The Exeter Advocate, 1896-8-20, Page 6sp. eaaaSee Subscribers Who do not re 'dive their paper xe..ularly will please notify ars at .nue Call at the (Ave toy advertising .rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY. AU .UST '?0, 1899. The Week's Commercial Summary. The sterling exchange market is very strong with the posted demand rate at $4.90. The stock of wheat at Toronto is 141,- 202 bushels as against 149,60o bushels last week. The earnings of the Canadian Pacific for the last ten dares of July were $602,- 000, an increase of $102,000. It is stated that the recent bail storm did considerable damage to about 60,000 sores of wheat in Manitoba. The "Shorts" in September pork got badly squeezed on Tuesday, the price advancing about $1 a barrel. The stocks of wheat at Port Arthur and Fort William are 1.994, 921 bushels as compared with 2,075,040 bushels last week. The Toronto railway earnings for .July are $87,761, a decrease of $4,287 as com- pared with the corresponding, month of last year. The American Agriculturist says of the fruit crops in the United States: "Taking the country as a whole the fruit crop may be put down as a full one." Gold is still coming this way from the United Mares and the discount on New York funds is the greatest known for some years. The discount is $1.75 to $2 per $$$ 1, 000. The visible supply of wheat in the United States and Canada is 46,734,0011 bushels, a decrease of 408,000 bushels for the week. Corn increased 1,04.1,000 bushels during the week, and the total Is now 10.752, 000 bushels. The importations of Australasian tinned means Intl London have again decreased during June, and the total for the first half of 1896 presents a de- ficiency of 13,700 eases. There was at the same time some falling off in the re- ceipts of cooked meats from North America into the l'nited Kingdom, unit the diminution up to the :30th ult. amounted to Iy,160 cases, The business situation at Toronto is un- changed. n-changed. There is a fair sorting -up de- mand for seasonable goods. but as yet the orders for fall and winter trade are restricted. An improvement, however, is expected soon. The crops are nceupving the attention of merchants just now, futnraa trade depeode greatly on the result of the harvest. Generally speaking the condition of grain to Ontario is good and above the average, with a fair yield. In same coarse grains the yield will be greater than last season. Here and Tllcre. Keep cool—if you can. If you can't, don't talk about i t. Any way, the peach crop is not a fail- ure. Let us be thankful for that. The hest remedy in the world for hard times is strict attention to business and persistent advertising. The young man is very much wanted at the seaside, say reports. The young man is very willing to be there if some one will furnish the essential. An eight-year-old bicyclist has just died on his wheel on Long Island, refus- ing to give it up to the last. One hardly knows how to rate such heroism, If Nikola Tesla's belief that X-rays wilt kill every disease bacillus is correct, the doctors of medicine had best at once transform themselves into doctors of sci- ence. A four-year-old girl in Oakland, Cal.., is said to be able to repeat from memory anything she ever heard. If that is so people ought to be very careful what they say to her. John L. Sullivan is going upon the stage again at a salary of $1,000 a week. It is frequently said that times are hard just at present, but it is evident that a man with great talent can make great money now as well as ever. A Wisconsin woman dreamed she was going to be drowned in Eagle Lake, went out on the lake next day and was drowned. How foolish! Why didn't she stay away from the water, and prove that dreams go by contraries. The Bond Record estimates that the visible anthracite coal supply will run out in 100 years. Many a man who has been looking at his coal bin recently has found that his visible supply is going -to run out a good deal before then. The cheering news comes from New- port that crimps in ladies' hair are no longer fashionable. This will be happy knowledge to the seaside belle whose sealef trouble in life has been to keep her lursks in suhjeetion. She will not care hr,w much tb"y straighten out now that she knows it is fashionable. The magazine people who are now getting ant their winter issues - must be very happy men. The writing of mid- - winter articles and Christmas poems must be delightful work for these dog days. urtheinagazine