The Exeter Advocate, 1896-5-28, Page 2Subscribers w w du flet teC .O tt e-_ pace •
r .;ularly will ld,asenot,fl us a.�,.".
Call at the oftiee for advertising rates.
THURSDAY, ;rI aY 28, 1896.
The Week's Commercial Summary.
Earnings of the Grand Trunk railway
for we k ended May 7 were $382,909, an
increase of. $3,788. •
The earnings of Canadian Pacific for
the first week of May were $358,000, an
increase of $45,000.
The money market at Toronto is un.
changed at 51, to 6 per cent. fore call
loans, with only a limited amount offer-
The New York hanks now have a sur-
plus reserve of $20,048,125, as against
$31,070,100 a year ago and $80,634,575 tWo
years ago.
The condition of winter wheat in the
United States on May 1 was 82.7 per cent.
as against 77.1 on April 1, and 82.9 on
May 1, 1895.
Stocks of whe it at Port Arthur and
i+'ort William, 2,759,513 bushels, as
against 8,133,936 a week ago, and 440,164'.
bushels a year ago.
The Dominion Bank's annual state -
Mont • su 1,VA net profits of $189,862, or a
little over 12': per cent. on capital stock.
This is a little better than the previous
year. The reserve fund is unchanged at
$1,500,000, equal to capital.
The Bank of Montreal annual statement
shows net earnings for the year ended
April 80 of $1,241,196 as against $1,210,-
486 the previous year. After paying 10
per cent. dividend, 541,196 was carried to
profit and loss account, which now
aggregates $856,348.
The visible supply of wheat in the
United States and Canada decreased
1,519,000 bushels last week, and the total
is 54, 000, 000 as compared with 59, 623, 000
bushels a year ago. Wheat afloat to Eu-
rope 29, 200,000 bushels as against 44, 240, -
000 bushels a year ago.
Montreal advices would indicate that
though business is a little brisker in
some lines, the impending elections are
an unsettling element, inducing a con-
siderable degree of caution in the orders
of both the retailer and the importer, and
the aggregate volume of business is less
than the average of this season.
A dairy competition of a novel kind is
being set on foot by the Quebec Govern-
ment. Mr. Gigault, who is assistant com-
missioner of agriculture for the province,
is engaged with some others in establish-
ing a new departure in the way of dairy
competition. Word will be sent to the
cheese and butter makers only two or
three days before the opening of the com-
petition, and exhibits will have to be
sent forthwith. The cheese and butter
will be purchased by the Provincial Gov-
ernment, which will also pay the freight
charges. Prizes will be awarded• by three
judges nominated by the Government and
the Dairymen's Association.—Monetary
Here and There.
Marriage is very often a mirage.
It is almost impossible for a girl who
is in love to make good cake. Sheds
sure to get it too sweet.
The gold cures are doing a grand
work. Not a solitary sea serpent has
been seen thus far this season.
The latest is a spade trust. Many a
man has been bankrupted by putting
too much trust in a few of them.
A Minneapolis editor claims to have
caught a red -white -and -blue bass the
other day. We advise him to change his
bait at once.
The New York Herald has been in-
nvestigating "What Hats Weigh." It
depends very largely upon what the
wearer has done the night before.
Gradually the new woman is getting
her rights. One of her was fined $50 and
costs by a Williamsburg, N.Y., judge the
other day' for beating her husband.
A Kentucky man recently went crazy
because he couldn't pay his debts. He
must have been very light-headed, any-
way, or he would have let the other
fellows do all the worrying,
A St. Louis man, in giving his wife a
good -by kiss, pulled her off a street
car platform and broke her leg. No man
with so dangerous a kisser as that should
be permitted to roam about at large.
One Indianapolis boy fatally shot
another over a game of craps the other
day. Somebody ought to teach the young
idea how to shoot craps in Indianapolis
and prevent the youngsters from shoot-
ing each other.
Just before his execution Holmes
denied that he ever committed any
murders at all. But it should be remem-
bered that any man who is thoroughly
addicted to the murder habit usually
doesn't scruple to sprain the truth if
There never was, ant* never will be, a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is heir—the very
nature of many curatives being such that
were the germs of other and differently
seated diseases rooted in the system of
the patient—what would relieve one ill,
in turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated, state
a remedy for many and grevious ills. By
its gradual and judicious use, the frailest
systems are led. into convalescence and
strength, by the influence which Quinine
exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It
relieves the drooping spirits of those with
whom a chronic state of morbid despond-
ency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,:
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, bein stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengtheningthe healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making . activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance :result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto,haye given to thepublic their
superiorQuininWine at the sual rate,
and, gaged by the opinions of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
,any in the rearket A ll druggists sell it.
