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The Exeter Advocate, 1896-4-16, Page 5
Iso sry r• e; u 1c1 e tun c( rt ie:,Il :tae 1111 1tie t▪ roy 0110 1.1 THE Q, . t.er b orat , Is published Teet er a Thursday Morning, MAIN -STREET, —: EXETER. ---By the— -- ADVOCATE PUBL I SH I NG• COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance t51.50 duet so paid. ' a.daoxtioisag Rate= on Saplico,- tiosl No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made fortranseient advertisements inserted for Tong periods. Every description of J'OB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Oh,eques moneyord- ers.Ste,for advertising, s. ibscriplions,etc.to be made payable to Chas. IL Sanders EDITOR AND }?ROP Professional Cards.. H KINSMAN, L. D. S, Panson's Block1,.F:1•17:6-111.1 . _ two. doors north of Carling Store 1 1!,114.111 ST, 1EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday' of each m oath 1a TAB. D. ALTON ANDIiRSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) Al honors (a-radnabe of the Toronto Tani rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. •. AUI modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. asonitotrass......rmumratextrrta*Cumatttearmaysiontaarattra moat .s.ol TNR. G, SiIOULTS, OENTRea.i A _L/ has proved one door south. r' 'Drs. J el, ROLI,INS & T A. AMOS. Residenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,. building,MMlain St. Dr, Pollins' office sante as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door, May 1st, 1803 X. A Rollins, 111. D. T, A, Amos, M. D -ssai,T. P. MOLAUO•fl.LI I, MEMBER OF AJ the.0o11egeofPllvsieiansand Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acooucll- cur, Office, Dashwood, Ont. % rTILLIAM SWE.LT, VETEYi,- inary Surgeon.. Graduate To- ronto Vetertnarw College Office and. t "residence at the ori stand', one blook East E..7. Spucktnau s Store. Lehorning et, peoialty. /+'.,,•va4naaiu,:�tna,. T.a aa.F"^•NR•w+fr.,.•wYAp..•a,vyy.ntyyµy,MAR- *µ .raaarsatot a �� «x•„a.aer.,,,,,a.ta,,t:.x.,a ,a:>..,>*,,*etWw.. D E. OOLLTN:i, B.r1liRISTER,SOLICIIT- o OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. H..DtCKSON,bARRI tT&it,1OLICITOR, e of' Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &e.Money to loan OHioe-Fanson's Dlocl.,^rxoter, .LLt0T& IiLI1IOT, BA ItRIsTEi. s, ETO., Conveyanning, aluI Merry to. Loao at Lowest Rates or Interest. Branch office at Hensel' every Thursday. B. F. ELL ioT. Pit laPun Ten E1:aloer Auction ee as gg $r(?�ir\ T Inrbeisn0.LicensedAuct- t , ioneerforthe Counties of Perth and VIliddleaex, also for the tow•11s111 p oft'vborne Sales pram ptly a'tton'letl to and terns rea- 5011bale,Salos arrane;ed at Postofifce. Win- ohelsea, TORN T.SS ES•rc0T1 , Exeter, Ontario, V) Auctioneer for the Cnnnty of Huron, Special attention Given to farms aril farm stock sales. Charges u) narrate. Parties ennteal :dating:having 14111„= tb1 fatll slwubl give him a trial For ilia 113.1 particulars, apply 1,y letter to Exeter I'. 0, orders tett at the Al)w o0A I,: (1111(30, Exeter, will receive prompt ,atteIlt1n11. t5a>i,at w'(Awe- V'RBI). :ir PARNCOMB, 1'rnw 1 einl Lnnd Surveyor and Civil 11 'tn(ta1. (111100, Over Post (1<icoe wlo.au stat, 1 s r er,Unt. i(nns.stIT ;ie'. • E ELLIOT, Insurance A„e;r. Main St. 1,xr:tl r Old „a' n7 w (del: , e eel, 11,1(1 to t.!11 you. the Sallie oltl story of the en • - (,„ Ironed of our goods a: 1.1 firs. Its an old story eerhaps v: have neon been teliill;e it 101 /u long tit11 --hut a good -s:cry will bear CV.1StO'lt ro•l-il1i(r Anil 1:'e' We, propos aa toms tatly r0-t1.ili 3g lo"tYe, PeirJoIl ilYy fit, �Y :." .ra •� of_ that's made up r t thi: c: t.tfbliel1. liir'tit--es 1114 lit it and all the*. details. This is 3101. (tiny (i.