The Exeter Advocate, 1896-8-20, Page 8The
Cash St
35 cents pays for the ADVOCATE from Beef, lamb, pork, fresh sausage'
now to Ist Jan., 18P7. bologna, lard and salt. meats, One!.
ni A knowledge otshort h tad and skill door south Central hotel. t. .
in the use of the type -writer are ' open L. DAr.
ing the wee to en'iployrnotit for thews•
ands of young tenon toetate Nearly
every business olBeehas now employed
or is seeking to employ a young lady
who can take down by the aid of phono-
graphy, answers to various letters ante
afterward print them upon the tvp.'
writer. $40 per term, or $135 per year
in advance will pay for board, furnish-
ed room, light, laundry and tution (in-
cluding ut,e of instrument,) at Alma.
Ladies' College, St. Thomas, Out. For
Announcement address Principal Aus
tin B. D. •
Have you seen the lovely Rocking Chairs we are giving away to our
Wreetoreers they are both useful and ornamental, drop in and see them.
Parasols, and Ladies Umbrellas. CI taring at prices away below regular
toe. We have toe many to carry over, and are hound to clear them out,
Cti1Otne and see what we are vi ring, Aho a snap in Gent's Umbrellas, our
.00 Umbrella is worth$1 50 in any reviler store, see it,
Do you use{ Fissaits we sell them cheap. Rest Soda Biscuits 13 pound box
We,; best. Cream Biscuits, ,, pound box, for 22e.
New Satin Crown Sailors, for early Fall wear, in Black. White, Cardinal
1y and Brown 5.'e. each. Comm ".oriel: if you want one—the styles are new
end prices low.
Here you are 'a c. for your titMCO of any shirt waist inthe shop, waist that
tyre $l 00 and $1 25 ---ail go fur tine. Remember first come, first choice. No
more when this let is gone - 'tleree ,iuick.
Stores -close at '1;30 each evening excepting Wednesday and Saturday.
LOCAL JOT TINGE Flax pulling is offer,
The annual e 1 h .worth League "Con-
T e ziu.t p aforth's cieic holiday to day of the Methodist church, Exe.
Tiznrs ter district, wilt be held in the. James
the Auvoc'Axr from new to ,Zan. 1st ' Street church, Exeter, Monday, Aug,
L7 for only 35 cents. 81st, hen a lengthy program will be
ucau': rare of taxation this year ,s ; The Exeter North hotel which was put
Willits. two ulii,, less tha.= last year.• ,
up for sale by auction on Saturday last
Messrs. Miler and `.atitiiue, of Kirk- ; was not sold, there being' no bidders
tan, have sold their stock to Mr.- Hiles present. ;:here was some talk of a
oit.D uganuou. man in Berlin buying it and convert
The tank in from of Mr. A. Mellon leg it into a button factory, bat it did
:Oa old livery stand, whish caved in a . not materialize.
fats weeks- ago is undergoing repairs, Messrs. Evans & Sheere have corn
The barn of Mr. Peter Case, near pleted the granolithie pavement in
Rodgerzille, was -struck by lightning ; trout of the James St. church. In ap
test week, but net n ueh datnewe was pearance the walk is as good - as that
cieine. whim cost the town tti::. per foot last
14Ir. la Ross; of Tiedgervi le, disposed season, and only cost about tivo-thirds
oahie excellent tiriviug rnaie. on 'rues- , of that price.
clay Oast tv a 1it:t:itett,a vu er for a Tim Grated Lodge of ttntario of the
fanny Price. I. it t'
O. F. elected olli'rs at Sarnia
Messrs, t>idley : son on w" l movemovein,. i
'Thursday. Mr. Henry White of tort
l it new block Aazuand MS. J.
Hope being ehusee as Grand Mister,
An interesting report on the • t este.
