The Exeter Advocate, 1896-7-9, Page 4THE
zi t r - bit irate
Chas. H, Sanders, Editor and Prop
The transference of Sir Oliver Mowat
from. Toronto to Ottawa will lead to
some changes in the Ontario ministry.
It seems to, be assumed that Hon. A. S.
Hardy is booked for the Premiership;
through Hon. G. W. Ross was most in-
dustrious throughout the late campaign
thus giving practical proof that he need
not be passed over because of ill•health
—a reason often given for not imposing
upon him the onerous duties of the
Premiership. Mr. Hardy is Sir. Oliver's
natural successor on the ground of
length of service, he having . entered
the Cabinet in 1877 whereas Mr. Ross
did not take a portfolio until six years
later. There would never indeed, have
been a moment's question as to Mr.
Hardy's promotion, were it not for the
impression—probably more common
than justifiable—that he was good .Sir
Oliver's "wicked partner." Hence some
have thought that Mr. Ross would be a
closer fit in the chair of the politician
who lecturs in recess on the "Eviden-
ces of Christianity," but Mr. Hardy has
been leading the government is Sir
Oliver's absence and will almost cer-
tainly be called upon to form the new
The new minister who is to come in
ought, they are saying in Toronto, be
au eastern man and a Methodist. It is
a curious and not altogether desirable
way to form Ministries, but geography
and religion count for much in such
things in Canada. There is now no
Methodist in the Cabinet, and no Eas-
tern inister with a portfolio except
Hon, Mr. Harty, of Kingston, who is
more the representative of a religious
minority than of a geographical dis-
trict. Mr. Davis, of North York, and
Mr Stratton, of West Peterboro, are
spoken of, but neither of them are real.
ly eastern man. This might be a chance
for the Liberals to give their allies, the
Patrons' a seat in the .Cabinet if they
were so minded. The real occasion for
anxiety on the part of his bereaved par.
ty as to what will come "after Mowat"
will arrive when the Hardy Govern-
ment must appeal to the people. Mowat
has been a name to conjure with in
Ontario. Will that of Hardy be as po-
tent ?
otent? Many an elector votes for the
leader of the party as the country well
knew in the days of Sir John Macdon-
ald and as Quebec did just the other
day. To such as these the disappear-
ance of Oliver Mowat from Provincial
polities will make a difference. Then
it has long been believed that the per-
sistence with which the people kept the
Liberals in Opposition at Ottawa has
tended to collect the strong men of
the party in Ontario behind the Local
Government, which has just as persist.
eptly been kept in office. But now the
Liberals are to go into power in the
Dominion and some of the surplus
strength that was wont to assemble be-
hind Sir Oliver may follow him to Ot-
tawa. And moreover, the same influ-
ence 'which formally kept these On-
tario Grits at Toronto, may now keep
some Ontario Tories there,giving much
needed strength to the local Opposition.
It is, indeed, quite a problem to de-
cide what will come "after Mowat" in
Political Notes
At Brockville the Grits tried to take
a sick man out of the hospital, but his
wife prevented it by stealing his
The calamity Grit howlers have been
saying for some years that the country
was going to the devil, and now we
believe they are right. It made a
start in that direction on the '23rd of
Judge McDougall gave his decision
Friday in the re-count in the East York
election case, and as the result Mr. W.
F. Maclean, the Conservative candidate
and ex -member, was officially declared
elected by a majority of 8.
As They Stand
Ottawa, Ont., July 7th.—It is believed
here to -night that the government will
resign to -morrow.
The appended list has been revised
from the latest returns; The members
are classified as Conservatives, Liberals
and Independents.
C. L. I.
Ontario..,., . 4448 5
Quebec..... .. _16 48 1
Nova Scotia... .10 10 0
Nese Brunswick ................9 4 1
Prince Edward Island...,. ;,.. 3 2 0
Manitoba ............ 4 2 1
North West Territories .. 1 3 0
British Columbia.. .... , .. 2 3 1
89 115 9
Giving the Liberals a majority of 1'?
over all.
Benjamin Huff, an old soldier living
near Niles, Mich., shot his daughter-in-
law, Thursday and then killed himself.
Serious Stabbing Affray -•-Run Down by a
Trolley Oar.