\1: reason why ourr pale4.'8 Cad ender ate. D01i't Cate"'r' Cofd Winter is Burr, and your yr (l )t to keep wartn, We shall be pl(.n:l'd to show your--ye8 irioke w on ---sone of our "swell" and durable, ovilr..oats. Each ooaa'? a fit Each coat Lei iSaic'y 01111 North 0001' of l'1'i;, 111;:1: t;i'i'.! Blore. Act' 3ftie,i1 t.1,, •t:i_e p') 0311 o wra'l. 1' :d '7 S 1 :,..t - � °i^ .,._3x1. facLu. e1i b -«1C' 11 3 �7y ,r Cook Co., I.Yki i.» and D rolt,l. ' ,iaif:e 01111' t13ow.111.ote, w..1i91/1e �' r • *•tai i- _ i• P .t .� ,i.. ','.I:''. t'^ 1S _ .t'rl i,:1'ri J t { e..<1'i depend �11 .r3 ,<c.,. ,i._� r•r.:' "G, .I,tt." :r .ati'' '3:iac 1•Qatl0 t ,1 it ,: le roc e j -'opost- s ft t-es_.._.'4r ltic..uG.. ..w..:cos,. a I > for9 Of; /1 1tbf u / •t am,/ rt .II j1 J iA ;Intl f...;l rticsat Tyi is we edll .:wet., by return ..12G... ,.a i>. ,a, c..,_ ,.tt () e21' el w o pe „� C 7], fir_ - ) 1 c tiuuecl'l ractice uc0t. b el.a 1.3:130 of ',l women, rias chereeeofthe a .i:e:, 3s1si catt ' o.. n,. ,; brr 'consulted • er i11 u w.d l� le:.l: r y Me person.11dL•1rC5u O*di: 1721;2'•1 C..IdC : •. Y i'l:::3©aD wr E', IPG.ICD .LI 1111003 Q -lio, 2'53 . :d e±dward Ave. Detroit, .511;b, Ta°' Cook's Cotton Root 'Compound is sold by till respells>i13Te wil 3e:ozlc and retail druggists its 31=c Dominion of Canada and UnitAcl trues for Qac Dollar per box. QP7r'+S essets',dub•p.-3r-sesee lrl .' eese.:'�". Pearl 2lf'oFetrZand Wailaceburg, put. Comfort and Relief Given to Rejoicing Parents A Child's Health and Strength Built Up by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The gratitude which is felt by pa- rents over the recovery of their children from distressing diseases it is hardly possible to exQross in words. Many lathers and mothers have seen the good effects of Hood's Sarsaparilla in rester.. ing their children to health, and thoy have'written gladly of their great joy and thankfulness for the virtncs of this ;medicine. Following is such a case: "My little girl, aged 4, weighted but s pounds at her birth. During the first three years and a quarter she was not well tt single day. 1 was recommended to try ti bottle of Rood's Sarsaparilla. Lbad liths faith in the medicine, but as I bad tried all other medicines, 1 thought 1 would give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial, and- 1 began giving it to the childaccording to directions. The result is that she Sias Not Had n SIck Day since taking the first bottle, which was raven months ago. You do not know what a comfort and relief it is to my wifo sad myself to have her restored to health. She is now robust and weighs as much as a^!y child of her age in town." GEonor; ltifcF RRLAsrn, Wallacehurg, Ontario. Elo©aro r (air y Is the APrily lure Mood Ftniner Prominently in the public eyo today. ' ta. es ear vs J'J .0 0 elgis easy sy in c1et SZSc.to tal o, r,.,.mw.+,.,aw•-...ems...r......,c.xrx..rc"v+.tia-... <.•.,.�.a..a�» x . WhatYouLew 1' • • 3. 1'Ste3 cL :ea -3. lea, .,a state c.2 ltt.. Cars Lesteser la3Ct a .,r .:)-.' • e �r • f.. ..... i- .. f..1,' b:.•�3 �J '+ Lt.G Tl LI 1. tsiat',;n: f , 0 }: t .3. J � a..r 1.1 !i:i;,`.•. 3 , ;' a 4 , tt..:J tial E'n� :' lft• ^ Hili. "ri1.:C 11 r n It y � l.s w i ;'.'c'bltitf,St+iC%.!lrll, r, GIO •r•, 11313)1.) 1 y t.13tnrettl sat _',. .aio:ate r e•.3,1. art' o-aod.l{1 l r. ' •. v a.rlcll mdct t rel . 27 s.6 nn - sultan tree Books (Ifnstrated) (y? 3/rse. W3 1e .,x011"^ati}sl FAIAnkfor I Hobe , t ratrloret. i!.eerseliee Con- &fres-tit:1 Plain cuvolo0.