HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-5-21, Page 57,41 or is 1p, r rn -a of 'al of pa ed �n. ore; Auld can e. you. tars )wn atm all a£ic int:, any one ni 'E. in :est ;ht. )th• ilk. ord rge ary deAP the hat )est the ng', for the the uta re - It ita- Ind ds n )ia • ren id " THE exam burirati , Ia published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. -By the- • ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, `" TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 81.50 if not so paid: .n.derertisixeg. Rates on .23.)p pace,. No paper discontinued until all arre a rat ge s are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneY ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subseriptions,etc.to be made payable to Clias. T[. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. sere. H ITINSMAN,L.D.S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday of each month DR. D. ALTON ANDTRSON,(D.D.S.,L,D.S•,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted withoutain. A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot ez Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. Medi cal DR. G. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA has moved. one door south. Drs. T A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. 1J Residenees, sauce as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door, Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, Al, D DR,T. P. MCLAU&FILIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Veterinary. 'iXTTLLIAM SWEET, VETER- �r viTTL Surgeon. Graduate To- ronto Veterinary College, Office and residence at the old stand,' one block East E. T. Spackman's Store. Dehorning a pecialty. ,. Legal. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neii's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LH. DICKSON,BARRIST ER, SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, ere. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter 11LLIOT&ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., L Conveyancing, and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Hensall every Thursday. B. V. ELLIOT. FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers HBROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- son bale.Salesarranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. JOHN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, CI Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stock sales, Charges moderate. Parties eontem plating having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders left at the Anvoceire Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. SurveyorN, FRED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter. Ont. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agents Main. St. Exeter The Same Old Story. Every week we continue to tell you the same old story of the ex- cellence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps -we have been been telling it for a long time -but a good story will bear constant re -telling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally "Cut" Euery Garment that's made up at this establish- ment -as well as fit it and all the dethils. This is the only ONE reason why our prices are moder- ate. Don't Catch Cold. Winter is here and you want to keep warm. We shall be pleased to show you -yes make you -one of onr "swell" and durable overcoats. Each coat a fit Each coat a daisy- BERT. aisy BERT. IIIIIO11T. One North Door of Browning's drub store. lI3BELI\F THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will tura you Ask your Druggist for Mabeline MABELINE is a positive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to en um orate them here. It is the general cus- tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertisin g medium. with a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms and forms of disease, scien tiffical- ly, and in such a way as to involve the read- er in a maze of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. If you are sick it is presumed that you know oft he fact and can form come idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- vise youenerally. MABILINE is vegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with perfect safety. MABELINE is placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the diseased parts. , Full directions,how to apply yon every box: Send Sl for one month's treatment. 24 capsules.in a box, Why pay three dollars for any other remedy when you can buy Mabeline for one dollar? Address all communications to THE SALUFINE CO. Box 230, Windsor; Ont. Itching If there is one thing more than another which gratifies us, it is the great: volume of hearty thanks which come from grateful parents for the cures Hood's Sarsaparilla has effected Upon their children. The agony of despair turns to unspeakable joy as mothers and fathers see dreadful sores and eruptions gradually yield to the potent purifying power of this great medicine, and. bright boys and girls given perfect health. Read this: "When my baby was four weeks old, scrofulous eczema broke out on his body. He became literally covered with ores When six months old the breaking out healed on his body, but his head, face and arms