'TOPICSThe Cuban rebel chief Gomez has in-
The important Events in a Few Words. For
'Busy Readers. •
Windsor's rate is 21 mills.
Preston's, rate is 15 mills.
Gait's rate is 16X. mills.
Montreal taxes bicyoles $2.
Guelph's tax rate is 25 mills.
Cows are free commoners at Alliston.
Woodstock's assessment is $2,767,000.,
A grist mill is being built at Comber,
Ingersoll's Pork factory is being ex-
The tax rate of St. Thomas is 1434
Port Huron `.bicyclists must pay $1
Tilsonburg's assessment has increased
$12, 400. i
Valuable dogs in Barrie have been
The Kingston Dairy School is to be
Walkerton voted down $10,000 for a
new hall.
Rondeau summer resort has been given
a post -office.
Inwood will bonus a grist mill to the
extent of $2,000.
A Walkerton merchant last season
handled 9,000,000 eggs.
Work on the new electric railway at
Sarnia has commenced.
It is probable that the Demill College
will be located at Cobourg.,
It will cost $57,000 for the St. Thomas
electric light and railway plant.
Already many fish are being taken
from Lake Sirncoe to Hawkestone.
A patent elevator factory is to be built
at Chatham by a $300, 000 stock company.
A Sebringviile man owns a cow that
produces 17% pounds of butter a week.
Rain is still hindering the seeding
operations in the eastern part of Mani-
Mr. George E. Hillis was killed at
Courtland by a stick of timber falling on
A nine-year-old son of Mrs. Wm. Brad-
ley, Merritton, fell into the old canal and
was drowned before assistance arived.
Mr. Win. Gerry was elected to fill the
vacancy in the City Council caused by the
death of Ald. John Marshall, London.
A memorial to Jessie Keith, who was
murdered by Chattelle, will be publicly
erected in Fairview cemetery, at Listowel,
May 24th.
The 7th Fusiliers of London have de-
cided not to go to Hamilton to partici-
pate in the Queen's Birthday military
Itis not the intention of the Hamilton
Rural Deanery to seek to annul the elec-
tion of Canon DuMoulin as Bishop of the
Diocese of Niagara
Two men, named James Merner and
William Kennedy, were drowned in the
harbor at Port Burwell, Ont., while
boating on Saturday.
In a serious fire at Sarnia the King
Milling Company's premises and the
Lougheed hub and spoke works were
destroyed, entailing a loss of $70,000.
Dr. J. G. McPherson's suspicions that
an Eglinton cow was afflicted with
tuberculosis were verified when the re-
mains of the animal were examined.
The local Ministerial Association has
compromised with the lodges regarding
Sunday church parades, which hereafter
are not to take place before 4.30 p.m.
Michael Horn and Mark Tompkins,
convicted of waylaying and robbing
Tuckett's cashier in Hamilton, were each
sentenced to twelve years in the peni-
In addressing the Presbyterian Synod,
in session at Collingwood, Rev. Dr.
Robertson, moderator of the General
Assembly, strongly condemned the aotion
of the Government anent remedial
Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, president of
the Grand Trunk railway, in an interview
in Montreal, said that he was not aware
that Mr. Hays, the general manager, had
replaced English and Canadians by
The seventeenth annual meeting of the
Quebec branch of the Dominion Alliance
will be held in Montreal on the 26th.
inst., when the line of action required by
the recent decision of the Privy Council
will be uecided.
The population of Orangeville is 3,775.
The town's total assessment of real and
personal property and income is $803,060,
to which must be added a non-resident
assessment of $1,860, making a grand
total of $804,920.
On Saturday morning the dwelling of
Mr. Michael Harvey, about a quarter of
a mile north of Blackwater, Ont., was
burned to the ground, with all the con-
tents. Two girls, aged six and eleven,
were burned to death,
At the meeting of the National Coun-
cil of Women in Montreal a resolution
was passed calling attention to the great
want of medical men in the Northwest,
and the consequent suffering, particu-
larly to women and children.
Peterborough, Ont., was visited by a
most disastrous fire Thursday, destroying
a flour mill belonging to the Auburn
Milling Co., the old Hillyard storehouse,
some offices and dwelling -houses. The
total damage is estimated at $160,000,
with an insurance of about $65,000.