^u. >;3oe.;Ilri:tt sent O. 0. D. 2.10 tereti.inon ;ria next week, S4) �ll 14313 Shelby St., Detroit; Mich. titeseeatet The Latest News in Brief. Mr. James McDonald's infant daugh- ter was burned to death at London. Lizzie Greifenhahi, a ton -year-old girl, was killed at Gulph by a falling wall. Mr. William Watsoe, the fourth vic- tim of the Rilgetown boiler explosion, is dead. Mr. Alex. McCallum, a wealthy far- mer near Kingston, was gored to death by a- bull. T, I', Hinnegan, has bought the Queen's Hotel, Watlaceburg. The price paid was $10,000. Mr. David Quinn of Coilingwood, wandered away from' home and cut his own throat fatally. Forty immigrant boys and twenty girls have arrived at the Stratford home from the old country. Gen: Benj, Harrison, ex. -President of the United States, and Mrs. Mary Scott Lord Dim'mark were married at New York. John Finlay was committed for trail by the Police. Magistrate Wednesday charged with the murder of his brother Frank. 3.11. Burke, farmer of lot..1?, con. 10, East Zorra, Inst his house by fire on Thursday afternoon, Loss, $1,000; in- surance, $500. Judge Andrews, of Quebec, has giv- en ;judgement for $100,000 in favor of the Provincial Goverment against Mr, Earnest Paeaud. - Michael Brennan was found guilty: at Barrie of the murder of Mr. John A. Stratby,•aud was sentenced to be hang- ed on May 29. Drive out the impurities from your blood with Hood's Sarsapurilia andtllus avoid that tired, languid feeling and even serious' illness, ' Mr, George W. Adams, of Rockway, was found dend, having - fallen or thrown himself over a high bank of a creek near bis home. A Chatham man is 'accused of throw ing a live cat into his stove 0nd burn: ing the animal to death. The pollee may take the case in hand, The city of St. Thomas is asking for tenders for over $70,000 worth of local. improvement debentures, the periods ';o- be from five to twenty years. A grain warehouse at Aurora owned by 111r. Jesse Smith of Toronto and occupied by Mr. W. A. Hutt was set on (ire and burned Friday morning. Miss Minnie Minchin, aged 28 years, employed. as a servant by Dr, S. 1'. times, of Niagara Falls, was found dead in bed. An inquest is boi.ng held. Catharine McNeil, one of the oldest residents of Brant county, passed quiet - le away at the ITouse 01 Refuge, Brant- ford, on Easter Sunday, at the ripe age of 91 years. Robert Marren was arrested at Hol. land, Manitoba, on a chase of murder - ins Miss Ilannah Hlatton. The prison er worked on the farm of the young lady's uncle. .A. daughter of David Hyslop, South Easthope, Perth county left her home on Tuesday-, and her parents are an X1ous to learn her whereabouts. The girl. who is 96 years of age, is daft and is unable to speak so as to make her self understood by strangers, and it is feared she may perish unless found or. taken care of by some one. Search has.. devil made for her in all directions. The towns of Esser, f andwich, Am berstburg and Harrow will be supplied with natural gaswfrom the South Essex €tela$. This will make nine towns and cities that will be supplied :from the outh Essex fields, being Detroit\rind. Ser Wnikelville, Sandwich, Essex, Am- herstbulee Harrow, Kingsville and Leamington. A test of the gas fields has shown that the supply is not de (:r'ea1inn nOil Cahly Inspector Dr. Golden has notified the Provincial authorities that lump -jaw has broken out among cattle about eight miles ir(un Windsor. Dr. Golden was cnlied to Elmstead by C.F. Spofford C. P. R, agent, whose cow has the dis- ease. Ile found that the animal was brought From near Hamilton, and with at lot of others sold to farmers of North Esser on :lurch ISIli. All these cattle are reported to hate the disease. JUST BELIEVE JIER. Thousands of Qtly ors have made sim- ilar Declarations. A LADY COMPLETELY CURED. She Used Paine's Celery Compound. REMARKABLE INCREASE IN WEIGHT. The Great Spring Medicine For Building Up e a k and Sickly People, The surest and most positive cure in the world for disease is Paine's Celery Compound. It strelig•thens and invig- orates the