HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-9-17, Page 49'T--',MaMI. n i.-. * i.... it K +t,-tYNI '41i,v�4aMNYNW:x, MW✓A4M„N:�6, wesommaa... caw meow. sawcwoura es swum wwww welt. aflW.pn.wa'.L'� THE emetiaNkbroicatt, Chas, I . Sanders, Editor and Prop THURSDAY, September 17, 1898 TIIE 1TrfEELM' 1" AND THE JIIGIITV AY. Everywhoze the bicycle is demand- ing good. roads. The horse is not loquacious and he has no vote ; ands as a result, his opinion of the wretched. roads he has had to traverse has not effected much reform in the past; But the bicycle is different, It reminds its rider at every bumb of the roughness of a bad road, aucl the rider has both a loud voice and a powerful vote. Last year the wheelmen were strong enough to beat the railways in the lobbies of the Albany Legislature, and persuade that august body to declare that "a bicycle is a trunk," as Chauncey De - pew put it. A power of that kind will compellgood roads one of these days. At present in many -parts of the United States it is building "cycle paths" be- side the roads ; and Mr. Isaac B, Potter of the L. A. W., declares in the Cen- tury that "a cycle path is a protest against bad roads." He tells incident- ally how to make a ''cycle path"—us- INFERNAL PLOT. A DYNAMITE CONSPIRACY FOILED BY SCOTLAND YARD. Queen and char to Have ];leen Dynamited Together --Working Under ,the I:ye of Detectives—Tynan s _arrest. London, Sept. 14,—A semi-official com- munication upon the subject of the ' re- cent arrests of alleged dynamite con- spirators was issned this afternoon.It says: "There has been within the full knowledge of the Scotland Yard officials for some time past a gang of desperadoes busily engaged in Alnerioa in preparing the ramifications for .an extensive and diabolical plot to perpetrate a dynamite outrage in this country, and establish a reign of terror. Chief Inspector Melville, who has been so prominent in tracing and arresting Feuians, has been the head of the Scotland Yard arrangements for checkmating the present conspirators. Gradually and quietly, a complete net- work was drawn round the plotters, and the fact being known that they were in intimate communication with prominent- Russian. Nihilists in the United States enabled the police to pursue, investigate and discover,on what is believed to be absolute evidence, that one of the most reoent developments of the scheme aimed at an outrage on the Czar upon, the occa- sion of his visit to. England. The prime movers were Fenians in America, and when the plot had been carried as far as possible there Tynan and the other chief agents were despatched to Europe to con- summate the designs adopted. Every pre- caution was taken in shipping them separately and by different routes. The emissaries of Scotland Yard, however, formation that might be worth re eat- dogged their every movement." p The semi-official communication then ing here. The cost runs from seventy- deals with the arrest and the capture of fiye to one hundred and fifty dollars all the appliances, documents, oto., and per mile. The malting of the path is continues:"It was arranged Haat Bell accomplished in this wise: The surface width of the path should not be less than four feet, and need not be more than seven feet, except in rare cases. The paths are generally laid out on t;3 grass grown roadside, paralled with the was gonway. The grass was first cut close to the ground, after which the material (soft coal, cin- ders or screened gravel) is put on in a thin layer, and so shaped and packed as to slope downward from the centre to each side. The grade in most cases follows closely the original surface of the ground, Material may generally behad at lower cost, and hauled at less expense, during the winter months; and this is an important point to bear in mind, since the item of haulage alone is likely to constitute more than half the expense of construction. It is much more desiraole, of course to spend the money in improving the roads than in building cycle paths. For one thing, a good road. is a far more permanent institution than a cycle ven ,r, especially in this climate Than :or the wheelmen and the farm- ers to join in making one good and - permauent road instead of two bad ones—one being rough and the other short lived—is plainly an economy of effort. The day will come when this continent will be compelled to have Tetter roads. At present it is imnieas usably behind Europe—a circumstance which must be no small factor in the ;'cost of production" rivalry between the farmers of the te.o continents, At certain