HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-4-23, Page 16e Big Cash Store Terms Cash, Or Farm Produce —AND— OTE PRICE ONLY. Yes its the correct system, the fairesteystem in the wide world --You pay for no man's bad debts, You pay the least and get the most—we have one price to all, no second or third price at the Big Cash Store, and remember your money back if goods are not exactly as represent- ed—put others to the same test. Hemp seed, best quality, Canary seed, best quality Smoked Ped Eferring per box, Best Garden Seeds per package, Sailor Boy Japan Tea, Mixaw atta Mixed Tea, 5 pounds best'Whitning, for 15e. Brooms, reduced to 80c. Brooms, reduced to Try our Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 Pound Box Sodas; for 2 Pound Bax Cream Sodas Best Black Pepper, for Rising Sun Stove Polish Dome Stove Polish, 4 Pounds Best Gloss Starch, for 5c 5c 60 4e 22ec' 30e 5e lee 22c 20c 24e 10c 80 83 25c A beautiful stock of all the newest makes in Parasols and Ladies Um brelles at Cash Store prices. Just opened a big lot of Ladies Black Capes, good full length with double capes—just what you are looking for, Yes we are doing a great wall paper trade and no wonder, for we have the stock and the prises are away in your favour. Colne and see. We are doing a great Millinery trade—stock all new and up to date, We turn out the most stylish hats in 4 packages Corn Starch, for 25c town. waasuommanommosaaamoomemagnerramoosionae We sell the J. D. King Shoes for Ladies and' Gents, they are acknowledged to be the most perfect fitting foot wear produced in Canada. Every pair guaranteed—Bear in mind we sell Gilt Edge Shoe dressing, for 20e. a bottle and the best combination Tan Dressing for 20c. J. A. ST1WART. LOCAL JOTTINGS. The aroma of ebip and rubbish fires once more fills the air. Mr. A. Baieshaw has provided for himself a new and commodious bread wagon. The motto of New Mexico: It in- creases by going," So does an "ad." Is sours going? Mr. Eli Snell is having a new fence placed around the vacant lot east of his residence on Huron st. The contract for the Perth House of Refuge has been awarded to Mcj3eth Bros, Strathroy, for $14,268. Mr. J. Taylor, of London, delivered $600 worth of fruit trees and ever- greens here yesterday and today. elr. Walter Westcott has workmen engaged in erecting a. kitchen to the back of his residence on Huron st. Winan's Cough balsam is an exec lent household 'remedy for coughs, colds and bronchitis troubles. Sold at C. Lntz's Drug Store. If you want a cool, sweet and lasting' smoke try a 10 cent package of TONICA Smoking Mixture. Be sure you get genuine, Sold by F. J. Knight and Farmer Bros. A horse valued at $80, owne3 by Mr. John Taylor, died in the field from ex- c' ssive heat on Friday. last. Mr. E. Jory, of Stephen, and Thos. Russell and Wes Armstrong, of Usborne, each lost one from the same effect. Several of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ache. son's most intimate friends assembled at the Central Hotel on Friday eight last and enjoyed a most pleasant time in dancing and other amusements. The Davidson Orchestra furnished the music Although all danger to the fall wheat It is not expected that the bill pro is not yet passed; it is now in such a hibiting the importation of live cattle condition that it can stand considerable into Britain will be passed this year. I before it will suffer. The recent warm rains have improved its condition won - sold awl delivered seven fine horses to derfully and an exceedingly large troy Mr. McMann, of Seaforth, Wednesday 1 may be expected. A petition has been circulated in , Noah was the first man to.advertise. He advertised the flood, and it came through all right. The fellows who laughed at advertising got drowned, and it served them right, Ever since Noah's time the advertiser has been prospering, while the other fellow is being swallowed up in a flood of •discs• ter. -Ex. The culyert over the open sewer on 1Viltiam street gave way last, week owing to the woodwork becoming de- cayed The road -commissioner has placed a feuce across the road to •pre- vent rigs from passing that way. Every column in a newspaper con- tains from ten to twenty two thousand distinet pieces of metal, the displace- ment of one of which would cause a blunder or typographical error. And. yet some people think it strange when they can find an error in a newspaper. When they see a ward with a wrong letter in it, or a misplaced one, they are sure that they could have spelled. the word right, and they are happy for a whole day and go around telline, how the editor made a mistake, Boy Wanted. A good strong boy wanted to learn the art of printing, Apply at this office.. Lost` A purse containing a sum .of money, between