HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-3-26, Page 2Subscribers who do not receive their pa;ar
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Tv ta.a�r+ant Le•centsin s. Vow Word* For
Mrs lifara Warren died At. •Hamil.ton,
rins.r Besdors.
THURSDAY, MARCH gra, 1 '5.
The Week's Comilztrcial Sanimery.
Stocks of -wheat -at' Pari Arthur and
Fart William are , , ijlta bushels as
compared wit.i tile:te t i to year age.
The offerings of fires=ed hogs have been
fairly liber,,l at Termite • of late, and
prices are easy. Choice selections -in car
a .,a
lots can be had at I. to
:,+ ,r
The earnings of Cana/Lit P fac fes
the first week of March are $alter U..1:,+. an
increase of Set :Eel as tempered with the
correspandin' 1 eri! d. oS last year.
rry x wheat
i., a o e
Tho v a ke supply.
United 'States and C axi .3a deereased
1,493.0a0 bushels the past week ani the
total is now 4, t slrn, : t eaeaels s5aeeinst •
77,717.0713e. a peer ago. leeheir n pee -
sage to Fearer- + . t`r.: sizele
- and the t•at:l! 1 .'', z ► %tear ase -a22 Ftv`i:
tep) a year ay.
Country let in the mmtr,cd dis-
triet are rt.- . iGis i a' era: to m`,='e•
hepeiril tette. ' •l.t•.ne le still the
Order aA ti.ee --'illi .. ant t' has s net beer:
• .. ,any m l Leri ci.,'•'i,` _ ..;. 1. -/C iii the v;'1 •
ume Iboa;in:>k yet. There is a •.
doubt but that the s .. r las bean
• poor CrLir f - t, n r a a .E .:n:a'y •
I,^n�era r_t. =,9 m' ., t .�. a 71-;,W m•
nnsetriee - zeethee. • The > rep
• ihnz t it: .3 lee: a: weo res-er
smaller Ilestyear. e•:
report _ the geze:ra -run. of remit-
tar.ees, -,.t._.: eeei •r.
Ciur relegraphel aneriereial a€ vices
from t.:e are.7 elefefegetteies.
New-1aret e3 -tee .,•i: -ret at:-.._,.ra_..
• i,r sof et.ran`_
agues a:a a:,ere. ..:.a -,,,.a • have e• ;
-came L" ee ettee..a.thees. 'The ;
bardtrea leiee e ter, _
as "tonin d.e weteira elelet late rat - ° •
far reetaiaizal. , 12e . e ergs <jT :: K
are war. -es... _r et eal ex "Ener ea:3.
wear~ ▪ Y
: _•...1:3
T• v erel
Tine. :4 z o :eatsteer? :n tee
? fel retie -tee me
:re. -
ware. at _-i.. • -t•- e 4
ate..- aer...elethe are.Wernier
▪ r ty, ae •
r1 a.1' • ,
▪ x r.neelhees gra.
eekixa ..'-e r t.
eliree _f _.aver • ,:,__ la le.r:es • .... ..
shietataite rC eaaeeethrzee.
ea t.:: '• t"."
sem.: haeee.
d an i 4 i i7
large .x r-ra.
• am L• '
'T r- 1 y -
Cane ar se tree-, : rstrat.
toed Q ees
Lick :i te• tee: n.i 2..
easy:.i tee ear, e7: ere it leiage. it
like s tee e• ceet.
C011.^.51 4 t,., ; x..y,•- ,.: tet
eehe:t 1 r _ ,, •
esteem etc ,-- '. • el ii. -•ret ,L:
eact , crt.xi ▪ 1let
reeeliehee pree,eree eree. : r .i
'-f • eze. •irt,'
l e ee awl '',,:n ,e+ 1, i-- leen :aar ei
eelere uaey - . _ lees. -
Mere and There. • ,
A reeznorlal 1'ae heG;n pleatal over thi
deer of the where Jehnthe
1'+.ret Exec'. an*. •
ever'e,i_ ft' i*i i ".)f teblet beerit,.
the x -sr rci t,',,n:--'.Js,:tri Keats. eats. prat-
lired in title izeueF,. B. ji;}sl ; d. 1x5 Vii.
t1i=s .fano Dotteia= .Releley recentet
az the, 'eq.: c;
alias:tc—ix. Her fattier ss;rvedl ;•ices
i,or'1 NesisL,n gyri teav i the Vie , ;rs ane.:;
among. the dr' waded lady's
po .#:ssiella
-were the trotieer s wore. by Nelson at tie •
battle of Trafalgar.
