The Exeter Advocate, 1896-4-30, Page 5THE Oletti.,:r brac rpt 3 Is published over,. Thursday Itforning , at the Ofiiee, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. --13,v the --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance ;A.GO if not so paid. Eta.=erti,z5ae.a 1,aatoti on ES�TaOica- ...R.ox2 No paper discontinued. til all arrearages are paid, .Advertisements without specific dirootion.s will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turnea out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chegaes,inoneyord- ers. &c. for advertising, subscriptions ,ete.to be made payable to Chas. 1i. Sanders EDITOR ANn PROP grofesynouuttl Cards. RI.KINSMAN, L.D.S,Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, L•`XETER, extracts teeth without taaiu. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Liman every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday of each m oath DID. D. ALTON ANDERSO:v'', (D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) JLJ honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alli modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Ho tel -Exeter. iai�xi i mal DR. G. SHOULTS, CENTRAL 1.; has moved one door south. Drs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Residonees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; saute as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. 3). T. A, Amos, M. D Dst.T, P. afeLAUGfiL: N, MEMBER OF iJ the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physioian, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Veterinary. XILLIAM SWEET, PETER- inary Surgeon, Graduate To- ronto Veterinary College. Office and residence at tho old stand,' one block East E. J'. Spackman's Store. Dehorning a peoialty. Legal. RH. COLLINS, .BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- 11 . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exotor,ontarso, Money to Loan. LILDIOKSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Blook,Exoter ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., Conveyancing. and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Sewall every Thursday. B.V. ELLIOT. FREDERICK ELLIOT [Luctioneers ABROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed Auct- ioneor for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales prom ptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- oholsea, JOHN T. WESTOOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stook sales. Charges moderate. Parties contemplating having sales this Fall should tat give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P+ 0. Orders loft at the ADVOCATE Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. $lury e5 -ors. FRED. W. FARNC OMB, Provincial Land . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter. Ont. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter The Same Old Story. Every week we continue to tell you the salve old story of the ex• ceilence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps -we have been been telling it for a long time -but a good story will bear constant retelling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally "Cut" Every Garment that's made up at this establish- ment -as well as fit it and all the details. This is the only ONE reason why our prices are model.. ate. • Don't Catch Cold. Winter is here and you want to keep warm. We shall be pleased to show you -yes make you -one of onr "swell" and durable overcoats. Each coat a fit Each coat a daisy BEST. KNfflIIT. One North Door of Browning's drug store. MA BELII\ N; THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist . for Mabeline MABELINE is a nositive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them Isere. Itis the general sus- ' tori in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertisingmedium with a medical treatise, describing, in ahighly colored manner, symptoms and forms of disease, seientiffical- ly,,ancliu such a way as to involve the read- er in a mare of theory and speculation. Wo avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. Ifyou ':are siokritis presumed that you know oft he footaticl can form some idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- vise you generally. MA.BELIN L is vegetable nom pound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with 'perfect safety. MABELINE is placed in ,^alisul.es and they 'are applied directly to the diseased parts. Full directions, how to ,apply on every box. 'Send 81 for one mouth's treatment. 