HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-7-16, Page 2Subscribers who donot.receive their papers regularly will please notify us al once. Apply at the cake for advertising rates THE. EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1396, The Week's Commercial Summary. Wheat is very dull, with prices at Chi- cago Monday the lowest of the'season. The cash demand is light. The stocks of wheat at Toronto are Steadily increasing.• The total is now 181,303 bushels as against 24,657 bushels a year ago. • Twenty-two failures are reported in the Dominion last week; two less than the previous week and one more than corresponding week last year. The net profits of Canadian Pacific for the month of May show an increase of $142,841 on the corresponding month of last year, and net earnings -for the first five months of this year increased $643,- I00. • The net earnings of leading western roads across the • border are un- favorebie for May. The visible supply of wheat in the United States and Canada is now 47,860,- 000 7,860,- 000 bushels, a decrease of 950, 000 bushels last -week. A year ago the total was 44,561,000 - The amount on passage to Europe d.'creased 1,5::0,000 bushels last week, and the tetal is now only 06,000,- 000 bushels as against 41,5.20,000 a year ago. There has been a quiet business in Wholesale circles at Toronto - during the Week. Polities and the Dominion holi- day are responsihte in a measure for the dulness, but it must be remembered that this is usually the dull season: °pinions as to future prospects of course differ, but until the ineotnin_s Govern- ment's trade policy is definitely settled so long will the feeling of uncertainty exist. It is generally thought that the grain crops, will be up to the average, but the present low prices of cereals are • discouraging to growers. The cattle and che. expert trader have been very disappointing se far this sc aeon owing to extremely low prices, which leaves little or no profit in these industries. tjpon Le:ng asked if he had seen a certain letter published in a Western Canada newspaper controverting what he had said as to the possible expansion of trade between Japan and Canada, Hon. Mr. Nesse, consul fur japan, Writes to The Monetary Times from Vancouver. Be says: "I. have not seen the paper referrt(l to, controverting my views upon the possibility of greeter Canada -Japan trade. and saying it could not be done.. That sort of thing is the very thing, however, your big neighbors (United States of America) want to have said,and that is the very re sen why the Cana- dians cannot so far get the extent of the Oriental trade they alight to have; it is • that they do not .sufficiently look after it. So long as a nation, or a Haan, leaves things to their own destiny and makes no eriurt to change it, how can the man or the nation accomplish its own destiny or purpose? I believe the Canadians should try their chances and see whether they may succeed in one item- or an- other, but should not say simply, "it is out of the .question." One has to build up business. Nobody is likely to bring you business if you sit and wait for it, but it is you who should go and get business abroad."—Monetary Times. Mr. Hague in his admirable address last week to •the shareholders of the Merchants' Bank, made- the following pertinent remarks on "Lessons of Experience," in hotness which cannot be too well learned by many of our traders: One thing, however, I muss emphasize, and it is this: That no metier ' whether trade generally is prosperous, or adverse, the old-faasfiloned rules that were the result of generations of experi- ence still prevail. Ietelligenee, prudence and industry will enure success, and the reverse will bring failure. In the same line of business, in the same place, and at the same time, some men succeed, while others fail As one of our country • Managers well ol.=_erves: Large profits and lucky speculations are things of the past, but capable men and -thrifty can still make money. • New if one man succeeds and another fails under- the same circumstances, in the same piece, in the same line of business, the fault cannot be attributed to the country. These things have been said before, and you may think it is a waste of time to utter such truisms. But, after all, the main part of our business is with indivi- duals. It is with the success or failure of the individual customer that we are concerned, and the whole secret of our business Iies in our power to discrimin- ate bewteen the prudent trader and the imprudent, the industrious and the idle, the foolish and the venturesome, and the calculating and economical. We have had some experience, but in such matters we may go on ever learning. Here and There. TOPICS OF A WEEK. 3'.