HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-6-25, Page 47,711111711 pee- r�'�t q�rr..� ovER itiANITteBA AND NURT+Hu!1,'EST FBINCE 33DW AhD ISLAN 3. J F�i,e 1�, � {�� TERRITORIES, prince W ,,.Hackett jl • Alberta ..........Fran!: Curer ...... 59 1. - � � l Assiniboi+, E Rev, Dr, Douglas..•• 300 Lts ar,,.,,,... ,PLRicharcison,,,.•• ,r,•r,;�s, H. Sanders, Editor and Prop Macclouald Dr J G Rutherford... THURSDAY JUNE 26T± 1896 !} ' .t Ir OVER. V ctory Rot Will! The I ogi- 771L 1IGI The fight is now over, and all have vette more settled down to business. after one of the hardest and bitterest ;strng'gles ever fought ont in Canada' Should we at any time during the' �j ampaiguleave said things, other thauRETURNS S ►DIU THE FIELD. *hat of political nature, that did not harmonize with your feelings, we are Jerry for it, and hope that it will be overlooked. We wish to move along re our line in a way that will be hreeptable and friendly ;to all, and -e hope all will creat us with that ;;;;urtesy and friendliness as heretofore. And so the world moy'es on, PIE J'OS I'IO 1 OF AFFAIRS. 3larquette J H Ash dow a . Saak:ttchewan Hou 11' Lauder'. Selkirk ..•••.• .•JA.Macdonell... NEW BRUNSWICK. toll1j p 9 I inn. s... .....Col Jas Doulvine 400 11UL i. U1UUl?. St. John (,City) ..John V Ellis 600 St John County .3 3 Tucker 600 Westmoreland ..0 W Robinson16 A PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. King's.. .. ...Dr McIntyre Prince E ,John Yeo ........... Ctitueen's W ... ,.:L H Davies • • . 327 NOVA SCOTIA. Annapolis J W Longley Autigonish Hon C 11 llelsaac,... 140. /lard Fought Battle all Along Cumberland. 11 T Logan Digby .. J'S Copp ., .... the Line. Many Surprises. Guysborough,D 0 Fraser . Halifax B Rrrsselk Hants ..T)r Alen Haley.. Inverness.... , ...Dr McLennan. . , . King's Dr Borden Shelburne and - k` G Forbes . _ Queens. :1 Yarmouth T B Flint .. , ... , . rhe battle has been f- ought, and.al ;, : ugh victory Las followed ;in the s.ti;e of North Middlesex, the people generally throughout the Dominion of Cztnada have spoken clearly by' their votes that they are adverse to the ad. ministration that has governed the :antry for the past eighteen years. Never was there in the history of our rotntry a contest waged in which the aublie feeling was so intense and the opposition of such a malignant' and un- ,c:upulous character and this because f the varied elements that were intro - /teed into the struggles, political feel - ':ng ran high on both sides and so far the opposition was concerned it was Beek or nothin;,-a life or death trnggle to regain !dace and power, :°ntario did not result as was anticipated try the Conservative managers, and .' aebee, from which was expected a B ::nr ;e majority did badly, only eleeting terenty members out of sixty four. As -"lit the election of 1691. North MVliddle.- eox proved a close contest, but Mr. Hutehies was returned by a majority of five. Taking the result on the whole ,he, Liberals may claim a victory, but that is not toutalnount in saying that .tat election of Tuesday is a triumph for Tree trade or revenue tariff. However,' -eve shall await developments and the magnificent results (2) that has been so I:aofusely promised by the opposition. Drowned While Bathing Pickering, Ont., June 22. -Ambrose Parsons, aged 18 years, soa of a family :wing near here, was drowned while bathing in the Roughe River, just ernth of the Kingston road Bridge. The body was recovered about an hour after the accident. A companion nar- eewly escaped a similar fate, 21.. 171 .... 56 .... 640 BRITISH COLUMBIA. iuf rrard .Geo. F4. Jlalwel1..... Vancouverisla'd, •W B\Iclnnes,... 1e'.'. W estmin AulayMorrison ..,•' .sten,. HON. WILFRID LAL RIER. FIEFOPt! 1i i[) ELECTED. ONTARIO. rant \. -and Jas. Sornerville .... 490 1i entwotth ... Durham �i .:....Robert Beith 40 Elgin W .,.....