HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-3-19, Page 1NINTH YEAR.
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The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.E
Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000
Rest Fund ... .. . 1,375,000
Flaad office Montreal.
': Money advene d auod Farmer's on their
own notes w..1, one or more endorsers at 7
per cent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from tO a. m. to 83 p.
m., Saturdays '10 a. m.'to 1 p. m
Ageneral banking business transacted
OURRENT RATES allowedfor mon-
ey on Deposit Reoeipts, Savings Bank at 3
per oent.
Exeter, Dec. 27, '95. Manager
Money to Loan at 5 & 5% per gent. Private
funds. Apply to
1U4.ToT& ELLro'r.
Jan'y 1896 Solicitor &c. Exeter.
Lot 5, on concession 22 in the township of
Stephen, within 2 miles of Grand Bend.
First class soil, goo 1 largo orchard, excellent
barns, stables etc, A Bowing we11 un the
premises which can bo carried all through
stables. For further particulars applyto
RICHARD ROBINSON, Exeter P, O. or to
A. W ROBINSON Grand Bend,
Lot 16, Concession 13, Township of flay,
County of Huron, containing 100 acres, all
cleared and in a first-class state of cultiva-
tion. There is on the premises a good frame
house containing 8 rooms and a splendid
stone collar;a good frame barn with splonaid
improvements; 2 good wells of water; 3 acres
oforohard with choice bearing fruit;is well
fenced with cedar rails; 35 acres grass; 18
acres fall wheat and all fall plowing done
This is one of the bust farms in Hay and will
be sold very cheap. For further particulars
apply at
Are you going to get married ?
If so, call on Robt. Fricks, the
Jeweller, for your License.
Robt. Hicks.
xhoundorsigned will keep for service, on
Lot 9, con 1, lfsborne, a registered Berkshire
boar, bred. by McAllister. Varna, Ont.; also a
Berkshire boar for sale, br..d by R. Dolbridge,
Jour; MAY, Exeter.
Messrs S. Sanders and H. Matem,
spent Sunday week in Ailsa Craig.—
W. Balkwill, spent Friday last in the
vicinity.—Mr and Mrs Welsh, of Us.
borne, :spent Sunday with Mr. John
Rowe. -Mr. Henry Rowe. paid our
berg a flying yisit on Monday evening.
—Mr. Edward Dietrieh, who has resid-
ed on the 11th concession of 'Stephen
for the past forty years, removed to
• Waterloo County last week where he
has purchased a farm. His son contin-
ues to work:.the homestead.
The entertainment in the hall by the
0rosgrove troop, was largely attended
and a very geed time was'epent. The
fewer of the kind the better.—Will
Lewis, who bas had an attack of infiam•
mafion of the lungs,is now convalesent.
—Mrs. E. Chambers, sr., is very sick
with inflammation, caused by a severe
• cold, contracted some time ago —Mimi
N. Hodgins, of London, is visiting her
cousins, J. Trevethick and R. Walker.
—John Salter, of Exeter, spent Sunday
under the parental roof. -Fish seems
plentiful this season by the amount
that comes in our town daily.
Mr. John Hall, of Dashwood, was all
through this section last week and
bought up a large i0tumber of fat cat-
tle.—The school which was closed for
two weeks owing to diphtheria being
in the locality, was again opened on
Monday —A surprise party of young
people from Sodom called on Mr. Thos.
Mawhinney one night last week and
spent a very pleasant evening —Mr.
Geo Walker and Mr John J. Salter
and Miss Ida Snell, of Exeter, yisited
Mr. Chas, Dinney on Sunday —The
roads in this vicinity are in bad con
dition, especially the concessions.—Mr,
V. Ratz was in Exeter on Saturday
last; also Mr.Win. Holt.
DIED.—The grim monster has again
invaded our midst and removed from
among us Mr. :Mathew Drummond,whe
died at the family residence on Tues
day, March 10th, lifter a few hours tf
intense sickness Deceased was much
respected as a friend and his sudden
taking off will be much regretted by
all wbo knew him.
