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The Exeter Advocate, 1896-9-3, Page 5
,f1 dren aded ) 31) ficial City, y for lose, Yap:. best ONT,, tairiaeds qall duties er. evelt., rseS, aw's ery tand t at- one ectilan. THE 05zettr Abracate, ta published every Thursday Morning, at the °fano, MAIN-STREBT, - EXETER., --Sy the- ADVOOATE PO EL t SH111C3 COMPANY, TERRIS OF STIBSCIMPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advanee 10 RAO if not so paid, .E...a.nrcientics5.zary =a. ..(11..-nanlica.- tlece. No P0Pcr discontinued u til tall anon:An:ea • eal1t* pala. Advertisements without ,,,yecitag 1ivaetto/18 will bo p 1i'Ul tin forbad land charged. accordingly. Liberal disc ca un t ma,lo for transoiont advertisements insert, fo lung neriods. Every aescription of .3( PRINTING turned out in the limost style, and at moderato rates. Chine,, o rat- evs, ate. for a avertisiag, ettliseript ions,etc • t be made paytable to OiizJL Sanders BDIT011, ri Pltril; Frofesnfonal Cards. L,fl B, Fee i..14,.)yee. mock two doors north of Carling Store afaiNST'' EXE'Li1 iexteavisto,1-11 witliont pain.Away at Parkhill. ( very '1..,44e141Y, Lucian evor,v Wed at zatrion. on 10,6t, Thursday of etaela 1. oath. ALTON Al.,l`DOU'.11-lN,1:4..p,,t,,1133.,,, • honors.Graduateu 1 T-,ronto rsitv to1U1loy to color..ti ot Ontario. 1`,,erdt (,:arnf-1t,1 with -A1U. modes of Don/intry up to date. Mee over. Eillot,8 Eitioes leAv .•Central bloti-Ex.,ter. • • ntl local (1. HOTT, CENTDAI; has wored ote, .itior south. Drs. A„ )14 i, N T A. a fowl:ter: y Oro ITIES, Ann el, in ta la. }milli ler, D0, HollinsPiave: stun,' a 3 torniorty -nor; deur, llg. A.uto okueo, ',Row 1hii. - door. 310y •t. ism Aj>flj v. D. T. A. Amoo", M. - - • Int PE it ol,* the Collo go o ,N1141 14Urin0710 0110140 . Playsieitan, 1n11.,..h ,a4.1 Anectuela- eur. Office, Inashavood. ot.r Legal. H. COLLINS, BAH NISTEli,,soLto TT- • OR, °our. ay an our Nutav Vitate. QM -Over O'Neil's Dank, Exeter, Ontario. &toner to Lottn. y ILDIC RRIST ER ,:40 Lierrolt, Of Sttpreino ef,nrt. Notary Public, Cote. veyaneer, Commissioner. &e. lLoney to loun Ofliee-Fanson'sl3loek 114 ter 1iLLTOT8r ELLIOT, DADWPATERS, ETC., ILI Content ac. and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch Wilms at Hensall every Thursday. a. V. LTA- 108, Farnanuteg ELLIOT Excitement, overwork an, j.1 worry are lusands of ruining the health of 'flat women, P lire Blood is re quired to feed the nerves, a good app.' aut:1 digestive, strength are dotal\ (lea t° keep the body stroll,' sairotie;nd vie and to restore the exlietested ent rgies there must lie setend and Initre)ihil, Aunt ion eers Ii DROWN, Winch els ea. Licensed Auct- . ioneer for the Counties of Portia and lliddlesiix, also for the township of tsborne Sales promntly ;attended to awl terms res seta bale. Sales arranged. at Post &nee, Win- abelsea. - -TORN rj, WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auetioneer for the County of Enron. Seeeliti attention given to farms and farm stook sales. Charges moderate. Part i os contain plating haring sales this Fall 'should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders lett at the ADY0eAza Oilloo, Exeter, will receive prorapt attention. D.. in By its power to regpond lo all these rieetleellootre Sarsaparilla liai proved Itself the gr .franl. uof women. Tleetsaiitio write that they have been given health end stril .' ,;.1 'a by ITS nee. it ie lite gee,. blood puriller, and con- sequently tin. true nerve tank. "1 feel that 1 should be wanting in contemn gratitude oilfield I fail to tell the benefit ray wife, has derived from Hood'e leareaperilla, She heeeem seriously. ill trout running el eteee eatteeti by poorness ol urveyors. 'et RED. W.FAHNOOMB, Provinoial Lea . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post (Moe, Main street. Exeter, Ont. •••••••*•orkk......a..0••••rn.ses*Sils.01•••••••141... Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance .A.gent, Main St. Exeter The Same Man! • LATEST MARK. ET REPORTS. LIVE STOOK .1",,xxar<1.12,Ts. Toronto, Aug. 31.-Inoluding the re- oeipte yesterday and to -day, we bed a total of close on 70 mails of offerings irt the Western cattle yards this retuning; there wore 1,670 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs, 50 ealves, and about )t etiophi Of dozen milkers. The general trade condt. don wets prautically unchanged Els hie el; cattle were concerned. Eeport eettio were selling petty freely at from i.:*3..i.10 to 11.03) per 100 poun,ls; el west eeeeetil thnee pale", and for a few eholo 1 ee, Fel. 1'2 ' was reelloed; ul tie.; ately 0 tidier : (f:, tiett 11,1 the Katie heeo eensiet. - ed liteeole see sitippene this was eetiefete- Co where yon will over the whole tory. 1..ntrilers, cattle were Fearee, especiallyI anytlimg good, and for thin Nor; li lemerican continent volt will , i there was an enquiry, and ono lee el ii.e.e. Ielieee, teeje, Ceenr•eta spoken ;Averaging 1,0;:n pounds, Solt1 et :Pee, ic; :ISA in every village, towli, and eity ., es ;147; this was the top trauseetion of -I- - 1 o t will find some, who, though the *el' moreine in butebers' eattle,, arid t .6 ''e, c4 a iti i 1, e; that gooe seed will sell it offered. e ,i, „.. e „, . o .eoe tir. Conieseetere pOwer, have Nand health We Sell efreap ,-, ..... 1 .1,-t flegitgligo ke,113.e's Celerr Compound and Itfi Thouzan.d5 of Advocates. Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our now styles of Fernitute for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Later4 arlor ui$ tare marareis of becalaty and tare admired by all who lieve seen them. Our line 0/ Dining 'Room Parniittre the best we have ever shown. Side- 4et beards ex many designs. Dining tablos,. in great variety. Loati• ' ' 1 ' • - lls I'zioree in 'Willtt' eto others Don't think. because we 13eop nothing ; 1 t) waspe sci°° tee for eeport itt from ti ';,...!est, what Paine's Colery Corr/pew/a has must be choice to teuelt the clone for theta. No wonder iliat there bUS 1."PYla'elilkere were W.:ulcer this are ..eue 02. theuse2,, ede of ,tim it 011a 101,, ' ter it et, • , with wet very little real in 1., sic., ;di over tho con_ Inlet wore ill much too ample ol,ent stweesee: rgeed t nun:i 17,1.r.11:21,40sNiTeLrikunc.s0avi,, 6 keLouip )un enquiry. 'Le sh.svt,,,a, ate1bi rhenalitteet1M.71:e11 40 i:'09. 1. r i3:1 Pee l'ent))01'1andistit'irilttltis'"nott:ss.; elvitTe1111 ft)1OHtotiLd Coin- 4 „v:-,,,.,\ --- • icy Q unelanngtsit all vg, ' pritit?„ 1.'.:'t,ai.i:-, aro for p,..teei bet o ......e.o., tees. to etec 1)4.0ane . , . f” ', , ti1(,,,%,.;,41... il, ii4L i3O;‘,1,,, E. ,:ira, $.!:.2.1' Pf.r ot7t-} reensetise. of teiren's leeit 111tidinine than ,,i tal $ ag „,.. , taWA/6h C11142.; In7:1, ,..,,,,),. Kt, :1.42 101' Intl po Midst " "If t. tleA SPP, pee artii: lee ever p I1iU.I.,e3-1...at1."B '8' ETP. 'rile great majority Of diseeases that idy to Jinn 1'0- :014 10 inieery and denth might Le MO. was strongly asi i sel by a Mond try Hood's Sarnapa:illa. Site said it eurod her and wo11141 donlat euro my -wife. 50 we tried it, nee Say flint ito effect is weederfel, 1t Uel.' using a mflU expresnion. It appture to be belt& lug up a now coneilintlem fur her; and, as we are a family of elev.:le there are eleven of us rejoicing at the 1' ''nit. "If the foregoing indoors wily one per- son, lanffering in the :same ifrIfilltr, If) try Mood's Sareapnrilia, 1 r•heil te'1•1 more than rewarded." Ere I.A.1/ 045 31011. roe Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Yes, the same man may be made to look'very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to be tricky and knows bow to juggle