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THURSDAY. SEPT 11, 1896.
The Week's Commercial Summary..
The price • of silver deolined to 060 per
ounce bi New York yeeterday, and in
London to 30 5-8d. •
The earnings at the Canadian Pacific
for the secoud week of August show an
increase of $69,000. .
The stocks of wheat at Toronto are 127,
565 bushe is as cent' pared with 8141,202 Wish-
-els last week and 7,748 bushels a year ago.
The imports into Europe tor 53 weeks
ending July 31 are 897,784,000 bushels of
which 186,184,000 bushels went to the
United Kingdom
The report of grain traffic from the
West last week showed a tonuage double
that of the corresPonding week in 1895,
while the St. Paul Railway earnings in-
creased less than 86,000.
Imports of merchandise at New Yoldt•
last week were 86,410,198, as against 810,-
7313,458 in the same week last year, and
for the past al weeks inaports were 880,-
000,000 under those duriag thecorresponcl-
ing pesiocl of a year ago.
The visible snpply of wheat in the
United States and Canada is 45,876.000
bushels as iagailln 886,892,000 a year ago and
$63,920,000 two years ago. The amount on
passage to Europe is now only $17,200,000
bushels as compared with 28,020,000 bush-
els a year ago.
Wholesale trade at Toronto is in pretty
much the same condition as previously
reported. Nearly all branches of busi-
ness are quiet and seaturelees. The out-
look isnot particularly bright, but at the
sarne time is not unfavorable. Bankers
are very conservative in giving credits,
and the dispositioti is to reduce discounts.
The egg season is opening early iu. Eng-
land this year. Already 2,950 cases of
Canadian eggs have arrived at Liverpool.
At the tame period last year on19 75 eases
had arrived. Firms have entered into
large contracts for November and Decem-
ber delivery. Piekled eggs are quoted
from 6s. ad. to 6s. 9d. per long hundred
of 10 dozen.
An ingenious method of testing the peu-
etrative power of small projectiles has
been tried in Grerinany by Herr :Sluiler. A
large water trough is divided hi the bot-
tom by transveree ribs, and closed at out
end by thick gelatine plates. The shot is
fired into the end of the trough, when the
hole in the gelatine instantly closes up,
preventing the escape of the water. Each
shot is retained by the ribs where it falls,
and its position is noted wheu the water
is drawls off after the firing.
Getting close to the consumer, just as
far as this is practicable, will do much to
solve the questiou of profit in farming.
The grower of the big staple erops can nut
do this as well aa the specialist, who may
time avoid some of the middleman's
charges, which always come OM of the
producer. The market gardener, or the
poultry raiser, in locitlities adjacent to
large towns or cities, can often build. up a
profitable trade direct with families. But
this requires forethought, good judg-
ment, careful selection of attractive prod-
uce, integrity hi dealing and persistent
Here and There.
Some men are born Hell, stinie have
riches thrust upon them, and ()them go
into the ice business.
The meeting of the coal trust reminds
one that no matter how hot it is now, if
he wants any warmth next winter he will
have to pay well for it.
If General Weyler continues to "con-
quer Cuba," as he is doing now, it won't
be many months before the Cuban army
will be marching on Madrid.
They say gold is being hoarded, yet
there are thousands of people in the pun -
try who are continually exchanging gold
forsilver. They are dentists.
It le difficult to imagine that in less
than six months from now a roaring bliz-
zard will be tearing through the cou ntry
driving people into the arms of the coal.
A. New York business man received the
other day a check drawn on the lath day
of the month for 813.13, but as he is the
lath child in his family he cashed it with-
out a momeut's hesitation,
14 Hung Chang asked in London if the
special train offered to him by the Penn-
sylvania railroad would carry him direct
to Vancouver without change. It is ten
to one that none of his English hosts could
tell him.
The latest cure is the barefoot cure. It
is alleged that many diseases can be
helped, or permanently cured, by going
barefooted through wee grass. It may be
surmised that this cure will never be
popular 'with shoemakers.
