HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-3-26, Page 5t., THE' eze t er broil:at ', Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office,, MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. - f3.v the -- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIIPTION, One Dollar per annum "if paid in Advance 81.5O if not so paid. S.B.amxtio3. mater on. .5-321012.ca- tie= No paper discontinued un til all arrearages are paid. Advertisements 'without specific directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PAINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- era. &c. for advertising, subsoriptions,ete.to be mads payable to Chas. H. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP 1ProleNSsoesal Cards. H. KINSMAN, L.D.S, .Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday of each m oath L DILD. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) 1J honors Graduate ofthe Toronto Uni- lsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alli modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over' Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter, Yl,atliell l If R. G, SHOLY.LTS, CENTRAL La .JJ has moved one door south. Drs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Itesidenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main St, Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door, May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, H. D. T. A, Amos, M.D T'hi.T. P. McLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF .LJ the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Phasic/len, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Veterinary-. WILLIAIM SWEET, VETER- 'nary Surgeon. Graduate To- ronto VeterinaryOollege. Office and residence at the old stand,' one block East E. J. Speakman's Store. Delhorning a pecialty. Legal. D R. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- L . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. 7 II.DICKSON,BARRISTER, SOLICITOit, alsf• of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block,Exeter ELLIOT&ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC:, Conveyancing. and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates o Interest, Branch office at Ilonsall every Thursday. h'RlinliRIcic ELLIOT Auctioneers BROWN, Winoholsea. Licensed Auct- T ..ionoer for the Counties of Perth ani Middlesex, also for the township ofUsbornc Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. TORN T. WESPCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, t, Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stock sales. Charges: moderate. Parties cantor -a plating having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders lett at the APvOCAme Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Surveyors. FRED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter. Ont. insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent. Main St. Exeter The Same Old Story. Every week we continue to tell you the same old story of the ex • cellence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps -we have been been telling it for a long time -but a good story will bear constant re telling and we . propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally "Cut" Every .Garment that's made up at this establish ment-as well as fit it and all the •details. This is the only ONE reason why our prices are moder ate. Don't Catch Cold.. Winter is here and you want to keep warm We shall be pleased to show you -yes make you -one of our "swell" and durable overcoats. Each coat a fit Each coat a daisy OEaT. K1CIIT. the North Door of Browning's drug store. IF ' YOU WANT TO TRAVEL „.447.41 J i y 4( SOLICIT ' L.:'t'. Coiist,ahle, of .'Hamilton, was. railed of $800 by burg lars. Try Bissett's liven for a 'lobby nut - fit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A CALL, ED W.G. Bissett When Baby was sick, we gave her eastorla, When she was a Child, else cried for Castorta. When she became Was, she clung to Castorla.. When she bad Children, she gave them Caster's, West Lebanon, N. H. Dartmouth Professors Called It IcclraWWo But Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfect, ly Cured A Frightful Ulcer Conquered. "In 1886 a little sore gathered on my left ankle which soon became painful and broke open, discharging freely. The family physician termed it an ulcer, com- monly known as an old man's sore, due to the poor state of my blood. The doctor's treatment did not seem to benefit me as the sore spread to the size of a saucer. L was greatly run down by it and had to give up business. The doctors said owing to my advanced age it was their opinion The Bore. Was Incurable. In 1888 I made atrip to the faculty at Dart- mouth College, determined to have the ulcer operated upon. The surgeons deemed it inadvisable to performed an operation on the ankle, claiming that my advanced age, 78 years, in itself was a bar- rier, and that only temporary relief could be given. I returned to my home at West Lebanon discouraged and disheartened. L was pining over my misfortune when a Wend urged me to give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. I bought a bottle. I'had taken only a part of it before I noted a change ill my case. The eruption took on a healthy lood's Brzrga- appearance. 