Recent sale; ,f reg
tutorhs in Lenlee e
show that Mark Twainsignature is,
worth twelve shilling, and sixpenee' On Thursday night Eugene 3. Peltier,
Bret Harte's eight, Andrew Lanr's six,the son of a prosperous farmer in Sand -
and Raider Haggarde three. For some wich hent, Ont, was shot and killed by
inscrat+able teasel,. Mrs Humphry; Ernest Trojand, the brother of his eweet-
Z� ard's chirography is considered Sworth : heart. Peltier died with his arras around
six shillings, while s'onthey's is only, Trrojand's;nock, declaring tbat the shoot -
fifteen.. i ing was accidentaL
At a meeting in Ottawa on Wednesday
The late Sir Julian I oldsraid.s splen•' evening of the Executive of the Knights
did gallery of picture% and his Iarge col., of Labor and other prominent Iabor nese
lotion of objects of art will be said se', of the city, it was unanimously decided
at Christie's, in London, during the ` to form a Canadian Federation of Labor.
approaching- season. Sir Sulian's gala ; which is to be entirely separate from the
*god 10'0 rases.
The Western Fair will be held ae lion-
September 10 to 10.
Jobe C O' Neill, of Brandon, oommit-
tsd suicide -with a razor, He was formerly
a resident e: Chatham.
The. Gt,;nd Lodge, Sons of England;
xneeeti e et Pe.erboro, .elected officers and
decittea tel meet /text year at Brantford,
The City of Hamilton and the Gas
Co rr _piny have reached a compromise an
the hill bet
ore the Legislative Assembly.
The health of 13r. Montague is by no
means good, and be leaves London for
Edineuesth for treatment in a sanitarium
The Coroner's
3nrS that Investigated
the death of Mr.3ioore at Brocltvitle re-
turned a verdict that be came to his
death from gunshot wounds Inflicted by
'Air. dames Pearson bas withdrawn the
bill for divorce before the Senate, as be
regarded it as impossible to have it put
through this session.
In the Manitoba Legislature the motion
of air. Sirrett, Patron member, prohibit- Tee New Fork World says it bas made
ing the use of railway passes by the leg- a poll of nearly every state in the Union,
'slaters, was voted down. ' and as a result predicts the nomination
Mr. ea. tIh nnipbell,ono of the pioneers of Air. William. McKinley by the SY,Louis
of Simt•oe county. and who had resided in convention.
that. district for half a century, died at ; Charles Stern, a fugitive from Ameri-
Barrie on Saturday night , aged b7. can justice, was arrested while boarding
Professor Peterson. of the AJOGill :Gni- ' a steamer at Halifax for Liverpool. He
varsity, Montreal, delivered a lecture in bad nearly $20,000 cash, jewels and seour-
New Fork on Friday night on "The ities in bis possession.
Unity of the English-speaking People" : William Rockefeller, the multi -mil-'
x John Nankiveil. fnund guilty at Win- Bonaire president of the Standard Oil
nipeg of the attempted murder of T. Company, will soon add another palace
Glenwright and William Smith, was sen- to the magnificent ones that now grace
fenced to life imprisonment for bis crime. r the millionaire's dietriat on Fifth avenue,
The Rev. G. A. Anderson, English ltiew Rork•
church pastor on the Mohawk Indian ' Dr. Arthur Dueshon, the so-called mil -
reservation, near Deseronto, Ont., wbo Bonaire murderer of St. Louis, who was
had been ill for two weeks, died yesterday convicted in the Circuit Court a shorn
morning. tine ago of killing : is wife and baby in
The life of the present parliament was St Louis, was sentenced to be banged on
discussed by the Rause Monday. The April 2?nd.
weight of the argument was in favor of Dawson Oldham, a :R -year-old resident
the contention that the term ends on of White Hall, Ktiy, never has missed a
April 35. sermon at the Methodist church in that
Mr. John Raine, for many years seers- place in the forty years he bas been a
tare of the frisb Protestant Benevolent ! member. He never has used tobacco in
Society of Toronto, and well known in any form. nor bas he tasted whiskey.