Broderick will occupy tee ; . emisea question of widows' annuities was sub -
gray vette te. unit 'gid by the special committee,
Wiinan's Cough Balsam latan excel•
While }
e on the way to yl<lt Mrs n '
lent househo'd reni do for.cenaglut. rods on '1 tatirmdav las:,:+its, 11'zn. Hooper
andbrouchitis , eel at G,
Fettt6'$ Drug Store. v. a ty+ a reitine lt, theheat, causing a
rush of ul,iud to the head. She is now
Messrs. Ross & Tay Ira have .farted a f eelevine„ fiotn the erects which has
fruit evaporator iii e(?utreoti•rat with caeseci lrtrti.ii aliudticss. We hops
that no serious results will follow.
their planing n,i.I and ale geeing a
rushing business.
The Parkhil: Independent fiat,: —•-Mr.
L.Levert's many friends. %tiil be glad
to learn that he i, repiii'y reeovering
from his serious L;ness."
Owing to the maturing of Huron
County debentures and the payment
thereof, the County rate baa made a
eery appreciable Uro) this year.
Mr. It N. Creech, who has been teach
beg near Whalen for some time, has
been engaged to teach in Seheol Section
. B, Stephen', for the eusuin„ term.
Mr. L. Day, who has been foreman
4the Exeter Packing House, for some
:ears, has opened out a butcher shop
iar,Bissett's old stand, south of the Cent-
Mr. W. E. Stanley, of Lucan, was in
sown on Thursday last and purchased'
ii car of butter tr>rn our merchants
which be shippedon Saturday to the
cold' stera ge.
While Etrl. youngest son of Dr.
Beowninget at out driving ou Thursday
'act, the horse ee.ilt f 'rght and ran away.
s'iie buggy was e nastder ably broken
out the hoe e.t.a t.e: i unhurt.
The famous liensail Piano case was
:;vied here exalt: on Friday last before
;ucagistrates steel and Clark, and after
4R all Lights d.'liheratiou the defend
apt was committed for trial.
The Erase L: -and will give a free en-
tertainment on it•seve l3awden's lawn
;Ate Friday evening next at 7 o'clock.
Voluntary donations will be thankfully
ceeeiyed. - Every parson welcome.
The Advocate wants a wide awake
etrrrespondent at every point not now
wpreseuted in its eclumus. If there is
to news ftppeering regularly from your
esction drop in and see us or write co us
lite tiredn furnish you with stationery.
Two rather presumptuons gentlemen
of town, whose names we will not men-
tion, stntte.I out Sunday afternoon for
a short drive. They had not proceeded
far when 'feeling somewhat drowsy'
concluded to take a short siesta umtu•
a tree. ' sifter spreading out the duster
and lighting a cigar each, they settled'
dow we for a emufortab'e char and situ ore.
Soon tile goden es of siiitnlaet' had posses -
Sim of the o teary wanderers, and ail
wont well till the more corpulent one
of the two was suddenly startled by an
intense heat beating against his lower
extrenileee, when In, to hits great =air
prise he diecovert'd that the tire from
the. .Bavaria had communicated with
the duster, which had been almost des-
troyed, and the greater portion of •oete
of lits trouser legs. We would ask our
readers no'me oe too inquisitive ahtnt
the little a'.:tir as the two gentlemen
in question tlo OOr wish their names
known. It was told to us in a secret.
but we thought the joke too goc,d to
Boy Wanteut.
A good strong boy waisted to learn
the art of printing, Apply at this office.
Thos.Welsh, Huron street, wliiie'
engaged with street commissioner
Creech Friday, repairing the water
tank on John st., near McDonell's stable,
and while in the act of removing some of
the old timbers, slipped and fell • across
the edge of the tank, breaking' several
of his ribs. Mr Welsh met with a simi-
lar accident two years ago.
American Silver.
The bare possibility of free silver on
the other side has caused the banks to
refuse to take American silver, and
parties in business will find some dilii
culty in handling any considerable
quantity of it. The safest plan is for
everyone to refuse it, and run no
A Great Older.
