HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-9-17, Page 5THE ezEtter Abxio ati , • Is published everye UfiiThco,ursday Morning, at th MAIN-STREET, — EXETER, —By the--- ADVOCATEPUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance :51,50 if not so liaid. Hd3i ertieing :sl'eat©n ohz .:3.pp3.5.ea- tio11. No paper discontinued until all arrearage s are paid Advertisements without syeeifio directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every desoription of J'OB PRINTING .turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. °heelRes, money ord• era. &o, for advertising, subsariptions,etc,to be made pavable to Chas. H. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP ,1'rofesaAonal Cards. H.KINSMAN, L.D,S,Panson's Bleak two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill Avory Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday and at Zurioh on last Thursday of each month R. D. ALTON ANDI RSON,(D.D,S.,L D.S.,) i,1 honors Graduate of the Toronto 'Uni- t: rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted withoutlain. A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot ,&.; Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. Medical TIR. G. SHOULTS, C.ENTRALIA AJ has moved ono door south. Drs, J' A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS, Jl! :Residenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spool= an, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door. May i$t. 1808 X. A- Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D D a,T.P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aoeouoh- eur. Office,Dashwood, Oat. Legal. ®..-111.,4....... A� H, COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over C'lod's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. L H.DICKSON,BARRTSTER,SOLIfITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyanoer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter t'LLIOT &:ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., 134 Oonveyaneing, and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Hansen every 'Thursday. B. V. ELLIOT. FIuEDENIONa ELLIOT t\uC oneers BBROW , Winchelsea. Licensed Ano - .. ioneer for the Counties of X'exth and Illiddlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms roc son hal e. Sales arranged at Post office. Win- oholsea. JOHN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stook salts. Charges moderate. Parties conteni plating, having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Order, lett at the Anv„c tTl: °fiicu, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Surveyors. ors •l;' BED. W. FARNOOMB, Provincial Land L' Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street. 'Exeter, Out. insus,anee. Tt ELLIOT, L Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to be tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we can make you Look Better in one of our choice suits clothes than any other tailor in town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. DiABELI\R THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist for Mabeline • 044.0yl MA13ELINE is a positive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here. It is the general cus- tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertisinemedium with a medical treatise, deseribing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms and forms of disease, scientifiical- ly, and in snob a way as to involve the read- er ina maze of theory and specula tion. We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. If you are sick it is presumed that you know oft he faot and can form some idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- vise yon generally. MABELINE is vegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with perfect safety.. MABELINE is: placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the diseased parts. EMU directions, how to apply�on every box. Send Si for ono month's treatment.; 24 capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars for any other remedy when you can buy Mabelnie for one dollar? • Address all communisations to THE SA.LUTINE CO. $ox 250, Windsor, Ont. anted—An Wb° can think Wof some simple thing to patent? Protect Your ideas; they_ may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDIERBURN & 00. Patent Atter. elo ,nage neys Washington, D. O., for their $i,eeo prise osier rte h and list of two hundred lnventioas wanted. 'L ergs Reasonable JL OoncecGioa 5 reg In combination,. proportion and process Rood's"Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself, and unequalled in true merit. No other medicine ever possessed so much curative power, or reached such enormous sales, or made such won- derful cures, as hood's Sarsaparilla., It is undoubtedly the best medicine ever evade to 'purify, vitalize and en- rich the blood. That is the secret of its success. Bead this statement: "When my son was 7 years of age,' he had rheumatic lever and acute rheuma- tism, which settled in his left hip. He was so sick that no one thought there was , any help for him. Five sores broke out on his thigh, which the doctor said wore sores. We had three different • doctors. Pieces of .bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to be out open and the bone scraped, before he could get well. Howard became so low that he would eat nothing, and one doc- tor said there was no chance for him. " One day, a newspaper recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door. We decided to try this medicine. Howard commenced taking it the last 01 February, after having been sick tor a Year and a half. ' He hadn't taken it a week before I saw that his appetite began to improve, and then he gained rapidly. I gave him five bottles, when the sores were all healed and they never broke out again. The crutches he had used for four years were laid aside, as be had no further use for them. I give all the credit to Hood's Sar- saparilla." Mas. ADA L. Moony, Fay Street, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that Sarsaparil a Is the Ono True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C.I. Wood & Co., Lowell, Mass. cure Liver Ills easy to Llod c R111s take, easy to operate. 