the words ; but.to cut a long story short we can make yoa • Look Better in one of our choice suits clothes than any other tailor in town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. Sarsaparilla ° Is the One True Blood Purifier. Ail druggists. $1. Prepared only by C, 1, Hood & Co„ Lowoll, Masa. MABELINV. THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist for Mabeline MA.BELINE is a positive eure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here. It is the general ens - to na. in describing a remedy to fill the ad, v,.,r Using medium. with a medical treatise, .deseribing, in a highly colored' manner, syra atoms a nd forrns of disease, scientiffical- lyr,.and in such a -way as to involve the read- er in a mane of theory and. speculation. We .avoid all this sensational way of advertis- Hood's Pills cure an Liver Ills and Sick Headache. 25 cease ing. /f you are sick it is presumed that you know oft he fact and can form some idea of what your ailment is, and -we can only ad- vise you generally, IsIABELINE is vegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be (used with perfect safety. MADELINE is placed in capsules and they are applied, directly to the diseased parts. Full directions, how to apply on every box. Send $1 for one month's treatraeni. 24 capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars for any other remedy when you can buy Mabeline for one dollar? Address ail communications to THE SALUTINE CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont. ,.. ilNERVOUS, DESPONDENT, 54 Wanted—An Idea whaA-08enstilk111181‘ thing to 'intent? Protect your ideas; they' may bring 7011 Wealth. Write .TORN WEDDERBURN Az CO.. Patera Atter. nevi, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prise offer and Rat of two hundred Inventions vomited. WEAK, DISEASED WIEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pali YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED AIEN-You may nave been the victim at Self Abuse - when ronng, Later ExcesSeS or exposure to blood diselpes may have comPloted the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealing ovor you. You dreall the future results. You know you Mena a. man mentally and st-gualiy, Why not be cured in time and tivu;(1 the sad experience of other wrecks of tles4o divosee. Our hEW METHOD '4 flthATAIENT WILL OTJliE YOU AFTER 4 ILL elee1i1 FAILS, Emissions, Varicocele and .1.9.4-,........31111.1.132,34, • • 1 1 7. a at • 6 E.1 Syphilis Cured MilITY1*.S1irtGrri•M=1,1 W. 11. aunzza NV. M. 1440000 c & , , t .• C.„or t ti1..Y Lg. Before Treatment After Treatment 5.1 "At the ago of 151 commenced to ruin 1 nay health. Later on as "ONE 01"2EIE I' 134/178” I contracted a Barlow blood disease -SYPHILIS. I was weak and nervous, V 41...onndent, pimples, sunken co es, bone .,•: pains. ulcers, hair loose, sore tongue and 1 ' ? mouth, drains in wine, varieocelei-1 was a wreck. I was in the last stages when a .. friend recommended Drs. Ketnedy & liergan. A dozen other doctors had failed in curing me. Drs. Keneetly tia- Kergan cared me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. I would war0 similar diseased men to beware of Medical Frauds. Thor are reliable honest and skillful physicians." W. III, MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat and cure Varlco. c �I an, Soytallailio, Ennisslonni, Glect, fitricture, 141%ervo018 Lye. Unity, Unnatural Discharges, liadneyr awl IGlatitier D 1 S.. cases. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED No cure, No Payr, 'Write for Question Blank for Elorne 'rreattuent. Books Free. coaloulfat Iona Free. Dm. ± NNW St KENAI .1•40. 148 Shelby St. ••••,, DETROIT; ' • MICH. t•P '9AM",4, .4a8 ' EXETER VFTSI 0.