fellows must take .their turn later on. Next January they will be ' hl gest tri 1,repare their mid- w;at ars.er member, T :.w .Sraiel:aaerae, i' it firer and Kidney aaesnl to t t. --Mr. i ietcmr Anger, Ottawa, a, �r1'msa'e ,a,,,. rs'�5 , a ..ire rz tksssom• it enrl'us' u .t ry STni .t1fdi Pinriaeleae.'s I AE, ,mrS a;y.s' Kidney tfaaleree telat 1 i t"i r 2 :r/ t t," of t? the leaf arca. y.,ar : t.z i. ne . acid daayetaken am,rar•t eatelealaae ata:aie.14somas TOPICS OF —A WEEK. The Important Fronts in a Few Words For Busy Readers. The steamer Vancouver,while working her way into Father Point on Sunday night, was run into by the Lake On -1 tario, and both steamers were badly dam. aged about the bow& They have gone to Quebec for repairs. f:A1.4A'DIAN. - Wesley Davis, a barber at Orlllia, Ont., Buffalo moths are creating havoc, as was drownedat the' dock there on Satnr- Acton. '4" day night, while bathing. He told his, Huron county is selling its bonds in companions be had taken cramps and England. was drowning, but they thought he was Windsor is having trouble with its wa- fooling, and paid no attention to him ter supply. until too late. This year Petrolea's population is in- A despatch from London says that at creased by 34. j the request of Hon. Wilfrid Laurier Can- i Ridgetown is exporting large quanti- adian Prime Minister, Hon. Edward i Blake, member for the British House of ties of fruit. I Commons for the south division of the Several buildings are being erected in County of Longford, has been added to Tilbury Centre. the Judicial Commitee of the Privy The Woodstock Public schools last year Council. cost $9,000. As Parmelee's Vegetable. Pills contain Trampsall over the country are corn- Mandrake and Dandelion, they cure Liver mitting many thefts. and Kidney Complaints with unerring Goderich has voted to extend its water certainty. They also contain Roots and works system. Herbs which have specific virtues truly An Aurora man has a newly -hatched wonderful in their action on the. stomach turkey with four legs. and bowels. Mr. E,A. Cairnoross, Shakespeare, writes: "I consider Par -1 The late William Workman, Stratford, melee's Pills an excellent remedy for left a $20,000 estate. Biliousness and Derangement of the On account of low prices the berry sea- Liver, having used them myself for some son was not profitable. time." Bowmanville is trying to work itself up into a summer resort. The next Peninsular Saengerfest will be held at Berlin in 1898. The Brantford Electric Light Company is putting in a new plant. The G.T.R. is making many improve- ments in the viioinity of Galt. A cinder bicycle path is to be built be- tween Slmcoe and Port Dover. The survey of the Manitoulin and North Shore Railway is completed. The Woodstock Opera House has been sold at auction for $2,100. on a lien. Woodstock has reduced its city fire de- partment from seventeen to fourteen. The striking operatives returned to work at Laidlaw & Watson's shoe factory. Sixty-six teachers applied for a little vacancy in the Markham Public school. It is estimated that the apple crop in Huron county will be half a million bar- rel& George Hawley, formerly of Kingston, was killed by a boiler explosion in Chi- cago. The recent hail storm in Manitoba caused greater damage than at first re- ported. Crop prospects are good over all the country, and there will be a large supply of fruit. A Clinton man set a trap for a fox and caught a dog. His henroost was be- ing robbed. At London, within a month, the car- cases of 82 dogs have been fished out of the Thames. Hunter and Crossley, the evangelists, received $950 for a few weeks' work at Woodstock, N. B. The Hamilton Street Railway Com- pany refuses to accept the city's offer of a new agreement. It is proposed to start a rubber factory in Smith's Falls. The company agreeto pay $30,000 a year in wages. The recent hailstorm in Central Mani- toba was the must disastrous experienced in the history of the province. Essex County Council is being peti- tioned to grant another vote on the re- peal of the local option by-law. Irishmen of Quebec City will send a delegation to the national convention to be held in Dublin in September. Mrs. Lillie Payne, of Windsor, was sent to penitentiary for four years for abducting a girl named Bissett. Mrs. George Mitchell, formerly of 'Woodstock-, was burned to death in De- troit while lighting a fire with coal oil. The narrow gauge line running from Great Falls, Mont., to Lethbridge, Al- berta, will