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The WOW'S COMMerdal SIIMInarye
The earnings of Canadian Pacific% for
the last week of February were $866,000,
an increase of $87,000.
The stocks of oats at Toronto elevators
are now 79,556 bushels as Against 75,516
a week ago, and 16,158 bushels a year
• Who gross earnings of Toronto Railway
for Fel ruary were $7,978, as against
$62,256 the coiresponding month ot last
The total earnings of Montreal Street
Railway for Fehruary were $87,894 as
against $66,928 tho corresponding month
et last year.
The net earnines of the Cananian Pa-
cific Railway for January show an in-
crease of $140,280, while gross earnings
increased 83O6,040.
The stocks of 'wheat at Port .Arthur
and Fort William are 13,212,480 bushels
as compared with 8,183.881 bushels a
week ago and 724,960 a year ago.
Of late there has been a large export of
silver at New York. Last week Ole total
-value of silver exports was $1,800,000,
and for the year to date 89,162,000.
The prices of wheat hove been irregu-
lar the past few days, with a good. aeal
of liquidation in Chicago. Speculators
await with interesb the luth of the month,
when the U. S. Government publishes its
estimate of wheat in farmer& hands.
The 'visible supply of grain in the
United States and Cana.ds, decreased 922,-
600 bushels last week, and the total is
64,089,0e0, as compared with 78,76100
year ago. The amount of wheat on
passage to Europe is 28.48 ),00.), an in-
orease of 1,120,000 bushels for the week.
A. year ago the total was 04,96004 bush-
We have to report an increase in the
number of failuree in the Dominion last
week, 68, as com.pared to 58 the previous
'week, and. 58 in the correspondiag week
of a year ago. Ontario had more than
half of the total number, forty, thirty-
four of whioh had our lowest credit or
blank rating, only one hacl a rating no
high as $5,0'ne There were twenty -.three
in Quebec, an increase of five over the
previous week, nom of whie,h were of
any commercial importance. British
Columbia held two, Nova Scotia, New
Brunewick and Manitoba had one each.
None were reported from Prince Edward
Island last week.
After the holiday a much firmer tone
in wheat appeared, and for a time it
seemed as though prices were goin.g to
reach a high figure. The iufluences to -
warn a th•mer position were numerous,
and in some case' stifficiently sti ong to
overcome manipulatio]1 in the uppoeite
direction. Although Argentine (exports
increased slightly to 914,U00 bushels, it
was reported that the exhaustion of land
and excessive rains would cut dewn the
iimportable surplus to only fifteen midlien
bashes, when three times that amount
had been confidently expected. dilhe latest
official statement of Ainerieerendsible sup-
ply decreased about aeimillion bushels,
and Thoman's estinnate of farmers' re-
serves was but, a:67,004,000 bushels against
165,000,0000gt this time in 1895. But
some endOtion occurred later in the week
etrhenie crop reports from all over the
Orthwest promised safety to winter
-what in spite of the damage from frost
which earlier statements had predicted.
Overloaded Manitoba elevators also de-
preseed this market because heavy ship -
smuts this way by rail aro being planned.
Last week exports from Ieussio, were very
heavy ; 2,4o8,00) bushels, ae''niust only
1,496,000 the week previous, and still loss
year ago. This also helped to counter-
act the tendency upward.—Dan's Review.
Mr. Thomas Ballard, Syracuse, N. Y.,
-writes: ••I heve been afflicted for nearly
& year with that most -to -he -dreaded dis-
oase deeepepsia, and at times worn out
with pain and want of sleep. and after
-trying almost everything recommended,
I tried one box of Parmelee's 'Valuable
Pills. I am new nearly well, and believe
thee,- will cure me. I would not be with-
-out them ler auv money."
Tbe importanteavents in aFew words war
Busy Beeders.
Cemeteries are being "ended at Perth.
Windsor hs $S0,000 out in oncolleoted
the remaining $7,000 will aim hare to be
While James Newittau, aged. 18. was at
work in a saw mill at Woodlawn, Ont.,
on Thursday night, be came iri contact
in some way with the (similar saw, which
out bis foot off, He Wien fell against the
saw, which struck his hip, cutting nearly
ball way through his body. He died
taxes. shortly afterwards.
