HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-6-25, Page 5SS a. 3 AN A Ce; efore; eeuld is can lSe. e di i boars ,town beetle tic ail' tlo ' a ill irl fiaa, i,' 1ia £t Y es- one 9.. • ,I eatl WE . tel at t )' 'iib hine�,'l thr'ee. THE Is published every Thursday Morning' at the Office,. IICAIN-STREET, EXETER. --Ely the-- ADVOCATE he-ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 81,59 if not so paid. es.el z ertesseag m ato3 oss .32pp1tca- ti0r1., No paper discontinued until all arrearage are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly.' Liberal discountmade fortrausoient,advertisements inserted for long Periods. Every description of JOB. PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Qheques,snoney ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subscriptions,etc.to be made payable to Chas.IL Sanders EDITOR Ave PROP Professional Cards. H,EINSMAN,L.D.S,Fanson's Block a two doors north of Carling Store ecaiN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Liman every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday of each month lin Sometimes persons become blind from impure blood, which develops scrofulous urgers on the eyeballs, iritis, granulated eyelids,. etc. In such cases Hood's Sarsaparilla has been marvel- ously successful in restoring sight. It shows its powers as a blood purifier and radical cure for scrofula, , by removing the cause, thus curing the a eyes and restoring all, the affected parts to healthy condition. Read this; "As an act of justice and for the ben- efit of other mothers who may have afflicted children, I write this. About the first of February, 1802, my daughter Zola, then three years old, contracted sore eyes of the worst form and in a few weeks was entirely blind, being unable to tol- te light of any kind. She suffered and ed until I was almost heartbroken. e best eye specialist in the county ated her for months, but the Tilt. D, ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L,D.S.,) eri JlJ honors Graduate of the Toronto Um- cr: rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons Tl of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office tr, over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. '-... ......-,,m[oitienl TI 1i. G. SHOtTL'L':3, CENTRALIA Le has moved one door south. , -i-1,rs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. .IJ ilesidenees,same as formerly b( OFFICES, Spackman,.Imelding, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly --north IS door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south ni door. May let. 1899 I X. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A. Amos, H. D m TR.T. P. heeLAUGTtLIN, MEMBER OF 1JJ the College of Physicians and Surgeons m Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aceoueh- g: our. Office, Dashwood, Ont. w Legal. it o] H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- RH. al OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. (Maim -Over O'Neil's Bank, Notary w money to Loan. a: 1 R.DICK,SON,fARRISTER,COLICITOR, tl 11. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Dan- b veyancer, Commissioner, &a. Money to loan Offzee-Fanson's Block,Exeter ELLIOT&ELLIOT, RAilRIsTERS, ETC., Conveyancing. met Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. .Branch office at Hensall every Thursday. B. V. 'ELI ao'r. FR7inRIOKELLIOT Auctioneers r T3 BROW1N Ni'inelielsea. Licensed Auct- l.11. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sonos ale.`m ly at nlesarraagedcat t Postoffi office, g s b a chelsea. I TORN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, V Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stock sales. Ch ire,. t moderate. Parties canton, plating; having -ales this Fall should give him a trial, For farther particulars, apply by letterto E t,.t,•r P. 0. Orders left at the A.nVOOArE Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Surveyors. E' RED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Moe, Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter, Ont, -- Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent. Main St. Exeter The Same . Old Start's Every week we continue to tell you the same old story