'perse- vered with the medi- cine, my faith in It having been greatly MVOs tr6414t.i increased as the beneficial effects became apparent. I took six bottles of the medi- cine and at the end of that time the sore Had Completely Healed, ' only the scar remaining as a remainder of the suffering I had undergone. The effects of the medicine was also beneficial to my whole system. I have not felt so well for years." JosIN S. CusltlER, West Lebanon, New Hampshire. N. B. 4Be sure to get Hood's. ,parilZ a ures Hood'S Pills and aey cathartic. p 250. THE FURNITURE KAN 0! Rowe has got the best furniture store; Wheel Whim ! Don't yon wish you were him; And his prices aro cheaper than ever before; And his goods are so handsome a king would be glad To own such parlor suits. All he wants can be bad If he'd just go to Rowe's as I would advise. My Eyes But won't he be wise ? If the goes to ltowe's, as I would advise. And Rowe's got chairs that elsewhere you can't buy. Whee! Whing! What a singular thing That o'er the furuiture men here, he soars far on high. His bedroom sets haven't their equal in town And I know that these facts are authentic all round. Wan ! Ho! Why certainly so! Iknow that these facts, aro authentic all round - You will fled Rowe's down town. Gee! Whizz! What a great place it is! Nestling down on old Main street's roman tic clime; Just leaded with furniture massive and fine, Everything that you want, so just call any time,' Rowe sells his goods cheaper than any one Oen.. Whing ! Whann ! What a marvelous man! What a very remarkable, marvelous man ! R. N. ROWE. Mr. D McGregor, of Paisley, met with a painful accident the other day. He was steadying a stick of timber which was being drawn by a team of horses. The timber shoved over on the crowbar which he was holding, throw - ng him down, at the same time pros - slug the crowbar against the inner side of the knee. The inner ligament of the knee were ruptured and injuries sustained hard to describe in other than technical language. How Wise Women Economize in Hard Times. A Ten Cent Investment Saves Dollars. whin business men, farmers and me- chaeics complain of hard times, the women of the country realise the fact as quickly as the men. When times are really hard, the women are the first. t ' study true economy. This work be. gins right in the home circle instead of'buying a new' dress for 'herself and new clothing for the child- ren. the, thrifty and economizing wom- an uses the Diamond Dyes to re color old and faded dresses and suits, which are made to look as good as new. I ho Diamond Dyes are true aids to economy; they are specially' prepared for bomb useand are guaranteed the strongest and fastest of all known dhes 44 hen a garment is colored with the Diamond Dyes, ' he color is there to stay. and a ill nut wash on or fiide out. See' that your dealer e le r sex s you. outhe Di tmoihd Dyes; recuse all imitation' and so avoid having your materials end garments ruined. . € rave OUTRAGE AT WINGHAM. Inquest; on the Death of Fields --Story Told by an lOndertaker. • London, Ont., March 21; -In cense gt'tenee of stories from Wingham, Coroner Flock, of this city', decided to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of F. G. Fields, the Wingham butcher, who is alleged to have been ill-treated by a mob in that town ten days Fields ago. died in the General hospital here yester- day, ofauflammation of thelangs, having arrived in the city on Monday, presum- ably from Lansing, Mich., where one of Th his daughters lives. e inquest opened to -day. The body of Fields, who wail about 60 years old, was badly discolored, but there was no evidence of. maltreat- ment or punishment, except that his feet presented a sickening sight, the result of frostbites. Dr. Balfour, hospital superintendent, explained that they had treated him for his frozen feet at first, and the inflamma- tion of the lungs did not develop notice- ably until the next day. He was deliri- ous, but the''deliriurli might have been caused by the. inflammation, although they at first thought it was from drink- ing. The chief witness was Mr. Samuel Gracey, undertaker, of Wingham. Fie said that his first intimation that any- thing had happened was on Wednesday morning, March 11th, when a man named George Phippen walked into Smith and Pethick's hardware store, where wituess