There is more than one way to make a
fortune. Banker 'Wilson of New York
has managed to pile up from 88,000,000 to
10,000,000 by a lifetime of hard work, but
Mrs. Wilson, iu a few short years, has
niarried her sons and daughters to about
There never was, and never will be, a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for
all ills to which flesh is heir --the very
nature of many curatives being such that
were the germs of other and differently
a seated diseases rooted in the system of
the patient -what would relieve one ill,
in turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound uns,dulterated
state, a remedy for many and grievous
Ms. By its gradual and. judicious use,
the frailest systems are led. into oonvales-
cence and strength, by the influence
which Quinine exerts on Nature's own
restoratives, It relieves the drooping
spirits of those with whom a °braille
state of morbid despondency and. laok of
interest in life is a disease, and, by tran-
quilizing the nerves, disposes to sound
and refresbing sleep -imparts vigor to the
action of the blood, which, being
stinaulated, courses throughout the
veins, strengthening the healthy animal
functions of the system, thereby making
activity a necessary result, strengthening
the fraene, and giving life to the diges-
tive organs, wbich /laterally demand
increased substance -result, improved
appetite. Northrop Se Lyman of Toronto,
have given to the publie their superior
Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and,
gauged by the opinion of scientists, this
wine approaches nearest perfection of
any itt the market. All druggists sell is.
The limport ant 'Events in *Few Words For
Busy Readers,
Frost and snow have already visited
London township.
Mrs. Lockerty, of Belleville, wits killed
by the electric oars.
Sir David Macpherson died on board
the steamer Labrador in mid -ocean.
Bancroft, Ont., is negotiating for the
construction of ivon smelting works
Daniel Malloy, a young4ad of Niagara
Falls, was drowned in the whirlpool
The' electric light and waverworks by-
law was carried in Listowel by a small
The Ontario Entomological Society
will bold its annual meetieg in London
October 21.
An effort is now being made to amal-
gamate the Toronto Public. and High
School Boards.
Mr. George E. Suffell, of St. Thomas,
left an estate of $100,000, divided be-
tween relatives.
Bush fires are raging in British Col-
unabia. New Westmlnister is surrounded
and threatened on every side.
The Bank of Montreal now refuees to
accept United States bills as well as
silver at its head office in Montreal.
The Igiagara Fruit Growers' Associa-
tion will do no more business with com-
mission men who refuse to remit weekly.
Mr. John Chambers, reeve of Fenelon,
Ont., and ex -warden of the County of
Victoria, died of brain fever at his home.
The detail of militia corps to form
camps of instruction for twelve days drill
are circulated in the nailitia general
The Presse announces that Mr. Alfred
Thibandeaumf Montreal, has been named
edSenate to succeed Mr. Angers, re.
Rev. .T. H. Long has resigned his
pastorate of the First Unitarian church,
Hamilton, to become editor of the Wind-
sor Review.
Mr, 5, Hallgrinson, a farmer of Glen -
bora, tell from a load of hay, striking
on the back of his neck, dying two days
later from his injuries.
The C. P, R. has granted free trans-
portation for a collection of the products
of Alberta tn be shown at the Toronto
Industrial Exhibition.
A special meeting of the Toronto,
Hamilton as• Buffalo Railway Company
will be held at the Queen's Hotel, To-
ronto, September 21st.
Mayor Wilson Smith, of Montreal.
believes that Toronto should forego its
claim for an international Exposition in
favor of Montreal.
Farmer John Crake, of Whitchurch,
Is charged with paying his hired roan
Grimes $5 to set fire to a house to get
insurance on the furniture.
The Governor -General's warrants issued
by the present Government have been
brought down. They were four in all,
and they amounted to $2,006,002.
A boiler in Mr. George Talyor's shops
at St. Thomas exploded on Saturday,
and, although a number of persons were
close at hand, no serious are reported.
A package containing $6,000 and
other money of the 0. P. R. was stolen
from the safe of Joliette station souse
time on Friday night or Saturday morn-
Archbishop Begin, of Quebec, has
Issued to his clergy a circular favoring
the anti -Masonic Congress, which meets
next month at Trente, in the Austrian
It is reported that President Beckley,
who is in England negotiating for the
sale of Toronto, Hamilton, and BetIalo
railway bonds, is meeting with great
In the storm of Saturday night seven
horses were killed on the Sayer farm on
the fifth coneession of West Flamboro'.
One of the horses killed we; said to be
worth $1,500.