Mosley has voted to build a xtew About noon Monday tfri Lapointe, a
school.. farmer living about six miles from
Brookville, who was armed with a
Peterboro' hod 17 marriages Iasi
d bl b lied shot un killed, an old
on e- arra g , ,
man named 'Peter :Moore, and wounded
Aroprior's new water -works will cost nine others in Brookville, before he was
$8,000. shot himself. Chief Rose, it is thought,
Goderich may soon bave a Isometry law is fatally wounded, The Inurderer, who
library. had been drinking freely, is also badly
Music may be taught in the Woodstock wounded,
tchouls. There are eases of consumption so far
Brantford had 26 deaths and 34 births advancen that Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
last month.
Mitobell will have a buildliag boom
next Minn.
Marysville P.O., Ont., is now a money
order office.
Berlin voted down a by -lav to improve
its market.
Of the 650 convicts at Kingston only 12
are Woman.
Kingston is greatly troubled with street
Droner loafers.
The new woolen factory at Suudridge
is in operation.
The Athens House of Industry has
twenty inmates.
Last year Hamilton received $5,925 for
city license tees.
A. large pulp -wood business is done at
Pontiac village.
Lest year there were 107 convictions
in Bruce County.
Hanover is the largese unincorporated
village in Ontario.
Last year the pollee of Napanee shel-
tered 621 tramps.
A Public school building is to be
erected at 'Kingston.
Last year Hamilton spent 3279,070 in
building operations.
At Sperm" Lake recently the tempera-
ture was 35 below zero.
Syrup will not cure, but none so bad that
it will not give relief. For coughs,colcls,
and all affections of the throat, lungs and
cheat, it is a specific which has never
been, known to fail. It promotes a free
and easy expectorationnhereby removing
the phlegm, and gives the diseased parts
a chance to heal.
It is now thought that six persons in
all perished in the fire at Utica, N. Y.,
W. M. Purdue, a Memphis attornenshot
and killed John R. Jones. president of
the Memphis National Bank, in that city
There were 59 murders, assaults and
burglaries in New York in January and
52 in February accoreling to the World's
record of crimes.
It is stated that the relations between
Presinent Cleveland and Secretary Olney
are very strained over the policy of the
A.dministration towards Cuba.
The Governor ot Pennsylvania has
signed the death warrant, and Herman
W. Mudgett, alias H. E. Holmes, will be
executed on Thursday, May 7.
The .Atlas Line Steamship Company
have Mel a libel in the United States
Court against the Bourgogne in the stem
of $400,000 for the loss of the Ailsa's
Forty membprs of the Italian Club in
A 650 -foot breakwater will at once be Chicago on Sunday night offered them,
erected at Pore Dover. selves to the service of th& country of
A Chicago trayeler the ther day lost their birth, avid declared their willing -
000 to scree Windsor sports.
A Walkerton farmer was fined $5 for
feeding uncooked offal to hogs.
A. Listowel firm expects to handle
more than 1,000 horses this season.
Tbe 'United States consulate at Straf-
ford, Ont., has been aboliehed.
The London Hunt Club has formed a
bicycle olub, and extended its privileges.
A mutiny is said to have broken cue
in the School of Infantry at St. John's,
Over 38,900 head of cattle were shipped
to Great Britain last year, as against 19,- that the United States lake towns would
800 the year before. be utterly helpless against British war -
Manitoba has a surplus of $800,000 in ships, which oould be taken into the
Its treasury, according to Provincial lakes through the Welland Canal.
Treasurer McMillan. Another attempt was made on Satur-
The Berlin Board of Trade advocates day to kill Mr. P.D. Armour, the famous
bonusing a, bianeh railway to conueet Chicago pork -packer, by means of an in-
winntlitt C.T. R. at Galt. fernal machine, whioh was sent through
Austoms collections last month at the local post. The package was regard -
Montreal amounted to $29,695 more
than for February last year.
.6 snowplough and engine left he
track on the Laketleul branoh of tho
nese to proceed to Rome and join the
Ibailan arnay fighting in Abyssinia.
