HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-5-7, Page 5TIIE OZZeter Abluirrate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. --By the— ADVOCATE ---.gythe— ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar par annum if paid in Advance $1.54 if not so paid, 8dsrertisix3.8. Ru.toO Qs% .F.pr,18.ca- tios5 No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without speoifle directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal discountmado for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of ,TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates'. Cheques, m oney ord- ers. &c. for advertising, subscriptions , etc .to be made payable to elms. IT. Sanders, EDITOR ANA PROP Professional Cards. H.KTNShlAN,L,D,S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, =NUB, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday and at Zurich an last Thursday of each month DR.L•D. ALTON ANDERSON, (D.D.S.,.D•S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Office Alli modes of Dentistry up to date. over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central .lie tel—Exotor. :Medical DR, G. SFIOULTS, CENTRALLA has moved ono door south, Drs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS.' ltesiclenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spaebinan,building, li:ruin 3t, Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door. May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D D1:.T. P. IdOLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Phvsiciansand Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeonand Aocouch- cur: Office, Dashwood], Ont. Veterinary. WILLIAM SWEET, VETEIi;-. inary Surgeon. Graduate To- ronto 'Veterinary college. Office and residence at the old stand,' one block East E. J. Spackman's Store. Deliorniug a peoialty. .Leal. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT e OR, Oonveyanoer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan, LH.DIC.HSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Uommiasioner, &c.Money to loan Office—Fanson's Blook,Exoter ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., Conveyancing, and Money to Lean at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Hensall every Thursday. B. 7. ELLIOT. FREGNItIOK ELLIOT _f,.uctio n cern HBROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Meet- . ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- seabed e.Sit lee arranged at Post office, Win- chelsea. TOMS T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stock sales, Charges moderate. Parties contemplating having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. O. Orders left at the ArevacA•rs Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Surveyors. FRED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Ofiiee, Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter, Ont. Insurance. V ELLIOT, iglu St. Insurance Agent, Exeter The Same Old. Story. Every week we continue to tell you the same old story of the ex- ,cellence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps—we have been been telling. it for a long time—but a good story will bear constant re -telling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally "Cut" Every Garment that's made up at this establish- ment—as well as fit .it•and all the details, This is the only ONE reason why our prices are moder- ate. Don't Catch Cold. Winter is here and you want to keep warm. We shall be pleasedto show you—yes make you—one of our "swell" and durable overcoats. Each coat a fit Each coat a daisy fiERTI KNIGHT. One North Door of `Brownings drug store. MAB ELIM d THE ,WOMAN'S FRIEND Has curod others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist for Nlabeline MAB1ILI" E is 'a positive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to. enumerate them here. It is the general cus- tom in describing a remedy to 1111 the ad- ver:tisingmetliumwith a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms and forms of disease, scientiffieal ly, and in such•a way as to involve the read- er in a mane of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. If von are sick it is presumed, that you know oft he fact and can f'onni some idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- ylse you gin orally. MABI;LIN I is vegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can, be used with perfect safety. • MABEIiINE is placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the diseased parts. bull directions, how to apply on every box. Seoul Si for one mon th's treatment it capsules In box. Why pay three dollars for any other remedy when you can buy Mabeltno for one dollar? Address all cum munications to 'THE SALU'1'It 1i CO. Box 230, Windsor, Out, .Worn out, nervous Women, receive criticism Where they should have sympathy. They, cannot help being ,nervous, if their blood is 'impure. When the bloodfails to feed the nerves upon proper nourishment what. can you expect but nervous prostra- tion, debility naldinervous headaches? If the cause is found in impure blood, the ease must be in making the blood pure. This is just what Hood's Sane, - patina does, and it has proved the true nerve tonic because it is the'true blood purifier, and the solace, comfort and defender of thousands of housewives, teachers, clerks and other sufferers of of both, sexes. Joist read this letter: "I think it Is my duty to tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me and my family. Two years ago I was in a weak, nervous condition mid, had dreadful pal-. pitations or jumping of my heart, fol- lowed by sinking spells, which would last for several minutes. Sometimes it would seem as though I would never cone out of them. I was treated by the best physi- cians, but only for a little time did they help me. I seemed to be growing worse instead of better,. I would often seem hungry, but when I ate, no matter how little, it would cause me such misery that I was often wicked enough to wish my- self dead. I had that ir languid, all -gone feeling and suffered aw- ful distress in my stomach, I had given up all hopes of ever being well, when my mother wished me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I consented, to please her, and before I had taken the whole of one bottle I could see I was improving, and soon was indeed very much better. Its effects have been truly wonderful and I hope this letter may be the means of help- ing other suffering men and to try Hood's Saraaparillaand be benefited by it. 'We have used Hood's Pills in our family and find them very excellent, es- pecially for constipation. We give Hood's medicines great praise, and if anyone complains of feeling badly, I say 'You. should take Road's and only Hood's.'" Mits. Krrrxz Small, 326 Dane Street, Wa- terloo, aterloo, Iowa. Remember that 0 0 Sarsaparilla Iathe One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass. the best familycathartle flood°S PilIS and liver stimulant. 26c. DOCTORS Specialists in the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Sexual and P1vate Diseases 17 Years in :00,000 Cured YOUNG AR A N You are nervous and despondent;weak and debilitated; tired mornings; no ambition; lifeless- memory poor; easily fatigued; excitable; eyes eunken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams andnight losses; drains at stool; oozing on excitement; haggard looking; weak back; bone pains; ulcers; hairloose; sore throat; varicocele; want of confidence; impo-s tends; lack of energy and �8�di+Z strength. MARRIAGE Thie important step is life should never be taken until you are positively cured if you have been weakened or diseased. Remember "Like/ather, like son." Emiss- ions, varicocele, rpermatorrheea and syphilis endanger happiness in married life. Our New Method cares them per- manently. it you are Married consult us at once, as we can restore your strength, vital energy and desires. It you wish to Marry, oar advice may be worths fortune to you. Don't bot Your tiro bo Drained Awaf! as Nov Method Treat:out, This and New Method was discovered by us several years ago. It builds up and strengthens the nervous system; restores to=t vitality to the sexual organs; stops all drains and losses; invigorates and restoreslostman- hood. It never fails in curing the results of Self Abuse, Later Excesses. Blood Dis- eases, or the effects of a Misspent Life. nq CURES(GUARANTEED What vie Treat and Cure! Emissions,Varicviceie,Syphi-. t ie,NervousDebtlity,Stelcture, Gleet, Impotency Unnatural ielscharrress,Lostivt'arihood, Kid- ney andBladderDiseas s,Con- sulteticn Free. Books (illustrated) Preis. Write for Q ue sti on 13 I an k for Home Treatment. Everything Con- fidential. Plain envelopes. Nothing sent 0.O. D. See testimonials next week. DRS, KENNEDY & KEGGAN 1410 Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. lei EXETER MARKETS. (Changer] every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel_ < Inn to 74 Barley 85 to 80 Oats 40 to Si Peas Butter 48 to 50 12 to 13 Bgo.s...:- s to 9 Poi'atoes per bag 25 Onions ........ .... ... 40 to 45 Hay, per ton t'.0`l to 7.0,00 The hour for closing bars in Wood' stock has been changed from 930 to 1.0 p In, When Baby was eiclr, two gave her CastOrla. When she was is Child, she cried for Castorin. When sho became Miss, she clung to Cnstoru. When she had Children, she i;avothem C'ssta Ia, err LA TE+:ST MARKET REP ORTS.,. PRODUCE. Toronto, May 5, ,1896. Eggs—The market holds unaltered and about steady at yesterday's, prices. Deal- ers who are pickling stooks are not anxi- ous sellers at the ruling figure, 10c, The receipts continue liberal, and the demand very active. Poultry—As before, and. very little moving. Prices are nominal. Turkeys are. quoted at 0 to 12c per lb; geese,: 7 to Sc per lb; chickens, 80 to 100o per pair; a.bd ducks, 60 to 8Oc per pair. Potatoes—Still. dull and an easier feel- ing on prices. Car lots on traele are worth about 17 to 20e, and farmers' loads about 20 to 220. , Apples—Market somewhat on the easy side. Evaporated :are in fairly good de- mand at about 5/ to 5%o. Dried are very little enquired for, prices ranging from 834 to 40. Beans—Movement slow and values easy. Small lots of handl-picked beans are selling at about 90e to $1. Ordinary lots are worth only born 65 to 770c., Rand -pinked• can be bought outside at' 75. to 80c, delivered here, and ordinary at Co. Maple Syrup—Free delivery and active demand for immediate consumption. Five gallon tins sell at 75c per imperial gallon; gallon tins at 80e, and half -gallon tins at 45c. Honey—Dull.` Five and ten -pound tine are sold at ea to lo per pound, 6 -pound tins at 9 to 9%o; sections are quoted at $1.80 to :11.90 per dozen fbr clover, and 8 to 0c for clark, according to size. Hops—No. 1, 1895's, can by purchased at 9 to 10o, and inferior samples at from 5 to 7o.Baled Hay—Rather - easy and the market quieter.' Npthing but No. 1 Quebec clay is wanted here, and on track is now' quoted, in car lots, at $14 to $14.50. Straw-Unehauged, Car lots ou track are quoted at $8.25 to $8.50. DAIRY PRODUCE. • Butter—No change or improvement in the- market. Receipts are large daily, and prices keep easing off. Large lots of creamery butter sold to -day as low as 16o, There is a good active demand at the ruling quotations, which are as follows: Dairy tubs. 'fresh and choice, 12 to 140; medium tubs, 8 to 9c; low grade, 7 to tie; choice largo rolls, 12 to 130; pound prints, 14 to 15c ; creamery, fresh made tubs, 16 to 17c; pound prints, 16 to 180. Cheese—Market dull and in poor con- dition. Small lots, summer makes, are quoted at 8c; full cream Septembers and Octobers, 83>e; and small Canadian Stil- tons at 9 to 934e, Wheat, white, perbush$ 78 $ Wheat, red, per bush 00 Wheat, goose, per bush:60 Peas, common, per bush,52 Oats, per bush 28 Rye, per bush 58 Barley, per bush....,33 Buckwheat 36 Ducks, spring, per pair.,.. 50 Chickens, per pair 40 Geese, per lb 00 Butter, in lab. rolls 13 Eggs, new laid- 10 Onions, per bush: 30 Turnips, per bag, by load.. 15 Potatoes, per bag . ...........25 Potatoes, car lots 16 Beaus, per bush 1 10 Beets, per bag .. 30 Carroty;, per bag, by load 20 Parsnips, per bug. 40 Apples, per ibl..,......... 1 73 Hay, timothy 15 00 Straw sheaf. 73 00 BeeL funds Beef. loves Spring lambs, Veal, per 11) Mutton, per lb Dressed hogs carcase, .: ea 4 00 07 05 4 60 LIVE STOCH MARKETS. 80 73 81 53 29 60 84 89 90 60 11. 