Chronic Derangement of the Stomach,
Liver and Blood are speedily removed by
the active principle of the ingredients
entering into the composition of Parme,
lee's Vegetable Pills. These Pills act
specifically on the deranged ,prgans,
stimulating to action the dormant
energies of the system, thereby removing
disease and renewing life and vitality to
the afflicted. In this lies the great secret
of the popularity of Parmelee's Pills.
The State Legislature of Ohio has
passed an anti -lynching bill.
In New York there are 280,029 acres of
buckwheat udder cultivation.
Abyssinians have liberated the Italians
who were made prisoners at Agama.
Official reports from Rome deny the
reports that Cardinal Galimberti was
The A.P.A. have declared war on Mr.
McKinley in his candidature for the
Alicetown, Wis., is the only town in
the "United States without one female
The German Government has voted a
credit to fight the cholera epidemic In
waded Matanzas province, and is Awaking
forced marches toward Havana previnoe.
It is likely that Prof. Leydon, of Berlin,
will be called in consultation on the con-
dition and treatment of the Czarowitc
Great damage was done in Quito and
other towns of Ecuador by recent earth-
quakes, which destroyed the city of Puerto.
The United States House of Repre-
sentatives has passed a bill for the con-
struction of a bridge across the Niagara
river from Lewiston, N. Y., to Queen -
stop, Ont.
The Spanish press is greatly irritated
over the Cuban aflair,thetone being that
if the United States wants a war she
must have it.
The Sultan's fear of assassination has
led to wholesale arrests of Armenians;
who are being barbarously tortured to*
make them confess.
A Thorndike (Mass.) man has a young
kitten which has two distinct bodies,
eight legs, no tail and a head which
looks strangely human.
The gifts to colleges, churches, librar-
ies and public charities in the. United
States last year amounted to $28,943,549,
against $19,967,116 in 1894.
Rockland, Me., has a woman justice
of the peace, a woman court stenographer,
three women who have made an iron-
clad agreement to wear bloomers.
Work is proceeding day and night at
the ordnance shops in the Washington
navy yard on the guns designed for the
new ships nearing completion.
The Chicago City Railway Company
is preparing to spend $2,000,000 in build-
ing 40 miles of track in the south and
south-western parts of Chicago.
French customs receipts for the first
four months of 1896 show an increase of
Imports to the amount of $83,400,000 and
exports $16,600,000, as compared with
the same period last year.
Two lads, one eighteen and the other
twenty years of age, who were arrested
in Cambridge, Mass., on Thursday night,
have confessed to starting fifty fires dur-
ing the past six months.
At the Electric Exhibition in New
York on Saturday night, Mr. Chauncey `.
Depew sent a message, which passed over
fifteen thousand miles of wires, •and the
reply was received in.four minutes.
The Spanish Minister at Washington
assures Secretary Olney that the proposed
reforms for Cuba will grant that island
a measure of autonomy comparable with
that enjoyed by the Dominion of Canada.
The Anglo -Canadian trade continues
to make gigantic strides. The aggregate
business of the past four months has in-
creased 36 per cent. Imports from Canada
increased 70 per cent., while British im-
ports from all other countries increased
only 9 per cent.
Very many persons die annually from
cholera and kindred summer complaints,
who might have been saved if proper
remedies had been used. If attacked do.
not delay in getting a bottle of D. J. D.
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi-
cine that never fails to effect a cure.
Those who • have used it say it acts
promptly,; and thoroughly subdues sthe
pain and disease.
It is estimated that about two hundred
lives were lost in the recent cyclone in
Experiments made with live guinea -
pigs show that the Roentgen rays destroy
the germs of diphtheria.
Nora Perry ,the authoress and poetess,
died on Wednesday at Dudley, Mass. She
was fifty-five years of age.
It is rumored in Suakim that the
Khalifa is dead, but no confirmation of
the report can no obtained.
Annie Dyer, the London infanticide,
has been declared insane by an expert
from the Imperial Home Office.
The despatch of Indian troops to gar-
rison Suakim has given great satisfaction.
and confidence to the natives.
Scott Jackson was found guilty of the
murder of Pearl Bryan and sentenced
to death. There was a motion for a new
The young Duchess of Marlborough
will be presented at the next drawing -
room, which will be held by the Princess
of Wales.
The will of the late Bishop Ryan was
probated in Buffalo. It leaves to the
Church his entire estate, valued at
Chicago real estate and securities Val-
ued at $215,000 has been presented to the
Northwestern University by Win. Deering,
of Evanston.