Hamilton, July 5.—A serious stabbing
affray occurred on Xing street West, near
Chilman's bakery, last evening. William
Gassett and his brother-in-law' Chas..
Gardner, had been driving, and met on
the street. They got into an altercation, 1
and Gardner stabbed Gassett flee or six
times, inflicting serious wounds on the
forehead• and breast. It is not likely that
the injuries will result fatally. The
wounded man was taken home, where his
woundswere dressed. Gardner was
arrested by Aoting Detective Bleakley.
He says Gassett struck him before he
drew the knife.
City Engineer William Haskins died
very suddenly this afternoon. About
throe o'clock this morning he was taken
ill with a stroke of apoplexy, and never
recovered eansoiousness again, his death
taking place at 5.30. Deceased had been
enjoying fairly good health of late, and
his sudden and unexpeeted death was a
great blow to his family and the city at
large. He was mor° than 70 years of age,
and held the position of City Engineer
for more than forty years During the
long years he had served the city he had
beoome familiar with every detail of his
office, and in this respect the city's loss
will be almost irreparable Perhaps his
greatest work for the city was in the
management of the Waterworks Depart-
ment, which he has brought to such a
high state of : efficiency, and with every
detail of which he was conversant Quite
recently he prepared a number of plans
minutely describing the whole system, in
order that at his death the system °might
be preserved He leaves a widow and five
sons, two of whom are in Dunnville, one
in Toronto, and two reside in the city
S1 ortly before 11. o'clock on Friday
night Wm Neidenheuner, of Duke street,
had his leg fractured by being struck
with the fender of a trolley oar at the
corner of Queen and Herkimer streets
He had just got off a car and started
across the road, when a car coming,from
the other direction ran him down Dr
McGillivray attended him
The water at this end of Lake Ontario
is receding from the shores, and vessel -
men are becoming very anxious over it
In the last month the water in the bay
along the wharves has dropped over four
inches, and is still falling
Efforts are being madeto commute the
sentence of Lorne Crisp and Frank
Brunt, two boys who were sent to the
Industrial school from this city Crisp was
sent down for theft and Brunt for vag-
rancy The former's sentence will not
expire for two years and Brunt's for one
C. P. R. Track Undermined and a Train
Vanoouver, B.C., July 5. --High water
in the Fraser river undermined the traok
between Agassiz and Hope station, on
the Canadian Paoifie railway, on Friday
night, and the east -bound freight, with-
out warning, struck the weak spot, the
train consisting of eight cars, seven
loaded with tea and one with coal being
thrown into theriver. Brakeman Deering
was killed, and Fireman Coughlin and
Engineer Gray injured.
Reports from Fraser River points state
that the river is steadily rising. At
Chilliwaok considerable damage Las been
dobe to crops on low-lying lands, and
the steamer Gladys has been busily
engaged for the past few days in remov-
ing cattle and settlers' effects to high
ground. Nioeomen Island is also suffer-
ing from high water, and all down the
river on, both sides, wherever low levels
are not fully protected by high dykes,
much damage is being done. Mission
City town site will probably be under
water in many parts if the hot weather
continues. The opinion is expressed that
even if the waters recede very soon the
aggregate loss will be considerable. Word
has just been received from New West
minister that the water at high tide was
two feet eight inches below the mark
reached during the floods of 1884. The
steamer Gladys brings word that Sumas
is flooded, and the water is up to the
banks at Ohiiliwack. A large portion of
Dewys is also under water. At Langley
the water is level with the landing and
at several other places it is over the
Latest advices regarding the strike of
flsbermen at Rivers Inlet are to the
effect that the strikers will probably soon
give way, as the canners have a suffi-
cient number of men at work to keep the
canneries working. - Strikers have
attempted to intimidate the Indians, but
several special policemen have been sent
up by the Provincial Government to
preserve order.
Interesting Case --An Old Woman Frac-
tures Her Leg.
Chatham, Ont, July 5—An interesting
case is that of J K Morris against the
town of Blenheim, in which the plaintiff
sued. fur the return of the proportion of
the taxes paid by him devoted to the
building of water tanks in the town Mr
Morris claims that water tanks are
water works within the meaning of the
statute, and that consequently Ms farm
lands are exempted from assessment for
building and maintaining the same The
judge reserved judgment
At Tilbury yesterday Mrs. Anthier,
aged seventy years, fell and fractured her
After several months of quietness Til-
bury canal matters are Iooking favorable
again. Mr. Olney, who has been in New
York for several weeks on business con-
nected therewith, writes that his trip has
been a most successful one, and we may
expect shortly to hear something definite
in regard to this most important project.