be widened and made standard gauge. Mr. Thomas Reid of Hamilton has secured a Canadian patent for an im- proved gasoline motor for horseless car- riages. The Canadian Artillerymen won the Queen's Prize and the Londonderry Challenge Cup at the Shoeburyness com- petition. Mr. George L. Mayer, a well-known resident of Pickering, Ont., died there on Saturday, aged 73, and was buried yesterday. James O'Horo of Fitzroy, who was shot by his father recently, will probably recover, but his left leg will have to be amputated. The Canadian artillerymen were enter- tained at luncheon at Woolwich Mon- day. and in the evening they were ban queted in London. Lightning caused a great number of fires throughout the province. Several farmers lost their barns, live stock and all the season's crops. Fred Ferrer, a youth living on the Hamilton road. died from blood poison- ing caused by the bite of a tarantula while handling banal as. Mr. Frank H. Doty, while superin- tending the work of a dredge at Han - Ian's Point Thursday, was ,struck by a flying lever and instantly killed. The London Street Railway Company is interested to the extent of $12,000 or $15,000 in the Privy Council's recent de- cision regarding steel rail duties. Radcliffe, the Canadian, hangman, has made application to "High Sheriff Van Blarcom for the job of hanging Peter Wheeler at Digby on September 8. Mr. W. E. Brown of Ottawa, boot and shoe dealer, and hie bookkeeper were ar- rested on charges of fraud at the instance of Mr. James Robinson, of Montreal. The London City Council has approved the scheme for the construction of a sew- age farmsystem, and the ratepayers will September vote on the question on 2. The High Court of Independent For- eeters of New Brunswick have adopted a formal protest against a member of the .Executive under salary going into poli- reetannaendetti are eel n tr ., ,t reeag'f, ale 410rr. atter eL'ht sof l sal: ee lee ,s payee 9 w e; t y} g Mr. ,t a,11,e ys"ven- (ar�old daughter of 11,ajte "ales -set, axial arse a f 4 dr . kiint• i'ileme, Alttlna. Ont`, was accident. pro„e the caeeeeia'xa:n l ,'. 1•v,v t» l! gjs ;wry ehat ore Saturday ay aged tan She died twelve hours after the Otte »'u,. e,. ? ,,arise d'ent. ;; teetwieee- -Way + �� u! it .;:a! ai }' ::i v<g.i,! It os, andersrxted that Mr. Robert Wat- elieve any .trotsiSIax t' ':r t,. =r , -s. s t '3i1 not accept the portfolio of the meat eseret% 1 L"6r,mr't+teeeriu of the Interior until Mr. Ningealy'-1 :title to 'tell the ,ge.,, .,=Caa"f Lsius'ierae 1Y iti'rafm en the, behootquestion ;I,esse;l',tkedt, ' 1. better tlruderatetbsf,. �,. S ,t, 31Tem."4 is rE:Iarurt'ri in the Governnment, g ars ft t e+a },, er 4.i' t r 2''4'''4± 'xss n'ilny hetweon Anticosti and .. :t Y,kA'YJ, 19;`U 't at Tl<il"th *bore ,of the St.:Lawrence.. As ,fieek.rge 1!,'aabaee ,ion. ,l9 their*' any ,*:Mite- air '.o. tab, ''sept i'1 tike tdtga,rxs 3 '' . „a•; er ar':$ ;1'tazeit. tberx Is an aitkxreste cable the -accident �ml+sdl t'.e.t exteeka ;ally break itr communi- :Algal«. • UNITED STATES. Populists made some small Alabama. Forest fires Michigan. gains in , are raging in Northern The Democrats expect a majority of 25,000 in Alabama, Both Sewall and Watson will run for Vice -President from present indications. The residence of Lucy Parsons, the Chicago Anarchist, was destroyed by fire. , The efforts to raise money in the United States for the construction of railways in China has proved unsuccess- ful. • A runaway trolley car dashed down a steep hill in Lancaster, Pa., on Sunday evening, and seven of the passengers r were killed and fifty seriously injured. A kite, sent up from the Blue Hill weather observatory as a meteorogicai experiment reached an altitude of 7,333 feet, the greatest height ever reached. Frank Simpson, employed at the Cat- aract Construction Company's power house, Niagara Falls, N. Y., was mei- I dentally seriously burned by electricity. 1 Yt is thought that the failure of the Moore Brothers in Chicago was brought about by the Goulds, who found that the I Diamond Match Company was interfer- ing with their Continental Match Com- pany. Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who night have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. FOREIGN. Matthew Izntirlien, the Armenian Patriarch, has resigned. The political and financial condition of Hayti is becoming critical. The Irish land bill was amended in several particulars by the Peers. The plan for the establishment of a C blues -American Bank at Pekin has col- lapsed. Serious tax riots occurred at Valencia. 