r strength, at at tante, as we can restore sane sir°n�;tii, vital energy and desires. If you ellen to marry,our advice may bowortliafortune to y ' ��j: .. ee t: a t. s, 1r y , , 1 4,= ro• „, '- t„ t ! . ?d ee t' rfi '., ?,e '� ell e • difficult rooky „round, and the rest was through deep sand. with intense heat added it was n trying flay. After t)1° nriadAy pause hero, it is intended to push on six mikes farther this afternoon, which will bring the column withinA striking distance of the dervish post at T ernttt. 'Various small bodies of dervishes were discerned today hanging about the flanks of the column, but at a safe x15- tante. They were apparently Only SCMtt- „l lit„ parties, sent out to watoh the ad- vane° of the expedition, and carry back news of its whereabouts. They made no attempt to attrtck the outposts of the ex- peditian, but rotreated promptly when the column came in sight. „ the scouting sent out from the a partiesSS'ILL column have not discoverecl any consider- able force of the enemy, who show no dispostition to advance to an attack. If tap dervishes make a stand at Kerma, there will be a battle to -morrow, as the Sirdar is prepared to make all aggressive move on that lace. It is the general ex-tprocured p g poottttion among the officers that to- morrow will coo a battle, in which the nttaaking party. The men of the party atiaaBritish and Egyptian forces will h p rby aro in splendid form, and are anxious to meet the enemy. andsn},.Toran Internally or e: ierartrly with cartab i nfr+kief. B,rne =wens Tarn nr,nn bat the mutes "YErirlrtvis." 5ukdovcry„kory .av Lkgbuttle. 'S'.S•:f' Lane; BOTTLE?' ;r0 Cents "`•'•-_M..__.,-_-.-...-,"..__...-,r.,-_-_. M�d- ..rill.. 3 Meat Imperial 111 now • their new premises. OIIN T. WE;CGnTC, Exeter, Ontario, TOMO the County of Hnron. Special attention given to farms anti fitrm stock salsa, Charges moderate. Parties contemplating having sales this Pall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. O. Ortlt rs left at the Anvocn'ri: Oilioe, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. "'A""'"°" t urve rocs. �• , r 3u3 lux , a. TS CAN EARN LANCE SALARIES wtetcly, ca.nvas.,ing for Pelham Nursery Co..t`o. who possess newest and improved methods for nropa titin g hardy stock for all sections 4f Dan tdli also new and tested varieties of seed potatoes, write us for terms and ax- elusive territory. PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto. --- -------- .i.0 a .'! eb. Mar .,,,,�., tyi Haring purchased the butcher - ing Business of A. Loadman , (`Woods Old .Stand we wi,l be pleased to set all our old customers , and as many new ones. i1 rt 0 See next Ty rt )e a ti then Block. o" chancre OF Vick -week,. i eE' i, RED. W.FARNCOASB, Provincial Land L'. Surveyor' and Civil Engineer. Office, Doer Post Office, Main street.Exeter.Out. --- COillttjT �iv1S1Q21. § e Mem. insurance. W. ELLIOT, E ' Insurance .4g°nt, Main St. Exeter - IIOsI` TIIL NEST COUNTY' COUNCIL C 131] 1i1;rnEsENT1:D, Jud es Jones and Creasor met in the Court house on tiA'ednesda.y last to di- We intend keeping. the very best P of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin C ale ribs, sausage, t p . 'fit n� ft i a I g tg cull aim f ID t� fl,P OPERA au uSn 3 $lltu o: �"� �r ;(� ; �~ r �,*,n•:i r„>'j. r , 1+�3 1• � Wi, - wilt r y k ' / J ,,�, x .,:. r i `� _ " r; '%t. L . al �e _ -se vide up Huron County under the new County Councils' Act. All the reeves were'tpresent, and quite a Lt1tll Iel ash- par in the discussion, Warden Stracli p` an and Reeve I'roudfoot, of Goderii h, both submitted prepared schemes, In addition to that laid out by the cam missioners, and these were discussed again on Thursday afternoon, and by noon the .following had been decided on as the division helps practically that / b of the Warden : POPULA- ASSESSED TION. r ALt;L++. hams, bacon and ev•erything usual• ly sold in the factory can now be at the shop.e o.o Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one n eel , (a- cliseount of r°;, will be given far cash. " a� . �����-•�. , Bicycles! s Bicycles!! +rA S ' r `11IV g e 1 ,�. iu iUl3 ;; ,�. . `� l l t�£ }� ' ' i DQ stat IR alfa ha �ralnad cvaa�� THE FOREST. CITY• Th`s Sys f T1.