this office and Mr. Thomas Snell's residence, Huron St. Finder will please leave at this office. Messrs. Snell, Handford and Walker, cannon leroceedine.s. The Council met by order of the Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, April eeth 1896, All present . except Mr. Carling, minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed, Treble—Snell, that orders be „ranted in the following sums viz:—J. Willis, $12.81 for shingles; Wm. Davis, $2 90 for shingling engine house; Thos. Bissett, $29.00 for night watch service to 4th April: Jas. Creech, $2,00 charity to Mrs. Sutton; Silas Handford, $1.00 labor. Carried, Tay- lor—Snell, that Daniel S. Bell's tender for cedar, $12.00 per M., be accepted, Carried. . The clerk to order a load of 6x8 and 3 in. plank. The Council to make a tour of inspection on Monday the 27th April at 1,€80 p. m. Taylor— Snell adjournment uutil the 1st Friday in May at 8 o'clock p. m. M. EAORETT, Clerk. Charitv Concert. A charity concert was held in Drew's Opera. House Monday night under the auspices of the Royal Templars of Temperance. The weather was beauti- ful and a large number was in attend- ance. Mr. 3. P. Clarke occupied the chair. The meeting was opened by singing the opening ode of the R. 'r. of T. society. Without any delay the program consisting of speeches, read ings, recitations, songs, duets, trios, quartettes and instrumentals, was then commenced and carried to a successful issue. Most all seemed to enjoy them- selves. One boy " in the back part of the hall, acted in a yery unseemly manner, hut it seems to be a habit with him, as such conduct is character istic of him wherever he is seen. He acted in the same disgraceful manner in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Sun day night last, The admission was only 100, however the proceeds amount- ed to $19.35. After the expenses to the lodge have been deducted the re- mainder which is $16.70 will be, devoted to charity purposes. Com. Clinton to reduce the number of hotels but the commissioners took no action. Mr. John Spackman is again on his famous summer resort at Grand Bend making preparations for the coming season. The boss of the house is now busy- in clear>iel up the lawn and garden, al- so in planting onions and other early vegetables. The saw mill belonging to Mrs. John Gould, is now running in full blast, and the large number of logs are fast disappearing, Mr James Harvey, bostler at the Commercial hotel, lost a $5 bill ou Sat- urday last while at his work; but found it again Sunday. Mr, Matt. Kelland had a large and troublesome tumor removed from his side on Thursday last by Drs. Hynd- man & Hyndman. The latest addition to the House of Refuge is Wm. Snowden, of Blyth, at one time a cooper in Clinton, in moder- ately fair circumstances. Tli.e maple syrup harvest is over in this vicinity. The season was remark. ably short, but the yield was abund- ant and the quality excellent. Here is a little riddle. Make out of the word enough two words wbich shall not be enough. One bright little maiven gives the answer, one hug. Mr. M. Eacrett is at present having his house on station street raised and a The "Little Englishmen," as he is The Odd -Fellows "At Home" will be held on Wednesday April 29th, at 8 o'clock in their own Lodge Room over Mr. S. Gidley's. An excellent program, consisting of quartets, duets, solos, readings, piano instrumentals, violin solos and selections from the Davidson Orchestra. Every Odd -Fellow and his wife and friends are expected to attend as a good time is anticipated School teachers are receiving from the Educational Department a neat little pamphlet on Arbor Day, 1896 (May 1st.). The minister recommends particularly this year thepia tin„ of two trees to be cared for by the pupils. viz., an oak tree, to be called Our British Tree," and a maple tree to be called " Our Dominion Tree " The book also coutains several choice poems of a patriotic nature. The Clinton New Era says:—"M:anv people imagine that thereare big pro- fits in the horse business, but when the risks are considered the business is not a very inviting one. It is said that a prominent Seaforth horseman, who has just returned from a trip to the old country, lo't 12 after they had landed, foundation placed under it. This will greatly improve the appearance of the house. Why do judges of good chewing to baeco insist on getting genuine BEA- VER, Plug. It has no equal. Refuse cheap imitations. Sold by F.J. Knight and Farmer Bros. Large catches of suckers measuriog from one foot to one foot and a half in length and weighing four or five pounds, have been caught in the river near the village of late. Mr. Alex. Dow its again in possession of that noted German Coach horse • "Pashas' He