1 he police charged the mob and wound- ed five. The black plague is still raging at Hong Kong and throughout Southeast- ern China. China is withholding its permission to linssia to construct railways through lhaneuuria. A special from Canea, Crete, says the reports of Cretan troubles are greatly ex- aggerated. The Peary expedition steamer Hope is averted to be fast in the ice off the coast a Greenland. The rowboat Fox, from New York on ,lune 6th, with two sailors, arrived at Havre Friday. The Arctic expedition, headed by Sir Slaartin Conway, has crossed Spitzbergen ,romm eastto west. Pref. Mendel, a Berlin specialist in ,,ental dis,asee, has gone to St. Peters- amg, whither he was summoned by time material family. It is reported that the powers, with ;be exception of England, are prepdring .o blockade Crete. I' ulgenafo Orrihulla and Pedro (Merrill sure publicly shot near Havana Friday inucndietrism and iebellion. The London Post states that in the •vent of foreign complications England. .an place no reliance on Germany. It is reported that Li Hung Chang's mission to England is to obtain pormis- =]ou to increase the duties on imports. The troops composing Plumer's col- "don have utterly routed the impis of two big chiefs -in Matabeleland. It is again stated in Portugal that treat Britain has recognized the sover- leen ty of Brazil over the island Trinidade. Emperor William is sufferingfrom a •.ligut catarrh of the throat, and has been torsed to abandon his proposed journey. It is reported that the Sultan has in- voked Lord Salisbury's aid in arranging -or bash concessions to 'the insurgent ..rete ns. It is announced in Berlin that Prince inhenlobe, the Imperial Chancellor, has .signed, and that he has left the capital r Kassel. The second trial of Major Lothaire on .ae charge of murdering a British trader anted stokes took place at Brussels and. -:.ulted in an acquittal. Baroness Tennyson, widow of the late .oet lanreate, is dead. She was a laugh- r'r of Henry Sellwond, and was married at Lord Tennyson in 1860. The news that a body of 10,000 Mus- •u'tnans forced an entrance into Herak- assn, Crete, and ejected all the Christians .,.tam their homes is confirmed: ' Cholera in Egypt again shows an in- 'rtasa, and anxiety is felt on account of the absence of reports from the camp of he Egyptian forces on the Nile. It is tuned that a serious condition prevails ,are: The Premier of Cape Colony says that Government proposes to attend to the ,melees of the country, and, construct uatteries at Algoa bay and in Buffalo atarhor, as a contribution to the Empire of which they formed a part. The House of Lords passed the Irish hind bill through committee. Some of the amendments are very unpopular with the Government, and the crisis which hits arisen is grave enoughto call for the serious consideration of the Cabinet. EVER KNOWN TO FAIL. • *.♦.ed'$••,••..♦♦♦.♦..♦♦.♦....♦..e.**...♦♦8♦.♦.2 N_ • Massey's Magazine The Three Great South American Itesnedies Always Cure --Mrs. Edward Purr, of Sur- rey Centre, 13.C., Once Paralysed on One Side. Is Now "As Well as .Ever” 'Because of Month American Nervine --W. W. Brownell, of Avontnore, Ont., iTbought 'He Would Die From. Rheumatism and Neuralgia, Cured by South Anu'rlon Ichetunatic Cure—South American lUti- ney Cure the Only Specific for the Worst Forms of Kidney Disease. Tel do all that one. undertakes to do is. commendable iu these days of broken promises. The application is apt in the case of proprietary medicines. In toe three great South American Remedies, however, are found specifics that square up to every claim and promise. The wife of Edward Purr, of Surrey Centre, B.O., was taken bad last, Au- gust , with - nervous ,prostration, which later developed into paralysis of one'side, Her husband write.': "tike tried many remedies, but only in vain. South Amer- ican Nervine was recommended, and I ant glad to say the result, after taking three bottles, was astonishing to myself. and family. We believe . it worsted a wonder for Mrs. Parr, and we cannot speak too highly of the remedy." As an aftermath from an attack of. typhoid fever W. W. Brownell, of Avntt- more, Ont., became a • victim of most painful rheumatism and neuralgia, lie • called in the best medical aid, but got no relief. His words are: "I thought I Must die and many nights ticougnt I could not live till morning, the pain was so severe. The doctors said I muss go to