Here we are agam alive and in good
spirits.—That welcome visitor spring,
is fast approaching, and the B Liners
are overjoyed when they realize that
the hens have started to lay.—The.
young people of the surrounding enun
try regularly attend the singing school
at Grand Pend. They certainly receive
much benefit —Mr. George :Masao pur-
chased a tine ho se from Mr. James
Latta. George knows where to go to
get'gond stuck —Mr. John O'Brien was
visiting friends on the B. Line asi San.
day everting.—M1. Robt Taylor claims
he is 10 lbs. heavier at present than he
ever was. He tips the,scales at 115 Ms.
now.-- Mr, Wrn. eulton and Mr. Blare
met with a painful accilent one day
last week. 1 hey, with a number of
others, were driving along the road,
Mr, Fulton and 11r. Blatie oecupding the
hack seat. of the carriage, when the
,eat became Inose and tipped back,
throwing there on the 'mime ground.
They were hadiy cur and bruised about
the head but ueader medical treatment
are improving likely.
Mrs. J. Pimperton, of London town-
ship, is seriously ill withscintia,—' quire
Mathews, a Loa,don township farmer,
was stricken a few days ago with paral-
ysis.—The marriage of lir. T, Bole, of
Regina, and \liss Aggie Coursey, Bid
.dulph, occurred at the residence of the
bride's mother, 1st concession of Bid-
dulpti, an Thursday last, The happy
:;onple left for the west this week,—Mr.
Mathew Drummond, a farmer residing
00 concession 2, 'icGillivray, retired to
bed on Monday Otto hist , in the hest of
health and spirits. hut was awakened
about 12 o'clock with a pressure around
his heart. The ua,fortunate man turn-
ed over on his side and expired imme-
diately. Heart disease was the cause
death.—Master George O'Neil hand-
les the village weigh scales for 1890
The sure paid is $57.—Miss Louise
Shaw left on Saturday for Wiarton, to
fill a position, for a share time.: on the
high school staff of that town, made va-
cant by the illness of one of the teach
ers.--Mr W. W. Revington, the Adare
poet is ) gain to the front with a splen
did production of the Armenain ques
tion —Mrs. C. Ryan and Miss Nellie Hod
gins, of this place, attended the annual
meeting of the W. A. M. A., in London
this week.—
Mrs. B. Germeet who has been in
very poorhealth for over a year, passed
peacefully away lash week. Her re
mains were followed to the Mt Carmel
cemetery last Thursday by a number of
sorrowing and sympathising friends.
The bereaved family have the heartfelt
sympathy of the community.—Mrs. A,
M. Wilson who has been very sick with
inflammation of the lungs, is improv-
ing.—Rev. Mr. Hart, of the Sylvan air
curt, is to preach in the Boston Metho
dist Church next Sabbath and take up
the annual colleetiO,ts for the Superan.
'rated Ministers' fund.—Mr Aron Rock
has engaged to work during the sum
mer for Mr Walker on the Molten' line.
—W. A. Wilson has been engaged to
sing at an entertainment in Burauquet,
west of Thedford Friday, March 20th
—This is fine weather for bees. Mr.
Henry Belling and. Wm. Belt had a
number of Bright young men cutting
wood last Tuesday.—W J. Wilson has
a quantity of Mandschuri six rowed
barley, the seed from which it was
grown was procured at the 0. A. Col-
lege and was the heat of the six differ
ent kinds tested in the experimental
plots. He bad a yield of 62 bushels
per acre last year, he also has a quanti
ty of Siberian oats (white medium
straw) which is considered the best in
Western Ontario
The Clothing Question I
The question that always persues a man, is how
to dress tastefully, comfortably and economically. We
offer you the Solution in a very few words. Go to
J. 171s GRIEVE
and you will find just what you are look-
. ing for, our
Spring' Stock
and have goods
on theshelves, we
1 now
to suit all.
is the< Place H. Grieves
Don't forget.