that city, died yesterday after a pro- • The I3t'sv Pills.—Mr. Wm. Vander-
Iractea eines. Toon, Sydney Crossing. Ont , writes:
A young rnan names Charles Stein V. a have seen usingParmedee's Pil:s,
was arrested. in Halifax on Satardae as and find tifeln by far the best Pills we
he was abut to embark on the steamer ever u ed-" l or Delicate and Debilitated
eitccki:olm for Bremen. He is accused Canstitstii,ns -hes 'ill. act Meacham.
of ssvindliny New York merchants Taken in small dose-. the effect is beth a
Air. John Earis,of Hamilton, is retiring tonic and a. stimulant, mildly exciting
from the (rand Trunk service, and will the saeretions of the body, giving tone
and „fryer,
be sla:co:le<d as western district freight ' FOREIGN
agent by 31r. Robert Quinn. formerly The Italian Government refuses to dis-
European freight agent at Liverpool ' cuss King Menelik's proposed terms of
Aid. Lefebvre, of Montreal, has entered peace.
actions for Vice t,F.y3 against the Banque A despatch from Bombay says that
du Peupie and each of the directors for Samuel L.Ciemens (Mark Twain) is seri-
statements made at the last shareholders' oasly ill at Jeypor.
meeting that his account was overdrawn. ` A despatch from Pekin says the re-
t:rin:isal proeeedings against Hugo ported conclusion of a treaty between
Addy of Newport, for shooting William
Knight were abandoned at Brantford on
the fact beceming known that Knight.
had entered an action for damages against
3dr. Isaac Mayville, an Anderdon,
Ont., farmer,was stria by the Canadian
Pacific railway express at Vealkervilie
era_ling Monday: He has one thighbone.
broken. and is otherwise badly bruised,
but will recover.
Ma Samuel L .Clemens (Mark Twaisl
is rapidly recovering.
Tho Prince of Wales has been elected
an honorary member of the Thirteen Club
of New York.
An agency is to be opened In Omaha
for the purpose of enlisting recruits for
the Cuban insurgents, •
The Gouldshave escaped paying taxes
on ten million dollars assessed In, the city
of New York, on the .non-resideuoo plea.
Mn, Lodge,, in the United States Sen-
ate, made a strong speech in favor of ex-
cluding all inunigranta who were totally
The Tion. A. C. Coxe, of the United
States District Court of Utica, N. Y.,
handed down a decison declaring natural
gas not dutiable
Thirteen thousand t ousand tailors
out on
strike in Chicago, and eight thousand
union gannent-workers will go oat on a
sympathetic strike.
The Raines liquor bill, whiola passed
the New York. Senate on Saturday,rP assed
the Assembly esterday, and now - , awaits
the Governor's signature.
Evangelist Moody, who has not visited
the Pacilie coast within the past ten
years, is soon to conduct a series of re-
vival xneetings in San Francisco.
A 70 -year-old citizen of Ellsworth
Falls, Me, has had a severe attack of
whooping cough during the past week,
and is slowly recovering from it,
The value of the output of the nickel
and copper mines in the Sodbury district
during the past year, as reported to the
Ontario Legilatnre yesterday, is esti-
mated at $56f,079, and the amount paid
out in wages to tbe miners at e.210.000,
'Airs. Burnett, wife of Mr. Leonard
Burnett, Liberal candidate for the Do-
ominion elections for South Ontario and
a sister of on. John Dryden, died very
suddenig. on Wednesday night from the
bursting of a blood vessel.
Dr. Montague and r
a,Secretary CoImer
had a long interview with Mr. Chamber
lain in regard to the importation of Can-
adian cattle into the United kingdom.
They were promised that their represent-
ations would receive careful attention.
Me 3. Wickett, of Bowmanvilie.Ont,,
was killed almost instantly yesterday at
the Grand Trunk railway station. He
was standing on one of the tracks, look-
ing at the morning express from Tor-
onto, when the Iocal from Peterborough
came along, and hurled him against tbe
Dr. E 1:. England is suing Kerry,
Watson fsc Co. of Montreal, for $20,000
damages on account of the death of
plaintiff's wife. alleged to bare been
caused by a poisonous drug erroneously
deiivere/I in the place of bismuth by de-
fendants' firm.
ry xs I,artten larly nirh in works by United States labor organizations.