was at the time, and told the three how a crowd hint taken Fields out of his house and had waltzed him up and down in the snow • for a while. Phippen said there were about forty present. The names of several of these were freely spoken of on the streets, and ho did not think the au- thorities would have any trouble in secur- ing them. Phippen said they bad taken the old man out and had walked him up and down in the snow, He was not struck more than twice with a whip. Some had revolvers and fired them off. After they got through 'they warned Fields to leave town within twenty-four hours. While in the hands of the mob the old man cried for mercy, and swore he was not guilty of the u.itnatural crime charged against him. The deceased was given to drink- ing at times, but his family were well thought of by those who knew them, Mr. Gracey said that the daughter whose name was associated with the affair had a child three years ago, and another two weeks ago, although the blame in the first instance was laid on a circus employe and in the second on a Toronto man. There was some talk of tarring and feathering Fields after the birth of the daughter's first child, but nothing was done. In answer to a question, Mr. Gracey said it was not the highly moral portion of the community that created these dis- turbances. The' inquest was adjourned until March 31, and the body will be taken to -morrow to Wingham for burial. A daughter of the deceased, about twenty years of age, wino was not at the inquest, said she was Thome when the mob carne and took her father out, bat she was too frightened to go down stairs, and could not swear now to the identity of any of the crowd. She heard loud talking, but could not distit'- guish what was being said. TORONTO MARKET. Wheat, white, per bosh....$ 823 Wheat, red, per bush Si 'Wheat, goose, Der bush63 Peas, conu.non, per bush56 Oats, per bush 29 Rye, per bush 47 Barley per bush 34 Buckwheat 86 Ducks, spring, per pair40 Chickens, per pair 40 Geese, per lb 06 Butter, in 1 -lb. rolls.... 16 Eggs, new laid 17 Onions, per bush 30 Turnips, per bag, by load15 Potatoes, per bag 18 Beans, per bush 1 10 Beets, per bag 30 Carrots, per bag, by load15 Parsnips, per bag 40 Apples, per bbl 1 75 Hay, timothy 17 00 Straw, sheaf.. ... ...... 11 00 Beef, hinds 043 Beef, fores 03 Spring lambs, carcase, lb0f'3 Veal, per ib 05 Mutton, per lb 04 Dressed hogs 4 50 $ 823 82 6t 59 293 49 43 38 90 60 08 18 20 30 20 n 600D N IIE I 11301 in Tens of Thou sands of Happy Homes. Paine's Celery Compound a Blessing to Civilized Humanity. A good name untarnished by vice, evil or crime is blessed and honored whenever mentioned. • It is like the refreshing shower that falls to cheer the parched and thirsty ground. The great and good name creates better and purer thoughts and aspirations, and tends -to make man- kind bettor. The name "Paino:s Celery Com- pound," cheers and comforts the hearts of thousands of sick and diseased people who now use it, and from its virtues are finding a new life, Tens of thous - a ds of cured men and women honor its fame, and bless the memory of its discoverer. It should be borne in mind that the great medicine is being imitat- «1. Worthless and dangerous prepar- 'tfielis hearing the name "celery corn pound," are seeking for recognition iud for your money. Those who are claim' about a perfect cure, and Cut are health and strength, cannot afford to experiment with untried and un known medicines Paine's Celery Compound has the in. ilorsation, of the best physicians arid a legion of wonderful cures to its credit, rhe nervous, prostrated, weak, dyspep- tic, rheumatic and neuralgic, find in it new life, health and strength. • Dont' tell him that he might have been happier with "that other woman." He may agree with you. Don't forget that your husband's life in the nursery is monotonous and that the- aters please men. Don't, when courting your young man, stay so late that his mother is obliged to eject you forcibly. Don't insist on having the last word. Remember that is the traditional prerog- ative of the husband. Don't imagine your husband will be pleased to hear of the days when you were sowing your wild oats. PAPER PULP FOR LEAKS. Paper pulp is one of tho most useful articles within the roach of mankind. Mixed with glue and plaster of paris or Portland cement, it is the best thing to stop cranks and breaks in wood. Pulp paper and plaster alone should be kept within the roach of every house- keeper. The pulp must be kept in a close -stop - pored bottle, in order that the moisture may not evaporate. When 'required for use, making it of tho consistency of thin gruel with hot water, add plaster of paris to make it slightly pasty, and use at once. Used with care it, will stop leaks in iron 20 pipes, provided the water can be shut off 1 20 long enough to allow it to set. Around 35 the empty pipe wrap a single thi knees 20 or two of cheese cloth just wide enough to cover the break, then apply the com- pound, pressing it hi place and making an oval of it somewhat after the fashion of lead pips j riving, only larger. 