HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-4-2, Page 6Subscriber's who do sot receive their papers
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The Week's Commercial Snmivary.
The earnings of the Toronto Railway
'for the first half of this month are $2,600
in excess of the same period last year.
The wheat markets at Ontario points
are lower owing to weakness in Britain.
On the Northwest white wheat sold at
The earnings of Canadian Pacific for
the second week of March were 58.13,000,
an increase of n°'+, 7 2.00J as compared, with
same week of last year.
• Canadian Government securities in
London are firmer with advances of 1 to
2 per cent. Toronto 3 1-2 per cent. de-
bentures are 1 higher at 101.
Bell Telephone receipts at Toronto for
gaarter ending February 29 were $51,-
251., against $:15,885 for the quarter end-
ing with February, 1895.
Post -offices were opened in Ontario on
March 1, as follows : Boothville, South
Grey; Lefaive's Corners, South Ontario ;
Pape avenue, East Toronto, (Feb. 15.)
Cattle supplies on the London market
are excessive. The best United States
animals bring 5d, and Argentines 4d.
At Liverpool American cattle are selling
at 61-Sd, and Argentines at 4 1-2d.
The visible supply of wheat in the
7'lnited States and Canada decreased.
475,00,) bushels last week and the total is
62,1211,000 bushels as against 76,8713,000
bushels a year ago and 73,249,1x10 bush-
els two years ago. The amount afloat to
Europe is 213,960,000 bushels, as against
86,880,000 bushels a year ago,
The failures in the Dominion as re-
ported to the Daily Bulletin continue to
+lecrease, There were 49 last week as
compared to 00 the previous week, and
88 in the same week of a year ago. On-
tario had 27, only one of which had a
rating as high as 88,000; two were rated
at $2,0U0, one rated under $1,OJ0, and the
balance had our lowest credit or blank
rating. There were 163 in Quebec, none
of which were of any commercial import-
ance. British Columbia had five and
Manitoba one. None were reported from
the other provinces last week.
Business at Toronto this week has been
quiet generally. Although merchants
are hopeful, the indications are not very
promising for an active trade. Values
of the leading staples are steady, but
stocks of merchandise are large, and it
is necessary to cut prices to relieve the
market. Collections are backward in
the majority of lines and the large list of
failures is anything but cheering.
Bankers are very conservative and all
paper offering for discount undergoes
considerable scrutiny. The retail trade of
the city is slightly better owing to mil-
linery openings. The leading houses re-
port a fairly satisfactory trade, but the
smaller concerns have uphill work. The
large number of bankrupt stooks are af-
fecting trade adversely, and probabilities
are that there will be lower level of
prices in the near future.
There is danger in neglecting a cold.
Many who have died of consumption
dated their troubles from exposure, fol-
lowed by a cold which settled on their
lungs, and in a short time they were
beyond the skill of the best physician.
Had they used Bickle's Anti- Consump-
tive Syrup, before it was too late, their
lives would have been spared, This
medicine has no equal for curing coughs,
voids and all affections of the throat and
Here and There.
We suspect that spring is coming; the
" first robin " liar already has begun
It will be noticed that the 1896 styles
of bicycle hump are about the same as
those of last year.
Those accustomed to hear Salvation
Army bands have been aware for some
time that there was discord in the or-
The surplus flowers which maudlin
sentimentalists are unable to pack into
Scott Jackson's cell in Cincinnati might
with entire propriety be sent to the grave
of Pearl Bryan.
Lillian Russell has threatened to dis-
charge her leading man unless he es-
chews stage kisses and gets down to
real business. The tyrannical disposition
of some of these prima donnas is simply
The comet has turned about and is
now getting away from the earth as
rapidly as it was coming tiward it. The
glare of those oratorical fireworks in the
Senate was evidently too much for its
nervous system.
A young man has died at Edinburg,
Ind., of softening of the brain from
habitual cigarette smoking. A young
man who makes a practice of smoking
cigarettes is supposed to have a tolerably
soft brain to start with.
A Cleveland girl who bad a young man
arrested for kissing her admitted on the
witness stand that she had kissed him
first. The defendant was discharged. It
looked like a clear case of justifiable os-
culation in self-defense.
hfisspent Lives.
Within the past few weeks some strik-
ing instances have heen afforded of the
unvarying success of the Lakehurst treat
went for alcoholism in the extremes of
. old age and youth. In the one case the
experience brings mingled pleasure and
regret, in the, other pleasure and self-
congratulationbut both find common
ground for thankfulness iii the fact of
having obtained a radical,lasting cure.