having purchased him back from his brother-in-law Mr. Jona- than Porter of Hibbert.. At Cohonrg last week a man was fued $50 and costs for welling adulter ated maple syrup on the market. This should prove a warning to those who feel inclined to make money in this way. Rev. J, R. Battisby, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Chatham, in his sermon on Sunday, said it was not wicked to dance or play cards. People could gamble without cards, he de clared. The watering cart appeared on the, street here on Thursday last for the first time, The streets are drying up very early this year on account of the warm, or even hot weather, we h;:tve been' enjoying. Bert Spicer left for St. Marys on Thursday where he secured a job at his trade, --Mr. W, J, Clarke, of Lon. don, was in town last week.—We are pleased to be able to state that Mi, Wm, Brown, grain buyer, who has been an the sick list, for some time and was once considered dangerously ill, is able to be around again.—Mr, Clinton McCallern, who has been attending the Dental School in Buffalo, N.Y., return-. ed home last week. -Mr. Simpson and wife, of Parkhill, spent Sunday in town at the. Metropolitan Hotel.—Mr. L. P. Bishop, who has been suffering front an attack erycipelas in the face, caused by a sunburn, is we are pleased to state recovering,—Mr. R. Ferguson has re- turned from Detroit for a few days;— Mrs. (Rev.) J. D. Hubbell, and children, who have been visiting Mrs, Parkinson for the past month, returned to their home iu Hadley, Mich., yesterday.— Mrs. Thos. Pearce, left Monday evening for leiliarney, Man., where she will join her sister Miss L Brimmacombe.— Miss Brander, of Cherry wood, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Thomas and other friends in town.—John Har- rison has returned from Detroit where he has been attending the Detroit Med lcal ;school. -Miss Lovina Fisher left Monday evening to visit Miss Harris in London for a couple of weeks =George Brooks left on Tuesday for Mitchell where he has secured a position at his trade.—Among the arrivals registered at the Queen's. Hotel, Halifax, N• S•, last week, we notice the name of J W. Bawden, of London, formerly of Exeter. —Miss Fanny l3aw' en loft Friday to visit friends in Alvinston.—Miss Kest le left Monday to visit friends in London. —Mr. Vincent, who has been erecting a number of awnings in town left for Peterboro' Saturday.--Iiugh Speakman spent Friday in London with Mrs. Spackman.—Rev C. Fletcher, John Strang Wm. Hackney and Mrs. J. Ross of Thames Road, left Monday to attend the Synod of the Presbyterian church held at Chatham this week.—Miss May Sanders is confined to her bed through severe illness —John Moorehead, wb.o has been at the House of Refuge for some time was in attendance at the James St, S. S, last Sunday attending to his"aecustomed duties.—Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Hoskin, of . Itirkton, were the guests of Councillor Treble on Sunday. —Mrs. Wm Copp, of Seaforth, is visit- ing friends in town, the guest of Mrs. Thos. Prior,—Miss M. Eilber, of Credi- ton, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. I, Smith,—Mr. Ed, Bossenberry, of Zurich, was m town on Wednesday —Little Stella Spackman, daughter of Mr. E. J. Spackman, is at present very ill.—Mr. Jas. and Thos. Gillies, of St. Marys, were renewing old acquaintances in town Wednesday, Huron Medical Association. The regular meeting of the Huron Medical Association was hold in Clio ton on Wednesday, the 15th inst., when a very interesting program was pre. sented. Dr. Shaw, President, occupied the chair. There were present Drs. Amos, Exeter; Graham, Brussels; Mc- Ginnis, Dewar and Bethune, Seaforth; Armstrong, Brucefield; Agnew, Louden born; Thompson Hensall; McKenzie, Monk ton; Rutherford Listowel;l7cPhed- ran, Toronto; Shaw, Freeborn, Gunn and Turnbull, Clinton. Dr. Amos, of Exeter, presented a case of partial sclerosis of spinal cord following injury. Dr. Dewar. ,Seaforth, read a paper on Acute Nephritis. Dr. McGinnis, Sea - forth, read a paper on a case of Epilepsy complicated with a lesion of the Kidney. Dr. Thompson, Hensall, presented a case iu practice. After each paper a discussion followed, taken part in by a number of those present. Dr. elePhed- ran, Pxofessor of Clinical Medicine in i er it of Toronto,read very the Un v sa Y � interesting paper on Peripheral Neur- itis. which was very much appreciated by the members. A discussion follow- ed, during which Dr Gunn related the history and terminations of a few very iuteresting cases of this disease that bad oceurred in his practice A,t the eonclusinu a hearty vote of thanks was given to Dr. McPhedranfor his able paper, and he was made an honorary member of the society. The