HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-5-28, Page 5THE. Oz ti zr tivocatt, Ls published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. -By the ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 51.50 if not so paid. .S.dsu•ertleasi.g Matsu ors. Spplica- tiosa. No paper discontinued until allarrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly, Liberal discouutmade for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods: Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers, &e. for advertising, subscriptions,etc.to be made payable to Chas. II. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Professional Carder_-� H. KINSMAN, L.D. S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store HAIN ST, ExETsR, extracts teeth without pain. . Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Liman every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday of each month ,,..., DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON, (D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) 1J honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alli modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. Medical DR. G. SHOU.a LTS, CENTRAL has moved one door south. Drs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS, lJ Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman„ building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1893 X. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D Dx.T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF JJ the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- sur, Office, Dashwood, Out. 'Veterinary. WILLIAM SWEET, VETER- inary Surgeon. Graduate residenceTo- and attthe -Veternaro d stand, one block East E, J. Spackinan's Store, Dehorning a pecialty. Legal. H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Offioe-Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. 7 H.DIOKSON,BARRISTER,SOLIOITOR, 3J • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter L4LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., Conveyancing, and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Hensall every Thursday. B. V. ELLIOT. FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers T.1 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- 11• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborue Bales promptly attended to and terms rea- eonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. -('OLIN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, V Auctioneer for. the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stock sales, Charges moderate. Parties contem plating having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders lett at the ADVOCATE•` Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Surveyors. P. . RED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter, Out. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent. Main St. Exeter The Same Old Story. Every week we continue to tell you the same old story of the ex- cellence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps -we have been been telling it for a long time -but a good story will bear constant re.telling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally . "Cut" Every Garment that's made up at this establish- ment -as well as fit it and all the details. This is the only ONE reason why our prices are moder ate. Don't Catch Cold. Winter is here and you want to keep warm. We shall be pleased to show you -yes make you -one of our "swell" and durable overcoats. Each, coat a fit Each coat a daisy 8ETI KifiG11T. One North Door of Browning's drug 'store. IABELINE :THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist for Mabeline MABELINE is a positive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here, Itis the generalcus- tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertisingmedium with a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms andforme of disease, scientiffical- l•y, and in such a way as to involve the read- er in a maze of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. If you are sick it is presumed that you know oft he fact and can form some idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- , vise you generally. MABELI ien NE compound and cannot injure them vegetablet delicate and can be used 'withe f r act safety. v MADELINE is placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the diseased parts. Full direc ions every ,how to apply on ave y box., Send 31 for one month's treatment. 