were a terrible sight. I passed many sleepless nights holding his little hands to keep him from scratching his face. I cannot tell what he suffered with the sores. One doctor attended him a year without avail. No one thought he would ever get well. He, was almost a "year old when I commenced to give him Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. He soon grow so much better that I was able to rest at night. Gradually the sores on his head and arms •healed, the burning and itching ceased, and he slept better. In 2 months he looked like an- other child, gained strength, was cured. I recommend all persons afflicted with eczema or any skin disease to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I feel assured that it will do wonders for others. I cannot praise it too highly for what it has done for my 0 O • poor little sufferer. It is hard to believe he is the same child, he is now such a big, hearty, fat boy, a very picture of health. If more people would giveliood's Sarsaparilla to their children, there would not be so many poor, delicate little ones." MRS. AGNES C. BAILEY, Box 91, McVey - town, Pennsylvania. This and other similar cures prove that Ho Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hoot's. It is prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. cure all Liver Ills and Hood's Pills Sick Headache. 25 cents. DOCTORS KENNEDY&KERGAN Specialists in the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Sexual and Private Diseases 17 Year: in DDTROf'I MAI Cured YOUNG MAN You are nervous and despondent; weak and debilitated; tired inormnge; no ambition; lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued; excitable; eyes sunken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams andnightlosses; drains at stool; oozing on excitement; haggard looking; weak back; bone pains; ulcers; hair loose; sore throat; varicocele; want of confidence; impo- tener; lack of energy and YauNIlk IMP strength. MARRIAGE A D R I p f+ E This important step in 111RIlIl NUL life should never be taken until you are positively cured if you have been weakened or diseased. Remember "Like father, like son." Emiss- ions, varicocele, spermatorrhoea and syphilis endanger happiness in married life. Our New Method cures them per- manently. If you are Married consult us at once, as we can restore your strength, vital energy and desires. If you wish to Marry, our advice may be worth a fortune to you. Don't Let Yoar 'ifs be Drained Away; The New Method Traatment'tem 5y d tom and New Method was discovered by us several years ago. It builds up and strengthens the nervous system; restores lo -t vitality to the sexual organs; stops all drains and lovers; invigorates and restores lost man- hood. It never fails in curing the results of Self Abuse, Later Excesses. Blood Dis- eases, or the effects of a Misspent Life. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY What we Treat and Cure ! Emisslons,Varicocele,Syphi- 1 l s.N ervousoeb it lty,Stricture, Gleet, Impotency, Unnatural L) Is c h ar ge s. LostM an h cod, K l d- ney and BladderDlseas• s.Con- sultati on Free. Books (illustrated) Free. Write for Question Blank for Home Treatment. Everything Con- fidential. Plain envelopes. Nothing sent C. O. D. See testimonials next week. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN 1 A3..B Shelby St.. Detroit, Mich. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel $0.72 to 74 Barley 28 to 30 Oats 20 to 21 Peas 48 to 50 Butter 12 to 13 Eggs 8 to 9 Potatoes per bag ee Onions ..... ..... .......... ..r...-... 40 to 43 Hay per ton 0.0 to 10.00 EN iFl SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To corroet Irreatibcity and win acess, keop ills organs w hen i tlly cm,ditlun. 'Tao Waders aro Lite savors' to }wog women, std gro'etul devolnpm+:nt, prnvldn pa in. brsnd, MI in oris. soil tI,nm t tint broad. ° A Il dru •gists and 1 tUnm et 01 Dir box. No butter rswudyforwort= Ictowu. Mrs. Alex. McKay. of the 11th lith' of Hast Zof ra, aged 90, fell alid orotic her thigh bone the other day. 'rho re- sults may be serious. LATEST MARKET REPORTS. LIVE STOCK MARKET. • Toronto, May 18. The offerings included 1,300 hogs, 100 sheep and lambs and .100. Calves. .Hogs held their own. Buying of cattle for Montreal was only slow. Export cattle -Offerings • were free and buying was somewhat limited as soon as the deinand for France and :I3e/glum was supplied. Prices paid to -day as a general rule ranged about Xe lower than on last Tuesday. From 3% to 40 per lb was the run for loads of good cattle. Butchers' cattle -This market was very slow. Nothing went over 8yic per ib, and that was paid very seldom. The ruling figures were from 2X to 2%c per lb for loads of good catite, and 3c per lb for choice. In the present state of the market cattle are not wanted. - Stockers and Feeders -There is a very slow sale for light stockers, quotations for them ruling nominal at from 2.