of the ex- cellence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps -we have: been been telling it for a long time -but a good story will bear constant re.telling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally "Cut" Every Garment that's made up at this establish- ment -as well as fit it and all the details, This is the only ONE. reason why our prices are mother ate. Cont Gatch Cold. Winter is here and you want to keep warm. We shall be pleased to show you -yes make you -one of our "swell" and durable overcoats. Each coat a fit Each coat a daisy • IE! �'vt O11Te NorthBrowning's (Idly Ston. Due Door of mi AI'ELINE THE WOIVIAIS FRIEND Has cured others! Will once you As/i your Druggist for Mabellne MADELINE is a positive cure for all Uterine ;troubles. It is not necessary 'to enumerate them here. It is the generalen.s- tom m describing a remedy to.fill the ad,. ver Using medium with a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms and forms of Ition se,seientii • ]y, and in such a way as to :involve the road-. or in a 'maze of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of'advertis- ing. If you are sick it is prosurned that you know oft ho fact and. can forth some idea of what your ailment is, and wo can only ad- vise your genet ally.. Z.IA.BELIN'E is vegetable compound and be delicate and can most, C Cl cannot in lYTp the 1 l . u J used with perfect safety. and r in capsules a t is placed '� 13E lLI E iIA 11. L they are applied directly to the diseased parts. Full directions, how to apply on every box. Send $1 for one mouth's treatment. Si capsules in tt beta Why pay throe dollars for any other remedy when you can buy Mabehne for one dlol.lai Address all communications to TII)J 8ALUTIrrL; CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont. Wanted -An Idea Who can think hin k of s me inpto thing to patent? Protect your ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOlTN WIDDERBURN & 00. Patent' Atter. nays Washington, D. 0., for their gl,8Ue prize offer and' list of wo hundred inventions wanted. )came worse. Then Itook her to a special - in Indianapolis, who said he could do .thing. I came away with a heavy heart. met my father's physician, Dr. Berry - an, who examined Zola's eyes, and told to to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I beganto ive it as directed and wash her eyes ith warm water. Soon I began to notice nprovement, and now, having given the Wild over a half dozen bottles, her eyes e greatly improved and she can see as ell as any one. She is five years of age, nd goes to school. When she began to zke Hood's Sarsaparilla,. she had to eat er meals in a darkened room, but now se is able to sit at the table with the st of the family." MRs. OLLIE Bunn, olfax, Indiana. KEARNEY GUILTY. Sentenced to Peath for Killing Agnew at Lindsay. Lindsay, Ont.. June 21, Saturday was the last day of the Agnew murder case, and the closing day of the assizes. At 0.30 o'clock his Lordship, Judge Street,began his address to the jury. Be' carefully reviewed all the circumstances connected with the crime, omitting nothing that tended to fasten the guilt upon the accused, but at the same time gave proper weight and significance to every claim or fact adduced by the de- fence, • Tile chain of circumstantial evi- dence against the accused was so strong,. he said, that the counsel for the defence made no attempt to break it, hut by ex- pert and other evidence sought to estab- lish that the prisoner is an imbecile and. morally irresponsible for his acts. The law of the land tells us that if one man kills another and is sufficiently sane to realize the nature of his act the guilty one must be punished. It Was not set up by the defence that the prisoner was in 'such a mental state that be did not know a man was a man, hence the jury would use their good sense in arriving at a con- elusion as to the value of the "medical testimony in favor of the boy being so mentally weak that he was unable to realize the nature of the act committed by him. They were not bound to repose confidence in any part of it. They had the testimony of Miss blalloney, at one time the boy's teacher, that he was as good as most school