-Geo E Casey520 Essex N ... .Win McGregor 250 Essex S. . " tit I� Cowan ..... Grey N John Clark.......... 60 Grey SDr Zander kin 600 Hamilton T H Macpherson .... 451 Hamilton A. T Wool Huron E.,. ...... Dr P Macdonald 150 Huron S . .... John McMillan-- 116 Huron W M C Cameron 111 Hastings E 3 M Hurley 441. Kent - ..... ....Arch Campbell 330 Kingston ...B M Britton 176 Lambton E......John 'Fraser .... 114 Two Alen Seriously Hurt. Kincardine, June. 22. ---At the farm of Ir. Wm. Taylor, north line, this even- ing, while tearing down the old barn, 31r :o rvering one of the cross sections m., a others fell, striking Messrs. Robert 'Seaman awl David Quinn, pinning 'th:me to the floor, breakingthe collar butes of both, besides injuring them ieternaly. It is not known as to the externt of the internal injuries, hut it is eared they are very serious. Lambton W Jas Lister ...... Leeds, Grenville F T Frost Lincoln&Yta;araWm Gibson.:;-.... Middlesex S. ....M. McGngan Middlesex W.. , W. S. Calvert....... Muskoka and 1 "r. H, Pratt Parry Sound.. t Norfolk, I John Charlton....... 570 Ontario 5 L. Burnett .... .. 215 Ontario W Jas. D. Edgar.. .... 308 Ottawa City N. A. Belcottrt....... 509 Ottawa City Wm. Hutchinson.... 286 Oxford, 'v Jas. Sutherland 009 Oxf ord, S ........Sir R. Cartwright 550 Peel Jo_, Featherston.... 300 Perth 5 .... • D. K. Erb.........,. Peterborough EJohn Lang .Prescott J Proulx Renfrew. N . Thos Mackie._.., Russell ..........W C Edwards Toronto G Wm Lount .......... Victoria5 Geo 31e1fugh Waterloo, S .....Jas Livingston . Wentworth S... -Thomas Bain \\'eliington, C, . A. Semple 642 Wellington N... Jas 3Ic_liullen147 York N .........Wm 12ulock ... 817 York F .:......H R Frankland 13 QUEBEC). SIR CHARLES TUPPER, BART. Cela ERYATIYES ELECTED. Queen's 1' 4 Alex Martin BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria (i Ji Prior ............. Victoria, .........Tho, Earle........... DALTON MOCACTHY, Q. C. .INDEFEI DENTS ELECTED. Assiniboin, W,,.3, K. 3ielnuis,.... Brandon.. .DMcCarthy ..,. 145 Bruce, W John Tobnie,.,.....,. 47 Cardwell W Stubbs 308 Frontenac D Rogers .acel Prince Edward..'W V Petit .,••. Quebec W R R Dobell .. Simcoe ti". , .. --Dalton , ,Dalton McCarthy.... 812 Toronto E.J Ross Robertson,. ,.1614 York.W N C Wallace Addington John W. Bell........ '000 Bothwell James Clancy ....... Breen S....... -Robert Henry 200 Brockville Hon. J. F. Wood .. 227 Bruce E . , H. Cargill ........... 207 Bruce, \ A. McNeill Carleton . • ....W. T. Hodgins....... C oruwal l and 1. Dr Bergin 300 Stormont .... , . Dund•ms A Broder TDCrtti 8 - ....., 114 Derham E THE SUMMARY. Conservative 88 Liberal .....118 Independent 10 The Toronto Nail stuumarize the re- sult as follows: Conservative, 88; Lib. eral, 112; Independent, 4; Patron, 1. The Toronto Globe summarizes the re- sult as follows: Conservative, 82; Lib- eral, 116; Independent, 9; Patron, 3. Later complete returns gives Mr. Monerieff (Con;.) 61 majority in East Lambton. Returns for Exeter, The following is a complete number of votes polled in each sub -division of the Village of Exeter, viz: Sub. Div. Hutchins Ratz No. 11 (H. Jones') 75 88 No. 12 (Weeks Bros') 65 85 No. 13 (Mr. Carrel') 56 43 No. 14 (Town Hall) 75 61. 271 177 177 Total for Hutchins 94 North Middlesex. • 200 17 Elgin E .d I3 ingraoi : . : �iift • Glengarry R R McLennan 600 300 GrenvilleDr Reid .... ... 150 360 Grey E .Dr Sproule... .. 650 444 Haldimand,Mouck,Dr Montague . 500 Halton ..........David Henderson . Hastings W Harry Corby ......... Hastings N A W Carscallen A Farmer's Accidental Death Thamesv ille,June 22.