Owing to the appeals before the
Supreme Court, Theodore Durrant, of San
Francisco, California, who was convicted
last November of the murder of Blanche
Lamont ou April 6th, Is still alive, and
it is not expected that his case will be
decided before the close of the present
It is thougbt probable in Washington
that congress will vote ono hundred mil-
lion dollars for coast and lake defences.
It was pointed out in a sub -committee
ed with suspicion at the Central post -
office, and opened, when the nature of
the contents was discovered.
Fever and ague and bilious derange.
G. T. R., and both were wreoked. ements are positively curen by the nse of
Mrs. Cynthia Bell was committed for
I erae'
lee's Pills They not only cleanse
the scomaoh and bowels from all bilious
trial at Ottawa on the charge of horrible
matte', but they open the excretory ves-
cruelties on her grandchildren named
Haldimend County's High schools cost
$6,500 last year, being more than one-
third of the total expenditure of the
The Board of Trade of Winnipeg is
opposed to granting exclusive rights to
the Hudson's Bay Canal and Navigation
The Italian colony in Montreal have
appointed a committee to raise funds to
assist their countrymen who are Eghting
In Abyssinia.
Robert B. Bell bas been committed for
trial at Ottawa on the charge of assault-
ing with intent to do grevlous bodily
harm to his grandson, Peres, Short.
The Royal Victoria Hospital at Mon-
treal has received gifts from Lord Mount-
stephen and Sir Donald Smith of $10,000
each to uover the expenses of the hospital
last year.
'Wm. Thompson, wholesale butcher, of
Chatham. gave a piece of beefsteak to his
Here and There. oat and the cat died. The balance of the
steak was examined and found to con -
Of 1,000 men who marry, 882 marry tain strychnine.
younger women, 579 marry women of Mr. Ouimet, Minister of Public Works,
Me same age. and 89 marry older women. inspected Bir. Bell -Smith's historic pie -
tures with a view of considering their
In a private school of deaf mutes in purchase by the Government for the
Chicago it pupil has contracted the re- National Art Galrery.
markable and probably unparalleled habit Adolph Davis'who was dIsmiesed from
of stutteringiwith his fingers, while tbe service of the Montreal corporation
Impressing hs ideas in the sign lane as water works superintendent, was
guage. awarded $6,000 damages and $457 salary
Travelling churches are to be estab- to the end of the year for wrongful dig -
fished on the Trans-Siberian railway, missal,
which passes througk many desert tracks,
Robert B. Bell was sentenced to two
where neither -village nor church can be , rears and two -months' imprisonment In
Viet with for miles. Cars fitted up for the penitenitary at Ottawa yesterday for
divine service will be attached to the his connection with the awful cruelties
trains for the benefit of the officials. praotised on thee Short children. Mrs.
Bell elected trial by jury.
The returns of the traffic earnings of
travelling circus caused Jabez Snoodle- the Grand Trunk railway for the week
beck to lea& so heartily that his glass ended February 29, 1896, were $820, 827,
eye popped out of his head, and the os- while for the same week in 1895 they
trich immediately. swallowed it. "MV were $316,523, showing an increase for
eye!" exclaimed Mr. Snoodlebeek, but t February this year of $4,304.
can'e understand whet the bird oan see
en. that! '
The awkward antics of an ostrich in a
One hundred and nine thousand loco -
.6. largely attended convention of the
theese and' butter -makers of Ontario was
held Friday at the Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph; Mr. A. F. Maclaren,
motives are at present running on the president of the Western Dairymen's As -
earth. Etrope has 68,000, America 40,
600. Asia 3,800, Australia 2,000, and. sociation, occupied the chair.
Airlea 700. In Europe Great Britain and. Ex -Detective Flynn, forrnerly of the
Ireland take premier position with 17,000 Grand Trunk Railway Company, who is
engines, Germany has 15,000, France now in the Montreal gaol under a 0013VIC-
11,000, weenie -Hungary, the "cone bion of perjury, is dying of oonsunin
largest Contineneal country, has 5.000. non in the infirmary of that institution.
Miss Katie Tough, daughter of Mr.
B,obert Blakeslee janitor in a San. Wm. Tough, of Gra.venhurst, was found
Francisco public school, has barometri-
cal feet. Twenty -four -hours in advance
of rainy weather his left foot turns pale.