-4 in 11117111,1ttlintbly til/.1.11ily ono. 1oe,na.1,..n)ay Larito, i siva; 11,1,-;,(1, /wee. was 1,. f.:inis teal Id On ly be led ttet el to -tis ;rem yesieeetty's 1 "1101', 'LelurY Compound. , 11V.Ii.;,a* %Li% 1.1 Via, Ineni ‘latet ithout° 'OW otn1,4,rf u 1 medicine has a. noble - tem, „ye., thee, Car 1(415„ nev,, of euree -an array of teetimOny 4. 1.', s1-111 and old. wiete.e tside. tit it ie truly maguiiicent and astoulzh- would have sold readily at 65c, os t they The rlo einotic, dyspeptic, tiervons 4) attitobes sold. no 111;41a, though . p' 1ruedowti, ve.et lehei 1 01 o. I hard, 1 carob teria Med with blood. disonses ate scJil /Lot wos held at /71.20, Ana :non /toil s„rosig beel'aine'e Celery real and lit 7...c. No, 1 northern* 1 10 41.1(1Teratito and west, o &Ted at 70a. Cir../pound. l'iyel, if your doetor dolibtS Flour --Tone better, though trade as yet is not active. Straight rollers, made of new wheat, are now held at $3.15, Toronte freights, Millfeed- Very flat Car lots of bran, high freights; west, offer at $8, and shorts at 'a. Pens--Deanand moderate, and prices steady Car lots, north and west, oro in demand at 42c, Outs -No improvement. White can be bought, west, at Ise, and mixed at 173,6e. Rye -Higher priceq are being paid for rye, It is said that 35t1 is being paid out- side. Dealers say that there is no profit at buying at that figure. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter -Anything choice lk in good, demand, and prices are holding steedy. Country offerings are fair, but the quality of the stook is not what it might be. Quotations here aro as follows: Dairy, tub, ohoiee, 11 to 11334e, do., low grades to medium, 7 to 00; largo roll, 11 to 130; pounds prints, 18 to 15c; creamery, tubs, 17 to 18o; pounds, 10 to Chees.e•-A fair all-round demand. Prices are Brill at See to 8tel'e for choice new cheese. Perth, Ont., Aug, 28. -To -day 938 boxes of (thecae were brought auto Perth market; all white; 8 5-16o offered; none sold; factorymen holding oft for higher prices, PAIN-KILLER.Infe THE BIM° city wn for Sea. sickness, Sick. Ileadathe. Pala in the Deck or olde, 'Abeam:Wm Anazueeraieta. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per 'bushel .................$005 to 55 Oats" Peas Butter Eggs Potatoes perbag Onions Day per ton Wool 141 to 1514 40 to 45 12 9 25 LOto 45 9 00 ±0 10 90 18 •AiT • .•••••••••*!•••••••••=111.•••••••••••.•••••11•,W•MIO•rn W °MEW" DOUw'.;it* SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irrcgularlty and weakness 0085 the orgaositt healthy condition. Tb Wafers are"Lito Savers.' toyoung worsen add graceful deelopment, provide pain less, regularporintlb. Askfor o nand braud. All druggists adl them atgl pa box. No bettor remedy fa -women known. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE lemma, DESIGN PATENTs, COPYRICHTS, etc. For Informatiofl and free Handbook write to MUNN 8c CO., 861 BROADWAY, NEW. Your. Oldest bureau fOr Securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge laths • • • • ' nal& AIMIZItit Larlesteirculation of any scientific paper in the ,Ilut emir ease, Pairet's Colery Come end will. surely stud certainly give the hioont a health and long years • niness. u: out' druggist er dealer know -tang have "Pain's," as imi- tat ita iS thet you' lot Meet your case. C21111 EVER Y FAMILY sHouLo ,Kraiovj THAT Is a very remarkable remedy, both for XE. TERNAL and, EXTERNAL use, and won- derful in its quick action to relieve distress. PAIN-K.ILLER °urn (04 Sero Xhiarrbeen, DgigVh.tijafgrg: Cholera, and all lioNvolOomplaiuts. , PRODUCE. ,Eggs. -Market a little impro,ved. Dealers quote No, 1 eggs at 0 to 10o, and seconds at 5 to So. Potatoos-In fair demand and prices easy. Quotations hold at 30 to 35o per bushel for sales in the ordinary way. Poultry -Turkeys are quoted, at 9 to 12o per lb; goose, at 7 to Sc per ib.; chickeus, 30 to 04 per pair; and (lucks, 