-A melancholy accident happened in the Towaship of ;;.Malden, some five miles from here, about noon today. Two bachelor broth- ers, John and ,las, Scott, ware engaged Ir. building a rail fence, James hauling •tl•.e.e rails and John buildin • the fence. On his way to dinner up the lane John cosec; on the lifeless bods of his brother 'who had left him to drive home the wane for dinner ab;,ut fifteen minutes More and was at that time in his usu- al'health. John called two cf Ms neigh - 'awe, and together they brought in the :..ldy, having found his neck broken, and his head and face cut. James evi 'entity fell with his head between the 'reel and the body of the wagon. Ctoroner Stewart, of Thalnesville was .informed of the facts, but deemed an in nest unnecessary. 84 400 28 . 55 000 .'307 50 .. 100 189 Argenteuil ,.Dr, Christie 100 Beauce ...... ..:Dr, Godbont...... 156 Bellechasse --O. • .. • O. E. Talbot ........ 300 Bona'venture ...-Fauvel 307 Berthicr .C. Beausoleil, Ace' Brame ,A. S. I liber...,...... 275 Chanrlily anti C. A. fxeoffrion.... 300 Veraberes Killed by a Tree 'r4 incisor, Ont,, .June 24. -John Butler i 7 s ci 70 years, once a Virginian slave, 'N'fl'; killed early this morning by a tree ,!fling upon frim. For years he had teani odd lobs Iu the city and in the en:Lemur time cern teal out, .and in the eeleter has lived wherever he could find fluter. For s vet'ti nights past he has ;tient beneath: a tree in Mason's old brick lard. In cooking; his sapper the trunl., e',i the tree had burned away, so that this morning when a gush of tried.. head!, it, the tree fell over upon they .tad m'.'i It crushed his breast, and he must have, died instantly. Charlevoix Chas: Angers ........ 50 Chateauguay• -.•J. P. Drown 460 Chicoutimi and .Z'savard �apu nay. Dorchester....... Dr Vaillancourt Drummond and l J rthabaska 1 A.Lavergne 500 .., Gaspe 31 Lemieux 35 liochelaga J .1 U Madore 400 Huntingdon.-- Juliu:s Striver..... 800 Joliette,. ,. . Chas Baziuet,.. liamouraska.. G Carroll...... .... Labelle -II Bourasa, apra rig and , . anierville , .. , 5 D _,lene"e..... . . 26° Laval Thos Fortin 110 Levis Emile Guay .. , 450 Lotbioiere DrItinfret..,,,.,.... 400 Mosul:mem%)EProfoutaine,,,.,, 200 ,laskinurrgc J I1.I `is 270 Nh -<antic G I'ut c onto 500 Mi:,sisquoi...,. .D B :delfts 240 Mor tnraguy P. A, Chogttette ., .. 240 Montmorency Hou C Langclier • Montreal--- StJacqucs ,0 I;osrr+ttais,.,,...., StLaur'ient ,E G P, uuy 080 • St :Marie .A14. Dupre .... , 2 Nine ty Per Q:a eat, l:)l tli the peopleriet_rl to t;:tku a course at 'l1oo.1 ". Saes%tp 2rill,i at this season to. erevent Inet rundown and debilitated i:oncl:ition which invites disease The enoney iriveeted in half a dozen bottles I)? Hood's Sarsaparilla wit: come bacl1 ^with large returns in the health and 'Vigor of body and strength of nerves, Hood's Pills are easy to buy, easy''7to easy to operate,, 4Cure all ;,liver sills: Lanark N B Rosamond 200 Lanark S J 0 Haggart 439 Leeds S...... .... .George Taylor...:2.28 Lennox Uriah Wilson 200 London ,.......,,Thomas Beattie 111. Middlesex E.. • • •Chas. Gilmour ... Middlesex N. .... W . H. Hutchins. Nipissing Janes B. Block .. Norfolk S Col. D. Tisdale Northumber'dE.E. Cochrane' orthumber'd W. Geo. Guillet Ontario N Jas. McGillivray Perth N • Alex F MacLaren Peterborough WJames Pendry Renfrew, 5......John Ferguson Simcoe E W H Bennett ... . Simcoe, .S .. Col Tyrwhitt Toronto W......131? Clarke -..... Toronto W......13 B Osler Victoria N Samuel Hughes.. Waterloo N J E Seagram Welland.... ....Wm McGiearY Wellington S....ChrisKleopfer QUEBEC. ,.. 300 ... 000 278 200 160 ortneuf:. •... j llo'1 Joly cle (t otbiniere 145 Quebec C:.., ....F Lau elier-:: Quebec l _..,.,..Hon \\ 'Laurier 2.250 Quebec County -,.Chas Fitzpatrick 200 Rouville .........L P Brodeur .... 009 Richelieu .A A liruneziu... .. T.34 Rimousl:i t.Dr 1 iset 105, St: Hyacinthe ....M ;i' Bernier, acel. St. John's and I' iberville. . I cebard......... 5i7 t"Herford C ITParmaiee . 100 Soulanges Dr Bourbonnais.... 400 '1 emiscouata,.,33 Pouliot:.. . Two Moew tains,J A C .Edthier 18 'iauciseiul ... ..TI S Harwood.....,. 