24 capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars for any other remedy _ when you can buy Mabeline for one dollar?. , Address all communications to THE SALU`f IN.E CO. Box' 230, Windsor, Ont, ;Lr Blo d Poisoned In Dreadful Condition TW Mood%) • earsaparilla Cured. After Typhoid Fever the system is not only left in ;t debilitated condition, but the blood is oftenpoisoned by the germs of disease, as in the following case: "My ease has been such a severe one and T have suffered so much that I think'1 ought to tell how I have been cured by. only two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Four years ago I had typhoid fever -was sick about forty days -and barely pulled through with health about ruined. The effects of poisoned blood manifested them- selves in dreadful ulcers. They prevented my returning to work; and for three years 1< was able to labor only a few days at a time. The sores discharged continuously so that I had to keep them bandaged. I had six physicians at different times, and was given temporary relief. But as soon as I began to work hard the sores would break out again as bad as ever. For weeks at a time I could not get out of the house, and for over two years I could not hear my weight on my right leg and had to walk with a cane. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla in February, 1894, and in two weeks noticed an improvement. The Terrible Itching and Burning grew less venomous and fiery, and when I had taken only two bottles and used one box of Hood's Olive Ointment and two boxes of Hood's Pills, the sores had all healed, leaving only scars as a reminder o1 my dreadful sufferings. My general bed•• fly health has also wonderfully improved. I had been reduced almost to a skeleton, from 160 to 1:0 pounds, which I have now regained. Hood's Sarsaparilla has re- stored my mental health also, and I can think, remember and act as promptly as ever. Typhoid fever ruined my health for four years, and cost me X3000. Two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla have given me health and new ambition." E. E. RAesse.Y, Sum werside, Prince Edward Id. Thoroughly Reliable "Mr. Ramsay is well known all over this part of the Island, and is thoroughly reliable." DR. J. A. GOUnreE, Druggist, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1s the Only Truer' food Purifier And the ideal building up Medicine. Be sure to get Flood's and only Hood's. Flood's Pills easy to buy, easy to take, - - _ _ ohsy In effect. 25e. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED 111EV-Yon may have been the victim of Self Abuse when young. LaterExcosaea or exposure to blood diseases may have completed the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealing over you. You dread the futon. results. You know you are not a man mentally and sexually. \Vhy not bo cored in time and avoid the sad experience of other wrecks of these (..wanes, Onr NEW METHOD TUIi'ATMENT WiLL CURE YOU AFTER ALL 1LSE FAILS, Emissions, Varicocele and Syphilis Cured W. M. MILLER. W. M. MILLER c U • r , Before Treatment After Treatment "1 At the ago of 15 I commenced to ruin my health. Litter on as "ONE OF THE BUYS" I contracted a serious blood disease -SYPHILIS. 1 was weak and nervous, despondent, pimples, sunken eyes; bone pains. ulcers, hair loose, sore tongue and ;mouth drains in urine, varicoceles -1 was a wreck. I was in the last stages when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. A dozon other doctors had failed in caring me. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan cured me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. I would warn similar diseased mon to beware of Medical Frauds. They are reliable honest and skillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat and .cure Varier). c e le. Myphilis, Emissions, Gleet, fitricture. reervons De. bility, Unnatural Discl.arareI, Kidney and Bladder 1D i s• eases. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED No cure, No Pay. Write for Question Blanks for Home Treatment. 13ooks >Free. e: onsuitatioit Free. aW c .Er EDINLDif ids MMEY GAN No. 148 Shelby St. DETROIT, • - MICFI. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every WedLesclay) Wheat per bushel $0.79 to Barley 98 to Oats P1 to Peas 4.8 to Butter 15 to Eggs 8 to Potatoes perbag Tia,9 per ton 1000 tq 12ae Turkeys per lh. f, to 6'S Geese -..........4'/ to 5 78 30 98 55 14: 1) 25 WOMEN IN Dr*UTU T SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irregularity and weoknrss, hoop' ilio organs 1 n honk Thy condition. Tao wafer° irro ' T.0 o Savers" 6o young women. aid grocofut devrl1pment provido pain. 1 SS, regular periods. .Ask for Tho D'Fruit brand. All ,lrugaists sell thorn 'a.tslpar box. lie bottorronealy for )VUnt0n known. LATEST MARKET r&EPOR TS. COUNTRY PRODUCE. 