P. S.—We' sell the "Daytona" Bicycle -See it.
H. CREIVE, Merchant. Tailor.
The weather has taken on a spring-
like appearance, being very mild. The
snow is fast disappearing.—Not many
attended church on Sunday last. Some
not knowing there was church service
and others, it may be, were somewhat
afraid to go.—Silvia Pfaff is sick at
present with diphtheria.—Scarcely had
we received word from the health offi-
cers that the church and school work
might go on as usual then they were
obliged to close it down again as anoth-
er fresh case of diphtheria had broken
nut.—Hoffman Bros, started their new
planer 011 Tuesday. They are getting
the material ready for the factory.
We bespeak success for' the born" in
their undertaking,—Jabob Weber, Sr.
is on the siek list this week. We hope to
soon hear of his recovery,—W. Tieurau
has engaged to, work for M. Jory, neer
Exeter, this coming summer.—Mr. John
Schroeder talks of disposing of his via
lage property and going hack to his
farm on the Gosheu line --Quite a num
her from the yillage attended the sale
of 4r, Geo Koch on Tuesday.—Messrs,
Mason and Berry, horse buyers were in.
the village the fore part of the week
trying• to secure some good horses.
Miss Golley, of Wingham. is visiting
Wes Ruston —\lies Carrie Hicks
has returned Iron) Loudon, where she
has taken a special course of traini,lg
in rnutiic.-1'rilleipet Delgary went to
Goderioh on Saturday to assist in ar-
ranging programs for the teacher's
convention --11r and Mrs. Lampert
visited friends in London last week —
Mrs Evans and Miss Colwell, attended
the S. S. Convention at Hensall last
week,—Ar'h.ur;° the six-year old child,
of Mr. Colfas, died Tnesdav morning,—
Rev Geo. Jackson"preached on Sunday
morning and the pastor 00 the evening
in the interests of missions and rhe col
leetions and subscriptions of the day
were considerably in advanee of last
year This church is one -of the hest
on rhe district iu its missionary givings.
A veru successful social was held on
Tuesday evening" under the auspices
of the Epworth League. The attend-
ance was large and the program choice
and varied The fife and drum band
made its first. public appearance that
evening and• won prai;. • and applause
—The Woman's Missioenry Society are;
ntaking preparations fur a public meet
ing at an early date.—Samuel Brock
will open a butcher slop her$,. ahoyt
the ist of April. H ';oatnes eoMeOlita.
The Massey Estate.
Mr. Alfred Macdougall, solicitor to
the Treasurer of Outarin, has been bus
ily engaged for the past two weeks in
looking into the estate of the late Hart
A. Massey. He states that it is a most
intricate matter and while he is satin•
fled at present that the Government
will receive from the estate a good sum
in succession duties, it will be impossi-
hle for some time yet to say definitely
what the amount will be,
A Ferry Boat Row.
Sarnia, March 17.—Rev. J. C Madill,
pastor of Zinn Congregational Church,
and Wm McLaren, became involved
in a dispute on the ferry boat at Port
Huron, as a result of the su-pension of
McLaren's mother as treasurer of the
church. It wound up by McLaren
striking Madill, breaking his nose and
cutting him with a knife, which he had
in his hand. A man named Mitchell
who came to the pastor's assistance,
was also felled with a chair and his
nose was also broken. McLaren is
held in $500 bail.
Destroyed by Fire
Listowel, Ont., March 16th,—About 7
&clock yesterday morning fire broke
out in Darling & Blewett's law office,
under which is J W. Scott's banking
house Along side of the bank is Lonis
Boulton's loan and insurance office,
which were all damaged. Insurance
will cover loss on the hank and loan
and insurance office, but not on the
law office. The books are entirely use-
less; also some valuable papers were
Emsdale, Ont:, March 16th. --A disas-
trous fire took place bere Saturday.