250. o ct teat x..'..?,' .. s. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEN—You :nay have been the victim of Self Abuse when young. Later Excesses or oxposare to blood diseases may have completed the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealing over yon. You dread the future results. You know you are not a man mentally and sexually, Why not be cured in time and av"i,l the sad experience of other wrecks of these diseases. Oar NEW METHOD rl IIiATMENT WILL CUBE YOU AFTER ALL ELSE FAILS. Emissions, Varicocele and Syphilis Cured asanwavrosnamamir W. 1I. MILLER W.. ll. MILLER r a 1tBeforoTroatlnent After Treatment "At the ago of 15 I commenced to ruin my health. Later on as "ONE OF THE Bl IYti" I contracted a serious blood diaeiso —SYPHILIS, I was weak and nervous, despondent, pimples, sunken oyes, bone pains. ulcers, hair loose, sore tonne and month drains in urine, varicocele.—I was a wreck. I was in the last stages when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy do Kergan. A dozen other doctors had failed in curing me. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan cured me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. I would warn similar diseased men to beware of Medical Frauds. They, are reliable honest and skillful physicians." W. M. MILLER.' CONSUi•TATION FREE. We treat and cure Varico- c e 1 e, Syphilis, Emissions, Gleet, Stricture, 1' ervous De- bility, Llnnatnral Discharges, ,Kidney and Bladder D 1 s - eases. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED Pio cure, Pio Pay. Write for Question lallank for Horne Treatment. Books Free. consultation Free. DRS.KF2 EDY & ICEMAN No. 148 Shelby St. DETROIT, - - MICR. W EN IN DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irregularity and weaLaoss, hoop the organa i n healthy condition.. Thi Wafers aro "Life savers" toyouogwomon. aid graceful development provide pain. lees, regular periods, Ask for Tho Detroit brand. An druggists soil them at 51 per box. No bettor rem5dy for women known. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed evory Wednesday) Wheat per bushel . $0.G5 to 05 axles. Peas Butter Egs Potatoes perbag Onions 40 to 45 agg per ton .. i1.00to 10,00 H 10 to lO% 40 to 45 12 O. 25 Ohristis. COMMERCIAL LIVER'. anuanansmaxaccumaamiasural raw First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left atHawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will eceive prompt at- tention. . PRENTISS CONDEMNED.• lie 'will be:Hanged 'December 17Ili for the .Murder of Thomas Ling"ard--The Jury neeoiumenti SSXorey. Cobourg, Ont., Sept. 10.—Tho trial of Arthur Prentiss on the eharge of 'mur- dering Thomas Lingard was rearmed this morning before• Hon. Chancellor Boyd, One more witness was called for the Crown, whenthe defense was .opened by .Mr. Osler. Mr. Clute then replied. Flis Lordship charged the jury. and court adjourned at 1 o'clock, Neither young Rush, the boy who was with the pri- soner at tho time of the . shooting, nor the, prisoner, was. called to give evidence. After being out throe hours the jury brought in a verdict of murder with re- oolnmendations for inerey. Whelp asked by Iiis Lordship Chancel- lor Boyd the prisoner said be bad noth- • ing to say why the sentence of . death should not be passed on him. Ho stood cairn and'palo while His Lordship pro- nounced the sentence that he should be hanged on Dec. 17. During his remarks to the prisoner, His Lordship advised him to seek mercy through his eternal Father, and also said this was the first time ho had ever passed the death sentence. Tho court xoom was crowded at the time sentence was passed, STORY OF THE.: CRIME.. Prentiss, who is 18 years of age, had a quarrel on Juno 10 with George Lin- garcd, grandson of the dead man, about some rabbits. Prentiss and a friend named Fred Rush were using bad lang- uage to 'Angara and leis wife while all were at work in a field. The grandfather name up and the boys walked off; he followed them, and then Prentiss said he would shoot slim if he came further. The old man kept on, when, according to the evidence put in yesterday, Prentiss fired at him.. The gun was loaded with shot and tore a terrible gap in Lingard's left side. IHo died almost instantly. IN THE SOUDAN. Who Forward novenlent or the I txped i tion --A. Question for the British Taxpayer-- Accident to a Gunboat. London, Sept. 14,—The forward move- ment of the Anglo-Egyptian expedition up the Nile has re -awakened the discus- sion in regard to the ultimate destina- tion of these forces. All the fighting por- tion of the e. p edition is expected to be concentrated at Duglo to-tuorrow, and from there an advance in force on Kasbar will. be made. No fighting is expected there, as it is reported clear of dervishes. Kasbar 'will then be made the point from which the final start towards Dongola will be arranged. The railroad will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible, the necessary depots and hospitals will be established, and thele the march on Dongola will be continued. Tho Daily News has no doubt that from Dougola the Egyptian army will proceed to Khartoum, from Khartoum to bankruptcy, and then the British tax- payers will have to pay the bill. Tho St. .Tames' Gazette says that this observa- tion is worthy of the party for whom it is made. Word hos been receives, here from tho front that the Egyptian troops with the Nilo expedition aro concentrating at I'ereig, which is only twenty-three miles from the dervish outpnst at 1 orma,where the dervishes have been concentrating reinforcements of eavalry,as thoughwith the intention of making a stand against the British advance. Cairo,Sept.14.