}a Nary 1iethod Traatanent tem and s New Method. was discovered by us several Sears ago. It builds up dna strengthens the nervous system; restores to -t vitaht3 tt ro the sexual organs; stops all drains and loses; invigorates rtndrestoreslostman hood. It never fails in curing the result of Self Abuse, Later Excesses. Blood Ms tj eases, ortheeffects of a Misspent Life �, . CURES GUARANTEED ,, OR NO PAY k;; e r' S : E- ? > • t: Ass°ssinent iioYnrns-.blr. Ti$!n Denies a Rumor. London, Ont., Sept. 1. -The assess- meat for 1897 shows the present papula- tion of the city to be 34,794, not inolud- ing London Nest, whioh is a separate municipality. This is an increase of 395 in the year,but the advance in the assessment valuation will bo proportion- ately much greater. The increase of pop- Stephen ...... 3,992 81,799,869 p Osborne 2,887 1,546,200 xeter......... 1,?92 _491,450 . ...'-`-' a� s' �`�� 't -- •..... The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to lee tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we Can make you. Lookt� 1JD�Jti Better in one of our choice suits clothes than any other tailor in town. .A. Call solicited:_ Bert. �31.p �.� • BRISTOL'S - S 171 4137 519 'r. ' ' Hay • •.. • • • • • • • • •• 736 1,S95,6S0 1 BRISTOL'S I Bicycle Pleasure. y -- ,e k 1 =. Fd'i1�11� we Treat antiULIEU t = a t Emissions,Varicocele,syphi r. ;T3 11s,NervousOebtlity,Stricture r Gleet, Impotency, Unnatural , • uischara es.LostManhood,Kid . a nes andBladderDiseas,'s,Con ; saltation Free. Books (illustrated) ,- Free. Write for Question BIan icfor ;' Hore eTreatment.Everything Con :' fidential. Plain envelopes. Nothing sent e G. 0. D. See testimomal�sfnext week. �o �? DRS. KENNEDY k F9E Gf517 's@ 14E Shelby St..Detroit Mich.Mr. ,; .,, . r..=' ,r ;. c .'F :, e•F .....:if• Illation in the last five years has been 3,179. Tho removal to London of the Grand Trunk oar shops is expected to greatly swell the population next year, at the expense of other municipalities. Mr. Tiffin, ea -assistant superintendent of the Grand Trunk here, was seen by a reporter on Saturday, and ho emphatic- ally denied that there was any truth in the rumor 'regarding his retirement from tho company's service. "At present I ani occupying the position 'at Montreal, as or}ginal}y promised Ins," hp said, "be- gond this I do not wish to say anything." y g "A G. E. Mills, of Hamilton, who secured the contract for the new Grand Trunk here, in the to Stanley......... 2,212 1,660,350 Bayfield........ 671 8,6263. --- BRISTOL'S J1� Are von seeking Bicycle pleasuri if so, you should seek first a goo We furnish --- wheel. can you any G 619 3 642 621 '� 1Icl+;illop........ 2,9S5 1,846,(50 Tuckersmith .... 2,590 1,946,725 Seaforth..... .... 2;411 653,495 �' arsaparllla and the best wheels made, at lowest onset 112usieal. Do von want anything in t'h• Line. We have a choice lb 7,986 4,446,970 SUGAR COATED musical of Pianos and organs, call and in GoderichTwushp. 2,46S 1,513,077 Hallett . •.. 2,843 1,998,100 Clinton. • • . 2,461 • 593,490 The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. spect them before buying elsewhere A y b full stock Of sewing machines, baby cat --- 7.17: 4 104 667 ' '• c, Ashfifald 3,33 .692,856 Colborne 1.76( ,067 145 s GOdeiich3.7GG 1,043,640 A SPECIFIC FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Chronic Com taints. p riages ete, etc. a , 1 . It Parkins martin, .----.-,.---•-••---.---•.---_,.--••. .. t'E !' O q r r,OU �' atfia •y. SHOULD TAKE ,, shops was city -day and started a gang of men at work excavating for the buildings and tearing dawn old walls. Ho expects to have the p shops completed before Christmas. Local labor will be employed. • m ABE LiI\ 8,944 1,190310 , awanosh E1,874 1,190,310_ They ; Cleanse and Purify the t UL ri i . i THEWOMAN'S FRIEND " r' PENNYROYAL WAFERS a„lti Y To correct 11.mo.firay and weakness, �•�„' k:cepthooraansinboalthycondition. The THE FIRE RECORD.-$Iood. - Wawanosh W. 2,136 1,123,875 Myth • •. 038 192,965 Win;ham. ,..... 2,129 549,000 All Dr11 g1StS and General - Dealers. TT,,yy TTT���yu7 g� y •ny° wafers aro “Life Savers"toyoun women, ain• 8a; hid graceful development, provide pain- loss, 1°rnud regularperiods. a a Ask for a Detroit box. Nobetterremodyfor women kuowa. -°-� ----•- ---`�- EXETER MARKETS MARKETS. (Changed everyWedr.esda ) What per bushel $u,GS to 05 Barley 25 to 27 Oats 1J to Ifl/ Peas to to 45 Butter 12 Eggs D Potatoes perbeg 2b 'Onions .., 40 to 45 Flay per ton i,po to lo.00 Wool 13 .,, - Slmaoe, Sept. 21.