Every young man who has taken the
treatment instinctively realizes that he
has escaped a lifetime of misery and deg-
radation and seamy imbued with the de-
termination to retrieve himself. If, on
the other hand, a man only awakens late
in life to the realization et his misspent
past and wasted substance, his declining
years will 14 ,taunted by the vain regret
that he had not taken the cure while life
with all its opport.iuitien was before him.
The man does not live` wino has used al-
cohol all his life, who can truly say that
he has been the better %or it. The'earller
in life a drinking man makes -en h e mind
to take .the, treatment at Oakville, the
erecter will be his satisfaction. 'Seventh
o#Lir.: i18 bawl: of Commerce Building.
The Important Events in w Few Words For
Busy Readers.
Kingstonhas voted $16,000 for new
school buildings,
Lord Aberdeen will open the Industrial
and Brantford Fairs.
Mr. L. T. Constable, of Hamilton, was
robbed of $800 by burglars.
The private banking firm of • George
Dobie & Co., Glencoe, has suspended;
Alex. Archer, of Glencoe, was sand-
bagged and robbed of $85 at Windsor.
It has been officially announced that the
There was a terrific explosion of gas in a
new coal mine at Dubois, Pa., by which
fourteen miners were killed. '
Tyrrell Kenny has been jailed at Buf-
falo charged with " daubing with red
paint" thirty of the city's churches.
There is a strong probability that the
Cuban resolutidns will be senasback'to
conferenee'before being finally adopted tr
The resolutions censuring United States
Ambassador Bayard for his Boston and
Edinburgh speeches passed the House at
At Galesville, Georgia, Henry Patter-
son murdered his wife with an axe. Armed
constables now guard him from the lynch-
tbreatening mob.
The Methodist Episcopal Conference at
Philadelphia decided, by a vote of 117 to
life of parliament expires on April 24. 89, to admit women as lay delegates to the `
Bishop Hamilton, of Niagara, has ac- General Conference. I
cepted the invitation to the new Bishopric The strike of twelve thousand Chicago
of Ottawa. tailors, which began on Wednesday, is
Brockville Council has passed the elec- over, the contractors having signed the
trio railway agreement, and the line will contract drawn up by the Men.
be constructed at once. The Rev. Dr. Brown, of San Francisco,
An effort is being made for a union of charged with adultery and nnministerial
the Patrons of Industry and the Independ- conduct, has been acquitted by the Church
Committee which tried the case.
A New York newspaper has offered H,
H. Holmes, the' condemned murderer,
seven thousand five hundred dollars to
write a detailed and truthful story of his
criminal career.
A call, has been issued in Washington
for a national conference, to be held in
that city on the 22nd and 23rd of April, for
the establishment, between Great Britain
end the United States, of a permanent
system of arbitration.
t The Rev. J. D. Thornton, living near
Sharon, Texas, was warned to preach no
once Canada Party in Essex.
Mr. J. W. Bell, ex -M. P., Desmond,
was elected Grand Master of the Grand
Orange Lodge of Eastern Ontario.
The Credit Lyonnais of Paris has en-
ntered an action in the Superior Court
against La Banque du Peuple for $5,000.
The firm of Haines, Laedecking & Co.,
manufacturers' agents, Montreal, have
assigned with liabilities of about $85,000,
Mr. Alexander McLachlan,a well-known
Canadian poet, died at his residence in
Orangeville, Out., Friday, aged seventy-
Judgment in the Canadian prohibition more in that section. He refused to obey I
case will not be rendered by the Judicial the order, and on Saturday night he was
Committee of the Privy Council until taken out by a mob, who whipped him'
after Easter.
The bill for the supervision of bakeshops
received almost unanimous support in the
Ontario Legislature Thursday on its
second reading.
William James Hammond was commit -
ed for trial at Gravenllurst on a charge of ,Canaria,
severely wtih switches.
Charles Ryan, of Buffalo, N.Y., who is
wanted by the Canadian authorities for
the robbery and attempted murder of Ed-
ward Russell, at Bridgeburg, Ont,, last
October, was captured in Easton, Pa., and
t is held awaiting extradition papers from
baling murdered his wife, known as Kate In the United States Semite Monday
by poison.