% to 2c per lb. Choice half fat feeders are wanted at from 3 to 3%p per lb. Sheep and lambs -The market was fully. supplied to -day and prices . were low. Good grain -fed yearlings, with the wool on, were quoted at from 4% to 5e per lb, and found • slow sale. Spring lambs were. in lighter supply, there be- ing only 40 head on the market. These ruled at from $3 to $4 per bead. No more tare wanted for some days. Good sheep sold at 3 to 3%c per lb, with a slightly unproved demand. • Calves -These are hard to sell at any prices, so that it is useless to send them in for a few days. Far too many are in the market. Prices are a little better. ruling at from $2 to $4.50 per head, Quite a few were left over. Hogs -Although offerings were fairly heavy to -day the market held its own. For best selections of bacon hogs, weighed off the oars, • 4%c per lb was paid. Thick fat were slow at 3%c per lb. Stores found a steady market at 8%o per lb; sows, 8c per lb; stags and rough hogs, 2c per lb. There were not enough choice bacon hogs to -day to fill the de- mand, so that prices will likely be firm Air a day or two at all events. All kinds are wanted at the quotations given except thick fat hogs. FARMERS' MARKET. Oats are being offered freely. Five loads sold this morning at 25 to 26c, and a Couple of loads of peas went at 55c. A few dressed hogs changed hands at $4.75. About fifteen loads of hay carne in and sold at $12 to $14. ' Wheat -The demand is slow, the offer- ings are fair and the market is about 1c lower for Ontario wheat., with sales of Mixed on the Grand Trunk railway west to -day at 710 and red at 720, and white is offering on the Northern at 73c. Manitoba wheat is dull and the feeling is rather easier in the absence of demand for milling nr for export. No. 1 hard is quoted at 65o asked, (i2c for No. 2 and 590 for No. 3 afloat Fort William May; No 1 hard is quoted at 71c Midland and No, 2 hard at 69c there. Wheat, white, per bash.....$ 78 $ SO Wheat, red, per bush 00 78 Wheat, goose, per bush..,, 55 56 Peas, common, per bush55 56 Oats, per bush-. ..... 24 25 Rye, per bush 4.3 49 Barley, per bush 33 35 Buckwheat 36 40 Ducks, spring, per hair50 90 Chickens, per pair 40 60 Geese, per lb 06 08 Butter, in 1 -lb. rolls 10 13 Eggs, new Mitt 9. 10 Onions, per bush... ,,. 30 30 Turnips, per bag, by load„ 15 20 Potatoes, per bag 20 30 Potatoes, car lots....,. 16 18 Beans, per bush 90 1 00 Beets, per bag 30 35 Carrots, per bag, by load20 25 Parsnips, per bag 40 50 Apples, per bbl 1 75 2 50 Hay, timothy 11 50 14 00 Straw, sheaf , iO 00 11 00 Beef, hinds 07 08 Beef. fores 03 04 Spring lambs, carcase, 3 00 5 00 Veal, per lb 09 10 Mutton, per lb 05' 07 Dressed hogs 4 60 4 75 MONTREAL MARKETS. Grain -There is some export demand for oats, 25Xe being bid for 10,000 bus- hels No. 2 mixed, but holders ask 26e, at which figures business has been done. Business is said to have been worked both for the continent and England. A Glasgow firm is reported to have bid 15c for 50,000 bushels of heavy oats f.o.b.. at Manitoba points. Peas per 60 lbs afloat, 58 to 590; oats, No. 2 white, in store, 28 to 28%c; oats, No. 1, in store, 29%c; rye, No. 2, nominal; barley, feed, 35 to 3Sc; barley, 43 to 51c; buckwheat, per bush, 39 to 40e. Flour -One thousand sacks Manitoba flour were sold to -day on London account. Straight rollers, $3.70 to $3.75; strong bakers', Manitooa, best brands, $3.70 to $3.80; spring patents, Manitoba, $4 to $4.15; winter patents, Ontario, $4 to $4 15. Meal -The market is dull and prices remain unchanged. Rolled, per brl, $$2.95 to $3.05; standard, per brl, $2.90 to $3; standard, per bag, $1.40 to $1.50; granulated, per brl, $2.95 to $3.10; gran- ulated, per bag, $1.45 to $1.50. Cheese -The demand is slow at 7c, for colored and 73c for white. Butter -The market shows no improve- ment. Sales have been made in a job- bing way at 15c and 14?4c seems to be about the range. Townships is quiet at 13 to 14c. Eggs -The market still displays a rather easy tendency, but prices do not show any material change. Sales of fresh at 9% to 9%c and culls at 7%c upwards. Provisions -Canada short out mess, per brl, $13 to $13.50; Canada short cut clear, $12 to $12.50; hams, city cured, per lb, 7M to Sc; bacon, per lb, 9 to 10c lard, pure Canadian, per lb, 7M to 7%0; lard, common refined, per lb, 5X to 6e. BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East Buffalo -Cattle - Receipts, 136 cars through, 2 cars sale; market steady; good stockers, $3.50 to $3.65; Ohio steers of 1,260 lbs, $4; fair to good fat cows, $2.65 to $3.40; veilsdull and lower; good veals, $3.50 to $4; culls to fair, $3 to $3.40. Hogs - Receipts, 21 cars through, 40 cars sale; market active and steady. Yorkers and pigs, $3.60; light mixed, $3.55 to $3.5734; medium heavy, $3.50 to $3.55; extreme heavy, $3.45; roughs, $3 to $8.10; stags. $2.25 to .