meeting then adjourned to meet again in July. known, a buyer who comes here, is said to have recently lost 25 on ono voyage, and found it necessary to kill 25 more on their arrival A Toronto despatch says: -Wearing an air of extreme simplicity and a store salt of clothes, Henry Cullis yeo man, of Blyth, Ont., stepped from a Grand Trunk train Tuesday afternoon. He was on his way to Sault St. Marie, had a pocket full of money, and a de- termination that no city man should get ahead of him. Henry was hugging his carpet bag in the Union Station wben a stranger approached and en- gaged him in conversation The young man from Blyth announced the long trip he was taking. "Why," said the kind strareger that's funny; that's just where I'm going myself." Then another man approached and told the first stranger he had delivered that car- load of grncerics for Sault St. Maria, and now wanted payment for the. goods, Cults' pew-foend• friend dis- covered that he had no money, and proffered a check for $1,000; The man with the groceries, admitted that the check was ,good, but he really could 191.e Leaves. The Rev. E. W. Hunt. who has .been in charge , of the Trivitt Memorial Church during the past two years, and who tendered his resignation a few weeks ago, preached his farewell ser- mon on Sunday last. Crowds could be seen wending their way to the stately edifice long before the time of .service and at about 6:45 tae seating capacity of rhe church was fully exhausted, in addition to about one hundred chairs in the aisles, When seven o'clock. ar• rived the back of the church was crowd- ed and standing room was at a prem- ium, remium, making in all over eight hundred people in attendance. The reverend gentleman took for bis text, Icor• XI: 13, which was a masterly exposition of his subject. He referred to the deplor- able state of the parish, which is ton well known to go into detail, and char- acterized his remarks with a whole lot of good, sound advice, regarding the welfare of the church. We feel that the Trivitt Memorial.Church bas lost in the Rev. Mr. Hunt one of the best and most eloquent preachers of the . Dominion and it is not till, he is, gone t11at,his ab- sense Will be felt. Next . Sunday we understand he is preaching by levita- tion in one of the larger townsin l lichi- The Wyoming Enterprise comments on the curious coincidence that the names of a great many recent murder• ers eommeuce with the letter H., and names Hooper, Hartley, Hymens, Hon- dershot, Hayward, Holmes and Ham- mond. And the Sarnia Post remarks that the Enterprise man might find another coincidence is the fact that murderers of this class are all beading for a place the normo of which begins with the same letter. It isn't Heaven either, remarks the Simcoe Reformer not accept it. Oaths was appealed to gan and as bis _ resignation does not Certainly he would help his friend out take effect until May 1st. will not be of the difficulty, i -Te cheerfully passed leaving,or a short time. For our own over $195, to be paid back atthe '°Soo,” part we are sorry to see Mr. Hunt go ' and then but for his own and family's sake we took the check for security, thother two went tiwa heart ilycongratulatehiinon•his change y 't o see about the groceries. They did'nt conic back. '1'h,.rt's au. Division Court. The sittings of the Fifth Division Court were held in the Town Hall here on Friday last, with his Honor Judge Doyle presiding, and proved to be a very lengthy one, not being concluded until about twelve o'clock at night without any interruption for dinner The following are some of the cases tried, or otherwise disposed of. DAVIS v GotiRLY.—An action by Robert Davis and his wife of Hibbert, against Margaret Gourly of Usborne, for damages for unlawful entry on plffs. dwelling house, trespass and as- sault. This case was tried by a jury, the defendant having requested one, and took up thegreater part of the day, The Jury after an absence of about fifteen minutes returned a verdict for plaintiffs for $30.00 and Judgement was entered according for that amount and costs. Collins for Plffs.; Elliot for Deft. COLLINS v Coxiixsu,—An action for the recovery of a Solicitors bill of costs. 'The defendants required action to be tried by a Jory. The plaintiff chal- lenged the whole panel .of Jurors on the ground that tbe same had been turproperly summoned which challenge was sustained by the Judge and the case adjourned until next sittings of court. Collins for Piffle; Dickson for Defts. TAILOR v COTTnILL.—An action for account of $4.00, and for $10.00 damages for injuries to crop. The as tion was dismissed without costs. Dick- son for plff; Collins for deft. CABLING BREWING Co. v WALniSit..