�.Inlattsttant Events: in a Few Words For Busy Readers. CANADIAN. The Canadian Pacific, Railway will become a member of the Joint Traffic. Association. The will of the late Godfrey P. Payzant of Windsor, N. S., bequeaths $100,000 to Acadia College. The steamer Brazil, coal laden, struck on a rock and sank in the Detroit river, near Aniherstburg, Cattle are reported to be dying , by thousands in Arizona ranches owing to drought Exhaustive statistics have been com- piled in Derlin to prove the success of the serum treatment of diphtheria; which has been followed in one of the largest Berlin hospitals for the past two years Senor Canovas del Castillo, the ' Span- ish Premier, in discussing the difficulties which the Cuban parties have created for the Government, said they woald have accepted autonomy for the island before the outbreak of the insurrection, but it could not now be granted aa the price of ending the rebellion. Dyspepsia and Indigestion is occasioned by the' want of aotion in the biliary ducts, loss'' of vitality in the stomach to secrete the gastric juices, without which City Engineer William Haskins, of digestion cannot go on; also, being the rinc Hamilton, died on Sunday, the result of geta eal cause of Headache. Pgonelee's Vegetable Pills taken before going to an apoplectic stroke. bed, for a while never fail to give relief The body of Mr DonaldMcInnes, a and effect a pure. Mr F W Ashdown Ont., retired" merchant in London, was found writes: "Parnielee's Pills are taking the floating in the Thames , lead against ten other makes which I A swarm of bees killed a horse belong- have in stook ing to ' J 3 Jackson, butcher, of Til- bury, at Prairie Siding A daring plan to' rob the Bank of Commerce in Winnipeg was frust.ated by its premature discovery. The vital statistics for London fur the six months just end( iwere: Births, see. deaths, 175; marring is, 178. Two young men named a Bergeron and Heroux were tipped out of a canoe in Lake St. Peter and drowned. Charles Cameron was killed by a cave- in of a gravel pit while doing statute., labor near Acton on Tuesday. • Mr John Elliott, sister of Captain Gaskin, was was probably fatally injured in a runaway accident at Kingston. The buffalo bug has made. its appear- ance in Chtathatu, and is giving local dry goods men and house furnishers fight. - A despatch ftroni Vancouver states that the water in the Fraser River is rising . and that touch damage has been sono upon the low lands. Mr. William Tye, of ThamesviIle, Ont.. one of the oldest pioneers of that district, and who was Widely known and highly respected, died Thursday, aged e5. - By the capsizing of a snit boat en Lake I)escheues at Aylmer, Quo., litut•s- day Me taud Mrs Peter McRae ami their ten -year-old sou of Ottawa were drowned Mapping the skies is a very expensive undertaking, especially as the map will mot be useful in conducting real estate transactions, but it will be interesting. Misery is relative. Itmay cost less pain to have a /person throw something In our teeth than to have a dentist fool roundthem athis gentlest. There is a man living near Moscow, Russia, who has just passed his 189th birthday. His age is not so much to be wondered at as the fact that he hasn't spent about 100 years of the time in Siberia. Japan lost more lives by the recent earthquake and tidal wave than were sacrificed in her victorious war with China, from beginning to end. One would think foreign capital would be slow to invest largely in such a "shaky" country. Ac, man wants $20,000 damages for having been imprisoned and kept on a diet of beans for sixty-two days by the Spanish Government. The people of Boston look upon him as a martyr, and are subscribing funds to enable him to secure the best legal talent possible. It ean reeadily, be understood why they are showering so much sympathy upon him when it is explained that the beans were boiled, not baked. Brilliantine. 'Wiliiant Warren, one of the helper's in the Canadian Pariah: blacksmith shops at Winnipeg, y steedaty murdered his wife with a razor acid then cut his own throat • Government Detective Rogers has un- dertaken the investigation of the lan,itn•s Falls' murder case, in which a trah,tp is alleged to have been killed by t ie low- wanderer'nrtued Pitta. FOREIGN. Germany's Civil Code Bill has become law. The Khedive of Egypt is preparing, to visit England. The Irish Land Bill passed its third reading In the House of Commons to -day by a vote of 292 to 140. The total number of eases of cholera in Egypt to date is 7,550, which proved fatal in 0,216 instances. The style of the estate of the late Col. North, the Nitrate King, realized five hundred thousand pounds. It is rumored that Abbas the young Khedive of Egypt, will visit Europe during the present summer. The rumor is again revived that the Prince of Naples is