run-down system, and builds up quickly fiesh, tissue, bone and mus cle Igo other medicine can so fully and quickly meet the desires of thesiek' alhd diseased.. It should be borne in mind tlielt the seat of disease is the bleed and nerves. The peculiar conipositiou of Paille's Celery Compound enables it to reach all pain and trouble. At this season, Paine's Celery Com- pound is a heaver -sent blessing to every nervous, weal:, debilitated and sleep- less mortal. The diseases that have held men and women in bondage during the winter, can now' be effectu- ally removed ley the use of Paine'a Celery Compound.' If you are earnestly seeking for re- newed health and long life, let the ex- ample of Mrs. Lloyd lead you to give Paine's Celery Compound 11 fair trial. You are certain to reap the same happy results that slie'.03131 thousauds of others i'have 0leperieueod. ItIrs. Joseph Llyod, of Gananoque, Ont., says : "I feel it my duty to tell you what Paine's Celery Compound has done for me. I was always a sufferer from ner- vous debility and very bad headaches, and found it impossible to obtain regu- lar reef a11t1 sleep. Two years ago I read of Paine's Cel- ery Compound, and bought a bottle of 1t. After I had used it I found I could get lest and quiet. I have used alto- gether seven bottles and and myself completely cured. Your medicine purifies the blood dnd. regulates the system; and I would itot be w•itll /lit it in my house if it took my last dollar. Before using Paine's Celery Com - pouted my weight was only 100 pounds; now I weigh 1.1 pounds. Is this not sufficient reason for me to praise the Coln :land highly ? Before I knew of your valuable med- icine I was treated by the doctors, but never received any good, Five of my friends aro now using your great med- icine singe they have seen what it has done for rile. 1 wish you to use my etatrments, as they the be OfenCOnra]einete to others.' :r. John Williams and Y '. Charles Catlin, employed at the Hamilton smelting works, were 03ereom1 by the fumes. Mr. Williams is dead, but gr. Caltin will recover. Mi lIs' barber shop in Thatnesville wag burglarized at all early 110th Saturday. An entrance was effected by picking the lock at the front door. All the raz- ors 10 the shop, some eighteen„ Were' taken. On Saturday morning the barns of The will of the late county treasurer Jas. Anker, ::Maidstone, ware struck by of Perth, Andrew Monteith, . has been lightning and totally destroyed by tire. filed for probate. Ho left an estate of .:+ovcuteen tons of hay and a large 111;,1;00, made up of personal property, quauti'y of grain were burned, as well ,200,nod real estate,'^11,100. Of the as three head of cattle. Four other personal 3.).03.' .1'tz, t:42,500 was life 111sur- Viand were injured. The loss se ill be once. A.11 the real ee tate is bequeathed about. $1,200. 'to Mrs. Monteith for use during her '� •� natural life. She also gets all the Y”. 1r -n;61 11:5,.Stsi3 . household furniture and furnishings, as well as the life ins urauec in lieu of dower. A sad • ffair occurred in the township t,a Ede, recently, An old lady of set :son', r mage, wife of David Blue, ftnrted to go from the house to visit her husband's brother, Alexander Blue, who h ,Y •a t f (• , I L 11 tlw had ,11. h13 lin 1' 1:t.i 1 ;, a upntt.tcd through being' frost -Mt tens' in passing 'between the House a bull belonging to l+b her hn sl.(., a'111e11 was released for n. ,.11,), .1. rime, sande c. lush for her, The, (3131 lady could not get out of its way, .,,d it struele her i11 the body, 1 nock R ' % t i • „ gore I 1u ( ( l 1 11, and proceeded to �, 011 crnnr1(10 Milo 1 her. A clog Mite 10 to 1 1, Y w `i 9 3 r' t•ln(. all(1 it: barkingi) t •1 other did 111 'Alen tht:s,e arrived she 11 ,c; hold of the Nations brute by tho 11113ne. She was tak(t11 into the hous(. F( a lectorfrom Ci(51ew stnt fel but she sustained fearful injuries in the r11letne5n and About the legs, and 01- tllough ecorything was done_': to ease her suffering sll1. 