About noon fire was discovered in Moth s
barber shop, a small frame building
owned by Geo. Murphy. 9 he following
buildings were destroyed or damaged:
John A. McDonald, butcher, slight dam
age to building; James Craig & Sons,
general store, building totally destroyed
and stock considerably damaged; Geo
Murphy, barber, and the Guideg print-
ing office, building destroyed, contents
saved; Central Hotel, building owned
by Chas. Morten, destroyed, contents
mostly saved; R. Y. Fish store and
dwelling, building and stock both dam
aged. It isuuderstond that all are cov-
ered by:insurance, with the excerption
of Messrs. Moth and Murphy. The loss
will r
probably $20,000.,,;
Itis' easier to pay oifa loan on our plan
than it is to pay rent A $50000 loan costs
$7:50 per month, and pays off principle and
interest in about 8 years Other sums in
proportion. Firs ;mortgege.i/El proyedprep-
o -ty only Ask for prospectus, Geo, lKeini ,
local agent of
The' Equitable Savings, 'Loan and
Building nAssociation,
Around About Us.
Mitchell: The Seebaeh family, of
small pox fame and Fenney Stark, have.
gone to Manitoba.
Brinsley: Mr. Amaze Smith has
re• ted a farm in Lobo and removed
there last week.
Osborne: Robert Whaley and an-
other gentleman of the 14th concession
of 'Osborne, have exchanged farms
Morris: James, the eldest son of Wm
McCracken. has, we are sorry to hear
st ndst lost the sight of one eye from
some unknown cause.
Morris: David Russell had the mis-
fortune to fall against the saw while
elimbit g over a log in the bush and
gave his hand a had cut.
Parkhill: Last Friday while Miss N.
tsreen was outside getting some wood
she fell down, severely cutting her face
and injuring her sboulder.
Windham: Some unknown person
or persons entered the butcher shop of
Mr. Geo. Shaw on Tuesday .evening
last and helped themselves to the con
tents of the till and a quantity of meat.
McKillop: Mr. Angus McLeod has
sold his farm, ou the 4th concession to
Mr. James Hogg, of the same township.
This is an excelleet farm of 100 acres,
with good buildings. The price paid
for it was $5,000
Zurich: Chas. Hartleib, has pur-
cites •d tli \Vaguer property, now oc-
cupied by Fred Seigner, for the sure of
$1.200. It comprises, a brick house
a..d 2a acres of land. ' Ale 11. intends
erecting a new hardware store.
Britlslev: We regret to have to re
port that alr. David Witherspoon met
with a painful accident the other day.
He was cutting wood in the hush and
:was struck on the head with a limb
which gave him a severe cut.
Parkhill: Some dogs that were not
muzzled or tied up in accordance with
the Mayor's proclamation have been
shot by Chief Manes. 'rhe Chief is said
to be a crack shot. The owners of
valuable dogs should therefore beware
Parkhill: \1r. M. Been, while driv-
ing on the 12th con of Stephen, one
day last week, collided with a load of
sa'* logs, datneging his cutter and
thrgwiug him out Fortunately how.
crier., he got off with a good shaking up.
Morris: John McMillan, Jr., met with
a serious accident on Tuesday of last
week, while working in the mill on the
7th line, near Blyth. It appears that
while attempting to remove a piece of
timber from the saw his. arm came in
c(ooiact whit iti..tearipe. ii from the
hand to the elbow.
Clinton: Messrs. Bell & Mason, who
have controlled the Commercial hotel
here for several years, dissolve partner
ship shortly, and the business will be
continued by Mr. Bell, who has taken
a fresh lease of the property for three
years. Mr. Masou has leased Martin's
Hotel, at Saltford, and will assume con.
Erol thereof.