the springs, but I secured a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure fro.0• Mr, B. H. Brown, druggist,. of Corn- wall. The first close gave me relief tuua after tatting twn and a hilt bottles the pain all left me and now I are as well as ever." There is no experiment in the use of South American Kidney Cure. It is net pill nor powder, but a liquid, that lin- mediately dissolves the hard stone-like substances, that constitute kidney dist este and doing this it becomes an absolute cure. D. J. Locke, of Sherarooke, Que says he spent $100 in treatment for a complicated ease of kidney disease, but received no permanent cure until, to use his own words: "1 began to use South American Kidney Cure, when. four bot- tles completely cured. me." lir:`. Stowe on Authorshit,. Mrs. Stowe was never afflicted with a personal consciousness of her reputation Late in life she was accosted, in the gar den of her country retreat, by an old re- tired sea captain. "When I was younger," said he, r'- spectfully, "I read with a great deal ' f satisfaction and instruction 'Uncle Loan s Cabin.' The story impressed too very much, and. I am happy to shake hands with you, Mrs. Stowe, who wrote it " "I did not write it, answered the white- haired lady, gently. "You didn't: he ejaculated in amazement. "Why, who did then? "God wrote it," she replied simply. ''I merely did his dictation." "Amen," said the captain, reverently, as he walked thoughtfully away. A Fibre Chamois Ad. Men as a rule care more for comfort than for style, still no man is averse to a neat, well -hanging coat that keeps its shape through all kinds of knocking around, This is one of the extras that Fibre Chamois furnishes when used as the interlining in men's clothing. It not only makes garments thoroughly weatherproof, providing a healthful warmth which can't be penetrated by the severest wind or cold; but its flex- ible spring and stiffness make the coat or vest fit well and keep its proper hang till worn completely out. And the beauty is that it is so light you wouldn't know you were carrying anything extra around, and so cheap that it is in every one's reach. Right and Wrong. "Young Darnley writes poetry. I be- lieve?" the man on the front seat conjec- tured. The man with the return ticket looked thoughtfuL "Wrongs it, I should say," he replied; "wrongs it, is the term Iwould employ." Then they both looked out at the fly- ing landscape and shook their heads gravely. But the man on the front seat murmuredthat it seemed reasonable. Ideal Summer Resort. Kill two birds with one stone. Spend a pleasant summer holiday at Oakville and get rid of the liquor or morphine habit once and for all at the same time. It will cost you a little more than if you go to an ordinary summer resort, but probably not half as much as you would spend on liquor in half the time. "Lake - burst," with its fine house, shady grounds, water front and excellent board, is preferable to most hotels, and you can leave your liquor curse behind you forever when your holiday is over. For full particulars address Manager, Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, Ont. Courteously Put. "Harold, dear, why were you you so very noisy this morning? You waked me with shouting. I don't like to be roused so, I like to sleep until I wakeenatur- ally." "Yes, mamma, isn't it natural to wake up when you hear a noise?" There never was, and never will be, a. universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature of many curatives being su ,h that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient—what would relieve one ill, in turn would aggravate the other. We. have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state,a remedy for many and grievous ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convales- cence and strength, by' the influence which (quinine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid despondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tran- quilizing the nerves, disposers to sound and refreshing sleep—imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses throughout the vein•, strengtiaening the healthy animal functionsof the system, thereby making activity at. necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the diges- tive organs, which naturally demand increased substance -result, improved appetite. Northrop tel Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual' rate, and,. gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. ;All druggists sell it, 2 EETD a NUMBER—AUGUST, MN .