The Grand Lodge of the Canadian
Order of Oddfallows will meet in this.
city next week. The sessions will con-
tinue from July 10th. A large number of
delegates from all parts of Canada are
expected, and the members of the local
lodge are making elaborate preparations
for their reception and entertainment,
The Steamer lHultmanieh Safe --The Cholera
Suez, July 8 --The Egyptian packet d
Rahmanieh, from Suakim to this port, a
arrived here safe this morning She was p
reported to have leroken her shaft and f
to have been ashore on a reef, with the
Whatever is. pure is also simple.—Will-
Good taste is the flower of good sense.-
`Truth is everlasting, but our
-truth are not.—Beecher,
A heavy purse"iu a fool's pocket is a
heavy curse.—Cumberland.
Almost always the most indigent are
'he most generous.—Stanislaus.
No violent extremes endure; a sober
moderation stands secure:—Aleyn.
A woman's lot is made: for her by the
love she accepts.—George Eliot.
Good company and good discourse are
the very sinews of virtue.--Izaak Walton.
A wise neuter joins with neither, but
uses both as his honest. interest leads him.
The sun does' not shine for a few trees
and flowers, but for the wide world's joys.
He who brings ridicule to bear against
truth finds in his hand a blade without a
No persons are more frequently wrong
than those who will not admit they are
There is nothing so agonizing 4e the fine
skim of vanity as the application of a
rough truth.-Bulwer.
Itis easy for a man to write and talk
like philosophers, but to act with wisdom,
there is the rub,-Rivarol.
Great men undertake great things be-
cause they are great; fools, because they.
think them easy.—Vauvenargues.
Our distinctions do not lie in the places
we occupy, but in the grace and dignity
with which we fill them.—Simms.
The excesses of our youth are drafts
upon our old age,' payable with interest
about thirty years after date.—Colton.
Brave conquerors I for AD you are, that
war against your own affections and the
huge army of the world's desires.—
Fiction allures to the severe task by a
gayer preface. Embellished truths are
the illuminated alphabet of larger coil--
Sensibility would be a good fortress, if
she had but one hand; with her right she
opens the: door to pleasure, but with her
left to pain.—Colton.
Vainglorious men are the scorn of the
wise, the admiration of fools, the idol of
parasites, and the slaves of their own
vaunts. -Bacon.
The desire to be beloved is ever restless
and unsatisfied ; but the love that flows
out upon others is a perpetual well -spring
from on high.—L. M. Child.
As to people saying a few idle words
about us, we mutt not miud that, any
more than the old church steeple minds
the rooks cawing about it.—George Eliot.
The ale utlerer inflicts wrong by calumni-
ating the absent; and he who gives
credit to the calumny before he knows its
truth is equally guilty.-•Herodotus.
It we must accept fate, we are not less
competent tc: assert liberty, the signifi-
cance of the individual, the grandeur of
duty, the power of character.—Emerson.
Judge of thine improvement, not by
what thou speakest or writest, but by the
firmness of thy mind, and the govern-
ment of thy passions and affections.--
Power, unless managed with gentleness
and discretion, does but make man the
more hated; no intervals of good humor,
no starts of bounty, will at.onefor-tyranny
and oppression.—Jeremy Collier.
ideas of
Ten thousand dollars was lately paid
by R. von Mendelssohn, of Berlin, for a
Stradivarius' 'cello.
London femininity proposes to have a
women's theater, for the glorification of
the New Woman, and to the utter ex-
clusion of new and old men.
In a civil suit, a woman at Colberg,
Germany, had to make an affidavit, con-
secutively, on 1,200 disputed points. She
swore, and swore, and swore, for three
long days.
The Berlin Echo feels quite sure there
must be some mistake in the report
that our Edison is writing a novel ; it
opines that be is probably constructing
some machine which writes novels.