Reynoldsand Romney, and his dolled c A delegation from Iialifax is in Mon-
; of snuff boxes is one of the best ix; treal for the purpose of interviewing the
Europe, officials of the railways regarding the
The death of Prince ,hlenery of Bat I commercial interests ' of the former city.
tenberg has caused the Queen unexpect They want the x;50,000,000 er $60,000,000
ed. and unwelcome anxiety on a subjec i 'worth of winter int ports at present coin -
which she had thought was finally sept ing into Canada by way of Boston and
tied—namely, her wilL It has been an! Portland to go through Ralifaae They
open secret that tho Queen intend •dtha ? will aiso.interview the Government on the.
Prince and Princess Henry should after' matter.
her death have Balmoral as their home; The Canadian Electric Railway &
Power Company bill was defeated in the
Mention is rode hi the long, since pule Railway Committee at Ottawa. The T„
lisped memoirs of the Marquis de Vil: H & B. bill was passed. It is now lat-
hers, of Paris, of a wunderlul spoon onto i Boved that Mr. /Iran,: W. Brown, collec
in possession of his family. This spore tor of taxes for the Town of Sault Ste,
was reputed to be of gold, stualded it Marie, who was found dead in his office,
every part with diamonds_ of the firs' was murdered, as two bullets had passed
-water. Pour inches in long, h only, ye'I through his heart
the value of this ax•ticle was stated to le! Chronic Derangement of the Stomach;
575,00:x, Each diamond was the size of a? liver and blood, are speedily removed by
large Pie's head, arid there were sonxi ° the aotive principle of the ingredients e
Hundreds of -ham,. s into the composition of Parrnelee s
tf lin!'• c
The Mikado is the xeli�ious: head o V re 'table Pills, These Pills act spool -
The ly on the dee:moed organs, stiraulat
the Japanese as well as their' ruler. Hel1 iztl to action the dormant energies of the
place Li hereditary, and it has been fillet .
by ins ui erg of his 1.131111Y for more thn.zr system. un,.leathereby removing disease and,
• 2,500 years, Hie is ' fueomparably th ' this
li,e and vis 1ity to the afflicted.
Moat �x!t-ieft'.t l i ^,*. e l:nown. The reLea i In this lies the greatVegetable
le ills. leu-
do is the-i.2!:rd o. !:ha; li314. The ioundel , Laity y of €'armelees g S:e;rtabla l ills.
of it, who :6, hop..,af p .terity in hi:i wiled t is err/OD lsTA.'l'ES.
-seas i : r e nee have •e t , w Dr, Howe, editor of Tho American
est dreams ,., i equalise. .,h � e,• , c
result. was e ,i;1 r oac.i with ' ebu y 1"ir,lr,, one of the most prominent writers
1 y un field sports i dead
ol'aduezee , eta/tete, l s d a .
Russia and China is confirmed.
The Imperial Parliament last week
sanctioned the opening of art galleries
and museums on Sundays.
The French Minister of Agriculture .bas
issued a decree that 'reported cattle need.
not be killed on landing.
The Chinese Government has purchased
eighty thousand. Bavarian rifles of the
type of leS4 for a dollar a piece.
The Anglo -German Chinese loan of one ,
hundred millions feels bas been issued at I
ninety-four, with interest at five per cent,
It is announced that Dr. Koch will
shortly publish his latest discoveries in
using bis new lymph against consump-
It bas been definitely decided to send'
an expedition of ahem tbousand colored d
troops against the dervishes of the Son-
dan. •
Perrine's comettiwhich was scheduled
to strike tbe earth on Saturday, aturday, is tray-
elling away from the earth in a southerly
A quantity of wreckage of the steamer
?4arsala,from Hamburg, February 29, for
Boston, was picked up on the west shore
of Guernsey -
The railway ttains crossing the French
frontier from Italy are crowded with _ral-
l.ens, who are leaving to escape military
service in Africa.
Members of the University of Cam-
bridge will elect a committee to consider
under what conditions women may be
admittedto degrees.
A Now Way of Getting Rtd of a Bttt
1 The death of Torn Hatiuum, one time
a w eii-knowa habitue of the press gal-
leries on both sides of the Capitol, was
sincerely deplored among the old-time
members yesterday, and some amusing
anecdotes were told of the popular
newspaper pian by his fr=iends in the
course of the day, One of the best is.
worth repeating.
' Hannum was in the habit of -taking
a late breakfast at the Press Club
every morning_ On one occasion, while
he was vigorously discussing a hearty
repast of ham and eggs, a bill collector
suddenly walked up to
nom's side,
and laid his account before him. Han-
nam looked at the bill and then at the
collector, and in a deliberate tone be-
"You blamed fool, can't you observe
the amenities of ordinary civilized so-
ciety a Don't you know that aman's
club is like his home, and that you are
in danger of being summarily ejected
for coming in here without a card of
membership and without- being intro-
duced? The rules of this club require
that if you have business with a mem-
ber, you wait in the lobby outside until
a waiter takes in your card and ascer-
tains whether the gentleman with
whom you have business is present.