350 Virright..........CR Devlin 300 )'amaska Dr Mignault ...• .••,• Sabot..........., Bean]rarnois .•• Champlain Compton Jacques Cartier L'.A.ssonption L'Islet 509 300 .... 400 379 .... 401. 591 .. 15 200 107 ..Dupont acct .J..G, H. Bergeron16 Dr. Marcotte .R Pope ..:• 560 .F D Monek 220 .H Jeannotte 3 A. Dionne 202 .L Dugas .:.. . The foiThwing .are the correct returns for North Middlesex. The figures being majorities, viz: - Hugeness. RATZ. Biddulph .201 Lucan 87 Exeter. 94 McGillivray 18 Parkhill 39 East Williams S2 West Williams 155 Stephen 15S Ailsa Craig 39 Montreal- St Anne JF Quinn St Antoine ..Dr T G, Roddick Nicolet .. i" 73iiisiert...... Pontiac . • . J Poupore . Richmond and C C Cleveland Wolfe : •...... . Sherbrooke Ilon `\y :B:jves Stanstead A II Moore T ree Rivers -and Sir A P Caron Terrboune%..... , . A Chauvin . .. 439 434 434 Total for Hutchins 5 500. 300 M-, N1TOB.A AIS D NORTELWEST T13RFAToIt S Prov ncber 0 C Lrl't'-iere ::.. Winnipeg •,H J Macdonald. NO'4i A;.. SC011A. . Cape Breton 471 C 1.'uj3per .. Cape Breton . ,:l31 T McDougall Colchester.... , ..-W D 1)imnck Halifa' 1. L I;orclen .... :l.unenb,:u<g.•.•.•QI+lti ulteach Pictou Sir G II T ipper Piotou A G Bell.. ... Richmond.....,.. A Gilites Victoria, IJv I elle the , ........ 100 NEW:BRUNSWICK. 131 W 1,. "0/0‘.7"\* fair Ai1'iants and c iiTM Cho THIETY years' observation of Castoria with the patronage of millions of persons, permits us to speak of it without guessing, It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children like it, It ifir gives them health, It will save their lives. In it Mothers have something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as a child- 's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms, Castoria allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting . Sour Curd; Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralizestheei<eots of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or any other narcotic. Castoria ast imilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put up in one -size bottles only. It is not sold in. bulk Don't allow any: one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will ;;.nswer, every purpose." See that you get 0 -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A. The fac-simile" is on every signature of . >�� wrapper. Chigd'©r C yfor'n tcher's Castoria TI -08 e'CNTAI,ACnn,?AMt'. 77 .4UARAY STA OCT. N t. w YORE" CITY. 1 Call and get our prices for the following first-class Brands of Binder Twine. Pure Sisal, Stanaard, Beaver, Imperial (Pure Marlfi e) South Perth, Below is the vote given Tuesday at the several polling places in South Perth, viz: . 300 ,,.:. 316 122 St Marys 1 O'Brien Bros'.. 2 Wellington st N 3 •Billings' 4 Furniss'. 5 Jas. Storey's 6 Mercer & Pierce 90 Downie,,......... 7 'Sebringvilie.. 8 Avonton 9 Taylor's school 10 Separate school 11 McEwiu school Usborne. .. 12 Elimville ... . 13 Cornish.. , ..11' ,14 Mrs. Skinner's 16 15 Farquhar 0 Albert ::........Dr. Carleton ....,...:33 II Hale : -... .. 337. Charlotte ........ G'WGa : n Gloucester T Blanchard :Gent G V McInerney 103 NorthumberlandJeines Robinson...... 510. (,;;peen's find Z B D S `il Tot tldUtu.. ucly.n...,. J i13' .A.Ih'iter. 31 rTi. �E�ti�,o Victoria.. John Ccisttig in York :..::........Hon G E Foster .1,.4.100 zf c a p r;4' n.4 4 35 S 59 25 .53 21 104 17 61 7 50 82 ,362 13 12 45 30. 22 129 .80 74 75 40 122 808 6 4 Hibbert: •.... 16 Dublin 17 Burn's school 18 Staffa 19 And, Bruce's., 48 77 47 84 20 33 41. 58 70 32 Pure Paris Green, Bug Finish. H. BISHOP & SON. 254 56 55 25 25 85 246 182 58 118 69 26 256 377 80 20 19 2 GO 78 80 118 G0' 49 57 56 77 386 222 Mitcbcll .... . 20 Main street ... 9 36 78 21 Tempel'ncehall 17 68 94 22 II- uron Road.. 5 50 59 31 179 231 Fullerton 23 Carlingford .. - 47 71 77 24, Bethel :. , :i''Maj for Pridhain, 68 25 Alt. Pleasant .. 