The Board of Governors ef the Hamil-
ton City hospital have decided to pur-
chase a raiscroscope and to buy in the
market all the supplies that are not yet
contracted for
Mayor Fleming had an interview with
General Manager Hays of the Grand
Trunk in Montreal, and received assur-
ances that the Grand Trunk shops would
remain in Toronto.
Passengers on the steamship Lake
Ontario at the time of the collision with
the Vancouver deny the statements of
Johnston, who reflected on the Lake
Ontario's officers.
By the premature explosion of a
obarge of dynamite at Parry Island,
Ont.'two men, named Jim Smith and
.Arthur Hillman, were killed, and John
Olsen badly injured,
President MoKenzie, of the Toronto
Railway Company, informed the earn-
mittee of Council that the company
would not submit to a paynaent of
extra mileage as a condition of a Sunday
car service.
By the burning of Mrs. Quaife's house
at Huntsville five lives were lost Mrs.
Quaife and Mrs. Philips lost their lives
in attempting to save the children. Two
of Mrs. Quaife's children perished, and
Miss Jessie Phillips was ,so badly burned
that she succumbed to her injuries on
Word cornes from Bothwell oil fields
that of the ten recent tests inade all have
been successful. Two of them are over
three hraidred barrels each. Never in the
history of oil testing in any part of
Anaevica hive such results been ob-
tained. The total yield daily is nearly
1,000 barrels. Mr. Hiram Walker will
erect a refinery.
Sleeplessuess is due to nervous excite
ment. The delicately constituted, the
financier, the busiuess man, and those
whose oceepation ItGc5ssitLtt great
naental strain or worry, all stiffer less or
more from it. Sleep is the great vestorer
of a worried brain, and to get sleep eleanse
the stomach from all impurities with a
few doses of Parmelee's 'Vegetable Pills,
gelatine coated, containing, no mercury,
and are guaranteed to give satisfaction or
the money will be refunded.
Anuther advance in freights on antlera-
cite coal it announced.
The Hudson River from its source to
the ocean is 400 miles itt length.
The riext annual convention of Amer-
ican Florists will be hedd at Providence,
Twelve people sat down at an Etna,
N.H., dineer table teceatly whose united
ages Were 069 years,
For the first our months Of this year
the losses by fire in the United States
have averaged $336,879 per day.
The pppular vote of the United States,
at ths election in November, it is estim-
ated, vein be close to 13,000,000.
Fire 'destroyed the exposition building
mail lot of :tome. seructures at the
BUJ/al° Driving:VA/4n
hg. New York dentist employs a woman
assistant, who goes from house to house
and cleans teeth. he charge is 5 cents
a mouth, and she does a big business.
At Huntington, Leda Wallace's shoW
tents were wreoked by the storm. The
horses and menagerie stampeded and
much property was ruined. The elephants
eaused a panic.
' The Liberty, Mo., blacksmith who
offered to shoe a horse all armed in 15
minutes has performed the feat in nine
rainutes, and his wife is as good a black-
smith as he is.
• It is reported that every state, exeept
Nevada, Idaho and Utah, and possibly
a southern state, will sena a full dele-
gation to the gold Democrats' convention
in Iectianapolis.
The Maine Bible Society has, during
the past year, found 95 towns in the
state without religious worship, and half
the families visited were found to. be
Without religious influences.
ln Harbor Springs. Mich., there is a
large and doerishing wood toothpick in-
dustry. White birch is exclusively used
in the manufaCture of the toothpicks,
and about 7,500,000 are turned out daily.
Some enterprising young electricians
in Brooklyn bave been tapping the
trolley wires and sapplying eleotrio
lights to storekeepers. Every month the
regularly collected the bills for the stolen
The famous collection of violins owned
by the late R. D. Hawley, of Hatford,
has been sold to a California man for
$20,000. The collection consists of 19 in-
struments, which are among the finest
in the world.
In 1880 there were 66,407 "civilized"
Indians; in 1890 there were 58,806. The
uncivilized Indians are not enumerated.
In 1880 there -were 105,465 Chinese in
the 1.Thited tates, and in 1890 there
were 107,475.