—While one of the gun- boats attached to the Anglo-Egyptian expedition was ascending a cataract of the Nile yesterday her boiler exploded, snattering her engines and disabling her. Fortunately no one was killed. THE ARMENIANS. Apprehensions of :Renewed Disorder in Constantinople --An Armenian. Bomb Factory Discovered. Constantinople, Sept. 14. --Fears are entertained here of a renewal of the recent disorders, and these apprehensions have caused a panic among the general public. The shops at Galata and Stam- boul were closed at an early hour Satur- day owing to a rumor that fresh man,- festations were being organized. Trade is almost at a standstill, and the leek of money hi the Turkish treasury is a seri- ous feature of the situation. Fifteen army officers who wont to the War Office to claim their arrears of pay were informed that there were no fonds with which to pay them. Tho officers thereupon resigned their commissions, and were promptly arrested for doing so. An Armenian bomb factory was dis- covered by the police located underneath the Armenian church, near the Skassim Pasha cemetery. From the factory a long tunnel had been excavated in the direo- tion of a powder magazine, the inten- tion .obivously having been to under- mine the magazine and blow it up. Tho Government officials are urging the foreign residents of the city to sign a memorial thanking the Sultan for the protection his Majesty has afforded them. A number of Englishmen consulted Sir Philip Currie, the English Ambassador, as to the advisability, of signing the memorial, and were advised by the Am- bassador to tear up the document and throw the pieces into the faces of the official who presented it. ANOTHER "HOLMES VICTIM." J. C. McCaffrey, Who Tried to Save the As- sassin's Life, Dies Suddenly. Philadelphia, Sept. 14. — Another prominent oharaoter in connection with the trial and last days of H. H. Holmes has gone, Attorney J. Carroll McCaffrey having died suddenly this, morning at the home of bis father in this city. He was at his office and around town on Wednesday, and was in his usual high spirits. The death of Mr. McCaffrey reoalls the evil fate which has pursued many of the parsons who were connected with the Holmes trial. The foreman of the jury met a sudden death by being electrocu- ted while on the roof of his house. At- torney Shoemaker, ]ending counsel for the defence, was disgraced and debarred from practising for a year. District At- torney George S. Graham, whose prose- cution of the case was so vigorous as to arouse strong feeling, was defeated in his efforts to be made a director of the Union League, as ho was in his race for the United States Senate. Judge Michael Arnold, who presided at the trial, has, since been sink unto death, and has barely recovered. Others connected • with the trial have also appeared to feel the influence of the "ovil eye."' Mr. McCaffrey went into the case after Holmes bad ,been sentenced, end ntn,do many vigorous 'efforts le secure t overnor Ile wes the l.,iau .,j Uu�YMy Kind Words Come From U I' blic Institutions As Well As From Private Indirijduals. All Classes and Creeds Praise Paine's Celery Compound. Public institutions throughout (Ian ada are as ready to acknowledge the marvellous virtues of Paine's Celery Compound as are private individuals. For many years, a large number of our public, benevolent and religious corporations have used Paine's Celery Compound for the benefit of old and young, aild if it were possible to pub- lish all the statements made by the in- mates, scores of the letters would prove interesting and entertaining. In institutions like those referred to, were hundreds are eared for every year all the common ill and diseases of evory da'y life are found, and many hundreds have been made well and strong by Paine's Celery Compound that the phy- sicians of these institutions were un able to cure by the ordinary means. To -day this grand curing work is still going on in many of the largest and most prominent or our public plac- es, and no other medicine will be toler- ated but Paine's Celery Compound which shows theesteem and confidence in which the medicine is held. One of these noted iustitntions that. has given testimony for Paine's Celery Compound is the immonce conventual. educational house on the St. Lawrence near Montieal, and known as the "Con- vent of the Holy Names." The ladies or this house write as follows: "We feel it a duty to add our testi- mony in favor of your wonder-working Paine's Celery Compound. Many sis- ters, suffering from debility, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and indigestion, have been completely relieved after taking it. "We shall strongly recommend its use in all our houses as the best medi- eine to restore health, and give tone and vigor to the nervous system." EVERYICNOW FAMILYTHAT SHOULD is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN- TERNAL and EXTERNAL use, and won- derful in its quick action to relieve distress. PAID -KILLER o a s iricure n Sore Chills. 