Canadian laborers are reported to be Mr. Mills, of Texas, introduced a joint
crossing the U. S. border at Niagara to resolution directing President Cleveland
take positions on farms in Genessee and
Livingston counties
to request Spain to give local self govern-
ment to Cuba, and in the event of Spain's
The Aylmer branch of the Canadian refusal the President is authorized to take
Pacific Railway becomes the property of possession of the island, and hold it until
the Hull Electric Co. and wilt be operated the people oself-governme Cuba can establish local
ent. I
as an electric road.•
The Medicine for Liver and Kidney
organized toren a daily steamer from rap am". Victor Auger, Ottawa,
Bay of Quinte ports to Clayton and the writes: ' I take great pleasure in mom
Islands. mending to the general public Parmelee's
PillsJohn Tremer, a teamster, while driving Comply nt.as a I have for
d and the las
over the Grand Trunk crossing near three years with leading physicians, and
Whitby station, was struck by a train, have taken my medicines which were
and almost instantly killed, recommended to me without relief, but
The attached men of the Royal School after taking eight of Parmelee's Pills I
of Infantry at St. John's, Quebec, who was quite relieved, and now I feel as free
refused to do fatigue duty, were found from the disease as before I was
guilty of mutiny by the court-martial. troubled."
Another new steamboat line is being 1 t
An explosion of nitro-glycerine at
Petrolea wrecked Mr. Corey's factory and
blew two of the employees, Messrs. John
Owen and William Huggard, to atoms.
Mr. Gabriel Balfour, one of the oldest
settlers in the district around Omemee,
The plague continues in Hong -Kong, in
spite of the sweeping sanitary measures
adopted by the Government.
A hill was read a second time in the Im-
Ont., died. Friday night, in his eightieth periai Parliament to compel the marking
year. He was one of the veterans of the of all imported meat, cheese and butter.
rebellion of 1887. Queen Victoria has created Emperor
Chief of Police Mothers, of; Waterford, Francis Joseph Colonel in -Chief of the
has been committed for trial on a charge First Dragon Guards.
of receiving $250 from Joseph Lightfoot, The Chinese. Government is making no
of Brooke, under a pretence of helping to headway against the Mohammedan re -
recover stolen property, hellion in the northwestern provinces.
A shocking affair is reported from The British and Egyptian troops are
Wingham. A butcher named Fields was drilling daily in Cairo. The English sol -
taken from his home by a mob on suspicion diers are enthusiastic at the prospect of
of immorality, and as a result of his treat- fighting, but the natives are not so jubi-
ment died in the hospital at London. lent.
Andrew Boyd, of Montreal, who was Captain -General Weyler is reported as
arrested in London some time ago on a saying that the difficulties he has en -
charge of perjury in connection with some countered in Cuba may compel him to
Customs deeds of the firm of Boyd, Gillies resign.
& Co., was acquitted Friday. The Unionist members of the Glasgow
The Rev. S. Fear, one of the pioneers of University have chosen Mr. Joseph Chum -
Methodism, died at his home in Elora, berlain as their candidate for the office of
or re ry
Ont., aged 94. fie bad been fifty-six years L d R corer o f tl U ners
in Canada as a Methodist minister, and
was superannuated in 1876.
The Montreal Witness tells of a 9 -year-
old boy on the Island of Orleans who is
reported to be possessed of supernatural
powers. His parents have asked the
priest to exorcise "the evil spirit."
The news has been received in Winni-
peg of a terrible explosion at the gold have specific virtues truly wonderful in
mines of Rossiand, in British Columbia, their action on the stomach and bowels.
as a result of which four men were killed jam•, B. A. Cairnrross, Shakespeare,
and two more were seriously injured- writes: "I consider Parmelee's Pills an
David Stock, Deputy Collector of Cue- excellent remedy for Biliousness and De -
toms at Dundas, Out., has resigned on ac- rangement of the Liver, having used
count of a shortage in his accounts to the them myself for some time."
amount of 3400 or $500. Stock had been The Times attaches great importance
connected with the Custom House since to the evacuation of Kassala by the Ital-
1890. inns, which took place on the 14th, as it
Mr. Christopher James, a farmer on the will entirely alter the whole situation for
town line between Aldborough and Or- Italy, and will be likely to react seriously
ford, Out., was killed on Wednesday by a upon the position in Egypt.
Mr. Samuel Plimsoll, the originator of
the famous "Plimsoll mark" to prevent
the overloading of ships, is dangerously
He is seventy-two years of age.