likely to marry Princess Elena of Montenegro The American Theosophists started their English campaign in London on Friday, and were cordially received. Charles Ward was killed by lightning while rejoicing over the winningof a bet that there would be a storm in 24 hours A Cairo despatch says it is reported that there are 20,00n Mandists in Don goha, and that they are resolved upon fighting. Gen Weyler, commander of the Span - LIFE OF A DRUGGIST. Re is Expected to Know a Little of Every- thing. "It might seem to the superficial ob- server that the life of 'a druggist was ex- ceedingly monotonous," said a drug clerk, "but from the time that a young, man begins his studies in the College of Pharmacy to that day when he is the master of a business of his own, he is likely to get soiree views of and experi- ences with many phases of'life. Just sit down here and I will spin. you 'a yarn of some of the things 'that came to me in my early days. My first work as a drug clerk was in the Italian quarter. I had been studying only three months, and was not allowed to put up prescriptions alone: I had to sleep, over the store; and attend' those who might come in the night. • This:was' thrusting a great deal of responsibility upon. my youth and in- experience; for night calls generally rep- resent emergency oases, people who are taken suddenly and violently ill, or have taken poison. "It was a tough neighborhood. The Itnlitaih women used , to bring their sick Nibble into the store and want us not alone to sell them the'medicine that the child was in need of, but to prescribe for it as well. One time 1 assisted at a' minor surgical operation. One afternoon three men, under the influence of liquor, mule into the store. One of the mon had a bad cut running from the base of his thumb nearly up to his. wrist, which ye eluhcd about three stitches. There was another clerk on duty with me that af- ternoon. We told the niau that he should go to a doctor. lie answered: 'Doctor for that? Nixey.' What's de matter with you puttift'" do stitches in yourself? Go Rhea's,' We wonid-unt,_but ho insisted So we got some black thread which we kept to sew mi an occasional button, waked it, anti tack the three stitches with it. '.l'he fellow never flinched, and the wound healed up beautifully. "The night bell is supposed to be for cases of emergency. But you would be ' surprised at the liberal construction some people put on extreme cases. I re-' member having been c.•all�ed, up by a Man Who wanted a bottle of ink. I gave him tie ink, when he said, `I say,,Doe, lend me a pencil, and I'll :end it back in the morning.' The most angelic man is apt • to become exasperated when he is rung up, travels a long ball and stairs to find a man waiting at the door for a postage stamp. "The boy in your fashionable hotel, who always �ivos t A WOMAN'S WORRIES Would be But Few Were It Not For Be: ,A:cltes and Pains --Fewer Still to Men and Women Alike, Were the Great South American Remedies in Every Rouse. ° Ido case of rheinnatism"or neuralgia of so long standing that it will not suc- cumb to the wonderful South American Rheumatic Cure. Mrs. Jolt: Beaumont, Elora. Ont, says: "For 10 years I have been an intense sufferer from rheuma- tism. At times confined to my bed, I doctored with all the local physicians, but with little or no relief. My recofery was almost despaired of, I was induced by a friend to try South American Rheu- matic Cure. After taking a few doses I was able to sit up, and when four bottles had been taken I was as well as ever. When it is remembered that the pain was so intense at times that I could not be moved in my bed, 'I can but say that my cure has been a wonderful one.", The most insidious of all diseases are perhaps those of the kidneys, anti it is only within a few years that advanced medical science has stepped in, and has successfully coped with the ravages of these dread disorders. Tho thousands of eases which harm been helped: and abso- lutely cured in the' rise of the great South American Kidney Cure is proof that the proprietor of the formula which gives to the World this valuable healer has mate a thorough study of such diseases, and the cure speaks the groat truths he dis- covered. A. Williamsen,Custotns Oflieer, Kincardine, Ont., a prominent citizen of that town, lends his testimony to the great benefit derived front its use: "I can highly recommend this specific as the greatest of boons to suffering humanity for all affections of the bladder and kidneys. It cured mo when all else failed," The dyspeptic—Who does not pity him? Emaciated, weary, gloomy, suffering agonies in mind and body. And how many persons there are who have all of these symptoms, and neglect to give them the tneilicat tiler needed, and in an almost incredible time ate drawn into