24 capsules in a box. Why pay three, dollars for any other remedy when you roan buy Mabeline for one dollar? Address all communications to THE SALUTINE CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont. Sometimes persons become blind ,from .impure blood, ,which develops scrofulous ulcers on the eyeballs, iritic, granulated eyelids, etc. In such case's Hood's Sarsaparilla has been marvel- ously successful in restoring sight. It shows its powers as a blood purifier and radical cure , for scrofula, by removing the cause, thus curing the O re eyes and restoring all the affected parts to healthy condition. Read this: "As anact of justice and for the ben- efit of other mothers who may have afflicted children, I write this. About the first of February, 1892, my daughter Zola, then three years old, contracted sore eyes of the worst form and in a few weeks was' entirely blind, being unable to tol- erate light of any kind. She suffered and cried until I was almost heartbroken. The best eye specialist in the county , treated her for months, but the yes became worse. Then Itook her to a special- ist in Indianapolis, who said he could do nothing. I came away with a heavy heart. I met my father's physician, Dr. Berry- man, who examined Zola's eyes, and told me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ibeganto give it as directed and wash her eyes with warm water. Soon Ibegan to notice improvement, and now, having given the child over a half 'dozen bottles, her eyes are greatly improved and she can see as well as any one. She is five years of age, and goes to school. When she began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, she had to eat her meals in a darkened room, but now u she is able to sit at the table with the rest of the family." Mns. OLLIE BUSER, Colfax, Indiana. Leading Citizens Of Colfax, including John D. Blacker, Township Trustee, W. H. Coon, Druggist, and Dr. J. A. Berryman, cordially endorse this statement. This and many other similar cures prove that 0 • �';, Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood s; Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood'scure liver ills, easy to take, Pills easy to operate. 25 cents, NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEN -You may have been the victim of Self Abuse when ; cuog. Later Excesses or exposure to bleed diaea=es may have completed the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealing over you. You dread the future results. You know you are not a man mentally and sexually. Why not be cured in time and avoid the sad ex uerience of other wrecks of these diseases. Onr NEW METHOD 1'IiltATMEN'i' WILL CURE YOU AFTER ALL ELSE FAILS. Emissions, Varicocele and Syphilis Cured W. M. MILLER W. M. MILLER C R a Before Treatment After Treatment "At the age of 15 I commenced to ruin my health. Later on as "ONE OF THE lit )YS" I contracted a serious blood disease -SYPHILIS. I was weak and nervous, despondent, pimples, sunken eyes, bone pains. ulcers. hair loose, sore tongue and. mouth drains in urine, varicocelel-I was a wregkr. I was in the last stages when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. A dozen other doctors bad failed in curing me. Drs. Kennedy A Kergan cured me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. i would warn similar diseased men to beware of Medical Frauds. They are reliable honest and skillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat aced cure Varico- c e 1 e, byphilis, Emissions, Gleet, Stricture, P'.ervous De- bility. Unnatural Discharges, Kidney and Bladder D i c- eases. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED No cure, No Pay. Write for Question Blank for Home Treatment. Books Free. l'onsultation Free. Ills. KENNEDY lit KERGM I No. 148 Shelby St. DETROIT, - - MICH. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedi.esday) Wheat per bushel $0.72 to 74 Barley 28 to 30 Oats 20 to 21 Peas 48 to 50 Butter 12 to 13 Egs 9 Potatoes perbag 25 Onions 40 to 45 Hay per ton 9 00 to 10.00 EIN IN DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PEI]NYROYAL WAFERS To correct I!Tenni:uity and weakness, keeptho srg ucain healthy condition. The Y Wmnrr '1,110 +ivRIs"i o young aom n. aid ,,e graceful periods. AsMr/chipmunk prTheie Detroit brand. ..A,All , rima/, Asl1 thorem etSi per bohots uealed:altomentaown. No otter remedy for tom box.r N b yv women known.. Wanted -An Ideawho can think of some simple thin patent? Protect your Ideas• the Y' may bring you wealth. Write' JOHN WEDDERB RN & Co. Patent -Attor- ney. Washington, D: O., for their $i 8001orice oiler and list of two.bundrsd inventions wanted. SOUTH AFRICA. Treatment of the Transvaal Prisoners -No Provision for Civilized Men --Sufferings of the Captives. London, May 24. -The Times' Cape Town correspondent says the judges from the cabled extracts of the British prods Comments regarding the , Praetoria prisoners that the Conditions of their ion - prison ne t are misunderstood. He denies that the Transvaal .officials are specially inhumane, and adds that the prisons in Cape Colony are equally unfit as those of the Tarnsvaal for such prisoners as the members of the Reform. Committee, There is no provision made for first-class misdemeanants in the prison system of the whole or South Africa., The corres- pondent further says that public feeling in Cape Town is very strong against the sentences, because even under the promise made by the Transvaal Government that the condition of the prisoners would be improved their imprisonment under the circumstances is horrible. Some of them will almost oertanly die and others will incur disease. LATEST MARKET REPORTS. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, May 25. To -day's market was another poor ono Sn be added to the long list of that kind. Trade in every line was bad except for choice hogs. Export, cattle -Trade was anything but brisk to -day. Reports from Britain am very bad and flews cosees to dealers from France and Belguim that the prices at those markets have fallen off to the ex- tent of $10 per. head. This has had a depressing effect on our markets. Very rarely did anything go over 4c per lb to- day, the most of the sales being at from $3 to' $3.90 per cwt. for loads of good cat- tle. A few picked bead brought 4c per lb, Dealers aro well supplied and it is not likely that there will be much de- mand during the next few days except to fill space on shipboard already contracted for, One drover offered a good bull to- day for $36 which had cost him more than that in the country, but he could not find a taker. One of the best loads of exporters sold to -day went for $3.95 per cwt. and another lot almost as choice, brought only $3.90 per cwt. Butchers' cattle --Trade was unsatis- factory. Cattle were worth whatever they would fetch to be got rid of and save expense of feed. It was a very dull market. For the very best cattle in loads 3c per lb was the top. Only one or two heads went over 3c per lb. Sheep and lambs -Sheep are dull at 3o to 3%0 per lb. There is no demand for them. Good grain -fed yearlings and spring lambs are fairly steady. Yearlings with the wool on rule at from 4% to 5c per lb. Spring lambs sell well at from $3 to $4 per head. ()fie lot sold to -day at $3.40 eaob. Bulls -Quiet and nominal. Ono or two head wont at 2% to 3c per lb for shipping purposes. Stockers and feeders -Not many offered and all the good half -fed feeders sold, but there was hardly any request for light stockers. Prices for good feeders rule at frond $2.75 to $3.50 per owt. Light stockers for the country fetch only 2% to 2%e per lb. Hogs-lhoice selections of bacon hogs, good singers, were firmer to -day selling at 4%c per Ib, weighed off the cars.. There is a good market for them. Heavy thick fat hogs aro dull and not wanted, fetching $3.80 per cwt, weighed off the cars. Too many of that class are coming forward. Stores are steady at 3% to 40' per lb; sows for breeding, 8 to 8% per lb; stags and rough hogs, 2 to 2%c per lb, and not wanted. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -Tub butter is plentiful and there is an easier feeling in the market, sales being harder to effect. Roll butter genearlly arrives in a poor condition, and it is difficult to dispose of. Dealers advise shippers to discontinue sending in roll butter. We quote: Choice dairy tubs, 10 to 1l34c; medium dairy tubs, 8 to 9c; low grade dairy tubs, 6 to 7c; choice. large rolls, 10 to 11c; second large rolls, 9c; dairy pound prints, 11 to 12e; fresh made creamery tubs, 15c; creamery pound prints, 15 to 16c. Eggs -The deliveries are still liberel and prices are unchanged at 9 to 9%o for choice cases to 6c for split cases. Dealers are looking for lower prices, as the pick ling season is about over. Potatoes -The market is dull. Very little is doing. Car lots are quoted nominally at about 12c. Wagon loads on the street sell at 15 to 18c. Baled Hay -Stocks are still large and movement is slow. Cars of No 1 on the track here are quoted around $12 to $12.50. There is no demand for No. 2 hay. Baled straw -No sales are reported. The market is unchanged. Wheat, white, per bush....$ 76 $ 78 Wheat, red, per bush 00 78 Wheat, goose, per bush53 56 Peas, common, per bush53 54 Oats, per bush 24 25 Itye, per bush 47 48 Barley, per bush 33 35 Buckwheat 36 39 Ducks, spring, per pair50 90 Chickens, per pair 33 ,50 Geese, per lb 05 OB Butter, in 1 -lb. rolls 10 13 Eggs, new laid 9 10 Onions, per bush 30 30 Turnips, per bag, by load15 20 Potatoes, per bag 20 30 Potatoes, car lots 16 18 Beans, per bush 90 1 00 Beets, per Lag 30 35 Carrots, per bag, by load20 25 Parsnips, per bag 40 50 Applespar i5bl 1 75 2 50 IIay, timothy 11 50 15 00 Straw, sheaf 10 90 11 60 Beef, hinds 97 08 Beef. fores 03 04 Spring lambs, carcase,... 