England uses about 50,000 glass eyes
annually. The glass eye is a great beau-
tifier of one -eyed people, and to be par-
ticularly recommended to the one -eyed
girl who wants to marry. She can wink
beautifully with the glass eye, the eye
dealers say;
The city of Minden, Germany; is in
trouble. Recently somebody stole from
the military hospital at that place a num-
ber of white mice which had been0inocu-
lated with the germs of various con-
tagious diseases, and nobody. can tell
where these dangers may now be lurking.
While impoverished United Italy cele-
brated the twenty-fifth 'anniversary of the
capture of the city of Rome from the
Pape, the latter received over 8600,000 in
special gifts from the faithful, who de-
plore his loss of temporal power,
Monte Carlo is not the only open gamb-
ling hell in Europe. Belgium still toler-
ates games of hazard at Ostend and other
summer resorts by the seashore. And
now an enterprising gambler offers to pay
the authorities 1,000,000 francs annually if
permitted to open a gambling house in
Brussels, the Belgian capital.
AtParis, a short time ago, Helen Boul-
ton shot her lover, a bank director. It is
another Barberini case. He had promised
to marry the young woman, but ult
mately refused to do so ; then she killed
him. She was arrested and tried for
murder. The jury reached a decision in
fifteen minutes: "Not guilty."
The epidemologist, Dr. Haffkins, re-
ports thatwhilebefore the introduction
of inoculation over 13 per cent. of the
population of Calcutta were attacked
with cholera; now, of those vaccinated
once 2 per cent. only are attacked, and
persons vaccinated twice find themselves
wholly proof against the disease.
A journal at Madrid, Spain, tries to in
crease its circulation 1. printing its news,
I on paper, but on cloth. Instead of
nk, a composition is used which readily
issolves in a liberal water bath. After
bsorbing the news, the reader' merely
laces the sheet under one of the public
ountains, for instance, and there is a
gnowy handkerchief.
loss of sixty lives Previous advices from
Cairo showed that the Rahtnanieh was
sighted on June 27, in tow, 55 miles
north of Suakim.
Cairo, July 3 --The total number of
cases of cholera to date ' in Egypt is
7,550, while the deaths from the disease
number 6,216
The whole south 'coast of Cuba is re-
ported to be a plague spot for smallpox
aril yellow fever.
Truth needs not champions, but follow-
Sharp sayings are not always refined.
Some consciences are better goads than
Sympathy and severity seldom go hand
'n hand.
Keep, your wound covered, and it may
heal without a scar
Light Weight.
Weight is Light.
The Inducements are heavy, the
styles are everything, the most
fastidous could desire. All our
light weight goods,are exceptionally
stylish and attractive and we will
make them up at figures that will
open your eyes with wonder. We
are making a big sale of
Summer Goods.
through this month, Come and
- see us at once and get a bargain.
See our $2 Pantings.
Made to Order,
ga'Remember the Place.
It is stated on good authority that
the Hessian fly is ravaging: the crops
in Southern Kent.
John Cousens, of Doon, had a leg
taken off in an accident in the Doon
brickyard Thursday,
Burglars - entered Toull's butcher
shop and Beacraft's store, Ingersoll, the
other night and secured 3330.
A despatch from Cairo states that
during June there were 3,598 deaths
from cholera.
A ■ ['i
Proprietor of
Ladies' and Children's Hair
A," HASTINGS, Fanson's Block.
Sure to Win.
The people recognize and appreciate
real merit. That is why. Hood's Sar-
saparilla has the largest sales in the
world. Merit in medicines means the
power to cure, Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures—absolutely, permanently cures.
It is the One True Blood Purifier. Its
superior merit is . an established fact,
and merit wins.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, headache
The sweetest song was ever sung,
Or uttered by a human tongue,
And loved by all both old and young
Is Mother.
A mother's love, the brightest gem
That ever shone in Diadem,
No :man can eyer with a pen,
Tell all the love of Mother.
A mother's love, a mother's prayer
Has kept me safe from many a snare,.
Oh 1 that I could repay thy care
My Mother.
I doubt if on this earth we find,
Another that will be so kind,
So warm of heart, so pure of mind
As Mother.
Oh I how could I ungrateful be
To one who was so kind to me,
As not to write a verse for thee-
My Mother.
The careful and economical house-
keeper displays great wisdom when
she selects as her standard of colors-
olor-the Diamond Dyes. Her wise exper,
ience leads her to use the Diamond
Dyes because4'of their great strength,
as one package has the dyeing power
of two packages of the poor imitation
makes. A grand characteristic of the!