• 2 Contains an article ly Major-General Gascoigne, " THE BRITISH 2 2 . AR11BrigdendIeNt. O. - OF TDAY," illustrated by A. H. Hider F. H. and• • "CUBA 1N WAR TIME," by Frank L. Pollock, illustrated with 2 ♦ photographs, 2 it THE CArI1PS OF THE AMERICAN CANOE ASSOCIA- 2 2 'PION," by D'Arcy Scott, illustrated, with photographs. 2' 2 Stories by the following well-known authors : Dumv'an Campbell 2 • S: -nit, Clifford Smith, Byren H. Basinia, Edward F. Slack, 2 42 2 Esther'I.'albot Kingsmill, and other matter of general interest. . 2 One Dollar per year ; ten cents per copy, 2 2 A 17 PRESS, '. ; • 2 THE I LS EY PRESS, 927 King Street Wes , Toronto. 2 t.....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: SPURIOUS TEA. A Large Consignment Rejected in New fork—A Possibility That It May be Brought Into Canada. An item appears in one of the New York papers to the • effect that a large quantity of spurious tea from China and Japan had recently been refused entrance Into the United States by the Govern- ment oilicitals, and that it had been sent by owners to some other place, Canada being named as its probable destination. According to Mr. P. U. Larkin, of the Salaita `lea Company. the sante thing oc- curred' last year, when thousands of boxes of Ping Suey front China and Japan were refused entrance into the United States, and the tea was then 'sent to Montreal, where it was admitted, and afterwards sold for consumption in differ- ent parts -of Canada. The spurious tea, Mr. Larkin says, is absolutely poisonous, and he hopes it the tea recently refused •at New York is sent to Canada that the Dominion Government will see that it is either destroyed or sent out of the coun- try. He then went on to sag that he had been telling the people of Canada for. years back that they should drink the beautiful teas of Ceylon and India, which are absolutely free from 'all adul- teration or coloring, and, what is also very important, perfectly clean. Hrm de- scribed the different modes of prepara- tion. in China and Japan, the teas, after bt'iog picked, undergo a process of fer- mentation, and are then roiled by the hands of the natives, while in Ceylon and Inuiu the teas, after being picked, are never handled again, but are prepared entirely and even Lacked in lead pack ages by machinery, so timat even the grocer cannot touch then`: aand in the ease of •Salaaha, widen is the iti;;hest grade o1' tea made hi Ceylon or India, Cana- dank are enabled to drink it within four months from the time that it is picked from the bush. Another thing in favor of Saluda is the fact that no teas ere per- mitted to be shipped out of Ceylon or ln- din 'without tUcvw'nntent inspection. end all tens mannf,tcturect there are made tin- der English supervision. Mr. Larkin's eonipttny are time sole agents for Salada in America, and so high is the reputa- tion won by this tea that they are kept very busy supplying time trade. Only• last week they shipped to Buffalo ever 40 large cases, and time demand from the other side is increasing every month. In Canada Salads has become a household word. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Con- tain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell mud ccnnhl, tcly acreage the whole system e h' a entering It through t;,e nme us surfaces. Sueh an'tt les s:,uuld never be used except on l•c•seriari,nas from reputable physicians, as the *nonage they trill do Is Li',, fulti t0 the good you can poss.bty derive from ta.eu'm. Ha11'a Ca'nr,li Cure umanufau'tured by F. .1. Cueuey & Co.. Toledo, 0., contains n , mercury, and is taken arterually, acting ttireetly upon the blood and mucous suiaces of the system. In buying Mall's Cattarrh Cure be sure yeti get the genuine. It is tin en internals', anti made in To edo, Ohio, by F. J. Ceency & (lo. Testimonials free. raT'Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Vindicated. The wind howled and the shivering pedestrians•toiled painfully through the deep snow. Ent the weather, prophet was happy. "'this," he said, gleefully, "Is the big storm I predicted two months ago and it is only seven weeks late at that. I knew it would get here before the end of -the winter." ADAMS' GINGER BEER.. For Makingn Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Recipe: Adams' Ginger Beer Extract one bottle Fleischmann's Yeast, one-half to one cake Sugar two lbs. Cream of Tartar one-half oz. Lukewarm water two gallons Dissolve the stater, cream of tartar and yeast in the water, add the extract and bottle; place In a warm place for twe ty-lour hours until it ferme,.ts, the place on ice, when it will open sparkling, cool and delicious. The Ginger Beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 cent bottles to make two gallons. British Recruits. Nearly one-third (15,000 out of 50,000) of the men who wanted to .enter the British army last year were rejected on account of defective eyesight, bad teeth or flat feet. FITS.