3 00 5 00 Veal, per lb 05 7 Mutton, per lb 05 07 Dressed hogs 400 4 85 UNITED STATES CATTLE. At East Buffalo-Cattle-Reoeipte- 144 cars through and 11 on sale; market slow, with only a few odd lots and fresh cows and springers ' sold at noon; pros- pects lower for all kinds. Hogs -11 cars through and 65 on sale; market lower but fairly active at the decline; Yorkers, $3.40 to $3:42%; mixed packers, $13 40; mediums; $3.35 to $8.40; pigs, $3.40 to $3.45; roughs, $2.80 to $3; stags $2 to $2.25. Sheep and lambs -9 cars through and 35 on sale; market shade stronger and fairlyactive; prime to best lambs, $5 to $5.15; culls to common, $2.75 to $4.25; good to choice mixed sheep, $8.40 to common to $3.65;fair, a to $3.35; export lmbs dull at $4.60 to $4.70; common, heavy sheep, $3 to $3.25. Cattle closed very dull; three loads still steers and some other good cattle held over; veals firm at $3.50 to $4; extra, $4.25 to $4 50 Hogs closed firm with all. sold but half deck that arrived late. Sheep and Iambs olooetstiady wad all sell: ' Helplessness And Agony ! A Multitude of Sufferers and Martyrs! Paine's Celery Compound The Prompt Banisher of Rheumatism and Sciatica: THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE IN THE WORLD. Thousands of Convincing Testimonials from Cured People. The agonizing and terrible troubles known as rheumatism and sciatica, are probably the cause of more helplessness and acute suffering that any half doz• en others that 'could be named. The original cause of rheumatism is a lack of nerve force. ;y this weak- ness of the nervous system, and acid is formed which enters the blood, an acid is formed which enters the blood. By this weakness of the nervous system, an acid is formed 'which enters the blood, Soon the joints swell -usually the knees, elbows and wrists -and there is inflammation with intense pain; this disease is variable rheumatism. The great medical virtues of Paine's Celery Compound makes it the only trustworthy medicine specific in the world for the complete cure of rhue- matism. Paine's Celery Compound is curing hundreds of eases every day, Testimonials without number declare that this great remedy of nature has effected cures after all other medicines failed. You cannot afford to experiment with the common and worthless pre partitions of the day, when you can procure a guaranteed medicine like Paine's Celery Compound, so highly re• commended by the best physicians. Bear in mind that those cured by Paine's Celery Compound are cured permanently. There is no more return of the terrible disease; no twisted, con- tracted and stiffened limbs. Paine's Celery Colnpaund gives a new exist- ence, and old sufferers walk with as much elasticity and spryness as any youth. Do not 'be persuaded by substituting dealers to take any of the medicines they may recommend ter their own benefit and profit; insist upon getting ,Faille's Celery. Compound, the medicine that always cures. Khiva: Mr. Rich. Barry is seriously ill. Hullett: Mr. Gilbert Cumiug had the misfortune to fall on Friday and break his right arm, Logan: Last week a door fell on a little daughter of Mr. August Elligson, fracturing the bone of one of her legs below the knee, Stephen: On Sunday last while driv- ing on the 12th con., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doyle narrowly escaped a serious acci- dent, Their horse shied upsetting the rig and throwing them out, Mr. Doyle escaped with a few bruises but Mrs. Doyle received a fracture of one of the bones of the arms together with a num- ber of bruises. Goderich: On Monday week deputy sheriff Reynolds and constables McIvor and MeMath took the four convicted Wingham whitecaps to Kingston, viz., Harrison, Manser, Phippen and Mont- gomery; and Wednesday Bailiff Eng lisle, of the Central Prison, took Martin, the remaining prisoner, and Gabriel Reeves the Seaforth shooter. This depu- ty Henderson says, leaves the jail with but two occupants and neither of them are vagrants, a state ' of affairs not known for years. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria, EV E RYOULDKNFA M I LY THAT S Is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN-' TERNAL and EXTERNAL use, and won- derful in its quick action to relieve distress. PAIN -KILLER to a cureroat, Couaura for gore Thg. Chills, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cruual.ss, Cholera, and all Bowel Complaints. PAIN -KILLER 3e THE BEST rem• edy known for sea. Sickness, Sick Headache, fain in the Back or side, ltheuusatldtu and Neuralgia. PAIN -KILLER 'BESTgLINIMENT ;LADE. It bring, spurns' AND PERMANENT RELIEF In an cases of itruiSes, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Bursts, etc. PAIN-KILLERis the well tried and. trusted friend of the Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and in fact an classes wanting a medicine always at band, and.iAFR TO USE internally or externally with sertainty.of eSllef. Beware of imitations, Take none but the gentiles eftlutr DAvis;" Sold everywhere; lie, big bottle. Seaforth; A small child of Mr, i, Holmes' fell and broke his collar bone one day last week. Kippen: Mr, Benjamin. Blair and family left here on Tuesday. taking the boat at Goderich for their future home in Algoma. Cures, absolute. permanent cures have given Hood's Sarsaparilla the largest sales in the world and the first place among medicines. Clinton: The many friends of both David Cantelon, Jr., and Bert Shannon will be pleased to know that each seems to be on a fair way to recovery They have had a hard and painful struggle but they seem to have now passed