boys; was it strange that a boy having had only about nine months' schooling, and who had stopped going some six or seven years ago, should not display very bright mental qualities? Many of the witnesses -Mr. Logic, for instance -said the boy was fairly intelli- gent. Logie also said the prisoner sent for him to go to the gaol, when he asked himif he did not remember him. The prisoner, having changed his boots on the 17th, and when told it was the 18th, said: "Those boots will go very hard against me." The fact of the boy having made this attemmpt to evade the conse- quences of his act showed that ho ap- preciatedthe nature of it. If, when asked where he had obtained his new watch, he had said: "I shot a man and took it off his person," that would have been a strong proof of his ignorance of right and wrong, but he• had told lies instead to account for its possession. They had been asked to bo merciful; that was;not part of their duty, which was mares/ to ren- der a verdict in accordance with the facts. The jury then retired, but were called back later on by his Lordship, who made some further explanations of points favor- able to the prisoner advanced by the medical men. After about an hour's de- liberation the jury returned to the court- room, and, amid a painful silence, rens dozeda verdict of guilty. Upon the jury being polled each man answered guilty. Mr. King then moved for sentence, and the prisoner was asked to stand up, when his Lordship enquired if he had anything to say whysentence should not be passed upon him. The prisoner re- plied: "I would like a new trial, if I can get it," His Lordship remarked that the prisoner had had a fair trial, and ho approved of the verdict. His sentence was "that John Kearney be taken to the place whence he came, and be there kept until the 1st day of October, when he shall be hanged by the neck till dead, and may God have hh�torcy on his soul." The poor mother beard the sentence in another room, andgrief was her terri- ble to witness. The trial of Patrick Kearney as being an accessory after the fact was then proceeded with. At 3 P. M , when court resumed, the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. Leading Citizens f Colfax, including John D. Blacker, Township rusted, "W. H. Coon, Druggist, and Dr. J. A. erryman, cordially endorse this statement. This and many other similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla s the Ono True BloodPurlller. All druggists. $1. 'repared only by C. I. Hood Ss Co., Lowell, Mass. Mr. H. W. Brethour, a prominent cit- izen of Brantford, died at the age of 67 years, James I. Anderson Sr., Co,. bookstore London, has called a 'Meeting of their creditors. • eureliver ills, easy totake, ood's Pills easy to operate. 25 cents, NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, b-ISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEN -You may have been the victim .of Self Abuse when young. Later Excesses or exposure to bluedcileeazes may have completed the work. Ton feel the symptoms stealing over you. You dread the future results. i You know you are not a man mentally and 94 sexually, Why not be cured in time and 4 avoid the sad experience of other wrecks LhTM�WLL CURE YOU AFTER of diseases. Our 1hEW METHOD FAILS. Emissions, A/arie000e and Syphiiis Cured tv. M. 11IuLLeG W. li. MILLEIt U 11. 'I ','lure Treatment. After Treatment "At the age of 15 I commenced to ruin , my heth. Later on as "ONE OF THE lsr al t ON" 1 contracted a ec rioueblood disease v. -SYPHILIS. 1 wa•, weak and nervous, tl endeut, pimples, sunken oyes, bone %t reins. tleers, hair loose, sore tongue and month,trains in urine, varicocele! -1 was ; a wreck.I ws in the lust stages when a � blend recommended Dre. Kennedy J.:, t't Is rgan A dozen other doctors had failed in coring me, Dr;. Remedy& tiergan tiowed ed me in a few weeks by their New , Method Treatment. I wonhiwarn similar disea od men to beware of Medical Frauds. it The are reliable honest and skillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. ' '• vire treat mead care Venice - s y kliti➢io Emissions P.4,Illeet, %stricfnr•e.'STer.verses IBe- • bl➢its,'Unnatural ISii;soetargeeR, x'ieei'c➢9sa'y and £thz:deler PI,/ i s - "i ,rrs.az:e,. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED No cure, 1�146fro. ay. Write for ai fota 4 'uesiia lIilaans[ for .1-3,osmae t. Te-e'.stnnnaeut. tot al.olrS Free. tl 4-out-maniti 0ni •'re,t. l No. 148 Shelby St. DE'dROIT,' MIC i. er•+t EXETER hft'u a1'iv�l. T L (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel...:: So ,n to ,la fir, ..-. o to 27 .Oats 1LI to i0'4 His Honor the Lieutenant -Governor has been pleased to makethe following appointment, viz: -Benjamin Robert Higgins, of the village of Brucefiekl,in the county of Huron, esquire, to be a notary public in and for the Province of Ontario. Thos. S S cull f theof the Ord, c officehe clerk of the County and Surrogate courts, Chatham, returning from Quinn on Monday, walked off the end of the station platform at that place, in the inky darkness. He fell about five feet, severely bruising his head, which was also cut in several places upon broken glass. Clinton: Mr. James Fair, Sr. accom- panied by Messrs. Walkinshaw and l''olland, left on Monday of last week for Glasgow, with three cars of fat cat- tle, 40 of Mr. Fair's and 10 of Mr. Mc - Ta ;gart's. The average weight of the 40 was 1,517 pounds, the two heaviest weighing 3,465 pounds; the average of Mr. illeTaggart's 10 were 1,620 pounds the two heaviest weighing 3,670 pounds. John Marr an old man who resides at Snuthwold station nearly choked to death at the Penwarden House St. Thomas, Thursday. John is toothless, and he endeavored to swallow a piece of meat about 4 inches long, 2 inches wide. and half an inch thick. Natural- ly the meat got stuck in his theoat and for a few minutes John was nearly dead. Dr. Guatin was hastily summoned, and succeeded in pulling, the meat from the man's throat. J. Butterfield, manager of the Sim- co`e branch of the Bank 'of Hamilton,. iniitiwitli a bad accident Friday night He was out driving in a Gladstone when the horse got its tail over the lines. In attempting to remove them, Mr. Butterfield got on the step of the vehicle. The horse turned suddenly and crushed 11Ir. Butterfield between the wheel and the body of the rig. His leg was badly bruised and broken in two places, and other injuries in- flicted. THE LIMESTONE CITY. Binder Twine nor the illarl:et---Rig Orange Demonstration to be Held. Kingston, June 01. -At the binder twine factory in the Kingston pentten- etiary 600 tons of twine will be made for the market. It will be divided between Ontario and the northwest. There will be a big Orange demon- stration bore on July 13th. All the lodges in the Frontenao district will be h represented. It is probable that there pro- cession be 800 Orangemen in line. The will take place after dinner, an d a public meeting will be held in the city will when a number of addresses be given. Peas utter Eggs Potatoes perbag :a t 0 li 8 Onions 4e to i:, 14 ay per. ton 960 to 10.6o 1Tvo ol............ ...... SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS TO coned irregularity' and yvenlcttee,, Imo the <irmam, U, hell l thy ,:Wblttlon, The 11'ntt,s t e'"LifeSltvors'iiyyungnctnei, ' - aid i', af,,l dovelepm et. prmhhe pain. 1et9 v ognler 77veli i,. Ash' int The Derr' It bread ill cru t•ls sill titin. at e1 t,er �aV os. NO bettor iouludyfor women l:norm. 4 U The Fire Ptecord.' Brampton, Juno 18. -Between 1e and 1 o'.lock this morning the concert hall was discovered to be on fire. The .build- ing, build-ing, which was an old one, was gutted. The fire. was evidently started in the baaomont dressing rooms at the rear cud a search was instituted for the missinee fusome person unl non n. The Ions is fully covered by $1,900 insurance in the man. A boat was procured from the near Aylmer, and after some Norwich Union. Shedden, ' June 18. -About 3.40 this ` time was spent in the search the body morning flames were seen issuing' from was found about 1030 o'clock in the the roof of Charles Warwick'; sawmill; bottom of the pond where the water adjoining the sawmill was a large frame was ten feet deep, chopping mill, and directly west a large brick engine room. In a few minutes the whole structure was a mass of flames, and in two hours it was completely destroyed. Nothing was saved except a few bags of feed and a pair of scales. The origin of fire is a mystery. Loss, 31,5.00; isurnnce, $2,500. Tilbury, Ont., Tune 7.0. -The most disastrous fire that Tilbury ever experi- enced occurred at 3.80 this metning, and the hugest portion of the bes;; busi- ness block here is now lying in ashes. C4ateniord, 'Out., June 19. -About ono o'clock this turning fire was discovered in the Tb.npson Electric Company's works, an.