seasons of the year our roads are simply awful, and their impas• sibility takes good money out of the pockets of the farmer. The reason why they are not im proved would be generally put as a lack of money. What can be more fit then than that the farrners take ad- vantage of the readiness of wheelmen to supply some of the needful money, and "chipping" in their share, provide the country once for all with really good and permanent roads ? One of the things that this new money ought to buy is a scientific control of the high art of road -making. Labor should be definitely applied to the making of a certain kind of road, and a consistent policy pursued towards this end from year to year. Then the road should be made suitable for all vehicles likely to notorious .Anarchists and Nihilists. He use it, "The undoubted duty of every spent freely among his associates. He was voted a "good fellow," but there were those among his oompanions who did not approve of his air of braggadocia and threats of vengeance against Eng- land. It was thought that he did. alto - Mr. Potter "Cycling has come upon us' gather too much talking, and `he was apace, and the country road maker, whose official tenure is often short liv- ed and capricious and whose ambition is likely to be restrained by a short- sighted and parsimonious constituency may scarcely be condemned if he fails at times to provide for the old condit- ions or anticipate the new." It would be, .indeed, stupid to put the blame upon the road maker. He often accomplishes wonders when the materials at band are considered, But the whole community need to be awak- enedzin sense that to a realizing sa e the bicycle has arrived ; that it has as. na my rights on the road as anybody else; and that the roads must be con- structed to accommodate it as well as any of its sister vehicles, The Ontario Government has taken a step in the right direction in appointing a provin- cial -officer to assist and give counsel to local road makers, and the success of the experiment will be watched with interest. If the wheel brings the farmer European roads, he will bless the day he first saw its shining spokes hash, by. Mrs.. Finllestein, .aged 80, died in the Berlin jail on Monday as a result of starvation, She had been commit' ted to jail a few weeks ago for lunacy, after having tried to cut her . throat with per'son's razor, During her terra in jail she refused to eat. Some time ago Mr. Waddel, .0f Cul ross, and his wife, started • to visit Teeswater. The horses ran away, throwing Mr. Waddel out of the rig., The wife returned home and got one of the boys to drive to Teeswater, but bafore getting there , the team again ran away and the mother was killed. About two months ago this same team ran away, killing one of the boys, and now word comes. that another boy, while ougaged in drawing in grain, fell off the load and broke his neck. Alex. De. Cursey was sentenced to 23 months' imprisonment and 12 ladles at Windsor ou 'Wednesday for attetupt- ing to assault Flora Bloom, the 10 -year old orphan girl. The prisoner said be had just been paid effort the Schooner Glad Tidings, and had a good deal to drink in Detroit. Than he crossed over to Windsor, where he was accosted by the little girl, who persisted in, going with him. He thought he had left her behind and went to sleep on the grass, when he was awakened by the rustle of a dress and found hes standing be- side him. The first installment of six lashes will be administered during the first year of his imprisonment and the secoud in the second year. The last instalment must be administered at least 10 days before he is released. This is the first time in his .18 years' experience that Magistrate Bartlet has been called upon to sentence a man to the lash, should go to Glasgow to superintend a series of outrages in Scotland, the ex- plosive necessary being sent from Bel- gium asrequired. Bell had in his pockets between X900 and -2400 andAmerioan let- ters of credit." Tynan, who seems to have had no idea that he was shadowed by English detectives from the moment he landed in Europe, feels his position keenly. lie told his captors he knew that capital punishment awaited him if he was handed over to the representatives of the British Government A WIDE CONSPIRACY. It was learned that the conspirators were in alliance with the Fenians, Anar- abists and Nihilists and that they were all working together. The Nihilists who do not appear to have been specially in- terested in freeing Ireland from the British yoke, subscribed funds and dyna- mite for