3Aiarrhtra, J)3'sentery, (o'hops o, Choi,ra, and all Luwel Complaints. PAIN -KILLER is TUE BEST rem- edy known for Seat• Sickness Sick UUeadaclee, Pahl ire the Back or Side, lUecaiuutism and ti euralgioe.. PAIN -KILLER Is rr0 Tau as •a PLADE. Itltrims srr.Fev AND raanl.txENT SELIEP N all eases of Braises, Cuts, Spraius, :severe Burns, etc. PAIN -KILLER is tbo well tried and trusted friend of the Mechanic, Earner, Planter. Sailor, and la fact all classes westing a ],soloing always at band, andsAPF. TOME internally of externally with certainty ofreliet Bsw ro of intnatlons. Take nun] bat the genuine "Mar ➢.Mian sold everywhere; Lin big bottle. 6rls:1t7i .LAtlt:GrE BOTT.1.ES 50 Cents St. Marys: During the storm Thurs- day morning the barn belonging' to Mr. John McCallum, was struck by lightning and totally destroyed, be- tween 2 and S o'clock. No alarm was given. Loss estimated ati$400; insured in the North British and Mercantile for $200. The rapidity with which the claim paid is only exceeded by the lightning that struck the building. Morris : A daring burgularly was committed in this township on Friday night last. The burgular made his entrance into the ;house of Mr. C. G. Campbell Othrough ,the cellar. Mrs. Campbell awoke while he was going through the drawers of the dressing case in their bedroom, but was afraid to awaken her husband until after lie had gone. He took Mr. Campbell's pants from beside his bed from the pockets which Mhe carried off a silver dollar, a plug of tobacco, and a penny. After he had gong out of the room, Mrs. Campbell aroused her husband but the thiefhad made his escape. The same night Mr. A. Campbell's house was en- tered, and between two and three dollars stolen. From there the mar- auders wont to the home of Mr. R. Mac- Guire's. They forced an entrance into the cellar but as there was no in• :side connection with the house they were unable to gain an entrance. Up- on examination it was found that a buggy had been driven between these places from which it would appear that the burgulars were not tramps. No further trace of them has since been discovered. THE PERFECT TEA THE FIN5ST TEA IN THE WORLD -�� FROM THE TEA. PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE?. PURITY. "afonsoon Tea is packed undcr the sipervisiion oftho Tea growers, and is advertised and sold by them as a sampleof the hest qualities ofIndian and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why "Monsoon: the perfect Tea, can be sold at the sante price as inferior. tea.. It is put up in sealed caddies of 3 ib., r lb. and 5 lbs., and sold in three flavours at ,ioc.; goc, and Goa Ir your grocer does mot keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HATTER & CO., ix and i3 Front St. East, Toronto. Modern Furniture.. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards ofmany designs. Dining tables in great variety. We . Sell Cheap. Don't think because wo keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high prided. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R, N. ROWE Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing' Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. We intend steeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin,'spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything• usual- ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5°/° will be given for cash. C. SHELL, Prop. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. UJ ! N'S ' !CNC POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE i 'l CAb A9... IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL L Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates, A CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett MURRAY LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATIEiR THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. • • • - • • • 0 • 0 • • :1 eZzef for Troubles • • • • • • • • E1WLSIOl�• • In IgONSUMPTION and all DING • DISEASES, S4'1TTEND, 00' 1=0ov, • COMIC LOSS OP APPETITE DEBILITY, the benefits of this • at'ticle are naost manifest. • Bp the aid of Tho "D. al." Emulsion, I have got • rid. of hacking cough which had troubled motor,. over a year, and have gained considerably is Zig I liked tltie Ermuslen so wells was glad • ® when 015 time camp around to take it. • - 0 15. WINGtIAM, C.E.,Dlontreal •' • SOc. and s1 per Bottle •. DAVIS & LAWRENCE OR., LTD., MONTREAL O 000 • • 0 00'000 Light Weight. TIIE Weight- is Lig?ht The Inducements are heavy-, the styles are everything, the most fastidous could desire. All our light weight goods,are exceptionally stylish and attractive and we will make them up at figures that will open your eyes with 'wonder, We are making a big' sale of Summer Goods. through this mouth. Come and see us at once and get a bargain See our $2 Pantings. Made to Order, i' Remember the Place. JADES 11. GRIEVE GI1J LBY & SON, Are showing special line for the iiext two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, awe i PICTURE NEWLEMOS,, S. GIDLEY & SON, ODD FELLOW'S Block Bicycles! Bicycles!! Bevies!!! Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking' Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere, A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds) and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto•. benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by 14 Ir. Chas.; Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. For sale here, C. LUTZ, Druggist