As Parmeleees Pills contain Mandrake
and Dandelion, they cure Liver and Kid-
ney Complaints with unerring certainty.
They also contain Roots and Herbs which
stack of straw falling upon him, He was
90 years of age, and leaves a widow and a
A despatch from Carlo says that baggage
large family. and stores are leaving daily.for. the British
expedition to Dongola. The Sixth Egyp- o r 11 L' i7p.
J Liz
The English Regiment, Princess Louise tion Battalion was bidden a cordial fare- II1+ AL i� ALY V . HAPPINESS.
:The '.Snliisntin*;'Knife►tor-'Tho YlihiI Acus
Fraud --Robbing on the Strength of roar
7tesolve to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills,
To warn and guard from danger and
wreck beacon lights stand high and bold
ly on rooky coasts.
To lure and deceive to ruin the wreck-
er sets uta false lights.
There is a sort of loyalty due to the
man, or men, who point out grave dan-
gers and how to avert them.
And there is something unspeakably
execrable in the villainy -that seeks to
profit by your danger, by deceiving you
upon false grounds, "
Such is the act of those who endeavor
to palm off: upon yogi imitations of .Dodd's
Kidney Pills,
They may offer them to you by count,
dignified by the name, "Kidney Pills."
it is almost needless to say that the
original and genuine Dodd's Kidney Pills
are put up only in boxes.
They may be offered to you in boxes,
too, at almost any price, but you are safe
from the intended fraud if yea note the
absence of Dodd's Kidney Pills on the
ease label. •
No one dare use that name, for the
counterfeiter would be liable to imprison-
It is something to be aware that in buy-
ing Dodd's Kidney Pills you are buying
the real thing which envious greed would
cheat you out of, if they dared:
But there are scores of ways in which
the.attempt is being made.
The true and original Kidney Pills are
put up in a large, fiat wooden box, cov-
ered with blue label with white letters,
also having a red band.
There can be only disadvantage and
danger in taking anything but the genu-
ine, so do not be defrauded by accepting
anything else.
A story is told of some visitors who
were going through a county jail under
the escort of tele warden. After a tittle
while they came to a room in which three
women were sewing.
"Dear me," one of the visitors whis-
pered, "what vicious looking creatures 1
Pray, what are they here ford"
"Because they have no other home.
This is may sitting -room, and they are
my wife and two daughters," blandly
responded the warden.
Peel and Welland Solid for a Safe Reme-
dial Measure.
Everyone has not the same interest in
the ailments of the body politic,but when
the body personal is sick the case comes
home to a person. Mr. James A. Lowell,
M.P. fonWelland, suffered that unpleas-
ant sickness that comes from catarrh,
but he found. a cure in Dr. Agnew's Ca-
tarrhal hal ow
r Powder. Mr. Henry I+ra '
of Brampton, Peel county, Ontario, a
well-known citizen, identified with the
Great Northwestern Telegraph Co., had
suffered from catarrh for ten years. His
words are these: "I was greatly troubled
with catarrh in the head for ton years. I
tried every remedy, and also doctored,
but little or no benefit came to me until
I used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powders.
Relief came in ten minutes from the use
of a sample bottle. I persevered,' and
four bottles, which cost me, all told, only
$2.40, have completely cured me." Sam-
ple bottle and Blower sent by S. G. Dot
Ghon, 44 Church street, Toronto, on
receipt of loc in silver or stamps.
A Great Editor. •
" He's a great editor, isn't he?" said
s. one reporter to another.
I " I should say so. Why, he gets so
used to saying 'we' that ,he often pays
two fares on the street -car."
Eight Doctors -- No Relief --- Rheuma-
There is but one remedy in existence
which ever has or can ourn rheumatism
in two to three days, It is a remedy pre-
pared. expressly for this one complaint,
and is worthless for any other. Morton L:
Hill, of Lebanon, Indiana, says of it :
"My 'wife had rheiscnatism•in every mus-
cle and joint; had been in bed for six
weeks, and suffered almost death. Eight
physicians attended her, but she didnot
find even relief until she tried South
American Rheumatic Cure. It gave her
relief within first few hours, and she was
able to attend to her household duties in
three days. I am sure it saved her life."
75 cents.
A Natural Mistake.
• Connoisseur—I tell you what itis, 'Mc-
Daub, these ostriches are simply superb.