the leaders, but only on the ex- press condition that the business should be done on the continent. The visit of the Czar and Czarina to the Queen at Balmoral or their subsequent journey to France were deemed by the Nihilists to be the most suitable occasions on whioh to attempt the lives of their Imperial Majesties. Tho donors to the funds in America, however, insisted that a blow Should first be struok at England. It can be stated in this connection that In- spector Melville recently went to Paris, where it is supposed lie conferred with the polies as to the best meaps of cir- cumventing the plans of the conspirators.. At that time the English papers were not aware of the existence of the plot,and in their comments on the inspector's jonruey to Paris they stated, while point- ing out the existence in London of a large Anarchist colony, that the Czar. would without doubt be far safer in England without any police protection than be would be in Paris with all the safeguards that might be adopted by the police of that city. The result of the knowledge obtained by the police does not appear to bear out the claims made by the newspapers. It is stated that the conspirators, before they left the United States, were taught how to mix chemi- cals to form high explosives, and the use of cloak work to cause explosions. Their teacher was a Russian professor. Through him the Nihilists and. Fenians were brought together, and it was due to his efforts that the alliance between them was entered into. The police here in their iuvestigationsearly learned that the magazine of the plotters was located at e a suburb of Antwerp,and Bereh m, when the pians for the arrest were com- plete the authorities of that city were notified, and an attempt was made to arrest the Wrenin the house where the explosives were stored. This, however, failed, but it is thought almost certain that the two men, Kearney and Haines, alias Wallace, who wore arrested at Rot- terdam, are the Irishmen who lived in the house at Benham. Kearney sent Bell to Glasgow fpr the purpose of sounding the physical force party there as to their willingness to resort to the use of dyna- mite. It has been learned that, while Ty- nan was in Paris, he consorted with always had plenty of money, whioh he road officer to keep the public highway in a condition fit for the use of every vehicle having the lawful right to travel in not well understood," says several times warned that his tongue would get him in trouble with the police, if he did not put a curb upon it. It not expected that Tynan will be extradited until the conclusion of the Czar's visit to France. WAYS TO GET RICH, The road to fortune is paved with print. er's ink. Shekels and sense are necessary in suc- cessful advertising. Get something people want, advertise it wisely and it is sure to pay. The best advertising will not create a demand for that which is not wanted. Success in business is paved by the type- setter and made smooth by the printing press. Brevity is the soul of defeat in some ad- vertising. Grain won't grow to fruitful- ness the day it is planted. The advice of a bishop to a young preacher applies equally well to an adver- tiser: "Have something to say. Say it. Stop." The men who fail and go down in obliv- ion belong to the class who never adver- tise, advertise occasionally or only as they think their trade will warrant. There may be a double meaning in the misspelled sign in South Brooklyn: "For Sail—A sloop yacht of forty-five tons. Apply to owner, Third avenue, Bay Midge." Au advertisement . should tell the whole story iu the least number of words, care- fully selected and easily comprehended. The display should be adapted to the med- ium used. Died From His Injuries. St. Catharines, Ont., Sept. 14.—One of the oldestresidents of St. Catharines passed over to the silent majority on Sunday morning in the person of Mr. John Carter, brickmaker. His death was rather unexpected and sudden, although for three or four days he had bean suffer- ing from injuries received while pulling a wagon down the hill near his residence on Westchester avenue. The accident happened on Wednesday. Ere bad the tongue of the wagon, and was directing its course when one of the front wheels struck a stone, jerking the pole to one side, The end of the pole struck him on the side, lacerating one of the vital organs, and causinginjuries from which he did not recover. Mr. Carter was 64 years of age, and lived in St. Catharines the greater portion of his life. He took an active interest In Church work, being a member of St. Paul street Methodist church. Mr. Carter leaves a widow and four children. The wool -growers of the Northwest are still holding a large portion of this year's clip in hope of obtaining higher prices.' An old man named William Barnhart, of Osnabruck township, .90 years of age, committed suicide by cutting his .thropt ith ai�vir W 11 , TO THINK ABOUT- Try to admire your neighbor's good points—you will never forget Me bad ones. The man who really disbelieves a thing quits worrying about it, A clear conscience never wants to quar- rel with anybody. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. 'When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, This man thought he could 'run his store cheaper without Advertising and this is the way hegot SKINNED! (0 0, 0 Arthur Prentiss . was on Thursday last found guilty of the murder of Thos Lingard in the township of Rope on. the tenth of June, and was sentenced to he hanged on December 17th, The jury brought in' a . recommendation to mercy. _. Tho hand of affliction has been laid very heavily upon Mr Arch. McKay, M. C. R. engineer, of St.. Thomas. Within ail few months death has claim- ed his father wife and babe, and on Sunday night his son, Arch. A., aged 9 years and 4 months, passed away from the effects of diphtheria. At Sandwich, Lewis Harmon . was sentenced to two and a half years' im- prisonment in the penitentiary for as- saulting a servant girl in his employ, but in the certificate sent with him to Kingston the sentence was placed at only two years. Now the officials • are wondering whether they cau rectify the mistake and make the prisoner serve the full term to which he was sentenced. GREENS FOR AUTUMN. Diamond Dyes Give the Richest Colors. ..z ,...+o.. ga aaa4-e a2v cuawa�waay.,nc.v sr ei ®fi 0st o tin Clauses fully half the sickness in the world, Ip retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi. gestion, bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache, in- somnia, etc. Hood's . Pins cure constipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. 250. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Flood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla 41•111511/11SOBAMI*•12*ON11•04.0901W1RIAMIZ RIO The manufacturers of the, justly pop- ular Diamond Dyes constantly .avail themselves of every improvement in. the manufacture of dyestuffs, thus Mir- ing i,v ing to home dyers all over the world each and every advantage possessed by the largest manufacturers on earth. Have you tried the' Diamond Dye Fast Dark Green, Diamond Dye Fast Oliye green, and Diamond Dye Fast bottle Green ? For the dyeing of Wool and Silk goods,' these Greens are cer- tainly triumphs of science, For the coming Autumn, the above: Greens with their varied shades--Uunt- 1 er's Green, Myrtle Green, Bronze Green, Russian Green, and old Green—will be, all the rage for ladies' suits and dresses. Use only the' Diamond,," and you will surely get the best results and colors. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE :DARKS.DEsic i PATE111Ts, COPYRICHTS, ate. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 351 Baoeow.v, Naw Yoga, Oldest bureau for securing patents in America Every patent taken out by: us is brought before the public by a notice given free otcbarge in the creature erica. Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelliig�ent. man should be without it, Week', $5.00a year; 51,50 stxmonths. Address, -l1UNN & CO., I'ctiLrsimsts, ,felt Broadway, New York City. PYY - PECT RA1 Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS In a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in its effects. W. C. MCCODIEER & Son, Bouchette, Que„ report in a letter that Pyny-Pectoral cured Mrs. C. Gareeau of chronic cold in. chest and bronchial tubes, and also cured W. G. Mc:ember of a long.staudlnr:cold. Mn. J. H. 1-1.1122Y, Chemist, Sa8 Yonge St., Toronto, writes: " As a general cough and lung syrup Pyre Pectoral is a most invaluable preparation, It has given the utmost satisfaction to all who have trier; it, many having spoken to lne of tho benefits derived from its nso in their families. It is suitable for old or young, being pleasant to the taste. Its sato with ma has bean wonderful, and I can always recommend 1t us a: safe and reliable cough medicine." barge Dottie, 25 Cts. DAMS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Sole ProprietorsY i1i0TRL EA Win. Radom ►� Microbe Killer, OrdNC.FT0,n 0,5 44 A' -4- The Only Remedy+ That Gr Removes ti The True Cause Of Disease From The System. All diseases are caused by microbes, which are living germs in the blood; and these microbes cause inflammation, fermentation and decay. Thousands Of persons will testify to its wonclerful powers. 