a maelstrom of physical aliment. South American Nervine never fails in such oases. Jr gives collide relief, and persist- ency in its use isalways rewarded by a cure. '•I suffered agonies from aggravated indigestion anti dsspepsla," says W. F. Bolger, of Renfrew, Ont. "I was induced to use South Auterican Nervino as a last resort, and two I,cttica etirecl Me of sufferings which had heeled every treat- ment before it." ish forces in Cuba, has cancelled his or- .h he right man the rig. t cotat, or hat, or cane, line been - der for the closing of the ports of Sama tetuchh written about. But Ik-nowayoung and Banes Haan who servos behind a soda fountain ' The Cretan insurgents defeated the counter in a store that tines an immense Turks on Vednesday, killing two hun- business in that • line the year round dyed of them, and capturing three of who is equally Wonderful. My attention their cannon. was first called to his talent In this The Marine Court at St. John's, Nfld. way; I went into the store one cold day • has censured Captain Ells and exonerated a few years ago and asked for a drink . Capt. Hugh.('hisllolm, an old ant the other officers of the Wrecked British of lint malted foil! Ieinphtasizt'd my or - hi highly esteemed citizen of lIeaford, fans„ steamer Capnlet, dor by saying: 'Be sure that it is hot;F, red hot,' Well, I get my drink, and it died on Monday. aged seventy-two. Ile :Notwithstanding that the Austrian was very hot and nice. Is was fully two - was one of the pioneer Aka -builders and Government is confronted by a big de- months before I was in that neighbor - navigators of Canada. Scit; it is proposed to spend ninny mil- hood again. When I stepped up to the While driving on Smalley with a young . lions on a new army rifle - counter the young num gave moo a quick • lady to whom he was shortly to have At the launching of the new German scrutinizing; look and said, 'Red lint?' This was no accident, for I afterward learned that of the hundreds, I think it would be safe to say thousands, of ens - touters that the young ttltan has during the year, ha not alone remembers their the Insane Asylum at Hamilton, e•ee- an assault will shortly be made upon favorite drink, but he remembers whether mitted suicide by hanging herself ii' .0 Bulawayo by the' rebels. they like it sweet, or tart, or medium. the bars of the window in her room. Forty-two men were killed and 100 And he also remembers the peculiar She had made several attempts previously I seriously injured by an explosion of ani- name by which his customers ask for to commit suicide ' munition in an arsenal near Fort Mo- their favorite beverage. "Then there is a great deal of discre- tion and tact and good judgment re -1 quired. Many, many times the druggist gets a prescription in which he is sure that the doctor has Made a mistake, and that there is a dangerous amount of some i drug, some poisonous drug. It then be- comes necessary to get the customer to have the medicine sent home. This gives the druggist time to call the doctor up • on the telephone and ask further instruc- tions about his prescription. If the cus- tomer is willing to allow you to send his • medicine home all goes well. But some - thins he is in a great horny, the patient is very ill—there are many things that will cause him to insist upon having the medicine at once. Of course, you cannot give it to him. No more can you tell him the reason. "A fashionable neighborhood often sends in very small orders. A few days ago a lacy wrote a note to me asking me to send something by the bearer for her baby's earache, something that she could use in a syringe, and to send a glass syringe. She sent fifteen cents with which to pay for the medicine and the glass syringe. In a cheap neighborhood this might be expected. But you see the houses are all good for blocks around. It is curious how a druggist can follow the course of a disease when he makes up the medicines from start to finish. I fre- quently make up my mind as to the fatal or happy termination of a disease by the prescriptions the doctor writes. It is funny, zoo, how much people take a druggist into family secrets—almost as fully as the doctor or the confessor. And you are supposed to know all about the diseases of cats, dogs and canaries."— New York Tribune. been harried Thomas McDonald. a U. 