The Emperor of Germany has given
great offence to the clerical party by de-
claring that clergymen have no right to
interfere in politics.
Prof. Langley, of the Smithsonian
Institute, Washingtc•n, has invented a fly-
ing machine, which has been pronounced
a remarkable success.
The Anglo-Egyptian expedition up the
Nile is proceeding without the slightest
hitch, and the dervishes appear to be
temporarily demoralized.
The Duke and Duchess of York, from
Copenhagen, and the Princess of Wales
and her daughters. from the south of
Europe, have returned to London.
Mr. Rudyard Kipling, owing to the
threats of his brother-in-law, Beatty S.
Balestier, to kill hind, announces his in-
tention pf leaving the United. States.
Bishop William Lawrence, of the
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, has
suspended the Rev. R. Fuller, of Malden,
for remarrying after obtaining a divorce.
The quintuples born iu Mayfield, Ky.,.
April 29, are all dead. The doctors
think their death may be the result of
worry, caused by the enormous visiting
The United States Government has
issued a permit to the North American
Commercial Company to take thirty
thousand male seals this season. They
were allowed to take' only fifteenthous-
and last year. •.
President Kruger expresses . himself
satisfied with the promise of Mn Cham-
berlain that there will be a full parlia-
mentary enquiryinto the conduct of Mr.
Cecil Rhodes and the action of the Chart-
ered South African company.
It is rumored that, President Cleveland
will involve the United States in war
with Spain as soon as congress adjourns,
that Cuba will be liberated, and Mr:
Clevelandwill float on the wave of popu-
lar approval to the White House for an-
other term.
Mr. Curzon stated in the House of
Commons that the British Vice -Consul
at Boma hasbeen instructed to lodge an
appeal against the acquittal of Capt
Lothaire, the Belgian officer who was re-
cently tried for hanging Stokes, an Eng-
lish trader of the Congo Free State.,;.
Heart Disease, Exiled --Over Fifty Mem-
be rs
ein-beesof tb,e.House of Commons Tell of.
the Virtues of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
The name of Dr. Agnew is one that
deserves to rank with. Jenner, Pasteur
and Roentgen in the good done human-
ity, Dreaded as it is by everyone, heart
disease has no terrors where Dr. Agnew's
Cure has become known. Mrs. Road-
house, of Wiilsoroft, Ont has : said:
"Gold sweats would stand out' in . great
beads upon my face, so intense were the
attacks of heart disease. I tried ,many
remedies but my life seemed fated until
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart became
known to me and to day I know nothing
of the terrors of this trouble." It relieves
instantly and saves many lives daily.
It has been said that everyone in Can-
ada suffers to some extent from catarrh.
Whether the trouble is in the air, or where,
it is a satisfaction to know that in Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the medi •
cine that gives relief in ten minutes and
has cured some of the worst cases where
deafness and other troubles have followed
the disease. George E. Casey, Michael
Adams, Donald W. Davis, A. Fairbairn,
C. F. Ferguson, W. H. Bennett and, all
told, some fifty members of the House of
Commons have borne testimony to the
effectiveness of this remedy.
Ask your druggist for Agnew's mine
dies and see that you get them and not
worthless imitations.
Courting Among the Boers.
Courting among the Boers is a novel
proceeding. A young man, having, of
course; asked permission of his father to
court the hand and heart of some neigh-
boring damsel—by neighboring I mean
anything within fifty miles—proceeds to
purchase the most loudly colored and
decorated saddle cloth for his horse that
he can possibly find. He will spend large
sums on this article of equine adornment,
and one knowing the country can never
mistake a young Boer going out court-
ing. Mounted on his most spirited steed,
he approaches the house of his lady love.
Unlike the youth of more civilized life,
he avoids the lady and seeks her father,
from whom he reverently asks permis-
sion to court his daughter. The old man
returns no answer, but consults his vrou,
and the youth joins the young folk.
No more notice is taken of him during
the day, but if his request be agreeable
to the parent, when the hour for retiring
comes, the mother solemnly approaches
the young man and maiden, with a long
tallow candle in her hand. This she
places on the table, lights, and, bidding
the couple au affectionate good night she
retires. This is the silent signal to the
lover that his suit is successful. The
young couple are permitted to sit pp to-
gether in the kitchen so longus the can-
dle lasts, when the lady retires to the one
dormitory of herself and her sisters, and
the youth shares the bed of the brothers
or male portion of the family.—Forum.
She Wanted Her Gloves.