United States 'Secretary Hoke Smith
has resigned his portfolio. Being the
only member of President Cleveland's
Cabinet who supports the Chicago tiok.et,
he is consequently out of harmony With
his colleagues.
Four old street cars are used by John
V. Beltannon, of Baltimore, as a home
for himself and family. They are on
suburban ground, for which he does .not
have to pay rent. They cost him ten
dollars each.
Two women were asleep on a 'feather
bed in their home at Bonne Terre. Md.,
when lightning struck the house and set
fire' to the shuck mattress under the bed,
but the women were unharmed. 'The
feathers repelled the electricity.
He Has Tried It. -Mr. John Anderson
Kinloss, writes: "'venture to say few, if
any, have received greater benefit from
the use of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil, than
I have. I have used -it regularly for over
ten years, and have recommended it to all
sufferers I knew of, and they also found
it of great virtue in cases of severe bron-
chitis and incipient coustun ption,"
Russia will make Vladivostock a com-
mercial port.
The Shah's eldest eon was installed at
Tnbreez as heir-appnrent of. Persia.
The new roller steamer, the invention
of M, Bajinavra, has been launched at
St. Denis, France.
Merchants in St, John's, Nfld., will
not accept Anierican coin and are dis-
counting American bills.
Insurgents in Macedonia have burned
two villages in the Kozoni district and
anassaored 80 persons.
The Queen has sent to the Royal Al-
bert Yacht Club her regrets anent the
accidental death of Baron Von Zeedtwitza
Baron !slants, commanding a strong
Belgian force, has taken the offensive
against the. Mahdists in the Upper Congo,
Cuban rebels eaptured a train near
Bacanagna, killed six and wounded 22
Spanish soldiers and then fired the train.
The rebel loss was heavy.
A despatch from Berlin says that the
powers have all agreed upon the adoption
of a policy which will compel Turkey to
grant autonomy to Crete.
A Tangiers despatch says that a plot
has been discovered aiming at the de-
thronement of the Sultan of Morocco in
favor of his elder brother, Maley
The funeral of Sir John Milleis, the
late.president of the Rciyal Academy,
took place Thursday, and the remains
were interred with honors in St. Paul's
cathedral. .
On August 14th Prof. Andree at
Danes' Island, was still 4,waiting for a
favorable wind in circler to enable him
to attempt his balloon trip across the
Arctic region.
The British Government says the Irish
dynainiters were released from Portland
on :the advice of the prison doctor, who
detares1 that further confinement would
endanger their lives.
Dr. Nameen's Arctic exploring ship
Frani, which he left embedded in the
ice early in January, 1895, arrived en
Wednesday evening at Skjervo, Norway.
All were well on board.
Dr. NtlESEM will not again attempt to
reach the North Pole in a ship, but may
lead a, sledge expedition from Franz
Joseph Land, the only way he now be-
lieves it can be reached.
The Bulgaria -Turkey frontier dispu to
is asenining grave proportions. Bulgarian
'mope will be ordered to re -occupy the
territory claimed by Turkey unless the
latter uppoints delegates to a commission.
le.r. Snyder, an American missionary,
has arrived at Liverpool after foar years'
absence in the Congo region of Africa.
He penetrated a thousand miles into the
interior, and discovered a new lake of
the first magnitude.
The London Sun says that Jelin Daly,
the dynamiter. released on Thursday
from Portland prison, will be able to
prove that the Irish dynamiters have
been sithjected to indignities and punish -
tents that the vilest prisoners in her
ajesty's prisons have escaped.
liey Never Fail. -Mr, S. M. Boughner,
et, igeaka, writes: "For about two years I
,bled With lu ward Piles, but by
sing i'aentelee's Pills, I was conipletely
autel, and although four years have
psed si ti mel li ell ti ey have n ot returned."
trmelee's Pills are a uti-bilious and a
,ael tie for the cure of Liver and Kidney
I ta Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
Piles, etc., mid will regulate
• i :us nod rewove all biliouS
'With Health the World is a World of Sun.
shine -With Disease, a Dark, Gleonay,
Frison.Lihe Abode -The Dreat South
American Reined ies Have Brought Back
the Sunshine t� :litany a Life.