Continued dry weather is indicated by it.
purplish streak appearing across both
Insteps, An approaching storm muses
hina to dance, and when.the wind is about
to veer both feet go to sleep.
So keen has the competition become
between elothingeleaiers in Garden City,
Read in tho snow on enclay night, about
four feet ta the beaten track, and about
day yarMl. from her father's door.
Poisoning is suspected, and an inquest is
being held.
A resolution has been passed by the
Kingston, Ont., Board of Trade, protest -
Ing against the • proposal to bridge the
petroit river, and Mr. IL .A. Calvin,
M. P., was aepointed, to co-operate with
other cloputattnns opposing the bill to
Kan., that one firm recently offered, a bridge the river when it conies before the
suit of clothes to all persons who bought Parliamentary Cornrnitee at Ottawa.
within twenty-four hours. The principal At the lastaneeting, of the Town
comoetitor irnmedietely offered to gIve Connell ee Brockville, it nes eisoovered
clothing away, The first mon retorted that $10,000 which bad been voted to
with free clothes and ereee lunch thrown bile Canada Carriage Company had been
in. 'a he Pulli in, is ululting sgonerous re- dlegally dieerted. Three thousand dols
sponse ti those offers. I ars ban already been paid twice over, and
sels, causing them to pour .copious effu.-
sions front the blood into the bowels,after
which the corrupted mass is thrown out
by the natural passage of the body. They
are used as a 'general family medicine
with the best result.
Lady Henry Somerset has stied Mr.
William Waldorf Astor for $25,000 dam-
ages eaused to her reputation in a remark
in the Pall Mall Gazette mot long ago.
Mr. Campbell -Bannerman made a
motion in the Imperial Parliament to a
strike out of re estimates the .-81,800
special pension to the Duke of Cambridge.
The Glasgow Herald is authority for
the statement that Sir George Newnes,
the millionaire publisher, is having a
yacht built to compete for the American
A special despatch to the London
Times from Madrid says that France will
support Spain on the Cuban question and
negotiate a large loan for her in return for
certain commercial and other concessions.
Cured of Fluttering of the Heart and
smotbering $pclis by Cr. AVOW'S OTC
,for the Heart—ft Alway,s itolieves in 30
1kflatite4, and Thus $avos TixouSands of
Mr. W. H. Musselman, member of the
G. A. R,, Weissport,Pe,writes: "I have
used two bottles of Dr. Agnow's Care for
the Beare and bave been entirely cured
of palpitation, or fluttering of the heart
and smothering spells. I took 10 bottas
of sarsaparilla, but it failed in any way to
relieve nte. 1 do not think the value of
the Heart Cure can be estimated. It bas
Wrought such a chhnge in my condition
that I feel like it new man."
A coal mine in Prussian Silesia caught
fire and only idghty of the imprisoned
miners were rescued. Twenty-seven dead
bodies were taken out and thirty-three
snore are missing.
The Rome Tribunal denies that King
Humbert has expressed bis intention to
abdicate. The report grew out of tne fact
that the King said: "My son may negon
Mate with the Negus, but I will never
do so."
A. cable despatch states that the British
cheese importers desire that the Domin-
ion Parliament should pass legislation
requiring the branding of the month of
this rnake of all cheeses for export bo Great
The latest reports from Kattowitz are to
the effect that 50 corpses have been taken
from tem pie. Three minors have been
rescued alive and the fate of 91 others
who were in the mine at the time of the
explosion is unknown,
The Italian Government has instructed
the Military Advocate General to es -
amine into the conduct of the Abyssinian
campaign by General Baratieri and de-
termine whether or not the latter shall be
arraigned before a council of war.
The correspondent of the London
Times at Caracas, Venezuela reports
that a private despatch has been received
form. Curet:ma, saying that the authorities
there are advised that a British squadron
of five ships will shortly arrive at thet
port. •
In the German Reichstag the Govern-
ment's sugar bill, was referred to a com-
mission of twenty-one The Budget Corn -
mission granted the Government demand
for a vote for the construction of three
new cruleers after a long speech by
Marschal von Bieberstein.
Mr. Gaselier), First Lord of the Admir-
alty, replying to Mr. John Recimond,
Said that it was absurd to suggest that
the increase in the navy was intended to
menace the United States, as the naval
programme wm settied in November, be-
fore the Venezuelan question had arisen.