The returned Califorinan sat in the
patter awaiting the coming down of his
old sweetheart, who was upstairs dressing
to go out when he called.
When she descended, she advanced
eagerly to meet him while her color began
to rise.
After shaking hands with him she said
to a girl who was busy about the room:
"Mollie, I've left my kids upstairs.
Please go and fetch them."
`"Great heavens!" exclaimed the re-
turned lover, "I didnt know you were
even married, Johanna, let alone having
kids."—Boston Courier.
Why Don't Ton?
Why don't you make up your mind,
once and for all, to get cured of the drink
disease? There -is no hardship in spend-
ing a month or five weeks with agree-
able companions, at a beautiful spot like
Lakehurst, surrounded by everything to
make life pleasant; and there is no
more disgrace in going to the Lakehurst
Institute for scientific treatment, than
there is in going to a hospital. Do not,
however. associate Lakehurst with the
idea of a hospital or an asylum. It is an
ideal private residence, where the click
of billiard balls, the chink of quoits,
the merry laugh and song, and the quick
activestep which may be heard and seen
at all_ times, are suggestive of the.bright,
new life that many have found there. For
full particulars address, The Manager,
Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, Ont.
Rorty (coldly)—I see you've got my
umbrella that I lent you about six
months ago, and I'll thank you to return
Cole—Certainly not; it's more mine
than yours now.
Horty (indignantly) -What do you
mean, sir?
Cole—Why, I've had it re-covered, and
several new ribs put in!
Luows trYkes oJ
FICA x J. Cin CoNEY rx maath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of N . J . Cuomo( &
doing business hi the City of Toledo, (!oui,ty
and State aforesaid and that the said lion will
pay toe. sum . f UNL HUNDRED DOL(, AILS
fur each and every case of Catarrh that ennnot.
be cured by the use of HALL'S 11A'rAn}H CunE.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
l,resenee,this 6th day of December. A.D., 1886.
seat. A. W. Notary Public.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and nets
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system., seed for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 75e:
'Keeping Track of Them.
Elder Berry-Joblots offers to subscribe
towards the new church hells, under cer-
tain conditions.
Dr. Thirdly -What?
Elder Berry -He wants to put them on
the members.
She Took. Him Down.
Marlow -Milson is a gruff old fellow,
but I saw a woman take him down nicely
curing one of his fiery speeches yesterday.
Marlow — -'es; she was his steno-
grapher, you know.
;ZECIPE—Dri:ornk MakinatSmagll aCost. Delicious Health
Adam float Beer Extract...One Bottle
1 u,schmann's Yeast.......11alf a Cake
Sui;ar; Two Pounds
Lu.cewarm Water Two Gallons.
Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add the
etra.ct, and bottle. putin swarm place for twenty
four hours until it ferments. then place on ice when
it will open sratrkling and delicious. •
can be obtained in all drugand o- hu root beer o gr
c cry stores in to ands5 cent bottles to make two and
!CYO; S.
A Higher. Grade Bicycle it
is impossible to produce.
A Number of bargains in second-hand wheels.
GR1BBLE 1i, r; °NAB
Send for Catalogue.
Ray 'Coates and Mrs. Lawrence, under
arrest for murder in Holland, Mioh.,;
were recently married and have since
lived as husband and wife,. although
they are brother and sister. And yet
America is•sending missionaries to the
South Sea Islands.
FITS.—All fits stopped free and permanent-
ly cured. No fits after first- day's use of Dr.
Mine's Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2
trial bottle sent through Canadian Agency.
Address Dr. Kline, 981 Arch St., Philadelphia,
Unkind of Him.
"Was the meeting a success, brother ?"
asked the passenger withthe bargain -
counter necktie.
"Not folly," said the passenger in the
long coat, sadly. "The horrible example NOTHING- LIKE IT.
disappointed us by appearing in a con-
dition of perfect sobriety."
Problem of Age.
Teacher—Now, here is an example in
Mental arithmetio. How old would a
person be to day who was born in 1S6S?
Tommy -Please, mum, was it a roan
or a woman?
Where Re Put Up.
"Do you know where our bill -poster is
to be found?" asked the theatrical
"No," replied one of the boys, "but I
know where he puts up."
"Where is it?"
"On the fence," gayly rejoined the
youth, as he neatly dodged a package of
Matinee tickets,
As Parmelee's Vegetable Pills contain.
Mandrake and Dandelion, they cure Liver
and Kidhey Complaints with unerring
certainty. They also contain Roots and
Herbs which have specific virtues truly
wonderful in their action on the stomach
and bowels. Mr. E. A. Cairnoross,Shake-
speare, writes: "I consider Parmelee's
Pills an excellent remedy for Biliousness
and Derangement of the Liver, having
used them myself for some time."