You shouldn't paint' anything but birds.
tArtist (disgusted)—Those are not os-
triches. They' aro angels.
nedthe British Government that they will troops of thea
Hussars, King's County, N.B., have note, well by he Khedive, who exhorted the
to maintain the honor r
raise volunteers out of the regiment to country.
send four squadrons to the Nile in the pro-
posed expedition. The Prince of Wales'evrirbe installed as
Messrs. C. M. flays, General Manager Chancellor of the University of Wales in
coming summer.
of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, loceal tyise e of the oflceremouy was left byThe his
and E, C. Smith, President of the Central , Royal Highness entirely to the choice of
Vermont Railway Company have been 1 the university court; which has now
appointed receivers of the Central Ver-
mont Company.
Dr, F. R. England, of Montreal, has been
awarded 81,000 and costs in his action
•against Kerry, Watson & Co., wholesale
druggists, for $20,000 damages for the,
death of his wife owing to a mistake in
filling a prescription.
Mr. John Craig, head of the Dominion
horticultural experimental work, is au-
uthority for the statement that the outlook
for next season's crop of peaches is very
unpromising. In many districts it will be
a complete failure.
The worst snowstorm of the season
prevailed on Thursday night and Friday
throughout Ontario. Immense damage
was done to telegraph and telephone
wires, while railway traffic was, in many
parts completely blocked.
Thousands Like Her. Tena "McLeod,
Severn Bridge, writes: "I owe a debt of
gratitude to Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil for
curing me of a severe cold that troubled
me nearly all last winter." In order to
give a quietus to a hacking cough. take a
dose of Dr. 'Thomas' Eclectr, is Oil thrice a
day, or oftener if the cough spells render
it necessary.
The strike of the Chicago garment
walkers developed a' number of acts of
violence Thnrsdty. '
'William Miller, aged 28, has been ar-
rested at Lancaster, Pa., for the murder
of his father in January last:
selected Aberystwyth, the seat of the old-
estof the colleges of the university. The
Prince has formally confirmed the selec-
Agitation in the world of homoepathic
medicine has been its very soul of pro-
gress, as in polities and religion—the diffi-
culties of opinion and the individualities
of men have been parent to the disagree-
ments by which the standard of these
bodies have been elevated. So with most
of our famous preparations—foremost in
illustration of which truth stands the
world-famous remedy to general debility
and langour "Quinine Wine,." and which,
when obtainable in its genuine strewth,
is a miraculous creator of appetite, vital-
itality and stimulant, to the general fertility
of the system. Quinine Wine, and its
improvement, has, from the first discovery
of the groat virtues of Quinine as a medi-
eel agent, been ono of the most thoroughly
(lisci'[ssed remedies ever offered oto the
public. It is one of the great tonics and
natural life-giving' stimulants which the
medical profession have been compelled
to recognize and prescribe.' Messrs.
Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given
to the preparation of their pure Quinine
Wine the great, care due to their an-
portan.ce, and the standard excellence.
of the article' which they offer to the pub -
Lie conies into the market purged of all
the defects which sl i lnil observation and
scientific opinion has pointed out in the
less perfect preparations of the past. All
druggists sell it.
Dodd's Kidney Fills Ilave an Unbroken Re-
cord of Success --They Always Cure.
Health is the largest part in the mix-
ture called. happiness.
Health depends upon the purity of the
It is almost impossible to be ill if your
blood is ptire, rich and red.
The organs havingmost to do with
blood purity are the. kidneys.
If they are out of order you lose first the
pink of health, and later the pallor of
impurity is seenen.
find then scice steps in to help the
kidneys do their work.
They will, respond to the first dose of
Dodd's Kidney Pills. "
Because thee pills are for this very
How quickly they cure any minor kid-
ney trouble is already well known to a
hundred thousand people or more.
They have cured in hundreds of cases
after the patient had been given up to
And it is only reasonable to expect
them to care promptly in simple cases.
But we have yet to learn that Dodd's
Kidney Pills failed in any case -simple
or complicated:
Docld's Kidney Pills revive the flagging
in the
are the least expensive treatment
They cure the deadly Bright's disease
at airy of its stages,
They have cured in hundreds of ,cases
where all else iailea.
Dodd's Kidney Pills can be bought for
50 cents'a box from any druggist or
dealer in Canada.
Are the choice of
Experienced Riders,
Send for Catalogue.