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, in the Im-
perial Home of Cornmons said that the
Government had just received a strong
protest from Canada in vegard to the pro-
posed permanent exclusion frelu the
United 1(ingdom of store cattle. The
evilest, ho added, would receive careful
A Efard worker.
Mrs. A.—I'm surprised that your hus-
band earns so little if he ;works as hard
as you say. What does he do?
Mrs. B.—The last thine he did was to
calculate how many times a clock ticked
in the eourse ef it thousand years.
Husband and Wife Had Oceasion to use
It told Received Relief from Catarrhal
Troubles in 10 Drintaes.
"My wife and I."
So Rev. John I3ochror, of Buffalo, will
tell the enquirer, were both troubled with
distressing, (lateen, but have enjoyed free •
clam from the aggravating malady since
the day they first used Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder. Rev. Mr. Boohror is
the aged and beloved pastor of the
Evangelist Protestant Christ Chumb, and
hundreds in his congregation are familiar
with the improvement which immediate-
ly followed the use of Dr. Agnew's Catar-
rhal Powder. Its action is almost in-
stantaneous, giving the most grateful re-
lief within ten minutes or so in even the
mese chronic cases, and straightway con-
tinues to Imre until the last trace of
catarrh is gone. And the cured stay'
cured as thousands of testimonials prove.
Sample bottles and blower, sent by S. G.
Detohon 44 Church street, Toronto. on
receipt Of 10 cents in silver or stampa,
Earned Xis Name.
Quericus—How did such a place ever
get the reputation of being a great health.
Cynicus—Two or three prominent men
died. there.
Wity ,Kidney Disease Cannot be Cured by
Powders, Tablets or Pills.
One of America's mese eminent special-
ists, who has for years studied profoundly
the construction as well as the disease of
the nidueys, giv es it as his belief that pills,
powders and tablets are almost worth-
less in the treatment of kidney diseases.
Bright's disease, diabetes, gravel, and al-
most; all disorders of the kidneys are
mused by the presence) of oxalate of lime
and urio acideboth of which are solids. In
order to dissolve these solids so that theY,
may be &initiated from the system a
liquid medicine must be used, South
Anneican Kidney Cure is tho most per-
fect setvont known, and for this reason
it generally relieves in six hours, and
never fails to cure.
Great Hit.
Maston—"I see that they have estab-
lished a Graeco-Roman wrestling profes-
sorship at Vassar."
Bilton—"Heavens ! what clutches the
graduates will have on baegain day."
Three rears of Intense Agony from Rheu-
rnatin Ended in Three Days :by South
American Rheumatic Cure --Cost
Mr. F. Nugent, of lielagara Falls, Ont.,
writes: "For three years I have suffered
intensely from rheumatism. Tbe,pain in
my limbs was especially severe. Mr.
Smith, our local druggist, advised me to
take South American Rheumatic Cure,
whioh I did, As a result, I am perfectly
free from rhetunatism. One and a balf
bottles cured me in three days." Sold by
druggists at 75 cents.
Vtingeiste Toledo, Ohio.
' • • • 11
v-- n
,(,... i oc. Per CoPY 0
• .
v Per Year $ f.00 ‘
V -
5 \ \
i• . • ,,g,
UNIYTERrSinITYitylluFEAGIAsMitByR.IDGE—by Provost Welch, of
ongst other illustrated Articles,
tWheilifoc Ilnowfaiin'aga:in
pAThe niinssey Press, THE HEW CATHODIC RAY PHOTOGRAPHY—by 3.0, McLennan, B.A. se,
$ 927 King St. West, Toronto, THE PRO9RES8 OF CURLING—by Alex. Fritter.
:e.‘ve.-Q....p..Alk41,44e... ene. on. ;Oa neeneentsen, nnenteennennen. -gnat% on. one otingeontnadetenta
IMRE' lg. • NO -ti6-flgir
youth Who was then one' of the school CEYLON TEA
obilda•en. As au old woman Mrs. Tyler IS "In n'EST.
was always proud to show bits of the Sold Only in Lead 'Packets.. .
irtmotai fleece as white as snow," in
vaeiotts stages of evolution, ironi tho raw _TOILN MACGREGOR, BARR1S'P ER -AT
wool into a salt dress fabric. tr LAW, Solicitor in Supreme Court of C*
sale. Money to loan. Offices -28.30 Torontd.
treet Toronto.