30 20 30 18 1 20 25 35 50 2 50 16 00 15 00 07 03 5 00 08 07 4 75 There were on sale at the Western cat- tle yards' this morning a total of 61 loads, including 2,000 hogs, about sixty sheep and lambs, 100 calves, and 20 milkers. The market for cattle was much better. The export trade has com- menced, and this together with an im- provement at Montreal yesterday,had considerable effect on our trade to -day. The price for shipping cattle rules low at present, ranging from 3% to 43*c per pound, and it may be as well to remark that, as far as we can at present per- oeive, this season will be one of pheno- menally low prices in the cattle trade. Among the sales were these: A lot of 13 shipping cattle, averaging 1,800 lbs, sold. at 3%c per pound; 17, averaging 1,828 lbs, sold at 4%e per pound;, a load, averaging 1,100 lbs, sold at 3%c; and several loads, averaging from 1,100 to 1,300 lbs, sold at from 3% to 4eaC, the latter figure being the outside price for export cattle here at present. In butch- ers' cattle the trade was lively;. one load, averaging 1,050 lbs, sold at 2%c; a couple of loads, averaging 1,075 lbs; sold at 3eac; a load, averaging 1,000 lbs, sold at 334c; 19 cattle,aggregating 18,140 lbs, sold at $2.80 per 100 lbs; a load, avearging 960 lbs sold at 3c, and $6 back; a , load, averaging 1,050 lbs, sold at $3.15 pert100 lbs; and a load of 23, averaging 1,050 lbs sold at Be per pound and $7 added. For any kind of good cat- tle prices were much firmer, and a frac- tion higher, to -day, and about all the cattle had sold by noon. Good grain -fed yearlings are wanted at from 4% to 5% per pound. Sheep are hi better request, at from 8 to 8eac per pound. Spring lambs were in light 'simply this morning, and a few more are wanted at from $3 to $4 each. Hogs woe', easier to -clay, and while 4o was paid fo• prime bacon hogs, 3%o is all that hoick fat will• bring, as these were too plentiful to -day ; stores are worth 3g per pound; sows, 3c; and stags, tc per pound. All grades will sell within these figures. • BUSINESS IN MG.:WHEAL. ,Grain quiet; peas,. 58 to 59c; No, 2 oats, 28aa to • 2S%c; buckwheat, 38 to 40c; IIlanitoba millers reported a good demand from country points for spring wheat patents; straight 'roller, $3:75 to $8.80; do., do.., bags $1.75 to,$1.80; extra bags, $1.55 to $1.65; Manitoba strong bakers, 88.75; rolled oats in car lots are offering at $2.75 in bags, anti SN . S5 in barrels. The market for bran and shorts was easier. Bran, $14; shorts, $15. Pork on spot continues. slow. A fair trade is reported in smoked meats at steady figures. Canadian short cut clear, 812.50 o $13; do., do., mass, $13 to $18.50; hams, City cured, per lb., 7% to 034c; bacon, per lb, S% to O3o; lard, common refined, per lb., 6%o. Cheese, without feature. The butter market continues easy, andit does not look as though there won1cl be any improvement until grass butter is on t'hn market. Further offers were made to -day of 1434c. Tine egg, market .was easier, fair-sized lots 1I%e, and sniall quantities 10c, Maple syrup steady; 43G to 5c in wood, and at 50 to 55c per tin; sugar slow, 7 to 7%9 lien lb. 4 i tJU GUilt aine's Celery Compound Gives the Strong Nerves, Pure Blood and Healthy' Bodies. IT,. PLANTS THE FEET OF THE YOUNG ON THE SURE ROCK OF HEALTH. It is now an established fact that the majority of boys and girls who are ail- ing and sickly, suffer from a weakened condition of the nervous system, It should be remembered, that a boy's or girl's nervous system is exceedingly delicate, sensitive, and very easily de- ranged. When the young people are nervous, irritable, do not sleep well, have headache, variable appetite, sal- lowness of skin, and eruption on face, be ussured the blood is ,disordered and the nervous force weak. When your children, show signs of any of the above-mentioned troubles, give them Paine's Cele,y Compound, as there is no other medicine,. so well adapted for' their peculiar ailments. It will soon banish every symtom of dig. ease, give natural appetite, sweet sleep and clear, healthy complexions. From every part of our Dominion, fathers and mothers have sent in thankful and grateful letters testifying in unmistakable language that their children were saved from disease by Paine's Celery Compound. Many cases are on record of young people snatched from the grave, whom the physicians had given up an incurable. Dr. Phelps, upon whom colleges con- ferred their highest honors for his deep and valuable