the critical point, with the chances in their favor. Berlin possesses a juvenile genius, aged only about 9 or 10 years. Ills name Is Otta Janl;e, With only a small pocket knife, he manufactures small wooden chairs, bureaus, tables, etc., with a marvelous skill. He also makes little wagons, or anything else to which fancy turns his hands He is one of five children -five others being dead - and his parents are poor. Brucefield: A number of the young people of the village assembled at the home of Mr, Gilbert McDonald on the 17th inst., and presented him with a handsomely bound pocket bible, ac companied by a nicely worded address, which was read by Rev. Mr. Muir. Mr. McDonald was completely taken by surprise and felt very deeply at the thought of separating from so many kind friends, among whom he has spent all his life. He left here for the Prairie Province on Tuesday. MANITOBA MATTERS. Shipment of Flour to Australia --Favorable Crop Reports -Christian Endeavor Con- vention. Winnipeg, May 23. -The Lake of the Woods Milling Company shipped five car- loads of flour to Sydney, Australia, via Vancouver. This is the first shipment to Australia by the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, and it is probable a considerable trade will be developed. The Provincial Convention of Chris- tian Endeavor Societies opens at Bran- don to -morrow. The Northern Pacific crop report for the week ended to -day says that seeding is progressing favorably. Seventy-five per cent, of the wheat crop is already seeded. The acreage in the Red River and Port- land Plains district will be about 10 per cent, lower than it was last year. PRESBYTERIANS IN SESSION. General Assembly at Saratoga --First Day of the Proceedings. Saratoga, May 22. -The 120th General Assembly of the Presbyterian church in the Unitech States of America opened i,ts session here to -day in the First Presby. tartan church, with the usual sermon from the retiring moderator. Nearly 700 commissioners, half minis- ters and. half elders, occupied seats on the floor of the auditorimu. The service, according to the book of discipline of the Presbyterian church, began promptly at 11 o'clock. Dr. Booth's sermon oc- cupied more than an hour in delivery. The Common Theology and Control Committee was in session all night giv- ing the last touches to the report which is to be made to this assembly. Results Tell the Story. A vast mass of direct, unimpeachable testimony proves beyond any possibility of doubt that Hood's Sarsaparilla does perfectly and permadently cure diseases caused by impure blood. Its record of cures is unequalled and these cures have often been accomplised after all other preparations have failed. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bill- iousnass, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache. Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat We intend keeping the the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon, and everything usual ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 57. will be given for cash. C. SMELL, - Prop. MURRAY LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDIkERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. Vitality MN Reston, Falling Sexual Strength In old or young men cion be quickly and permanently cured by me to a health- ly, vigorous state. Sufferers from..., NERVOUS ;EBILITY, VARICOCELE, 16OAIT LOSSES AND ALL WASTING• DISEASES shouldwrite to me Tor advice. I have been a close student for many years of the subject of weakness la men, the fact is,I wasa sufferer' myself. Too bashful to seek the aid of older men or reputable physiciaus I inVOS. tigated the subject deeply and discovered a simple but most remarkably successful remedy thatcor- pletely cured me and fully enlarged me from si shruuken,stunted condition to natural strength and size. I want every young or old man to know about it. I take a. personal interest In such cases and co one need hesitate to write me as all communications are held strictly confidential. I send the recipe of this remedy absolutely free of cost. Do not put it off but write me fully at once, you will always bless the day you did so. Address, THOMAS SLATER, Box2172 Shipper of Famous Kalamazoo Celery. KALAMAZOO. MICH.. GIDLEY & SON Are showing Special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND . PICTURE MOULDINGS, S, GIDLEY &i SON, ODD FELLOW'S Bloch Bicycles! Bicycles!! Bicyles!!! Bicyle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels, made at lowest prices. Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc, etc. Perkins & Martin CENTRAL DRUG # STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways 1ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas, Munroe,. Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing 'various diseases. For sale here, • Drs i a C. LUT Z, gg li FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S BAK1NC POWDER THE COO COOKS BEST F RIEN D LAiiGEST SALE IN CANAD.