50 2 00 18 50 13 50 04 06 0ti 5 00 MONTREAL MARKET. March 23, 1896. Flour, straight roller, per bbl......$ 4 19 Flour, strong bakers, per bbl....... 4 00 Oats, white. No. 2, per bush........ 29 Hams, per lb 10 Cheese Butter, creamery 93 Eggs, 22 fresh, per doe 17 Beans, car lots, per bushel 1 05 Potatoes, per bag 32 Hay, per ton .,.. 13 00 At the East End this morning 400 cat- tle, 525 calves, and a few odd sheep and some lambs were offered; buyers attended in fair numbers, and took most of what was offering. We quote choice cattle, 33 to 3/c ; fair, 2" to Bic ; common, 2 to 2 and inferior, 1' to 2c ; and calves ranged from $1.50 to $ each, as to size. Lambs, $3 to $6, and sheep, $3 to $5. ' BUFFALO MARKET. March 23, 1896. Hard, No. 1 Northern, No. 1 690 Wheat, winter " red, No. 2, track 74 Itstore 71 Corn, No. 2, yellow 34 No.8, " 33 Oats, No.. , white - 2i • No. :t, .. 23 " No. 2, mixed 23 Barley 00 Rye 00 Flour, best spring patent.....$4.10 to 4 25 At East Buffalo there was not enough cattle to day to make a market. Bogs - Receipts, 15 cars; market steady; Yorkers, fair to choice, $4.15 to $4.20; roughs. com- mon to good, $3.30 to $3.60; pigs, common to fair, $4 to $4.10.a Sheep' and lambs - Receipts, 40 cars; nlarlcet very dull; lambs, choice to prime, $4.65 to $4.75; culls and. common, $3.50 to $4. Sheep -Choice to selected export wethers, $3.65 to $3.75; culls and common, $2.50 to $3.25. CHICAGO MARKET. Wheat, spring, No. 2, per bush $ 61 No. 3; per hush... 59 red, No. 2, per bush Corn, No. 2, per bush Oats, No. 2, per bush. 19 No. 2, white,, per bash 21 " No. 3, " per bush 20 Rye, No. 2, per bush :. . 36 Barley, No. 2, per bush 80 No. 328 No. 4, " 25 Mess poib 900 Lard. . 11f 15 Hogs -Receipts, 33,000; left over, 6,000; averaging 5 to 10c lower; light,;$3.80 Sc $4.50; mixed, $3.80 to $3.95; heavy, $3.70 to tr r $3.95; roughs, . iU u to ' $3 $3.85. Cattle -Re- ceipts; , ttle- r- ceipt; 12,000; steady; beeves, $3.40 to $3.50; cows and heiters. $3.50 to $3.80; Texans, $8 to $4 ;. stockers and feeders, $2.15 to $8.80. Slieep-.Receipts, 14,000;,stewly; tui, The strength of this paste when once it is thoroughly hardened is almost beyond belief, The bit of cheese cloth prevents any clogging of the pipe by the paste working through the cracks. An iron pipe that supplies tae house- hold with water that had apiece broken out by freezing. The piece was put in phase, bound by a strap of muslin, then Iherougbly packed with paper pulp and .,rtland cement, and was to all appear- ance as good as new. Are You One Of those unhappy people who are suffer- ing with weak nerves, starting at every slight sound, unable to endure any un usual disturbance, finding it impossible to sleep? Avoid opiate and nerve com- mune . Feed the nerves upon blood made pure and nourishing by the great blood purifier and true nerve tonic. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills are the hest after-dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent coastipa- ion. 25c. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel $0 78 to 80 Barley 28 to 53 'ats 22 to 23 Peas 45 to .50 Butter 13 to 14 Eggs 15 Potatoes perbag 25 Hilly per ton 10.00 to 12 On Turkeys per lb. 6 to 6t', 4i, to 5 Geese Know What You Chew 5 1 i$ free from tite injurious coloring.. The more you use of It the bett,.,r you slice It.' THE GEO.. E. TUCKETT A SON CO:, LTD. HAMILTON, ONT. Alex. Russell, a farmer of the Virden district, committed suicide by shooting The wife of Rev. T. Albert Moore died at the Methodist parsonage Palm- erston. Mrs. Agnes Forbes was arrested at Hamilton on the charge of deserting her child, ' Mr J. C. O'Neil, the Chatham ' man who attempted suicide at Brandon sav- e! days ago, died of his injuries. The body of a well-developed female child was found in the River Lynn at Simeoe Sunday, underneath the Port Dover railway bridge. Some boys walking on the track discovered, it in the water and notified Coroner Stanton, who sent to Coates' undertaking estab lishment, The doctor says it would be hard to tell how long it had been in the water, and of course there is not the slightest clue to the unnatural mother. Mr. and Mrs. William Dick and their son Archie had a narrow escape from death on Saturday at Chatham They were in a wagon, and were crossing the Canadian Pacific railway tracks. when they wore run into by an express train. The son jumped, and thereby sayed himself, but his parents were not so fortunate. The locomotive tossed the wagon and occupants into the air. When picked up it was found that Mrs. Dick had some ugly gashes and a brok- en rib. Her husband received nothing worse than the shaking up resulting from the collision, London, Huron and Bruce TIME TABLE, GOIxalloRTx-= Passenger. London, depart 8.05 A M 4,30 r M Centralia 9.07 5,47 EXETER 9.22 C.00 Hensall_.. 