Idary and Her la We Lamb.
of the familinr poem, "Mary Had a Li -WO
Mrs. Mary Tyler, the original heroine
Lamb," resided at Somerville, Mass.,
until lir death, which 0001.11T0a. not long
nen he iuoident of the pet lamb fa-
te •
lowing. her to sohool ectually oecurred in
her childhood., just es ie tuld in the jingle,
and was atteewerd immortalized by a
There never was., ani never Wlit be, it
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh ie heir—the very
nature of many curatives being such that
were tho germs of other and differently
seated diseases rooted in the system of
the patient —what would relieve one ill,
in turn would Aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in, a sound unadulterated, state
a remedy for many and grevious ills. By
its gradual and judicious use, the .frailest
systems are lod into convalescence and.
strength, by tho influence which Quinine
exerts on Naturo's own restoratives. It
relievee the drooping spirits of those with
whom it chtonia state of morbid despond-
ency and lack of interest in life is a.
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refraining sleep —
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated , courses through-
out the veins, strengthening the healthy.
animal functions of the system, thereby
making aetivity necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs which naturally
demand increased substance—resalt, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to tho public their
superior Quinine 'Wine at the usual rate,'
and, gaged by tho opinions of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest porfootion.on
any in the market, All druggists sell it.
surely Safe.
The gallery was crowded. The thnb-
ars cracked ominously'. A few timid.
ones half rose.
"Aw, seddown !" shouted Ponesy
Gino. "Dey ain't no danger at all.
Don't you see do cop ain't run,nin' ?"
How's This? -
We eller One Bandred Dollars Re -ward for
n.ny ease of Catarrh that cannot he cured by
F1all's Catarrli Cure.
5'. 3. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersignee, have known F. 3.
attend for the last 15 years, and believe lilm
perrec ly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able te carry out any. oblige-,
tions made by their firm.
West & Truax, 'Wholesale Druggist% Toledo,
0 Waldincr Sr. 'Marvin Wholesale
Solving the Labor Question.
Tho Duke of Leinster, on meeting a
laborer of his, said :
"I regret, owing to report made by my
steward, at having to dispense with your
services, as there is not, I believe, suifi-
cient work for all."
Upon hearing this the man innocently
remarked :
"Faith! your Greco, there is no neces-
sity to dismiss me on amount of scarcity
of work. as very little would keep me
busy." His ready reply amused the duke,
who gave instructions for his retention.
Can Recommend It. Mr. Enos Born -
berry, Tuscarora, writes: "I am pleased
to say that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is
all that you claim it to be, as we have
been using it for years, both internally,
and externally,and have always received
benefit from its use. It is our family
medicine, and I take great pleasure in
recommending it."
The system of penny -in -the -slot gas
meters is slowly making way in Bir-
mingham. In the metropolis it has al-
ready become exceedingly popular. In
the week ended December 1810h. the officers
of the Gaslight and Coke Company col-
lected over 696,000 pennies (£2,900) from
prepayment meters in their district of
supple,. The weight of the coins so col-
lected was more than six tens. The com-
pany have over, 80,000 of them meters in
use.—Birmingham Post.
A Cold Water Party.
"Through the efforts of Mr. Alex. Mel-
ville, distnet agent for the'Oakville Gold
Cure, a most enjoyable sleigh ride was
participated in by tho ,graduates of this
vicinity. The cold water boys drove to
Lakefield, where a sumptuous repast was
.awaiting them at the Queen's Hotel.
Mine host then gave the freedom of his
house to his guests, who enjoyed them-
selves in a manner as to make unfortu-
nates envious of men whb were free from
the appetite of strong chink. All wore
united in voting the heartiest thanks to
Mr. Munro fax the elegant spread he had
prepared and his excellent treatment"—
Peterborough Review.