'oronto, April 27. • Butter -The market is active and easy, Straight baskets is of largo ,rolls soil at 1234 to• 13c and culled lots bring about 10 more. All choice stud moves well. but it is almost impossible to get rid of inferior grades. To quote; Dairy tubs, 13 to 140; meulium dairy tubs, c) to 10c; low • grade dairy tubs, 8 to 9c; choice largo rolls 13 to 110; dairy pound prints 15c; fresh made creamery tubs 1 to 19c; creamery pound prints 19. to 20a. - • Eggs -The receipts were heavy, but a better demand was shown and prices held fairly steady at 10e. Potatoes -There is little moving. A cats was unloaded yesterday at 16c. Potatoes out of store sell at 25c and farmers' wagon loads are quoted at about 18c. Poultry -:There is almost nothing coming into tho anarket and prices. aro nominally unchanged. Good Band picked turkeys aro in fair demand. Wo quote: Turkeys 8 to 1Oc; geese 6 to Sc; chickens 40 to 60c; ducks 40 to 70c: Baled Hay -Dealers are still holding car lots at about $15, but few realize this price. Baled Straw -Car lots on the track here are quoted at $8.25 to $8.50, but the season is about over and very little busi- ness is done. Dressed Hogs -If the colder weather continues. it may bring out a few cars, but packers do not look for much and have practically closed up for the sum- mer. Wheat, white, per bush ... 4 78 $ 80 Wheat, red, per bush 00 78 'Wheat, goose, per bush60 • 61 Peas, common, per bush52 53 Oats, per bush 27 - 28 Rye, per bush • 49 50 Barley, per bush 33 • 34 Buckwheat 36 39 Ducks, spring„ per lair.... 50 90 Chickens, per pair 40 60 Geese, per ib 06 08 Butter, in 1-1b. rolls 14 15 Eggs, new laid 9 10 Onions, per bush 30 30 Turnips, per bag, by load15 20 Potatoes, per ban 20 25 Potatoes, earlobe ...... :16 18 Beaus, per hush 1 10 1 20 Beets, per bag 30 35 Carrots, per bag, by load20 25 Parsnips, per bag 40 50 Apples, per bbl 1 75 2 50 Hay, timothy 15 00 17 00 Straw, sheaf 13 00 14 00 Beef, hinds 05 07 Beef. fares 03 O81j Spring lambs, carcase, .. 3 00 4 50 Veal, per lb 07 08 Mutton, per lb 05 07 Dressed hogs 4 00 4 00 LIVE STOCK. Butchers' Cattle -Dull and prices low. Dealers and drovers were wide apart to- day, same of tho latter eventually selling at a big loss to get out. The men from Montreal wore not buying so freely to- day, and cattle taken were bought at lunch lower prices than have ruled for some time. Sizing the market up general- ly it may be put as follows: -Common to medium cattle 234 to 2Mcper lb; good to choice 234 to 3c per lb; picked fancy, 3%c per lb. The top figures of the day, paid for picked cattle, were $8.10 and $3.15 per cwt. Thore was ono carload of the cream of the market, all heifers and steers, weighing all together' 21,500 lbs, taken by Mr. McDonald to ship to butch- ers in St, John, N.B., which sold for $8.30 per owt.. This was an exceptionally good deal, and only serves to show how low prices have tumbled Some sales to- day were: Ono carload cattle. 1,070 lbs average, $2,80 per , cwt; 40 cattle, 1,060 lbs avearge, $2 80 per cwt ;14 cattle, 1,000 lbs average, $2 65 per ewt;1 carload good cattle, 1,090 lbs average, $2 90 per cwt, less $5 on the deal; 1 carload picked cat- tle, 1,030 lbs average, $3 10 per owt; 23 cattle, 1,140 lbs average, $33 each; 22 cattle, 1,100 lbs average, $31 50 per head; 22 cattle, 1,040 lbs average, $27 each; 1 carload cattle, 1,000 lbs avearge, 2yo per lb; 6 picked cattle, 1,200 lbs average, $3 20 per ewt;1 carload cattle, extra fano, 1,000 lbs average, $3 15 per cwt Several drovers sold out at alossto-day and quite a few cattle were held over, Export Cattle -Not much is being done. The season will not open until the first week in May. Stockers and Fenders -Buying was fairly active to -day. There was a fair de- mand for nice. sized lean little stockers, one dealer picking up about 50 head, averaging 1,000 lbs each, for $2 60 per cwt. This dealer wants some more, run- ning on an average about 800 lbs each. Good feeders were selling to -day at from 2% to 3%c per lb. There is quite a little demand for good steers to go on the grass Sheep and Lambs -Trade was quiet but steady. Moro spring lambs were in to -day, and they were selling fairly well at about $3 50 to $4 per head Yearlings were steady at 5c per Ib Sheep aro quiet at from 3 to 33c per lb. Calves -Offerings were not so heavy and the tone was slightly firmer to -day, the prices ruling from $2 to $3 per head, the latter for choice weals. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. Cattle -Receipts, 183 cars through, car on sale; market steady; light steers, $3.50 to $3 65; old to butchers' cows, $2 50 to $2 75; veals higher; good to choice $4 to $5; fancy, $4 75. Hogs, -Receipts, 21 cars through, 40 cars sale; market opened shade higher, but later ruled easier; Yorkers, $3 87% to $3 90; pigs, $3 95 to $4; mixed packers $3 85; medi- ums $3 80 so $3 85; extreme heavy $3 70 to $3 75; soughs $3 to $3 15; stags $2 25 to $2 50. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 2 cars through, 38 cars sale; market active and 5o to 100 over good handy weights; others unchanged; primo clipped lambs $4 90 to $5; fair to good, $4 40 to $4 85; culls and common $3 50 to $ 4 25; fair to best wool lambs $4 50 to $5 25; culls and 00)18) 800, $3 85 to $4 40; mixed clipped sheep, good to choice, $3 50 to $3 90; culls and common, $2 to $3 30; mixed wool sheep, good to choice, 73 65 to 74; culls and common 72 50 to 73 50; export clipped sheep, 73 40 to 73 50; export he.•avy clipped lambs $4 15 to $4 20. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. The grain market was slow. Reporters worked 40,000 bushels No. 1 Northern for May shipment to Liverpool at 74%c, cost, freight and insurance. Flour was dull. Loading brands of strong bakers' are held at $3 75, but there were sales of outside Lots at 73 40. Spring wheat patents were offerecl at $4. Oatmeal and feed were unchanged Business in provis- ions continues quiet, and prices un- changed Cheese was quiet at. S%e, and butter continues easy, creamery offering in quantities at 1S0. Eggs were steady at the decline, 10 to 1034c: Maple syrup was in fair deniand at 50 to .550 per tin, and sugar 7 to 734c per pound. Beans ranged, from 90 to 95c, and potatoes 28 to 301). • ' reeundd ms al, FORI drive outhby $nreods,ho; 876 elesbeingfmicareiesd ' for'bsr the;iii a is ipality of 'T ewl::i v ers. The construction of the want sewers, 1" n. s'qI tj for which Strrtiord z: ti%erlsvoteci $30,- 1'.1 [$ '11 00(3 ]blit year, was commenced Thusday. Mr. Geo. Sha vet•, of Lindsay a stu- dent at SI, Catharines Collegiate Insti- tute, fell of his bicycle into the camel and was drowned. r NOT OR,' CENT OR TRIBUTE. Safety of Canadi- ans Assured. When Paine's Celery Com- pound is Used. It has ever been the boast of Britons, that they'lever shall be slaves. The Briton's ht•art warms to freedom; his blood is aroused when human beings become mere chattels -bought and' sold like animals. British subjects will suf- fer patiently even extreme taxation. for the raising of millions for defence; but, never, nester will they pay tribute to any foreign master. British subjects -men, women and children -are slaves too often! What do we mean ? ' Just what we say -that we are too often miserable bondmeu and bondwolnen, when we might revel in freedom and strength. Thousands of us are slaves to some trouble or disease that makes this earth- ly pilgrimage burdensome and oppres- sive. Why suffer longer? We have near us a mighty and powerful deliverer and rescuer known as Paiue's Celery Compound that quickly banishes our assailing and tormenting enemies that come too often in the form of rheuma- tism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, indigestion constipation, heart disease, nervousness sleeplessness and blood diseases. Why encourage and pay tribute to such death dealing masters ? Our bod les should be free, clean, pure, and fit- ted for the full enjoyment of true life. That world-renowned prescription, Paiue's Celery Compound, gives perfect health, strength and life. It removes every trace of disease from the body, and purifies the blood. This is the season to banish every weight and oppression. Let the renov ating work be commenced now, so that summer and the hot weather may be met with strong and vigorous bodies and clear heads. Paine's Celery Com- pound has in past spring seasons saved thousands of sufferers; it will do the same for you today, weary and sick mortal When you decide to use the great heath -given, see that your dealer gives v ou,.., the kind that CURES. Ask for Paige's Celery Compound, and see that it has the trade mark, the "stalk of celery." No other preparation will suit your ease. General N ews