Rheumatism -What joyful news to the
sufferer front ehronic rheumatism or
neuralgia! That instant relief and an
abselute cure can be had in from oue te
three days by using the Great South
American Rheumatic Cure seems incredi-
ble, but thousands say it's a fact, and
here is the testimony of one: For three
years I suffered untold misery ia my legs,
for six mouths I was confined td my bed.
I used all the ordinary remedies I could
lay my hands on. South American
Rheumatic Cure being brought to my
notice, I procured a bottle and it gave Me
instant relief. A few bottles completely
cured me." -George' Denham, druggist,
Kidneys. - Spontaneous, unsolicited
testimony is the highest recommend that
can he given the Great South American
Kidney Cure. What it has done iG can
do again. It is a kidney specific -gives
quick relief in all kidney disorders. heals
and strengthens. Michael McMullen,
Chesley, Ont., writes: "I had been
troubled with gravel and kidney disease
for eight years. 'Remedies' and doctors
could give me no relief-paiu was so
severe that I could not lie .down or re-
main in one position any time, I pro-
cured a bottle of South American Kidney
Cure, took it according to the directious.
I got instant relief, the soreness all left
me, and to -day I am cured of the danger-
ous trotible and recommend this wonder-
ful remedy to all similarly affected*"
The Nerves. -We live iu a hurry and
nine -tenths of- mor aihatents are due to
nervous exhaustion, impoverished blood
or bad digestion. South American Nerv-
ine is a blood -builder; it tones the nerves
and stimulates digestion. Thousands
whose lives were a burden to them are to-
day in excellent health because they have
tested its marvelous power. W. H, Sher-
man of Morrisburg writes: "I was com-
pletely run down -a great sufferer from
stomach and nervous troubles. Tried
every medicine in the market with little
or no relief. I obtained a bottle of South
American Nervine. Before half of it was
taken I had derived great benefit. Six
bottles made me ray own self again. I
recommend it to everybody so afflicted,
and cheerfully give it my testimony."
Failures in Canada.
There are honest bankrupts, men who
have struggled manfully agaiust heavy
odds to pay their debts in full, and have
failed. But to one whose duty it is to
chronicle, from week to week, the bank-
ruptcies in Canada, he cannot but be
strongly impressed by the number of
assignments to which may be justly at-
tached more . than a shadow of tlante.
There is a, deplorable lack of business
morality in Canada and the United
States. The merchant who is at all in-
clined to dishonesty erten receives from
the jebber, in the shape of extravagant
credit, every inducement to follow tbe
natural bent of his mind. Merohants,
who from the frequency of their assign-
ments, might be styled chronic bank-
rupts, are bolstered up by the jobbers and
carried along to the great disadvantage,
and very often destruction, of honest
traders. A merchant who attempus to
pay his liabilities in full is in no position
to compete with a neighbor who every
now and then obtains a settlement at
fifty cents on the dollar, or even less. The
wholesale trade suffers from the ease with
which long credits eau be obtained, but
their losses are scarcely heavier than that
of legithnate retailers, who have every-
thing to gain in the adoption of stricter
methods in granting credit. --Monetary
Ind ust'l Exii i b. ron to . .Au. :1 -Sept. 11