311(d three days after. 1 , i:ert T3 by was rick, we gave her Ca torla. 1 •,a:: shelves a Cililtl, she cried fpr Cantoria. i • b ;n s"e. became i 1!43, ale offing 'to Castorin. ti411:iiw:s'xe int3.1 r:.1.,clran, she gave them EtlStorit;,, S4me Dealers .r.ityc,l ✓ Cheap ,• b and, ''v/1 o:° it v"a Dyes Diamond 4: •'''aD3,1 the :: 4/l nT"'i5' ala') >Oal;,: �`, i AA20 & skO; 8 ror. - Pita' great popularity of D %11301'1 i,,ns hoe resulted io many - e,,?thl',•r a , , f :a 1 alts a tt. ti at:d t.t F ( .. ,a(1>,.li 1 1 luatOrialS :that nye bought by 01/11)0 in .Cls Iltr) at L wr 1.'1' 1.131- price, ilea for the ,)f'•ifose of extra large; pr.. 1t. dea"ees ui.'g43 their Cee ,.01.3031 tt) Irtt, 11' t 1 1YU11 >1 C)1 ltlillintl., dtese.See the v 1 , (le wl (Ill 1'1. a £"1, ►ittncl Dee- 113 o'.1(" (/f t.1t:'re ie3431 tlOIUdS 1(0W b'.ileir, Worked on till ladies of Call•ula. Be - 1 i Be - 'ware of the dealer who 1 c t31+ss to 110111(1<3 you to take t11(1 cot11111tes dies that give hila large profit's.. Diafnonti 1)yes. Erre froth ter0 to three times 41.3 strong as any of the ,Trustier dyer:,. Tho best Materials tf1131 s<ie3ec Call p/oduce are used in the 1(310 tlf€r0- 1 s • •h you .,t tura f .t)i m ri I t', and r tt cur. 0 11 (ln I) Vee, tnon'y'S worth 1.1'11111)' yeti bay oy v thelln. Agricultural Societies Dr. Drysden's 13i11 to amend the Ag- ricultural and Arts Act has passed, the House. In Committee of the Whole, the Speaker secured a number of amend- ments providing for the better manage- ment of union societies. At all meet- ings of agricultural and horticultural societies hereafter, it will require ten to constitute a queirum. The following clause was inserted:—"The directors of the societies uniting shall be directors of the union society a11d shall elect from th(.meelves, a president, a first. vice-president and a second vice•pre.sir dent. They shall also elect from among themselves or otherwise, a secretary and a' treasurer or a,;secretary-trelsur er, and they shall .appoint as auditors two persons who a1'e 1301 members of the ,joint board of •directors All the by-laws and regulations of the union society must be approved by two thirds of all the members of the joint board of directors. Alt the by-laws and regula- tions of the union. society must be ap< proved by two-tbirda of all the mem- bers of the joint board of directors at a regular meeting or a meeting' called especially for this purpose." The fol- lowing section somewhat changes the basis of the division of $420 shall be subject to division among the township and horticultural societies of each dis- trict, to be divided In proportion to the number of paid up members ' of the previous year, as shown by the treas- urer's audited statement and the cerci• fled list of mentOers sent to thn'depart- ment, providedthat on or before the first of September of the year in which + the grant is paid'the treasurer..shall make affidavit as to the number of members for the current year, as pro- vided for in Section 19 of this Act; but any onesociety shall not receive more than $140, nor shall any one society re ce1ve more than three times the amount reported as paid up by ' its members, and not more than one hundred and forty members shall le counted for any one society ha making the division of th(3 grant. A Galt girl was assaulted by an un- known rufilan the other evening on n train street, wed eluded him after- a long chase. A reward of $50 has been offered for his capture. Zlce(rlts Tell! tee emery. A vast mass of direct, unimpeachable testimony proves beyond doubt that 11ood'a Sarsaparilla actually- does per- fectly and permanently cure diseases caused by impure blood, Its record of cures is unequalled and these cures have often been accomplished after all other preparations had failed. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bilious. 11e8s, jaundice, indigestion, sick bead ache. EXETER itER(ET . (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel Se.7,1to 75 Barley 3711 to 1n Oats 311 to 22 Pea `i IS to 35 Batter - 15 to 13 _Egg -4 ....• to Potatoes perbag 25 Hay per ton 11.1x) to 12.00 Turkeys per lb. ... ,1 to 8i- (10040_..-....,•Pto tx Layperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadran (t't ood'e flirt Stand) we will be plc aa(:d to see All err old customers and as many new ones. 't, t !Intend keeping the the very bese of fresh meat, end it will be (U first aim t0 please Customers. Teel,ricrloin, spare ribs, sausage, haraa, bacon ;1 ew orythieg usual lr sold in the factory can now be preeeurt:il at t114.' shop. n 1. a„: ?(3 r 1< ,,:., et' otte;zee:tas Promptly doli-.erotl. We intend conducting a (Slsll business, the ion t:st term 0f credit i1'11:e,", one week, la cline+'runt of a` „ will be given fur 011811. - ''C•;-1 9 e t7.,E. 1::i7 L, vo pF BEIINE Has cw'e*r others! T'"U1I cure yea f`G.r i 1.:,P,2fe7g nir3>i !. •: Is 31 .w',' (tire 1.1t. all it�'C rt._t t.''4t i 3t is,t 11 to 1` evm ,,, hegira Y' 1 .• q''= :.t_s•t1,- T' +. Lei., a 'lu i a 1'-. i. • I 1 't til i 1' ..Y 2:10.VP'411 31. l t 1 1 t r ) 1 � iv 41 11 t1n �lt tw w to 13, t;r 403 l •i'1, Ii. t 3 1. , 1. 411::1131 ti,tr t •'I t 13l , a 1 • 1)./1/.,21,11.,.r: : 03,0 ,,,.t 3.ate .. ,i,! 0.4111. 1 ,3 t a .•i 1 tl , t' are 11x±1 , 1 au-. e:, t1. �3•t. ....; .' . Nick 1k t t tt ( 0v 3w' tbr.t •t.. 1 e 141: a friiti 13 ilINE CO. i O a 210 Z lidfl 0, S,:0U1.0 TAIC2 yliita d"ot1'a >?t•ud t': ita`S Lir tl t: 61,1 tki14 :,, �j t .,-, , ,t,t 1.11 ,41 1 ti �I,. 1.,•h ff , ' e I 1 t tI,+,kt 1 3/1 ids+ p31373. i ,t, at 11. A11.f (Ih •tn,•tndt by14,113 r#1h ata t5 X111 n111, 14151 per 1 '.).To1 0,0rc141 1) 3urlvt,3..unl muco. Palling Sexual strength In old or youngmetAill r be quickly andpermanently cured by metoA1cotth ly,vigorousstate. Sufferers from.... NERMS DEBILL VARICOCELE, HT -LOSS%%.% ANA) ALL WASTING llie tome for advice. I have been a close studea51 31 many years of the subject of weakness'', men,'t fact is.I was a sufferer myself.. Too bas1Yaltos• the aid otrolder mor orrepulyslne Ttnk4k tigated the subjectdeepiy 733333 tablepkdiscoveredoie.a ss but most remarkably successful remedy that pletely cured me and fully enlarged me treat% shrunken,stunted condition to natural strengtlraliii2 size. I want every yoangoroid man to8rnowatiett it. ICtake a personal interest in such casessfdieu one need hesitate to write me as all communtentleQO are heid'strictly confidential. I send the reelpeeo1 this remedy absolutely fcoo 3 pa S Off Mit write me folly at once,reeof youst.: willDutwa3e3103ilti ir8 the day you did so. Address, THOMAS SLATER, Box2172 Shipper of Fatuous Kalamazoo Ce3o1 h KALAMAZOO. MICH. fl Are showing ?,=st .'1 Lint', for the ilex t two v,eeks iI PF RL T r LE%34 i w C � t+,•w„ (:! 'toy w� }� e? ifrirA rti s E..LES9 9 it0 -r •th vii:n Cs Cy `x F , ii .1 9 S. (HD BEY & SON, ODD FELLOW'S HIot .a.- $ ...L-.2:.. • cyee at J P opiiia- otto 11 Ftr,i:F, 15' Priccsa 0 up i 1 17696 Also to :'C '' •'id days,, ••o 1 I' a ��� ;si,t(. ;.�il�v • $ifa'Llu .r _ •t4 iel+i T1.liS.• ^`,C+.•:;lnpre, ».< 11 ',1_, •ii:' >• F .. (: it l..4? _rp- .3 for• a ..• f ,. - v ..ao�r . troubles. 4.1.6 (:Ttir t .kl li: (1 :� Ittt.ii' say.e'�'.•TE.I 1 3. T ,• .-t .,�'...,,p. -el 1v I �. cal- , 4 , s ° 1enr- , 1 1. 1 /• � 4; t l Leal w' tt 7131"1:RIFND Ole da ti•-at)..a