The ADVOCATB and Weekly Mail, or
Farm end Fireside, wilt be furnished
from now to the end of the year at the
remarkabie low figure of 40c. Now is
the time to subscribe. The Mail is the
leading paper of Canada, and is alone
worth more money than we ask for
both journals We cannot make this
great offer without a loss, but we are
determined to run the circulation of
the A17voeArel up to high water mark.
Ret-. Walter Rigsby made a purchase
one day recently of a handsome black.
pony from Mrs. Hodgson, of Usberne.
He also bought a new buggy from W.
G. Bissett and harness from Mr. J.
Treble, of Exeter. He carne home with
au elegant outfit,—Blyth Standard,
A notice issued by the Postofiice De-
partment states that some postmasters
have fallen into the error of consider-
ing letter cards as postcards, and it' is
therefore necessary to repeat that a
letter crad is in no souse a rostcard,
but a letter, and as such is subject to
the ordinay letter postage.
Word comes from the Bothwell oil
fields that of the ten recent tests made
all have been successful. Two of them
are over three hundred barrels, Never
in the history ;If oil testing in any part
of America have such results been ob-
tained. 'I he total yield daily is nearly
1.000 barrels. .lir. L'iu =.n Walker will
erect a refinery.
The Seaforth E e positor says : —It is
.aid by those who should know that
'ver 'fourte e thousand dollars have
VR1, invested in bievcles in this town
'sr Seaford). during the present season,
tad still peopie cetaplain of hard times.
Our correspondents are kindly
etette3sted to be regular and pturctuai
a sending in, their bude'a s, A fete
ertieles from eaclt correspondent every
reek is high Iv ali}ireciated, not only
'y the Editor but by those who live in
tour locality.
Mr. Rich, Hunter, of Usherne, met
rritli a painful aechfent on Monday last,
:d'e was delive ring' a load of flax to the
:xeter flax mill and when nearing the
':ridge over the titer the load upset;
mowing Mr. .Hunter a considerable
sstance and injuring him veryseyere-
yr;. He was at once taker: to a doctor
„.nd, the wounds dressed. It will be
Bicy-eliets claim that some farmers
are in the habit of refusing to give
theta a share of the road. This is.
against the. law.. Bicyeiisst are entitled
to half the road and offenders are liable
to prosecution, The fact that he is
seated in a big lumber wagon in a
collision in which a bias cle would be
totally wrecked does not give any man
a right to more than half of the road-
A. partial eclipse of the moon will oc-
cur on Aug. 22 and 213, visible through-
out North and South America. The'
first contact with the pneumbra will
occur at eight minutes past 11 o'clock
on the eyeniag of the 22nd (eastern
time,) and the middle of the eclipse will
be reached at 2 o'clock on the morning
on the `eIrd. The Test contact with the
pneumbra wilt occur at 47 minutes
past 4 o clock.
whip:nee!. L5.
Mr. P, Curtin, shipped from Centralia.
on 'Thursday last, a carload of cattle
for export. He also, shippedanother
ear on Saturday from the same place.
Y:oyat Templar's i'icnie.
The Royal Templars of Exeter, in'
concert with Sodom. and Centralia will
hold their annual picnic at (rand Bend
Sparknian's grounds, on Wednesday
of next week, 26th inst, Conveyances -
will kayo at 0 o'clock a. m, sharp from
Royal Tempters Hall. It was the wish
of all present last Monday night that
the members would attend in full force
and that every one strive to make the
day one of enjoyment anti profit. All
parsons intending to go will please
leave their names at Itte A. rollick's not
later than Monday night next, in order
that the committee in charge, may
have ample time to complete arrange
ments. Ey order oh the Council.