Eastern, Sheehrooke Aug, el-Seph
Dundas Co., hie yr is bu rg ele et. 14
Witichester, Wit:Chester Sept.. "841
Prov. 'Montreal, 10-12
Weetern, Lontiou ' ' 1.0
Gue I Ph, Guelph
Caeletop, Richmond
North Grey, °Well Sound
Addi groin Tam wo rth
S. Laaark, Perth
Central Canada, Ottawa
Beutnuck, Hatiover
S. lieu frew, Renfrew
W. Durham, Bo went n vil
Smith Grimsby, Sittitlivlile
8ept.. 15-11
aepi, 15-11
Sept. 15-11
Sept. 1047
Sept. 30-18
Sept. 11-211
Sept. 17-18
Sept. 17-18
Sept. 17-11
Sept. 18-19
St. lucent Tp., Meaturd... ... .Sept. 21-22
Tavietnels, Tavistock . bete. 21 28
Delia, Detre Sept, eia,28
Cent rat, .Peterburough .... . .Sept. 21-28
Liticolii, Sr. Catharines Sept, 21 21
lialthinatel, City Lige ....... 22-26
Lisowel, L.stowel .... . .. Sept, 2,2-21
Pet ro I ea, Petro Ica Sept. 22-23
'Wellesley, Wellesley Sep,. 92,28
Lennox, iSrti panee Sept. 2e-25
Northern, Willkerton Sept. 29-25
N. -Xi uskoka, Id un tsville Sept. 22-25
S. Grenville, Prescott Sept. 22-24
Great; G'oderich -Sept. 22-24
Widditield. North Bay Sept. 23 24
East Slincoe, Orillia..., . Sept. 23.24
Collingwood, Col liugwood Sept. 23-211
Southern, Brantford .............epi. 23-25
W. MiddleseX, Strathroy Sept. 28-25
Cliuton-Grimsby, Beainsvil le Sept. 24-25
-North Ontario, Uxbridge.Sept. 24-2.5
Muskoka, Bracebridge Sept. 24-25
Woodstock, Woodstock. ... . . Sept. 24 25
Mornington, Milverton Sept. 24-25
North Oxford, Woodstock Sept. 24-25
East Grey, Flesherton Sept. 24-25
Central, Lindsay Sept. 24 20
Palmerston Hort., PalinerstouSept. 28-29
On tat io, Whitby . . ... , . Sept. 28-30
Whitchnrch, StoutIville Sept. 29
Northern, Ailsa Craig Sept. 29.30
Bruce Centre, Pais ley . . Sept. 29-30
Muskoka Tp., Gravenhurst • Sept. 29-80
South Grey, Durham Sept. 29-80
Forest, Forest Sept. 29-30
North Waterloo, Berlin Sept. 29-30
Peel, Brampton Sept. 29-30
Dereham, Tilsonburg . Sept. 29-30
Mitchell, Mitchell . .Seps. 29-30
Enna, Atwood. ...... ...... -Sept. 29-30
E, Nisso Lira Thamesford.......Seat. 30
North Lanark, ..4.11noute --Sept. 29 -Oct. 1
Peninsular, Chatham ... ... Sept. 29-0cv. 1
North Si incoe, Stayner .....Sept. 29 -Oct. 3
'W. 'Wellington, Harriston -Sept. 30-000. 1
East York, Marklann., . . ... Sept. 30 -Oct. 2
Middleton,. Courtla Oct. 1
Embro, him bro Oct. 1
Westin luster, Lam both Oct. 1
N. Bruce, Pore Elgin Oct. 1-2
W. Elgin, Wallacetown. ..... Oce, 1-2
N. Renfrew, Beachburie oce. 1-2
N. Perth, Stratford .Oct. 1-2
Du fferi in Orangeville .... - ... . . -Oct. 1-2
Central Simcot, „Barrie., ....... Oct. 1-3
S. Norwich. 0 tterVille Oct. 2-3
W. Northumberland, Cobourg Oct. 6-7
Arleta -Tara, Tara Oct. 6-1
N. Brant, Paris Oct. 6-7
C. Wellington, Fergns Oct. 6-1
St. Mary's, St. Mary's ....... ... . Oet. 6-7
Manitoulin, Man i to w Itni , Oct. 6-1
S. Hinisworeh, Powassati Ott. 6-1
'Morris, Blyth Oct. 6-7
St. Thomas, Sr. Thomas.. ...... . Aden 6-6
E. Algoma, Sault Ste Marie Oct, 6-5
W. Iiissouri, Thorndale.. Oct. 13
Caledonia, Caledonia ..... ....... -Oct. 8-9
N. Norwich, Norwich ' Oct. 8-9
Blanshard, liirkton Oct. 8-9
Bramosa, Roc,kwood Oct. 8 9
Tossorou tic, Allison Oct. 8-9
Drumbo, Druslibo ... . ... Oct. 8-9
Georgina, Sutton Oct. 8-9
World's Fair, Brockton Oct. 13-14
E. Cardwell, Becton Oct. 13-14
Norfolk, Sinicoe Oct. 13-15
Burford, Burford Oct. 15-16
East Luther, Grand Valley --Oct. 15-16
Times. Trafalgar, Oakville Om 15-16
W. York, Woodbridge Oct. 20-21
Erin, Erin Oct. 20-21
Live up to Your Privileges.