—All fits stopped free and permanent - cured. use of Dr. No tits after Mat a.V Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free es trial bottle sent through Canadian Agency. Address Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 I !; Totally Deaf,—Mr. S.: E. Crandall, !Port Perry, writes "I contracted a severe ,cold last winter, which resulted in my !becoming totally deaf in one ear and '.partially so in the other. After trying ''various remedies, and 'consulting several 'doctors, without obtaining any relief, I' Iwas advised to try Dr. Thomas' Eoleo- Itric OiL I warned the Oil and poured a }little of it into my ear, and before one- half the bottle was used. my hearing was !completely restored. I have heard of ;other oases of deafness being cured by the use of this medicine." I I Proof foal:Iva. 1 She—You love me, don't you, George? He—Don't I let you drive my horse?— Town Topics. A 'to alt—ayor. Peasant to Condui'tor—I haven't quite enough money to go home on the flyer. 'Couldn't you go a little slower and take me' on an ordinary ticket?—Fliegende Blatter. And Be Laughed Again. Teacher—Thomas, I saw you laugh just now. What were you laughing about? Tommy—I was thinking about some- thing. "You have no business thinking dur- ing school hours. Do not let it occur again." i■ L NOTHING LIKE IT. CEYLON TEA. Is III:I.IC101's. Sold Only in Lead Packets JOHN MACt:Ri•:tt(1k, BAllIIIST ERAT- LAW, :solider of Supreuu• Court of can ada. Money to loan. Waves -a:'8 -so Toronto street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED—ON SAL tRY CR cnlnrnissiau : gonct 'agents ran secure a taermanent position. scull stamp for +articu- lees. NO postale. A ddress b"IT •.E•OItE DE - .POT, Toronto. ANGLERS. especial cutniece for August: Trolling apo„ns, 15. 20 and 95 cents each' trolling lines, to, !b. 20 and 25 vents each; rubber miunews, 25, So a' d :t:' routs etch : phantom minnows. 80, 40 n •d 5 cents en c trent files, ass .a•ted. 80 to f,0 menta per 4141Z1•11: `ansa files, assorted, :ata to 76 cents iH'r dozen. .171 other Innes of tackle TO - (bleed u, aha same prup'a tion thus mrntth. Send y. lir order and we till nay the postage. ib- roaato spur±int: (1 .e•+sI' u, a7 Those street, Toronto. IV M,'ImW A LL. Manager. CURED MEATS. R'eare Bernet uaarters for smoke`` Hams, Roll Bacon :mil Low Clear Pork, tier 'mites are right and nothing but that -class goods shipped. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES. Tu these lines we lead the inside Cur Teas and C frees require no ronnent. They have Prot•• d emselves to he lender's by our eaor mnvas sales send for our Illustrated Catalogue. All sends ``tinted I",'eIgial Prepaid. A. H. CANNING & CO., Wholesale Grocers, 57 Front street East., Toronto. 'r+io pl()tr. CHAMBERLAIN —EYE hpa't'ii llst—h7 King St.E., To- ratatu. Home Aug. 10th to Sept. lath. NIAGARA FALLS LINE. DOUBLE TRK'S EMPRESS OF INDIA and G.T.R. Daily from Y ong'e Street Wharf at 7.45 a.m. and 3.2(1 pan for St. Catha- rines. N. Falls, 13ttllalo. N. York and all pointe 1.x51'. Family books for sale. Low rates to excursion parties. Tickets at all principal agents and at office on wharf. The Discriminating Ptilf c ;always Y• ask for LE2.. EDDY'S Matches • v FALL TERM—SEPT. let. rte' RBTE roo9G'. goewote B .PTERffR0eaff, OnF,lna a -s-a' SEND R [ATALCGE.a-a, IF YOU WANT A Canoe, Skiff, Steam Launch, or anything in the shape c•f a boat, WE BUILD THEM. Cor. Gerrard and 'rouge. Toronto, Ont. Unttnestionably the lar_ est and most influ- ent;al-commercial school in Canada. Hundreds, of students 77Aa.ced directly into good paying, situations. Only one kind of bnatness training. given amid that—"'imtm t is t, ' Write for new f:ataloguo.' W. H. SHAW, Prineipal. T. N. TT... 776 AP • ` AND B �aVEleitTRING FOR THE PRINTI1tR- THE CRE DST A AD TAE ESC Au Type, Presses, Inks, Ready -Print ' Write to us,• ].newspapers,stereotype 31atter.tiieetro- teasing, Ieneraving. orioNTO TYPF JAMES L. ROGERS, Mgr, TouNDrer.`Toronto alnd 'Winnipeg.