Now, ,you go out into the lobby ---take
this bill with you—.and comply -with
the rules of this club."
The collector apologized for the in-
fraction of the rules of the Press Club,
which, to tell the truth, were never
enforced on anything, and waited until
the steward came to ascertain his
"Please announce me to Mr. Han-
num," said the collector..
The steward told him to wait, and
he carried the man's card to Hannuni,
who looked at it carefully, then hand-
ed it back to the steward, and said
"I\ of at home,"—Washington Post.
A=_tronz force of dervishes has made
an attack upon Sabdevatt, between Kas-
sala and Agorean. The Italian force be-
ing greatly outnumbered retreated to the
A St. Petersbnrg despatch says that
two hundred flshernzen belonging to Re-
vel, with their horses and carts, have
been blown out to sea on a piece of float -
Ing ice.
The sensation of the week in English
domestic polities was the outspoken op-
position, headed by the Times, to the
Government proposal to increase the pen-
sion of the Duke of Cambridge.
President Faure of France, if said to
be growing weary of the cares of office,
and is nqt as energetic as he used to be.
He is still very popular, but the price he
pays for the good-wlll of . all classes is
very high.
The Ameer of Afghanistan seems to
have been pleased at the reception ac-
corded to his second son, Nazrullah Shan,
for he Is sending the Queen one hundred.
and twenty-five thousand pounds' worth
of gifts in charge of a special envoy,
The Archbishop of Canterenry says
that westerners cannever convert the
Mohammedan world, Islam is an iron-
bound, absolutely fixed religion, and
cannot he grafted on the civilization of
the nineteenth century.
The Baroness Burdett -Coutts is very
fond of all kinds of animals and birds,
and at her Highgate home she has nn ex-
traordinary coileotioti of 'then]. Goats,
llamas, ponies, donkeys, nightingales,
parrots, robins, and a variety of others
are among ber pets, and ail ;hate her
Dr. Peters, the Afrioan explorer, was
noosed in the German Reichstag ou Fri-
day with causing a negro and 'negress to
be hanged, while he was Imperial Com-
missionor in Africa, ,because they had
taken a fancy to each other, of which Dr.
Paters himself, being intimate with the
nenress, fiisapproved,
There aro a number of varieties of
corns._ lrrl1Gii+a, F's' Corn Cm•, will re-
move any of thean. Call on your drug-
gist and ect a Bottle at once.
it.�- z i ' � I OO Per cony
p_ •, hC,
Pier Year $1.RJ
The Sweethearts' Express,
"Sweethearts' Express" is the name
that has been given the west -bound.
"Texas" train on Sunday night. Not
a Sunday night passes but it picks up .
from a dozen to twenty young Owens-
boro swains who have been spending
the evening, or perhaps the whole day,
at various points up the road. There
seems hardly to be a station but has its
attractions to some one of them. Be-
ginning about Holt, the boys begin to
climb on. Cloverport nearly always
adds a delegation of four or five.
Hawesville goes a few better, and at
Lewisport there is always a crowd.
Powers never fails to have two or
three. Their faces are a study. An
observant person can tell how they
have fared in their suits with their SOLE AGENTS
ORS cveswithout asking a question, 34 FRONT ST. WEST, TORONTO
Ona can spot 'em every time, The
railroad people several months ago Send for Catalogue.
started in to aid Dan Cupid by grant-
ing a rate of one fare for the round.
trip on Sundays. If they want to be
still further accommodating, there -will T•IIE `` M, FIELDS CASE.
announce a strip at every street-016s-
ing at Cloyerport and a warning
whistle before each stop, so as to give
the boys a chance to say good -by once
tit'`Gc, .4����`3'�r• J
om! `,.•�
n g m
ated Aricles
A TH£ L�7£ 10R0 LE3 H70I1—hrr�1ytaCeA.
O]yALYlL£PnIIATT,C(nALiPRiHROGE—hy Prorc<t welch, of
A7 -e Massey Press, TREHEWUCiv•,
lftLennan, I".le 927XingSt West, Toronto. 311£ PROGRESS 'F OURLIHC—hy Alen;,l�ra^er,
" fTEN «`
L T4 S F�!� S PlGTURE ilLi�ilU GE A CITY STREET F_PIiCDtf., 1�RS .