South American Kidney Cure Not Only
Relieves Kidney Disease Immediately,
but it Also Heals and Removes the
Those dragging pains in the loins that
are a common symptom of kidney trouble
are most distressing, but they are only
the forerunner of more acute pain, and -
will develop rapidly if an effective
remedy is not applied.. No medicine acts
on the kidneys with such speediness as
South . American Kidney Cure. It
gives relief in the most distressing cases
in a few hours. But it does not stop '
here. It is a great healer, and its con
tinuous use for a short time 'completely j
banishes this disease. It is a cure fox
kidney trouble, and only it, but it never I
fails hire.
Self -Protection.
Weary Watkins»-Wot the dickens you CEYLON TEA
carryin' that club for nowadays?
Hungry Higgins - It's leap year, IS DELICIOUS.
pardner, that's ' why. --Indianapolis Sold Only in Lead Packets.
$100 Reward $100.
Tho readers of this paper will be pleased $
learn that there is at leant one dreaded disease;
that s lance has been able to cure in all i
stages,atid that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cut,
is theonly positive cure known to the medicee
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional die.
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Rail's l:atarrn Cure is taken internally,aetit
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
rue sy.5tem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, apd giving the patient steep 16
by building up the constitution and assist tg
nature in doing its work, The propriwere
have so much faith In its curative powers, thak
tiher offer Otto hundred Dollars for any case
that It tails to cure. Send for list of tebtimon-
lais. . duress,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tel edo, O.
S•+ati by Dru:cgists, 75e.
" IN T:E LEAD. "
Mr. Aaron Nichols, who has Lived on Ono
Perm for 70 Tears, Tells What He litmus
of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart.
"This is to certify that I have bought
two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the
Heart for my wife, who has been troubled
for the past twenty years with heart dis-
ease. The first few doses gave relief,and
she has had more benefit from it than '
from all the doctoring she ever did. The'
remedy acts like magic on a diseased
heart. I am pleased to give this certifi-
Assessinnet Svatem"
Edw. B. Harper
Fred. A. Burn-
15 Teplarseted Com -
The Largest
Stron rest
' in the World.
$60,000,000 of New Business in 1895.
$908,8eb,00D of Business in Force.
$4.084,075 Death, Claims Paid in 1895.
825,000,000 Death Claims Paid Since Business
1885 shows an increase in Gross Assets, Net
Surplus, Income and Business in Force,
OrOver 105" members interested.
W. J. Mc UlITRT, Manager for Ontario,
Freehold Loan Building.Toronto Out.
A. R. McNIOHOL, anager for Manitoba,
British Columbia and "North- West Territories,
McIntyre $lock. Winnipeg, Man.; D. Z. BES•
SETTS, Manager for Quebec 12 Place d' Armes,
Montreal, Que.; COL. JAMES DOMVILLE,
Manager for New Brunswick, St. John, N. B.;
W. J. MURRAY, Manager for Nova Scotia,
Halifax, N. S.
B -S Fuchsias, assorted; . 5oc.
I-0 Roses, ever.blooming, 6po:
0-8 Geraniums, good 00.53.V-6 Canna Bulbs; as'tl for bee.
A—S Diontbretiss, pretty:. 60,e.
LI -30 Glade's Bulbs; mica 50c.
U -Sweat Peas, i;olloyere5odi
B—Window Cilli,, i each
(Ivy and Show Gamin
Colegs, Manetto Vine
Mexican Primrose, Pacbsia
Heliotrope do Tradescattia 80e
•ia,ahit"rJ':ray '•'7
Mutual Principle' Settlors for anitti1a
should make it a point to call upon us
and get lists of lands for sale
Re LAW, Solicitor In Supreme Court of Can
ada. `Money to loan. Offices -28•x0 Toronto
street, Toronto.
Drop a postal card to A. H. Canning
& Co., 57 Front Street East, Toronto,
for prices on Seeds and General Goods.
Their seeds are guaranteed to be true
to name and prolific.
Two Schools Under One Management
Unquestionably' the leading Commercial
Schools of the Doti -Anion; advantages best.
in Canada; modera' a rates • students racy
enter at any lame, Wri e to either school for
cirenlars and mention this 'Paper.
SHAW ELLIOTT,&,Principals.
T. N. U.
57 '
�! d�i'VP.arw
Way to spend a aintet is to attend the Nord ern
mass Collide, Owen Sound, ;Ont. Al! who would'liim
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at our office and talking the matter over.
With fifteen years experience we ens
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the most suitable parts in which to le -
Write for prices and lists.
is printed on paper
of our make.
This journal � ti uses
our paper only.
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