'i. ironclad last week the Kaiser expressed Railway engineer, of Belleville, :res the hope that Germany will yet have a killed by tieing thrown front the convey- navy worthy of her armies anee. • 7,.'he massacre of white people in Mata - Mrs Catharine Lawless, a patient in beleland continues,and it is expected that Samuel Wrathall, aged 20, of Perth, selle, in the Province of Loraine. Ont., while out shooting on Wednesday, • The wedding of the Princess Maud of stood two small rifles together. One of Wales and Prince Charles of •Denmark them fell, causing the other to he ills- has finally been fixed for the Dad inst charged, the ball entering the young The Queen will attend the ceremony man's brain, killing hint instantly. The Chinese are reported to have lost Mr. Harry Westgate, a well-known 112 killed in a recent engagement with farmer in Pickering township, Ont., was the Dutch in the Dutch Indies. Of the found dead on the Grand Trunk railway Dutch 9 were killed and 49 wounded track not far from his home early Thins- I Mr. Henry M. Stanley, M.P., the day morning. It is supposed he was African explorer, who has been suffering struck by a passing train while driving for several weeks from gastritis, has home late on Wednesday night. had a relapse, and is now seriously ill. Advices from Yokohama to June 18 show that thousands of lives were lost and many towns obliterated by the re- cent earthquake and tidal wave in Japan. The British revenue returns for the first quarter of the present fiscal year show an increase of .21,698,999, one mil- lion pounds of which is derived from the excise duties The Czar and Czarina made their formal entry into St. Petersburg on Sat- urday, anti an immense concourse of people acclaimed their Majesties with great enthusiasm. The wedding of the London season will be that of Lady Sophie Beatrix Mary Cadogan, youngest daughter of the Estl of Cadogan, to Sir Samuel Scott. It will take place in Holy Trinity Church Mon- day. The Imperial Government has acqui- ' eased in the demand of the Opposition for the appoinment of a Select Commit- tee of Parliament to investigate the affairs of the Chartered South Africa Company. There is a prospect of a general coal strike in England. The employers are trying to effect a 10 per cent. reduction in wages, and the miners of Derbyshire and Lancashire have already refused to accept the proposition. Lady Mary Bligh, a daughter of the Earl of Darnley, committed suicide on Sunday night by drowning herself in a pond at Cobham hall. She was in poor health and was despondent over a disappointed love affair. In the course of a divorce trial in London, a letter was put in evidence, said to have been written by Canon Scott Holland to a young lad. The magistrate said it was such a letter as no gentleman could write. An explanation from the Canon is anxiously awaited. Sir 'Charles Mike has published an ar- ticle, in which he predicts that Great Britain, single-handed is destined to en- gage in a great struggle with Germany, France and Russia combined. The Spec- tator propounds the question as to what role America will play in such a struggle. The lash was recently applied to the bank of a man in England who had com- mitted highway robbery. He knocked down a • young woman and ,stole her purse. Justice Day, of the Kent Assizes, expressed his disapproval of ` long sen- tences for first offenders He thereupon sentenced Ellis to a month's imprison- ment and thirty lashes from. the "cat" Mr. Robert W. Banbury, Financial Secretary of the Imperial Treasury, in the House of Commons announced that the Government had not yet arrived at a decision on the subject of Imperial aid for the fast steamship service to Canada, adding that owing to the coming change ntheti of Government in, Canada m. star would probably remain in abeyance for a short time. Brilliantine can be made at home at much less expense than if purchased: It is composed of two drachms of ' castor oil, six drachms ' of 'almond oil, one drachm of essence of bergamot or jockey club, and.. two drachms of rectified spirits. Shake Well, and it is ready for use. The steamer Samuel F. Hodge, b:;und from Cleveland to Prescott with a cargo of wire, was burned to the water's edge in the middle of Lake Ontario at 3 o'clock Sunday morning. The fireman, Martin Deely, of Buffalo, was lost, v.'hile the balance of the crew was rescued by the steamer St, Joseplh. The crop report issued by the M. and N.W. railway officials, under date of June 80, is most encouraging, and indi- cates a very bountiful harvest The fol- lowing report is a sample of what all the others are: Rapid City—The rapid I growth of the last two weeks is a marvel I Crops of all kinds are in excellent condi- tion—strong ondition—strong and healthy, impossible to be better They are so thick that there is danger of falling down and becoming lodged. This will surely follow if the rain continues, but if we have warm weather and less rain we shall have the greatest crops the country ever saw Wheat is in blade, and will be beaded in a week The wheat is in about the same stage as at this time last year The oats will probably be a few days later LIN ITED STATES. Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," is dead at Hart- ford, Conn. One man was killed and another prob- ably fatally injured in a labor strike at Berea, Ohio. The St. Lawrence & Adirondack and the Southwestern Railway companies have been consolidated Benjamin Huff, an old soldier living near Niles, Mich, shot his daughter-in- law and then killed himself Alonzo J. Walling, convicted of the murder rtf Pearl Bryan, was sentenced to be hanged on August 7th. B. F. Youmans, the well known New. York hatter, and his wife were drowned in a lake in Norway on Saturday. Mrs. Ellen Doolan, a widow aged 58, Living on Mackinaw street, Buffalo, was accidentally burned to death. Brazil has not yet assented to Eng- land's offer tosubmit the question of the occupation of the Island of Trinidad to arbitration. Robert Lansing, of Watertown, N. Y., has been appointed counsel on the part of the United States to the Behring Sea Claims Commission. Dr. Bouffe, of Paris, claims that he has discovered a positive cure for leprosy, which loathsome disease has recently been on the increase in Europe,' The United States Treasury statement for the fiscal year 1890 shows a deficit of $25,500,000. The 'cle'cicits;,for the past three years aggregate $137, €00, 000. James B Gentry,, who ,shot his fiancee, Margaret W Drysdale, k ern upon the stage as Madge Yod , : s sentenced Friday at Philadelph angel Vii..• • Practical Hints. Celery is one of the most valuable of foods and is a positive remedy for sufferers from rheumatism, nerve trou- bles and nervous dyspepsia. Water carrying a little salt in solution is said to be an excellent wash for tired or inflamed eyes, when stronger solutions may prove injurious. The discovery that cold coffee is an ex- cellent tonic for growing plants should do away with the last remnants of the custom of warming over cold. coffee. The "bicycle bag" with places for watch, money, handkerchief, bicycle tools, etc., is one of the most valuable' things that the wheelwohnan can take with her on her summer trips. For a sprained' ankle, immersion for fifteen or twenty minutes in very hot water, and following • this, an applica- tion of bandages wrung out in hot wa- ter, is recommended as the best treat- ment. The only method of cleansing jewelry without scratching it, is to wash in hot soapsuds to which a , few drops of am- monia have been added, and then plac- ing the jewelry in a box' of jewelers' sawdust to 'dry. Tea or coffee" stains in linen may be removed by moistening the spots with water and holding them over the fumes of a burning, match. Then, wash imine- diately with water in which a little ammonia or soda has been dissolved, A Cure forIerunkenness. G. Insling-Did you hear that George had quit drinking? S. Ante -Well, I'll be darnodd 'What was it, gold cure? G. Insling-No, he's dead. Most Appeopriate. Barher—Don't you want sumac tonic to make your hair emy in N. Pec ked—A—ale—I don't believe I do. The easier it c,mtys' out the less it hurts. ,PITS.—All city stole :'ii free ami ui rat^,ur st• ,r 'oral. Nn tii3 Ill t .II t flay'. l s .et•. la pie's Great tili. 11'..?or:.•i ?= e,l both '' st•',t tht' • , r Address Dr. Kline, Kt.!. Arch St.. t't.tls;elpilia, Pa. Would'.1 ns.wt•r the l'ttrpost•. Tarleiglt—Old Quivr•rfnl fixed rep a phonograph in Lie Lawler, Inst tate beaux got ahead of him by barestes 1,.:; without saying a w. rd til egleig h --Why doesn't he get a i;inete- scope? STATE or•Outn. ('Iry or TeLEDn' LL( ac t s,t sr'v Fsavx J Crean r tnekes oath that he Is the senior partner et the Mtn of F. J Cuicznr Cu, - doing business fu the airy et' Te•led m, cello and State aforesaid ',sed tyres lb.' said ern; will pay the sum of ONE IL L X D it ;Ii sit h 1. U'S tar each and every vas,. of Catarrh. that e,,nuot be cured by the use ofFRAlfatN.t. s C:t r.tuirri c:e nr K. CItI \ha, Sworn to before me and snbserii, d in my presence, this 6th day of December. -t 1h., iste. sr az. A. W. C LE t SON. Notary Public. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts - directly on the blood amid mnei'us surfaces of the system. Send far t s; tm eilals, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, lye, It Suited lulu, Nupop—That baby of mine is a wonder. It sleeps all day. Singleton—I shonid not think you would like that. Nupop—Why not? I work nights. No one need fear cholera or any sum- mer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's . Dysentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, , rich and poor, and is rapidly becoming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market. Woman's Mental Poise. "What is this mental poise that women talk so much about nowadays? "It is being able to look at caterpillars without feeling them crawling all over you." Be Your Own Doctor. Cut this out and write your name and address plainly in ink, mall it with 10o in silver or ten one cent