00itloop8s1"Cipleiroipeeair1.896 stock is quoted at (1 to Sc in bales, and at 9c for small lots, Windblown samples are quoted at 5 to 60. Apples -Quoted at 33./..o in small lots for dried, and 534 to tic for evaporated. Country lots aro quoted at So for evapo- rated and Ile for dried, delivered. Beans -White hand-picked beans are offered at 70c per bush, and ordinary at 60c. Maple Syrup -Five -gallon tins sell at 70 to 75o per imperial gallon; eallon tins at 80e; and half gallon tins atc' 45o. Honey -Market dull, at 7 y2c for 60-1b. tins, and So for 10 -ib. -tins. Now clover honey in combs is quoted at 31.50 to 31.00 per dozen sections. Dark coin b honey is quoted nominal. Wheat, white, old,per bush$ - 05 e 66 Wheat, white, new 00 05 Wb.eab, goose, per bush4800 4815) Wheat, red, per bush Peas, co/ninon, per bush45 413 Oats, old, per bush ,... 2.2 20 Oats, new, per bush 18 ill Rye, per bush 45 43 Barley, per bush 30' 371 Buckwheat . 36 33 Ducks, spring-, per pair-. 40 00 Chickens, per pair 40 60 Geese, per lb' 06 05 Butter, in 1-11). rolls 10 15 Eggs, new laid 9 10 Potatoes, new, per •lettsh. 30 85 Potatoes, new, per bush.- 3028 8355 Patetoes, car lots.....: Beans, per bush 90 1 00 Beets, per doz .... . . 09 10 Parsnips, per doz.. .... 9 10 Apples per bbl 50 75 Hay, t mothy 14 50 15 00 Straw, sheaf . •-• k„.9 00 10 00 eQ5e„ .07 Beef, hinds Beef, fores '''''Ne"':-.„..,-.- 04 Spring lambs, carcase, 3 00 ', '-000. Veal, per lb 05 . • 7' 'Mutton per lb 05 06 Dressed'hog,s 5.25 5 50 UNITED STATES MARKETS. East Buffalo, Aug. M. -Cattle -Re- ceipts only about two ears. Market weak. Hogs -Receipts, 45 oars. Market quiet. Yorkers, good to choice, 33.65 to $8.70; roughs, comnion to good, $2.85 to $3.10; pigs, common to fair, $3.60 to $3.65. Sheep and lanabs-e-Reeelpts, 30 cars. Market very low. Lambe,' good to choice, $4.75 to $5.15. Sheep -Good to choice handy weight wetbers, 33.90 to 31.15; culls and common, $1.50 to $2.65. New York, Aug. We -Beeves on sale, 31 cars. Active,Native, 10e higher. Texans. steady. Rough stook firm. All sold. Native steer, poor to prime, 3170 to 31.75; Texans and Oolorados, 43.7714 to $4.45; stags and oxen, $2.50 to $4; bulls, $2 to 32.75; dry -cows, $1.25 to 32.90. Calves on Rale, 450 head. Active. Voals steady; other calve/31/o higher. All sold early, Veale, poor t6 prime, $4 to 37.50; grassers and butttermilk, 33.30 to' $1, Sheep and lambs on sale, 9,600 head. Dull on liberal supplies. Sheep barely steady; lambs 14o lower. About 1,500. head unsold. Sheep, poor td•prime,,$2.50 WOr Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent to $4. Lambs, 0011111.10n 0110/00,44 '60 PAIN -KILLER is IINQUVRTiontilx the 1310ST LINIMENT LADE. 11 brings. SPEEDY AND PRMIANENT 90000 In all cams or Druises, Cuts, Sawa -hitt Severe Burns, ete. PAIN -KILLER is the well tried and trusted friend of the Mechanic, Far112 Or, MI 11 te r• Sailor, and la fact all classes wanting a ltnedleine always stlinnd, and SAFE TO 000 internally or externally with cartatnty otrellet, Beware of finiteness. Tata acne but 4)0 44501440 • PERRY IIV1.9.,. Sold overy0bero; blg bottle. VI1111,! 141.11141,1 BO'ET1.1Ei4 Na)tiastts • asy to Take asy t© *Renate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small in size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man said: " You never imow you have taken a pal till it is all over." 260. C. L Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. The only pills to take with Hood's Earsa,parillm Zurich: Tuesday one of Mr. J. C. Kalbfleisch's flax stacks caught fire from sparks from' the smoke stack. In a few minutes a lot of people were on band and poured water on the Stack and got the lire out. Onir a few loads were bureed a,nd damaged The wind was coming from the mill; had it been in the directon or cro mill and factory nothing cenlel have s verl 'hem inan shou d be without ft. Weekly $3, 0 a *5 0n0 car oa d. $5.75 Twirl' Sew six Months. AdcireSs, in71411 dr CO,, • run/ammo, 361 Broadway, New York MY. .1/TYYTITTITTTITTTTTTYTTITIvir,4110 fTTITTI -The D. & L. Emulsion lett the latest furniture that it /3 1131111 prieed: We selleiteeper than any leolue in town. R. N. ROWE. Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A, Load/Ilan OVieters Old Statid) we will be pleased tO See all our old customers a/alas maur new ones, leItertee" td• .40 Meat. We. intend keeping the very best 1r,sh meat, and is will be our Lea aim to please cribtomers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, Sausage, hams, bacon and every thiug ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5% will be given for cash. 0. E — Prop. FOR TWEETY-SIX YEARS. THEcoC,XSBEST FRIEND LARGEST 11/ CP'"D'" minim/M. ••••••••••asamv••••••••••normrturr-o.. If YOU .V1A TO TaEL At!..A19r47-01,177.*: • • Try Bissettis Livery for a nobby out- fit, We give you the best and at reasonable rats. A CALL SOLICITED 14/. G. Bissett p Is invaluable, if you are run E down, ps it is a foe(' as well as o *a. medioine. The D. & L. Emulsion Will build yea up if your general health is E impaired. The D. & L. Emulsion 11 Is the best and most palatable preparation of Cod Liver Oil, agreeing with the most deli- : tate stomachs, E The D. & L. Emulsion Is proscribed by the leading physicians of The D. & L. Emulsion I Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give you an appetite. 50C., & 81 per Bottle the gennine , LBe sure you get I DAVIS & LAWRENCE Co., LTD. MONTREAL ...14,ALtitn,r,tm,u,uiliAp,i.ttiii . 1 ... /lali o..n.uom....o....x•m•ouazam,,,e........mearmalcom•aamermare. Brucelield: Mr, John McRenzie. of the London road, Tnekersnalth, has purchased the residence of Nlr I.1cder it k McLeod, in thiii village, paying for it the sum of $700 cash. Mr. NIZenzie intends retiring from farmill.' and coming here to reside. He has secured a neat and. comfortable home, which he has purchased cheap. We understand that Mr. McLeod thinks of going to SeafOrth to reside,: FFF0 Murray & Lantnan's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH, ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. fikkkitk • • It • • • 414 •SS. ellelief for :Lang ellrozzbles • • • • • • • EMULSION: CP 111 CONSUMPTION and all MING • • DISEASES, SPITTING or BLOOD, • COUGH, TOSS OF APPETITE, , DEBILITir.. the benelits of this lir • article are most manifest. ridS,Tft.blissididngotThcoo "h1).1,11..h" / have got• 411 over a. year, andutavwe 410141 95 tettusral140 w Weight. Zliked this Emulsion so will was glad as when the time came around to take it. " • 1.11. Wr101114111, CR, Montroal • 30e. and $1 per Bottle W DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO,,, LTD., MONTREAL • O 10110 • • 00,00 • , 4, LLightt Tight cee eiette„,„eoe • 44 'ea I' 1103s,,,,,, the 161 01. er711„ing, the mo( eirie All out kitt iit it' 1, 14 /3 1'1 I110 1vi1 male ite ne tie a, 1 tliata 111.11' yl; 42 t• ate: e lee eel,: of 1i tiii r, et '4-, . 1." • elle ails; s,!.6 14, te.te teed 1 a1.airgatz r.-uss 41./ L1.1. a4d; IV.ade to eirder, tnere .,1 ; j:,',11.1.rfi. H. GRIEVE Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, 0.• CURIO POLES; PiCTURE, S, GIDLEY & SON, ODD FELLOW'S BlOd giCjicies! Bicycles II Bioyies!!! Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. • Do you want anythinm'tsin the musical line. We have a cboice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby ettr. riages, etc, ete. • Perkins & Mark CENTRAL •DRUG STORE • Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro.. notuace it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. ' Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. For sale here, C. LUTZ, Druggist