Peter Frayne,
Personal .'1ICnttort
.Mrs. Geo, Kemp spent last week With
Mrs. Wrn. Pickard, Seaforth.—Rev. D,
M 'Ramsay and wife, who were spend-
ing a few days with friends here, left
for their home in Mount Forest on Fri.
day Inst.—lir. A J. Snell, of Lansing,
Mich , wheeled from that place last
week a distance of over NO milles. He
inueeds returning to -day (Thursday.—
Miss Lily horsey, and brother Cecil,
of London, spent part of last week with
friends here.—Mr. Wm Kent and wife,
of Lncan, spent Friday here the guest
of his sister, Mrs. Jno. Hawkshaw.•—
Mr. P. L, Bishop, who left here some
weeks ago, is now in Paris, France. He
says his health has been greatly int•
proved and that he is now enjoying
life to its fullest extent, Mr. James
Acheson spent Sunday with Itderton
friends.—Aquiila Snell, wheeled up
from London Saturday and spent Sun.
day under the parental roof and wheel-
ed back Monday.—Mr. N. Peterson,
after a two weeks' visit with his sister
iu Minnesota, returned home Saturday
Mrs. Peterson accompanied him as far
as Blue Island and from there went to.
Chicago where she remained and re-
turned with her husband. --Wm. Col
well left Tuesday morning for Winni.
peg, Man.—Mr. Alf. Drew, son and
daughter visited 'at Wm, Drew's the
first part of the week. They, accom-
panied by Mr. Wm, and. Miss Carrie
Drew, of this place, picniced at Grand
Bend Park on Mcndaylast .—Miss Alma
Dempsey, visited her sister in Lucan
last week. -Miss Annie Mason, of. For-
est, is the guest of Miss Edith Sanders.
Mr. Richard Speere and Miss Annie
Richards, of London, visited friends in
town for a few days this weak.—lvlr
Alf. Salter, of London, .spent a few days
in town this week.-. Miss Lizzie C,illrs•
pie is visiting friends in Hensall this
week.—Mrs H. Jeekell, and famiiy,
who have been the guests of Miss
Annie Jeekell, loft for their home in
Sarnia Tuesday.—Wesley Jefi eteon, of
St Marys, spent the fore part 'of this
week with relatives here.—Mr, George.
Armstrong, wife and family, who have
been spending the past six weeks in
and around Exeter, left for their home
in Paris yesterday, (Wed.)— Mrs. D.
French, matron of the House of Refuge,
is visiting her numerous friends here
Mrs. Geo. Samwell and Mrs Wm.
Hooper visited Mrs. French last Thurs-
day.—Miss Ella Howard. who has been
spending the past ten days at Grand
Bend Park, left for her home in London
yesterday, (Wed ,—Miss Mame Sanders
who has been in Stratford for some
weeks, returned home Tuesday.—The
following persons left here Tuesday on
the G T. B,. harvest excursion to Mani-
toba: L. Hardy, H. Brown, Chas. Cann,
Percy Cann. H. Towle, Wm. Horton
and Frank Shapton, of Exeter; John
Campbell, Hay; John H. Mellick, Dash-
wood; Thos. 3llerington, Wm. Dinnen,
Lumley; James Laughlin, Harry Tay-
lor, Centralia; R. Nelson.—Miss Eva
Newton, left Tuesday for Detroit and
on her return in about two weeks'
time, she will open up a dressmaking
shop over C. Snell s butcher shop.—Miss
Phiunamore. of Mitchell, is a guest at
Mrs. J. P. Clarke's.—Miss Grace Oke,
after spending a week with her par -
ens, returned to Sarnia, Tuesday.
A horse belonging to Mr. Thomas
Dickens, of Bladnlph, made timings
lively on Main Street about noon Tues
day. Tim animal was tied to a post in
front of Mr, Rohr. Rowe's furniture
store, when it took fright at a dog,
breaking the tie line and starting offat
a lively rate up town. It had not
gone far when the buggy capsized.
scattering its contents in all directions
along the road. After kicking furious-
ly the animal freed itself from the rig,
and ran up street at break -neck speed,
but was finally captured. The buggy
was slightly damaged and the horse
received a few slight wouuds.