--A very disastrous6�° fire oaourred here this morning about 2 o'clock, by whioh the following places were totally destroyed: J. C. Hill's livery, Archie ills 's livery; Chas. Eaid, voter-, voter - Mary surgeon's office and board of sale stables; Salvation Army barracks, and the residence of William Burt. The race horse Flying Minnie, owned by J. C. Helmer of Ai mer was also burned.r- y William Burt insured for 0009 loss $500; Army barracks, value $1,500, insured , for $$00; Hills livery, owned by R. Holmes, value $1,000, not insured; Laid, value $450, insured for $250, the build- ing by E. I�. Matthews. ralup — Has cured oLuerst dill cure you Ask your Druggist for i abeline 7,077 1 727 425 3'541 1,727, • sTOrd CT10v MABELINE is a positive Cure for all uterine' troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here: It is the general ons- torn in describing, a remedy to fill the ad- ver tieing medium with a medical treatise, describing, in a highly, colored mariner, symptoms andforms of disease, scieutifiical- 1, , and in such a wayas to involve the read- e in amaze of theory speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of aelvertis- ing. If you are sink it is presumed that you know oft he fact and can form some idea ofdown, what your ailment is, and we can only ad- vise yen generally. le:ABELINE is vegetable compound and •cannot injure the most delimit° and can be used with rperfeet safety. MABELINF. 3s placed in capsules and. they are eppeied. directly to the diseased parts. Full directions how to a1r 1 on everywas box. Send Se fo ' one :month's treatmen 24capsules in a box. Wily pati' three dollars pp or any other remedy ,w.lien you can buy Mabeline for one dollar?.: ' Address all oomrnunicattons to t. • THE SALUTINE CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont.' Morris .... 2,531 1,7'31,471 Brussels......... 1,185 2J3,945 ,,, rrrr,rtTTTTTrTITTRrr n,,,, r,,,, ter fRTTT h L. Those who have us Those - _ 7,555 3,752,841• r n NNSn>i m z Coli o 11 balsam p -, HOWICk 4, 306 2,145,349 Turn berry 2,339 1,047 S00 ^ s ® _ I1(]L111Ge it unequalled. ; S > remedy conaria col b y `rroxeter 460 109,700 -- --- 7,105 3,302.849 —"-- •' - �- m ® I5 caused by to' id liver, which prevents tion and p ermitsfood to ferment and putrifyin the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, - .,. ,•� ` '' ,; insomina, nervousness, and, ■ ±f not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. iiooa s Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, ,qua diger• " w4;, con Is invaluable, if you are run L as it is a food as well as a, medicine. Tp4® D• P31UiSiDf i Will build you up if your general health is impaired. [ The D. �°�@Y6SAi^�a09! E Is the best and most palatable preparation of . Cod Liver Oil, agreeing wub the most dell. : tate stomachs, a The D. des L. Emulsion Isprescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. Ta ar 1l1f. 1°aC 'lt.. producer s ls1 4 Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give you an appetite. 5�i:• ; ei per Bottleb FBe sure you get DAVIS;ee LAWRENCE GD. LTD. F I + the genuine MONTREAL �i+aaa� ,it.rr,,, „ii„<.ai ,i,,,, tiiiu and bronchitis trouble 7 • • 1Ila11'S G011C�1t1011 O cough powders for home the best 111 the 111�1r1�Et, d� 1'•A ways on hardy also AC's o r)eIlefacto and Li.1Y11132eiit, th - . 1L'eclicuie so successful' used b Mr. Chas ,Munro , Parkhill Ill t111S slid. otll • ? - •towns m treatingand cit t „ mo various diseases. Fc safe here, `jam u i' Drugiist , ��ao . o e i �i v.► ri ail e s COMMERCIAL L t RYs was mimed $2,500, insured for $1,100.-; A. Hiller, contents valued $2,000, insured for $1, 000; the building owned by •T. McBur- hey, valued at $2,500, insured for $300.illousnes Halifax Sot. 21. -The total insurance p on the Moncton Sugar Refinery, which �®® k_ AA s Horses �lr'�. r Class Rids and ' A7'`ifJY Orders' left atliawkshaV9 Hotel, 01 at the Livery � .. Stable Christie's old Stand 1 will receive prompt at -Acadia tentlon, i • wrooked by fire last night, is $$30 000,which is all held' by American com- primes except $5,000 in the Quebec and 5 $2, 00 in the b.eystone Co. of New Briinswiek. The insuurnce which a plied to the buildings and machinery' burned and stook in process of ntanufao- lure, amounts to about $140,000. The It°fining Company, to whish the Refinery belongs, has not yet received an estimate of the damage. • °Whocantthiae panted An IdeatMoncton (blas to wealth.? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you write JOHN WEDDPRHt7RN & CO. Patent Atter- ae s washrafton, D. e., roe their ii.suo rya ease y c _ ._ __ ,____..__ _F_, ri elephnoo l P, mA itPasunal, n 1 °nuneetion The United States raid 3135.214.01)0 %netton etc. le cents. sold b ail druggeets, i for pensions last year. The only Pills to take with hood's sarsaparula,.