$2.50. Sheep and lambs - Receipts, 19 cars through, 37 cars sale; 'market opened steady, but weakened by noon; choice to prime handy lambs • sold. early at $5 to $5.10, later at $4.85 to $4.95; fair to good, $4.30,to $4.75; culls and common, $3.25 to $4.15 mixed d r good cod to bhnice , $3.40 to 0.05; culls and common, $2.25 to $8.25; heavy ewes, $2.50 to $3.25. Cattle closed st cadY, all sold. flogs closed firm ; all sold but several Jenks late ar- rivals. Sheep and lambs closed dull and weak for sheep and• handy lambs; few sales good handy wethers, $3.75 to. $3.85; 1 de, k export sheep, $4.12ee. There Are Teo Roads ! One Leads to Misery and Death, the Other to New Life. Paines Celery Compound The Sufferers Hope and Life -Giver. It Always "Maker People Well." USE EVERY PRECAUTION TO AVOID THE SUBSTITUTER, For the Sake of Money -Profit He Would Persuade You to Use Worthless Medicines. There are two roads open to the old and young, rich and poor who are suf- fering from any of the diseases now so prevalent. One leads to misery and death, the other to new life and perfect health. The sick and suffering are fervently praying to be led in the way that guar- antees a new life -the joyous road that leads onward and upward to a wealth of health and harpiness. Let it be distinctly understood that there is but one well -marked course open to all who seek new life; it calls for the use of Paine's Celery Compound a great physician's discovery, prescrib- ed by the best living physicians, and always successful when honestly used It is not a patent medicin; it is not a sarsaparilla; it is not a bitter; or a ner vine; it is as far beyond them all as health surpasses suffering. To the thousands on the broad road of suffering from troubles such as rheu- matism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, indiges tion, constipation, liver and kidney affections, nervousness, heart and blood diseases, we would say, use a few bottles of Paine's Celery Compound faithfully according to directions, It will surely cure you and restore you to your former good health. Remember that delays are danger- ous; the symptoms of to -day may to- morrow result in misery of death. To be well and strong, and able to battle successfully with life's duties, cares and troubles, you must use Paine's Celery Compound, the medicine that has done such marvellous things for thousands in the past. When buying Paine's Celery Corn pound, be careful to avoid the dealer who, for the sake of profit, would have you take a worthless medicine. Keep clear of such merchants and dealers who would deceive you and imperil your life. Mr. A. Budd, of Shanty Bay, Ont., who was quickly and wonderfully cur- ed by Paine's Celery Compound, writes as follows : "For the benefit of sufferers I gladly give my experience with Paine's Cel sly Compound. After suffering from dyspepsia for thirty-five years, and meeting with many failures with other medicines, I decided to use Paine's Cel- ery Compound, having heard of so many cures effected by it. The Com- pound, after I used it for a tune, pro- duced miraculous results and banished my troubles. From a condition of helplessness -be- ing unable to sleep or eat -I now fell well and strong. I am astonished at the results, as my trouble was an old and chronic one.y I have recommended Paine's Celery Compound to some of my neighbors, and in every case it has given satisfaction. I will always strongly recommend its use when I have opportunity." Ninety Per Cent. Of all the people need to take a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla at this reason to prevent that rundown and debilitated 'condition which invites disease. The money invested in half a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla will come back with large returns in the health and vigor of body and strength of nerves. Hood's Pills are easy to buy, easy to take easy to operate. Cure all liver ills. 25c. The Latest News in Brief. The Indian Jacob Hill, charged with manslaughter at Burford has been ledge ed in the county jail at Brantford to await trial. While working with a horse the oth- er day Mr. Hare, con. 12, Bosanquet, was badly injured, the horse jumping on him and breaking his jaw. In a serious fire at Sarnia the King Milling Company's premises and the Longheed hub and spoke works were destroyed, entailing a loss of $70,000. At Washington fire swept a whole block of commercial buildings, opposite the Smithsonian Institution. Four fireman were crushed to death by fall ing walls. A car on the G. T. R. stock train took fire at Delhi Monday, One steer was burned so badly that it had to be killed The other cattle were safely transferred to another car. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. astoria When she was a ' d she cried for C Child, When shehecame Miss, she clungto Casteria When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, lout by a saw at the Doherty Factory, Impoverished blood causes, that tir- ed feeling. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies enriches and vitalizes the blood gives vigor and vitality. The building owned by the Auburn Milling Company, and occupied by 'Messrs, Meldrum & McAllister, Peter koro' was destroyed by fixe. The loss is estimated at $150,000. Clinton: Prank Baer had his hand The following facts are gleaned from the assessment roll of l3russels for 1896 : Real property, $259,140; personal prop erty, $32,005; assessable income, $2,, 800; total income, $293,945; population, 1,153. Walter Maguire, aged 22, son of Thomas Maguire, of the township of Howick, committed suicide on Friday evening by hanging himself in his father's barn. No reason can be as- signed. • Two employes of the Tilsonburg, Lake Erie and Port Burwell Railway - James Werner, and Wm. Kennedy - were accidentally drowned while boat - lag in the harbor at Port Burwell, Cut., on Saturday. Sarnia is to have a city electric rail- way. Workmen commenced