Do Linhtnru s Ictod Protect?
The Mitchell Advocate say s:—"Many
have lost confidence in the efficacy of
lightning rods since it liet:ame known
that the barn of Mr. Lehman, Huron
road, was destroyed by lightning a few
weeks ago although rodded. Enquiry
into the matter, however, has led to the
discovery that the rods were very touch
out of order, and that one of them was
actually broken off some ten feet from
the ground In this shape a building
runs greater danger of being struck by
lightning than if no rods were in use.,
and to this oversight, we think, may
he surely attributed Mr, Lshman'a loss
Mr. Clegg. who has done an immense
amount of residing this year, informs
us that he has never heard of a build
ing, when properly rodded, being in-
jured by lightning, and this seems to
be the opinion of the, best anthorit.iesiu
this as well as other•coutitries. Impro-
per work, however, and carelessness in
not looking after repairs, often leads to
fires, and then the fault is unfairly at-
tributed to something else.
American Honey.
A declaration from our business men
to the effect that they Will charge 20
per cent on all American silver, or sil-
ver certificates, has been banded around
and signed, and it is •to be 'sincerely
hoped that it n it l be kept. We ate
glad to see it come into force at once
as it peevears outsiders from crowding
it on our merchants, as would certainly
have itecttrred if time of warning had
been extended. We notice all chartered
banks have orders to ref use it altogeih-
or. Taken on the whole it is a god
thing' to have it forced out of the coun-
try. Why should Canadians .'circulate'
our :neighbors money when they. will
not tie the same for us. They charge'
a heavy discountevsen on our Dornin
ion legal tender which we are proud
to say is as good, if net better, ti'nte
their best currency pate„' We trust
that we have stair the last of American
tickles in circulatioia fin' many years
to come and t''ow thus<action has become
general let us :idhet'e to the came and
circulate our own good and sound. ear-
renee. ` We de net know how the silver
question, now agitating our uei;;hbnt'c
may stud and it is a geed thing' to hate
taken "the, brill by the borne” before it
is, or cells to We,
Itis amazing tothink what a large
per cent of prcpeyty owners never' set
out shade trees in front of their dwell-
ings. To one who daily goes back and
forth to the office or the shop, during
the lore, hot days, how refreshing it is.
to get heuenth the protection of forest
trees, if only fora block or so ata time,
Off comes the hat to cool the head, and
blescitags are ,powered on the man
whose, forethought, philanthropy . or
selfishness -for line trees improve the
property and adds this comfort of the
(weep: ts of the hoUse ---it:dneed him
to plant trees. True, you may not he
spared to see them reach a gage of
ntefuft,ess but ittactr. as u
nch the trees
platted by orbsrs have been a retiree of
delight and fort to you, you should,
do neer share wiverds' adding to the
iae.tuty' of your'ct'reets and eine fort" et
iowa time hefote he will be able to at teener friends, Thele manly is err ex-
Needto his duties again. It is to' he ruse for not having the streets Reed
Staved, that he is nut Injured internally, .with hardy treees.
=sue:'s �t rggest e ,le=s.
Laurier's Cabinets--
Interests the politicians and makes heart-burnings.
amongst theldisappointed ones,but the question is not
half as importan'ata you as the more
Of where you can procure the best goods for the least
possible price. This hot weather we have been a little
quiet in the advertising line, but wish you to know
We are in the Svvini
As the saying is, and we are prepat ed to give you good goods
at right prices in all lines,
Orli ' • os.
Highest price paid for Produce.
E.J. Spackman Co's.
Brussels: Mary, the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Walker, met with
a bad accident on Saturday last,
While playing with some other child-
ren she was thrown out of a little ex-
press wagon and had her arm broken.
Hensel!: Mr. Frederick Smallacombe,
formerly known as our Onion King,
has returned from a six week's trip to
Manitoba and Dakota, combining bus-
iness with pleasure, in the way of find-
ing markets for the onion crop, which
is very large in this section.