If we read of some new fabric made in
some foreign country which gave protec-
tion from colds providing a healthful
Warmth in all sorts of weather, we would
consider it wonderful and be envious of
the people who could take advantage of
it. But because the chamois is quite in-
expensive and easy to get perhaps soine
have not yet tested its merits and found
out for themselves the splendid winter
comfort a layer of it will impart to all
outdoor garments. Its weather proof
qualities are genuine, founded on the
fact chat it is made entirely from spruce
fibre, and is therefore a complete, non-
coadactor of cold. This, as well as its
light weight, makes it an ideal addition
to every one's fall and winter clothiug.
"I want to pay this bill," he said to the
hotel clerk. "But I think you have made
a slight error here in my favor. I've
been reading over the extras, and I can-
not find that you have charged me any-
thing for telling me you thought it might
rain." -Emporium Echo.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any cass of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hairs Cle.taat.:rolitiCEoNreE.
Y & CO., Props., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned, 'have known F.J.Oheney
for the last 15 years, and believe hini perfectly
hoeorable In ail business transactions and fin-
ancially able to carry out any obligation made
byEtshrelz tirnuiA.
Wholesale Druggists,Toledo. 0.
.V4TALDING.KINNAN & MAltwiN, Whotesale Drug-
gists, Toledo, 0. .
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally. act-
ing directly upon the 'blood and mucous sur-
faces id the system. Price 75e. per bottle. Sold
by all Druggiste. Testimon als free.
jazneer-Why don't you make mem-
eranduma and then you won't forget the
things you want to remember?
Gri bbs,----1 do, but I always forget where
I put them.
ets stopped free and permanent-
- cured. No lits after -first day•s use of Dr.
Intine's Great :Serve Restorer. Free 92
trial bottle sent tlfrough Canadian Agene•y.
Address Di Kline, 03i. Areh St, Philadelphia,
An Opinion xadorsed. ,
• "A great many people are too quick to
act on an assumption;" observed the phil-
Pheet,'" replied the theatrical manager,
" on an assumption that they know, how
to act. --Wash ingbon Star, '
For Making a Deliciout Health Drink at
Small Cost.
Reei pe;
A dants' Ginger Beer Extract one bottle
Fleischniann's Yeast, otte.hall to one cake
Sugar two lbs.
Cream of Tartar one-half oz.
Luke MUM water two gallons
Dissol ve the, sugar, cream of tartar and. yeast
in the water, add the extraat, and bottle; platte
in ti warm plaee, for twenty-four hours until it
ferments, then platut on ice, when it will open
sparkling., era)] And delicious.
The C.,' inget• Beer can be obtained in all drug
and grocery stores in 10 cent bottles to make
two galloon.
A Bovine Churn.
. Liewell-I see they have a new way of
making butter now.
Askitt-How do they do it?
Liesvell-They teach the cows lie koo-
chee-koocbee deuce.
Ifthe Stomach is Not Right.
Is there Nausea? Is there Constipation?
Is the Tongue Coated? Are you Light
Headed? Do you Have Sink
A.ny and all of these denote Stomaoh and
Liver Disorder.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills act quickly
and will cure most stubborn and chronic
eases. No unpleasantness. No griping.
These little pills are little wonder work-
ers and are far famed. 40 in a vial for
10 tents.
Situated In the Reny River D, Istria, Ontario.
A. work lug. muti e producing gold bricks
A.t the present rate of output a handsome divi-
dend is assured on the stock.
.I have had placed in my hands for sale 150,000
shares of paid-up and non -assessable stoek,
par value 91 each, whieh I am instructed 10r tt
short time only to offer 4er l'AR,
The money raised from the sale of this stock
will be expended in purchasing more machinery
to inerease the output of this far-famea
bullion -producing mine.
The directors are prominent men in Montreal,
Hamilton, Toronto and Rat Portage. The
Mana,e.er of the Company, Mr. R. H. Ahn, is
probably the best known mining expert in the
Rainy River District.
All applications for stock and any informa-
tion will be furnished on application to '
Mining Broker tor Rainy River District,
1 Toronto Street, Toronto.
seehh eeehh-sa,„
Canoe, Skiff, Steam Launch;
or anything in the shape of a boat,
Write to us.