E'mondville.: Another of Huron's
pioneers passed away 011 Monday, iu
the person of Mrs McMurray, relict of
the late Wm. McMurray, of Tucker
smith, and mother of Councillor John
McMurray, of Clinton. Her death was
due to ioHammation of the lungs. She
had a family of three sons arid three
daughters— a sou and daughter being
dead. the latter, Mrs. Barker, formerly
of Tuckersmith. The other daughters
,are Mrs Ireland, Mb! road; and Mrs. J
Sproat, The remains were interred
in Egmondville cemetery, Wednesday,
a large number paying the last tribute
of respect thereto.
Parkhill: Mrs. McKinnon, wife of Mr.
N, A. McKinnon, proprietor of the Has-
tings House, who had been ill for some
Reeks, died on Friday. Deceased was
well known and very high'y esteemed,
Her numerous acquaintances were all
her friends, her disposition being so
kind -and amiable that to know her was
to esteem and respect her. The remains
were • interred in the Nairn ceme-
tery on :suedes. afternoon, and rhe large
attendance at the funeral was evidence
of the people's r sect for the deceased.
as well as of their sympathy for,athe be•.
reeved husband,
Hensall: A petition, addressed to
the munivirait enuncil: of the township
of Hay and out' police trustees was cir
eulated last week and largely signed
by our business meta and others, re-
questing the said council and trustees
to make provision for raising ueees
sary funds to provide erred. and sufli
tient fire prt,re'.etiou for our village.
Ile amount levied or required is to
spread over' a term of ten. years, and
whatever little difference of opinion
may exist as to what amount should he
expended and what p ovision should be
trade, all are agreed char good and suf
ticieet are protection is absolutely ne-
cessary • We are sure our trustees will
meet with the support of every one in
the .village. if the wisele and prudeut-
Ir proceed in this important step
Parkhill: The death of Mr. Donald
\taeleod, one of the oldest, and most
widely known residents of Parkhill, oc-
curred at the family residence on
Broadway street, on Saturday 1.-1e bad
been in comparatively poor health for
some time, but had not been confined
to the house over a month. He was
;smongsr the earliest settlers in East
Williams. and carried on an extensive
business in general merchandise for
many years at Nairn before coming to
Parkhill. He was a shrewd business
man and succeeded in building up a
good business. in Parkhill. Mr. Macleod
was a great reader, and kept himself
posted on all public questions. His
death will be regretted by a large cite
cle of friends. His widow and three
sons --D. N and Ed., of Parkhill, and
Fred, of Washington Territory—and
four daughters—Mrs. P. Stewart, of
West Williams, Mrs W. M. Thompson,
of Canfield, Miss Kathleen, who lives at
home, and Miss Tillie—survive him.
Brussels: Thursday of last week,
Catharine, relict of the late Henry
Hunsicker,ofCorbett, Stephen township
Huron County, and mother of Mrs Robt
Armstrong, Brussels, passed away to
her reward like a ripe shock of corn
having attained her 90th year. Mr.
Hunsicker died about 30 years ago
aged 90 years. The old lady enjoyed
remarkable good health and was a very
active, energetic person Her funeral
took place on Saturday from the resi-
dence of her son.
Wingham: On Monday night while
H. G. Lee was on duty as nightwatch,
man at Button & Fessantls chair factory
he had a narrow escape frqm losing his
life. He had to jump to one side to get
away from escaping scalding water
and steam, and in doing so struck his
head on the left temple against a hloek
of wood with such force as to knock him
down. Luckily he was not stunned by
the blow, or be would have been scald
ed to death. His head was badly bruised
and necessitated him going off duty for
a night or two.
Brussels: Tuesday evening of this
week an old and highly respected resi-
dent of this locality passed away from
time in the person of Benjamin() Fra -
lick, who would have celebrated his
89Th birthday had he lived until March
19th. His illness was of veryshortdura
tion, he had been stricken with apo-
plexy as he sat ;iii his chair Monday
ev'rang shortly after having partaken
of supper. He was carried to bed and
a physician promptly summoned but
nothing could be done, and the old
gentleman never returned to conscious
Mitchel!: Thursday afternoon a dis-
gusting sight was witnessed in the
West Ward, A couple from Seaforth,
who were former residents of Mitchell,
were returning home, but both were 80
drunk that they were totally oblivious
to the surroundings, and their horse
upset, the clatter throwing the man and
womana snow drift. The
m intoa dee
animal then ran away but was caught
some distance our of town and brought
hack to the drunken couple; who by
this time bad attracted a large crowd
When the woman got up, her under-
clothing fell about her feet, and her bus.
band commenced beating her with a
After awh while were liftedt
into the cutter, the whip taken from,.
the man, and the horse headed for home.