laying rails Thursday. The railway wi I ex- tend from Sarnia to Point Edward, and thence to Weesbeach, a summer resort on the shore of Lake Huron. The barn of Alex. Sutherland, Mesa, was struck by lightning on Monday af• ternoon and damaged to the extent of about $10- Mr. Sutherland's son John was about to enter the barn at the time and was knocked down and rendered unconscious for a few moments, Chas. Jones, Stratford, has a cow with a record as a milk producer. She is of Holstein breed, four years old and gives 84 quarts of milk per day. So heavy is the flow of milk that Mr. Jones finds it necessary to milk her three times a day. Who can beat this record ?' Fred Buckrell's boot and shoe store, Florence, was entered by a back win- dow the other morning and some 30 pairs of boots and shoes lifted from the boxes, which were left empty on the floor. Rev. J. E. Holmes' barn was'also visited, and some grain (bagged) and a set of harness taken. Young Mahoney, of Townsend, re- ceived injuries on Thursday in Simcoe which may prove fatal. He was driv- ing a partly broken colt to Simcoe, and when near Jas. Allgie's residence the colt became uncontrollable and kicked and plunged viciously. The young man was thrown from the rig, and struck his head against a post. and then on the stone curbing. He was picked up unconscious, and two very bad gashes were found on his forehead. It is feared that his skull is fractured. While the severe electric storm was passing on Thursday evening, Adrian Moore, of Corinth, was struck with lightning, rendering him unconscious. He and his father were shelling corn, and owing to the heat, the doors were left open. Dr. Shaw was immediately summoned and worked all night try- ing to bring back consciousness, but was unsuccessful. Mr. Geo. Jackson's barns were struck in two different places, One of the bolts entered a pig pen, killing a pig. Luckily neither set fire to the building. About 2 o'clock Saturday morning fire was discovered in the house occu- pied by Mr. Harvey, about a mile north of Blackwater, Ont. The dwelling which was a log one, was completely consumed; along with the contents and two little girls, aged 6 and 11, were burned to death. About 7 o'clock a small heap of charred remains of one child were found, but up to 1 a. m. the other had not been discovered. Mr. Harvey is seriously injured, being cut by glass in forcing through a window, and badly burned. Two other children are badly burned. All their clothing is destroyed, and the family are in a very destitute condition. The fire is supposed to have started from a smudge the fire blowing into a blaze. A. HASTINGS, Proprletor of THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and SHAVING. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty A. HASTINGS, Fanson's Block. Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat We intend keeping the the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers, Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon, and everything usual ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being ono week, (a discount of 55/o will be given , se t u for cash. C. SNELL, - Prop ¥itaIity ��N Geste Failing Sexual Strength in old or young xnentigt be quickly and permeate ntly l'u red by me too, heAiCn- ly'Vigorous state. Sufferers from.... NERVOUS DEBILITY VARICOCELE, RIGHT LOSSES, AND ALL WASTING DISEASES should W2'iib to me fog advice. I have been a close studentler many years of the subject of weakness iaMen,•tio fact is.I was sufferermyself. Too bashfalitoaeit the aid of older men or reputable physicians Iin`Ieo• tigated the subject deeply and discovered a simthe but most remarkably successful remedy that 00m- pletely cured me cud fully enlarged me troth shrunken,stunted condition to central strengthisaiii ,size. I want every young, (gold man to knowabed it. I take a personal interest in such casesand rlt+ one need hesitate to write me as all communicatiolk are held strictly confidential. I send the ree'ipee9 this remedy absolutely free of cost. Do not pett9 off but write me fully at once, you will ulways:bMeeii, the day you did so. Address, THOMAS SLATER, Box 21-72 Shipper of Famous Ealamazoo Celat7, KALAMAZOO. MICH. GIPLEY Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND PICTURE MUMS, S. GIDLE•Y & SON, ODD FELLOW'S 'Dl Bicycles! Bicycles!! Bicyles!il Bicyle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pietist/T. if so, you should seek first a ;gotO wheel. We can furnish you any slava the best wheels, made at lowest price's. Musical. Do you want anything in Vite musical line. We have a choice 4tr of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby CAI riages, etc, etc. Perkins & Martin, CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have nsl Winan's Cough balsam pry nounce it unequalled as remedy for coughs, cold and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition anis cough powders for horsm the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas. Munro Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and ma, ing various diseases. rot sale here, C.. L• U T 79 DruggrL FOR TWENTY-SIX YEAR, 14' i Dial79 Ik t; BAKIC POW ER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE I1il CAIOAD,,..