investigation in medi- cine, knew from ripe experience that his wonderful prescriptions, Paine's Celery Compound was just suited for the needs of all little sufferers. " Now is the time to build up the little ones in health, so that they will be able to bear up against the hot weather when it comes. To accomplish this de sireable and necessary work, 'Paine's 'Celery Compound is the only safe, sure and certain agent. Murderer Holmes' last application for a. respite was refused by Governor Hastings, Levi Keoch, of North Easthope, was fined for desecrating the Lord's Day by making maple syrup. ' While Mr. T. H. Hayhurst was sing- ing a solo in an opera rerfortnanee at the Grand Opera House, in Hamilton, a woman pointed an empty revolver at him and snapped the trigger. At Cincinnati a five storey brick structure filled with people completely collapsed and fell, burying the unfor tunate inmates beneath its ruins. How many were killed is not yet known. Assessor Broderick, of Mitchell, has completed his work,. The total real property in town is valued . at $594,- 153; personal, $64,750; income, $5,200. "Che population is given at 2,152, being a slight gain over last year. George Mitchell, a Chatham music teacher, was convicted Monday of the larceny of $2 from a little girl, to whom he gave the wrong change after her purchase of a package of needles. Sent• once was reserved. The prisoner ad- mitted that while in jail he had broken up a bench in order to keep warm. The marl bed of the 14th concession of Elma is now the all -absorbing ques- tiou iu that district- It is situated about six miles west of Milverton. If any- thing should be the outcome of the find Milverton would certainly be the outlet. It is hoped that parties owning the land will tot hold it too high and thus block the enterprise. Jas, Moore, a trapper and hunter liv' ing at Bar Point, committed a murder- ous'assault upon Peter Deneau of Am- hurstburg, at the latter place on Tues- day 'night. He is at large, and the au thorities are searching for him. Moore charged Deneau with informing on him for violating the game laws• Deneau received a scalp wound seven inches long and other injuries, and he is iu a critical condition, • Linen grenadine is a material of ve> loose weave, and is shown in brawn and wood tones. It found chiefly at the linen stores and comes in plain, dotted and striped designs. A waist of soft black silk seen recently was made in a blouse effect, with violet. veli et chour or rosettes set in irregular fashion about in its fullness. The collar wag of silk, with violet rosettes. "Angel" sleeves aro shown on the. tea gowns, those of a cobwebby net with an appli jue border being very fleecy and halo-like. They (the sleeves), are very long, with wide, fan points, and are most graceful and effective. LIVE STOCK NOTES - In country stables there is no. excuse for foul odors. Whatever you' would like a pig to be you can have by selecting a boar that is a pattern of what you want. When horses are kept in dark stables and brought out into the sunlight, the eyes are in great danger of injury. The temperature of a stable should neves go below the freezing point. The proper temperate= is about sixty degrees. Solitary confinement in a dark stable hiss a tendency to make a horse vieiou8. It affects the brain, as 'it does the brain of a human being in such confinement. When hogs aro fed upon alfalfa, they can be finished up nicely on Egyptian corn, and in some sections where alfalfa grows, this corn grows better than any other fat -producing grain. At the last; Smithfield show of England lambs of about 300 clay: of ago tipped the scale at 222 pounds, giving about two- thirds of a pound of growth per day since birth. A fins record. Young animals should be fed consider- able bulk in order to develop the stomach. Heifer calves especially should ba fed con- siderable bulky food. ':hen concentrated food alone is fed, the stomach is contract - rd. -Farmer's Voice: NEWSPAPERDOM. Ten editors are members of the English; parliament. There are twenty -aye women running country papers in Mannas. a Spanish paper in the P):reneos re- gularly suspends publication iii hot weather. Ono undoubted Americanism has taken arm ;rood; in England ; the Times has adopted "gerrymandering.',' In circler to foster British commerce with Japan the British Trade Journal has de- termined to issue a regular quarterly edi- tion in Japanese and to print and publish it in Japan. • The people of Ridgetown have fin- ally abandoned their gas well, The sand pump was lost in the hole and then the tackle was lost and driller. Mosher gave it up. The hole was down nearly 2,000 feet. From first to last about $3,000 was'sunk in the en- terpise. Ave You One Of those unhappy people who aro suf- fering with weak nerves, starting at every slight sound, unable to endure any unusual disturnbance, finding it impassible to sleep 1 Avoid opiate and nerve compounds, Feed the nerves upon blood made pure and nourishing by the great blood purifier and true nerve tonic, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills are the best after dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent constipa. tion, 25c. Boils and pimples are due to impure blood. Remove them by making the blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. London, Huron and Bruce TIME TABLE. Gorse NonTx— London, depart Centralia EXETER kiensall Nippon Brueefleld Clinton. Londesboro' Blyth Belgrave. Wingham arrive GOING SOUTH— Win Otani, depart Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton Bra...afield .ltippen Hensall. EXETER.. Centralist Passenger. 8.05 A sr 4.30 P M 9.07 5,47 9.22 6.00 937 6.15 9.44 6,20 9.52 6,28 10.:12 6,55 10.29 7.14 10.38 7.23 10,52 737 11.10 8,00 Passenger 6.35AM 5.25rM 6.50 5.47 7.03 4.01 7,10 4,08 7,30 4.28 7,49 7.57 8.06 8.25 8,40 4.46 4,53 4.58 5.12 5.23 Imperial Meat Market.. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat We intend keeping the the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon, and everything usual ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a ;,cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a digeonnt of 5''/, will be given for cash. C. S 9 E L L, —Prop. 1 YOU."i NT TO TRAVEL Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit. . We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A CALL SOLICITED W. 0. Bissett' ST1 9 -- —` Proprietor of THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP.. HA.IUCLiTTING, SHAMPOOING and SHAVING. Ladies' and Ohitdren's Hair. Cutting a Specialty A, HASTINGS, Fansor's Block, VitahtyJLRs1gri Failing Sexual Strength in old or young men c41 bequickiy and permanently cored by mete a health" ly, Vigorous state, Sufferers from..,. NERVOUS Dfa" BILITY VARICOCELE, WONT DOSSES, AND ALL WASTING DISEASES should writ* to me for advice. I have been a close student fox" many years of the subject of weakness iu men, the tact is.I mesa sufferermyself. Too bashful tOseeit the aid of older men or reputable pbysicians naves. tigated the subjectdeeply and discovered a titnplff but most remarkably successful remedy that Md. pleteiy cured me and tally enlarged tae froth 1G ehrunken,stunted condition to natural strength anti size. I want every S'oungorold man to knowabcat it. I take a personal interest in such cases and no. one need hesitate to writs me as all cor0mnna:a lone are he'd strictly confidential, I send the recipe of this remedy absolutely tree of cost. Do not pnti8 off but write me fully at once, you will always bless ' the day you did so. Address, ;THOMAS SLATER, Box2172 Shipper of Famous Kalamazoo CeleTyr I KALAMAZOO. MICH. GthLEY &SOL Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND PICTURE ROJLDk tS, S. GIDEEY SON, ODD FELLOW'S Brock I3URRAFI Bicycles at Popular Prices. —Different Makes— From $55.00 up FULLY GUARANTEED 1896 Baby Carriages .Also a full line of baby carriages in a few days;; Perkins & Martin. CENTRAL DRUG STORE. Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, . and bronchitis troubles.. Wigan's condition and cough powders for horses the best, in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto. and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this mad other towns, in treating and cur- ing various: diseases. For sale here, CL LB 7Z 5 Druggist, ist. FOR 'R TWENTY- itX S4uv � pU YEARS., YI''. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LAFIQEST SALE its Gi;irsl,n..,