Nothing more was seen or heaard of
them. The woman's face was covered
with blood.. The sight was one 14013000
to be forgotten.
The Latest News in Brief.
Mrs. Abigail Teetzel, aged 80 of St.
Thomas, was found dead in bed on Wed
S Allen, of Norwich, has offered $300
reward for such information as will se-
cure conviction of the person who set
fire to bis vinegar factory.
P. J. Waters assumed control of the
Ridgetowu Standard last week, and
converted this well known Conserva-
tive paper into a Liberal journal.
Mr Logan, of Petrolea, is offering
$50 for the capture and conviction of
the thief and thieves who stole 600
bushels of turnips, more or less, from a
pit on his property.
The committee of the Perth County
Council appointed to look after plans of
the new House of Refuge, decided to
recommend a building for the accoma-
dation of 100 inmates.
Charles Stern, a fugitive from Am-
erican justice, was arrested while
boarding a steamer at Halifax for
Liverpool. He had nearly $20,000 cash,
jewels and securities in his possession.
The Stratford Herald says that a
farmer from Fullerton informed the
editor that cattle and even horses, are
starving is that township and in
some parts of Downie, for want of food
Mrs. A. B. Orr, one of the oldest and
hest known residents of Stratford, died
at the residence of Mr. Wm. Sanderson,
in that city, Monday. She was a daugh-
ter of the late Col. J. C. W. Daly, and
aunt of Mr. Thomas Daly, the present
Minister of Interior.
A Fingal correspondent writes:—
Jasper Johnston, in jumping from a
straw stack, Monday, came down
on a pitch fork he had been handling,
one of the prongs of which passed com-
pletely through the ceutre of the foot
making a bad wound.
What caused the death of little John
Forest, of Ingersoll, VI high occurred un-
der such peculiar circumstantos on
Tuesday night, still remains a mystery
with which the medical men are wrest
ling, Permission has been granted the
narents to bury the bod No indica-
tion of poison could be found.
A young girl named Sheppard at
is introuble over the
death of her infant, which was born on
the 4th inst., and died, according to the
verdict of the coroner's jury, from nee:,
legit. The unfortunate girl is very ill,
and proceedings in the case are in
abeyance awaiting her recovery.
The annual meeting of, the East
Huron Liberal Association vigil he hold.
at Brussels on Saturday, March 21st.
Addresses are expected from Dr, Mac-
Donald. al P., Thomas Gibson, M,P.Pw
and others.
Thos. Flynn, late G. T. R. agent and
operator at Shakespeare is at present
incapacitated for duty from paralysis
in his right arm and hand, and his med-
ical attendants hold out very little hope
for permanent recovery
T. L. Bowerman, West Lorne, has
bought the fur of the black fox tivhictQ
was recently killed in Euphemia, He
paid $50 for it. This makes the eleventh
fur which Mr. Borrowman has purchas-
ed, secured in the township of Euphitm-
Mrs. S. Jenkins (nee Miss Nelies,) wife
of Samuel Jenkins, porter, Wilcox
Rouse, 5t, Thomas, and her sister Mrs.
Henry Wilcox, Barnes street, have fal-
len hetes to between $40,000 and #115,-
000 through the death of a grandfather
in Albany. -' here are six heirs, but
it is expected the heirs will receive
the old gt drleman had such a pile that
nearly' $45,000 each.
a verdict that the child died soon after
some one in arte dance. The mother,
The il,gw'st ot, the newly -born child,
found dead in the house of Dan Shing-
les, in South Wallaceburg, resulted in
birth though neglect by not having.