Dr. Booth, of Odessa, was stricken with apoplexy while walking on his farm and dropped dead. Make it a point to see that your blood is purified, enriched and vitalized at this season with Hood's Sarsapari ]la Nellie Steinbaugh, the 8.year-old daughter of George Steinbaugh of St George, was attacked by a severe tooth- ache, which was badly ulcerated, and later on, and most unexpectedly, blood poisoning set in and thus cau.,ed lock- jaw, which resulted in the death of the child. A Simcoe correspondent writes: Landlord Wheeler, of the Revere House who came here recently from Brant- ford, was arrested Saturday night, charged with forging his brother-in- law's name to two notes of $160 while in the latter place, and Detective Chap• man came over Tuesday and took him to Brantford. James Coveny, an employe of the Mere House, Aylmer, dropped dead Wednesday night while sitting in a chair in the hotel. The deceased was unmarried, about 35 years of age, and resided in Aylmer for, two years. He was a marble cutter by trade, but had been engaged in the hotel as bartender for the past eighteen months. A number of passengers jumped from a runaway street car going down hill ou Thorold road, near.. St. Cathar- ines. Mrs. O'Neill, of Merrittoie receiv- ed a number of cuts on the head and face, and a young girl by the name of Edwards had her leg broken in two places; A sad case of desertion was reported to the Chatham police Friday. An In- dian woman named Miller is the com- plainant. Her husband, a white man, during her absence for a few days from home sold everything in the house and departed, leayiug no trace of his where- abouts. Robert McDonald, of Blenheim, is. charged. with having started the fire that destroyed one of T. L. Pardo's storehouses at that place. is said to be something of a pyromanle, as he has already served a ten years' term of im prisonment for arson. He has also been confined in the asylum for the in- sane. ' 'When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for CestorIa. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children she gave them Castoria. , . -'x11,-x,:- Jc�;•.,v� :. x • Thos. Robinsori, of Onondaga, while driving along the road, tripped and fell, the wagon passing over his • body. He was killed instantly. A C. P. R. engine broke through a bridge just west of Nepigoll. Engineer McNeil was killed, and traffic on the road was delayed tea or fifteen hours. Mary Shea, a Hamilton woman, who has for years past, beged from citizens and pleaded poverty,' -died iu the city hospital Tuesday worth about 84,000 A verdict of wilful murder by some unknown person was returned by the Coroner's jury on the body of the child found in the millrace at St, Catharines, Henry Allen, an educated young man, who was convicted of horse -steal- ing in London, was sent to the Kingston Penitentiary for two years and a half. Mr. Patrick McCallum, of Pittsburg, Ont, is dead from injuries received from the bull that gored his brother Alexander to death a few weeks ago. Michael Mahoney, of Hughes street, Dresden, met with a severe accident while leaving town to go to his farm in Dawn. He fell from the wagon to the ground, and before he cou]d free himself from his position the wheel passed over him, breaking two of his ribs. SEND FOUR CENTS For Six Fancy Dolls with Extra Dresses. The manufacturers of the popular Diamond Dyes have a taking novelty which they are sending out to every city, town and village in Canada. This novelty is known as the Diamond Dye doll with extra dresses Six of these dolls with six extra dresses will be sent to any address up- on receipt of four cents in stamps. These dolls are very artistic and orna- mental, and delight the young people. When you order the dolls, ask for a card of forty five samples of dyed cloth and book of directions for dyeing with Diamond Dyes; these are sent free of cost. Wells & Richardson Co., 2C0 Mountain Street, Montreal. Grenville" Canal Enlargement. SECTIONS A AND B. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. EALED TENDERS addressed to the un- dersigned, and endorsed "Tenders for Grenville Canal Enlargement," will be re- ceived at this office until noon on Saturday, 0th May, 1890, for the enlarging of about l.1i miles of the Grenville Canal. Plans and specifications of the work can bo seen at the offioe of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Canals, at Ottawa, or at the SuperintendingEngineer's Office, Montreal, where forms of tendersean be obtained on and after Thursday, Oth April 1898. In cases of firms there must be attached the actual signatures of the full name, and the nature of the occupation and place of resi- dence of each member of the same, and further, an accepted bank cheque for the sum of 75,000 must accompany the tender; this accepted cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the party tendering de- clines entering into contract for work at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The accepted cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted. The lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted. By order. 3.11. BALDERSON, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 4th April, 1356. MILITIA. IH n VI MEN IieS or 1 .y • railing Sexual Strength in old or young men W1 be quickly and permaaantly e' used by me to a heaatb. ly, vigorous state. Sufferers from-. NERVOUS DEBILITY VARICOSE/E9 iliGHT PASSES, AND ALT. WASTING DISEASES should wtibb tome for advice. I have been a close student for many years of the subject of weakness in men,thie fact is.1 was a sufferermysolf. Too basbfulto seek the aid of older 'nen or reputable physicians 'lira* tigated the subject deeply and discovered a slmpla but most remarkably successful remedy thatCO1 - pletely cured me and fully enlarged me from* ehruoken,stunted condition to natural strength -aril size. I want every younger old man to know abort it. I take a personal interest in such cases and nb one need hesitate to write me as all communication. are held strictly confidential. I send the recipe Ot this remedy absolutely free of cost. Do not put'R off but write me fully at once, you will alwagebl6Nl the day you did so. Address, THOMAS SLATER, Box 2 i 72 i Shipper of Famous Kalamazoo Celant• KALAMAZOO. MICH. SEALED TENDERS for the supply for the Permanent Force and Active Militia, of Necessaries, Barrack Stores, and Camp Equipment, consisting of, Boots, Socks, Un- der Clothing, Shirts, Razors, Brushes, &c.; Rugs, Sheets, Corn Brooms, &c„ Blankets, Waterproof Sheets, Marquees; Saddlery, and Mumnahs, will be received up to noon. Fri- day, 8th of May,1856. The Tenders are to be marked on the left hand corner of the enve- lope, Tender for "Militia Store Supplies" and are to be addressed to the undersigned. The contract for Boots is to cover a period of three years from the 1st July, 1896; those forNecossaries, Barrack Stores, and Camp Equipment are for ono year from 1st July, 18416. Printed forms of tender containing full particulars may be obtained from the De- partment at Ottawa, at the officers of the District Paymasters at London, Toronto, Xingston, Montreal, Quebec, St. ,john, N. B., and Winnipeg, Man., and the office of the Deputy Adjutant General of Military Dis- trict No.9 Halifax. Every article of Necessaries,Barraok Stores &n., to be furnished, as well as the material therein, must be manufactured in Canada, and similar in every respect to the sealed pattern thereof, which may be seen at the office of the undersigned at Ottawa, This dons not apply to material for saddlery. Neither sealed pcatter•ns, 1101' samples, will 7)0 seat to pp: vitas desiring to tender. No tender will be received unless made on a printed form furnished by the Department nor willa tender be considered if the printed form is altered in any manner whatever. Each tender must he accompanied by an accepted Chartered Canadian Bank cheque payable to the order of the Honorable, the Minister of Militia and. Defence, for an amount equalto ten per cent of the total value of the article tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party making the tender declines to sign a contract when called upon to do so. If the tender beuot accepted the cheques will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept tho lowest or any tender. A. BENOIT, Capt., Secretary, Department of Militia incl Defence, Ottawa, 15th April 18 )0. Mr, D'Alton McCarthy will open his campaign in Ontario by speaking .at Owen Sound to -day (Thursday.) GIBLEY & SON Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND PICTURE IOUL`IOS, S. GIDLEY ODD FELLOW'S Block HTJRRAH Bicycles at Popular Prices. -Different Makes - From $55.00 up FULLY GUARANTEED 1896 Baby Carriages Also a full line of baby carriages in a few days„ Perkins & Martin. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for ' horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. For sale here, C. L U T Z Druggist. 7 FOR TWENTY -SIR YEIlRS, DUN 'S BAKI pow THECOOKSBEBT FRIEND LARGEST SALE CA1'.:4%D...