She Will Util,ize'Em.
When Gracie's bloomers shrank from,
a shower that they drank did she give
'em to her little brother? Nit. For down
at Coney Isle, where she sports so free
from guile, as a bathing suit they'll be
a perfect fit.
Who Envies the Travellers?
The commercial traveller is always ex-
pected to be something of "a gay dog,"
with a ready smile for old jokes and
bright new stories to give in return. Yet
there is much that is wearing ina life
filled with long drives through rain or
sleet, dreary waits for trains, sleeping in
cold rooms and other hardships. One
of these "gay dogs" has founi the secret
of being always ready for any weather
by getting a Fibre Chamois lined ulster.
On windy or rainy drives it protects per-
fectly from the cold and wet; for walking
on milder days it is too light to be a
burden; when sleeping in cold rooms he
throws it over him, enjoying its comfort
ing warmth—in fact he finds it invalu-
A Perfect Justification.
Jugde Quick—What's the charge?
Officer—Drunk and disord—
Prisoner—Please, your honor, I just
got into the city last night for the first
time in a year. I've been living in Phila-
Judge Quick—'Nuf said—discharged.
Still Another Triumph—M. Thomas S.
Bullen, Sunderland, writes: "For four-
teen years I was afflicted with Piles;
and frequently I was unable to walk or
sit, but four years ago I was cured by
using Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. I have
also been subject to Quinsy for over forty
years, but Eclectrio Oil cured it, and it
was a permanent cure in both cases, as
neither the Piles nor Quinsy have
troubled me since"
A Description to Fit.
"They toll me she is a lightning
change artist"
"I guess that's right. She has been
married and divorced three times, and
she's only twenty-two years old now."—
Chicago Post.
Where He Drew the Line.
Mazley—Wasn't that a dirty mean trick
that Bloozin played on me yesterday?
Duzley—Mean! Why, I wouldn't play
'a trick likd that on my own brother.—
Roxbury Gazette.
Aaaessmenr System Mutual Print.inir.,
Edw. B. Harper
Fred. A. Burn-
15 Years Com-
The Largest
Sold Only in Lead Packets
LAW, Solieitor in Supreme Court of Can
hda. Money to loan, Offices -2s-80 Toronto
'street, Toronto.
commission ; good agents can secure a
`y)ermanent position• Send stamp for ,arti••u-
7aas. No 'instals. Address TIT••iE-ORE DLc-
POT, Turontu.
too poor to use
No man wealthy
enough to buy
We are the only house in Canada de-
voted exclusively to the mail order'busi-
ness. If You send us your name and
address we will mail you Free of Charge
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Wholesale Grocers, 57 Front street, E,
Two Schools Under One management.
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Unquestionably •toe leading C •mmorcial
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enter at any time, Wrl,e to either sellout for
circulars acid mention this Fa e'.
SfiAiV & ELLIOT0, Principals.
T. N. U.
In the World.
$69,000,000 of New Business in 1895.
$308,660,000 of Business in Force.
$4,084,075 Death Claims Paid in 1895.
$25,000,000 Death Claims Paid Since Business
1895 shows an increase in Gross Assets, Net
Surplus, Income and Business in Force.
tilOver 105,800 members interested.
W. J. Mob}URTRY, i'anager for, Ontario,
Freehold Loan Building, Toronto, Ont.
A. R. MoNIC11OL, Manager for Manitoba,
British Columbia and North- West Territor, es,
McIntyre Block. Winnipeg,Man.; D. Z. BE-
SETTE, Manager for Quebec, 2 Place. d Armes,
Montreal, Que.; COL.JAMES DOMVILLE,.
Manager for New Brunswick, St. John, N. 8.;
W. J. MURRAY, Manager for Nova Scotia,
lfalifax, N. S.
IS THE PLACE TO ATTEND if you want either ■
Business Education or a course in Shorthand.
Handsome Annual Announcement free. Address..
C. A. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound, Ont
Type, Presses, Inks, Ready -Print
Newspapers, Stereotype Matter,itleetro-
yypp�g,�,g'onggiiePBFOUND 'Toronto and TORONTO
Ore of Life
1Fourid at Last
Vitra-Oro is very properly called Ore ,of
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This ore makes an elixir which is Nature's
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It will reach the nidus of human diseases when
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por part la the lob
Send for glob.
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