Ideal Summer Resort.
.K111 two birds with one stone. Spent
a pleasant summer holiday at Oakville,
and get rid of the liquor or 'morphine -
habit once anti for all at the some time.
It will cost yen a little more than if you,
go to an ordinary summer resort, but
Probably net half aSAMuch as -you .would
spend mrliendor in half the time, !"Lake-,
burst," with its fine house, shady
grounds, water front and . excellent
buard, is preferable to most hotels, and
you nal) leave your liquor curse behind
you forever when your , holiday is over.
For .full particulars address Manager,.
I,akehurst Institute, Oakville, Ont.
A Trine l'111.4.411.1111.1,
13uuco-Strang4r in New York, I see.
Farnter-You've jist about struck it,
Bunco -That's what I thought. Now
let me give yon a "steer."
Farmer -Much obleeged, but
ra.yther long on steers. Et yon kin make
it a couple 13' seiung milch kyows I'll take
'em, b'gosh1-Somerville joareal. -
Cucumbers and melons are "forbidden
fruit" to many persons so constituted that
the least itidulgence is followed by at-
tacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc.
These persons are not aware that they can
indulge to their hearts content if they
have'on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Dysentery Corinne a medicine that
will give immediate relief, and is a . sure
cure for all euminer complaints.
A InPle Revenge.
s'I'leat feller Han kinson has been comin'
to kee my sister for six Months," said
Johnny, "and he's never give me a cent's
worth of candy. But I got even With him
last night.
" How 10:
"1 saw him Sittin! in the parlor waitin'
for sis to come down. He had egg in his
whiskers and I didn't tell him of
Chicago Tribune.
A bicyclist may prefer a high grade
wheel, but he .1ticks vigorously on high
grade cycle paths,
Sold Only in Lead Packets,
it. LAW, solicitor in Supreme ennit of Can.
ad. Moiley to lean, offices-a:fah° Toronto
street, Toronto.
commission ; good agents van secure a
permanent pusitien. Send stamp for nartlete
hue. No yowls. Address VITA.E.ORE
POT, Toronto.
Speeini yet prices for August .• Trolling
spoons, 15,90 and 25 cents each; trolling linea,
10,15, 20 and 25 cents each; rubber minnows, 25
30 and 35 cents POO; phantom Illtimows, 30, 4
taut 50 cents each; trout flies; assorted. 30 to 5
cents per dozen; bass assotied. 50 to 7
eents per dozen. All other lines of tackle re.
(limed in the same propertIon this month. Send
your order and we will nay the postage. Ta-
nnins Sporting Goods (le., 07 Xonete street,
Toronto. \V. MoDOW A LI., Manager.
We are headenerters for Smoked Hams, Rol
Batton and Long Clear Park. Our prices ar
right and nothing but firshclass goods shippe .
In these lines we lead the trade Our Teas
and Coffees require no comment. They have
proved themselves to be leaders by our enore
moue sales. send for our Illustrated Catalogue.
All goods quoted Freight Prepaid,
A. H. CANNING & 00., ,
Wholesale Grocers, i
57 Front street East, Toronto.
The Discriminating
Public always
ask for
E. B. EDDY'S Matches
_volt RI. tit'. 4i14 A 111.4ERLAIN EYIE
..r" Slate la King St. E., To• ,
route. Home Aug. loth to Sept. Lith. "
Daily -from Yong% Street Wharf at
7,4$5 a.m. and 3.20 p.m. for St. Catha-
rines, N. Falls..Buffalo, N. York and
all points east. Family books for
sale. Low rates to excursion parties.
Tickets at all principal agents and at
office on wharf.
C4EN7.4,44 /1
Cor. Gerrard and rouge, Toxonto, Ont.'
Unquestionably the largest and roost influ-
ential commercial school in Canada. Hundreds
of stadenM plaeed directly into good paying
situations. Only one kind of bnsiness trainhig
given and that-"TIIE BEV." Write for new
Gatalogue. W. H. SHAW Principal.
T. W. U..
.a24 Type, l'resses, Inks, Iteady-Print
Newspapers, Stereotypy efattee,litleetros
tvpin g, En gra yin g. TORONTO TYPE'
*SUNDRY, •noronto and IVInnlpeg.