The foregoing extract disposes of the
idea prevailing in the minds of some
drinking men, that if they give up drink-
ing liquor there will be little worth living
for. No man who drinks will ever know
solid, satisfying enjoyment until he has
taken the Lan:eh-mot treatment and be-
come independent. If there are no gradu-
ates in your laeality set them a good ex-
ample by going to Oakville yourself, and
your account of the matter will bring
them too. doronto office, 28 Bank of
Commerce Building.
y Not?
It makes no difference bow geat it fool
yon may know a 'man is, you will always
have a high opinion 'of nis intellioence
niter you 'discover that he admires you.
Hal s Cato rh Cm e is token Intel na y, actin
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price, 75c, vir bottle. Shia by al
druggists. Testimonials free.
Assessmcnt Svstem
& Association
Edw. B. limner
15 Years 'Dom-
The Largest
Mntuol Prineiple.
In. the .1.Vorld.
vo,oil::),o0o of New Busiawain 1895.
08 60000 of Busintss in Force.
$4,084.075 Death Claims Paid in 1895.
$25s000,000 Death.Claims Paid Since Busines
Began.inieshows an incredse in Gross Assets, ele
Surplus, Income and Business in _Force.
Cr Over 105,8 0 members interested.
W. J. MoMURTRY, Manager for Ontario
Freehold Lem Building:Toronto, Ont.
A. R. Mt:NICHOL, Manager for Manitoba
British Columbia, and North-0/(st Territories
McIntyre Block. Winnipeg, Man.; D. Z. DE4
BETTE, Manager for Quebec,12 Place d' Armes
Montreal, Que.; 0014 JAMES DOMVILLE
Manager for New Brunswick, St. Jean, N. B:
W. 3. MURRAY, Manager for Nova Scotia
Halifax, N. S.
Settlerfor MEIN)
should make it a point to eali upon us
and got lists of lands for sale
to make final Selection. A number of
our farms have buildings and land un-
der cultivation.
by locating upon improved lands. Prices
from,$1 per acre upwards. Settlers caii
arrange tcrmsto suit them.
at our offiee and talking the matter over.
With fifteen years experience WO COO
post you
the most suitable parts in which to lo-
cate. '
Write for prices and lists.
• ..
That Raise Money
Largest and most Complete
Good Seeds, Pretty Flowers.
Farm Requisites issued
in Canada
ceerr To , . &MEE wnrre
The Stogie! Brigs S
sad Coa
It will
It is
for $2.50.
on receipt
of Life
at Last
railed Ore of'
Is Naturals
of human illej.
diseases 'whorl
bus naturel9
is added.
local or
or three
of the globe)
and full
240 Adelaide.
Is very properly
It was discovered by Professor
of Chicago, Geologist,
are makes an elixir erbleh
Remedy for the cure
reach the nitlus of human
and doctors' nostrums fall.
restorative, to which nothing
pure. as it comes from nature's
only on direct orders or through
tweets. Metal $1 a package,
Sent prepaid to any part
of price. Send for circalars
to Vitre.Ore Depot,
west, Toronto. J. JOHNSTON,
Drop a postal card to .A.. II. Canning'
& Co., 57 Front Street East, Toronto).
for prices on Seeds and General Goan.
Their seeds are guaranteed to be true
to name and prolific.
Schools Under Ono
students may
school fair
0 r-
•-.1 .1 '
the leading
of the Dominion; advantages
Canada; moderate rates;
at any time, Wrl to either
and mention tele paper.
se ' • '` t
. s•
This_ •
vis printed on paper
of our make.
This :journal uses •
our paper only.
THE .1
r •
E. B. EDDY ' .
. Company,
kw.ure:41.;,,'....7 e . , :nese , •
I: Belting.
Pulleys, •
Order Your Supplies of
from us. We supply four grades, suit -
able for all classes of machinery. Evoey-
thing in above linos at Manufacturers'
,. First Cost Prices.
. s
Lowest Prices for Cask, • '
44 Ban Street, Toronto.
• T, N. T3. 55
.eeneenersnly at The Northern Business Collego,'
uusp, Owen Sound, Ont., by experienced
Taught • i
tlearich.ers, Curs e includes Short.
(.1..r‘1,7.).etyvntitig,Pentnanship ariatetter..
Iring-inst the subjects re.
o..ce 41,07k. Colitgo
uniltleottllabcytniSchnotr fthman.c1 ezrli