0, Send for circular. Rohn ep Killer co. • LONDON, ONTARIO. Glf A -C11191Nt Cool's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and time of need." ]very lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for 9,)60 !a# mad full particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Boom 3—No, 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Or Cook's Cotton Root Compound is soldall byresponsible 1 1 wholesale and retaidruggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for.One Dollar per box. ' Jii.'nl.lft,.a a k u + C\ --'fit T•`C"�t.�:.aaaaw,a.Pt.ia�s `VOIMEgagelln_ for infantS arid Children. T HITY years' observation of f Castoria tor ia with the e patronage of millions of persons,Permitsnato speakof itwItbout guessing. . It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever known, It is harmless. Children like it, It gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as a child's :medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency, Castoria neutralizes the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or any other narcotic. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put up in one -size bottles only, It is not sold in bulk, Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every purpose," See that you get £I -A -S -T -O -R -I -A. The fee -simile signature of is on every r4x-.;4 /�►�� wrapper. Chlk1i ere Cry for Pitcher's Castoris. r THC CENTAUR Cr,MPANY.77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY, '` ltil 2ti f . •H•'H u1�'H:r rliafle75'' 1 ..,.i �'vt :,.t.,acl'•.1i,� 1'r�_, _ 1':::'"..:: fr 90, PORTLAND and other 4 CEMENTS, CALCINED LAST the tele etc xsx XIS. Ilia H. BISHOP & SON. hrough 61. Throubh Examine both the BUSINESS and SHORTHAND courses of the FOREST CITY BUSINESS Zit SHORTHAND COLLEGE, LONDON, ONT. And you will find them practical at all points. Students attend this College from all parts of the country. Finest set of rooms for business Col- lege work in Canada, Graduates successful, in securiug positions. Catalogues and particulars of either course sent upon application. J, W. Westervelt, Principal- ;;ii..t,5e4e0A% ��r'•�N yticco. The Old Reiiable Specialists. 33 Years, Experience in the treatment of the Throat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of men and women. Lost Manhood restored—Kidney and BIad- der troubles permanently cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicoceleand stricture cured 'without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury. Younglen Buffering from the effects of S youthfulfollics or indiscretion., or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or- gans, can here find safe and speedy cure. Charges reasonable, especially to the poor. CURES GUARANTEED, Thera aremany troubled Middle -Aged den with t.,o frequent evacu- tions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, aad weakenin of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many mea who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per- fect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the Benito -urinary organs. Con- sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when writing. Office hours: From 9 e. m. to B p, an. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. In. DR. SPINNEY & CO, Side En0 trance eAN . 12 AVENUE. St.) DETROIT, MICH. INESIREDI Mitchell: James Sheen, the sheep stealer, must serve the full term of his sentence, in the Kingston penitentiary, London, ..:. A requisition, which was numerously L+'xeter, signed, was lately presented to the Min- xete ell , .... ister of Justice, asking for his reprieve:, Zur:ieh ....... : but the Mayor and others are iv receipt Seaford'. , of a reply saying that his case is not considered entitled to :executive clem ency. No other reply could have been expected. The crime was one of the most barefaced and extensive ever per- petrated in this neighborhood, and there were no extenuating circumstanc- es connected with his wholesale thiev- ery. Society has certain rights, and to liberate Sheen would be making a farce of justice. Fail Fairs. Sept. 10 to 19 " 21to22 01 22to24 " 23to24' .. " 24to25 Clinton... .. , " 29 to 80 Mitchell, • " 29 to 80 Stratford... , . ..... Oct. 1 to 2 Staffa. " 1to2 St. Marys, .. " 8 to 7 Eirkton, .. 8 to 9 Lieury: Mr. James F. Darr'. has purchased Mr. Long's 50 acre farm at Moray for the .sum of $1,900. feei