- before any assistance could be rendered, the fire bad gained such head- way it was impossible to extinguish it. The building, which was a large brick structure, was entirely consmned. Nothing was saved except °fila, furni- ee the stook bein'fir,: completely destroyed. file mi lu of the,f t , is A mystery. Loss $ 0,0e0; insurance $16,00. A Year's Sunshine Will Not Fade Garments Dyed With Diamond Dyes. For his conscience sake Rev. A. 0. Burell, the new pastor of the Trumbull Avenue Seventh Day Adventist Church Detroit, will go to Chatham, and give himself up to suffer imprisonment for 40 days. Wm Simpson, who was re- leased from Chatham jail last Wednes- day, and who is looked upon by Seventh Day Adventists as almost a martyr to their faith is said to be the authority for this statement. Rev. Mr. Burell was one of the Adventists who worked on Sunday, contrary to the law, and was fined 810 or 40 days in jail. A young man, Henry Rouse by name who has been living with A. McKee off and on for the past seven years (who occupies Wm. McKay's place on the t lath con., of East Missouri, haying late- ly moved€rum: Eeach'ville,) has had a large fortune left to him by friends in London, England. The good news brings the statement that about £85,- 000, 85,000, equal to $175,000, besides real es- tate, is included in the fortune. Rouse is a steady young fellow, and takes the exciting news very quietly. He cannot say which of his relatives would be likely to leave him money, as he had several who are well to do. His father and mother still reside in the old coon try. A drowning accident occurred at Catfish Creek, near Aylmer, on Satur- day afternoon, by which a young man, I ewis Sopher, lost his life. He was in the employ of Wm. Walsh, liveryman, and was about 53 years of age. On Sat- urday afternoon about 280 o'clock he left Aylmer with the intention of visi- ting his sister, Mrs. Bliss,, who liv's east of Aylmer a short distance. From her home he went down to the creek to have a swim, and this was the last seen of him alive. Sunday morning Mr. Young while walking along' found the young man's clothes. and immediately No ether method of home dyeing gives colors one half so fast and beau- tiful as Diamond Dyes. • The colors are full, rich, bright and handsome, and so fast and firm that a year's sunshine will not cause them to fade. It is not so when garments and; goods i are dyed with the poor imitation ation dyes that many dealers sell for the sakeof large profits. Goods colored with the crude dyes soon fade, and become dingy and ugly. It should be borne in mind, that the common dyes cost the same price as the the tested and popular Diamond Dyes, but cannot for a moment be com- pared with them, If you would save money and time, put your trust in the never failing Diamond Dyes; the neer is never disap pointed. Refuse inferior dyes offered by dealers, and insist upon having the "Diamond," FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKIN POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CAL' AD... London, Huron al3d Brae TIMID TABLE. GOING Nomneer- London, depart Centralia ,EXETER Bonsai], -. Nippon Brucefield Clinton .................. Londesboro . Blyth Beigrave.. wingham arrive..; GOING SMITH. When Baby eras sick, we gave her Castor's, When she was ached, she cried for Castello,. Whim she became Zeiss, she clung to Castorfa. \men nae had Children,rhe gavothem Castoria, Lightning Strikes' a, Church; Mount Pleasant, Pune 21.-A terrific electric rain storm passed over our vil- lage at IN o'clock to -day. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper had :iuet been ad- r ministered in the Presbyterian Church, the worshippers passing down the aisles to depart, when an electric bolt struck • 1 camedown the tovc stovepipe, the chimney. It s }I , 1 who,in � .ori Boyd, knocking dowrli _21.7 n reaching for his hat, placed his foot on the zinc underthe stove 7110 electric cur runt stunned And partially paralyzed Mrs. Hunter, and several others who were in tlto church felt the pulsations of the current as it Passed through.'The building'lvas set en fire bet reen'the cell- .j ing and :the roof:' The stupefied and badly frightened congregation rushed for the doers when smoke was discerned. • Willing and strong 'speedy handts, led by the clergyman, sone had the fire, under control. Fortunately no lives were lost. The damage,to the church will not ex- ceed 00, covered by insurance. SHOULD KNOW THAT Is a very remarkable remedy, both ,or IX- TERN'AL and EXTERNAL use, and won- derful in'its auiok action to relieve distress. sure, ure for .ore M L n� is a , 9 1r ��,NN11 W 1 ��(,n �JIJL pp -ISI Ai9 111a.tt Co" P Choles, andaiiiio'v 'Cornrhu,iie�'l7, 4<.ra.aanlls, Cholera, , p • Passenger.. $.e5 A bi 4.30p e 4,07 5.47 9.22 9.00 0.57 018, 941 0,20 tins b 2S 10.12 6.85 10.29 ,.14 ]es 7.23 10.82 7 Si 11.10 S.ue Passenger S4 ingliam, depart 'm.35 A NE 3.25 r Belgrave f; of ;1.47 myth' 7,03 4.01 Louaesboro 7.10 4.08 ' Clinton • 7.3) 4.28 Iii„.,etield ... 7.49 4411 hippen ......... 7.57 • 4.58 Hensali 800 4.58 EXETER. S.25 5.12 Con traliu S:4t) 5.23 Ao HAST }'tCS, PAIN -KILLER is ���) I?6'A' int. ear known for Sea, ickness ?ler _llcadat'ke, ll°aha► in the :telt or Siete, BC➢teusuuatii to and Neeualgia.' is i'NOUesTrttm'nnY.Y the (PAIN x.'0/4 ➢. - x M},ADre. It brings ecCCCT ,axe riilioIAYENT luti£P inati issue of biruises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe iinrrie, etc, IPAII -IFIL l� trus the well ofathe and in II$echan c, Vernier, it ednntc"r. Sailor, deal pi rn tis ll internally a n Byer tae always t land, end Sir0 To nes internally or externally With certainty errand: - IBewaro, of imitations, Take none but the genalae .PsharDAMS.'+ Soil everywhere; tic. big bottle. e Proprietor THE CENTRA ARBER SHO HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and SHAVING. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting a Special T l ek. 'anson s Bo HASTINGS, r A. HAS , MURRAY AN LAN1V� FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURiNG OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE ./ HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL DRUDDiSWS,-PERFUMERS AN GENERAL DEALERS. Imperial Meat Market. Racing purchased the butcher lug Business of A. Loadmai (Wood's Old Stand) we will hi pleased to see all our old customer. and as many new ones. Fresh Meat We intend keeping the the ver - best of fresh meat, and it will. otxr first aim to please customer Tenderloin, spare ribs, sansag hams, bacon, and everything usu ly soid in the factory can now b procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We inte conducting a cash biesiness, t' longest term of credit being o week; (a discount of 5°/„ will given for cash t� ��E.', a ' il, ' t while woi l,, James Gd,mmil , r the S. Hadley Lu mber Company's tablishment, Chathan'; met with a very painful accident, by Which lie lost three fingers of the left hand, which were ta- kenoff at the .second ,joint. He was, putting a thin strip through the join when his fingers were in some man- . ter \vl. S ,� ner caught in the rapidly revolting' knife, Cook's C5tton Rest Compound Manufactured 'by T h e Cook Co., 'Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known,safe,,reliable monthly medicine on 'which ladies can depend, in "ihe Hour and lime of need." ,every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for e amv ie keit and full particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain- sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted, by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Boom 3 -No. 253 Woodward Ave.,. Detroit, Mich. ear Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. bo s• at gillITY & SON,...effeglik Are showing' special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLE >, AND PiO H URE. ; lttIL; s;. Sq )4x ,rat 0 S, GIDLEY ' SON) ODD FELLOW'S BIoct -_ a.............^ if L P ty e 1CC Bicyle Musical. A ae . BiCyCleBI BicylesU ! nkiir,ra mei