postage stamps to pay for mailing and handling ' ex- penses, and we will send you a book con- taining one hundred new and up-to-date prescriptions from eminent Canadian doctors, giving full directions for • the treatment of diseases common to human- ity. Address Mason & Co. Publishers Room a; Canada Life Building, Toronto. He Looked Hard. "You look pretty hard this evening,' said the lettuce. "Yes," replied the egg, "I'm just re- covering from a boil." Good News Travels as Fast as Bid. News spreads quickly,and when a good thing is sound its merits are soon learned by every one far or near. This accountefor the fast growing popularity of Fibre Chamois as an interlining which makes outdoor work possible in any weather The first man who realized its wind and rain proof 'warmth quickly told his friends so that they too might enjoy this inexpensive comfort. It might seem impossible that this fabric so light in weight and without bulk should furnish so much healthful warmth; but when you realize that ts merit lies in being a complete non-oonduotor of heat Sr 661d, you understand shy a layer of it through your clothi g gives such warmth—it not only kelps out all cold but keeps in the natural heat of the body A Theory. She—I wonder why Mrs. Brown changed her physician. Ste seemed to be getting along nicely. He—But didn't you say he ordered her to be kept quiet? ADAMS' GINGER BEER. Do Yon Fish? If so, favor us with your order for tackle. We can supply your every want in this at prices as low as any house in Canada. Write for, prices. Toronto Sporting Goods Co., 67 Yonge street, Toronto. W. MCDOWALL, Manager. For Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Recipe: Adams' Root Beer Extraet ,.one bottle Fleischmann'a Yeast, one-half to one cake. Sugar two lbs. Cream of Tartar one-half oz. Lukewarm water two gallons. Dissolve the sugar, cream of tartar and yeast in the water add the extract and bottle; place in a. warm place for hem's until it ferments, then .place on lee, when it will open sparkling, cool and delicious. . The Ginger.Beer can be obtained in all drug and, grocery stores in ho cent bottles to. matte' twd gallons. ' ' The under dog frequently 'the better hold. Y NOTHING LIKE IT. CEYLON TEA. IS DELICIOUS. Sold Only in Lead Packets qOIIN MACGIREGOR BARRIST ER AT - t,7 • LAW, solicitor in Supremo Court oC Can ida, Money to luau. Wilms -2540 Toronto street, Toronto. pGENTS WANTED—ON SALARY OR Ac. commission; good agents can secure a permanent position. Saud stamp for nartleu- Isi's. No portals. Address VITAE -ORE DE- POT, Toronto. MACHINE RY OIL. In half barrels of about 98 gallons at 82 cents per gallon, 5 gallon cans at $0.00 per eau; 2 gallon cans at 90 cents per can. PARIS GREEN. In one pound packages,, at 17?4 centt per pound, 25 pounds in one order at -17 cents per pound. Above prices freight pre -paid on all orders amounting to 55.00 or upwards: Our oil is equal to the celebrated climax oil. Why pay 60 cents per gallon when you can get a better oil for 82 cents per gallon. Catalogue and Samples sent to any person sending us their name and address. A. H. CANNING & CO., Wholesale Grocers, 57 Front street East, Toronto, The Discriminating Public always ask for E. B. EDDY'S Matches nmomsminna-lw Assessment System Mutual Principle, PROTECTION Is what the Family Needs when the "bread -winner" is gone. LIFE INSURANCE Provides Cash When cash is most needed. The &tool Reserve Foil Life Association, E. B. HARPER, Founder. F. A. BURNHAM, President. PAYS PROMPTLY. It is thelargest natural premium Iife assoclrs- tion in the world. It has a Reserve or Emergency Fund of over 'thirty -tom hundred thousand dollars. It has paid policy -holders over Twenty-seven Millions of dollars. Agents wanted in all unrepresented districts Circulars sent if requested. A. R. McNIOROL, Manager for Manitoba, British Columbia and North-West Territories, McIntyre Block. Winnipeg, Man.; D. 2. BE& Montre l,Manager for Q3. MURR Y, Manager for Nova Scotia, Halifax N. S. W. J. MOMURTRY, Manager for Ontario, Freehold Loan Building, Toronto, Ont. Two Schools Under One Management. "1-41417:4? TORONTO AND STRATFORD, ONT. Unquestionably the leading Commercial Schools of the Dominion; advantages beat in Canada; moderate rates; students may enter at any time, Write to either school for cirenrars and mention this paper. SHAW & ELLIOTT, Principals. T. N. U. 72 YO tor TO ATTEND THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE. For either a Business ora Shorthand Course. No one should expect to succeed without a good business train. ^ biz Announcement free. C. A. Flaming. Owen Sound { VERYTIIING FOR THB PRINTER—, ,Type, Presses, Inks,' Really -Print Nesapsippere, Stereotype ikfattor,isllootroe tyyping, iingravin... TORONTO TYPE' FOUNDRY, Toronto and Winnipeg. '