Goderich: On Tuesday a young
main named Nichol, of Seaforth,was be-
fore the county Judge on a charge of
stealing a watch and razor from a fel-
low boarder; and on being called on to
plead acknowledged his guilt. His
Holier then sentenced the prisoner to
three months with hard labor in the
common jail.
Goderich: The Carmona on her trip
up last Friday a light on the shore
above Sarnia wee mistaken for a range
light, and as a result the boat was run
ashore, This was about 11 p, m. and
she remained there until nearly .'11 a.
m. on Saturday. No inconvenience fol•
lowed except the delay to the passen-
gers, the steamer not being damaged in
St. Marys: The family of Mr. H.
Judd, were all taken suddenly ill on
'I'uesdav evening. Medical assistance
was called and the pr. found symptoms
of poisoning.' Canoed fish had been
used at meat time and it is supposed
this was the scruree of the troeble, Mrs
,lurid and oneor more members were
badly afflicted anti had a 'narrow es-
Scelicia top Shirt, for
Scelicia top Shirt, for
'willed Flannelnette top Shirts
Special Welsh Flannel Shirt
Si. 00;
Boys' and Men's fast Colored Socks
at reduced prices.
E. J. S ACK A R' & Black, Exeter
We w ill be Closed on Civic Holiday, Friday July
31st, taking in the excursion to Niagara Falls.
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Snap Prices.
We succeeded this week in getting
a few lines of goods at snap prices
and offer them to the public at close
figures, These are a few 'of the
things that will pay you to look at
and purchase if you require.
Hyson Points.
A good line.of (Hyson Points,) in
tea regularly sold for 40cts, now 25c.
A line of Elk. to Mix at same price,
Dry Goods.
1 piece all linen Crash Toweling
5cts,; 3 dozen men's braces worth
regularly 40cts,, will be sold for 25ets.
2 pieces heavy Union Tweed, fine
make, wears better that any cotton-
ade, for 25cts. A line of heavy white.
Cotton 5cts.; 3 pieces wide plaid
dress goods
Fine Shoes.
A bargain in fine shoes, for Gents
new shapes only $1 75: sec our heavy
plow shoes, ,. c oi . 00, solid leather, a.
dandy and a wearer,
C. O. Johnston
Where to Spend.
Your r Holidays.
At the Famous Tourists Resorts
Georgian ray, Lake Huron and Muskoka
Latae xiistrio ts.
Midland Lake District,
Burleigh Falls, Chemong. Clear Lake, mount
Julian, itateiewanooka, Stoney Lake,
Balsam Lake,
Cockburn, Lindsay. Lalaefield, Peterboro,
Lake Ontario.
Lora Park, Burlington Beach, Grimsby Park.
Lake Erie.
Crystal Beach, Port Dover, Port Bowman.
An reached by the Grand Trunk Railway
,oyster Full iuf'ormalien ran he had from
agent or write to M. e. Dickson, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto.
C, Knight, Agent, Exeter,
One of
The Finest
Selections of
Window Shades
in the town can be found at the
Market Store. We can suit you in
quality, color and price.
We have the very newest in
Ladies Black or Tan Oxford Shoes.
Prices 75c,' $1.00,. $1.50, $1.75,
, Turnip Seed.
Skirvings P. top; Halls West-
burgs Elephant or Monarch Suttons '
Champion, All at prices awayr,,
!Market Depot. Jj.` _'
aWnted—An idea
Who can ttimple
Protect your ideas; they_may bring youto wpaealtht,
Write 3OIIN wannatmnunN &'00., Patent Altar.
neys.. Washington, D. 0.. rot taaeir 51,500 price otter
and list of two hundred trivon.tigne Wanted.
First-class Rigs and Horses
4 ,! Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel or at the Livery
,t ,r
�,bse, 3 '
will receive
I: . Connaciao;n