- An undefended action for balance of claim under a chattel mortgage. Judgement for plff.; Dickson for plff. Soeuuavxann v Hldit.s.—An inter pleader action to try the ownership cf a colt, judgement for claimant without costs, Dickson for pa; Elliot for claiment, O'NRir, v FIUNT and Dev.-An inter- pleader action to try tbe ownership of of a piano and other chattels seized by pi11' under an execution against the, defendant. This was a case that at- tracted much interest owing to positson of the contestants. Judgment was re- served. Dickson for claimants; Collins for plff. -STBWART v Hu`r —An action on a promissory note made by defendant. Judgment for fall amount, of claim with costs. Collinsr for plfe; Dickson for deft. • PATTLRSON 'v • Dnnvirt..—An after judgment summons and examination of deft.: as a judgment debtor. Owing to the lateness of the hour the semmons was adjourned until next court. Col- lins for plff.; Dickson for deft. SourrroOTT v STATTON & SrTATON garnishee.—An action onan account was adjourned also. Collins for plff.; Ready -Made Clothing! Ready -Meade Clothing t t Arrived New stock now ready. Great bargains to save you money. All the late styles in fine clothing for Spring and summer, 1896, Prices down low in men's, youth's, and boys. $4.00 only. See our men's suits $4.00 only. We make suits to order as well Jut fancy, all . wool black worsted, fast black, lined and bound for only $ 16.00, Hats, ties, scarfs, socks, shirts, the newest. ' and want him'the greatest measure . of. Grocery department complete. Crystal Drip Syrup, 50e. a gal. Fill your pail for 75c,, or 95c, a pail. Our 25c. Japan has no equal. Allother groceries proportionately low, Carling Bros. Boots dor Sur1llg prosperity that this world eau afford, Dickson for deft. Our shoe department is complete and covers the -wants of Ladies' Gentlemen and Children's footwear. Women's kid Oxford, piccadilly toe at all prices. Women's American kid, Oxford, patent leather tip, hand turned. Women's tan goat Ox- ford, razor toe, hand turned, Men's American calf Bal; or Congress, New York style, Men's Boston calf Bal. Scotch welt, razor toe, These goods in tans and blacks. See our foot wear and you .will buy. E. J. S P A C K NI AN & 00., Samwell's Block, Exeter R's'm„m�'m'-=�r�vm.'u�aar'r.smems�.a JOHNSTOffSRNo V -e— Cheap Store. Rr ��, . ` X311 ber coats f���vl��U���.1EI�lJ 2 dozen good Tweed Rubber coats —sown aeems—water proof with long capes; were $7.88, now $5.00; 1 doz. (only) Navy and Black. Stainless and waterproof coats, usuallysold for $10.00—bought for a snap and will be cleared in a hurry—for only each. ... Clothing-- . $6 Boys suits $1 and upwards, lined throughout; boys good wearing tweed suits $2.00 and $2.50, We have no hesitation in saying:that our stock of Boy's Youth's and Men's suits were never so cheap. We have bought largety of these goods—in feet too largely,' Our only remedy is to .sell them less than regular prices, $2,000 worth of clothing must be cleared out. Try us and,be eonyin- ted that we can save you a dollar or two on any kind of a suit you wish, C. C. Johnston. N. lit A word with you—If you have money or credit, use it to buy everytning you need for the coming winter—You will save from 10 to 15 per cent. by pur- chasing from us our new Fall and Winter stock We intend to do the biggest trade this fall that we ever did before and .have xnarked the prices accordingly. .Highest .1Tarlretprices paid for Butter and .Eggs. ' L _ JOH P. }oss WEEKES B9iS. MARBLE DEALERS. MANUACTU RERS and DEALERS IN MONUMENTS, SARCOPHAGUS, HEADSTONES, MURIALS, ETC I SPECIAL NOTICE TO PARTIES BUILDING I • A Ana r esid ence is n ot complete with- out marble top Furniture,—W a sh- stands, mantles, table tops, etc,, these we make a specialty of. We have this spring reduced "our expenses to a minimum and intend. selling all lines of goods cheapir that ever before. We will be thank- ful for a trial. See if you can save $50in yourseer's purchases by buy- inging from us for cash, or farm pro, duce. WEEK S BROS. Main St., Exeter. Christie's „air DOR, LIVERY. First-class Bibs and Horses" Orders left at Hawks'h ,w's Hotel, or at the Livery S tabl e,(C h riste's old Stand) will receiveprom, �t at- tention. .T►y� elepbone erms Boasonablo 1. Counsetion, Lacrosse. A meeting was held' in the Town Hall on Wednesday night ]act, when a lafsrosse team was organized and the following officers elected:—Hon. Pres,, Dr. Rollins; Pres.; J. Senior; 1st Vice Pres, N; D Hurdon; 2nd Vice Pres., F. Collins; -Sec. Treas.,Ja.e. Grieve, Man- agement Committee -M: Vincent, R. Kinsman, Chas Abbott, J. Grieve and A. Ford e Captain to be selected as soon as. practice commences. Membership tickets are: Seniors, 50 cents; Juniors 25 cents. The team to be known tin- der the name of, "The tomes." 4.