Ada Shepperd, who worked for Shingles
being• pressed as to who was the father
of the child, said it was her own brother
Joseph Grenville, theyoung man whc
was stint whip attemptisag to gain ata
entrance to a store in Kingsville, was
tried before Judge Horne at Windsor
on Friday. He pleaded g uilty and wet
sentenced to two rears in Kingston
Penitentiary. His le • is healing slowly;
and he will soon be removed to King.
Ston. One letileired and five grains of
shot were taken out of his leg.
Quite a sensation was caused when
High Constable, R C Palmer, of Sarnia
served Chief of Police :Slathers, of Wat-
ford, with a warrant, charging hint
with unlawfully and corruptly receiv-
ing $250 of rhe money ofJoseph Light-
foot, of Brooke, on March 3rd, 'under
pretence,of heaping Lightfoot to recover
certain other money before then stolen.
from him. Mathers was committed for
The funeral of the late George Swan
whose death occurred in Toronto ora
Sunday took place kerednesday at Kin-
cardine, and was largely attended, The
services were'snducted by Rev. Jar.
Livingsto. e. pastor of the Methodist
Church, and by the Putanfore Lodge of
()Mellows Mr. Swan had been, a mem-
ber of the Board of Education for
lengthened period,and the board attend-,
ed in a body.
D. W. Gregg, Brant, cut an elm tree,;,
on his farm this winter that was larger
than those from Eldersliti and Saugeen,
mentioned in previous issues, In the
second log from the stump there was
over 1,000 feet of lumber, in the thirst
835 feet and in another cut from alive
734 feet. The butt log is still in the
bush and contains at least 1,000. feet.
This is a total of 3,569 feet of lumber,
and not less than seven cords of wood
can be taken from the other limbs.
A. W. Levy, aged 65 of Ridgetown,
died Saturday. Mr. Levy went there
from Mitchell some ten years ago, and
opened out in the grocery business iu
the Dart block. This venture was not
a success, and Mr. Levy disposed of his
business at a heavy loss. Since them
he has occupied various positions, lately
with Mr, D Logan, having full charge
of his extensive fruit garden. He was
a quiet, unassuming man, a good
neighbor and a ki:,dfriend. He leaves
a wife and young family to mourn hie
ATRINSON.—In Biddulph, on the 17tka
inst , the wife of Robt, Atkinson, ofa
TREBLE.—In Exeter, on the 13th inst.,
the wife of Ed. Treble, of a son,
JOHNSTON —At Rodgerville, on the
15th inst., the wife of James Johnrtton,
of a son,
u i a•sitrlr
FALLIs.—At Grand Bend, on the 10th
inst., Wm. Fallis, aged 74 years.
CURTIS—In Fullerton on the 7th lest.,
Ruth, wife of Mr. James Curtis, aged
24 years and 11 months.
MoCoete--1n Hay Tp., ou the llth inst.,
Flora C. McColl, daughter of Daniel
McColl, aged 27 years, 2 months and
17 da vs
WORKMAN.—In Logan on the 7th inst
at the residence of her son in -lacy'
Mr. Thomas Wooden, Mrs. Thomas
Workman, of Plattsville, aged 81
years and 1 month:
MCMURRAY. --In Egmondville, on the
9th fust , Margaret McKay, relict of
Wm the late V6 m : ic'1
lurrav, of Tucker-
stnith, and mother of John McMurray,
Clinton, aged 77 years
DRU.M'rfoNn,-In McGillivray, on the
10th inst., Mathew Drummond, fore
merly post master at Adare.
ToBEANCE —In Goderich township; on
March 5r
h, Margaret Torrance, relied:
of the late John Torrance, aged 79
AOIiOSON--In Goderich, on March 9th;,
Sarah Polock, wife of George Ache-
cheµsonaged 133 years and 2 months.