Diamond Dyes is their beauty of shades
and color, and they are always fast,
firm and unfailing. Carefully avoid
imitations and vile substitutes.
All tne_People
Shoul3 keep themselves healthy ami
especial care should be given to title
matter at this time Health depends
upon pure, rich blood for when the
blood is impure and impoverished die
eases of various kinds are .almost oar-
artaro to result, The one true blood
purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla. By its
power to purify and vitalize the blond
it has proved itself to be the safeguard
of health, and the record of remarkable
cures effected proves that has wonder-
ful power over disease. It proves that
it has wonderful power over disease;
It actually and permanently cures
when all other preparations fail to do
any good whatever.
MoN?i iL.—At Shipl.a, on the 2nd inst.,
the wife of Rory McNeil, of a son.
PERKINS —In Usborne.'on the 5th inst,
the wife of Chas. Perkins, of a dough -
;.ItrY; '11..?' :r.:' i .,,ry Sr,Iisa:`C'i'P:;^V.:�.r«.,�a
for Infants and Children.
MOTHERS, Do You P N Ove that Paregoric,
Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's' Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and
most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine?
Do You 1now that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons?
Do You that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell
narcotics without labelling them poisons?
Do You $now that you should not permit any medicine to be given your 1i3
child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed?
Do You 1iiGnow that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, "and that a list
of its ingredients is published with every bottle?
Do Von Snow that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. SAssuEa
PITCHER. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, andthat more. Castoria: is
now sold than of all other remedies for children combined?
Do You Snow that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense?
Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government- protection
was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless?
Do You Snow that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for SS
cents, or one cent a dose?
Do You Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children
will be kept well, and that you will have unbroken rest?
Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts.
The fac-simile
signature of
R 67,
i9 ®Al every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cast ria.
NE sr 9
�. ,liTWINE
the Following First -Class Brands-=—
Bearer, Standard,
AND O. pa
Pure Paris Green, and Bug. Finish.
The Old Reliable Specialists.
83 Year Experienoe
in the treatment of the Throat and Lung
Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis-
eases of men and women.
Lost Manhood rder trestoredou—bles kidney andpetmaaentl Blad-
cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicoceleana
stricture cured without pain. No cutting.
Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured
without mercury.
Young 'Tan Suffering from the effects of
youthful follies or indiscretions,
or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous
Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency,
Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or
any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or-
gans, can here find safe and speedy cure.
Charges reasonable, especially to the
Middle -Aged �e—Therearemanytroubled
-- -- with too frequent evacu-
tions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burningsensation, and
weakeningof the system in a manner the patient cannot account for, ere are many
men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per-
fect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genitourinary organs. Con-
sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have
medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when
writing. Office hours: From 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m.
(Side Entrance No. 2A E. Elizabeth St.)
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Manufacture& by T h e
Cook Co., Windsor, Ont.,
and Detroit, Mich., is the
only known safe, reliable
monthly medicine on which ladies
can depend in "the Hour and time
of need." Every lady who reads
this is requested to inclose two post-
age ;stamps, with her address, for
(U afl ti e
and. full particulars, which we will
send by return =din plain. sealed
Ari old. physician, 35 years con -
tinned. practice treating diseases of
women, has charge of the office, and
can be consulted by letter or in
person,. Address our main office
Room 3 -No. 253 Woodward Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
U Cook's Cotton.RootCompound
is sold by all responsible wholesale
and retail druggists -in. the Dominion
ofCanada and United States for One
Dollar per box.
Talten in, time Flood's Sarsnparille
prevents serious illness by keeping the
Morel pure and all the organs in a
healthy condition;
"Monsoon" Tea is packed under the supervision
of the Tea growers, and is advertised and sold by them
as a sampleof the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon
Teas. For that reason they see that none but the
very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages.
That is why "Monsoon,' the perfect Tea, can be
sold at the same price as inferior tea.
It is put up in sealed caddies of 3 lb., r 1b. and
s lbs., and sold in three flavours at.Ioc., ser-. and hoc.
If yourxrocer does not keep it, tell him to write
'to STEEL, HAYT>R. & CO., rr and is Front St.
.past, Toronto.
LARGEST Si .c 114 G .I:-iD:..