9 54 • 37 - - 56 125 182 Blanshaed 26 2 Anderson... , , 9 X54 37 27 Jamieson's.... 15_- 33 55 27 Dinsmor'e 29 McIntyre's .. 30 Skelly's corner, 31 ' Kirk ton 18 83 74 18 73 59 35 59 33 11 35 56 a EV rk'`: CO. The Old Reliable Specialists. 83 Yearee Experience In the treatment of the 'Throat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of men and women. Lost Manhoodnrnertotr ubl deep rmaneeatlyy cured -Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicoceleand stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury. YOUng Men Suffering from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretions, or any troubled with 'Weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or- gans, can here find safe and speedy cure. Charges reasonable, especially to the poor. CURES GUARANTEED. 1 ged ae There are many troubled - l with too frequent evacu- tions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There ara many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per- fect cure in alt such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Con- sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of then, case and have medicine sent by express, with fall instructions for use. Mention this paper when writing. Office hours: From 9 a. m. to 8 p, m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a. m. j,ll' V Q �A 290 WOODWARD AVENUE. � t L Il�,.�> i sli , (Side EutwanCe No. lA E. Etizobeth St.) DETROIT, Pa31CH. ...Agee nw?'OZZIrr.:t[1"xu 1, t C.t41 • tvav�rllai�2'r' 1tSCAPXTULATION. St. Marys. 82 662 254 Doweie ........... 122 398 246 Usbortse...... 2 ; 256 377 Hibbert 77 3116 222 Mitch41: - .......... 31 179 281 Fullarton . Blaushaid , .. , .... 300 290 914 500 1010 1826 Majority for Erb 120 106 200 314 • THE PERFECT e TEA TEA 'CUP FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE IN ITS NATIVE PURITY:. "Monsoon" Tea is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers, and is advertised and sold by chem as a samPleof the best quahties of Indian and Ceylon Teas.' For:.that reason they sac that none buthe very fresh leaves go. into Monsoon packages. That is wdiy "Monsoon,' the perfect Tea, can bo sold at the same price as inferior tea. • It i5 put t! . in sealed caddies of % lb.; x Ib. and P up An lbs,-,and sold in thcee flavours at .}oc., sec. and hoc. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HAXTER &.. CO. ,, it and i3 Front St. Bast, Tomato. Daniel IS.avanagh, aged sixteon, an immic'ratt;t ltd who arrived in this coanti v five years ago, was :ir'o>1'tit cl while bathing at Kingston Mills, ilF�TE �A ,Is O! Re we has got tho best furniture store; Wheel Whim ! t .Don't you wish you were lion: Aml his pre ^n"hie cbcaper than ever before; matt his goods eer.,so handsome a king wont(' be glad To own such parlor snits. All ho wants can be had 15 he'd just go to llowu's as I would ativt.5e. llty , Eyes ! But won't be be wine ? • If he goes to Rowes, as I would' advise And Itowv', got chairs that eleewhere!' 'a can't buy. Wh•'c, !•`SVhing f What ;a singular thing That o'er the furniture men hero, lie soars far on high ITis bedroom sots haven't `heir equal in to n'as And T know Qat these facts arc authentic a11. roun13. Wang! Ho! Why rcrtainly sr, T. know that these feotd aro authentic all round. You will find Ito we's down town. Goo! Whizz! What a great plaee. it is ! s Nes tltngdown onold Main street's romuntie clime; :rust with furnitlire massive awl' fi,s!o, Everything that you waut, so just call"itny time, Rowe sells his goods cheaper than any ono can. \Vhiva! Whann:! 1'',1i a t a m terveio us Thant What a,ver.y ram erica !>le, m rveionsman . na,nner „-. ,. vsscun� 4L Tho balcony of the Bowl Hotel at f..hath s;rl Tuesday nI_bt „ number of`peopie who were watching, t Liberal eelu,bration. Two or three werel sorions hurt.y