9.37 615 Kippen 944 6,20 Brucefield 9.52 .6.28 Clinton 10.12 6.55 Londesboro 1029 7.14 Blyth 10.38 7.23 Belgreve 10.52 7 87 Wingham arrive........ 11.10 8.00 GOING Soumu- Wingham,, depart Belgrave Blytl• Londesboro Clinton ha.....eiield lir p pe n .................... . Helmuth......... .........-., EXETERa.... Centralia Passenger 6.35AII 3.251ea1 650 3,47 7.03 4.01 7.10 4.08 7.30 4.28 7.49 446 7.57 4,53 8 06 ,4.58 8.25 5,12 8.40 5.23 Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat We intend keeping the the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers, Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon, and everything usual ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit beim' one week, (a discount of 5.1. -will be given for cash. C. SNELL, - Prop. \1AB 1LINE THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist for l'rlabeline MABELINE is' a positive care for all uterine troubles. It is notnecessary to enumerate them here. Itis the general cus- tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertising medium with a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms and form' of disease, scientiffical- l;y, and in such a way as to involve the read- er in a maze of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensationala of advertis- ing. Yvon are sick it is presumed that you know ofthe fact and can form some idea of what your ailment is, and wo can only ad- vise you generally. MA RELINE is vegetable com pound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with perfect safety. MABELINE is placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the diseased parts. Full directions, how to apply on every box. Send $1for one month's treatment. 24 capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars 1'or any other remedy when you can bey Mabeline for one dollar? Address all coin munications to THE SALU FINE CO. Box 230,. Windsor, Ont. IN DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL OYAL WAFEERS Te correct irregularity and n'eaknivew, keep the organs fu healthy, condition. Thu 'Waren am "Lire Savwti" toyonng women, aid FTs" rnl development, provide pain. less,, egu ler periods, Ask for The Detroit brand. All rl egglsts sell them at Si per bek. No bctterremedyforwon,c»knuwn. Scientific American Agency for CAVEAT% TRADE MARKS, Vitabty 4E11 Restored1 Falling Sexual Strength in old or young men ettla be quickly and permanently cured by me to ahealth- 7y, vigorous state. Sufferers from.,.. NERVOUS E I Mint, B'ARIOOCELE5 RIGHT T LOSSES, AND ALL WASTING DISEASESehould wets to me for advice. I have been a close student t9 many years of the subject of weakness In men, the fact is.I masa sufferer myself. Too bashful Msehl the aid of older metier reputable physicians e invee- tigated the subJectdeeply and discovered a simple but most remarkably successful remedy that com- pletely curet' me and rutty enlarged me from ahrunken,stunted condition to natural atrethgthau& size. I want every younger old man to know about It. I take a personal interest in snob cases and no one need hesitate to write me as all communisations are held strictly confidential. I send the recipe et this remedy absolutely tree of cost. Do nut plata offbutwrite me fully at once, you will always Mesa the day you did so. Address, THOMAS SLATER, Box2172 Shipper of Famous Kalamazoo Colety. KALAMAZOO, MICH. k r r ,LEY8(. Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN PULES, AND PICTURE MOULDINS, -06 S. GIDEEY & SON, ODD FELLOWS Block . The niford Bicc1e, IS HANDLED B'Y PENICINS AND - MARTIN, AGENTS FOR BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES ORGANS, ETC, The Brantford won -239 first prizes, -143 second " 88 third 't and bolds nearly every Championship from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Perkins & Martin. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. For sale here, C L U T Z, Druggist, FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. IOPYRIQHTB. etc. DUNN'S DESIQN PATENTS.', For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO. 161 baoenw.+y, NEW Yolit Oldest 'Airmen for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before, • the public bye notice given fre of . pYawwy .o t.ha: oint!>,o .Vint intxxcatt Largest circulation of anyscititttaepaperlin the world. Splendidly. Illustrated. No'intelllgent man Should be without it. Weekly,ggB 3.QO a yyear• $1 SO six months, .Address, MUNN & CO., Peerasnhtne, 361 Broadway. New York Cita. POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LAHGEST SALE IN GAN.AIS