V J ♦ 5
ATG v � i ,, _. i vYP . i ., � •. i ,, i•
Are the choice of
Experienced Ri ers,
more,—Owensboro (,Xy.)) Messenger.
Why Pompey Believed.
A world of truth was once put into a
single sentence by a negro slave called
Pompey. The Christian relates the oc-
In asouthern cotton field as an aged.
slave was laboring, his owner chanced
along, and after a short conversation,
"They tell ins you,are religious,
Pomp ?"
"Yes, massa," responded Pompey.
"I is, shore 'stuff."
"Do you believe the Bible ?" asked
the gentleman, who was an unbeliever.
"Yes, sah," said the black man. "I
"But how do you know it's truth ?"
said the master.
Quick as a flash came the reply :
"It says so itse'ff ; 'sides, it tells me
things Pse sho' is true, 'cause I knows
how 'tis."
"Well, supposing it wasn't true, then
what ?"
"Well, if it's true, then I'se safe in
de nex' word', if 'taint, I's a better man
in dis."
The Men They Fear and Hate.
Liberty Bell, an organ of the liquor
trade, says : "We have every respect
for a minister of the Gospel who at-
tends to his own business. Many of
these we believe are sincere in their
belief. It is their duty to preaeh, and
so long as they preach salvation we
don't care; but whenever they go
howling about the liquor traffic and
gambling and horse racing. and about
saloons being the curse of the country,
and even condemn dancing and such.
like innocent amusements, it's time for
a colt to be called on. them. But there
are a class of Preachers—and we are
sorryto say their number is increasing
—who are not content to stop at this,
but have the audacity to declare from
the pulpit that no man can consistent-
ly serve the Lord and vote with any
political party that does not in its plat-
form condemn our business ; these are
the men we fear and hate."
An. Old Story.
"That steam heater in my room. makes
a good deal ui` noise," said the nervous
guest tri the hotel clerk.
The haughty official stared at him.
"I say that steam heater in my room
makes oe great deal of noise," he repeated.
;71 heard you say it," was the reply in
a far-off voice of ennui, "that isn't 'or-
igi.nal, my "dean fellow," -Washington
She Mils ,Another Beau. Now.
Charley, dear," said the rustic
young girl,' "will you love me a9 now
and ell lIg to mss always 2"
"Yes, darling," replied the matter-of-
htctlover, "Ili. Blick to ;rou.z tight
a.t those :freckles on your f1Qf1i ,." '
Re Fotlo-vs the Successful Example or
Others and is Cured by Dodd's Sidney
Owen Sound, March 16.—(Special).—
To say that excitement prevails here is
to draw it mildly. The coming to light
of ease after case in which Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills have effecr::d cures has created
an undercurrent oe tall: which brings
some new marvel to the surface every
Mr. William Fields, a'C.P.R, porter
here, was seen by your correspondent,
and stated his case as follows :.
I was afflicted with Bright's Disease
of the Kidneys for three years.
" None of the doctors in Owen Sound
or in Toro;, to being able to help me,
'• At last, when .almost hopeless of a
cure, I was advised to use Dodd's Kid.-
ney Pills.
I anted on the advice, and after using
six hoses the cure was effeoted. and to-
day I am a perfectly healthy man and
able to work every day, something I
have been unable to do for ower two
years before taking Dodds' Kidney Pills."
Sold by all druggists and dealers at 50
cents per box, or by mail by addressing
The Dodd's Medicine Co., Toronto.
A Good Definition.
Johnny—Pa, what's an adverts.ler?
Pa—An advertiser is a man who spends
some of bis own money to get tbat of
other people.
The Horse—noblest of the brute crea-
tion --when suffering from a out abrasion
or sore. derives as much benefit as its
master in a like predicament, .from the
healing. soothing actions of Dr. Thomas'
Pi -electric Oil. Lameness,swelling of the
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enter at any time, W to either sebool for
eirenlars and mention this Paper.
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We offer One hundred Dollars Reward foe
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ai,West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo,
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Way to spend iitintenis to attend the DTortirann Mrs}
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, roe sla life ehoitlti prep r vol it.. Send for ::ramp%
Aonounctnnelo,aeec. C. A, ilentior.,Priner'ri. •.
is printed on paper
of our make.
This journal uses
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